Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, July 30, 1822, Image 2

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THU GEORGIAN. s wannaii TUESDAY MOItNINh. JULY .10, 1«4'2. w A Mirkrt Man" It rooelveil. W* mini onoo for all any, that no communication nan bn published In Ilia Ororgisn, reflecting upon any pnrlion oftlir community, unli aa accompanied |>y the name of (lie author. The enmmunica- tlon or " a Market Man,” la thetnfure “ laid on the table." f/iitnr from Enyiund —lly the hrig Elizabeth, Laptnin Duane, from Outlenliurg, via la,ndon, \vc have received papers to the bill June, two daya later than before roeelved, They are to tally dealltute nf news, being filled with parlia' mentary detail of no interest to the American roader. Coin Exclianfi, June 7,-Our Market ennti- nueaina very depressed state for Wheat, hav- lug scarcely a buyer, und prices of all deocrip- tionn are completely nominal, eicrpt ftir super fine samples, which met a heavy sale this tnorninir, at • reduction of Ha per quarter. Bar- ley, l*eaa and Beans fully support Mondays prices, ill consequence of the heat of the wea- thcr, whioh is likely to prove injurious to the crops. The arrival of Oats this week have been very large, yet fine fresh corn Bold on aa good ■ terms as on Monday i but the inferior qualities were rather cheaper. Price of Stocki, June 8.—Bank Stock, 239J 140 I 3 poe cent. Bad. 78J 7-B J i 34 per cent. 891-8 7.61 4 per dent 914 1 Consols for Aeot, ■ 80i 1.8 4. from Havana..—Captain Patlerion, of the 'kloqp Ann, arrived at this port on Saturday, in four days Irum Havana, informs us, (hst the trsde of piracy continues unsbntod in that neighborhood, and that very little effort was made by the public authorities to prevent it. Tito Captain General of the (aland of Cuba filed the day before the Ann wiled. The brig Morris, Captain lluddlly, has arrived at Baltimore, in 24 daya from Vera Cruz. A du ty of 8 per rent, on the invuree is exacted at the Castle of St, Juan du Ullol, fur paaalng into port. Tito now order of things were gaining in popularity, The exportation of specie was ctrlolly pruhlhUad by on Order from Mexico, end every one is searched on leaving the aliote. The Coronation of Yiurbide was celebrated on the 20th uit,at Vera Cruz. The Hotfollt Herald announces s letter from r.nnddfiof the 61I1 June, brought liy flic Hercu- tea, at New-York, vatiiels says oonfidently that ’"the Bill opening I he trade'With the laltnda II AS PASSED. The particulars will no douht bo re ceived in thd'U. States in fmir or five wcek».” This IS extremely doubtful. Condon papers have been reoeived to A|ic eighth of Julie in. cluaivo, which ulford no oonfirnituon of the in telligence. - UVIM i Accounts from Bl. Thomas of the 27llt June, pceeived at Button, lay that the Spaniardt are filling out a swarm of privstnilrt, Which will soon be out. Complaints continue to be made of the unprotected state of our commerce In tbesrtteas. Between pimtos from Capo Anto nin and pirates under the royal flag of Spain, under t protended blockade, our commerce ill the West Indie leas will be placed in in ex tremely awkward predicament, unless vigorous measures are pursued by our cruiieri. A letter fiem St. Thuinas of the 3d nf June, -uaye—"It is now two years since the Islands of Curracoa end Aruba have been visited with rains. The consequence has been very fstel to the planters, wno luve lost nearly ell their cat tle. Flantitlnns which formerly raised conskl- erable quantities of corn, beans, be. now pro duce nothing 1 and flocke of altecp and goats, amounting to 4U00 on one plantation, era raw reduced to 3 or 400" A letter from Tort-au-Prince of the 3d July, gientions that the United Slates, frigate Mace (Ionian had sailed that morning, escorting a Schooner to Carthsgoni. She lost one of her Lieutenants, J. II Hand, of Massachusetts, and had more than half her orew sick of yellow fa- fever on beard. Another letterof the esme date, lays the Ma cedonian balled With a convoy for Garthngena, all trill except a few ef the Wen, who ere not dangerous. The brig Buck, arrived in 80 days firom Bal timore, end ie seized for hiving money on board, and the cargo landing by the