Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 03, 1822, Image 2

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* ytfE okoroian* *. _. . ^^^.-^^-anyjgneaT'iMi SWAM Alls IRK HHJHRiyV, MORNING. OCT. B, "STpupiiii were received le.i nl^l.t uorth ol l^prlcatoh. BOARD OP HEALTH. H <Vi*WAll, Oct. 9. Al^r • minute elimination* the Went Com* tn tleei report the CnlM'itf ««•* »hiving oc- Wed from (lie 3Jlli Sept to the prevent date. neynoliU ward .1 cue* interedUem'fever. Werrrji dtf 3 do • Brown «!«•» no caac. Lihe'lV. one worm otoe. Nt* Franklin, iw cum OM Franklin, 4o. l4 . Deckin', l intermittent end 1 remittent case Elbert, no crbo Ucallicolc, do. Anton, 3 intermittent Juofcaon, 1 intermittent and l worm cate JVrcival, no cav * Greene, 5 intermittent caaei CtdunilMH, no ewe Dolby, .dt». WatbiiiRton, no report from tint ward Oglethorpe, southern (Hviaioti, 3 intunniUent ♦ 1ml 1 Within the but Week there tut occurred the fb|l/M in# deMthii A deuih eccurred in lUynoWt ward Irom the Imprudent tit# of medicine. On# in "Jankiion, from worms One in Klben, from worm*. A dentil took * in Peroival ward from the tndivtdiul huvinjc ii(l,)rud#ntly made mi# of the cold hath while in u high eiate uf peraplmtlon To' ul of cates hi above wardt, 19 intermit tents, 3 ri mittentt, and 3 imfui crtc*. Admitted in the Hospital within two weekt; 5 intermittent and I remittent enset. Prom the 33d in the ,10th uh. inohiaiv#, we report ten dratht—alf from fever one from in tMiiityi one from eaaintllv, two IVom worm Icve p — rt mdont*3, ’itun fetid :uti 3. And from the tat to the IlMlt tilt. Inclntive, lfl from fever, \ from anlcnte, t teethlntf, t ttill ti up, i worm fever, 3 ftit, l ipatms, 1 dytpcp* #U, t dropsey in the cheat, l dytenturv, t intun }ty, l Infla n nation ofthohowcla -totul 39—ie* •idvnia t3» non resident# fG. 1 JOHN SHKU.MAV.rdmirman. J, O.murifoiUM, dvo'ryHoard pi' IteulltW The thbbtry- The young man who wua pureu tdon the Angus a road on foundry hud, on bus- picioif of having committed the robbery upon fclh‘W*boardvr, Mr. Peterson, oi\ that day, was tnheu and brought to this city on Monday. Ilr was • Mtrched immediately Uficr htlng tauen, , and on iiit arrival here wmi carefully examined b foro Justice tppioger, when it appea log tin* tndiictoiily that he was entirety innocent, lie tv:ts discharged, We Slate this ns due to un In dividual, who has thus been cleared flpnm till •utpicion ol uuy purl or lot in iho tdfair. The real criminal Iih# not breu discovered. Jlfehwiholy fotellij''ucc.—\\y the account of the Chailv'uum Courier of 'Tuesday. winch wo received yVtfcrJuy by lit# arrival ht' the tclioon- or Isabella, it wilr be perceived that the late liunlrnnei at far not th as heard from, was r .ark' il bv dcvasiatiop as great) .if^ot greater th n in thin city, and iliimiujdlnte neighbour h iod, The most molunoltoly consequence, us fir na heard from, ii the immense loss of! umin* life attendant upon it. 'I'll# imagination cannot . well picture a scene more terrible than the fem ful conU st of the elements, the roaring ol wind, the awful convulsion of the water, anil the lltyffpr and despair of the affrighted in* Hud-a of th# buildings, tumbling in ruins on their heads, at the (lend hour jf the night, when jsunceful teat ami happy dreams alone were an* ticipuUd. The recital iidreadful and appalling —we are Net left to entertain the fear that ma ny Itavo perished, whose names are nut fet known, and Whoso lute is not ascertained. The destruction if property Is also immense. Vrutn the Courier of Monday, received last night, we have nlio given a summary