Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, August 17, 1822, Image 2

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4 Til K GEORGIAN. BIVANNAII; In Another tsVimn w« Iniert t letter froml A eonrt of enquiry, e»n»l*tle|f of Ceptelne Commodore I’ortrr, ipprallny from the press Ri‘g-r», Cheuncry, eml Mnm,hts brrn sp RATHHDAY MORNING, AGHlffiT I?, 1822 J-oo-h P'trrign Intelligence.—In otir succeed- lug columns Will he found London date* to the ereningof the 83d end Liverpool to the 35th June. I'he molt glut dying Item uf intelligence liy thie errirel ie the passage of the bill through the House of Lords opening tho Iredebetween the United Stetei end the llrllish Welt Indie Hlende—bn event of much im|oirt»nce to tliii lection oftlie union, especially, end which muet be of immohic bencilt, in the disposal ol those eiirplue proclucle of oureoil which lieve loin up on our lisoda e perfect drug fur eo long e time The polilicel Intelligence ie of A eufllcienlly ■ gloomy deecription. Tho Clrcehe ere dtiefled by the irresolution or pol oy of Alteendcr i end the itete of Hpein end Italy ie inch si to rentier it but tou probeblc that they may become the victim* of the intestine coulters which are fo mented by the member* uf the holy alliance to give e pretest tor the total subversion of their liberties. The holy alliance and the peoplu of Europe ere now at issue—(ho liberties of the one end the power uf the other oenuot esist es ist together. The former have that power' supported only by brute force, and will go ell lengths to preaervo it. bltould the conical cvet ■ Arrive, end thelal some day it will st rive Fun- out he duubled, it will be tearful, liloudy Aa well may the deaputa uf Europe attempt to in tercept the raja ol the great luminary of hea ven, as to cramp the human mtnd within the limit* they pretcribe. The alreain which In its uuobalructed and onward -nurse It aide end placid, when alopped in He midway cuuiac becomes violent, powerful unci irresistible t sweeping before it not only the obstructions -which have bound it, but all far and near that Uiceta ill impetuoua courae. Corroir at Liverpool lied not varied material ly from last advices, A letter of the 33d June .gays—|"Our liuil week's quotations tar the mid dle qualities uf Colton uf all dtwerip.iuns arc -barely maintained i there eeems, however, lees pressure upon the market, end the prloes »ill probably not decline further. A public sale of dOO bugs uf Bea Island oolton waa brought fur' ward yesterday, which wedt very heavily, and About Jd per Ik. luwer, with only 278 bags sold e* 13} a 18jd per lb. The private sales Itave •cunaiated id about JB1J0 baga of Upland Georgia -At 71 a 9jd i UOU N Orleans at B1114 11 IU0 fiea Island at 13d e 3a | 30 stained do at BJu 40d. four Immlrcd anil-fifty coslte of ordinary, new •And middling old Carolina ttice have been brought in the hammer t 1UU cuska of the In' ter quality aeld at Its and the new at 13s per cwt. Naval Btorea are ileatly t 3000 bills of Tar have been aold tt 13a far middling ipialily, end At We 6J pur bbl for Virginia i and JUO bbla ol Turpentine et 13s per cwt. About 100 tiercca and 300 hags of Coffee beve been sold by private ami pulilic ante dur ing the past week, ami the prices obtained were lint quite so high ss tile quotations, A few ‘e.nslit of very flue middling Jamaica Coffee ‘brought l.i(Is per cwt, HiooAm in bond 10 a Ifni Flour sweet prr bid in bund, 35 a 31s; sour snd oily 15 a 16n| do free 36 n3H| Cotton Georgia 7} a 3{di N 'Orleafts B a 11} l; Tennessee 6} a Bjd i Bea lylaad 13 a 17d t flue IB u'Jtidi stained 8) a 13, -*JL*-.— The Maeedtninn.—We lenrh by a letter IVom Norfolk of the 7th inut the arrival uf U. S fri gate Macedonian, an the 3d, in ten data IVom ‘ Havetre.—Thu melancholy accounts previously published, of the mortality among Iter officers and crew, tro fully continued. The tutel num ber of deaths among the crew is eighty- and of - lire officers ten have fallen victims to Yellow. Fqyer.—Among the officer! who have died, ere Lieutenant! l-mics and FanMIng, and Surgeon Cadell i Midshipmen Emmett, Rutgers, Wood, Rand and llomer. Lieut. Fierce wu ill at the time of her arrival, and wai not expected to live* fiRy-fivc men were alto on the tick lilt, l're- parationa were miking to land the lick at Ora- ney Island, The eecond Court of Magistrates and Free, fcoldcre, formed in Cherteston for the trial of certain slaves and othera, attempting to excite .