Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, May 09, 1822, Image 4

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A i i;k i.ate n». r.F.Nia ki', I\ w I'n achri* of the Gospel evt r possessed I attain the period of old ngo. an ivy at tin* ripeness of the ViiiPinth of hflicti* n, and univct-ral admira tion of ail classes of the community, in so great a decree, and none ever deserved them more, than the late l)r. Kollock. Indeed these amia ble feelings were earned to rt pilch of enthusi asm— and th>' hour 11 lus death was nta 1 ked not •only us a public loss, but as mi i. reparable cala mity. "I lie volume of his sermons recently published will show how well he deserved the admiration ami hue of his people, and the justice of the wise and good, I).vested ot nil the charms of elocution if which he was mas ter—of the digMfiv.d maimer which he aUays maintained, and the animation and even vehe mence which he ever threw into his discourses, they aic specimens of pulpit oratory equally distinguished f r chasteness of style, the phi lanthropic and evangelical spirit which runs through them, and the pure spirit ot “peace and good will to man,which it was one of the objects of his ministry to proclaim. Doctor Kollock, prcvfius to Ix:s death, published a vo. lume of sermons, w h ch were justly admired.— The sermons r< cently published m this city arc comprised in four volumes, which are distin guished by the peculiar excellencies of the au thor. The compliments paid by the biographer of the revered pastor of the Presbyterian con gregation to the first volume of sermons aie equally applicable to these. '* They are ilius^ tratiens of the plain and practical truths ui • Christianity ; constructed with a clear amt ju dicious method, written with ehgance and strength ; animated with the glow, of imagina- ti n and passion ; and calculated, by the heau'y of their composition, to gratify the taste of the critic, and by their piety to warm the bno t ot the cluiatiaii.” A perdml of the cou plttc edi tion now published cannot but render them if possible more popular than the former, uud in- under the inovtta'.di* (It'cnv* of nu'ure! How ft* it 1 Hrw? an& "Family 1 ' Ulk SVavcAwiuse. Our foundation is in the dust, ami we are crushed beluie the moth.” Ten thou* Kami circumstances, which we can neither I uesee or avert, may cut short our days. Kvcry f.nte all’ortls an avenue to t! • tit. Violent disease may in a few hours do the wmk of years in breaking down the sys tem- The food that we eat,'incapable like tint of Eden, of rendering us im mortal, nny lay the foundation of incur able disea-es. The air tint is necessary lor life may be loaded with peetilenlial vapour, the next breath that we draw may take in something that no hu man skill can expel. Every where w*» aie encompassed l»y so many perils, that we should long since have perished, had toil a pai titular pi evidence watched over us. every where our last hour may sound. “ We ail do fade as a leaf.” The lives of the antediluvian pa riarchs might have been compared to the tree which en dures lor centuries : but the longest five^ among Os aie tun short to be compared',w the more durable productions of nature, or even to the woiks of art. The oaks which our fathers planted, will afford shade to our descendants af'er we have perished hum the earth. Cities, states, atul empires, will remain, when those who inlnrbred them pass aw t .y and are forgotten. Nay, the jnonuinents ol hu >man power will resist the corrosions ol time, when the hands that reared them arc dissolved tn the grave. “ We all do taue as u leaf ” How loudfy is tins proclaimed by observation a: d experience! Where aie those who began with u>* tt.e career of lile ? How ■11 .i»iy ot them have dropped into the dust and are lot gotten r \N here are the t - tends with woom ve associated in the morning of our days ? Them we have nut ten ;bui many ol them are removed into uease the well founded fiune of the author, at the eternal wot Id, and weave prusreut- ing our journey through earth without them. When* aie those wnh whom in th same time that t c mules every individual to pay a am .11 but heart-ielt tribute to his memo ry. 