of ouch di uatera as have not before been noticed The i ilelDgeno# frcufrfh orgrtown, In our succcd* lug columns, wWam by the Gaaette and Met cury was brought to town by un intelligent ne* gro, who received it from Mr. J. Porter, who was on North Island during the gale. The Mercury remarks— 14 Perhaps Ida Information may not bo altogether correct, but being, a sen* iilde fellow, his tide is believed by thoao who know him, and we' have every reason to think It true in the main.” The number of Individu al* an tlie Island ia stated id 900 to 950. The family of Dr. Myeri, it is added, consisted prin cipally of helpless females. The Pilot-boat Hunter of this port, which •ailed previous to (lie late gale, on a cruise for vessela bound in, lias not since been .heard of. l(erwrttw<con**ttd o( four men, and from the •violence of the g|U*, just apprehensions are on tcilaincd for her safety. Mum SetiUmenl*.—WhethfT nr not the In* diatif can ever bo rend* red atiflL iently decile and iiidue^iouk, to apply lhet#"clv*t to the " dull pursuits of evil life," is > Ct a disputed point. Some of them, we kntfw, have been in a meuHurc, so far civilised as to eulti' ate the •Kirtit, and erect schools for their children i but on every occasion the natural ap rit of the mec break» out, and all what wc consider the charms sod comforts of domestic life, are deserted for the olmse and a life of perfect freedom and self* willed independence Even those, who have been educated at seminsrirs of the Aral charno' ter, end win have tasted die pierian spring— have, when left to their own choice, preferred the blanket and the rifle to theatre#-mires of learning, which have been opened to them. Too often thoie who have yielded to a'life ofcivili sation, 1iiw rejected the good and follow. >ed only th# evil of society—and Intemperance lus dealt oyed more than pestilence ortheaword. In. a letter from Mr. Sibley to Dr. ; Morse, he says,— I have noticed 1 idmns observing With much apparent, too bilects of oursgii* cultural skill our line gardens, abundant crops, and numerous condor is and con veui cnees. 44 A very sensible Osage, the Uig Soldier, who had twioesbcen in Wushington, on or: audio nte when 1 was urging thesuhjcct ofcfvdual ion up. on himt 4 1 see nod admire your manner of llv, ing, your good wain houses,* yttuf extensive fiMils of corn, yuuiggurdcn*, your cows, oxen, woi k horses, waggon*, and a thousand machine* thut I know not the use of. 1 see thstytmure able to clothe yourselves even from weeds and grass. In short, you c^n*do almost wlmt you pleute. Y >u ulntt-s possess the power *bf sob duing almost every animal to your use.” But, aftsr this aeknowledg- mein, on his pari, of our superior skill in the various arts, and this cun did expression of liui admiration, he ooutinues thus* 44 You are surronnded by slaves. Every.thing about you is in chains, and y u are slaves your selves j I fear ‘if 1 should change my pin hu g» lor yours, I should become a slave. Ikilk to soni( perhaps they may be persuaded to udo] your Cushions, at least to recommend them to their sons f but for tnyceIfj I was born free! and w.«.h to die feci! 1 am perfectly content with nty condition. The forests and tivefr supply all the wants of nature in plenty; and then is n« lack of while people to purchase the ptoduce of our lahoun* 1 • ' Beven new oeket of yellow fever were Te* ported at Now-Yoft^on the 30th ult. The intercourse between 8t. Louis snfl Sants Foe is becoming more frequent.