Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 01, 1822, Image 4

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ii. iilIMJi » H ANSON PARSONS, M. 8 Gthtom’ BullUngo, R F.RPECTPtfLLY informs his friends sud customers in this stale and South-Carobna generally, tint he has established himself in the UnigIjne t on his own individual account, and is opening at this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, fife. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Merchants, and Planters, and all who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supptiea at this Es tablishment on the most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Antimony crade Marble Morters Georgia—Effingham County. I Utntral Drag and YmuYYj I ,l,p8 “ 0l fflX m>. Warworn*. Tlie Tw.tee* of the Germin' Lutheran Congregation It Ebenercr, 1 .R cl , NlM. »«. The Moira fc Kepreaentatives of Michael Mock, deceased. J O N the petition of the Trustee* of the Ger. man Lutheran Congregation at Kbenracr, praying the dbreeloaure of the Equity of Ke- demp'ion of all that tract or parcel of laud, con taining two hundredacrea, lying and being In the county of Effingham and etale tforc«aid,but. tlhg and bounding north-areat on John J. Gro- eenatine. north eastward on Joimllunold, aouth ext on John Lidle Livtiner, S. E. David Unseld and are vacant at the titpe of the survey thereof, originally granted - to Wolfgang Mock, deceas ed on the second day of April, one thousand seven hundred and secure the pay ment ofthe sum of eighty dollars, on the fuurth day of December, eighteen hundred and three, with interest at the rale of six per centrirom the fourth day of December, eighteen hundred and two - , and it appearing to the Court that there is now due on said bond and mortgigotlte sum of sixty dollars with interest from March twenty-fiTth, eighteen hundr ed anil eiglrteenort •ii per cent. On motion of Wayne nnrl Cuvier, AUomies for the petitioner*, it is ordered that the amount due on said bond and mortgage be paid into Court, with internal, within twelve months, oth erwise the Equity of Hedemp - ion of the heirs and representatives d? the saiu Michael Mitch, be foreclosed, anti that other and further pro. occdings be bad thereon, pursuant to the stat ute in such cases made and provided! and it is farther ordered thatthisltule be published nnce a month for twelve months in one of the public gazettes of this stale. Extract from the .lfimrfer. JNO. CHAULTON, Clerk. dec 11 - 4ve Notice. N ine mohths after date application will be made to the honorable the Justice* of the Inferior court of Camden county,for leave to sell ell the land* in aaid county belonging to the estate of John King, late of Effingham county KARA!! KING, orfm'rx. Aptil 5,1832. 4»* Clark county, Ga. .hpnl 6 Notice. -aTINE month, after date application will be 1^1 made lo the honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Glynn county, lor leave to sell alt the lands in said county belonging to the es tate of John King, late of Effingham county. SAHAIi KINO. adm*rx. April 5,1822. $a* Clark county, Ga, april 6 . Notice. A T the eipiration of nine months from this date, 1 shall apply to the honorable the Jus ticea of the Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the following real and personal property held by the late II J, Houston intruat, viz : ... Cedar Grove plantation, containing upwards of ISOtacres, situated in (lie district of White aiutr. - - - , „ One Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, near the above. May Island, containing 100 acrea, more or ics«,iituat*don the maraheaof Little Ogechec Alans between 85 and 70 Slaves. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1833. orfni'r. J?. J. Houtton. may 16 h Notice. A T the expiration of nine monthi from this date. I a ball apply to the honorable Hie Jua ticea of the Inferior court of Chatham county, ' for leave to aell the following real property ol the estate of 11. J. Houtton, viz i One tract of 334J acrea of Land in Bryan county, situated on Red U rd creek. One undivided fourth part of 1450 acres of Land iA McIntosh county, aituated on the Alata- mshe river. Twelve LoU in the to* n of Brunswick, Glynn * county. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1823. odat’r. H. J. K s may 16 % Alcohol Aloe a soct do hepat Arrow root Annis teed Aftsafoetida, Allum Angelica root Angostura barb- Aqua Portia Antimonial wino Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do N trout do Tartaric do Sulphuric Bark yellow, do red do pale, do in quill Hals Capevi do Canada, do Peru do Tolu Karbadoes Tar Bora* refd Burgundy Pitfch Bole Armenia Beeswax yellow do white Brimstone roll do refd Castor Oil, American do W. India Castor, Russia Camphor re I'd Calomel np Canthari'leff, do pulr Camomile flowers Canella alb. Caraway feed Cardamon seed Cascarilla bark Cassia, Cinnamon Castile Soap, white do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colombo root do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do now’d Cowitch Cream Tartar, pul? Corrosive Sublimate Cat mi nc Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digilales Dovers Powders Epsom Salts, Eng. Father Sulph Fargot Rider blossoms Emery fine do No 1, 2 and 3 Elixir Paregoric do Vitriol Extract Cicuter do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Hour bulphur do Benzoin Flax seed, Fennel seed British Oil Filings steel, do iron Fassence peppermint Yaclotagfc & Commission BUSINESS. T HE undersigned have this day entered into copartnership in the above line under the •firm of Syunor.s U Herrin—and solicit from their friends a share of businem—Their Count ing Room is in the west end of Bulloch's Build ings. They will be enabled to make suitable edvtnoet on produce deposited for sale. OLIVER 9TURGES, WM. P. HUNTER. •Savannah, flee. 1. 5 Cherry Hill lor Sale. J\ Valuable Plantation in Bryan county, sit uated on the south tide of the Grest Ogeehee river, about 5 miles below Hill's Bridge, and 20 miles from Savannah, contain ing two hundred and ninety acres of river swamp ofthe first quality, on an excellent pitch of tide, two hundred of which are cleared and under dams t and three hundred and fifty seven t'res of high land of mixed qualities, one hun- dred and fifty of which are cleared and fenced. There are now growing on this plantation, «vop««f oouon and rice, by the appearances of which the qualities of the "lands under cult .ra tion may be estimated. -There are a large and commodious barn, ma chine and machine house, cotton, corn and gin houses, all nearly rew ; an overseer's house, a comfortable dwelling house, stables, chair house, Sc. negro houses for the accommoda- tionoffromSu to 60 negroes, and one ofthe £nt springs of water in the low country. There ii also attached to Cherry Hill a tract of five { Kindred acres uf pine land, from which ail the umber, rails staves, tfc. to be used on the place, may be procured. A Plat ofthe above land may be seen st the office of the subscriber, in the Exchange, Sa vannah. '* For terms, apply to Mr James S. Bond, Da- lien, toil- P. Dome re, Esq. Bryan countv, or to SAMUEL 4ft. BOND. mg f Oemler £5 Posey H AVE moved their itore to the south-west comer of Jefferson and St. Julian street, where they sell all th«ae an ides which are usu Gaily enumerated in the long advertisements of Apothecaries. At they reride in the same house where they eoary on their business, they can at all times, day or night, accommodate their customers They always keep on hand a complete Assort ment of warranted GAHDKN SEEDS, Also, Garden Tools and Flower Foil. my 19 Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringes Syr ngea, quarts in boxei do pints, do 4 pints do miric and lemalv Congress* spring water Lemon acid 8oda powders Balts of Lemon Cologne water Wash balls Windsor soap Transparent do Liquid do Lou's perfumed do Naples do Pomatum in sticks do in pots assorted Rose water, lavender do Taney Vials Essences ass'd Sal Ammoniac do Volatile I, do Tartar . do Glauber refined Sdlilt Arsenic, Fowler's Spts. Ammonia do Hartshorn do Lavender compn’d do Wine, uo camphor do Nit. Dulc Sassafras bark Sarsapurilla Sponge fine, doxoaTse ball ron Spanish do Eng do