-An insurrection in the state of South.Carolina, adjourned on the 8lh init. fine die, hiving dia- i posed of all the cases which remained for trial. William Garner was found guilty, and executed next day. Seven others were sentenced to transportation from the United 'Btltee. 'Six Were found net guilty, and diecharged. Anoth er named William, who waa to have been exe- .euted with Gerner, wee respited. A letter (Vnm A friend says, “the,number of cnei got through wdhVy both courts, is 74, of which the follow. Jng ie the results 35 executed, 3 still under sentence of death, .311 to be transported out of the limits of the United States, never to return under penalty of death, 1 to be tranaporn-dolitoftke limits Of 8outh Carolina, not to return under the same penalty, A discharged, there not-being sufficient proof to convict. 74 • ••At the meeting outlie Legislature in Novem ber, we shall have 1 complete revisel of the Jswawpplicsble to colored persons.’* Commerse,—The amount of duties secured at the Custom Uousc in Ntw-Yok, tor the first six months nf the present year, ending the doth June, was £5,244, m-5 97. to the people of tho Uniirt! Sislrs, We regret the onurie Com. Forter has pursued, end we re. grt-l it the mam In-reuse In tho Aral instance he thought proper to accompany his remarks with t ihreti, wltiah could only oicito tho led- ings he tleprecAlrd. Com. I*, observe! very justly in hit first 11tittle, which we published nu 1 uestlsy, « il tile press has its liberties, Indi viduals aggrieved by II hate also the mean! of obtAinimng redress secured to them.” No one will deny it. 'Whence then the tAtieme sensi bility of the gallant Commotlme st these anti cipated Attacks of the press. If these Attacks arc libellous, the mode of proceeding it plain If not, • threat is the wont means in the win Id to stifle enquiry. We do nut believe tlu-re 11 an eUitur In the union who would submit to be .brow-beaten out of (he path of lua duty. The press, properly regulated, is a tribunal hrlbrc which the proudei! may bow—and bcluro which the criminal “ Bale from the bar, the puli It ami the throne," No mallei Imw exalletl lua situation, may he brought to judgment. The ratremc sensibility uf many very worthy eliaiaotei-y, lu ilui si. tucks ui the prows is in iiur humble opinion with out cause. If s pubiio servant ia atlaukcd through the medium ut the prcaa, lias ho nut every opportunity within his roueli ty meet his upi'tinenl tilt the sumo ground t If he is slan dered, is it not In his powur to return the en venomed shall, end retire from the cvmlliet w th additional honor I And wc would aie, 111 the easo ol e pubiio officer, wAe has die right to oiiquire inio his conduct and motives il not (lie ptople, upon whose bread he lives and whom lie serves—and how are these enquiries lu he made unless through die press—a press winch should be, aa wu bclicvu a majority ol them |n the United Hiutes urc, "upon to at/ pi-riles, Influenced by mine I" I lie Jealousy and spirit of enquiry which glvu rise tu these disquisitions, aru the heat security lor the puri ty sod perpetuity ul our government—We hope the day is tar distant when they will be check ed—it will liu e black day in die calendar or our country when thry ere. The cxnjnplc which hat liven shewn by Uummmlore Forte 11 a bad unc. If the pruia is to be silcmnul by every ptiBlio officer whose conduct may ceme under its review, its frer.dum is a mocker) and us independence a shadow without the tub. stance. Happily, we believe there II no dan ger of such an event 1 it 'la too powerful In the opinions ol tho people, whose organ it la,— In the few observations wo have made wc have no reference to the uH'airs uf tho Ilostun navy yard, which have called forth these letters. We reipeot Capt. Porter I lit* servieti to Ills country in her mult trying hour, have entitled him to her gratitude, and Ills mutlvea art no doubt.guild—but we cannot conceive that lids entitles him any more than otheix In mote ,-s olted sitiuitinua, to a privilege nn a pulilic offi ocr, Incousistuiit with our republican freedom and winch must In the end, If adopted Asa pro cedent, prove Injiirluttl til tho publiu good The whole' sllbir, however much wo may admire Ida candor and Integrity, speaka very little for Ilia prudence. pointed In Ciptiln llull'i cue, lit accordance with that officer’s tr quest. An ordinance has passed the City Council of Charleston, greatly Increasing the duties of the Intrndent of that city—making It Ills duty to hold every morning s court to be called the "In. tendent'a Court." to discipline end govern the city guard, tn Inspect all work* going an st the pulilic