Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 03, 1822, Image 3

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W Tur. \Mr.nrc\N flag. Wh 'i F.*ekdum, i*om tier m m train height, t;..r,urd hof Niandard lathe ax, 8 ie tore the nt ire robe of nigh*, A 1l set (he itA-i or glory tilerj! She m igb-l vttblti gorgeous dyes, The milky baldric of the skies* , j And striped its pure eeleirial white With streakings of the morning light» < Thro, from his mansion in the sun, * She call* t her eagle bearer down* ? An l gave into his mighty hand The s)«nt>ol t.f her clioscn land* * hi >j Stic Monarch of the cloud! ' Who rea»'at aloft thy regal form, , To hear the jemptlt trumping loud, And see the lightning lances driven, When stride the warriors of the storm, ^Artffolts the thunder drum o{ henven I * f Child hfthe Sun! to thee’tts given T« guard the fanner qf the free* To hover In the sulphur smoke, To ward away the battle stroke* And bid its bendings shine af»»r, Like rainbows on the cloud of war, The harbinger of victO: y 1 Fto* of the braveI tlvy fo*d shall ftp* The sign of hope ai\d triumph high \ ' v When speaks the signal trumpet tone, And the long line cutties gleaming on, ^ Lrc yetthe lifeblood, warm and wet, Hus dimmed the glisthrng bayonet, £uch sold er's.t^jB ahull brightly torn* %ntl as Ids spring ng steps advance. Catch war and vengeance from the glance l And when the cannon mouthing loud, Heave in wild Wreaths the battle shroud, And glory's sabres rise and fall Like shootoof flame on midnight's pall * There shaunhy victor glances glow. And cowering foes shall sit bem atli, £nei) gallant arm that strikes below, That lovely messenger of death. Flag oC the seas! on oceajris wave Imy stars shall glitter oV the brave, SVhen death, careering on the gde, Sweeps darkly found the bellied'Rail, A iul frightened waves rush wildly back Beforejlie^roadaide'a reeling rack, * The dying*wmulerer of the tea Shall look, at once, to heaven and thee* And smile, to see thy splendors fly, Jn triumph, ofer his closing eye. “Flag of the fn*e heart's only home, By Angentand* to valor given 1 Thy atars have lit the welkin dome, AitQ all tltjhuha were bnrn In heaven! f''.H , ever float that standard sheet! Where hro,.rites the foe but falls before us ? With Freedom's soil benroth ottr feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'es us! * * CROAKER 1$ CO. married, Last everting, by the Uev. W, Andrew, Mr. Thomas Haomhaw, of S.*utli (paroliiut, to Mrs. Ami* ;tahzm, of this city. • At Hartford, Conn. Slat nit. by the Rev. Mr. Hawes, Mr Hu-hard J. Nichols, of Mitledgevlllc, G;\ to Miss Abbey J. Hall, daughter of Mr. John <«'"• Dim). On the Sflihof August, Arovattix, and on the 58th SeptertfW,' Piw.lif, youngt-sttoiM of Mr. t unnel KumoII, the former in the eighth, the ttcr in the tenth year of his age. ••'Insatiate archer I could nqt one suffice ? u Thy nlmfi flew twice, and twice my peace wan slam." The $|rs which bedewed the grave of one ion we Vo scarce, exhaled, when tnc bereaved parents ifrw called to mourn :i second 1 —the hope 'which was returning to their bosom was again lirivon from theml>y k.foundbroke,Ifpuwible 04,1, j„j, cm)cur j n staling that”the Uin- mors severe t>.» Act-M,. lh* ol A j , ,,, 11( i» r ... m „kimr nr ei,* 1 .,i*i,. POSTSCRIPT/ Jin Vi ii 0 Cluck, i*. «1If. LATEST FROM Suitors. We are indebted to ' npl. Him, o^c .ltip -SSrplsne, a rived j esterday, in 41 liny. Inmi Greenock, for London |n|iei. 10 the 1 Ql'l of Am irii.l. Edinburgh In the mil both lnollllive,and Glasgow of the 17tli. Tile principal it ms of intelligence am (lie death of the Murquii of Londonderry, and die arrival and reception of the King In Edinburgh. The Marquis of Londonderry toward, the clnacofbMinrdi in Parliament, began to manl. fhat.deprca.ion ofwpirits and mental alienation. Some pape of Id. conduct had been remarked .a inconsiatent and unutual, but nothing ttatul had been antiO'pat'rl. On the Dili of An- gnat, however, ho waited upon the Kingtotiilcc leave previnu. to Ido Majesty’* drpartuie fo,. Scotland, and exhibited auch a change in hi. dress and deportment ft to give aerious alarm The Duke of