'Iht wotk is printed in a supenor manner, ond atlbni3 a handsome specimen of American typography. We regret that our time and li mits do not permit us to give those selections which afford the bcA specimens of the work be fore us. -u-cridan, being asked h’S opinion c t n small Volume under the tide cf " Beatties ot Shakespeare," replied to the editor, “ tine ia ill yery well, but where are the other eight volumes ?” We must in the same manner shew but—a very small specimen of the beau- ties which we admire, referring the reader to the entire wSrkfort..♦•remainder.. We extract the following at random. It is a part of a ser. ■non oij a imi in Is.aiali, li»v. 6—“We all do fade as a lea;.’* " \Vr a', do fade ns a leaf.” It is true of ic/io.V. gsricrut on$ of men. These ra pid.)’ Hit am os* h. suiface of the earth, Htid hiving acted their parts for a few year*, have sunk into the grave, while their places nave been occupied by a new generation, as short lived and a 1 * transitu, ry themselves. The euri't, on which they indulged their pas-ions, for which they contendiil, a:.d which received their Ashes, sill subsists; but their placed, Xuow tlu m tio more. The sun which en lightened them, shone upon their graves ; And, uinlistuibed by their dissolution, continued i's splendid cours° in die hea vens, to publish to their successors the grealness of Us Creator. Reflections of this kind, though affecting are useful; •they teac : ’ us to make a proper estimate c.f human life; they show us its liMlcness in itself, and the wisdom of combining its pursuits with our eternal destination. Ve who are. scheming, plotting*contriv ing, oniy for this world, look back to pari generations and see how little you will gain, even if oil your expectati< ns be accomplished! What those generations r.ow ate v ho fmgot God before the flood ; or who in after times reared those, pyra mid»* which so long have survived the as saults of time ; or who reared nr ovei turned the ancient universal monarchies ; what those generations are to us, ours will be to our successors ; unloved, scl dmn tunught of, leaving few traces of i’s existence. The tree will still stand, be covered with new leaves ; but we shall Lave fallen and been forgotten. But we may apply Die text not only to generations, but also to every individual ; and with respect to our bodies, how iasy is i* to show that*' we all do fade leaf!'’ Mortal man ! consider thj body, and acknowledge this tru'h. It is indeed fl b arfully and wonderfully made,” and displays the peifections cf its Creator But the very delicacy of its formation rendeis it more liable to destruction, ft is only surprising that a machine so com plicated, consisting of so many thousand v*'ii.s, and nerves, and vessels, and springs, b* ouId continue in order for a week or for a day. In whatever situation we place ourselves whatever care we take of it, it will gradually iKviy ; nothing, can pre vent ns dissoluJi >»: each day ol our lift is u new curub.-.t with death, which, final !y victorious, w i'l break down this fabric, and .reduce to n> fi st principles this ani mated dust. To this state we are hourly advancing. As the var'inti* ting“o ol the leaves become impelceptibly stronger and Stronger, till they fall ; so on us r in Sensibly i.nnn-s-ed indications of the di inwn.tion cl our vig ui and the approach inp *er nination ot our days. if t th* leaf does not • I ways remain til ••ulumn gr du’I y rapnratrs it fiom tie pa i tr •* : ol*.»