Newspaper Page Text
Mr. no*»;i»TPoj»—ricaie give publicity to th«
following ticket.
Jumrs Mormon,
M. Herbert,
Charles Harris,
» ilium Davis,
C M llnyden,
Pi De La Molts,
T. N. Morel,
J J ro /font Publico.
L. 8. P'l.yon,
Joseph Cumming,
M. Sheftsll, Sen.
Moses 8hcfiull|
F. 3. Fell,
Thomas Clark.
In Sparta, Ga» on the 24th ult by the Dev. E.
Shackelford, Thacker B. Howard, Esq. to Miss
Surah G. Thvveitt.
On the 10th uU. at the house of Thom \* Tal
bot, Esq. of Wilkes countv, Mrs. Mary Mosely
Jones, aped 30 years, eldest daughter of Mr.
Talbot, and the aimable^oonaort of Col, William
f Jones, of Lincoln county. On the next day, the
\ Uth, the same bereuvun husband was summon
ed to witness the death of his son, Wm, Talhot,
aged two years and eleven months \ the mother
and child were interred in the same grave.
At Milledgeville, on the 20th ult. ufter a short
illness, Mrs. Mary Lewis, consort of Dr. Richard
Lewis, of Powelton, in the 20th year of her age.
On the 17th ult. after a severe illness of eight
days, at Ins residence in Pulaski county, near
Hartford, Col Diehard U. Thomas, in the 4lst
year of his age.
Price* Current at Augusta, Aug 3.
Cotton 10 a 12$ $ Flour £131 Corn 1 12$ a
Prices Current at A«m>- York, July 26.
Cotton S I. 24 a 27 5 Upland It a 15 ; Ala
bama 11$ a 14$ ; Tennessee 11 a 141 Dice new
3 u 3 25 ; old 2.
Cotton—Large sales continue to he made of
this article, but principally confined to inferior
qualities. Considerable quantities have been
shipped by the holders, in preference to ac
cepting the present low rates. The import since
January is rising 90,000 hales. Much anxiety
is evinced for later accounts from Europe.
Freights have improved since ottr la*-t, and
owners are asking 5-8 and $ for cotton, the for
mer rate for square, the latter for round hales.
U. S. Hank Stock-Sales this day nt 102$ pay
able next week. Offered at 10? 1*8 for cash.
In Philad yesterday, 102$ to 102$.
LKTTfi 11 "BAG s""* 8
At William«* Literary and Commercial
Brig Jones, John Latnrop & co.
Liverpool, to sail Aug 5
Brig Florida, John Lathrop if co.
Liverpool, to sail Aug. 7
For Kow-York, 1
’I hr "gu *» inn ketthto
hiding part of her cargo engtffcAi
fbi the remainder, 0 passage, hav
ing Immtaome accommodations, apply to captain
Russell on board, at Jones' lower Vhs'f, or to
landing from said iMp,
100 hi* superfine Flour
lUD pieces Cotton Ragging
aug 6 u ,
For New-York,
\ The fast sailing packet ship
Britt 0», matter,
will meet with despatch. For
freight or passage, having auperior accommo
datums, apply to the captain on board, or to
aug 6
For Baltimore,
Or any other Northern Port,
““ The ichdnnof
Simmons, master,
rnmmmm 1 '"}' freight or passage, having good
accommodation*, apply to the captain on board,
or to HALL (J 110YT.
nng 6
Or t
For Freight or Charter,
Toe staunch Hoh-mner
Copt lluker,
now ready 10 Hike freight. Apply
to the upuin on boerd m Amlersnn’, wti.rf, or
to J. u. luntuiatT u uu,
»»K 6
%* Consignees per ship
Cotton Plant, arc requested to call alul receive
their goods this day, at Jones' wharf,
aug 6 r
Arnm Bur. prime green Coffee, landing
iiUi/UJ/ m>ra suhr Hope U Bather, for »»lo
O N BALTIMORE, at one clay's sight, for s*lc
by HALL & HOYT.'
aug 6
Ship Lady Gallatin, Harris, Liverpool,
Hall U Hoyt
Ship Savannah, White, New-York,
Hall & Hoyt
Ship Augusta, Leggett, New-York,
Hall Be Hoyt
Brig Native, Cole, New-York,
Hall if Hoyt
Brig Elizabeth, Doane, New-York,
E Williams 8t co,
Schr Joseph, Williams, St. Augustine.
