Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, August 06, 1822, Image 2

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A wmV under the titlt oPWapolcon in Ei.f FillPWRECKS,
lie,” iit'fbti to appear in London. The stylo Mobile, July 18 —The bri# Her*, capt.
iiaaul to he very aimilar to the Life of Johnson, James B. Gift. id, from this port. w«a cast
VI* swe authomtd to s'.utc that Uuiaex It.
4in.Mi n, Esq. of Oglethorpe. «lecliiit» being
coitfiiikrcd a candidate for a aeat in the House
«f Kcpresentativca of the United States, at the
' election in October next.
-tVe deeply regret the lust which the state
♦•will sustain in the absence of thin gentleman
from our national council*. We know not
whether must to admire the open, frank sincer
ity, the indefntigible pevaeverancc, or the
prompt energy ol Mr. Gilmer's character. Ilis
talents arc fully known And appreciated
throughout tba* state.
The Georgia Journal intorma til that Messrs.
'Tloyd and Cuthhert will decline acting as com*
misbiouer* in the contemplated treaty with the
Cherokee. Indians, these gentlemen being can
didates in their reapective counties for scats in
•the legislature. Mr. Walker, the person noini- i
Hated lor the same duty by tlie President, has
.already declined.
We feel satisfied that Gt n. Floyd will act as
- Cortimissioner of the United States to treat with
the Cherokee Indians. This opinion it found-
«d upon u letter from the General, to a gentle-
mnan in this neighborhood, m which* he either
remu- Irs that he had, nr would accept tl c ap-
pointment. His performing this duty will not
interfere with his functions as a member of the
next Legislature.
The Miil'idgevlllo papers of Tuesday Inst si
multaneously state bn " the best authority/*
that Governor Clark has never Intimated to any
one that he had an Idea of resigning—nor does
. lie entertain the m6tt distant notion of retiring
• <Vom thestation ho now occupies, with a view
of soliciting a seat in the Senatuof the United
(Hates, nt tho approaching election.
Failure* continue in Hoston. It is said that
* Within the lust two months there have been
more thaneigh'y failures in that city, and that
the amount of dthts due, for which different
merchants have hilled, does not fall abort of
three mlflunt i|f tlolhoi. Two houses we under
stand have recently been found minus nearly two
ihundred and fifty thousand dollars each,
It is not perhaps generally known that gross
deceptions site sometimes practised lit the arti
cle of oil. A Newbcdfoid paper states tb it
an me process has been discovered whereby
common whale oil is made to acquire the ap
peurimcc of spermaceti oil, which is palmed up
on the public in large quantities us genuine
Tim artisans employed in this business are fo
fClghc I
' The Ship Lion, at Boston, from the Capcof
Quod Hope, has brought home the curgo, (about
600,000 weight of sugar and pepper) of the ship
l»erala, Ilalfi, <w Bouton, which put in there, was
oondomued, and sold for glOOO, The com,
mumler of the "British ship Windsor was allow
ed n salvage of five per cent. Two young lions,
and several domestic animals from the Cspe,
have been brought out in the Lion. A great
scarcity of provisions existed at the Cape, in
Consequence of the failure of the crops. The
Lion sold her flour ul R20 per barrel.
The New-Orleanl bundle of letters received
«t the New-York |*ost-olfice on the 22d ult.
Were discovered to have been opened and all
the seals bf the double lettors broken and
fthe contents rifled. It is suspected that it was
done In some of the intermediate post-ofticca
“ The Irishman” printed at Belfast May 17,
contains the greater part of the speech of Go*
vernor Uoueiison to the Legislature of Louis-
-fans. It is thus introduced, “ We present to
'our readers a apeech delivered by the Execu
tive of a free people. It breathes the soul and
is expressed in the language of freedom. The
xentlments it oontains cannot be expected to be
Itcard in any other country, but that wherein
human rights are asserted, and man takes that
{Utioa which God and nature intended for him.**
by Boswell i it consists, according to the London
papers, almost entirely of Napoleon's own re
minks,in lua own words, written down at the
moment, during three years of the most unre
strained communication, ami furni&hca, in a way
that could probably never have been anticipat
ed, details of all the remarkable events of his
life, public and private-^-characters of his min
isters and generals—stute secrets of the various
courts—the development of Ids foreign and do
mestic policy—anecdotes of his campaigns, And
indeed illustrations of most of the extraordinary
occurrences and persons which have astonished
the world during the l««f half century, in a style
which carries with it its ow n evidence, and is
sustained by facts known otily to the (Matin*
guished individual by whom they were related
A society has been formed in England to car
ry into effect the well known plan of Mr Owen,
for ameliorating the condition of the poor. A •
mong the subscriptions nre three of 15000 each,
from Col. Hunter, of Dalxiel; J. Morrison, Esq.