-. The people «d Santa Fee are represented lit exceedingly ig. Qorant, and destitute of commerce and the spi rit ol enterprise. A traveller stat A, that there Bjs been no rain at Santa Pee for akbut three year*, and no coinplaii^ about it, the people ir. rigatii^; their fix Ids by ditches and canals from shd river dv| Norte, and from the streams which issue Atom the highlands and neighbouring mount* ns. - Ur. Green, President of Princeton College, has give# to 4h# public, n volume of 44 Discotu:- ♦e* dt livered at .th« C :lcge of New -3c raey, ad. ^ >Si d i hit fly to candidates lot tl.e limt degr- in die AfUi.wVh notes and illustrations, ioclud- i ga histor csl akrioliHif the Cidlegc, with bin. K *p» cd ogtt a of pii s#lt r.ts Dickinson. Bmr Kd- rt«, Davies and Findley »’ ThMrork i> . * hfldy a^okeu «fl‘by n en of taste and Itai »4 *g, *••(! ia said to be highly ctedhubic to th* tuluur audlQihti’literature of the country. IUI . if, A NcM'rtlilpnn. piiptr .Int.ii Ih.t- G"nnriil ■fncksim will receive all tlif- vm«. or l.'iiiiil.n., Inr I'l'e.itlrnt of ill, U Hlati-N, in mldilinn tn ihn.e iir'IVnii.‘*tn. It i. likettMe .tilted, he will be .nppiM'icd bv H. (Jurnlin., bm unlive .lute,' Grm'f(irt, Mi..i..ippi, -imd 1 II Kentucky .nil dllnn.ltonlil ne thrown ilpn the Hcle. hu will ceruinly beuumu u very ionniilii- nlc omul (1.1 ei We rend tbe khuve sntne lime nlncc In n New Oil. on. pnper, end ut the lime aini.ldcvcd it .n Klutb'Rly Inourincl, rtmt wo did not notice it A.,' however, it h.. been copied without re in. vk in .evor.l patter., we think proper In sl.te lli.t II H ilium HXr.wfnid I. mpported by the, re publican party, a. n candidate Tor the nc.vt 1'ittK'dviicy, lie will receive tlm niiunlinoui riiti or the .late of G.orgia. "We have not the leo.i idea that (lenrrid intend, .erionsly to remain a candidate, but if lie due., hnwcvev much lie mny lie admired a. a dislinipiinhed nlll- err, and thinifjti public fflTililUilc in Smilli Ca rolina, Georgia, and Alabnma, IHlgllt be williuR to award him any oilier reocmpcnie, jSf lie will not he .upported In tlioao .Intel an a candidate lur llie I’lekidebcy. In New-Vorli, a. .oon n. a person ia taken with tlm fever, lie i. imin-'diairly Inin-ied from hi. home to amtio di.taut pari of lllo city, or per haps to (piarnnllne. It I. n'.t .urpri.inR if many die under tills harsh treatment. In one cue, however, a patient took fcave nun cnrmt nit. Barah.Orevn, who iva. taken Inin acarriHge to be conveyed IVom the place where taken ill, when it .topped to lake up another patient, jumped out end made her cac.pc! we have nut heard whether tkerebellloua.paiiciit has been diicover.d- By information received from k peraon who lit. lately vUiled the S.ndwlch Island^ In tile Pacific Ocean, it appe.rt that there are two A mericani aettled on the Island of Walton, who have married nativea of die Island. One of (hem, Aaron Holme, by nnme, i. a native of the town of Attleborough, Maaa. and hi. been on the Island .bout twanty-aW years i Holmes mar ried tboformer king*, daughter by whom he bad six daughters, he wa« agent for the former and also for the present king; ho furnishes vessels the i.tand, and receive, cloth andmtrer article, in return ; he dreue. all hi. family in American atyle t the n.tlee. call httn uncle Ho- mer. The other la llei\jamin Unas, a native of Providence; he ha. been ahaent from America about ten—n and to. been on the Island a- bout three yeara. r«rr(«ne house and .table* of Mr«. Car- ■ oil, in Ituumlarv at reel, are blown down. On Marsh’. Whorl, hi. work ihtip la In- ttdjr de.troyed. A new Duelling House was unrooted and ■ chimney blown down. The lll.i.t Kurnace i* nverilirusvn. Mr K'lrtlhsm.’s new tsvo .lory wnmlen