Schr Anhi^ubVson, Charleston.
Schr Gep JucKflbn, llallctt, llaltimore.
Schi Scott,'Scott, New-York.
Schr 9 illy, Havens, Baltimore.
Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston.
Ship Gen. Carrington, Britton, New York, 8
days, to Hall & Hoyt consigners, with sundry
mdse. t° J Davenport, 11 S Atwood, .! Penfield
& co J Meigs, P De Villers, J B Wick, Ponce
fcf M'Kenzie, Tufts if Reed, 11 Knapp, K & 3
Champion, B Jenks, P L Wicks, T Dowell & co-
A H Fannin if co. .1 Hunter, G Newhall, Gibbs
& Alexander, Henry if Collins, 8 C Dunning,
Canteluu if Lamar, Hill 8t Tenny and Johnston
if Kills.
Ship Cotton Plant, Russell, N York, 8 days,
with a fuH'cargo to G Goidon owner, Baker St
Minton, u Judah, FSollick, Johnston if Hills,
J Hunter, B Burroughs, D Vnnderpool, Oemlcr
& Posey, F I Lay, Hill ti Tenney, Ponce if
M'Kenzie, J Norton, 11 8 Atwood, W Williams,
8 C & J Schenk, It Campbell, A Parsons, A B
Fannin ff co. Steam Boat Co. Bulloch 81 Dun-
wody, S 11 Parkman, E Bliss & co. Sturges if
Hunter, Gandry & Dulaure and order,
Schr Phenix, Whipple, Edenlon, 15 days,
©nil) corn to R & J Habersham.
Sloop Union, Salowich, 8unbury, 30 hours,
i annivu.s ritOM this ronT. v
< At New York, 25Ui ult. brig Eliza Morrison,
Aouville, 8 days.
ur ron this ronT,
At Philad. 27th ult. sloop Phoenix, Gifford, to
tail in a few days.
At N Yo k, 25th ult. brig Telegraph, Snell,
to sail with dispatch.
The brig Hero, G fford, formerly a packet
between this port and Philad. was lost on the
24th ult. near Mobile, bound to N Orleans.
CHARLESTON, Aug 3—Arrived, ship* Ma
ry if Henry, Silliman, Liverpool, 70 days 5 Ar-
mat*, Hall, Balt. 8 ; Amelia, Crane, New-York,
6 ; -Weser, Deyoll, dp \7 j schs Eli2a & Polly,
Forsythe, Malanzas, 6j Lovely Keziah, Watson,
Bait. 10.
Aug 3—Arrived, Br ships London, Brown,
Philad. 6 days ; Isabella, Henderson, Stubbs, N
, York, 21.
^ rHlLADELPHIA, July 27-Arrived, brig
Julia, Cole, N Orleans.
Cleared, brig Mary, Campbell, Gibraltar; ach
If'Donough, Copeland, Curacou.
NEW-YORK, July 26—Cleared, brigs Reso
lotion, Dunbar, Bremen \ Eliza, Waring, Cura*
Pure Holland Gin.
m pipes pure Holland Gin, on nccommodat-
aug 6
ing terms, tor sate by
E DWARD WILLIAMS offer. his ,»rvioe»
to the friend* of the late firm of E. Wil
liams if Co, in the transaction of Commission Hu
sinew, at Savannah. aug 6
Bis superfine Baltimore fresh ground
, Flour, for sale by
Also—SO half bis sup Baltimore Flour, thr
Rah a above aug 6 p
Sheriffs Raid.
On file first iVirAiy in September writ,
firiLL be sold in front of the Court House
f ▼ between the usual huuraof ten and three
o'clock, .
A negro man named Paul, about years old,
levied on «• the property uf Jane llourke, at
the suit of James Anderson if ( jo.
