Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, September 19, 1822, Image 3

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Dr. Ivollnck, rnnOri upon them a peculiar character. The impression of the reader in, that auch devotions-..could be derived only Iron the Great Fountain ol Truth nnu Virtue, and that he who priisesiet] it, inuat have walked high in communion with Oud. If this were not the caae, whence would be the tone of feeling, the rapture nf affection, (lie melting of exta- i)j, and the flight of the apirit far beyond the world, which we often witueaa in hia production a. The life of man, and especially of the chriatiap, ia more diatingnished by ita Bor rows than by its joya. Ilia way is to be known rattier by ita roughneia, than by i’.a amoothneaa: by the piercing aaperity of thorns and briars, than by the even tenor of a flowery out face. Hence in e- Vi ry community of believers, there ia ma ny a broken apirit to bind up, many an inveterate wound to innliify, many a ten der cunacieuce to handle with delicacy •nil feeling. Of this, Or. Kollock was well aware, and therefore we find him blten directing his masterly prescriptions puward sm;h. He never fails to lift with la gentle hand the bruised reed, to aid the feeblest aspirations of afilicted piety, to shew twlhe fearful a bright path through the deep anil dreary valley, and to declare to the bereaved, that their losses shall be all compensated in the resurrection ol the just. At some future time, we shall proceed to furnish extracts from the sermons, with remark's in confirmation of the character which has been hastily sketohed ; and as a proof that we are not influenced by a gf blind admiration, we shall afterwards point out a lew . things which we could have wished the editor hud expunged, be lieving that such a liberty might hare been taken wiili a posthumous publication which had not been chastened by the last cor rections of the author. FIDES. Voice of the East—The New Hamp shire Patriot conducted with commanding talent, of great popularity and patronage, and decidedly of the old school ol demo crats, holds language nf this tenor. Although at this moment glancing at tire newspapers, in this State, there would rgppear to be great confusion in the popu lar sentiment relative to the persons who are to be supported as our next Congress Ticket, there never was a time when the people were more unanimous, more united an sentiment. As many as five persons ♦n'the list this day nominated, vie: Messrs. Tinnier, juh. Il.irvey, Matson, Whipplejr. and Bartlett will be chosen by an over whelming majority ; the other candidate is less certain—hut even here the public voice will concentrate eventually upon the right man, even should the people have to vuie twice to effect the object. The people of New Hampshire are almost, as one men, ready tn correct all abuses that have crept into ihe administration—they are prepared in say into a loud and decid ,d tune to the government—“ Reduce your expenditures so they shall not ex ceed your incrioies—abolieh all unneces sary offices | pay no man in office more than the real value of his services—we cannot, will nut support favoritism in the dispensing of Executive patronage—we arc in favour of no man for next President who diil not engage to administer the government on the rigid plan laid down and practised by the illustrious Jefferson when he commenced a glorious era in the annals of this Republic.” The people have perfect confidence that the men a boreimnied will pursue such a course; ami tot only do they rely on the patriotism of these men, but they hove great confidence in their intelligence. They know that these men will have weight at Washing ton—that having already fouud kindred spirits from every quarter of the Union, unity in the next Congreaa will be first promoted by electing them. By whatever oame they may be called, they belong to the party which must alwavs prevail—the party which looks with a single eye to the good of the country in all its measures* Early Printing.—When the art of Priming was first discovered, the Printers only made use of one side of a page; ihey had not yot found out the expedient of impressing the other. 