llou.o in rnlirelv blown down, .nd other male I ini it jury on the .ante NVharf baa been sustained The awful fate of Mrs. Morris and Mrs. Middrllo if the auhject of unieer- .nl regret and cbmmia ration. The latter perished in living tor safety tni neighbor ing house The alarm being given that the house was falling, .h« rushed out, in company with her husbaijtl, ana(U little girl til not more than nine nr tun years of age; n lerribli* blast of wind soon sepurt- ed, them, alss ! Inr ever ! —in Iter fright, sod overcome bv the violence of the wind, she fell into a small pool ol water, not far from the door—tlm little girl endeavored in vain 'to extricate her, lint nut beingn hie to do sn, she crawled back tn the house l before ua.intonce, however, onultl roach Mrs. M. her spirt bail taken its flight to'another and a belter world.’ The rcm«iu\of Mrs, Middleton, tngeth' er with those of Mrs. Morris, and Iter son, war* wtitnnib'xl last evening in the ccinc ''erynftlnt f mily of the latter, tit (lie Ftcnrh CilvinUtic Ulturch, nttentled by tins weeping relatives of dm respective fimi'ies. Those of Mr. l,a Dugenee, who pet tilted with them, were inlerted in the s tmt- burying ground Tlm h tly of William Young, n voutts man oliout IB years of nge, was rut out ul Its btittom of not* ef. Mr. Haltus’ *chra iiehnrc itn Jsmc.’-l-land. The bully td's 'Negro man, one of die crew, was lukoti nut at the same time. , On fki Hi van's 'Island. Mr, Jnsenl) Clatk, the owner of fvn Sulliv ,n’s Island packet boa s, is tupposed lu have perished, together with it negVo mail, nml n ttegrn woman, wins were un luatil Ids boat, the Kiglr. Mr, J liti Magiulh’s nearly blown tlown — Mr. finycc uml family, who oenupietl i' ail n tiariow escape i they litiil just ’td't “(mil momin-whioh they alepl,loru pi >ce greater sslety, when the whim) alnul i irtl. Col, |*rlnli-Ku*H kilehen b'nwn down. Hr. Maithewa’ pi vr, blown down. Mra. lurry’s kiioheit, csrritge bouse,and other nut buildings blown down. Dr. Ilisila- lord’s mi houses blown down. Tito mar ket blmvti down. 11 'Lynch’s shop d<>, Mr. Csntplnll’s Vninl-house umtinfvtf, Mr,J ii'k-nu’s Hotel, and kit chon down. J ones’ two houses, both se riously injured, Mr. lliack’s Itnuae tht, Mr, Wight man’a ettniagv Itnuae blown dawn. The fnllnwtvg btiuaua use slstt in j tv roil—Mr, Uhi'd'ti’s, Mr. (I dllnrds; Mr. Mtmd’s, Mi', l.ynch’ir und Mrs. Gi literals Tlie Hifitlge at Furl Jnhnaon wns'ctr t ied awgy, and is un a bunk net tlie L xt roittt Accnuntu from J intea’Island, slate that the Hurtioane has been very ilsstiuctlve In Iho uuttOD crop* nil lltat fslnml, •fn' W fnhns, D'lkley, mativ houses were itrosiulttlj mid on the plantation of Dr. M.Hji^| one Negro w.,s killed, and another was bndlv wobnilttd. A messenger arrived yesterday, from St. James, Santee, who reprrsenls the tie mage to the plantation* on that liver as immense—many buildings are blown down, and much'Rice dealruved, truth it. the fiiddii and in the yards. VYe have heard nl suverul dwelling anil negro houses -being blown down in dt. Thomas and Christ parishes, but of no live-being lost, On the plantuion nf'l'homas Hunt, Csq. the damage was very etuisiderable. Tlie'nouse recently eree.ted on Itepublictin I.lniol, Pelican Point, was blown down. Tlie inlinbitanti of Mmiitriovilla apenfc in lb- hlrhrst leihia uf the conductor the i). State.’ officers cl Fort Moohitc, and- particul.oly «f 1.1, Washington, tlie offloer flf die .lay They wete unremitting in ’hell- endeavors to succour and renderenihfortable thine families who, driven fioio their dwellings by .the merciless stortn, had sought shelter in 1’ e iurt—and not content with tluis allurdiug them shelter and protection, despatched men to protect their property, where it had been left, as wus tlie case in many instances, to lltc metoy of ilintui joul-westher hmiswho ate ever abroad in ilia storm, sod ready to depredate upon Hie property uf the tin- tbrlunate and distressed. One Instance of rob bery has come to our knowlege, winch is cslott- latcdtn exbibit human depravity in its suong est colon, (laptain Hemmingvvay, ofllte irhr Bctlj-tmln, bid fora few moments during’the gale, Ml Ins vessel seen ed at Gibbs Mur- pet’s wltaif, and takt n snvller n a neigbboting slure, hill uo returning,Vnttnd that some villain had entered the cabin, and robbed both himself and Ins crew, ol all their clothing, . From the Courier of Tuesday. Distressing particulars nf this awful visitation, are hourly crowding upon us. To the South and West, thu (losolalinti tinea not to have extended' far^i nfth* Santee, xht deuastation by (he'provided wardmhe, th.' rrpetUtin* we* atnrut is geest bo *ond cot'crptun—whole unfortunately prevented from accomplish*.— plsntiltnus have loeen nearly swept awayfing ila end,further than .-xi.taring about und melancholy In rvIPlr, SO Nogrnta .Kill milci olilie coyt wltirli liei tn (lie have betn tost bv ba in* drowned nr crush-1N. K. of lh» Copp.'rMtne river, and ti ed. tn death by the Tilling nf hno-«s, nn jeertatnin* that, sojar ns the eye could pe- Mra. Horry’s plantit ion. Mr.J •ulun, notrstc, tlio ses which lay before them wsi the overseer, _wa* the. only person aaxed quite njieu, snil petlrctly tree from tee. in hit family. Milt Santlt Rochet Wes i As the oxpetlilinn returned, ill went* likewise lost, her b.uly was found next [and ita exigencies becamuslsrsning lit the morning nn the beach- Mr. John Mid-.extreme, and it smon required thu whole dleton’. dwelling h-.aie and both mills aro, fortiiudo of the heart, and thu atawst ex- much injured, and nrarly all of the negm ertmn of thr fremc, to hrav* tho hardship* houses blown down | his overseer’s wife j which stared it in the face. Impproacn- anil 3 negroes were drowned on Cedar ilig thnf psrf of the Copper Minn riveP Island—tht?overseer was picked up alive j from which it set out, it w** necessary to in tho marsh. Mr. Slimiltaed’s Mill has j tlqjible an immense point of land, which wultltl occupy a grea cr length ef timo thin its emeraencios would well idmitsi£ also been destroyed, and every liuuse is more or less injured. A letter frotu Mr. Ituinc's FURTHF.R PAR rif!f?LAUS Qf the late Gale in Soath (Viroltun. From the Cliyrleston Couriir ,.! )l ndny. The tleslrtic ioti in wintluv glass, i Immense. The rain pnur.djjpwn inces sanity duting the ciinliuu,.no^ol' the gale. Tlie Tustnm Huuee, (late Eicltauge) sufTered inalerwllv in the runt and win dowt, and one ul*hc cltimnios is bfown (loon. The Drphen House,wnd the Chapel at- tarbetl In it,are cunsttletsbly, Tlie a Tobaceo Inspection, smj Mare 11 .uses are paitly unrooted, and other ois'e n.u. h injuruil. The South Carolina t.’ottun Cnmpstty’a House is entirely de in.ilisheil- The Tan Yotd unit buildings belonging o Mr. Dim. I Ciuiakdia ks suite wotk aUep ul Mr. Fredcitck \\ esner, and the but to the Not th and'Gait, its ravages an extensive indeed. The city was agitated all yeateid iy if ternnon by a report that the setdeinents at North Inlet/the summer residence (it the inhabitants of Georgetown and ‘its vi cinity, hud been swept away, and that all die iutiabilanti with one exception unlv, bad perished. After watting in breathless anxiety for some hours, a