•:» it ii nippiil o0* an in nut b* a Irostj or ludrly tocrv. a.. <\*b, toe fuiy of Dm storm J-'.kc liili icjf we lee in .jr full, end never p;tsi years we associated in scenes ol bu >inesK, of pleasure, or of dfevntion? H*j\v many whose names are blotied lor ever from the list ot l ie ! Yes, recollect how often thru hast been called to mourn; of how many dear friends and iclative* thy bo-om has been rifled ; recollect tligt. the separations thou hast endured have-also been experienced by others: consider that at this moment tender ties, which have bee:, cement’d by years, dissolving; many parents g->2 g on the cold corpses ut their children; many children weepingou*r tldi authors ofthet days; many wivi sutid l.uthMids torn from the hearts ol those who loved them; with these retleclioos-go to'lie repnbtlovipftff the dead, and niaik how many hillocks rest upon those bosoms, which lately beat high with life, and hope, and pleasure; but now, frozen by the touch of death, have for ever ceased to palpitate; and then confess with the prophet, that." we all do fade as a leaf.” ANSON PARSONS, #■ Xu. 8 Gibbons* Puddings, I y KSVKr.TFDI.I.Y informs his friends and I custcnu rs in iliis state ami ^outh-Carolina ytnrmi’y, tfmt he has established himself in the Drug Ion bis own individual account, and is ojiening at this time m extensive and general assortment of warrsnted tiesh imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, <$*c. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Merchants, and Planters, and all v ho wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, ran he supplied at this Es tablishment on the most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Antimony crude Alcohol Aloes soct do hepat Arrow root Anms seed Assufa-tidn, Allutn Angelica root Angostura bark ArjuaVoilis * Autlmoiiial win© Aricnic Marble Morters Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Sj ringes Syr nges, quarts’ in boxes do pints, do •} pints do male and female Congress?* spring water •Lemon ac.d Soda powdel’J Salts of I.emon Tink roo< Pearl nsliP* Pearl barley Powdered tm Plaster mercurial do Burgundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do diaclilyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp'd QuicksiO er Ithubuih root do powdered Ked precipitate hose water, liosin Rust of iron Gum elastic, Spatuh Scales and weights Garden seeds in Luxes, us .orted Halm Quito Churches rough drops, for coughs, colds, con- sumptions, asthmas, c. ife Cephalic Snuff, for ca tarrlis, Savannah Poor-House anil Hospital. Visiting Committee for J\furch and »9pri!j EDWARD COt'PEE, a id A. DAS111EL. Jittending Physician, DU. A. UASHIEL JOHN HUNTER, Secy march 1 79 Bv J. B, Herbert ij C-o, 'AT riUVAlE SALE. 100 bln Whiskey 70 do prime Beef 6U coils Hale Rope li'U Augusta made Candle* 50 do Hatsins * 4 bales Oznaburgs march 29 Georgia- -Eliinshaiu (’oiinty. SLl’ElUOU »;ouur, December Term, The Trustees or the Gf rman'l Lutheran Congregation at I Ebeneaer, 1821. >Hvis Mrs:. 1'Iih Heirs h Representatives I of Michael Muck, deceased. J O N the petition of the Trustees of the Ger man Lutheran Congregation a» Ebenexcr, praying the forecloSme of the Equi-J of Re demption of all that tract or parcc-l of laid, eon- taming two hundred acres, Ijing and being in the county ot Etlingham and stuteafo;. .muI,but ting and bounding north-wesr or. John J. (iro- vuwtine. north eastward on JoiiiiHunuJd, couth east on John Lidle Livliner, S. E David Unseld and are vacant at the time of'the survey thereof, originally grunted to WoifgHiig Mock, deceas ed on the second day of April, one thousand seven hundred and secure the pay inent of the sum of eighty dollars, on the fourth day of December, eighteen hundred ard thi e§, with interest a'. Die rate of six per cent, from there is now clue oil said bond and mon gage the six per cent. due on said bond and mortgage be p Court, with interest, within t>’. r : -« non' erwise the Equity u f Uedi-niptmn nf tl and reprcx.Mita'ivc.’of the said M-chrel Mock, be foreclosed, and that other and I'm the. pro ceedings