Also, ail that lot ami Impiovements known In
the p!v.; cf the city of Savannah an lot No (53)
fifty three, Hi own ward, bounded north bv a
lane, south by Liberty street, east by lot No
(54) fifty.four, west by lot No (52) fifty-two, le-
vied on ns the property of John II. Ash. nt the
suit of Brown A Overstreet and William Tur*
ner, property returned to me by a constable.
Also, nil the right, title nod interest of John
R. Odd in lot No t#) right, In the city of Sa
vannah, Reynold* ward, hounded north by bay
lane, south by Bryan street, west by half lot,
the property of Mrs Miller, levied on ns the
property of John U, Odd, to satisfy an execu
tion from a magistrate's court, In favor of John
Delbevgh, and returned to me by » constable.
Also, will bopohl under a rule absolute issu
ing from the honorable the superior court, all
that lot of land and inipiovenicnis in the city of
Savannah, situate lying and being in the village
of St Gall, Oglethorpe ward, wml known and
dist aguislted in the plan of said city by the let-
ter V, mortgaged by Peter Noyeau to Levi 8.
D'Lyon, ami sold to satisfy the same.
Also the following articles of Ihrnlture, levied
on aa the property of A. S Bulloch, at the suit
of the Plimteis* Bank—2 mahogany couches,
2 do Ottomans, 2 do sola tables, 2 do card do,
13 do chain, 2 do screens, 2 do foot benches,
1 gilt toilet table, 1 gilt frame looking glass, 1
glass chuudplier, 2 gilt window cornices, 2 sets
curtains to suit, 1 steel grate, fender, shovel,
tonga hod poker, / flower not* and flowers, 1
act malipgnny tables, 1 do sideboard with mar
ble tops, l do celevct, l gilt chimney cluck, 2
gilt window coriioies, 3seta curtains to suit, 1
British oak table, 12 British oak chairs, 1 carpet*
2 gilt window cornices, 3 sets curiums to suit,
1 bronke lamp, 2 bronze figures with lamps, 2
marble'supporters for lamps, 1 stair-case carpet
with rods, 2 mahogany bedstead* with curtains
outmriotc of chintz, 2 bedstead* with convcn
iimciea, 10 transparent window blinds, 2 ma
hogany liquor csuoh, 1 large looking gluNH frame,
l carnage amt harnets, 1 gig, 2 mahogany
stands, 2 fruit ornaments, 3 mahogany shoe
scrapers, 2 do hat racks, 2 mat carpets, 1 floor
cloth in aalnon, 1 floor cloth in buck entry, 1
floor cloth in Saloon above, 1 largo mahogany
bason stand, with apparatus complete.
By J. B, Herbert Cf Co.
TO.MOHROW, 7tl. lut. «t 11 O'clock,
H iU be *old bejotr tun store,
An Assortment of
S Term, oh.
•Mmlhafrator’i Salt.
By J. U. Herbert Co.
On the ,/tV* Tuesday in October nest,
TTWll.l. he Md oef«.re the coifri Itnnfc in thf
City of S .vuunah, betaicn the usual
hou>», a Negro Man named Dave, sold »s the
prop, ny of Mr Samuel Davenport, deceased,
by order of the Administrator. Term* cash.
»»K 6 _t
Codec, Wliiskey, Sugar, ^c.
hlul* and 30 hag* prime Green Coffee
50 hints J* 100 bis Philad Rye Whiskey
70 his Rt Croix Sugar
10 hoses Pmiehoo Tea
2 cases Lacquered Tea Caddies, containing
Gun Powder and Young Hyson
ISO kegs Nitre Hull Gunpowder
4000 bushels Corn, in bulk and hags
For Liverpool,
The barque
daily expected from New-York,
wants about 200 Imgs to till her
up. Apply t» CANTELUU 81 LAMAR,
jpl 3 h
For New-York,
jffhf The new Packet Brig
CwZrV Bedell, Master,
SUE Will meet with immediate despatch,
for freight or passage, having good accommo
dal ions, applv to the Captain 00 board at Jones’
ur tu
^ bis Mackerel, No 3
For sale by
tune 22 Anderson’s wharf.
Swedes Iron.