messenger ar rived just at dark, Irom Ueoigctown with i- intelligence that two families only had fallen victims, one being that ol Robert F. WitheiSrG q. of which himself and one servant uoly were waved, having been drilling about all night upon a, piece of scantling j the other was Dr. My ers, whose house fell and crusliedg*dea<h who wete Within. Mrs. Bntsfiffd, the venerable relict ol the clergyman ol name, is also stated to have perished., It is added,that little or no i’.juA wjgs sustained by the gal, in Gemg. town ; some were partially unroofed, tone s blown dow , f[c. but no lives lost, to oUr iiiturmant’s knowle- gc. Letters It mo S . Jjmea’, (Santee,) state that uu Murphy’s island, at the enlracoe BRITISH NMRTH-WKSr EXPEDITION. in addition to the cu^municatinn wltirli appeared in the MrftitrRa! Hsral.Tuf the 17th, ult. relative tn |he Arctic Rxpedi lion, under the vrtleis nf l,t. Franklin, we are happy tube empowered to atote, that the expeiliiioo has arrived at York Fac tory, in .Hudsun’s Hay, and was about (a embark tor GiiglgMl- It appears IhatThe toils and the sufler- ings ol the Expadidou have, been uf die most trying description, inul that if they do not exceed b lief, they were at least uf such a nature as almost tn nvercagp: (he stoutest heart, ami deter all futuke at tempts of a similar tendency. "It y»t& fitted nut in the summer of '1810, *pfl, in the cttui se of the fullnwing year, it was e- nkbtul by a liberal aid ami reinforcement from ihe North West Company, to kri vance to the shurcs uf the Great Dear Lake, which tve thiiik is situated in a bout 67 deg, N latitude, where it encamp ed and wintbr"d. In die ensuit g spring it approached the Copper Mine river, which it descended until it felj^ into the ocean. Htlherto the expedition was oc- rotnpaqjttfby Mr. Winteel.aclerk to the N,trill West Company, with to of their best Indian hunters-; but the wide and open sea, which appeared at the cnttflu ence of the river with the ocean, vluted the etteditian so much with the hope of ultimate success, that it was tpougKr^ro. per to dispense with the further attend ance at Mr. Winizcl ami his hunters, who acourdingly returned up (he river, leaving the Expedition to proceed in iwu Cannes, tu explore the coast 'if the Polar sea, eastward Irom the tnuutVof (he Cop per -Mine river, towards Hudsun’s Bay. Bat it seems, (hit in consequence ot Abe approach of winter, ab early as the latter end of August, heavy falls of snow.Meftse us mitt, loti so extremely bare and ill overseer, amt it was therefore deemed necessary to on Smith Santee, states that S3 negroes set the canoes ndrilt, and cut a direeb -nut ul 90 were lust—only three uf the bn- j Course over land in die Copper Minegjrt- -dies had btteti fount!; several »f the ne-| Ver. When the travellers arrivtd on^bo gro houses blown down. It wrm also re- banks nf (Itj-t river, they experienced somo ported that Gen jt.d Thomas Pinckney’s i puzzling difficulties hutv to get *cro«a,bufl pluntiilitm ha* received great injury, amt j having killed ten elks, with Ihe vkios ef in\nv ttfliis negroes Inst. Messrs Charles j which they contrived to construct a canoe, and Thomas Huggins, (between tlie Sail this hardship was soon overcome; but the tees) Inst all their slaves, and crop, with Ijny which it diffused^was as transient as the exception of5 hands. Mrs Horry lost 39 slaves and.the overseer. The dwelling limine, nut houses, &e of Win. Mathews, Kan. tin the sen shore id Santee, were literally destroyed ; and his crop very seriously injured. His loss is estimated at utiuul 870(10. The (I willing house of Mr H tmlin, in Christ Church p.risln hufi'-red very sir v- rely; Mr und Mra H escaped from'its fallen ruin- with very severe iqjuiy. At Capers’ Island, th,\ lido ruse sever al feet Itiglt'ii- than it, had tlmte ill any uf the gnl.