Newspaper Page Text
NO. ur
lYj George lXobertBon, 3y.
At Eight Dollars por mmum, payable in advance.
la published tu meet the arrangement of the
mnl), three timea a week, (TiR'sdsy, Thursday
znd Saturday) at the OlHoeol' the Daily Geor-
' gian, ami contain! all the intelligence, Commer.
' cial, Political and Miacellanemia, including ad-
verliaementa, publiahed In the Daily Paper.
Tlte Country Paper ia aent to all parts^if the
State and Union, or delivered in the City, at
five dullara per annum, payable In advance,
Advortlaemonta are inserted in both papers
■t 75-Centl per square, of 141 nca, for the first
.Insertion, and 37 j for every aucceedlng publi
Notice and Caution.
W IIF,IIP. AS I have been informed that John
Carnnchun and Peter Mitohell of this ci
tvliavc by sundry doeda recently mortgaged
mid aaaigned to divers peraona either their indi
vidual creditor!, credilorB of the late firm of
Carnoohan li Mitchell, nr others, all nr sttndrv
the property and eatate, both real and personal,
of tlio said firm, aa well us their own individual
properly and csiaie, consisting together of
hen oh, loti, lands, atom*, wharves, nogroei, Ac.
in Savannah and Darien In Georgia, or the
neighborhood thereof, and eluewhere with their
Internet or ehere In the atnek of the lower
(team mill near Darien, and sundry shares in
the United State* Hank and other banks, as well
as sundry debts due to them in various places,
besides lands, lot*, negroes, Ac. in (lie territory
of Florida, ami particularly one lurge tract of
land bought of Forbes ii Co. lying between
tiie rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the
territory of Florida uforcaaid.
These are hereby to caution the public agninat
purchasing any part of the said property or es
tate so conveyed, or any other property belong
ing to tile said Carnoohan ii Mitchell, or cither
of them, as I hold prior mortgages on the great
est part thereof, which at e on t coord In the re
gistry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid ami hi
Charleston, S. C. and equitable loins on all the
S roperty of said John Carnnchan uttrl Peter
litchcll. WILLIAM CH1R18T1K,
june 8 f!2
To the Public.
J CARNOOHAN and P. MITflHBL tire aor-
a ry to be again brought before the public
"by a second notice of Mr Christie’s, who bus un
doubtedly claims against them, which, when
finally liquidated on the decision of the suit
now penning, they will try to satisfy as *oun as
possible thereafter.
The deeds under which Mr Christie claims
nn exclusive right to all the real end personal
estate of Carnnchan A Milchel, are considered
es informal, unJMt and illegal. Hence they
have been brought and are still before the court,
nnd Other deed* have been executed end re-
corded, oonveylng the property for the use of
nil their creditors, Mr Christie Included, with
out any trust or reservation beneficial to C. V
*1, nr their families i and if this bo noi agree*
ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless *p-
pear fair and equitable to the public and all who
nave a sense of justice.
The Trustees under the late deeds are am-
ioiis to sell the Bands in Florida, alluded to in
the notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro
ceed* to the immediate payment of part of Ills
demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co
ver all hi* claim, subject to the decision of thu
court—but his opposition to any reasonable sale,
a* one interested In bis own right, whilst injur
ing all parlies concerned, must be bnrne until a
sale can be made under an order of court,
june 10 ....
Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie’s
notice, will please insert tile above until bis is
withdrawn, and forward their bill* to the Savan-
h Republican Office, where they will be
promptly paid by J. C. ii P. M.
Th t
ior Court—Chatham
Chambers, iOth J\ svembtr, 1821.