and H. Jones, Esq. of Devon -, and several more
of/1200 and /1000 { but the greatest of all was
/10.000 from Hubert Owen, Esq. There has
been also 115,000 subscribed in Edinburgh,
Manchester and Birmingham.
E. l,it t elf, of l*li ladelphia, proposes to publish
a monthly work under the title of “The Muse-
urn of Foreign Literature and Science/* consist-
ngof selections from the most approved British
magaxinca, to be couducteid by Hubert Walsh,
J/ydrophobia^—K Mr. John Durham in Haiti-
more has recentlv died of this dreadful disease
in horrid agonies. He was bitten by a dog nine
weeks previously. Notwithstanding the lapse
of lime from receiving the bile, it* was only two
days before the melancholy result that he exhi
bited signs of hydrophobia. *' He was convuls
ed in every joint, frothing at the mouth, and it
required the strength bf two men to hold him
in his bed. The deceased amidst ull his pains
and agonies, retained the clear possession of
his senses to the last.”
away during the late gale on Horn (flam),
on the morning of the lOlh inst. Vessel
and cargo, consisting of hay and bricks,
totally lost, ciew saved themselves in her
long hook, from which we extract the fol
lowing particulars. Sailed from Savan
(Letter to the Editor of the City (toette.) | execution of the plans of the Malcontents
Havana, July S}3.—You have no he declared in a slate of siege \ thutgov-
douct heard o| diflm'iit parties, (political) eminent be empowered to send out rt‘
existing here, and perhaps wen* led to the kingdom any foreigner whntc conduct
conclude that confusion and anarchy soon ! it may deem suspicious tlut the convent*
would take place. Since my arrival l (of Potilet and K«corn*u Boo, the tepu'-eti
have made it my business to look into the focus of rebellion, be it immediately sup*
intentions and views of the contending pressed, as also any others in places tin*
parties, and find this to be result t—A frequented, where assistance is given
nah, June 20— 10th day out, commenced p»rty composed principally of European to the rebels ; and lastly, that the Mogia-
making water, leaking in a short time af-1 Spaniards were opposed to the nomination trates do report, to the Civil Governors
ter, two or more spells per hour—-9th j°f His Excellency Governor Mahy, as the jail members of religious communities who
ins?. 10 miles east of Mobile Point ther'-‘plain-General, while at tho same time >hall absent themselves from their con-
gale commenced ; hauled oft’shore, head |**ch ot them was crying ** Viva la Cott* vents lor more than 40 hours,
ing S- S. W. carried on her until all sails stitution, i} and professing themselves fir|n Two days after, the Assembly negativ-
supporters of the present government ofjeda motion for calling to account the
Spain; The other parly consisted ot the Civil Governor of the province of Madrid
Natives of the Island, who became firmly | Don Jose Martinez de San Martin, on
attached to Governor Mahy, and were ground that he had arbitrarily sus-
determined to support him in all his 1 pended the meetings of the Patriotic So-
mensures. It was necessary for the Go c | e fy 0 f La Foittaue dc Oro, in that ca-
vernor to attach himself to one party, and p'n a |.
TheCortes have almost unanimously
of course he took the side with the natives;
this caused many of the European party
(which, by the bye, was the strongest at
tirat) io ceme over, and the party of the | this, bring to a conclusion the discussions
Natives gained the ascendency, »t*d I «f several important questions, upotx
think will keep it. I cannot distinguish which they have entered.—Bust. PaU
these parties by any peculiar name, uh the
members of both are decidedly in favour
of the constitution.