<\R(T\' 0M assorted Swedes Iron—landing
UiMU from brig Elizabeth, and for sale in
lots 10 suit purchasers, by
july 30 it
Lands for Sale.
tm r IE subscriber will sell the following Lands
il tor cash, or any other property, belonging
to Mary »nd JosephGibbirta, orphans— I»t No.
34^, 1st District of Early County; ditto No.
28G, l^lh D»*lricl ol Larlv County.
july 30 new Market street.
Flour, Gin, ^c.
J t.TST received from Baltimore, per sloop
1U4 bis superfine Baltimotc Howatd street
20 pipes pure Holland Gin
4 ols Tallow
Whe have in store,
100 piecea Cotton Bagging
20 hlid8 muscovado Sugar
10 bis Loaf do
10 Seroons Spanish Tobacco
50 bis Northern Gin
Spanish Segars In whole and half boxes
Window Glass of all a «es
aug 6 p
For New-York,
The regular Pack, t Brig
Ox-inn, Muster,
Will meet with despatch for freight
or Pannage, havntg superior accomodations, ap
ply to the master on board at Telfair's Wharf,
B‘Ao has landing, undfirsde,
Fresh supurfine Flour in h.o nls.
aug 3 k
P roposals win i>« received until th. in
<l»y of October next, to supply the Steam
Boat Company with WOOD on the Savannah
river, for one year. Application, for contract
must apccliy the quality and price, and name
the landing where to be delivered.
Letters, post paid, addressed to Carlos Tracy,
Treasurer, Auqusta, or to the I'rcvidonl at Sa
vannali, will be promptly a tended to,
S. C. DUNNING, Prci't,
aug 6
N OTICE ia hrnbv given, tliat the copartner-
nerahlp heretofore existing between Ed
ward Williams, and Ahij dt, uf
Boston, under the firm off;. Il'iitiumU t’»
Savnnnnh, Georgia, is this day dissolved by mu
tual consent. All peraons having demands
against tint said firm, arc requested to present
theaamefor payment, and ail pereoniindebted
to aald firm, are called upon to make payment
to Edward Williams, of Savannah, hv whom the
kusmess will be hereafter ral lied on
fitfids, Jiinr lft, lft'J3 aog 6
City Shei’ifTs Sale—continued.
Ihtfint Tanias in Sepiemhtr new,
\\yiLL be sold in front of the court house,
V-r between the usual hours.
All the buildings on the northern half of lot
No. (S) three, bounded north by Broughton
street, sooth by the other half of .aid lot, east
by lot No (3) two, west by lot No (*) four, le-
vied on as the property of Mrs K, T. shearer,
to satisfy an elocution fur rent, in favor of Mrs
Mary llodgms; property sold at the risk of the
former pnrehaser, he not having complied with
the terms of sale. ABM- X D'LYON, e >
aug 6
City Sheriff’s Sale.
O’l thrfnt VWejrfiy in StptrmSrr n-jrf,
TTBMl.L oe sold in front of the r.urt house,
'#1# between the uaual hours of le:. and three
All the buildines on the south west corner of
lot No SO, twenty, Greene wand, hounded north
by one portion of sa d lohsou h by President
street, east by the other poitiun 'of said lot,
west by Price street, lev ied on as the property
of Wm C Barton, to satisfy an execution in f».
vor of Asahei Howe.
ABM. X. D’LYON-, e s
aug 6
To Rent,
JfpHF. Office comer ol Kay and WhitaVer-ets.
■A lately occupied by Mr. It. Itaiford, one of
the most eligible situations in this city. Imme
diate possession will be given Apply t 0
july 13 l
For Boston.
4 The brig
A 1) K 1.1 N E.
JuMf .fbwtirf, Muttr,
Will sail on Wednesday* the 7th Inst.
For freight nr passage apply to the master on
board at Hunter's Wbuif, or to
Wht has for Stde, landing from e.vd B tig
100 bhlt Nu 3. Mackct-el,
aug 3 s
10 p»K** Oognae Brandy ^
4 qr cask* Port Wine I *
3 do do 1.1* Madeira (1« [
3 do do Sicily doj
16 bl* Apple Brandy
50 demijohns Gin
200 pieces 42 in. Cotton Bagging
40 tons assorted Swedes Iron
30 boxes and half boxes Mugruth's Soap
For sale by
June 14
Genuine Scidlitz Powders.