ImasB. Smith, Complainant, ")
aisn 1
Busan M. Smith, Alton Femberton,
•William Callaghan anil Amelia Ills y/ii Equity.
wile, Sanrael Slocksaml Elizabeth I
his wife, pfifoburt and Mary
his wife, DefenHts. J
On rending tile affidavit of Thomas B. Smith,
complainant, ill a Bill in Equity, in tile Superior
Court of the County of (Thallium, slating that
Alton Pemberton, one of the defendants in said
Bill, resides in the county of Burke in this state i
thut William Callaghan and Amelia Ilia wife, also
defendant* in said hill, reside at Newport in the
state of 11. Islandi and that Hnmuel Stocks and K-
liznbeth Ids wife, nnd — I’robart and Mary Ills
wife, also defendants in said bill, residesin the
kingdom of Great Britain—It is ordered, that
publication of Allis rule in one of the public ga
zettes of this state, weekly for two months from
tlusulate, be considered us sufficient service to
compel the appearance of the said Alton Pem
berton i that publication of this rule in one of
the public guzettes of this state,weekly for three
month! from thiadate be considered a sufficient
service to compel the appearance of the aaid
’William Callaghan and Ameliahis wife, and that
publication of this rule in one of the publio ga
zelles, of this state weekly, for eight months
from th'S dlte, be considered as sufficient ser-
vice to compel the appearance of Samuel Stock!
end Elizabeth his wife i and Probart and
klary his wife. And it is further ordered, that
at the expiration of the respective period* a-
foresaid, the said parties, respectively, do ap
peal-and answer to the Compluinanl’s Bill.
Extract from the Jlhnules,
JOB T. UOM.Es, Clerk.
nov. 26 t 8 m
Warranted Articles.
J UST received, per ship Corsair, a fresh sup-
ply df
Perfumery and Spices.
•ptil 26
For sale by
Druggist, No 8, Gibbons' buildings.
In the Circuit Court of the
United States,
In and for the District of Pennsylvania,
In the third Circuit.
Joseph Marx and Joseph Marx"
xml George Marx, citizens of
tile state of Virginia, wim sue
al well in their uwn names ts
ill behalf of anoli other Per
sons, Stookhuldersofthci lute
Bank of tlio United States
heratufore named, a* slull
entnu in and become Parties
hereto, contributing to the
Expenses of tills Suit—Com
ANI) In Equity,
David Lenox. Elina Buudlnnt, , Octuher,
Hubert Smith.,lamer C. Fish- r Session,
er, Joseph Sims, Archibald 1817.
McCall, Paul Siemun, Sumiiel
Coates, Henry Pratt, Gcorgo
Fox, Paicliull Hollingsworth,
John Stille, Thomas M. Wil
ling, lloracu Itinney, Gcorgo
Harrison, Abijuli Hammond,
William llayard and Oliver
Wolcott, citizens of the State
of Pennsylvania, Trustees of
the Iste llunk of the United
f\ND now, to wit, this twenty-third day of
USA April, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-two, this cause came before the Court,
on a Mandate from the Honuruhle the Supreme
Court of tiie United States for further proceed
ing*. Whereupon it is ordered and dccri ed—
That the holders of Notes of the late Hunk of
tho United Staten, bring them in fur payment
at the late Hanking llmise of said Hunk in the
city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh day of
April, A. D. 1823, and that on that day tills
Court will mako a final Decree for Distribution
of the funds reserved in tiie hands of the de
fendants for payment nf said' Notes i and it is
further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk
cause this order to lie published In one pnblic
newspaper in each of the following places, to
wit i—Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Haiti-
inure, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and Now-
Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender
months, before tiie said eleventh day of April
next. A true c»r>v.
. D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C.
Tiie Editors or the Boston Evening Gazette,
st Boston, of the New-York Evening Poll, nt
Now-York, of tlio American, at Baltimore, of
the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charles-
toll City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Gcnrgi-
All, at Huvaniiah, and of the Louisiana Advertis
er, at New-Orleans, are requ, *ted tu insert tile-
above ill their respective gazettes once a week,
for nine calender month*, before tiie till, dai
..1* A....SI lUOfi 1 ... P i .i . .. J
In Council,
M.itrn 27, 1822.