The death of the Captain-General,
Extract af a letter from Malaga, May 23.
“Business is extremely dull. Nothing
‘doing to advantage, and no prospect of
which occurred on the 19th inst. is an 1 better times. VVc have been greatly dis,
event deeply regretted by the Spaniards,iappointed in the present administration;
and all good men* lie waa acknowledged and in the country even many of those
to have been the fnan most fit to govern j who were considered staunch Patriots,
here; the laurels he gained in the actionsJ are disgusted with the men in oflfce—
in the Peninsula, won live adoration of seeing that there is no justice nor nny se-
Muohjjdumage lias been done to the Grand
Canal in the state of New*York by heavy rains,
breaking its bunks.
Gen. Dtvmourter, a commander in the French
Involution, now neorl) 84 years 6f age, resides
in Loudon.
The Buffalo Patriot states that all the islands
in the Niagara River, except Navy Island, have,
by the decision of the commissioners under the
s #ixth article of the treaty of Ghent, fallen to
the United States t and also, that Drummond's
island, in Lake Uuron, on which is a British gar
rison, lias also fallen within our limits.
The good people of Canada are becoming
alarmed at the great influx of Irish emigrants
into \,bat province. A more than usual degree
of poverty exists among these people, and it it
feared that very many of them will remain oa
the charity of the public during the coming win
The Fulton Steam Boat Company of New
•^fork have enjoined the proprietors •t theOhve
Branch not to inteifere with their privileges
by running a boat from Jersey city into Long
Island, through the waters in which their pa
tent gives them the exclusive right of navigat
ing steam boat*.
T5ir Walter Scott intends to visit .Ireland in
the course of tlte present summer. Humour
gay she purposes collecting materials in that
country fur writing a series of novels, founded
on the ancient history and records of Ireland.
A young man by the name of Adams, of Mid
dleton, ¥•»« was recently presemed with a
ticket\n the Nq,w-York Lottery,‘which soon al
ter came up a prize of JO,COO dollars.
Mr. Lambert, of Salem, compiler of several
useful charts, hat completed “A New Chart of
of the Coast of North America from C.ipc Mat-
ter»s to Egg river, including Chesapeake Bay,
from the latest authority.” It is stated to be
the most correct chart of this navigation ever
given to the nautical world.
Summary Divorce—Jj chance for Bachelors.—
Mrs. Cordelia Jackson, after reciting in the Al
bany Gazette the wiongs she has endured from
her husband, Thomas Jackson, formerly of Mon
treal, concludes with the following manifesto:
• I do now, therefore, consider, myself free
from him us a wife 1”
Etienne Lc Duo, physician, lays claim on be
half of Mods. Antoine Alexandre Ic Bnrgtte de
Belisle, to the greatest part of the province of
Nova 8cotia. Dr. Le Luc has presented sever
al petitions and a mass of other documents to
substantiate the claims which arc Baid to have
the appearance of being genuine, to the Go
vernor of Canada, but without attaining his ob
The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Bos-
ton have extended tlte prison limits through
the county of Suffolk, tosdl persons committed
on execution for debt.
vSolomon Smrtlnvick has been nominated by a
meeting at Albany, a candidate for the office of
Governor of the state of New-York, in opposi
tion to Judge Y'ates.
The Planters in Alabama anticipate a plenti
ful harvest.
Convenient Establishment.— The following ad
vertisement appears in the Journal du Com
merce of April last. It is truly said “ one half
the world know not how the other half live.”
Affairs are managed differently here—and quite
as well, though wc have no mart like this for
disappointed maids, battered beaus, or widows
who have not patience to wait till they ar6
u Marring*.—'The inhabitants of Paris have
but little intercourse between them ; many live
retired from all society, or do not find in the
societies they resort to, to suit themselves;'
Monsieur Villiaume, Rue Nehve St.' Eustache,
No. 46, being much launched out in the world,
has constantly to match an infinite number of
Young Lathes, ffidrtvs and Gentlemen of all
ranks Those who apply to him may rest as
sured of being served with promptness and sa
He also procures Situations, Partners, fiW-
lers. Purchasers, TenantBoarders, any kind of
information, Ac."
were split ; and ulter drifting for twenty
four hours, went on -shore between 3 and
4 o’clock, A. M, on the 10th, 30 miles
west of Mobile Point, whore she bilged,
all hands succeeded in getting on shore,
with a small part of wearing apparel only.