1 When their edi tions were intended to be curious, they omitted to print the first letter of a chap ter, fur which they felt a blank space, that it might be painted nr illuminated at the opiiun of Ihe purchaser. Seve ral ancient volumes of these early tin e- have been fouud, wi ere these letters are wanting as they neglected to have them printed. When the art of printing was first established, it was the glory ol tlie learned to be the correctors of the press to the eminent printers ; Physi oians, Lawyers, and Bishops themselves, occupied this department. The Printers then utldcd frequently to their names, those ofIhe correctors of the press, and editions were valued according to the abi lities of Ihe corrector, \ •• i To let their fame ) <i Live register’ll in our primed books.’’ ' Tim first printed book in the English tongue wasKecuyell oftheUittory of Troy And is dated Sept. 19, tin,at Cologne; but The Game of Chess, is allowed by Ty pographic.! Auiiquaries, to have been the ftlt specimen of ihe art. The early Printers used to affix at Ihe end of the volumes which Ihey printed, some device or couplet, concerning the work, with the addition of the name of the printer. In the edition of Ihe Pragmatic Sanction, printed by Andrew Bocard, at feu. 1507, the tollowing handsome coup let i» inserted : »>Strt liberdonee fluotua formica marinas «Rhibati ei ioium lesheto perambolei orbem.” Which may he thus translated '• May this volume condone in motion, Ace '*.a pap- each day be unfurl’d, Till an ant h - drank up the ocean, VX a tortoise has cravtlM round the tvorld ’’ OCTOBER ELECTION. The following ar« the candidates ibr the 8c natn and llutite of Representatives of She state of Georgia, at ihe election in Oetober next i ■KNAIOR, JOHN MACPHEIISON tlRUIUKN, nemxsRNTATivxa. JOSEPH W. JACKSON, MORDECAI SIIBKI ALL, Sen. THOMAS N. MORF.I.L, Dll. MOSES SHEFTALL, LEVI S. D’DYON, COL. STEELE WHITE. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. The following gentlemen are candidates for the representative branch of the National Le gislature, from whom seven are to be cleeted, at the same time with the above, to repreaent thia atale, pursuant tu the apportionment act under the new oensus, passed the last session : RDWAlib P. TATTNALL. ? of Chatham. ALFRED CUTHUERT, $ 01 ° 1 m * • JOHN FORSYTH, ? »,f Richmond. THOMAS GLASSCOCK, 5 R,cr,raona * WILEY THOMPSON, of Elbert, THOMAS W. COBB, of Greene. JOEL ABBOTT, nf Wilke*. STEPHEN W. HARRIS,of Putnam, CHARLES K. HAYNES, of Hancock. JOHN R. GOLDING, 61 Clark. GEORGE CARY, of Columbia. We earnestly request our friends and subscri. bera in the different counties to forward us a list at the earliest period, of the votes given for members of tb^National and State Legislatures. SONG. Day breaks on the mountain, Light breaks on the storm, The sun from the shower, Glints silent and warm ; But dark is the hour Of grief on my soul, There’s no morn to awake it, No beam to console. The hawk's to his corrai, The dove's to her nest, The grey wolf’s to greenwood, The fo* to his rest— But even tnd morrow Are wakeful tome, There’s no rest for my sorrow, No sleep for my c’e. 0 lily of England, O Layde my love, How fair is the sunbeam, Thy bower above ! But bright be the blossom, And reckless thy glee, And crossed not thy bosom With sorrow for me. We have met in delight, We have deemed ne’er to sever, We have loved in despair,— \V4 HlVe parted for ever! But yet there's a rest To the mournful •» given, We shall sleep on its breast, And awaken in Heaven. DIED, In thia city on the 12th tost, in the 22d year of his age, Mr. Peter E. Donna, o native of Mar tinique, but by education, habit and feeling, an Amoricun. Just sprung to manhood, when tilt faculties ami feelings which constitute the basis of character are developed, he manifested those quulities of the head and the heart, which give confidence to hope nod teach affection to in dulge in the moat flattering anticipations. Hu had resided among us several years, and by his good conduct acquired the esteem of all his ac quaintnnecs; whilst to those who knew him in timately, to whom the kindred ties of affection, and the lofty feelings of friendship had attached him, he was endeared by integrity of character and generosity of sentiment, by a cheerfulland confiding disposition, a kind and sympathising heart. By them hit memory will be cherished with a melancholy satisfaction long after his wasting form shall