eipenlr, ho. eml inerculng hiseslary to 34Ud dollars per snintm , It Is currently repotted In London, that after the rising of the House uf Commons. Mr. Van- sit art means to grot iiy the citiemti of London by delivering pubiio Ircluras nn finance, end that lie Is til tut created I.L D. oy the University of Otfbrd, Two counterfeit checks were presented on the 37ih nit. fur 4500 d-dUrv, st the Camden Munir In Philadelphia. They were, detected be. lure patment was made, and the presenter, who snildoidy Irlt the hank to bring the person IVntn whom hr received them, pursued, arrett ed slid committed lor trial. A company has boon formed In llniton, to supply that oily with gat lighlt. They have made some successful experiments, and hopes arc entertained that gas will boidoptod as fuel for the-puhllo lamps. A'Mr, Chsrdon, In Fhiladelpfoti, has Invented > new ami couitumloal covering for tire floor, Outnpoacd of p.,per. It la 10 prepared and Tarnished as tn wear fur several years, A. room which would cost 40 -lullaft to cover with oil olotli, nan be euverud with prepared varnish ed piper st £12 50, A child wal bit ahuid six nr seven weeks eg" In Flllladclphla, by a mud dog, hut showed no symptom* uf hydrophobia fill the 1st Inst, when he appeared till), and nltlioitgli medical aid w its called in, continued to grow worse fill the next morning, when lie dicdiavingmad end foaming at the mouth, -friay Happlitt.—Separate proposals will he received at the office of the Cntnmiiatry Centr al of atibalalenoe at Washington silty, until the Mil of Coluber nest, for the following supply of provisions tbr the use of the U. S. Hoops tt, be delivered in bulk upon inspection, at Savan nah r— 60 harreleof park 124 do flue flour 7ui) galhnis cl good proof whiskey 44 Imshsli of good sound hoaua Bttd poiinjsof good Itartl snap 416 do good Itartl tallow candles, with cot ton w inks 14 Intshrlaof good clean salt 834 gallons good cider vinegar One fourth on the hit day ut June, 1B33, One fourth nn the Ist day ol September, 1833. One fourth on the 1st tiny of December, 11133. I he remainder on the 1st day of March, 18. 4. The saint article* and In the same quantity are required for Augusta. LATEST FKOM EUROPE. rnuM turn ooHRK«roNi>KNT» t Ijii'ty/'the J\uA* . Vhic;hV«iMa ? titUHVihiytvtHinj Xu# J, > Wy (he arrival ottlia l:\vi nttilmg pack- el ship Curlei, Do Coal mauler, the edi tor ul the New-York American has rr- crivi'tl Ilia regular filva uf Lnndun papura lu the 83rl, and ol Liverponl to the 24th, Inclusive, with Lloyd's Line to (lie 81st June, from which ia giveu the following sutmtiury ol European intelligence: GltBA I BRITAIN" llte Alltelican anti West India trade hills went pasted alter A third reading in the House ul Lord* nn the 80th Junta. The Jile.riee.—K letter to a gentleman In Fait more thued,Vera Crus, June29,states that n ac vere disease had for about a month ciuseil great ravages In that city. The letter alao stales that the American slips afaus are permitted tnex- port the proceed! uf their eergoce in dollars A re| ort prevailed th4t the gavermiruf the Cel tic ol til. Juan de Ullne rrfuird to permit vee- aels of the Mexican patriotic government to cu ter „r de| art from the port nf Vera Ota,.. Ten Earl ol Ualhuret advocaiad fhAfr wi*^ per cent, mi the amount of all invoices la eaaoted *- • by the Castle. —<•»•— T)vm the Cent! ttf.f/Wcn — A 1 letter from the American Consul at the Cape de Verdi, dated 8t. Jago, June 83d, states that the slave trade in naarly suppressed. Several eaptureihavc been made by tho French navel force on that italmn, since it lira been Increased and Initruotiuni for warded to the cnmmsndeva tn be mure vigilant in the supp • jlon of the traffic In ehtvce. The Eaglieh have mode but few captures for sever al mnmhs pest. A brig hehmglng to St, .logo was out cut of the harbor of Uissba by the fri gate iphigenie, with I93qlaves on boarxl. Tin port of Gome waa opened to the flags of ell nation! on the 1st of Apr-1 lost. Hum, augur, coffee, wine, tobacco, and lumber ere edmlttexl rohject to e email duty Lumber it alao admit, ted into Bonegwl from Gone In French vessels- The Mery.