Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, August 10, 1822, Image 3

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GEORGIA —OVAL Alien t'HAPVEH, No. 1 Al a apeclsl meeting ofthc Georgia Uhapter, convened »t il pir hall, Ft d.,y • vetting, August 9, 3822, Hit Mini Hxcrlltnl High Pnptl, Jacob lit La Mollo, M. D. addressed the Chapter u follow s t— Jirethttn and C.mpanion., You have been convened llda evening, by •pteial nolloe, oi) » melancholy neeaaion—an necuion, which, whilst It draw. forth our avm- pathiee, rouiea thole Oaternal feeling* Imepaia. hie With the Muonic principles, we have plrdg ed to each other to maintain. The In at of a worthy Companion in our order, bereavea ua of a prop and Slav to our fabric t It deprive* ua of • Aryilenetn the arch,that require* our Utmcat ■kill, attention, and labor to replace. The loit to aocicty la no leaa aeriuua, becauae wc aro thereby dcprivedaof pi-acliiing thoac virtue! atiV/ioul, that are inculcated irilWn n lai/f*. In. deed, the Ion nf a lealoni Oompan on, aevera the Maaonic chain that bindatnan to ntun in the eaerclae of thoao noble attrlbhtea, faith, hi/tt, and charily. If tltcae ri flections meet in you a coincidence ol'oi Imon, you will, with me lament, the deinlie of our lleverend Chaplain and Companion, Uro. thcr Waits* Caiaaton, wlioao death 1 now formally announce to you, In the body of this Chapter, of which he waa a conaplcuoua mem- her and dlithiguiafced officer. Ill accordance, then, with that reaped due the memory of our worthy companion, reverencing as w*c should do, the manifold excellent qualities that diaiiua guislted, while living, this good and jealous Union I it beenmea ua by appropriate demon Ittaliona of respect to evince to the world and our Uretliron ai large, that we duly appreciate the virtue* of those whose eacmplary lives were subjects of commendation. Such then being the unfeigned,aeiitiments of the Individ oal who p esidea in the elevalcd station of High l'rieat in tlila Oliapier, lie ofl'ori lo your outlaid, •laliini tliu following i— Setolred, TltaUho Georgia Royal Arch Chap ter deeply regret the loss sustained In the de privation of tile services of their Chaplain, that Hcv. Walter Cranstun, by Ilia unexpected de misc—that emulating the vlrincs and Masnuio .■eal of their late ustimablc cumpanlon, they sin ecrcly, affcolionately and fraternally deplore his early lute—that in tints reecrding uu their jpmutes the Itigli sense cnlcrluincd of his ex ■lied character, aa a hbiral minister, and ardent devotee In the cause of Masonry, they will cherish in retnembranec his ox, ntplary virtue*, •• being wurtlty of Imitation by tho Masonic fraternity—and, that as lie was a steady and Warm supporter of the principles of our order, disaStninoting good will and fellowaltip among the brethren, in this terrestrial Lodge, wo are consoled with tho hope that Ilia immortal spirit is enjoying its reward in the Celestial Lodge pbtive. Jinolved, That ns a mat-k of rcspeol, tho members of this Chapter do wear d u| c on the Jpft arm for 30 days, Rnnlvcd, That a committee of live compa nion! be appointed to unite with committed nf the aevetal Lodges in the city, and the vestry «f Christ Church, to deviso anti adopt •noli other tneaaurca aa aliall comport with their fcelingt ill duinonatratiuns of further respeot to hit me Wiory. Jinolved, That the committee coualst of M. 15. H. I 1 . J. UR LA MOTT A, M. R. K. J GEORGE, M.E. S.J. WILCOX, Com , 2 CUI HURIir, panioni, J oLMSTKAD. The above resolutions being unanimously adopted, It wai also resolved, that the address and resolutions of this meeting bo published in the gujetlcs of tlto city. CUTIUIEHT, Sec. P.T, liotti were the Impulses of ardent Aelinga, and I s heart warm with ihe brat q , ditlvs of out slum Prank, open, and mulnapiiiird, hr grilled upon the afl'rcti man fall, and those who ettjnted