American Saving Senna Alex Spermaceti Snake root Virg, do Seneka, Squills Storav, Salts!lurtahorn Sugar lead Synip Squills, do simple Tart Emetic, Tapioca 11 net Aloes comp’d do Myrrh, do Valerian do Snake mot do Aftsafaelida do Bonzuin comp'd do Canlharidea do Senna do Rhubarb do bark lluxhamt do Peruvian haik do Opium, do Castor do Muriate Iron do Columbo root do Kino, <lo Jalap do Guaiac, do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squills Valerian root Vitriolated Tartar Vitriol white, do blue do green Patent Medicines, Uc. Bateman's drops Pink roof Vial corks, bottle da Pearl ashes Wax tapers Pearl barley Nurembergh ds Powdered Un Wsi m Lssenges Pluter mercurial Patent Lint do Burgundy pitch Thumb lancets do adhesive dv common do strengthening do Clewlcvs do drachlyon crown dot do Evans's do gum Spring lancets do blistering Tooth Instrumentsass’d Quassia Bougies, Gallipots do rasp’d Macabov snuff Quicksilver Liquid blacking Rhubarb root Black sealing wax do powdered Bed do Bed precipitate ' Red \« afers, assarted do Rose water, R >sin Tooth brushes, common Kust of Iron do silver wire, 3 and 4 Gum elastic. Spatulas -rows Scales and weights Cupping and trepaning Garden seeds «u boxes, Instruments as oiled Male and female silver Balm Quit# Catheters Churches cough drojwiWhite leather skins for coughs, colds comEtiglish mustard, by the sumptions, asthmas, lb. in can sters tic. lie Ground Ginger, race do Cephalic Snuff, for ca-C loves, cinnamon tarrhs, Mace Scutellaria, Ijateriflorn, or Scullcap. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Boxes, • Well calculated for Plantation use. Together with a general attorlment of Surgical Instruments, Siiop Furniture, assorted Phials, &c. ALSO, Saratoga and BalUton Mineral Spring Waters, a <11 be kept constantly on hand in as perfect stale as can be imported. ANSON PARSONS. dec 31 fp Frankinsense Glauber salts Galls Aleppo Galbanum, Ginseng Gold Thread Gentian root Glass Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grains Py radian Gum Ammoniac do Senegal do Arabic do powd. do kino do benzoin do Tragacanth do Guuc do Myrrh • do Shellac do Copal do Mastich do Gamboge do Scamony llelebore black do white lliera Pisra Honey, do squills Hoffmans anodyne Itingli 'Stoughton's bitters Godfrey's cordial Steers Opodeldoc Turliugtons balsom Daibeys Carminative Daflys Elixer Ilsrlem Oil or medeca- mentum Oil Wormseed Pills, laces N. London Pills, Lees Windham do Andersons do Hoopers do calomel, do opium COLOURS, Uc Prussian blue, 1,2 U 3 Fig blue, King* yellow Drop'Lake, No. 1 U 2 Flake white, Carmine Ivo r y black, lampblack Indigo Spanish Black lead, red do Litharge Terri de senna •nr vials* Ess. Cinnamon * do Lavender da Bergamot do LeWn Calc’d Magnesia Ipecacuanha or Hippo. Epsom salts, Rhubarb lalap Juniper berriet Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do ball Jo refined Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powdered do small srmare do calcined Manna flake, do sort! Mesereon, musk Mustard seed, jnace Nutmegs, nux vomica Opium, orange peel Oxymel squills Oil Vitriol do Tansey do ol.ves do Peppermint do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Pcneroyo! do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm seed do Lavender , Annis seed do Juniper do Cloves,, do Almonds Ointment mcie do Barilicon do cerate do simple do red precipitate do Spanish flics Peruvian bark Cheltenham salts Henry s calc’d Magnesia Stomachic kilter* Castor Oil Peragoric Laudanum Antimonial wine Tinct rhubarb do assafcctidt Hals Capeva Sweet Oil \ Spts Lavend com go camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Caiomel Jalap Tartar "Emetic m ■ Wine Bittern 6pts llsruhr x do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Sweet Oil, castor Oil . American and W. I. Sundries. > Spanish whiting v Rotten stone Pumice do Powdered blue Copperas Vermtiion, Chinese do English Verdigris, Irish Glue Patent spring Trusses eammon do Durable Ink Ned ink powder Black do; Pill boxes SYRUP OF PALME r ITO. D OC I OR UERTIIELOI' reapectfully in- turms the public and his friends, that lie is