soldiers, It h supposed tbu whole will be condemned. The new crop of cofi'ee, the picking ef whioh Is commenced, is will to be very fine, end the proepeet of business iur the eeasou very good. The Southern Recorder of Tuesday last says We are h«ppy%e have it in our power to state, that orqpi both uf Corn and Cotton in this part uf tlie state, are uncommonly fine. Should tbe season continue, our citizens hare a fair {(respect of plenty the ensuing year, and dis. enthralment from their pecuniary embarrass- went*" Jt alar Proofed —The following entrant from the London Tiniee may be hereafter remember ed, though we see at present no probable or possible cause for the anticipation expressed.— « proximity Of territory may frequently bring the South Americans into collision with the U. States of the North- We should be ready to take advantage of these feelings whenever they spring up, by having made a prrtieui ledymnt in tbe affections Of the Spaniards." T,x«s,—A new expFfflllon efe peaceful eha- r.icter, under General Wllllem Welker end Co. Innrl Joshua Child, his penetrated Into the In terior or Teens. The emigrants ere Irom Lou. Islene and sereral other ststei. Several settle. menu have been made In the-valley nf the liras sos, the name of the plaeo where tide colony his located itself, which le composed of rioh land, on the banks of e river which can be navigated by keela and large barges at all tea. sum, Ills said that the Spanish government appeer well disposed towards the American endgrants. and wish them to acltlgihr unoccu pied lends. William Gamer, the sieve for whom 1 reward of two hundred dollars was offered by the Gov ernor of Soulh-Carulina, has been arrested in Columbia. The funeral of Dun Manuel Torfcatook place In the city uf Philadelphia on the 17th inatant, and was attended by several companies of vo lunteers, with arms reversed and drums muffled, by the munieipsl authorities, and a great num ber of rcspectuble citizens. An obituary no- tiee of tbia lamented republican will be found In another column. It la Intended by tbe British government, in order to make Bermuda a safe and convenient port, to employ 300 convicts Irom England on tbe work. This measure is considered necea sary for the benefit of the British navy in ease ef a war with America, 'Mr. Jsckion, of New-York, known by the name of Mockasin Jackson, has invented t life preserving mitress, for ships And packets, which is so constructed ss to be csnglit up at the mo ment of danger, secured round the budy, end will float any length-ef time in the water, and carry a passenger on shore vny distance. From its bouyanl qualities and peculiar construction, it will carry a man on the top of the waves of the most dreadful sea, and If thrown on the rock proteets tho body from bruizes, whilst the head, arma und feet are unobatructed. The Gun Powder refinery of Mosari. Jones U Loom’s, at Sandy Hill, N. Y, exploded on the 61I1 instant, nod entirely destroyed the building unditseuntents, No lives were lost. • Damage estimated at 5000 dollars. The New-York edition of the Fortunes of Nigel, lias sold at Boston, at auction, at from 75 to BO cents. Commodore Barron lias recently invented a stove, which unites usefulness and economy One peck ol coul per day will comfortably warm a room twenty feefsqtiate. The free blacks in Elizabethtown, New. Jer- any, and other disorderly persons have become an troublesome, that the cltiaens have been obliged to establish a night Welch* Thu inhabi tants of several of the northern cities feel seri ously the effects ef tbe system which has pre vailed, of the undue encouragement offered to (hi* clou of the community, and too frequently, ef runaway slaves from other Mates. Internal Xifblyatien.