Ins IVtrndshlp, ami knew how to ap- lreclaie Ins worth, must long lament the void ns ath has created, and deplore tha early loss of so estimable a man. In Augusta, 9dltt«t in the 76th year of her ape. Miss Hosannah Itrsdy, a natiia of the coun ty ot Cstsn, Ireland. In Augusts, 3tsi nit Mr. .Times Adams, in the 3Uth y ear of Ins ago, a native of Itoatnn, and by trade a rarpehter Ilia death was occasion* ed by a tall from a a Index-, nut of which he throw lumself hi a III of insanity, At the Sand II.Ms, on the Join tilt Mr. Joseph M'Kinnr, ofilie late Rrm ol l'otttf M'Kinnc, Mereliauts. New-York. MAKIIIF.I), Tn this city, on Thursday evening Inst, by the Rev. Mv. Meredith, Mr. Hour Wssv to Mr* JliliT Scott. lo Atignds, on the 16th lilt, by the Hcv. Mr. Bpeooe, Hon. G H. Gilmer, Hepresentative in Congress from tin* atate of Georgia, to Miss llct, ay Grattan, ilangitter of .'Injur Hubert Grattan, of Hnokingltam, Va. CT Messrs. J. n. Hnhcrt Cn. are agvnta for the tubschbrra, during then absence from Ibia cifv. JL BALDWIN U CO» august! b* 150 Rales Cotton want- • Ship Cl lor Lmrpool, apply i J< »og 3 * * ed to IltMhe Ship COMMERCE, Capl Conker, to UIIN LATHROF A Co. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. The Partnership here tofore extating under the firm of Turraa U tt onnentoes, is tbit day dissolved, by mutual consent. HOMES TUFPKH, II (1. WOOIIimillGE, Savannah.July 9,1823. July 18 h PORT OF SAVJAW.m CLRAIIRD, fillip Garonne, Perry, New-York, J Lathmp A eo. lrlg Jones, Roberts, Liverpool, s J l athrep A co. H — ,jre— For Boston, Thn fine brig II 0 W A R o, Cupt, Perkint, ,wlU mrel with despatch. For freight or passage, apply on board at Smiths wharf, or to JOHN LATH HOP MJO, ««»pf 10 r> Wanted, , COOK, who la a good waaher and Ironer. A None need apply but such aa ean pro* dure recommeudatloni lor oharaoler and ability. Enquire at this office. . aug 10 p Just Received, Per the Himg States, t Balc* Domestic Plalda 2 do do Stripe* 9 do do llrown Shirting 5 Ithtln prime v utgar 9 bnxc* lump do 50 bli N. Gin fa ttort, 90 hhda Tobacco, For talc hy ORRAY TAFT. dug 10 t. ‘Notice. Fft^UR person who tank tYom a homo in Aber* 1, coi n at reel* a red Morocco Fookut Hook containing three hundred and fifteen Dollar* In omit, together with two sNotea of hand ami tome open account*, will please return tho same through the putt-office aa soon as convenient quest, plaoe. otherwise a pub! exposure will take aug 10 Sheriff’s Side Continued. Oil Me Jfr#l Tuesday in September next, YYWILL bo told at the Dour; Huiue in the ty of Savannah) between the hours ten and four o’clock, constable, aug 10 AUKAM D'LYON, a oo PROPOSALS. TV pubti thing. by subscription, in one volume, < collection •>/ Fugitive POEMS, MORAL, SENTIME.vTAL, and S ATYRICAL ar aaiLKCR osnoarr. IIIK author of the picooa which are to com T ** DIED, At'Middfonwn. (Onn.) on Ihe 95th July ult. Aho ImBSHIt** CaansTox, Iteolnr of Christ Clmrch In Ibis city, ill the 30lh yesr nf his age. The loss' Society lias sustained by the death eftliia estimiililu man, is evinced by the deep ,arrow which the annuncmtitin has produeeii upon all. The virtues which distinguished him while living, will embalm his memory in the besriaoftlioso who knew him, and serve in come degree to lessen tho unavailing regrets this severe dispensation must produce. Tho members of his congregation will the most sensibly feel the privation Ini death has produced For seven years that lie lias been their Pastors he indcfa'igably discharged the duties of his station. In seasons of calamity he did not desert them t the diltresilul period of the lire, and the fatal season of pestilence that aucreed, si it, eminently displayed his ardent benevolence, In* acalou, piety and his setivo bumsnity. In the chamber nf sickness snd the abodes of poverty and distress, no one could be mote aasnluuus in admimstoi ing