supplied in his sture w ith a lar>>e quantity of that Hficachius Medicine called the Syrup • f Palmetto, which is celebrated for itsextraordr nary virtues in destroying WORMS, which so generally afflict children in this country. It has been generally acknowledged all over the Wot Indies and the United States. This Syrup be ing of mii agreeable flavor, children will take it eusdy without hat disgust which ordinarily at tends the use of other Medicines employed for the same purpose. Those persons who will use this Syrup in tire above case may be certain of a radical cure. Directions to use it will be given by the sub- scnl-ur. JjB.BERTlIELOT. may 31 Notice and Caution. tlfTHERF.AS 1 have been informed that John - vv Cumochan and Peter Mitchell of this ci- ) have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged .ml assigned to divers persons either their indi- idtial creditors, creditors of the late firm ol iarnochan U Mitchell, or others, all orauudn he property and estate, both real and pertomd, nf the said firm, as well as their own individual roperty and estate, consisting together ol .muses, lots, lands, stores, wharves, negroes, &c. ,n Savannah and Da ien in Georgia, or the leighborhood thereof, and ehewhere with their nterelt or share in the stock of the lower steam null near Darien, and sundry shares ii the United States Bank ' nd other banka, as well as sundry debts due to them in various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, &c. in the temtor. of Flomta, sod particularly one large tract ol land bought of Forbes U Co.'lying between the rivers St. Marks and Apalachicola in the territory of Florida aforesaid. These are hereby to caution the public against purchasing any part of the said property or es tate so conveyed, or any other property belong* iug to the said Carnochan Zf Mitchell, or either of them, as i hold prior mortgages on the great est part thereof, which are on record in the re gistry in Savannah and Darien aforesaid and n Charleston, S. C. and equitable leins on all the property of said John Carnochan and P* ter Mitchell. WILLIAM ClIlltlSTIE June 8 flS ^ To the Public. J CARNOCHAN and P. MITCHEL are tor- • ry to be again brought before the public by a second notice of Mr Cnristie’a, who baa urn doubtedly claims against them, which, when finally liquidated on the decision of the suit now pending, they will try to satisfy os soon as possible thereafter. The deeds under which Mr Christie claims an exclusive right to sll the real and personal estate of Carnochan * Mi’-chel, arc considered as informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have been brought and are sriU before the court, and other deeds have been executed and re corded, conveying the property for the u»e of ill their creditors Mr Christie included, with out any trust or reservation beneficial toG. U M. or their families t and if this be not agreea ble to that gentleman, it must nevertheless ap pear fair ami equitable to the pub lie and *H who have a sense of jusrice. The Trustees under the late deed* are an* ions to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in the notice of Mr Christie, and to apply the pro ceeds to the immediate payment o» part of hu» demand, Ond deporira sufficiency thereof to co ver all his claim, subject to the decision of the court-but his oppos.tion to any reasonable sale, as one interested in his own right, whilst iujur- ing all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale con be made tinder an order of court- Editors of papers who insert Mr Christie’s notice, will please lnsert the above until bis is withdrawn, and forward their bills to the Savan- h Republican Office, where they will be promptly paid by J- C. U P- M. Georgia—Camden County.. "lMTHEHKAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, admi- If nistrator, applies for letters of diamissicn from the estates of Colonel William Scott, de ceased, John Campbell, deceased, snd Havens Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonifth all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased persons, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in January neat, and shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted in terms ofthe law. - . Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June, 1822. [u. s.] JOHN BAILEY, e. c.o. c. e- july l For Sale, A Tew barecla AITI-ES Apply*® NICHOLAS « NEFF. aug 37 p MEDICINE, SURGERY, AKD CHEMISTRY. WILLIAM T. mLLIJ.V8 H AS s great Variety of Works on the |bove subjects, among which are Arnold's Observut ons on the Nature, Kinds and Prevention of Insanity, 2 vols. g**. Adam’s (Sir Wm.l on the extraction ofthe Ca taract, asumally pet formed, with the des cription of a Scries of New and Improved Operations, t 75 Adam’s (Sir Wm ) Practical Observations on Entropium, or eversion of the Eye Lids* on the modes of forming an Art Hclal Pupil, and on the cure of the diflerent species oi Cataract, 4 25. Adam's (Sir Wm.) Treatise on Artificial Pupil, with an account of the morbid states of the Eye, 3 50. Ayrc on Marasmus and Bilious D snrdert, &J. Accum’s description of the proccas of manufac turing Coal Ua% for the Lighting of Streets, Houses and Public Buildings, plates, 9 50. Accum’s Treatise on Adulterations of Food and Culinar\ Poisons, 8 / J cts. Bancroft’s Essay on the disease called Yellow 'Fever, with observations concerning Febrile Contagion, Typhus Fever, Dysentery and the Blague, $8. Do. do. do. with Notefi, by John B. Davidge, Professor of Anatomy in the Uni versity of Maryland, &4. Ballou 1’s Illiist* ationt of the Power of Com pression and Percussion in the cure of Rheu matism, Gout,and Debihty ofthe Extremities &c. in promoting Health and Longevity, 4 25. Blackall’s Observations 011 the cure of Drop sies, 4 50. Bsmpfield’s Practical Treatise on Tropical Dy sentery , 4 25. Bew’s Opinions on the Causes snd EHcctsof D seases in the Teeth and Gum9, with co loured Engravings, 7 50. Bell’s (Charles) Essay on the Blood; being an examination of the difference cf the motions of Fluids in living and dead vessels, l 50. Bell’s (Charles) System of Operative Surgery, founded on the basis of Anatomy, 2 vols g8 Bell’s (Charles) Letters concerning the diseases of the Urethra, 1 50 Bell's (fttnj.) System of Surgery, 6 vols. Bril's (Henj )T eatise on Gonort lixi virulent* and Lues Venerea, §>4. HeB’s (Benj.)Tr* atise on the theory and ma nagement «>f Ulcers, $3. Hell's (John) Principles of Surgery, 5 50. Bell's (John (J Charles) System ot Anatomy, 2 vols. Bell's (Charles) System of Dinectinim, explain ing the anatomy ofthe Human Body, 2 vols. Blast’s Treatise on the Membranes in general, and on different Membranes in particular, Barton's (W. P C.) Treatise on Marine Hospi tals in the United States, and on the Medical departments of the Navy, 1 75. Brem’s Treatise 011 Verminous Diseases, pre ceded by the natural history of IntesMud Worms, and their origin in the Human Bo- dy. 83. Baillie’s Morbid Anatomy, 1 50. Bree’s Practical Inquiry into disordered reipir ation, distinguishing the specietof Convulsit e Asthma, 82. Burn’s Principles of Midwifery {'including the diseases of women and children, with im provements and notes* by Thomas C. James ot Philadelphia, 2 vols. 8*>* Burn’s Anatomy of the Gravid Utema, with pr clical inferences, relative to pregnancy and labour, 3 75. Burn’s popular direction* for the treatment of Women and Children, 81 Bover’s Lectures upon the diseases of the Bones, | lates, 4 75. Brown’s Elements of Medicine, 2 75. Brandt’s Manual of Chemistry, to which are added notes and ciimareufarics, by Wm. James Macneven, . Clattei back's Observations on the prevention and treatment of the F.piclemic Fever, 3 50. Copeland’s Observations on the diseased Spine, 2 50. Copeland's Observation* on some of the princi pai diseases of the Rectum and Anus, l 25.