A Communication from tho Medieul Society
was laid before the Uoardand, bearing
date January 19, 1822.
Whereupon resolved, That the communica
tion from the Medical Society of this «itv in re
lation tn the act of thu laat Legislature for the
•oppression of t-lnackery, be received, and that
the same he published, as is required by law, in
all the gaieties of this city*
Attest M.,
To establish a tribunal to enquire into die qual
ifications of peraona claiming to practice Me
dicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, within the
city of Savannah, nod to grant oertifioatca to
the same, if found pionerly qualified.
Whereas, it appears by a memorial of the
Mayor and Aldermen of the city of&AVnnnnh,
that the good people of said city, and espcciall
the poor and illiterate people thereof, have sut
fered heretofore much evil Irom the want of
proper laws to regulate the I ractice of medi
cine, surgery, andmidwfery therein, the cbn
sequence or uliieh want has been the indiscri
minate and arrogant pretentions and undertake
inganf many iinlciumd ami empirical persons
to practice therein in the said artb: And where*
an, ioiiikI policy and a j roper regard for the
healths ami lives of the citizens of a commercial
populous, and growing city, require that the le*
gislature should guard against such an evil for
the future :
4 1- Re it therefore enacted, by the Senate
nnd Iloube of Representatives or the state of
Georgia, in general assembly met, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the Georgia Mcdifeal Society, established
in the city of Savannah, shall be invested with,
and possessed with full power and authority to
examine, enquire into, Investigate, and deter*,
mine on the professional qualifications, attain
ments and capacities of all ami every person or
persons claiming tb practice within the limits of
the said city in tiie said arts of medicine, surgery
and midwifery, or in any two or one of them,
and to grunt certificates of qualification under
the common seal of tho Bind society, or, if there
he no common seal, under the signs manual of
their president and secretary, to him, her, or
them so claiming and making application there
for, if by a majority of said society, lie, she, or
they bIiuII be deemed duly learned ami qualifi
ed. And it shall be the duty of the meinbeis of
the said society, when application sliull be mudt
by any person or pet sons, for Ida, her or their
cxumuinlion to the end aforesaid, (o convene nt
their customary place of meeting, nnd to decide
upon the applicant's petition, within ten days
ufterthey shall have been summoned to convene
by tlmir president, or in his absence, BicknimB,
or other inability, by the person or persons dis
charging his duties, or if there ho not uny such
person or persons, after they shall have been
iinmoned by their secretary.
thereafter as may be, to the subscriber, accom*
panied by an affidavit proving tho publication,
conformably to the foregoing order,
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C.
may 9
And it sliull be
the duly of the said president-, person or per*
n t a iil’kt 1H91 kiwi f.,,. • 1 ,iiaaias la.ita 8,m8 Performing his duties, or secretary, to sum*
of Apt II, 1823, end to forward their bills, as anon in „ M each and every member efthe said society,
rrillR persons whose named urn hereunto an
1. mixed, are natives of Liberty county, in the
statu of Georgia, have resided in uaid state from
the time of their birth i nnd have hud their
named registered in my office as pertains of co
lor claiming to be free.
Tiruli attends to fanning on Mr. Thomas Mill
iard's plantation t she is 53 yearn old.
I'rincc, a son of Tiruh, a carpenter by trade,
is 24yean old, and resides on Colonel’* Inland.
Heller, a wasliei woman, redden at Kicubo-
rough, and is 33 years old.
Katy, a daughter of Heller, is 12 years old,
and waita ou Mr. William Maker, at Gravel Hill.
Abram, a carpenter, is 35 years old, and rc
sides at Mr Richard £ Bolter's
E. MAKER, c/cl c
July 4
Effingham Superior Court,
December term, 1821.