-s within thn last 30 years.Sever al nf the nut buildings of Mr, Wm. Price, jr. nil tint island, were blown down, und two nl hia negroes drowning itf-pusaiug Irom one liuuse to un til her * A gentleman who was st -Pineville on Satiird iy,‘JaH, at notm, on his way down frnni die back country, ittftutns, that al though several houses Intd been unroofed, fences anil trees blown dawn, &c. he did not hear of tiny live, being lust at file vi|. Inge. A’ Murray’s ’ferry, tho buildipgs were mostly blown flown, anil the loads Strewed with lallen trees. At Hibben’s Ferry, tlie loss is laid to be very extensive—dwelling houses are uu- ruttied, Negro houses blown down, autl crons destroyed, , The bodies -.I severttl fine Hnrics arc reported tn have drifted on allure at Long Lltinll, supposed tn lie from suiqe vessel wrecked un the coast, 'Hie body uf another seaman, probably one of the crew of the mnack Aurora, was found upon (he beach uf Sullivan’* Island •yesterday. The schooner Patriot, Etheridge, «>f E dentiin, was lying ut anchor in the hathni- daring the late gale, when she was run foul nl Oy tinutln-r schuntter, parted Iter cables, und drove ashore nu June*’ Island —has since been gut nlf with tlie ios* uf her muininuKt, and ether damage, » The wreck of the smack Aurora, was seen ashore on Lwritr Island, at) Sunday, bottom upwards. Her crew was compos ed uf the following persmts, vir.t Win tittup Sawyer,ml firutnin, (Conn.) William Murphy, nl do. I'Si-netm Bryce, ol do.; John White, til N. York, und a buy nf tlie name uf Divenpnrt ; who mu-t ail, tluuhll' ss Ittive perished. 9> Tin' schr.-Ctd. Simnns, which was up set in the gale, has bcetv since righted, pumped out, and is now safe at the wlmrf witheiH seiinus i'jury. Mr. Thomas G. Barge, of Buston, mate nf die bug Sea Gull, has not been seen since llie gale, ami ninat have perished when the tes«el uptet. We are requested to sny that the mu latin hoy named Jwly, ma' in yt-s- it’nlay inoiniilg’s Courier as having been fiiuml tlinwiK'd in the cabin of a si nop nn shore, in the lOat'sh, was lint the property uf Mr Pat'Jyer, as stated, but of Mr. Gtl win C.- Holland, tli-appi intetl hope. In forcing their me- lunehply way through the untrhvcllarl wilds lint ween the Copper Mine river ami the Great Boor Lake, they fell completely shutl of provisions, and were fur many duys under (lie neclssity of subsisting up- tm sea weed-, ehd-’V»pOwder prmlnj*>tl from pounding tl\e withered bones of diet* fnml which' they had, already consumed. - In this struggle betwixt the! lore of )il'a end the dread pf a death that most bn terrifying tu all-mankind, Mr. Wend, 9 Canadians, and au Esquimaux ftdl eidimu-- I) uml regretted victims ; sntT hfid iuit- the survivors, who, for several days were driven to the necessity stf prolonging a narrowly escaped (miserableexistence, by feeding upon the- *"- tattered leiiuianta'uf their shoes!