^ Cullen’s first lines of the practice of Physic; with note* and observations, practical and explanatory, by Charlos Caldwell, 2 vols, 6 50. CulltMi'i Treatise of the Muieria Medio*, with large additions, including many new articles, by Beuj. Smith Barton, 2 vols. 8 5 * Crichton on Mental Derangement, compre bending a concise system of the Physiology and Pathology of the Human Mind, 2 vols g 12. Crichton'* account rf some experiments made with the vapour uf boiling Tar, in the cure ol Pulmonary Consumption, I 50. Cheselden’s Anatomy of the Human Body, 2 50. Cuvier’s Lectures on Comparative Anatomy , 2 vols. 811* . . Coxe’s American Dispensatory', containing the natural, chemical, pharmaceutical and medi cal history of the different substances tm ployed in medicine, 4 50. Chey ne’a Essay on Hy drccephalus Acutus, or Dropsy in the Brain, 1 59. Chey ne on the Diseases of Children, 2 vols. $3. Cleghorn’a Observations on the Epidemic of Minorca, from 1744 to 1749, with note* by Kush, 1 25. Chapman’s Elements of Therapeutics, and Ua teria Medica, 2 vols. S 6 * Chaptal’s Element* of Chemistry, 3 vols 5 90. do. do. 1 vol. 3 78. Do, do. do. with addition* and improvements, by James Woodhouse, 2 vols, SJ5. . Comstock’s conversation* on Chemistry, in which the elements of that science are fa* m'diarly explained, l 75. Duncan’» Observation* on Pulmonary Consump tion, 3 50. Dorsey's (John Sy ng) Elements of Surgery for the use of Students, 2 vols. 87. Douglass’s comparative description of all the muscles in * man and a quadruped, 83- Ewells’* Medical Companion, with a Dispensa tory and Glossary, 8-L Ewell’s ( Thoo.) plain discourses on the laws and properties of Matter, containingthe Element* and Principles of Modern Chemistry, g3. Elliot son’s numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the Hydrocyanic or Prussic .icid in affections of the stomach, 2 75. Edinbu; gh School of Medicine, 4 yols. 10 50. Farre’a Essay on Malformations of the Human Heart, 2*50. Fontana’s Treatise cm Poisons, 2 tab. 88. Faithorn’s Observations on Liver Complaints, 81 50. Fourcroy’s Elements of Chemistry, and Natural History* with notes by John Thompson, 3 vols. 812. Gilman’s Dissertations on the bite of a Rabid Animal, 3 50- Gallup’s Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in the State of Vermont, from it* first setUement to 1815, 83. Gamage’s Account of the Few which existed in Boston during the autumn and winter of 1817 and 1818, with remarks oa typhus fever, 62} cents Hillary’s Observations on the changes rf the air and tl»e concomitant epidemical diseases ary of Physiology, translated h by John Revere, of Balti* In the Island ofBatksdoes, with notes by Rr«h 2 50 Hun*rr*s Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation, and gun shot Wounds, 2 vols 84 50 Hall on Spotted Fever, 1 50 Hciirtis’s Physical Observations on the diseases oi I^iulriana, 1 25 Hamilton's Observations on the utility tad id* ministration of purgative medicines in sever* al diseases, 2 25 Heherdcn’i Commentaries on the history and cure of diseases, £3 IK) # Hallers first lines of Physiology,2 50 Hastings’Treatise on Inflammation ofthe mu cous membrane ¥i the lungs 4 50 Hostings’ Experimental Inquiry into thw ge* neral nature of Inflammation, 75 centt House Surgeon and Physician, designed to at* sist heads of families, travellers, and sea-taring people in d-scerning, d stinguishing, and cur ing diseases, 1 25 Herts Familiar Dissertation on the causes and treatment of the Diseases of the teeth, 87$ ctft Henry’s Elements of Experimental Chemistm 2 vols 6 50 Henry's new and complete American Medical Herbal, plates, 89 Innes’s Short Description of the Human Mus cles, 1 50 Larrey's Memoirs of Militaty Surgery, translat ed from the French, 2 vols g7 ^ London Practice of Midwifery, I 80 Lavoisier’s Elements of Chemistry, 8* Lagrsnge’s Mtmial of a course ot Chemistry, or a senes of experiment* and illustrations ne cessary to form s complete course ofthe sci ence, 2 vols, g6 Marcct’s Essay on the clormical history and medical treatment of calcxdous disorders, 7 50 Munro’s Observations on the different kinds Small Pox, 450 Medical Lexicon, on the plan of Quincy, $4 Medical Dictionary, by Hooper,4 50 Maclean on Hy drotho. • x, 2 75 MacNeven’s Atomic Theory of Chemistry, 75 ct Medical Repositoiy, 15 vols 37 50 Do do new aeries, 3 toft, gl2 Murray's Sy stem of Materia Medico, with notes by N Chapman, g5 Mann's Medical Sketches ofthe Campaigns cf 1812,13and 14, to which are added surgical caaef, observations on nrlitary hospitals and flying hospitals attached to a moving aimy 82 Mease's I realise on the causes, mean* ol pre* vention, and cure ofthe Sich Lead Ache 59 cent* , Magendic's Physiological and Medical Research* ca into the cause*, symptoms and treatment of Gravel, l 75 Magendic's ^ummar 'from the French more, 83 Magcndie’a Physiological and Chemical Re- *eai cites on the use ot the Prussic or HydTo Cyanic Acid in the treatment or Diseases of th< Breast, and particularly in Phthes*s Pul- months, 62J cents Ortiii-'S General system of Toxicology, oriTrc?