The Trustees of the Germain
Lulheran Church at Ebcnc* j ^ plJ{
e * ur vt * >On Foreclosure
John Freycrmuth and several
parcels of Land J
O N the petition nf the Trustees of the Ger
man Lutheran Church at Kbenezer, stating
that the said John Freycrmuth on the fifteenth
day of April, eighteen hundred if fifteen, mort
gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all
those trads of land, containing three hundred
acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a
small creek adjoining Judidioh Wcitman Kelly’s
and Garrison's land; also another fitly acres, sit
uated and being in the district of Ehenezer,
bounded by land of l'eter Arnctoir Sc F. Brook-
ners, at the time of survey granted to Landfel-
der; also,another tract of land situate in the sev-
cntceth district of the county of Baldwin, con
taining two hundred and two and a half acres,
known by the number (104) uno hundred and
our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay
ment of a bond or obligation of the Ibid John,
bearing date the day nnd year aforesaid if pray
ingthe foreclosure of the said mortgage. It ap
pearing to the Court that there is now due on
the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun
dred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from
the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred if
eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuylcr, at-
torneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the
said John Frcyermuth,h>s heirs or representa
tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a-
foresuid within twelve months from this date,
otherwise that the equity of redemption of the
said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged
premises, be foreclosed, and thut such further
proceedings take place as are by law directed.
It ia ftirther ordered that this Rule be pub-
liahed once a month for twelve months in a pub
lic gazette of this state, or be served on the de
fendant or his representative or agent six
months prior to the time appointed for the pay.
raent of the*money into Court.
Extract from the Mirutee.
dec 11 re$
Poor House and Hospital.
V ISITING Committee for July and Aunt,
ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WM.
JOHN HUNTER. Secretary.
July 4
by a written citation, ex| rejftiug the rhject of
the meeting, the unmo or numea of the appli
cant or applicants, and the day of the examina
tion, within ten days after the application sliull
have been made to him or them : Provided al
to aye, thut prior to the examination ot any and
every applicant, the members of the said socie
ty shall severally take a solemn oath, to be ad
ministered by the titovor or any alderman of the
city of Savannah, well, truly and Impartially to
exumine and decide upon the attainments ami
qualificat ions of the applicant or applicants, and
to grunt certificates of qualified ion to him, her
or them, if in their judgments, he, she, or they
shall be found duly learned and .qualified to
piacticein the said arts of surgery, medicine,
and midwifery, or in any two or one of them:
And provided also, that in their examination,
the suid society shall be restricted and confined
to the investigation of professional attainments
and capacity alone, without regard to any for-
mer or present professional or morul reputation,
and shall not at any time require at a test of
qualification, or any degree of evidence thereof,
that any applicant should have obtained a diplo-
mu from any medical college or university, or
ihouid have stud ed thereat, or elsewhere.
4 2. And be it further enacted, by the author,
ity aforesaid, That if, after application shall
have been made, agreeabl) to the j revisions of
this act, the president of said society, or other
person or persons performing his duties, or
there being no such person or persons, if the
secretary of said society shall refuse, or ahull
delay till after the lime heretofore prtscribed
to issue summonses for convening the members,
o- if lie oi they shall appoint a day for their
convening more remote than the tenth day hum
the duy of the date of the citation, the person
or persons applying may severally institute an
action or suit at law in the superior or inferior
courts of the county of Chatham, against the
suid president, or person or persons j ci forming
his duties, or against the secretary, to recover
damages against him or them, in his or their in
dividual capacities, for his or their refusal or de
lay, or improper appointment. And if after he-
ing summoned to convene, the aaid society shall
fail to do so on the day appointed in the cita
tion, or afterwards on an uuiourned day, but a
day within tiie time heretoiore prescribed for
their convening, or if, having convened, they
shall severally fail to take the oath aforesaid, or
having taken such oath, shul) fail to proceed to
the examination aforesaid, and to a decision
thereupon, or if the said society shall in any re
spect violute the provisions of this act, it shall
be the duty of the judge of the superior court
of the county of Chathum, upon the petition of
the party injured, setting forth any such failure