—A raft recently arriv ed a, Ne\v-0 leans from Oleon, in the state of New-York, n village at the head of the naviga ble waters of the Alleghany river. Tills raft must have descended nearly three thousand milea from the Alloghany, down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, to New.Orlcuis. This new work nf James Hogg,' the 1 ' Elrick Shepherd, entitled " The Perilous Castles,” or War, Woman end Witchcraft, in announced aa published in London. A new purps uf vnluntce[s is organized in Chaficatun, tho dress of whirli Is a split shirt, and a white list, turned up in front, with two black plumes, and their arms a double barrelled gun, a pair of pistols and a sabre. A splendid dinner tvas given'to Mr. Hyde de Neuville, the French Minister at New-York on the 18th instant Among the gticsla were the Vice-President of the United Stateiand 11 num ber of other distinguished gentlemen. Among the toasts was the following .— Our, the Baron Hyde de Neu- villc—known to ue, as a private man, by acts of (he moil disinterested and active benevolence ; and distingviseed, aa the rejireoentative of a foreign nation, by the uniform comity and respect which haae marked his iatorconrsc with our wwn. Farewell to Lochaber. After the toast was drank, M. Hyde de Neu. ville rote and said— •M pray you, gentlemen, to accept the expreaaion of my profound gratitude for the vevy flattering reception with which yuu have honored me this day, and for the distinguished marks of kindness and be nevnlence I have received from the Unit ed States, in whatever aituation it hss pleuaed Divine Providence to place me. Permit me to AfTer you my beet wishes tor the prosperity of a city of which 1 was, and evershajjl remain a citizen, if not by right, in my heart at lean. Permit me, gentlemen, at the same time, to niter you tho tame fur each^of yon-in particu lar." dnuit/lary Lint—The Montreal He-(CAn(ribuled (• promote and regulate, lit raid ol the loth msl. alatea (hat the long auOared in cnmmnn with (he friends who disputed question relative (0 the bnunda- (might the halllet, all tha viclaaltudea ol ry line, in the vicinity of Dike Cham- privitlon incident to a loss nf fortune. It K ‘tin, has been at length decided, and that: was in this trying achoffl that hie virtues uuse’s Point will come within British | »eae tested—an Jit was in this aituation limits. It is alau mitl, in tha same pi-j that those who had the honnr and the per, that a tlaciiion haa been come to, by 1 advantage of hie confluence 1am the mas the commiiaionera of both countries, rela-1—the. patriot——the republican—never live tn Ihe line from Nf. Regie to the head more conUdent than when all around of Lake Huron | and lliat the surveyors jeeemed desperate—and himself auggeit have li ft Utica, lor the purpose of prose- culing thuir labors on Lake Superior. The death ol the late Oulte de Riche lieu brings to mind, says the Democratic Preaa, an historical fact of some value. That nobleman, it is well known, wav in the year 1815, by the Emperor of Ruasia made prime minister ol France. He re mained in that elation fur aome years. During all that time, and we believo to the present lime, the name nf the Duke de Richelieu hits been regularly published in the Russian Court Calender,ax a Major General in the serviced Russia," absent 011 leave.” Hostilities between Spain ami Algiers. Translation ol an official (lommonicition made . to the Town Council of Pori Mahon, by lion Jose Jnliao, commandant of the B|ianiali fri gate Ferula, arrived at that port from Alglera. " Tbe Dey of Algiers, having rejected on (fie'26th of last month, the lurndly propositions of our Monarch fnr adjust- *' iog certain pecuniary differences between Ihotwuguvernroents, I acquaint you -with the same, that you may, If you think pro per, give notice to the merchanta of this island, in order that they may provide against the hnsiile attempts that may be made nn their shipping by the Algerines, alilmueli the latter have at present no great disposable farce for such cruises.— Trusting that yuu will alau take the moat effectual mean lo make it known in the iiluml nf Majorto, i remain, kc. 0 JOSE JULTAO, On board the Perola, April 6,1822.” He then offered the following toast s— By M. de Neuville.—TAe City of JVhsr 'Fork—The flourishing capital of a pow erful state—Nature, it would seem, had done every th^ic fur her : but the active industry; rtw bold enterprize and enlight- ened patriotism of her citizens have done still more. Nothing can arrest her rapid advances towards the most brilliant des tinies. M. De Neuville has ainoc sailed for France in the Six Brothers. From the National Advocate, [signs. 