nave mouldered into dust and this slender memorial of his virtues met its ob livion. On Saturday Inst, Capt. John Itennro, Jr. of tin brig (lector, of Portsmouth, N. H. aged 40. Iu Augusta, 9th inst. Walter Leigh, Esq. a native of Virginia, aged 64. In Darien 1st inst. Mr.Godfrey Merrick, a na tive of Barnstable county, Mass, aged 21. Near Darien: on the 10th Inst. Mr. Thomas Fuller, of Susses, Eng. aged 32. At Fort M'Intosh, Wayne county, on the 30th ult, Mr. Robert Leach, aged 43. On Wilmington Island, 25th ult. Robert M'Rea Durkce, aged 25. COMMERCIAL. AnttlVKD, Brig Eliil Morrison. Douv'lle, New York, 14 flays, with.a full cargo to 0 Rollins, 8 Manton, Jnhnsloiflk Hill., Pntiyat If Hnttamt, W T Wit' liam«, Oamtry h Diltkuro amt others. Schr John, Glllett. Charleston, 3 days, to 1 Cohen and others. 3 passengers. itfolUVATS mow THIS TOST- At Darien 13lh iijst. sloops Espress, Pierce, 3 dais i Jason, Drummond, 2. At Charleston, 17th instant, tch Mark Time, Chnat, 1 day. At Philadelphia 9th inst. brig Frances. Funk, J days. At Providence, ship nising States, Jacobs, 8 days. At Boston, sohr Ariadne, Davis, 13 days. rr.r.Him roil Tins pout, At Providence, 2d lost, brig Holla, Harring ton. At Boston, 1st inst. toh Return, Downes. . or rou Tins t ost. At Boatnn 4th inal. brig Monroe, to sail loon. The ship Gen. Carrington, from thia port via N York, arrived at Providence 2d inal. CHARLESTON, Sept 17-Arr. aohr Swift, Bossleare, Campeachy, 12 daya; sch Alexander, Ivei, St. Augustine, 2. NOnFOI.K, Sept 9—Went to sea last eve rting. brigantine Almira, Robinson, fpr Boston— D. Carney, Jr. from Savannah, passenger, PHILADF.t,PHIA,~Sept 9-Arrived, brig America, Bock ins, Cumins, 22 days. Cleared, brigs Timandra, Yarn,Hi Pernambu co i Liddell, Liddell, LiverpoiAv Prices Current at Charleston, Sept, 16. Cotton S. Island 20 a 24 s stained do 14 a 16 : Santee 18 a 201 abort staple very fine held at 14 i do inferior to prime 10 a 13; Rice prime gj 87j i good 2/ i inferior 2$. Cottons—The market has remained in a dor mant mate throughout the week—if any tales have been effected, they are very limited in ex tent. The old stock of Cotton hss been much reduced, and the new ia now treading upon its fleets. Several samples have been received in town, and it affords us pleasure to state, that it promises to be of excellent staple; and should the present favorable weather continue, much of it will be gathered in good condition. Some waggons with Cotton of the new crop are ex pected at market in the course of a day or two, which will enable us to mate the price in our next. Rice has experienced no change since our last, we therefore continue the name quotations. Courier, l Exports of Cotton and ttice from Charleston for the week ending on Saturday last, balks cottoA Tiercel Uplands. S Islands Itice West Indies 00 00 671 "Havre, July 24—Cottons continue to decline. The news ot the treaty with your government aamved the day before yesterday, li is now im passible to obtain more than 32 sous for New Orleans Cottons: and for Georgia and Carolina 26 a 27 saps. Every thing is as dull as possible. Orders tW your Cot'.ou next season will be lira- i’ed at 10 eents," Prices Current at (Vvir-Vtofr, Sept. 7. Wo could gather hut vary few changes In tlir priori for the present number. Business ia ■till unsrtlffd.and out little dntng. Flour lias advanced, and aalea lure bean made at the quotations. Hire tnay be considered a shade better. Href continues very dull. Ports Is getting sesrer and In demand i the price generally asked ia g9 71 caali. Cam. Report. A Ha MARINE INTELLIGENCE POUT OF SAVJIJmSB. For Ncw-York, Jfkr The fine brier jfjt ALPRKD, _ Warn nek, mailer, aUMLwill sail for the above port To-Morrow/ (wind permitting.) For freight or passage, imply to the captain on board, at Jones’ lower wharf, or to CUMM1NG fif GWATHMKY, Who have for mfe, 50 bis superfine Flour, (llnxall Brand) o/lltOo 5 bales of White Plains, just received per ship Robert Flasket sept 19 e Williani Scarbrough, H AS for sale, a few casks of heal LONDON PORTER, in pint and quart bottles sept 19 p . Praitis, Blankets, ^c. subscribers have rereived a partpf their I sup pi v of blue and white Plains, Duffle and Point Blankets. They have also on hand, Hoes, Oznaburgsand Porter. 1 IL&J. HABERSHAM, sep 19 p .