the consola tions of religion and the sympathy of a lecling heart. The '.ears of the widow and the orphan, that he an often lias dried wilh the tender hand of iiitv and comnnsacratinn, must once more Row In sorrow for hia untimely death. His religion waa charade, »cd by meekndaa and toleration i he aought to win b persu uion, either than to overcome by terror, and con. dentned no one for believing in a different faith from hia own. Ilia manners, mild and pleasing in an eminent degree, and his m.nd highly culmaied, and en- eictied by extensive reading in the dead aa well as living languages filled turn tor society, and caused Uim to be esteemed by all who knew He was pioua without bigotry, learned with out pedantry, benevolent without ostentation. Free from guile, and devoid of every tpeciea of hypocrisy, ne judged of all mankind by the standard of hia ow o purity. I he qualities of hia jnmd and the virtue, ot his heats were uoalioy. «i by any sel6ah oriuteroeted wears. ILs *c- taik, any thing contained in tho these productions were forgotten hy the author, until recalled to Ills mind by 'he public prints, which hare often gratified him hy fluttering notine i lint which have also frequently annoy ed him by mutilations which were ext mortilytng. The lust consideration has inclined him, dtir. ing several years, tu attempt the I reposed col lection, in order to correct the errors of others, and rest upon his merits or demerits, llisintcrestednrss is not pretended t the an spontaneous notice, in the papers from Alsbs ms to Mume, of Ini advertisement in the Na tinnal Intelligencer, notifying Ills intention. the responsibility and punctuality of subicrib era. price of Olio Hollar— with usual commit agents. Prnpusalsdeposlted in rhiladelphisand with in fifty miles thereof, should be retu tied within one month after they are exhibited | those at s grester distance, with all possihle promptitude ij_7* Habtcrifaiono to tha uhovo recoi-vd * ‘ ((jS.en/rte Gsunuiaa. aug 10 / For New-York. {To tail m Sun A ip nr.r1,J Jrftv Thu tktl •ailing eo|>|»m-d pftCkct (hihVnnk, ■BillBI Prvvp mutter will (UMsHiAt ly nil on SuiuUy. IKli nit. Iftlir wiml i* fair, with wlint ficigia mtV offer. F«»r IVcIkDi or Miaaftb npplynii bnirtl «t lluntrr'i whrii or lo JOHN LA IUUOP U CO •off 8 e For Providence, I’hr reeu'nr packet rfiin RISING STATKS, J, Jacob*, mutter, will men with tlmpMich. For O N board t Janui D KxcUhokc *1 coiuikttng of For Sale, Pine Apples, Orungea, Limes, Bannanaa and IMantaini. Apply on boaid, or to JOSEPH DELCHAMP9. tnyn*t 1 Lands for Sale. OrniTE subscriber will sell the Ibllotving Landi lor cash, or any other property, belonging to Mary and JoaephGibbins, orphans—Lut No, 3W, 1st llistriel of Early County t ditto No. 286,16th District oi Early County. MAItY BURNETT. July 30 new Market street. PAPER. S IX case*, containing ruperfine, fine, and common Letter Paper Superfine, fine, sodcommon Foolscap Paper Do do Folio Post Pot Paper 100 reams large and amall Wrapping Paper 1 oase assorted PUyinsr Cards . fur sale In, wholesale or retail, by aug 3 ROBERT S. GOFF. tt *•„* A single Lady, capable of teaching Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Gt • ography, Grammar, Drawing and Needle Work, wishes • aituatiofias Tutoress in a ptivate fami ly i would have no objection to go in the coun try. If in a healthy situation. Enquire of the Editor, july 33 * Pure Holland Gin. .» T| et ftlprs pore Holland Gin, on aecommodnt. " UO ing terms, lor sale by " J U. HERBERT U CO am» 6 FLOUR. Kf Cl hhds fresh Flour, jpvr received—for sale - <J3Jby J. H. HERBERT & Co. auguM 1 Dexter Rock Lime, « (Jk'Fv Casks for Sale by * BULLOCH A DUNWOODY, J atlg 3 ■ I, Burlington Hams. AMtVIMfn N*** Horihigton Hants of a nine- - rior quality for family use j Just t eeeivsd and for sab hy J H HERBERT U Co. . ■’ . ... j COFFEE. « tlflD.fV B.rt prime K re.