be hud thereon, pursuant to the at at. ute in sncl. cases made and provided; and it is further ordered that thisltule he published once a month for twelve months in one of the public gazettes of this slate. Extriut from the Mauler. JNO. CHARI. I ON, Cierk. dec 11 4re Arid Mmiatic Cologne w ater do Nitric Waah bulls do N.trons Windsor simp do Tartaric Transparent do do Sulphuric Liquid do Bnrk yeilow, do red Low's perfumed do do pal.?, do in quill Naples do Hals Ciipevt Pomatum in sticks do Canada, do Peru do in puis assort ed do Tolu Rose water, lavender do B i hadoes Tar Fancy Vials Borax refM Essences ass'd Ihirguiuly Fitch Sal Ammoniac B ile Armenia do Volatile Beesw ax yellow do Soda do white do Rochc-11, do Tartar Brimstone roll do Epson., do Glauber do * rtf'd do Nitre refitted Castor Oil, American Arsenic, Fowler’s do \V. India Spts. Ammonia Castor, Russia do Hartshorn Camphor ret’d do Lavender compil’d Calomel np do Wine, do camphor Ciintharides, do piilv do Nil. Dole Camomile flowers Sassafras bark Camdla alb. Sarsaparilla Caraway seed Sponge fine, do crarae Cardamon seed Saffron Spanish du Log Casciu'illa bark do American Cassia, Cinnamon Savin, Sunna Alex Castile Soap, w lute Spermaceti do colored Snake root Virg. Cloves, Cochineal do Si’iickt, Squills Colombo root Siorax, hahsllaitshorn do pow. Sugar lead Chalk prepared Syrup Sop,;!!;, do simple Coriander seed Tart E 1 ’ c tie, Tapioca do pow M Tmet Vh'.cs c:mpM Cnwitch do Mirrlt. doVuleriun Cream Tartar, pidv do 8. akc rout Corrosive buhhmute Jo Ass.-tuct'da Catmine Jo Bo../' oi c tnp'd Conserve P;»«e9 do Cam hu. ideal Caustic Li.nar do Senna Dragoi-s blood <lo Rhubarb Digitales do bark Huxhatns Dovers Powders do Peruvian bai k Epsom halts, Fwg. do Opium, Jo Castor Etiier Sult.ii do Muriate Iron Ergot do Colombo root Eider bio r.oms do Kino, dojatau Emery fine di Gv.uiac, do Valerian do No 1, 2 and 3 dy Gentian comp'd Elixir Pan.gonc Vinegar distilled do Vitriol do Squills Extract .’icuter Valerian root do Gentian Vitriolat -il Tartar do Quassia Vitriol w bite, do blue do Lend do green Hour Sulphur Patent Medicines, 14c. do Benzoin Bateman’s drops Flax seed, Fennel seed British Oil Filings steel, do iron Essence peppermint Frankioaense Stoughton’s bitters Glauber s .Its Godfrey’s cordial Gulls Aleppo Steeis Opodeldoc Grlbanum, Ginseng Turliugtonsbulsom Gold Thread I)a bfjsG.irmina'.ive Gentian root Daflys Elixer Glass Antimony Harlem Oil or mcdeca- Ginger Race mentum do powdered Oil Wormseed Grains Paradise Pills, Lees N. Gum Ammoniac Pills, Li es M indhuin do Senegal do Andersona do Arabic do Hooper; do powd. do calonu l, do opium do Ivino COLOURS, Uc do benzoiil Prussian blue, 1,2 U 3 do Trugucantb Fig l»lue, Kings yellow do Guuc Drop Lake, No. 1 fJ 2 do Myrrh Fluke wlite, Carn.ine do Shellac Ivo, lampblack do Copal Indigo Spanish do Mastich Black lead, red do do Gamboge Litharge do Scamouy Terri do senna Helcbore black IN VIAI.S. do white Ess. C nnumou Hiera Piera da Lavender Honey, do squills ale Bcrgumet Hofl'mans anodyne do FjC-ii.oi Isinglass Calc’d Magnesia Ipecacuanha or Hippo Ep.^insalu, Rhubarb Jalap Verovian 1 ark Jumper herriea Choltenl.p'.n salts Luudamim Henry» ia.ii\l Magnesia Liquorice root Gtomarhic biuexa do powdered Castor Oil do ball Peragoric do refined Laudanum Lime water Anti menial wine Lead do Tinct thuharb Magnesia lump do assafoetidB do powdered Buis Capeva dn small square Sweet Oil do calcined Spts Lav end com Manna flake, do sorts do camphor Mezereon, musk do Hartshorn Mustard seed, mace do “weet Nitre 1 Nutmegs, nux vomica do Turpentine Opium, orange peel fa omel Osymel squills Jalap Oil Vitriol Tartar Emetic do Tunsey ' IN ItUTTLEB: do olives Wine Bitteis Vojeirlt*,'bottle do Wai tapers vNurcmbergh do W’-Hn I.orengea Tuu-nt Lint *l*htimb Inncetfl d^ coftmon do Clcwlevs crown do? do Evans's Spring lancets Tvcih liystrunicntsass’d Hotigies, Gallipots Macahoy smift* Liquid blacking Black sealing wax Red . do Red wafers, assorted do Tooth brushes, common do stiver wire, o and 4 rows Cupping and ‘trepaning Instruments Male and female silver Catheters i,While leather ukins -English nuioiiuvd, by the lb. in cai\/yi)i.' Ground G^.v, race do •(Moves, riin.auion Mace Scutellaria, I.ft*pr'<ilar», o r Scullcap. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Jlssortedin Small Boxes, Well calculated for Plantation use. Together with a general astortmetit of Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, assorted Phials, &x. Board Wanted. € \ FEW \ !’..)■ t.'-iith mi o wis'i Board in a - :*r.Vftte fao.i.y, in t:.»- vocmily of the Ex- - »-g . -\ [‘|. l-ci.«.. mi at tin- i,! diiefhd I. M. mciitini.iiig ti i n situation,and number that c * * : ' ' nccommoilated, w ill meet ir.miediuic at- anrilJtj do I’eppermip.t do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Peneroyol do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm seed do Lavender Annis seed do Juniper Uo Cloves do Ahmtiidtt Ointment mere do Basil,con* do cerate dn simple do red precipitate do Spanish tiitx) fipts Hartshorn do sweet Ni*re do Turpentine Sweet 0:1, castor Oil American and W. 1, Sundries. Spanish win!mg Rotten stone l'lim'ce do Powdered blue Copperas V( i milion, Chinese tin English Verdigris, Inst* (Jlue ratent spring Trusses cam.lion do Dm side Ink Red mk pow der Ulurti d«, ibJ tJICS ALSO, Surntiifia and B.ill»tor, Miner.-.l Sprlii; Waters, will he kept const;..itJy on hand in a perfect state ss can be imported. ANSON PARSONS. dec 31 fp Adminisirator’s Side. On i/u jh st I'ues day t ^'1711.1. be sold before the * * r.l May next, an t House in this c ty, that valuable plantation belonging to the esiuie ol'tlielate George W. Alien, situated in Cliuthnn county, about nine miles from ton n, on the Ogechee road, consisting of two tracts, each two hundred and ninety one acres, hound t d by lauds ol George Anderson Esq G<’in ral Edward Maiden, the late Joseph I label sin. in, and the late Benedict lh urqum. The property v. ill he. sold by peilllission of the Honorable the inferior Court of Chatham Comity. R. HABERSHAM, Adm’or. fob 28 t Oemler k Posey, AT THEIR MEDICINE v,\U EED STORE, Corner of Uvt.ui>!iton aud'JeJf evson cro ets. OrFEU Foil SALE A general iiKsi.i'.na ntof Drugs, Patent Modi- iucs, Surgical Ins'ivuneiils, and ull ether ani le* usually found in Drug Stores. In addition to their former aso ltment of Garden Seeds, they have la;civ received Globe Artichoke Salsify or Vegetable Oyster Nasturtium or Mock Caper Water, Musk and Cnntelope Melon Long and short Cucumber Cayenne Pepper Flower Seeds Dwarf Marrowfat ^ “ '• Green Imperial [ 46 -While Prussian Y Peu ** Blue do “ Early Charlton J Green Nonpareil ^ Long Prd C Valuable National Work, Entirely JS« «'. ^ I, n EN'RV C. LARKY R I I EA, Philadelphia. propose to publish on the plan ofthe ce|J cbruled Lavou-nk, an Jl.M A7/1 VJlX .iTLjlS, or General Guide to the History of North and; South Ann ncti, the West Indus, and till ibe i States and Territories in the Union, from the it? J first settlement to the present year, 1832; (o-| getlier with the several possessions, 'foreign; w :«rs, famous battles, illustrious nfen, reii (li ka ble events, fcte. the whole forming a complete system of AMERICAN HISTOltY, GEOGRA PHY and CHlt0X0L OGY, COXTAIXINO, . Historical, Geographical, and StatGtiral Map of North America. 2. Pantograph)' cf American History ; exhibits . mg at one view, the relative situation of the! various States of America, from their first? settleinenr to the present time— with a list of eminent characters, and the period in winch they lived. , 3. Historical, geographical, and statistical map ot Upper and Lower Canada, and the other British possessions. 4 Geographical map of the United States ", G. ogruphical and stat stical map of the Unit ed Slates. 