*■» Ocmler Posey H AVE moved their store to the south-west' corner of Jefferson and St. Julian street, where they sell all those articles which ure usu- unity enumerated in the long advertisements of Apothecaries. As they reside in the same house where they carry on their business, they can at all times, day or night, accommodate their customers. They always keep on hand « complete assort ment of warrnn'ed GARDEN SEEDS. Also, Garden Tools and Flower Pols, sep 19 Georgia—Liberty County. Ry Elijah llaker. Clerk of the Court of Ordinary for Liberty County, W ILLIAM OSGOOD applies for tetters nf adminiatration, with tiie will annexed on the goods and rliatteli, rights and credits which were of Maty Ann Fraaer, late of said county, deceaaed. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections, (if any they have I in my office at Ricebornugh on or before tile first Monday in November next, oth erwise letters of administration will be granted to the said applicant. Given under mv hand and seat, thia 17th day of September, in the year of our Lord 1822. [L 8.] E., cco lc sep 19 WILLIAMS’. Literary and Commercial HEADING ROOM. R ECEIVED per Uiphard Plasket, Magazines for July, vi®. Ackerman’s Repository of Arts, Literature, Fashions, Uc. Bell’s Court and Fashionable Magazine New London Magazine Repertory of Arts, Manufactures W Agricblture Evangelical Magazine and Missionary Chronicle Eclectic Review Tilloch's Philosophical Magazine New Monthly Magazine Sporting Magazine Edinburgh Philosophical Journal Thompson’s Annuls of Philosophy NRW8PAPES9, From London to July 18, and Liverpool to !9th sept 15 Twenty Dollars Reward. R ANAWAY on the 7th of August last, a ne gro fellow commonly kouwn by the name of BIG TOM M’Murphy—lie is about 5 feet 9 oFlU inches high I stout, welt made, about 2.5 years old, complexion very dark. Aa he lias been on the river for some lime, it is probahli lie will make for Savannah, or may be tin bmp somewhere near the river, between Align-.'-- . ^i«nd Savannah. Ten Dollars will be paid l„ : de al liveringTom to the sitiiscnber in Augnstu, and Ten Dollars for information that will lead to con- vietion of his being harbored or emplovrd by any white person. L. REED, sep 10 p Assize of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being g7 50 ctl. per barrel, the weight of Breadfor the pre sent month must be as follows'; 12$ Cents Lonf 21b 6oz 6$ Cen’s Loaf lib 3ns of which nil hikers and sellers of Bread will take due notice- JOHN I. ROBERTS, t. sep 14 To Item, Tho IIUII,DING at preaont occupied by the subscriber, on the Bay. It contains a large store, sepa rate Born which ii a smaller one, used a«a soda room, and a good cellar under the whole. As a stand for any description nf bind* nets, it is exceeded by none In the city, being nearly opposite to the Exchange, and in the neighborhood of the shipping and the banka.— For terms, which will he moderate, apply oil the premises, to JOHN U. BEKTMEl.Ol aep 1? For Kent, The Dwelling House or the l«ie I Thomas Gardner Esq. d< c. Api-lv tu II. KIRBY. sep 10 b Tlie firm of Jackson iij Wood ii in no a, hitherto existing, is dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business confided lo them will receive the attention of WomthrUtoo U Du rand. F.AENE/KR JAt'K'JON* Jr. THUS. M. WOODUR1DGE. sep 3 rp The undersigned have united their professional interests in the prao* tine of the LAW, and will be found at the of fice recently occupied by Jaokson & Wood- bridge. THOS. M. WOODBRIDGE, ALEXIS D. DURAND. aep 3 rp To Rent, OF.VEliAL convenient and pleasant Dwelling O llousoa. Apply 11 SAMUEL PH1LBIUCK, aug 23 rp For Sale. A quantity of excellent BALE ROPE to be /%. disposed of on accommodating terms.— Apply tn WM. TAYLOR ff SUN. sng31 a IRON. a Tons Swedes Iron, imorted, landing and SSsfiJ for lain by O. TAFT. Irp 10 h Notice. 