or violation, and supported by his affidavit of
the truth of such petition, to grant, as a
matter of right, a writ of scire fac as, direct
ed to the president and members of the said
society, requiring the said society to shew
cause at the next term of the said court,
why their charter or act of incorporation should
not be deemed forfeited. A copy of this writ
and of the petition shall be served upon the
president or secretary, and if the allegations be
denied, an issue shall be joined, and the facia
be tried by a jury empannelled and sworn as in
other cases. If the allegations of the petition
be found to be true, or if they be admitted, and
no good cause be shewn, it shall be the duty of
the court to adjudge the charter forfeited, and
to order execution to Issue for costs against any
property of the said society. If no appearance
be filed on the first day of the term, or if having
appeared, good cause be shewn for the former
failure of violation, it shall be the duty of the
court, upon application of the party injured, to
appoint a day not more remote than tcndays,ou
which the society shall convene, and conform
in every thing to the requirements of this act,
and to the order for tbis purpose no return slull
he received from said society but one of abso
lute compliance under oath of the president or
secretary, which return shall be filed in the
clerk suffice withitkAye days after the apnpint
cd day*. On failure to .nake auch return, the
judge of said court shall, in vacation, award a
judgment of forfeiture of the charter, upon ap-
plication as aforesaid, and execution shallltsuc
tor costa aforesaid.
4 3, And he it ftirther enacted, by the author
ity aforesaid, That if any person shall be refus
ed ^certificate, he or she may again apply for
examination after a lapse of six months, and it
shall be tho duty of the said society to receive
anv number of applications, and to conform on
each application to the provisions of this act, and
subject to all its responsibilities, provided the
interval between any two applications be not
less than six months.
4 4. And be it further enrr.ted.hy the ncthor-
ity aforesaid, That if any person claiming to
practice in the said ang, or in any two or one
of them, in the said city, shall presume to do so,
openly or covertly, not having obtained a cer
tificate of qualification, it shall not bo lawful
tor such person to recover in any court of law
or equity in this state, his or her feea or charges
tor services done within the said city of Savan-
oali j nor shall it*be lawful for any company or
copartnersMp of unentificated personal and
such person shall be moreover liable to prose
cution bv indictment in the court of common
picas rim oyer and terminer of said city, at the
instance of uft mayor and aldermqn of the said
city, or of anv common infotmer. Bonds of pro
secution shall he given as in other cases arising
under the penal lava of this state i if at tiie In-
« V»e mavpr and aldermen, the hond
shall be given by some person acting under
their sanction or authority, otherwise by the
common inf irmer i and upon the first convic
tion, the accused may be fined by the court in
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and
on earn subst quent conviction, in a sum not ex-
ceding two hundred dollars, besides costs of
prosecution in each case ; one half of the fines
shall be paid into the treasury of the city of Sa
vannah, or to the common informer, and the
other ball shall be equally divided between the
Union Society and the Female Asylum Society,
for tli® benefit of the orphans and children of
suid Burnettes.
,, ^ .?• a .! >1 * I* further enacted by the au-
horny aforesaid, That no part of this act shall
be so construed as to afl'ect any person or per
sona now practicing, or claiming to practice in
the said city, in the. said arts, or in any two or
one of Idem, and now residing in the sai{l city,
or who shall bo engaged in the practice of the
same, or ol any two or one ol them thca-in, on
or he.loi'e the first day of February next.
4 6. And be it further enacted by the author
ity aforesaid, That if the Georgia Medical So-
ciety shall communicate to the executive de-
lurtment of this state, on or before the said
irst duy of February next, theiV acceptance of
this act as an act additional to their charter,
and thut they are willing to be bound by its
conditions and requirements, this act shall from
thenceforth commence in full and complete
operation, but otherwise shall be totally mill
and void; And he it also enacted, that the said
society shall, before the said first day of Febru-
ary, give notice of their Baid acceptance to the
mayor and aldermen of the suid city of Savan-
nah, whose duty it sliull be to make said accep
tance public by advertisement in all the publi*.
gazettes of the said city, three times a week,
tor the space of one calendar month. *
4 7. And be it further enacted by the author
ity utoresaid, That in the event of the accep
tance by the said society of this act, agreeabl)
to the aforesaid section, tliia act shall continue
until the first day of January, one thousand
eight hundred and twenty-six, and no longer.