'In Boston/Cm. Orne gave the follow ing toast, at the dinner on the 4th of July, which the Committee of Arrangement smuggled out of the publication, and which they explain, by saying that they deemed it expedient to exclude every thing having a bearing on the presiden tittl election. Vastly delicate indeed ! I see nothing vety frightful in the toast— By Col. Henry Orne. fPilliam H. Crawford—A Republican of the Jefferson School—a sound and practical statesman, a 1 lain and honest man, In NewLuudun we have the following hits on (he day s Radicals—They have their .root in the penplu ! may they succeed in their plans nf reformation, retrenchment & economy. II p Naps—May all be ripped who rap the treasury! The X>.vt'President—The man who is most distinguished fnr his lung tried inte gr.!ty in various stations, and for his uni form and inflexible republican principles, is the man of the people. THF, LATE COLOMBIAN MINISTER. In the death of Manuel Tohzes, Mi nister ol the Columbian Republic, near the United States, Ihe cause of human nature has lost one of ils most disinter ested and ablest ndvncatea—and, perhaps to Colombia ‘and the whole nf Spanish America the loss is irreparable ; nor is the departure uf this rarely gifted man, a light consideration to those interests which naturally unite tlm Northern with Southern America, in that great cornmu- mion uf security and unity, to the accel leration of which he had devoted the last 35 years of his life, and, in effect, file itself. Mr. Torres was educated for the mili tary profession, at the celebrated military school at Soret; his first appearance in any public character, was as a Lieut, in a military corps in New Grenada, under the viceroyaltv of his maternal uncle Don Antonie Caballero y Gongsrs, who also united Ihe character of archbishop with thpt of viceroy, and the affection of the people wherever subject tu his authority. It was to his excellent military educa tion and the benevolent cares of this ex cellent Viceroy, that the young Lieut, of engineers, Mr. Torres, 'attt ibuted the formation of his own clmrncter and prin ciples—and singular, as he has often re marked lo the writer of this article, it was to a Calholio archbishop and Spanish viceroy, he owed all those principles which taught him to set the proper value on What is called nobility, and to love liberty and be * republican. It is more than 35 year* ainco he entered into tbenaureB which had for their object the emancipa- liun ol South America, and the formation of a sast confederacy uf free statea, hav- ing a common character and reciprocal relations throughout the new world. Twenty-eight years ago, the design was discovered—some of the eonspirttors— for they were then conspiritors—were seized »nd imprisoned, amung them was Mr. Torrei-ithe affection he had acquir ed,*! tho private secretary of the Viceroy as Intemlant of different provincea, as Choco, Carthagena, and Santa Martha, rendered the walls of his prison feeble—! and he found his way to the U. States where he has since, nearly 26 years, been e constant resident—during the epoch of his first years he was opulent, and he re ceived such remittances from his connec lions, as enabled him to hold intercourse with the most fashionable circles—ihe generosity of his character exposed him ti> imposition, and he was defrauded by men whom he had served of 870,000, $40,000 and other lesser sums—so that at the crisis of that revolution which his un ceasing correspondence, and counsels from Mtxicq to La Plata and Chili, hid ing and devising the means, and cuntri billing by his magnanimous counsels and enuroge, tn cheer the desponding, and in vigorate the virtuous. To him all tho agenta from all sectiona of South America, resorted as ihe Fuankmn of Ihe Southern world t and in hia experience and sttgfcci- (y, they found the counsels, and th*. re sources bv which tho revolution was con summated, divisions quieted or averted— enmities subdued—the jealousies incident to revolutions frustrated, and a common sentiment, and a due knowledge nf their common interests spread over S. America. His talents as « msthematicisn and his general learning were transcendant. The writer of this article, who