-Wc have been credibly Inform ed, lays the llaltimnre Patriot, on the euthori. ty of letters receiver! hrre from the eastward, "that measures are new on foot tn bring the ad mlnietrstion of our Navel sflbira fully before the next Congroxei that letters to thisxffcet ere now patting between severe! eastern and west ern members i*ml that the scrutiny will nnt on ly be more severe than on any former oocasion, but a decided Mnwwilf be struck to effect ill reduction. This has grown out of the manage- ment of its affairs on the Uoaton station.” We give the tacts 11 we heat\l them. A daring robbery was committed at New- York, on the store of J. & W, 1) Avery, on the 1st init. A fellow supposed to be a white eaan disguised as a negro, entered the atore before 6 o'clock ia the morning, tied end gagged the ooy who waa m it alone, end after examining several drawers, took from one of them the Store pocket book, containing between 40 end 60 dollare in bank bills, some smell change, and several notea of hand, with which he esrap. ed. The boy was nearly suffocated, aad unable to spexk before be wu liberated. which waa ubjetTctl In by the Mat outs uf llute, not on llte ground of Hie mam prin ciple on which they were bottomed, but k* contended that a clause ought to be in troduced compelling the registration of slsvee in the ciitnuici, and concluded hie ti ntat k.s by inuvmg a clause to that effect. t ins motion svaa opposed by Karl Da-. Hint st and by Lord Holland. What, aatd the latter, peer, would he the condition «f ilia altivea, if tn couaequence of tho intro duction ol thii clause, the advantage of- lered should not be accepted by (he coto- itinai Intercourse, aaltl he,between Arne vice and (he Weat-lndteaiiindispcnauble to tho maintenance of the black popula ttou in the latter. In conaequeiicu of that intercourse having ceaaed during the lale war, no Icti than -fifteen thousand ol those unfortunate beings had perished lie expreesed hie regret thit the persona at the head of the government did not avail themselves of the opportunity afford ed at the late peace lor the ronpMt ala- (tfioN of the since trait, and he expressed his lexis that the trade waa now carried on by foreign countries fog greater extent than ever. The bill lor the consolidation of the Cauedal waa read the first time; and af ter tome preliminary diacusalon in which Messrs, Wilmot, Ellice, and Macintosh participated, the bill waa erdered for a second reading. 'The corn importation bill waa read 1 third time on the 19th June, and passed. Alter a long aud animated debate in the House of Lords, the Aotuan Catholic J’errs’ Bill waa rejected, on the dial of June, by a majority ol forty two. A Court ol Proprietors of the East In dia Company has been held, and, among other things, agreed Jo apply to the Min isters for a reduction of the duties on East India sugars. In support of the measure, Mr. P. Brown adverted to the expression of Mr. Pus luug ago, that he Hoped "In dia would one day supply ua with sugars, and that thereby slavery in the west would be annihilated.” This measure of the Company ia warmly opposed by tne ministerial print*, by when it ia tain that *1he Weat-lndia trade ran at ativ time suddenly man the grand Chantml Fleet." A notice waa iaeuetl from tl^lt-xi.k nl England on the 80th uf June, that ill hills and notes approved of in the usual man ner, which had nnt mine than 95 day* tn run, would br discounted nnend after the neat day at the rate id four prr cent. The funds rose iminrdiatrly one prr cent.— They were Sit) and left offal HI 31 8S. The advance entttinurd the next (lav, whrn cun* fur acc. wrrv Bt 37 48, at 12 n’clnrk. It waa expected that 4 per cents would be at per in a few deni. They have lotely tistn (rum 94 In 98. The King wee tu leave Londnn upon Ida visit to Scotland immediately slier llte prorogation nf Parliament, which was to lako place in the last week in July. IRELAND. Ninety-two thousand, hvci hundred end sixty three pnunda sterling have been con tributed in England for the rr. ef nf the auffrring Irish 1—id this sum, 161,000 have been remitted to the different die tricte in fvhich distrexa has been most pre valent, The mutwhs of July and August are lunked to with great apprehension and solicitude. An account from -Pantry stales llist the unfortunate pride nf llte people adds to the calamity. One wo man, with three children, died of actual starvation) they were nearly a week with tml suslenence, and before aasistenco could be administered they were all found lifeleaa together! Many are seen to, faint through mere exhaustion, and the local aubsortplinna are said tobeinsufft nent even 'fo- fin;/ cqjru* for those who would die of hunger. A miserable exist ence has been lengthened nut in Killar ney anil Galwny.ljy feeding un rockweed, limpets, anti Ilia tops of .nettles. From Clildeh it is observed, “ four i|ird in Bof fin, and if swelled fimba, pile looks, sunk en week*, and hnllnw eyes are the har binger* of.death, the