171 DWARt) WILLIAMS offers hla services JLj to (he friends of the late firm of Fa. W4I- ittiuM & Co. in the transaction uf Commission Hu linen, at Savannah. aug 6 Notice. rpitE subscriber will be absent fi om the city .1 for a short timci during hia abieuce ‘Mr. SiMur.L puiLsntcxWill sot as his attorney, aug 20 c I. MINIS. Gin und Uruiidy. XV few pined Northern Gin and Brandy, for kaIc by JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, aug 31 uf WHISKEY. TUST received per sloop Subim, 150 barrels •1 Whiskey. For sale on accommodating terms hy J; li. HERBERT & CD. ■rp 12 BOARDING. OrpiIRKE or four young gentlemen can be ao- u commodated with Boarding mat Lodging in a respectable family, in a central situation, ami on the most moderate terms. Apply to the Editor of the Groiioiar. nug 17 Notice. VTINE months after the date oftliia notice, 11 application will be made to the Honorable the Justices ol the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for permission to sell the real estate ol Lclty Carter, deceased, for tlie benefit uf the heirs and creditors of the said deceased. LIGHT TOWNSEND, Adm’or. smr 15 §4 Earthenware, tyc. Oijti crates uf of Earthenware, well aaiorted tsJ 10 chests Hyson Tea 10 hints Whiskey 30 boxes Megrath’s Soap 3 keg. Shot, assorted 10 do No 1 Tobacco 12 M Scgara, lor sale by HALL U HOYT- sep 7 Fresh Boots, Shoes, 8cc. THOMAS DOWELL h CO. f ¥AVE just received by brig Levant, a fresh 11 supply of Ladies’ Pi uncllo8iipperi, heels nml springs, of superior quality Chil'lren's first quality black and colored mo* rocco Roots ALSO, 50 pair Wellington Roots of superior quality, with an additional supply of other kinds of Shoes, C^c. which will be disposed of on the mn«t reasonable terms, sep 3 a Sugar, Coffee, &c. A/fyffY liags prime Green Coffee J20 hhds superior St Groiz Sugar 50 do H ivana Muscovado do 20 bags Pimento 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 5 half do and 5 qr caskl Pico lladeift Wine 50 bis prime ncef 200 do freak Baltimore Flour, for isle by HALL & HOYT. sep 5 Notice. OT1CE ishrr< by given, that the copartner* 1^1 nersliip heretofore existing between Ed* ward Williams of Savannah, and Ahijah Fisk of Huston, under the firm of £. Williams U Co Suvannali, Georgia, is this day dissolved by mu* tuul consent. All persons having demands against tlie said him, are requested to present the sumo for p lymeut, and all persons indebted to Hrtid firm, are called < ; pon to make payment to. Edward Williams, of Savannah, by whom the bus ness will be hcrenfter carried on A. FISK. EDWARD WILLIAMS. Jloiton, June 18, 1822. aug 6 — aria PUBLIC SALES. By J. B. Herbert if Co. THIS DAY, I9ih Instant,at It o’clock, mu he sold at Bolton's Csnlrat Wharf, without rYlrrw, Thu «lonp b u s ji Jr, with her mils, rigging, «o. In complete readiness tor lea; ounhen 83 tuns, 'erms ut time of tala. aep 19 Mmlnistrntor’t Sole. By J. B. Herbert & Co.. On the first 7V»fluy <» Octobsr next, W ILL be sold before (ho court home inths city of Savannah, Between the uauet hours a Negro Man named DlYMIOM as the proper ty of Mr. Uainucl Davenponyaluceased, by order of the administrator. Terms cash. aug6 f Attachment Sole. Rsheti J.t-.Mt va. D. W /louder, \\V*U- be sold on Tuesday, S4th Inst, at 12 \#w o'clock, on the lot adjoining Col. Shell- <net's Hotel, all tile l.utnber, Shingles, Bricks, fcwbii ssiil lui, attached in the above caae, and sold by older of tho Hun. the Inferior court. AlHtAUAMi D’LYON, a e a aep 13 ■ Francis It. Nicoll Si Ce. Case Circuit Court United States, Dis trict of Umirgia. September, 18 \Y. ScarbroughXnd.htlforaj jWu mAere, 13d P ROCE jlXtaving Watiet , turnaWe to Ihe term of thia court in' De cember next i and It being represented that John Hasten, William 8. Oillett, Samuel Yatea, Andrea- Low, qnd John Bugue, defendants in thd-said came, reside without the limits of tho District of Georgia t It is ii/dcred, that the laid John Haalott, William 8. Gillett, Samuel Yates, John Rogue and Andrew Low appear at tho term ufthlaenurt to be holden at Savannah in the term of December next, to answer to the plaintiff! On the merit! of their laid petit.on, and that a copy of thia order be published in one of the garettei oftliia mate for throe months, and that the plaintiflk have leave to lake auelt further proceedings si arc prcionhed in tho rule in auch caae made and provided. J. QUYLER, Dlstriot Judge. True extract hum the minutes. - GEO GLEN, Clerk. AiwinmiA, Sept. 13,1833. aep 14 Notice, P ROPOSALS will be received until the lit day of October next, to supply the Steam Boat Company with WOOD on the-Savannah river, for one year. Applications for contracts must specify the quality and price, and nw tlie landing where tu be delivered. Letters, pest paid, addieMed to Carlos Tracy, Tresaurer, Augusta, or to the