6. Historical map of the United Statcsfrom their settlement to the declaration of independence 7. Historical map ol’tlie Umlcd LI ales lion: the revolution to the present tone. 8. Cluonologicahnap ofllii United States from their settlement to the declaration ui inde pendence. i 9. Chronological map of the United State's from the •evolution to the present time. 10. Historical, gee graphical ami statistical map of Ma ne. 11. Historical, geographical, and statistical map, of New-Hampshire. 12. Historical, geographical and statistical map of Massac husetts. 13. Historical, geographical and statistical map of Hhode-lsland. ‘ ► Beam Broad Windsor 1 Canterbury Kulneyj Wh.te U Eurpie ltrocoli Cabbage seed. Ice Tennisbuil, White Cuss Magnum BcuuniCoss, Silesia and brown Dutch Lettuces, And various yotheibs, all warranted. And also, lately from Germany A small assortment uf I'resh Gamut Seeds, n srrai pai cels, which they oil - , r to sell whole- ale, on low terms. ' march 20 Etlingham ‘Superior Court,. Decern tier term, 1811. The Trustees of the German^ Lutheran Church at Ebene-1 *; l6I 1 J»0tt Foreclosure John rreyermutli and several j 0,1 parcels of Lai d ,‘J O S the petition of the Trustees of the Ger man Lutheran Church ut Ebenczer< slating tlmt the said John Froyermuth on the fifteenth day of April, eighteen huiulred & filu-en, mort gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all those tracts of land, continuing three hundred acres in Eflhigliam county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining’Judidiah Weitman Kelly's and Garrison’s lai d; alw armthi :• fifty acres, sit uated and being ut the district of Ebenezer, hounded by Innuofl'eter ArnetoffSi F. Hit,ok- ners. at the time of survey granted tn Lnndf cl* dor; also,anotiu rt’ setof land situate in the. sev- entceth district r-f the county of Baldwin, con taining two hunc-ecl and nvo and a half acres, known by tjte number (1U4-) one hundred and our, w it ti the Appurtenances, to secure the pay ment of a bond oi obligation of the said John, ‘•raring date the day and year aforesaid of pray ing the loreclooure of the said moitgage, K np- pearing to the Comt 'hat there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum o! two bun ilred dollars, wif.i interest at six per cent. li:.m the fifteenth clay of April, eighteen hundred f J eighteen. On motion of Way we and Cut ier, at- toi’iieys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the said John Freycimuth, h»'« heirs or rcprceenlp.- tives, do pay into Court tlu* amount due as a- foresaid within twelve months from this date, othei wi'je that tlu- equity of redemption of the said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that such further pruccc dings take place us are by law directed. It is further ordered that this Rule be pub lished oik'-a mouth for twelve months in a pub- lie gnxette i» Ins state, or be served on the do iV.iul' t or i 's representative* or agent six months prior to the time appointed for th- pay ment of the money into Court. Ex trait from the .Minutes. JNO- -CHARLTON, Clerk. dec 11 rc*§ Valuable Lot for Sale. YipOR sale, that valuahle lot known in the plan Hi of ilu.* city by the letterQ, oh which the Id pi.-abyterian Church now stands. The terms will he accommodating, ihi* titles are in- disputable If the Lot is not sold before tin first Ti •‘‘.day in March, it will then be olli-nd at publi? auction, at the court house. Annie JOSEPH GUMMING. feb 6 rf M 14. Historical, geographical and statist cal map of Connecticut. 15. Historical, geographical and statistical man of Vermont. 1 16. Historic.,!, geographical ..nd statistical map of New-York. 17. Historical, geographical and statistical map of New-Jersey. Id. Historical, geographical and statistical map cf Feiinsylvania. IJ. Historical: geographical and statistical map *’j Delaware. 7 20. Historical, geographical and s,ati3tic:,l map .1 of Maryland. 