-n Coffise, landing .1 UWI/si/ from tchr II-pr £/K-lhrr, for salt by HALL U IIOYT. aug S Mackerel. fi(B<D bl *« b ; 03 • j JAMF.9 CONROY, june 9*2 Anderson’s wbaff. Jj Swedes Iron. \ o AO/TVtons attached Swedes Iron—landing w firont brig Elizabeth, and for side in lots to suit purchase ra, bv JOHN l\ WILLIAMSON. “ t jitly 30 a FLOUR. ft superfine Baltimore fresh ground * Flour, for sale by PONCE V MACKENZIE. Mte~50 half bis sup Baltimore Flour, for J sal- 1* nhne* *ug 6 p To Hire, A NF.GRO BOY. Enquire at the office of the xm. Georgian. aug 8 e Exchange BALTIMORE, *1 otto day's sight, for sail- IP by HALL & IIOYT. aug 6 Seidlitz and Sofia Powders. CtUPKHIOIt Engl sit Sedlits Pow ters and O Soda Powders, for sale by ANSON PAR90NS, Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ buildings atilt 8 To Rent, sTpilE Offier corner ot Bay snd Whitaker-sts. ii lately occupied by Mr. R. Raifonl, one of the most eligible ailuatiima in tho city Imme diate posteaaion will he gixen Apply tn ROUT, WORRELL, Jr. july 18 » Warranted Articles. l*tJST received per ship Corsair, a IVenb sup* tl ply Of Prugt, Chemicals, Spicf, Dye Staffs, Uc. For aalc by AN8t)N PARSONS, Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ building* July 95 Notice. ¥7^ DWARD WILLIAMS ufferi his service* Juf to the friend.* of the late firm of K. Wil liams U Co. in the transaction of Conunittion hu- sine tt, at 8avannab. aug 6 THE FORTUNES OF NIGEL. irju. t. mu.'IMS njl VS jnit received THE FtlRlUNES OF •» NIGEL, by tha author of WiVf.m.1, 2 vots. price 7J. aoff 3 r 'Pen Thousand Dollars, rkll any part thereol, will be loaned until 1st December next, on a pledge of Stock of either of the Banka of the State nf Georgia. Ap ply lo GEORGE SCHLEY, Jttly 2 No I, Commerce Row Notice. n. WM. R. HOLLAND and Mr. GEORGE 1VX 0 UYERSON, will act aa my Attornies, dunttff my absence. K. WORRELL Jun. stiff 3 t Holland Gin. TUST received per ship Savannah, 7 pipe# *1 Holland Gin-aafor sale bv i J. ». HERBERT & CO. , i» SToaa, ! 6000 wt BACON july 30 Assize of Bread. r l¥HE average price of Flour being $8 50 eft. ft. per barrel, the we’gltt ot Bread for the pre sent month must be as follows ( 124 Cents Loaf 21b 3oz < Cents Loaf lib l^os nf which all bankers and seller* of Bread will take due notice. JOHN 1. ROBERTS, c t. aug 8 Negroes Wanted. TTBANTEU immediatel), 10 Prime JVegro terf Men, those who urulerstsnd splitting of, will be preferred t libersl waffes will be given, payable monthly, and in advance if re quired. -A line addressed to H. and left at tbia office, will be immediately attended to, July 23 u Executors' Sale. By J B. Herbert- £$ Co, t On the fret Turulup in Septrmb> r next, tinxht hi* pa»aiiK (, » b*v |fo *il Accotnmoda* Vf t/M.l.bc »wli‘ tions, apply ou boat'd at liice 1 * wbart', »»r to V/Jf of Bavamn I’l iti.n; nalivs. Minhiinlrnlor', Halt, By J. B. Ikn-bci-t ^ Co. ftnlhe fi'ti Turnkey in Uctv'er next, YtiyiLL be sold bef-ire tin; cmi< t bmia« In th« V/Jr city or SafbnitBb, b<»tv»eon tb« iifu* bmiia, a Nr^rti Man naiimd Dave, aoldaBtlio property ol Mr Namuel Divenport, dt-ceaacd, liy order ol die Adminiitrator. Turns cadi. «ng« t stlgusl 8 UEIIItGK CHI .LINS MMrHyb Fop New-York, The rrirular packet dnp COTTON PLANT, having part of her car|po enffagedj Tor the remainder, o hav. G. GORDON. loauding fivm taid ship, 100 bla superfine Flmie UK) piece# Cotton Uaggiiifj ang 6 u awld at tint buna liouse in tha dtf ah, bdtwn n die uiual hours, A bead of Cattle, 9 Horses 9 ridmi? Chsiiw, 1 Jersey Waggon 30 Ilea (lives, 3 cm inn Font Gins Plantation Tools md Household Furniture* belonginr to the eatata of Thomas G. Davis, and sold for the I July 90 i benefit of tha heirs ana creditors. A First Rate Cook. nGOR Bale, a woman who ia ui, excellent U Wi «hcrwomm and first rule Cook, rtw h*a one child about three years oid Fn-ld^i will he taken in Kxohange r Cuso. An