has known, perhaps, the ablest men of three quarters of the globe never knew among them all, his equal ;it is not to disparage any, but to present some idea nf this great man's eminence, and the heavy Iona bf his coun try, that this form of cumptrisuu is adupt- His disease was primarily Ihe asthma, with which he was periodically afflicted during the severity of our winters, severe application to his duties,and thedcairc to E erform himself what isuauglly performed y an amanuensis—were efforts too se vere for a frame naturally delicate—Ihe recognition of Amerioan Independence by our government, imposed upon him a duty with which he conceived he could not at any hazard dispense ; being advised not to proceed to the seat of government in hia enfeebled stale, that it might endanger his life—>• Well" said he " I have de voted 35 year* to this object ; I have liv ed for nothing else; and can 1 hesitate to consummate the last sot that compensates all that I have undergone?’’ But you may do your duty without hnzarding life —“ Well” said he playfully " if ( do go off, I khall do what men who have render ed great services to their country should' do—defeat envy and prevent ingratitude by my retirement.” He performed hi* duty, visited Washington, was honorably received, returned, and has lingered ont the interval from that period in a alow but not painful state ; hia mind perfect and composed to the last.—Aurora. Charleston, July 27-r-Thc Court flf Magistrates and Freeholders convened again yesterday, fnr tho trial of sundry persons of colour, charged with an attempt to raise an insurrection in this State una. mnusly found the following guilty, and sentenced them to be hanged un Tues lay, the 30th July, between 1 6 and.9 o’clock in the morning, on the lines, and their bodies to he given for tlissectinn''if requested. Jack, belonging to Mr.Nitll M'Ntell. Casar, do to Mrs. Smith Hilly, do to Mr.Robinson John to Mr. I). Cruekshanka Jacob, do to Mr. J. Lankester Tom, do to Mr. Scott, Agrippa Perry, Scipio Simms, Sam. Barstilt and Benbow Martin—are sen tenced to he imprisoned in the Work- House of Charleston, until their owners, under the direction of the City Council, shall Bend them out of the United States, into which they are not to return under penalty of death. Prince Graham has been sentenced to be imprisoned in the Wurkhouse of Charleston, for one month, and then to he transported by sea, out of the State of Snutli-Cai'oliua, the first opportunity, into which he is not to rclurn, under penalty uf death. Execution-—The following Slaves were executed yesterday morning, pursu ant to their sentence, lor attempting to raise an iosurrection in this State. Jillius, belonging to Thomas Forrost Chnrtty, belonging fe Judge Drsyt.-i, snd Harry, belonging tn Mr. I)«*id If rig. were sentenced to be executed ycsterd«y» but on account of much important inform ation revealed by them, the Court recom mended tn the Governor In commute their sentence tn trantporletinn. The Execu tive refused to act according to the re commendation, hut informed the Ceurt they had the power themselvee to com mute the punishment. The Court haa, therefore anntenced the above three negrore tn be tranapnrted beyond the lindla ol the United Statea under the direction of the City Council. Mercury INDlAtTCLAIMS. Executive DRPAHTMZNr, Gzo >' Milledgeville, 13th July, 1822. J 1 The Executive having received the flixfi inaielmeut on the claime allowed under the late treat > with (he Creek Indians, with a flat from the War Department of the name* of the claimants, and Ihe amount allowed to each, one filth part of whicR (the amount received) will be paid to those entitled to receive it, on application to Maj. Elisha Wood, at (hia office, agreea ble to said list, which is ordered to bn published in the Georgia Journal, lor the information of tlioac concerned. In alt caaea where Ihe original claimant ia dead, the heirs and representatives will tie re quired to produce their authority for re ceiving the money. Thu Executive cannot refrain from ex pressing his regrot at perceiving ao many of the claimants deprived of what he enn-, ceives to be their just rights, for the want of the requisite