President at Sa vannah, will be promptly a tended to. 6. C. DUNNING, Prea’t. aug 6 Laurel Hill Toil-Mill. OrntlB Toll-Mill on Mrs. Anarum’t plantat'on 41 has been completely repaired lately, and l» now ready to work aa well as any other mill on tlie river. Tlie rbugh-rice that will be sent to the mill will he kept aeparatcly in dry andaafo stores, and shall be beat with tlie utmnat care and economy, and the barrelta will be always de livered in good ol der. Empty barrels, madr nf prime boated staves, will be fimiiahed at tho mill when required. The terms for cleaning Hiee will be the same aa at the oilier toll-mills. Those planters who wifi engage to have their erot'i beat at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 2U0 tierces, oral much tuna aa they please, boat at one turn, Applicalionfeoncctn- Ing tlie mill, to be made to Archibald Ure biter, on the plantation, or In Savannah, to PETIT DB VII.LEItS. pup 10 tpf Factor, Mougin’a wharf. TO CAPITALISTS. A VERY superior *ua» Saw MUl hat titan recently urected in the vicinity of the C\T\ OF BAFLIFN, as the moat eligible situation for a buainrsa ot the kind on tlie Atlantic alioroa of the United Statca. Poasculng all tliAadvantsgoa of an in exhaustible supply uf the finest yellow piicli Pine and Cypreaa Timber, built on a fine bluff; with thirteen feet water elate to it, aud> natural cove for the resepllon of loga. The preaent owners not liaving it in their power to bestow that attention to it whieh a concern of auch magnitude require!, are detlr. out of selling the vhole, or e pari of their inter, eat in It, and new i/sr il for sale at e very low valuation, end much leu than auch e Minorure could he completed for. Then lisa just been added to It e very aupe. rior Rice Pounitiiif Machine, capable of dll- charging at leut JO tiercel of clean rice par day) and a Corn-Mill, til ret in motion by tlia same engine. The Saw-Mill II upon a new principle, by the late ronowned Civil Engineer, Mr. REN. NIP, of Lundon, who lent out one of hit beat workmen to superintend ita erection. It can now out with 48 aawa, and may be made to drive twice tint number. Tlie Steam P.nglne ii perhaps tho best In the United States, made by Meaan. BOLTON M WATT, of Soho, near Birmingham i and erected under the Inaneotlon of their best fore man, aent out exprcasly for that nurpuar. A wonderful expenee ia laved in foci, as ihe saw-dust from the pitch-pine Is found to answek instead of lire-woud, and ia carried to the mouth of tlie furnaou from the pit by elevator* now in ttae, Tlie Rice Machine II also on a new principle and found by experience ureiiawcr better than any yet in uae. The quickness and regularity uf thy movement, producing it of aauperior brightness without breaking the grain. The mill it aituated on a fine Greek, called Cat-llenl, on a branch of the Altamalia River, and only about half a mile (him Darien. Sea Vessels, whese diaught of water enables them to go to thp-wfi-mt Harton, een load at the Mill, only a mtort distance off', with great facility, aa an enolined plane foam the mill, will enable them to receive the lumber into their bow porta, aimoat without expence i anil tho mill, ua now ill operation, can furnish 40 M. feet nf plank per day, which may be increased if found necessary i the power being amply suffi cient. The lumber sent foom thia eitabliahment ainen It went into operation haa been allowed to ba superior in quality and regularity in aawing. The commissioners,of the Navy of the Uni. ted States have approved of tlie ahip planks, furnished from it, and it is highly probable will give it a preference in future cuntracta. It liaa also been teen and justly admired in New-York and Philadelphia. The prospect of * renewed intercourse with the British West India Islands, renders thia establishment a desirable mode of investment— offers, In that caae, having been made fiom JAMAICA ALONE, for abuul half of alltbepror duce nf the aew-mill. The present owners have no objection to con. tinue interested in it to e certain extent, but their other avocations preclude their personal > attention to it. For term* and other particulars, apply per, tonsil) or by letter to JOHN M’NISH, Savannah. ft N. B. If not disposed of anon, the mill, with aUita privileges, will be rented for a term uf years. jlpplr as aPo os. may 13, !