The captain and crew reached the city
in a long boat, on the I2ih inst. The for
mer, ami a part of the crew, look passage
in the hrig Jn-pnh, Captain Holdridge,
which sailed fur New-York on the 14th
Brig Sampson, Isaac Lewis, of and from
Boston, fur this port, was cast away ou
Ham island, during the late-gale.
*Augusta, Jhitfust 1 —The Farmer’s
prospects in the upper country, are very
discouraging ; although, generally speak
ing, anticipated evils are rarely found in
the end to be cu mute ns urate with the
The Wheat Harvest has yielded so
poor a produce, that many persons say
that it will be difficult to get j»eud next
The crop of Indian corn is somewhat
bptter, and promises a greater return;
but in very many places, apprehensions
are entertained that enough will not be
ruined for ordinary consumption.
The Cotton looks better than either of
the foregoing, but as if it were ordained
that misfortune should never visit ns sin
gle handed, the Hot has commenced its
ravages, and already threatens very se
rums mischief to the Plant.
These failures in the different crops
are generally attributed to the unequal
proportions in the present season, ot wet
and dry weather. We are disposed to
think, however, that the disease in the
notion, hi. bran an much induced tyl cn t c „ 9t | eBl „„d ,he bells ftf t | le different
c "r? 1,1“ '“"“ft •« »y churches alternately tolled,
and that »ur Planters tv,midxtmstlIt their | lurcouf8e wen /,„ goe the old man .
real interest, much mure truly, tf they j, j jn ,, 1(| ^ but wntras(
wnu d .t" fewer acres and devote an un ft bUcan a i mplicU , witb Monarchical
divided attention to he quality of the. ^ , l UM J ot lps , t|un y
produce, fain and drought are merely ^houhand people went to view the body,
secondary to the exertions of the dl)ubt itthero w.s a man. woman or
, ... s 0 .. a r . l>nl '' r f child in the city ne suburbs but wliat took
plant are woumled hv an unskilful ugf of; , hi ^ „„„ t|le rnom with
the Hue nr ol the Plough , must Mlmi about five hundred of all colours and des.
ns a matter of course, that I lie heat and
cume tu the resolution of sitting another
month, as they cannot, before tile end n£
the military ; and hi« wisdom in the Ca
binet, the admiration of the politician.
Possessing in a considerable degree, the
sunviter in mtuio, etfortitur in re, he be
came the idol of the majority of the peo
ple, who saw the welfare of the Island
waa his polar star. No wonder then
that the City Council caused, at the public
expense, every preparation to be mnde
which might contribute to the respect of
his memory. His body was embalmed on
the night of his death, and removed to the
City-Hall, where it lay in state for three
days. The character of the man, united
with the novelty jif the sight, drew thou
sands to view their late Captain-General
who even in death wine the same placid
countenance they bad so often beheld with
delight. Fro 0,dhe 19th the day of his
death, until the 2id, that of his Initial,
half hour guns were fired from the differ-
curily lobe had—and it is actually unsafe
to leuve the town, or even your own house
for the thieves, who are numerous : ami
when taken up they are set a' liberty
again (almost immediately, ami perhaps
share their ill acquired wealth with those
whose duty it is tu punish them; ami peo
ple are very cautious lioiv they come lor-
word as evidences against these enemies
of the human races although fortunately
we have obtained a sentence against litres
who will be strung up in the course of a
week ; and a'few pirates long imprisoned
will soon share the same late. But the
times are bail, and the people generally
discontented, for the want of energy in
the government, whose personal interest
appears to be greater than that of their
■•I am really disheartened; having
been in hopes the Spaniards would liavn
shaken off the yoke of bondage, and made
themselves respectable among the nations
of Europe ; but it seems they will not.