Speaker if the House of Itepveteutalivea
Preeident of the Senate
Absented to 25th December, 1821.
JOHN CLARK, Governor
Sheriff 1 ! Sale.
On YW«v in S_,pi tlnb „
Appeal to the Public.
4 YOUNGER Itrntlidr. nf (lie subscriber, tinm
ed U Ilham KistiiriiTT, a unlive of Arinin-
nier, in Devonshire, left England in the year
1796, for Bermuda or West Indies, since which
the subscriber Iihs received no correct account
of him. Hut, understanding lately, that he died a
few years ago, in aome purt nf America, in afflu
ent circiimstuucea, the subscriber (who is heir
nt law) would lie most gratified for any informa
tion resp. cling him, and readily reward any per-
ann who may posses* it, for the trouble of com
munication. lie lives at the town of York, in
the | rovince of Upper Canada, North America.
Any letter* nddreaaed to the cure of William
Allan, Esq. Post Master, at New-York, will be
safely received by bin).
York, Upper Canada, June 7,1822.
Editors ot papers throughout America are
humbly required to insert tiie ubove.
Prepared only by Samuel H. P. Lee, Physician,
sAVa» London, f Conn. J Member of the Medi
cal Society, and Fellow if the State Medical
I HBHBHY CERTIFY, That Doctor Anrou
Parsons, ol Savannah, is duly authorised
to vend my Genuine Billious Pills, and that he
is regularly supplied with them direct from my
dispensary, accompanied with this certificate,
signed wnh the same script type signature
which is affixed to each bill of directions, and
undersigned with my hand writing signature.
S. H. P. LEE.
New London, July, 1822. *
(Kf N. B. Just received a fresh supply of the
above Pills from the Patentee, and for sale by
the subscriber. ANSON PARSONS,
Druggist, No 8 Gibbon's Buildings.
july 23
Lost or Stolen,
F ROM a house in Abercorn-street, a red mo-
rocco POCKET BOOK, containing three*
hundred and fifty dollars in bank notes. There
weie also in the book, two notes of hand, one
for eighty and another for fifty dollars, together
with several other papers of no use to any per
son but the owner. One of the bills is of one
hundred dollars,, and if auch a one should be of-
fered, it is requested that it may be stopped.—
A reward of TWENTY DOLLARS will be paid
for the recovery of the book and money. For
further information apply at the office of the
Georgian* july 25
V*riLK lesehlinftxnit of The K, ur “Hou W
o-cl„ck b °‘ l,e “ U,U *‘ hourMf ‘«M>Sd l&S
the suit oKlamt-s UKon °“ rk '’ ,E
(ft) fitiy-foii’, west bj lot No'(J2) fifty.two u°
vieJ nil as 111* property of John H A.V «t ’i »
amt of Brown S< llverrtreel , ' l wm ’m 'i
..(-•rproperu returned to me b y. m nlhli U ‘"
ITtimlXl: •"*oJS bv bay
* ml bci "8(be vIHsbo
... V. nann».im«r INonw... L.,iT
te’ h *"" "“W 10 satialy *e same,
m, .. ti! '""owing art,clesoffurniture, levied
tongs anil poker, 7 flower pntii uml (I wcr» 1
We tops I doceleret, 1 gilt ohiinney dock, 3
Rri.U, ‘'I . ‘’.".‘'"“.ol’ 2,e ''* cllr ’»ltl» »0 .nil, 1
2 *" b *’ 13 Uri b“ 1 ’ 0,k tbsirs, 1 carpet,
7 K " Wl " 1 <l ”» cornice., 2 set. curtain, to anit!
. “ ra| ’> 3 bronze figure! with lumps, 3
marble supporters lor lumps, 1 stair.use carpet
with roils, 2 mahogany bedsteads with curtains
cumpleie of chintz, 2 bedsteads with conven.