- and, we fear, upon a inure forbidding and unpalat able fare, exerted thcmaalvm by a super human rft'ji-t to reach the Orest Bear Lake, it is probable that thrr mould, all have aufluretl the must exquisite andlap- pulling martyrdom. MareUicy round the- hcujjs and the bleached bona* of the ani. 1 mals that Itad served them for last win ter’s provisions, which afforded them the melancholy ingredient! for preaervingthe vital spark, until their arrival at some post helnugtng tn the Hudson’s Bay Company. If is said, that opun tho arrival of the surviving part uf the efpeilitinn et Slave Lake, the Canadians were nigh freaking fort It into sume alarming uutrage, when' they found that their funner tcumrudcs, instead uf returning with that expedition had been lost fmevui '.but we uoueratanti- dint ho serirftis it.iury has transpired, ia CodarqiienCB nf this very natural disap- pultuuieut^-vVuufrral fterald. „ from Havana. < Cpnrfrsfon, Oct. L—We did not re. ceive nut filt-s nf I (av an a pipers by the hri* Callterim, artlfi-d here on Sundtiy evening, A single paper, ut the 24th u(t r was biuttgltt by her, but It coutuina titr" newit. Ciimplaiuls are made Uy a writer In it, that the government ol-Cube d^not exert theaiXelvei, ns they illouid tin; to ‘ suppress (Its Piracies which Itavqnnw be- ' come so numerous along., llie shores nf • that Islattjl. \Ve tmdersluntl, that this inlamnua liiisfoess Is nnwrli-ducefl to a complete sy-tern by the Cuba PiraTea—•. tliev keep « Store Ship un a certairf par- "fine cons’, Gheje - teir plunder is dg- positvd, until il can be transpwteil lu 11*. vans bv tlruguers; nnd the hirers in llia- Vuna otter samples nf Jamaica CtiBee Inr sale, uf wliiclt, in one instance, tijry nffert-/, ed tu furnish One Thousand Hags; which could only have been brought there by the Pirates, The new crflp nf Chlfee was bcjlohing to rnme in—s narcel by the Catherine watt mrfcljascd nt Sl| els. The drought had extend d over every part of thtT Islarttl, and Hto ProVisiou Crops were nearly- all ut off. ^ Coupt’er.'* ) Cn'IMUNICaTItn, V In many respects man mat be aptly camper, cd to a flower—To day, lie springs up in all the fi-eshnesa anil vigor of youth ( and ns the rose, wet with the morning dew, perfumes tlie surrounding air With its odrn-1 so lie, by the; sweetness and complact-ncyroT hia disposition, spreads s benign and cheering tnflnenco upon all around him. As that flower, which in tlie morning was the delight of our eyes, has, era (hesim has half run Ins race, withered and fallen to the ground j hit with the youth otyan i it anon wither! into old age, or dies ero it arrives to manhood; and nil that wot once lovely and liftereitihy, ia sunk into nhfvion. ‘ * .Some myn, like a lisrdy^klant, ctjp heor.ytpits-* jured, the impudent state, the icon and jeon.', tumc-ly of their fellow men; while otln.-rs/a lt-'ie souls Ipi enr all sensibility, aluink fr.m Tiiififr- view, and are seen only in the itilitudc and) shade of their own retirement: A general In tcreourse with the world destroys the finer sen-.., sibilities of the soul, and renders us callous in a, great measure) to all those softer p issioqa which are the qpiament and glory ofittt nalttre. No dtntKf this is the cause why women possess all the finer tj-t-ilities of (ffe soul in a mure eminent degree. There are many men of tulent and re. at worth, whose modesty and extreme sensibil ity prerenuheni ftom ever coming fnnvaid in the world and acting that useful -port for wlti.-th" they appear to have been designed. They live and fl tnrisli in the ihaitt, and the happy infin. ence of their virtues is tVit only by a frw. A cloud of modesty obscures tfieir brightness ■ were it but removed-like tMiharmmgrsvsni' a meredtsnsun, they wmikl sHKic far and wide diff-uingthftrgettitkhna ienceon all mankind. Tnhe eminently nwlisl, a man must he hwwn. VVe Aeur andantrf of great and good men with del gilt and ad.nuaiion, hut we must see tit* practieeofthe virtues before «r imitate. We want to see the virtuesptmmjiedrrc we ranh-r dtlcd vr ith 'lie desire .o "go and d-, Ukcwtso.” W.