* lise on Poisons, 2 vols 13 50 Orfilla's Directions for the Treatment of persons w ho have token poisons 2 50 Prout'a Inquiry into the nature tad treatment of Gravel, Calculus, ifc. 3 25 Phillip’s Treatise on Indigestion snd its conse quences, called nervous and billions com- plaints 4 25 Phillips’ (A P Wilson) Treatise on Febrile Dis* eases, including the vsriou* spectra of fever and all disease* attended with fcyer, 2 vols g7 Phillips’ (A P Wilson) Experimental Inquiry into the Laws ofthe Vital Functions 2 50 Parkinson's Medical Admonitions to Families respecting the preservation of health audlb* treatment of the sick, 8* Bolts’ Chirurgical Works, 2 vols g8 I '..armaenpeu of the United Slates of AmeriS ca, 2 25 * Do. of the New-York Hospital, 150 Do. ot the Massachusetts Medical Society, l 50 Paris’s Pharma, ologis, or the History of Medi cal Substances, 3 25 Parker’s Chemical Catechism, with notes, Ulus* • trations and experiments, 4 50 ' Family’s Lectures on the natural history and management of the teeth, 2 50 Kamsboiham’i Observations on Midwifery, with notes by Professor Dewccs, 2 75 Rodman 011 Cancer in tlie Female Breast, with the method of cure, 4 25 Riche rand’s Elements ol Physiology, with notei by Chapman, g4 Ruah’s Six Introuuciory Lectures to Courses of Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, l 50 Rush's Works, a new cd tion, 2 volt g7 Rees’ Practical Observations on Disorders ofthe Stomach, 2 25 Reid’a Essay s cn Hypochondriacal and othtr t Nervous Affections, 1 50 Ricketsoii'a Means of Preserving Health aid Preventing Diseases, 1 25 Sydenham’s Works on Acute find ChromeDis* cases, with notes by Hush, 3 50 Swediaur’s Complete Treatise on Syphilis g4 Scarpa's Treatise on Aneurism, with numerous additions! and a memoir on the ligature of the principal Arteribs cf the Extremities " Smclaii’a Code of Ueallk and L« ngcvity , 4 Surgical Essays, by Astlcy Cooper [ Travera, will) plates, 5 50 Thomas,' Modem Practice, of Phyi appendix, by David Hoosack, 4th edltl.-, Thacher’a American Modern Practice, oralL pie method of prevention and cure of iEnh* e% g4 Turnbuh's Naval Surgeon, comprising the ti» tire duties of professional men at sea, 4 50 Townsend’s Elements ot Therapeutics, or • Guide to health, 2 50 Thompson’s System of Chemistry, 5 volt g3l Underwood's Treatise on tlie Diseases ot Chil dren, with directions for the management of intanti, 3 25 Wiatai’a syitem of Anatomy,for the wow of Stu dents ot Medicine, 2 vols g7 Periodical Harks. The Eclectic Repertory and Review of Mcdl* cine, Uc, pubbsLcd in Philodclphia,at gfper annum. Journal of Foreign Medical Science, Uc. by Dr*. Emlen and Price, being a new iartcaof the above, g5 per unnum. Chapuan’a Philadelphia Journal of the aifdlttl and Physical Sciences, g5 per annum. Eberle’s Amtrican Medical Recorder, PhiladeJ- phia, g5 perannur The New England Journal of Medicine and Sur« gery, g3 per annum. God man a Western Quarterly Reporter of Med ical, Surgical, and Nataml Science, pubfisbed atC ncmnati,624 cents per number. July 20 / Ten Ddlars Reward. - S ANAHAV from the aubicnber on Thti?». Jay, Vh inat. a yellow fellow named ML- about thiny-&Te ; ears of age, five feet sa or eight iaches high, spare made, and -cry smooth spoken. The above rewsid will be given to any person who will secure him ia any jail in the state, so that I get hum. WILLIAM HOBEBISON. MiUedgetilie, Ja/g$. I&e. b. Captains of Veaaeiasnd others arc cautioned agamu carrying bus of , under the penalties oi the law. july IS •