work of desolation will bn toon very rapid in thi* country.” Il ia nnt famine alone that distracts this uuhuiipv kingdom. Political distentions tome ui for their ahare. The latter, al though they have not censed t,o he dan germis, can hardly be proitouuced fortui uable. FRANCE. General Bertnn and two of his suite, were arrested on thu 10th June, at a farm near Saunter, where they had been -con cealed. They were conducted under a sufficient eacurt to the prison of tho ci- Utlol. The French merchants daily receive from their correspondents in Spain orders to slop all cnmmeiTial undertakings hy sea and land—thjs circumstance connect ed with others, seems to indicate that the amicable relations nf the two governments are not believed in be very stable. A malignant lever has buen very pro- raleiil at Paris, end a great increase uf hurisfo during the month uf June. Many Kttgliah fatmliea in consequence of it have removed from llte city. 'The city of Put is w'as visited by a vio lent thunder stmm 011 the night of Satur day, the lath June. Three houses were Struck and entirely demolished. Bui (he moat nffliclttig occurrence happened at llantut. in flto department of the Lower Seine, where the father of a numerous fa mily, at, the-mumenl he was returning with Itis sun from flic labours of the field and entering his collage, waa surrounded by llte electrical flame and fell dead in the presence ul lua'family, composed ot ten children, SPAIN.' The government of France, aa our readers will have noted, have for smite time past, stationed a large military force upon ihe border -dividing that - kingdom from Spain, under the pretence of.guard- ■tig If from a pestilential disease. Re monstrances have been forwarded to Paris, but the army has not been removed, So far from tf, v there ia reason to believe, from tho movement of the troops, that something more ia intended then tha eo foroement of quarantine regulations. PORTUGAL. A conspiracy to depose the pawer of the Cnrtea of tins kingdom has been clear ly aud incontrovertibly proved. The " must illustrious and excellent Senor” Jose Joaquim Gerardo Lampayo, assures the must illudnuus and excellent Senor dose de Silva Carvalho, that the atrocious delinquents wire detecfed.JIntfrtrofe de lirfo, in a cellar, with all tneir machines and magaxinea of mischief. Were not all our sensibilities absorbed by the ex tremely puerile pomposity which uniform ly accompanies even the most unimportant eveuts that from time to time occur in the peninsula, we might feel a large ahare nl interest in these events—the Botnbar- dian atyly, however, has gained entire possession uf that par’, of Europe. After a formidable documentary acoouut of the suppression of a conspiracy, we are li d to thu meagre reiult that four cellar men of mischief were apprehended, two of whom ware appreoticea under 20 years of age. GREECE. If the apirit which is represented to animate the Greeks should continue, the happiest consvquancgs may be looked for aa the result ul the confiict in which it seems they are left to encounter, single snd unaided, the whole ol the Turkish empire. The heatl of the Greek Church, the Pacificator of Europe—Alexander the deliverer, thu honorary member of the Massachusetta Peace Society—has at length abandoned them to all the atrocious cruelties that Itlatuism can suggest or practise. The Sultan has resolved for the future not to suffer auy Christians to ex ist in any part ol European Turkey. The vacant bl-.hopricks in Macedonia are nor allowed to be filled, and the churches are destroyed in proportion ee the disciples of Mahomet are enabled to advance into the country. Every kind <Jt commerce has ceased at Safonics, the espiut ol mo dern Mseednn. The fertile ptiine of Seres ere changed lo a desert and til Ihe Urerks, the Hulgatians, eml other clristisna, says the srrount, have taken up arms, either to coryuer or die. * , I he Pacha of Scutari continues la re sist the Porte with success, and the ad vance nl Cnurchid Pacha lias been with held by the defection of the Albanian!. I lie Pacha or Salnnicha has been rein forced, however, and committed abomin able exceiaes in the region that surrounds him. More than 3,000 children have beets carried off from Agosto and its neighbour hood, to be brought up in the Mahometan religion. What would have been the conduct of all the courts uf Europe, on the annuncia. lion nf such an event in the days of Ri chard Coeur de Lion? Ten thousand swords would have leaped from their scabbards to repel and avenge the disho nour of the general cause of