ly to the Editor. uug3 r For New-York, The <M«t tStilmg piinkct ship GEN. CARRINGTON, .Hi it ton mutler, will meet with despatch. For *, having superior accommo- the captain on board, or to HALL & HOYT For New-York, Til, new Packet Brig SIGNAL, Rrttrll, Matter, Will meet with immediate despatch, freight or passage, having gooil accommo 4 for freight aug 3 HALL A HOYT. For New-York, The regular Packet Brhr PANTHEA, Ovintt, Mutter, Will meet with despatch j for freight to , ISAAC COHEN. HA o Ant landing, and for talc, Fresh superfine Floor in barrels, aug 3 k For Boston, The hritt A D E L l N B, Jctse .It wood, Master, Will sa«l on Wednesday, the 7th inst, a B. PA UK MAN. }Vhn hut for tale, landing from taid Brig 10U hi)Is No, 3. Mackerel, aug 3 ■ ur 4 For Baltimore, Or any oilier Abrtliern Port. The schooner JAMES MONROE, Simmont, matter, F'»r freight or puniage, having good aug 6 HALL U HOYT. For Freight or Charter, The staunch schooner IIOl-E # ESTHER. (■apt Uaker, Lis now ready to take freight. Apply the captain ou board at Anderson’s wharf, or n J. B. HERBERT V CO. aug 6 Coffee, Whiskey, S^gar, fije. A/F\ hhdsaml 30 bugs prime Gretn Coffee 50 hhds A 100 bis Flnlad Rye Whiskey 70 bln St Croix Sugar 10 boxes I'ouclnm 'Pea 9 cases laacquercd Tea Caddie*, containing Gun Powder and Young Hyson 150 kegs Nitre Hull Gunpowder Superior quality 10 pipes Cognac llrundy 4 qr casks Port Wine 3 do do L I* Madeira do f 3 tlo do Sicily doj 16 bis Apple Brandy 50 demqohna Gin 900 pieces 49 in. Cotton B >gging 40 tons assorted Swedes Iron 30 boxes and half boxes Magrath’s Soap For sale hy NICHOLAS & NEFF. june 14 Fresh Articles. r HE subscriber bus r« ceived per recent ar rivals from New*York, a general assort- nent of Drugt, Chemicals, Perfumery, l*c. vizi Hupcrior cold presHcd American Castor Oil Common Ciutn* oil, for pluntatiun use Superior Sweet Oil, in bottles and fluke Common do for carpenters use Henry’s Calcined Magnesia English Epsom Salts, Cheltenham Salt! Tartaric Acid, stipe' ior Carb. Soda Cream Tartar, Magnesia Hears Oil, for the hair Macassar Oil, Prince’* Russian Oil Large slick and pot Pomatum Cologne, Rose, and Lavender Water Milk of Roses, Hair Powder, Down Puffs Superior 9oapa, assorted Pet fumes Elegant cut glass Smelling Unities Antique Oils, assorted, Uc. for sale hy ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No 8 Gibbons' buildings aug 8 Flour, Gin, 6$c. r lTST received from Baltimore, per sloop Henry 104 his superfine Baltimore Howard street Flour 20 pipea pure Holland Gia 4 bis Tallow DOUGLASS k SORREL. Who huveinttort, 100 piece* Colton Bagging 20 hlida muscovado Sugar 10 bis Loaf du 10 seroons Spanish Tobacco SO bis Northern Gin Spaniah Segara in whole and halfboSCi Window Glsai of *41 ass IU(fi p Notice. N OTICE Hhrrehy given, that the copartner- iieraldp heretofore existing beiwcni Ed ward Wdliimta of Savannah, soil Alujali Fisk of lloilon, under the firm of E. Wiliam. V Co. Savannah, Georgia, is this day dissolved b> mu tual consent. All |ieisutis hiving ilvmnudf against tho saitl flint, arc requested tn present (lie same lor payment, and ull persons indebted to said firm, are called upon to make payment to Edward Wilburns, of Slvnunah, by whom the bus-new will be hcresftel carried on A Fist. EDWARD WILLIAMS., June 18, 1833. i aug 6 Noticlp. P ROPOSALS will be received until the lit day of October next, to supply the Hteam Boat Company with WOOD on the Savannah river, fur one year Applications Iht contracts must spi-rily the quality aild price, and name the huuiliig where to lie tlulivercd. Leltera, pint paid, addreLed to Carlos Trscy, Treasurer, Augusts, or tu the President at Sa vannah, will be promptly a tended tn, 8. C. DUNNING, Prel’t. aug 6 Genuine Hcidlitz Powders. JTkjtlE good effect* nf this Medicine have been xl observed by mtuyllof the most eminent Physicians and Surgeons In a