jencies, 10 transparent window blinds, 2 ma
hogany liquor caaea, 1 large looking glass frame,
1 carnage nnd liarnesa, 1 gig, a muhnnnv
•taiida, 2 fruit ornaments, 3 mahogany slice
sorupers, 2 do hat racks, 2 mat carpets, I floor
cloth in saloon, I floor cloth In hi.ok entry, 1
floor cloth in saloon above, 1 large mahogany
bason stand, with appara'us complete.
■ 6 AHRAHAM D’LYUN, a c c
City Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first 'Ihictiluy in September next,
rl l.L lie sold in front of the court hotiadk
r between the usual boors often and three
All tlio buildluea nn the south weal corner of
lot No 20, twenty, Greene ward, bounded north
by ono portion uf aaid lot,sooth by President
street, east by the other portion uf said lot,
we«t by Price street, levied on as the property
u( Win C Barton, In satisfy an execution in fe.
vur uf Asaltcl Howe.
ABM. I. D'LYON, c t
City Sheriff’s Sale—continued.
On the first Tuesday in September next,
rlLL brink! in front of tiie court huuso,
' between the usual litmrs,
„ Al >‘bcbuiklingsim the northern halfiiflot
No. (3) three, bounded north by Broughton
street, etiuili by thu other hall'of .aid lot? east
by lit Nn (2) two, weal by lot Np (4) f„ u ,., | c .
vied on ,«• the properly cd Mrs if T. Sheerer,
to suiiBly an execution lor rent, in favor of Mra
Mary Hodgin* i property aold at the risk of ill*
lormer pnrcliasn, lie not having compiled with
tiie terms of wile. ABM' I. D'LYON, c s
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Slisw, Exectlh
trix, applies for letters of dismission from
the estate of General Nathaniel Green, dea ns*
*‘J Yhese are therefore to cite and admonish
all inrl singular the kindred and creditors of
said deceased to be and appear at my office, on
or before the first Monday in Janaury next, and
shew cause (if any) why said letters should not
be granted, in terms of the law.
Given under my hand and seal, this 22d day
of June, 1822.
[i- »] JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o.c.c,
july l
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS, Blihu Atwater, esquire, admi
nistrator, applies for letters of dismission
from the estates of Colonel William Scott, de
ceased, John Campbell, deceased, and Havenl
Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to
cite and admonish all and singular the kindred
and creditors of said deceased persons, to be
and appear at my office on or before the first
Monday in January next, and shew cause (If any)
why aaid letters should not be grunted in term*
of the law.
Given under my hand and seal, this 22d Julie*
[l. a.] JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. e. c. *
T HE firm of Rockwell if Hepburn ii dissolve
ed, in consequence of the death uf J. L.
Hepburn, Eh<j.
The subscribers have formed a connection in
the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCK*
WELL 6t MORGAN, They will attend to pro
fessional business, in the Federal Court, in tho
Ocmulgee circuit, and in those counties where*
in the late firm of Rockwell & Hepburn pr«6«
Their office io in Mdledgevitie, corner of Jef
ferson and McIntosh streets, where one of them
may be found at all times, when not on the cir*
cuit. S. ROCKWELL.
Miilcdgeville, June 10, 1822.
03” The following Person?
were summoned at a Justice's Couitto serve «a
Jurors, and made default, namely, Joseph Kop-
man.Rogei Olmstead, Orran Byrd, and Chartei
Cannon. It is ordered, that they be severally
fined in the sum of three dollars each, unless
they file sufficient cause of excuse, on oath, in
io my office on or before the 20th of next montlM
July W pf 1?AAC RUSSEL, h Jj