STYMIE good effects of this Medicine have been
<11 observed bv many of the most eminent
Physicians and Surgeons in a variety of cases,
particularly in thosb where the stomuch tins re
jected all othor aperient Medicines. It has
consequently been found a most useful Medi
cine in bilious and other diseases incidental to
warm climates.
he above, together with a fresh supply of
superior SODA POWDERS, put up neatlv in
Unboxes, and warranted to keep,perfectly fure
in all climates- just recciveu and for sale,
wholesale and retail, by
FRANCIS J. LAY, Druggist,
Corner of Congress and Whituker streets,
august 1 x Savannah
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the fret 'I'urntuy in August next,
W ILL be sold at the Court Housi* m the city
of Savannah, between the hours of ten
and (bur o'clock,
All that lot . f land in the city of Savannah,
known by the number one (1) Rtbllia tyit-mg,
Healhcoto ward, containing sixtv U-. i m front
and ninety fie in depth, mgi-ilier u. h the
building* th-n-f in . rcoi''.gaged by Patrick Man-
tun to Andrew G, Scnimca and sold under a
rule absolute from the Superior Court ol ( hal-
hain county.
Also, the following nrgFocs, Ben, Morgan,
Harry, Will, King, Nuncy, Amcy and I .u»y, U-.
vied on us the property of.Geotge 1). Millic. u
su i*fy an ekccution in favor of Janu-s An. • son
Also, a mulatto woman named Pho. ht, In
on as the property of D-.v’m polock u’Ci . s
to tutisfy executions from a just << ’•> r> •
favor of David A. Northrop, ictiii m.d L t
a constable.
Also a negro man named Dembo,!»*
the property of Mu- k Ellcbtt, «tei • •»
tisfy executions fiom li justic*.-'* r
of Allen Deiimark, returned to n
Also, hiyhliugs on lot number fl'u ■
—— WiiixL bounded smith by B "t i- » . ••
north by w.laue, east by lot No 38 v.. i i ;
No 4U,)cried on uh \b>‘ pi-opu'tx »i Mi* *-t
A 1‘icrcc, to satisfy cttcmiif .H fivn . jn« i < ’,i
court in favor of David l.e. n, Rtohk n iv.’. irL,
aiul Htrobar 8t Winkler, retu ned iO me bv u
Also, a negro girl named I ncy lc\n i on sa
the property of Thomas D Porter, d«tu sed,
to satisfy an execution in favor I Jamui M P* r-
ter, for use of George Millen.
Also n mulatto v. omah named Jane, levinl on
as the property of A*aliel l|.*w, at the mi it of
John lluupt and Olliers, leturned bv n constable.
July 9
For New-York,
The fast sailing sc.huoner
•Scot$o master.
jF'»r freight or • assag , having good
accommodations, apply to the in niter on board,
at Dulton’a central wharf', or to
august l
%* 150 Bales Cotton wnnt-
vrttb fi I tut Ship pvt vt viERUE,C»|it Gurrf «•,
foe Liverpool, applv to
»tlR 3 __
03* Messrs J. B. Herbert £5
Co. »rc agentafor the siibicribrra, (liiritig their
abnnee I'rnm this city.
aoRiivt 1 h-
HM. T It iLJ.iMS
nr|A3 jnat received THE FOR USES OF
v» NluEL. hy the author of Wavkolt, 2
vola. price gl TJ.
»»g3 t
V the Author of '* Waverly," Ac. 3 vob.
£1 7S i for tale by
Ten Thousand Dollars,
O R any part thereof, will be loaned until 1st
December next, on a pledge of Stock of
either of the Uanksof Uu Stair ot Georgia. Ap
July 2 No l, Cummerce Row
O. RYEKSON, will act as my Attormes,
dunng my absence.
vug 3 9
Uexter Rock Liuie,
Casks for Sale bv
« U K 3 a ,
For Sale,
O N board the schooner Three Sisters, Captain
James D. Taylor, from the Havana, *t the
Exchange wlurf, a quantity of West India Fruit
consisting of
Pine Apples,
Orange.*, Litre*,
Rannana* and Plan trios.