1 21. Historical, geographical and statistical map of the District ot Columbia. 22. Ilisiovicr.l, geographical and statistical map of Virginia. 23. Historical, geographical and statistical map*- oi'Nortu-'dvrolina. 24 Historical, geographical and statistical map of Soutli-Ceiolina. 29. Historical, geographical and statistical map of Mississippi. 30. Historical, geographical ami rtatistical mapl i of Alabama. .t 31. Historiccl, geographical and statistical map of Louisiana. —-• - j 32. llistori :..l, geographical and ctat.atical manjJ of Indiana. "1 33. IlistoricJ, ctograpliled anj statistical mra f of Illinois. r l 34. H.stmicol, STtORi aphical anj statistical of Missouri. I 35. Historical, gei graphical and statistical map ol A. kansas Ten itory. r ^ Hialoricul, geographical and statistical map of Michigan Territory. * 57. Historical, geographical and statistical men ot Florida. 58. Historical, geographical and o'alistical rnaa ol Mexico. 39. Historical, geographical and statistical of the. West-indies. r 40. Historic I. geographical and statistical map otCta« at.d tlie ihduima Islands. -• Nritcrical, geographical and statistical map ot Jamaica. 1 42. Historical, geographical and statistical n;ap ot Hispaniola. r 43. Historical, geographical and statistical map ot l'ono Rico and the Viigiu IJ, s . ■U. Historic., 1 , t-eopiapliical ai.dv.tialical map of the Windward Islands. 45. Historic. 1, geographical and statist,ct! traj of the I.muiil lnl,<n<tq 1 I the Leeward Islands. •16. Historical, geographical and statistical marf ol South-Americti. * * 47. Iimurical.iffiigraiiliic.1 h,i<1 statist,cal mjt! of the Republic ol Golombiu. 48. Historical, geographical and C.atistical mat! ;il Brazil, 13. Uistui ical, geographical «rAktal!sticsl m» - ot Buenos Ayres. >. f SO. Historical, geograpli-ml and statistical me; ot reru. .51. Historical, geagraphicnl and statistical ins' ot Club. TERM?. I riiis Atlas fiifry-one tnaps * *“ l ‘ le foregoing list, all uf „ill be * s. cuted horn Ui- 1 best and most recent authiw " jtt s. Thcge'graphical pail will he prepan an vRittK i,t geographer; a no tlu* histori-v/ pa t Lv the gciiri.t nuu who edited the m n edition oi Lavcisne i». I he wmk will be executed tr,' st>le as the Adas of Lavcisne, alru •> ed by M. Carey tjf Son. 111. 1 hi: pticc to subscribe!;, win lie | dollars-ro noo-mbscribeif ; .11 |, e reiscl' U. n is exj.ccitil th,: tl.B v.o.k »,u bccc- rlrtt-a M,J r, aiH tor oell.t,• . :.c,:t )<■,m.l will I... lorwarJc,! to .ubhcric , 86 soon as possible niitiva (|s V. r. rs. i's obtaining siil)ijt.,"ihe T s f„ rn i n , piM,ai„l tnyrjjw ,ltcm, sM be unitlwl, , copy grut is. • 1 bis work is intended for a companion of, ceUvratedl fc'rnr and, r£\ ..,,",,,,,;, 11.01,w.ll liitr,,* „ tunnnoua and coiniilite sysltjns ct 1 ni s». ti.ogiaplit, History a.,d Cbroml, rv ‘ was Ctrl' pill lisbetl. And When it isco.L.t- Cd, t ... 1. uelura ,. w .J to hi..' . .. . , tjr : -lue tinllarb, . Vf.tJvjtt, pi ct *lie . ‘UuVeij t-iJi.qOn (.1 1 .a,oisnt'•! AtuUV 1 a ;‘ ' 7 l»ut halt the nv.'.o of the i' editions ot l!ic satne, it W ill fc jd- nut 'td, on ull funds, ths* it i, one ofthc cf, -Ip- thisu. juy r L "; ,:w 11 r ' JK n**riag subset trie or tin, work , Slid Willie l,o cordially ■ ,1k, Ina nnmcrouaboutlicru friends tonl.cfr i' s%l patronage ol l.avoisne’ii t.u.uul At!i hr hopes, Unit, from wliat they have St . C n . 0 f the ol tins Arnuiutui Adas in parti. i!*r, they will bk struck with the idea of its ,- x ” mg utilny ( noth toflni, an exci iient aid ( ,t lvi H a ,x;ceU* dkugljt ri ifl ducation; sod t i hroQ- in. mb a rich source ot r len nce to bim* ittb.e m.j ortani notices relative to t «l|rii* Dwrchll u " ucom,QCnl ttl > a country, ! 25. Historical, geographical and statistical mars of Georgia. \ « ’26., geographical and statistical mat! of Ohio. 27. Historical, geographical and statistical map).' of Kentucky. 28. Historical, geographical and statistical mawl of Tennessee.