variety of cases* larticularly in tliose where the stomnch bus re* jected all other aperient Medicines. It hat consequently been found a most useful Medi cine in bilious and other diseases incidental to warm climates. The above, together with a fresh supply of superior SODA POWDERS, put up nesllv in t n boxes, and warranted to keen perfcctld^ure in all climates- just received and forsale* wholesale and letuil, hy FUANDISJ. LAY, Druggist. Corner of Congress and Whitaker streets^ august 1 t Savannah* TO CAPITALISTS. A VERY ittpi-rlnr Steam 8nwMill has been M-orntlv vrectrd In the viemhy of thb CITY OF OiUUE.V, as the most eligible situation for a huainesi of the kind on the Atlantic shores of the United States. Possessing all the advantages of un in exhaustible supply of the finest yellow pitch Pine and Cypres* Timber, built on a fine Dluff, with thirteen feet water clone to it, and a natural eove for the reception of logs. 0 5 The present owners not having it in Tbelf power to bestow that attention to it which a concern of such magnitude requires, are desir ous of eelling the whole, or a part of their inter est in It, ami now offer it for tale at a very low valuation, and much less than such a etiuclura could be completed for. There has just been added to It a very supe* rior Ilice Pounding Machine, capable of dis charging at least 50 tierces of clean rice per day i and u (Join-Mill, aU set in motion by the Rurne engine. The SuwoMdl is upon a new principle, by the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. REN NIE of l,t udoy, who Kent out one of hi* best workmen to superintend its erection. It can jiow mt with 48 ik*. .vs, and may be made to drivn Twice That number. . The 8t«-um Eng ink t* perhaps the best in the United Stale*, made by Messrs. BOLTON U WATT, of Soho, near II rmingham j and erected under the inspection ot their best fore man, sent out expresHly for that purpose. A wonderful expence is saved in fuel, as tha iuw-duAt from the pitch-pine is tound tn answer instead of firr.wohd, and i* carried to the mouth of the furnace from the pit by elevators now in use. 'The Rice Maotyne is alio on a new principle and fbund by experience to answer better than any yet in use. The quicknes* and regularity of the movement, producing it of a superior brightness without breaking the grain 'The mill >• situated on a fine Creek, called Cut-Head, on a branch of the Altumaha Kivefy and onlv about half a mile from Darien. Sea vessels, whosa dtaugbi of waUr enable* them to go to the wharf at Darien, can load at the Mill, only a short/listanoe oft; with great facility i ns an enclmcd plane front the mill, will enable them to receive the lumber into their bow porta, almost without expence: and the mill, ui now in operation, can fnmi»h 40 M. feet of plank per (lay, which may be increased if found necessary ■, the power being amply sufti* cient. The lumber sent from this establishment since it went into operation has been allowed to be superior in quality and regularity in sawing. 'The cotnmiMionera of the Navy of the Uni ted States have approved of the ship planks, furnished front it, und it is highly probable will give it a preference in future contracts. It ha* also been seen and justly admired in New-York and IMtiladelphia. The prospect of a renewed intercourte with the Hritish West India Islands, renders thii establishment a desirable mode of investment— offers, in that case, hating been made from J AMAICA ALON E, for about half of all the pro duce of the saw-niill. The present ou tiers have no objection to con tinue interested in it to a certain extent, but their other avocations preclude their personal attention to it. For terms and other particulars, apply per sonally or by letter to JOHN M’NISIJ, Savannah. cry N. B. If not disposed of soon, the milL with all its privileges, wiU be rented for a ten* w f years. SW4,