The Cortes make lows, hut there is no one
to execute them. Interest Is apparently
every tiling; and with money die greatest
criminal may perhaps escape punish
moisture will generate decomposition, and
this in vegetable physiology, is only an
ther name fur Disease.— Chron.
Evpry day’s experience
criptions, from the peer to the shoe black;
and these crowds were kept up frum sun
rise until alter 10 o’clock at night.
Upon Governor Mahy’abeing taken HI
he conceived it proper that a governor
pro tern, should be uppoinlcd, and as there
adds to the was a difference of opinion whether the
conviction that there is some material de ! supreme authority should be vested in the
feet in the system ol our Road Laws ; and Lieutenant Governor Kinderlarid, or
thn constant state at bad repair, in which i" the Intendant Perrillas, or whether the
our public highways are suffered to remain military iulhorify should be vested in the
seems to indicate as a cause, the subsli j to 1 mer,and the civil in the latter person,
tution of personal service in lieu of a he culled upon the Provincial Deputies to
specific tax for the purpose, Naturul'decide,and they unanimously agreed that
Philosophers tell us that ihc " Tis /ner- Governor Kinderiund should • lake the
tiaf’ is more agreeably exerted by nature
than any other energy ; and wc all know
that most of us would prefer to sit upon
a pine tree stump, than undertake to
grub it up, Besides, (hat which affects
our interests remotely or in connection
with others, has generally less influence
over our conduct than that which affects
us more immediately and in a more undi
vided manner ; add it often happens .that
tn hasten their crops, people are very wil
ling to neglect the very roads along which
the produce must pass to market. In
many places, it is ten times as easy to hit
a stump as to miss one.; and in minus,
the ruts ore so deep that one might ima
gfne the wheels to be semi-circles, As
mutters go, we would recommend, that
every one whose life isjpVvorth the pre
n iuin, should cull aponati Insurance Bro
ker, before he ventures io undertake a
journey ol fifty miles; and at this parti
cutur stage of the season, when'the very
days are beginning to get the Finer and
Ague, the traveller may thank his stars
fur any fortunate combination of circum
stances, that is sbletn keep his sold-case
from being shattered to pieces.—C/iron.
MilledgtviUe, July SO.—On Sunday
evening last, this place experienced «
very severe gale of wind, accompanied
with rain, much resembling that which
uceurred in April last. It passed princi
pally above the town, in the direction Irom
West to East, ami was fortunately of
short duration. Several cliimnies were
blown down, and agreat number of shade
ircea prostrated to the ground. In tact,
it appeared to threaten the destruction of
every thing before it. \Ve have not, as
set, understood the damage Sustained in
'hr adjacent country, but it must have bceu
Charleston, August 9.—The. following
is an extract from a letter dated 24th ult.
received in this city via Savannah :
“ The-..Captain General of this island
died on the 19th ult. and has been buried
with the greatest shew and parade. Here
the greatest tranquility prevails. The
yellow fever has been, and s'ill is very
destructive. The Emperor Itorbide has
re-established the Inquisition of the Friars
in Mexico; he persecutes liberal and
philanthropic men ; he will not permit the
European Spaniards to return to their
native country, nor enter this newly es
tablished empire ; and-he endeavours io
prevent the exportation of the great i idles
appertaining to the Spaniards who have
made their fortunes in that country. The
people ot New Spain are divided into
four parties, to wit, Imperialists, Repu
blicans, Serviles and Constitionalists;
which certainly will cause civil discard
and intestine war.”
Another letter, of (he C3d, states that
theU. S. fiigate Macedonian,had touched
in there, having lost 45 of her crew, in
eluding the Doctor and (wo Midshipmen;
she had sailed again for the U. Slate-,
having upwards o, 60 of her crew upon
the sick list Courier.
command. This venerable man has there
fore again upon his shoulders the care of
the State, and from the love in which
he is held by bis countrymen, anil the
hoiioural e manner in which lie filled the
office ol'Governnr of Florida, and several
places on this Island, there is no doubt
hut that under his command peace will
continue and the weilnre of the country
increase. His talents are highly spoken
of both in the field and the cabinet, and
his manners very engaging. I was much
pleased with him on being introduced—
Ids countenance is placid, his person tull
ami thin, and his hair grey; he is about
65 years of age.