Apply oa boar d, or to
august l
A VERY superior Steam Saw Mill hat been
reot-ntlv erected in the vicini y of the
C\t\ Ok' U.UWE.V,
uh the moat eligible situation for a business of
the kind on the Atlantic shores of the United
States. Possessing all the advantages of an in
exhaustible supply of the finest yellow pilch
Pine and Cypress Timber, built on a fine bluff,
with thirteen feet to it, and a natural
cove for the reception of logs.
The present owners not having it in their
power to bestow that attention to it which h
concern of such magnitude requires, are desir
ous of staling the -whole, or a part of their inter
est in it, uud now offer it for sale at a very low
valuation, and much less than such a structure
could he completed fur.
Then* has just been added to it a very supe
rior /tice Pounding Machine, capable of dis
charging at least 50 tierces of clean rice per
day *, and a Corn-Mill, all set in motion by the
same engine.
The Saw-Mill ia upon a new principle, by
the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. WEN-
NIE of London, who sent out one of his best
workmen to superintend its erection. It cun
now cut with 48 saws, and muy be made to drive
twice that number.
The Steam Engine is perhaps the best in
the United Plates, made by Messrs. HOLTON
£1 WATT, of Soho, near Birmingham i and
erected umler llte inspection of their best fore
man, sent out expressly for that purpose.
A wonderful expence is saved in fuel, as the
saw-dust from the pitch-pine is found to answer
instead of fire-wood, and is carried to the
mouth of the furnace from the pit by elevators
now in use.
The Rice Machine is also ton a new principle
and found by experience to answer better than
any yet in use. The quickness and regylarity
of the movement, producing it of a superior
brightness without breaking the grain.
The mill 8 situated on u fine C<*ek, called
Cat-lload, on a branch of the Altamaha River,
and only about half a mile from Darien.
Sea Vessels, whose diaught of water enables
them to go to the wharf ai Darien, can loud at
the Mill, only a short distance off, w th great
facility j a* an cuchncd fdane from the mill, will
enable them <o receive the lumber into their
bow polls, almost without expence; and the
md), as now in operation, can furnish 40 M. feet
of plank pel* day, which may he increased if
found necessary i the power being amply suffi
The lumber sent from this establishment since
it went into operation has been allowed to be
superior in quality and regularity in 6awing.
The commissioners of the Navy of the Uni
ted States have approved of the ship planks,
furnished from it, and it is highly probuble will
give it a preference in future contracts.
It has also been seen and justly admired in
New-York and Philadelphia.
The prospect of a renewed intercourse witl.
the British West India Islands, renders this
establishment a desirable mode of investment-
offers, in that case, having been made from
JAMAICA ALONE, for aLouthalfof all the pro
duce of the sawmill.
The present owners have no objection to con
tinue interested in it to a certain extent, but
their other avocations preclude their personal
attention to it.
For terms and other particulars, apply per
sonally or by letter to
QTj* N. B. If not disposed of soon, the mill,
with all its privileges, will be rented for a term
of years. Apply at above.
mav 13.
City Sheriffs Sales.
On the first Tuesday in August next,
W ILL be sold in trout ’of the Court House,
between the usual hours of 10 and 3n'cl!j
by virtue of sundry executions to me direr cd,
all the undivided fourth part of that lot known
in the plan of the city of Savannah w» lot No
twenty-one (21) and buildings, bounded north
by St Julian street, south by Cpngresa street,
east by East-Broad street, west by lot No 22,
levied on as 'he prbperty of Abicl H. Sweigh-
offer, to satisfy an execution in favor of William
Also, sundry articles of household furniture,
levied an as the property of 8uwn Wflsofi, to
satisfy an execution for rent, in favor of Peter
Also, one grey mare, levied on as the pro
perty of Edward Mount, to satisfy an execution
for rent, in fuvor of J. Volluton.