Christendom-/ It yields some consolation to learn that 1 the Greeks, sensible of the fate that awaits them, prepare to make the most obstinato resistance. Those of Macedonia have retired into the defiles of Mount Olympus. The famous Ults-ks (msy he have tha Fabian prudence of Itis ancestors !) who now commands in Thessaly, has addressed his brethren in arms, in Isnguago suited to the sanguiusry character uf the anticipat ed confiict. RUSSIA. The evacuation of Moldavia bv the Turkt, although, expressly stipulated, / had not been performed on the 21st May* It is thought that the Turks are only ms- nceuvringtogsin time, and that the Rus sians accept (heir protestations because- they are unprepared for war. Forty eight Russian officers are under trial for rebel lion and conspiracy against the govern* ment, which ta represented to be weaker than has been generally imagined. The disaffection among the nobility and tha army ia and to be great and very ge nerals «• It was believed at St. Petersburg!), on the 30th of May, that M. de Tatiacheff, who had set out for Vienna, was empow ered to act for Russia in the negneiation for peace, upon tha terms offered by tha Divan to Lord Strangfortl. Katntniech Podultsky is stated to be the place desig nated for holding the conferences, and that the Congress would be opened on the first of August. TURKEY. .The evacuation of Moldavia and Wal* Ischia by the Turks had not taken place on the 29th -of May. It waa even said that new troqps were to replace the Aaia» tic ones, who had only marched to rein force the garrison of Braile. •Office of the A. T. Mercantile7 ■ .Idrertiscr, .lug. 5. > A further^aum of HKi.OOOi. was voted in the House of Commons for the employ ment of the Irish poor. It was proposed to extend the amuunt for flux object to (400,000. 'The Chancellor obtained a grant of 12,1X10,000, in Etcltequer bills, for lit* purpose of carrying on the public works, (including the above Bum for Ireland) and to encourage the fisheries. A general issue of sovereigns waa tn take place at the Bank on the 24th, to the amount of 12000, il required, tu eacjt banker. The price of Gold has fallen to 77s (At the ouuce, being 4J below the mint price, a circumstance that has not occured before since the year 1797. Price of new Dol lars, June 21st, 4« 9<J; Standard Silver in bats, 4slid. In explaining the navigation bills, Lord Liverpool said, " they contained a com. plete revision of the Navigation Laws of the Kingdom. Tho first bill repealed nut much less than 900 Acta of Parliament; but not by any sweeping clause, for every act ia fairly cited ; and he thought their repeal would have a moat beneficial effect on Navigation. By this, the merchant* would know what they could or could not do by law. In tho naw measures they had not departed from the great principle of giving every preference to English navi gation ; but in doing so, they must have ta view to the change of circumstances, ffl waa also found necessary not to treat the United Slxte'i of America on the narrow principle of our old navigation laws; that it was^ intended to place the.vessels of S. America on the same footingwas those of other countries. The objebtwl these law* waa, to do away the formet restrictions on coinmerco, and to make the country the entrepot of all Foreign merchandise, lhis was the view that had induced them to give up all tho narrow and contracted views which formerly existed; for all in creases of Wealth and prosperity of other countries were increases of our prospeFityi for that would enable them to pay our manufacturers for their produce.” The subscriptions to Mr. Gwen’s Ex periment of mutual aaaocistion and ct*£ operation, already exceeds IS0,000. A bill to regulate the trade between Upper and Lower Canada, was brought iuto the House of Commons, June 20tli b* Mr. Wilmot. J London, June 23—The Court of Ex chequer have ordered, that from hence forth, no fiat for an extent in' aid, 9hull be granted unless the party apply ing for the same, or some peraou nr per sons in his behalf, shall make affidavit that unless the process of extent for debt due to the crown, by the party applying shall be in danger of being lost to tht crown- Madrid papers have reached ua to the 13th inst.—Un the 4th, io the Cortes, the Minister of the Interior gave information as to the state of affairs at Valencia and Catalonia, and aa to the reinonatrancee made to the French government. On the 10th inst. four Deputies, Florea, Calderon, Sorin, Rtinero, and Prat, presented a pro position to the Cortes, for an augtgjuta-