The city is and has been for some time
very sickly, and the number uf deaths
very great.
Among the shipping in the hajhnur the
fever has raged, and many a puor sailor
carried to his long account.
Business is very dull—no kinds of
goods are wanted, the market is glutted
while (he produce of the place keeps up
at high prices.
Prices.—Sugars, muse. 4 a 4 j; Browns,
S S 4 a 4J ; Whites, 6 3 4 >7|; Molas
ses, 6 hits; Coffee 23 ; Dollars 3J a 4
per cent. pr.; D -abloons gl6j.
Boston July 25—We have received a
series of Gibraltar papers to the 27th of
May, We do not perceive, in the late
accounts from Spain, that our acknow
ledgement of the independence of Spa
nish America has been the subject of any
motion or allusion in the Cortes, or any
open measure of the Government,
Oibn/tar, Mtiy 27.—Several advan
tages a. - stated to have been obtained by
the National troops over Malcontents in
Catalonia, and among others mention is
made of the complete defeat of a bnd^ of
'600 at Capellades. A special Committee
appointed by the Cortes to propose what
they might conceive to be the most effec
tual means to restore tranquillity iu that
province, submitted a law project, in the
sitting of the ISO) inst. which was to be
taken into consideration on the following
Tuesday, chiefly recommending, that, un-,
til (he installation of the Cortes, of 1823,
all Malcontents in arms be shot on the
spo', who shall bo taken in any part of
the kingdom, after the-lapse uflurty eight
luura Irmn the publication of the law;
that any town or village that takes an ac
tive part iu sedition, or prumulqs the
An officer of the Franklin 74, writes to
his Iriond in Philadelphia, under date of
April 30, and mentions the following u&
the reasons of Lord Cnchreneior captur
ing the Spanish Frigate Ve'iiglmzo :
" The commander of the' VVnganza.
knew that Cochrane had lieSn in pursuit
of him for some time. Whun he came
offGuyaquil, he hoisted a (lag of truce.
During the armistice lie capitulated by
giving up Ids ship, for which the govern,
ment Was to make him some small remu
neration, When Cochrane came off the
harbour ahd found the -conditions under
which she was given up, he said, " if the
commander of the frigate had done his
duty to his government, the ship must
have been a prize to him, and fie would
not be done out of her through trpkflhery.’S
He demanded her of the Governor, who
refused to give her up. The stiip at this
time was stripped—her sails and rigging
all un shore. Cochrane sent his boats in
and took possession of her, laudi-d his
men, and carried off die sails and rigging, i
in defiandc of the Governor and his force.
This will be a subject to be settled here-
utter, by the governments of Chili and ,
Peru. Cochrane has hoisted his flag on ,(\
hoard the prize and is now cruiaing in tier. A
He is expected here in about a month.” \ j
The same letter states, thut the British
fiigate Doris had arrived from Rio. Iter
commander Captain Graham, tlieil on the
passage, and his funeral waa celebrated at
Valparaiso, at which'the marines of tile
Fraiikliu assisted.”—JV*. F. Gas.
The following are the candidates for
the Senate and House of Representatives
of the state of Georgia, at the elecuuu in.
October next:
John Macpherson Berrien.
Joseph IV. Jackson. m
Jlordecai Sheftall, Sen. n
Thomas JT. Jiore.ll.
Dr. Moses Sheftall.
Levi B. IT Lyon,
Col. Steele IFhite.
Tbe following gentlemen are candl-
dates for the representative branch of the
National Legislature, from whom seven
are to be elected, at the same time with
the above, to represent this state, pursu
ant to the apportionment act under tine
new census, passed the last session;
Edward F. Tattnall, ) r
Alfred Cuthhert, $ Chatham.'
John Forsyth, ) r n .
Thomas Glasscock, S Klcl,moI Ui-
IViley Thump,on, ul Elbert.
Thomas ff. Cobb, ot Greeoc.
Joel Abbott, nf Wilkes.
SU hen W. Harris, of Putnam.'
Dr- Ilanes. nt llmcurk.
John E. Golfing, 0 | Clark,