Also, sundry a> tides ot household furniture,
levied on as the property of Mrs Fairfield, to sa
tisfy an execution for rent, in favor of Charles
H. Hayden.
july 9 ABRAHAM I. D’LYON, C 8
City Sheriff’s Sale Continued.
On tho first Tuesday in August next
SVifWtL be sold in front of the Court House^
\3rar between the usual hours of ten and thre©
One Negro Woman nnmed Mary; levied on
ns the property ot John R. Odell to satisfy an
execution from the court of t-ommun V\e«n my&
Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savannah in
favor of A. Smith if I. Turner—property sold
at the risk of the former put chaser, he nolliuv*
ing complied with the terms of sale.
Also, all the Buildings on the fourth part of
Trust lot letter P, lleuthcote ward, hounded
north by President street, son* h try York street,
east by one half of ssid lot letter F, west by
the other fourth of said lot letter P { levied on
as the nropertv of Louis Glrurdnn to satisfy an
execution in favor of Joseph Stiles, from Hto
court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Vertninep
for the City of Savannah-property sold at the
risk of the former purchaser, he not having
complied with the terms of sale.
July 30
Negroes Wanted.
^TOaJjtED immediately, 10 Prime JVkgro
\JJr Men, those who understand splitting of
Rads will be preferred) liberal wages will be
given, payable monthly, and in advance if re*
quired. A line addressed to H. and left at this
office, will be immediately attended to.
July 25 u
OIX cases, containing ruperfine, fine, and
^ common Letter Paper
Superfine, fine, and common Foolscap Paper
Do do Folio Post
Pot Paper
100 reams Urge and small Wrapping Paper
1 cx's-atfSbfted Playing Canls , for sale low,
wholesale or retail, by
BOBfiftT S. 90FF.
, t
. *» rj«
W On the first Tuesday in August irext,
ILL be sold at the court house in the c : tjr
of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and
4 o'clock,
All that lot of Land in the city of Savannah,
known by the number eight (8) first tything,
Anson ward, sixty feet hy ninety, with tho
buildings thereon, sold under a decree obtained
In the Hon. Superior Court of Chatham county,
88 the property of John 8penkman, deceased.
july 13
Attachment Sale.
Isaac B Richmond vs. William D. Snow.
On the first Tuesday in August next,
\XWlLL be sold at the Court House between
\/w the usual hours,
One case of panrtcl Doors and one case of Ve*
netian Window 8hu'ters—sold hy order of the
honorable the Inferior court of Chatham coui/ty,
under the above attachment.
ABRAHAM D’LYON, 8. d. «*.
july 3Q _
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the First Tuesday in August next;
‘ITIflLL be sold, ot the Court-House, in tht©
If Town of Jefferson, Camden Coujitv, be
tween the hours often and four o'clock of that
day t one tract of land lying on Little Sutillt
river, called the Looms' tract, containing 207
Also, One tract on the same river, together
with the improvements thereon, where James
C. DUworth resides, containing 500. Also, one
tract of land on the big branch of the said river,
containing 100 acres. Also, one tract on White .
Oak, called the Gum Pond, containing 70 acres.
Levied on os the property of James C. Oil-
worth, to satisfy an Execution in favour qf
Meigs if Reed, and others.
GEORGE LONG, D. s. c. c.
Jefferson, Jpty 1st* 1822.
July 13 f
Public Sale.
Henry Ranpt and others, com-^
plainants, and • In Equity•
Henry Haiipt, defendant, j f
B Y virtue of a decree of the honorable th©
Superior court of Chatham county, in eqdi-
ty, will be sold at the court house in the city of
8avannah, on the first TUESDAY, in August
next, all that Lot ot Land in said city, known
by the No 5, in Reynolds ward, situate on the
corner of Congress and Drayton streets, with
the improvements on the northern moiety of
the Lot. Conditions cash. By order.
J. B. HERBERT U CO. Auct'rv
July li
A First Rate Cook.
rnoR ft.t-'i * wom.n wit. i. tu Aiccllent
Uf .V. stuff wom.n .ml first r.te Conk, she In.
one child .bout three year, old Field hand.
Hill be tskrn ia £xti»n,e o, 9>«h. Apyly t,
Vh* fiditoj. >Ug? *