proof in support of their claima. He, however, entertains a hup* that this subject may again be taken up* and further lime allowed fnr eihibiting the formal proof, ao aa to afford to lltovn who have not substantiated their claima by the proof required, an opportunity uf doing so. (Attest,) JOHN BURCH, Statement of claims allowed by the Commissioner appointed by the Presi dent of the United Slates, under tl o 4th article nf the treaty concluded with the Creek Nation, on (he 8th day of January, t82l, to ascertain the balance that may be due by the Creek Nation 1 to the citizens of the Slate of Georgia, agreeable to the said article of treaty and the agreement between the Com missioners of Georgia and the Creek Nation. 1779 Alexander, Stm. sen. £1,630 1780-81 Aletamler, Ass 175 1792 Armstrong, John 200 1793 Allen, Gidsnn 75 1794 Allen, William 150 1782 Bankston,Jacob 555 1778-81 Burkhalter, Michael 607 50 1780 1 2 Ragby, George xtha 1788 1781 1782 1784 1785 1788 1788 1788 1793 1793 1790 1791 1792-8 1792 1792-3 1792 4 1793 1795 1796 1777 80 Culpepper, Joseph" Harnett, Nathan Bishop, James Barber, George Burk.Thcophilul Burges, Wiseman Rail, Edward Bacnn, Thomas Burnett, 4uhn Brown, Hugh Beasley, Janie* Britton, James jun'r Barnett, John Browning, Joshun Booth, John Booth, Kachariah Barnett, Nathan Brown, Benjamin Baldwin, Thomas Dlaaaangame, Philip uore, 3 Tom, do Joe, do Mingo, do Smart, do Polydore, do Robert. * John, Adam, Lot, Jack, Jack, Phar 0, Dick, Bacchus, Jim, Jerry, Naphur, Adam, Belisle, Charles, Dean, to Mra. Russell to Mr. Jure to Win. Harth, jun. to Robert-Anderson to Mrs. Faber do to'John Robertson to Mr. Forrester to Mrs. Purcoll to Mr.Glen to Mrs, Thompson to Mr- William Sims to Mr, Beni. Hammcl to Estate of Clement to Mordecai Cohen J to Estate of Jos. Yates to Mr. John Billings to M r. James Mitchell Tho subjoined is a list ef those who were sentenced to Death for the above crime, but the Court recommended to the Governor to commute their sentence to transportation beyond the limits of the United States ; the Governor has there fore respited them to the 9th ot August next, with the intention ultimately, of a greeing to the recommendation of the Court: Seymour, belonging to Wm. Kunhardt do do do do do do do do do do do do do Paris, Sandy, Louis, Dublin, Peter, Isaac, do do do do do do to Mias Ball to Mr. Schoell to Mr. Cromwell to Mr. Morris to estate of J.Coopet to Mr. Wm. Harth Saby Gaillard, a Free Black Man. William, belonging to Mr. Job Palmer sentenced by the Court to be execute: yesterday, haa likewise been respited b (he Governor uhtil the 9ih of August. Monday, belonging to Mr. John Qel 1788 1781 1780 1785 1785 1784 1789 1788 1793 1791 1790 1792 1792 1779 1785 1786 1786 1791 1791 1790 1785 1793 1793 1793 1798 1791 3 1791 2 1792 1798 1791-3 1780 81 1785 1788 1788 1796 1793 1793 1791 1794 1798 1782 1777 1780 1784 1788 1793 4 1793 1793 ‘1792-3 1793 1793 1792 1793 785 791 iTU Carr, Robert Conner, Daniel Cloud, Noah Carnes, Thomas P- Cloud.Noah Curtis, John Cole, John Corker, Stephen Clements, Jess* Cowan, James Cloud, Noah Choice, Tully Corner, James Cleveland, John Kitands, Absaltan Kllsberry, Michael Ellberry, Beniamin Ellxbury, Benjamin Kilanda, Absalom Espy, James Espy, James Flournoy, Robert Fielder, John Fielder, James Ford, James Foster, James F. Ford, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Benjamin Fitzpatrick, Booth Fitzpatrick, Ron* Findley, Thomas Glass, John Gammon, Bliubeth Girardeau, John B. Girardeau, William Greer,' Abraham (Wm.) 100 65 309 900 1,400 180 100 £.025 1,200 £.400 425 180 100 j fiio 397 100 170 805 £.53 7f 14 80 283 1,300 75 70 116 65 450 100 342 83 214 id 800 100 100 100 750 650. 19tP,£4! 325 ' 383 34 800 64 £f. 150 50 50 400 ISO 95 400 785 £00 60 70 400 1,345 m* 2,200 ‘*47 Gilbert, John ’ 240 Green, Jesse 70 Grerham, Archibald 500 Griffln.John 175 Gaston, Matthew 230 Hindman, Michael 420 Heard Charles 740 Huff, Samuel 100 Howell, Nathaniel 1,090 Helverton, Jacob 1<<0 Hickmangjoscph 846 Hays, Adam 170 Hardee, Jaihn 75 Harrison, Benjamin SI3 Huff, Francis 175 Hutchinson, William 160 Iiill, John 950 Hanel, Bailey 270 Hay, William ISO Jones, Wiftiam I2S Jordan, Charles 1.159