Wellington toon after wrote tn Dr. Uankhead, atating that Ida lordaldp having been ha^aiscd and overworked himself, during the: lute .radon of Parliament,'was in salute hr mental delirium Dr. U, attended from Hurt time until the morning of Ihe 12th of Angus, when lu. Lordship, being left alone ill Ilia dies, sing-room, ofier sending for l)r. II cut the itj- tery in the neck with a email pocket-knife, and fell into the erma of the physician, who, at the moment, wes'entering the dnpr. Tile verdict of the Coronera Jury wan infinity. The money market waa strongly affected by Ids Lordship's death.' Ilia Lordship appeared to labour during his lunuoy, under Ihe fear of an attack upon Ilia Ide —and ao effectually struck the knife into die urtery, in his neck, us to extinguish life in the space of a minute alter—it^^yhich time tuo cjuarla of blood flowed frnu^B wound. Nt change in Ihe'mluiitryTrau yet been made In oohsequenoe of die death of die M .rquis It as expected that Sir Charles titeyvurt would be rccslled from Ills embusay in T a ce, and he placed, for the time at least, at the head of tin luieign department. It is ul.o stated, that the Marquis Wellesley will succeed to the Foreign Department, and that Mr. Dunning, inatead of going to Ind a, will receive a ministerial appoint ment. The health of the Earl of Lauderdale ia in a very precarious state, add some of the accounts •tale that there Is serious ground foraluim. The King landed ul Leith on the 15th August, and was received with much enthusiasm by all r.'>l4Pkm>expressed himself much gratified by Ilia reception, on the sixteenth Ins majesty vi sited Dalkeith House, and on the seventeenth held a levee at llolyrood.hoiiae. His departure wus expected lo take plncc^p the August. The Edinburgh papera arewiltyd exclusively with accounts of illuminations, II e-works, let vees, paroles, He. The King’, yuoht wue tow. ed from L mdou to Leith, between two iteum- pncTiets. Tiir Greek-cauke nppenra to prosper The Turkish fortreu of Napoli ill Uoui„» n,t has surrciiilrrrd. An attempt had been made toaainain.ite the King of Sweden, by shontitig^aHMiitn, while on a travelling lour to/Norway, ivl.Vi, however, lailrd. The assasbiu Cunnnitledsuicide. No new Ambassador to Constantinople has been yet appointed by the Emperor Alexander—ihe Turks have not, it iss.iil, evacuated Moldavia and Wullachiu, But every thing, it is added, bean a peaceful appeal ance. Paris papers of the 12'It August state, that advices from St. Petrrshurgii, of die appears lo tiavf taken place fn (he iDdl- ion of Ihe cohttieiing parlies but inia was. material line in l.vuur of the Urrckt, .a ihe plsct is (lie niorr important In lh. Pnilninla. Pnlrns cmdinnrd In be blockaded by dvr (1 rook ships, tu which measure the ll'itis'i Authorities 111 the Ionian, Island, did net 1 ll' r the obstruction, flnw- fvrr the Au.tti.n naval furcr In III. Me- ditnrraueen acted Vry diff rctilly, sine* we are told that an di med brig, belonging tn (hot Power, iuiislrd tint only on the relnnsn uf four Auatriali vessels, which had been demined by the blockading aqua drrfn, but that they should elder the Uulpti, and receive indemnity fur lou of time. The last advice, which hod been re ceived from Cimstnntinnplo confirmed the appointment uf lluspmlar. for Moldavia and W.llachia, and their evacuation by llir ‘Turkjsh tfonpa. The Mttrju 1 of Lnndamlcrrt/.—Tho llir Mltqmt <d LutiiUihdeiry. attended tlie Foreign Office 1111 Friday morning, and even .n early in the tiny, as at noun, he displayed some symptom of appeqUlling insanity, II t called about that time at the Biitisli Coffee l|ou«e, Cuckspur street anil iuquireil tor tin CdmutidTSugie. On bring infnrmid by die prnpriaior flAni Ele ment, who waa accidentally standing at die door, that he waa not there, Ilia Lord ship with much pnmtinn, struck hie hiiuds .together, anil very aharply dl/sired that some of the other waiters should be cal led, by whom bring assured tint Sir K. N glu'was not there, he walked away much agitated. Ilia Lnrdaliid’s coudiirt ppean d very singular and excited parti- euliif attention in die street. The Marquis of. Londonderry was ep pointed Keeper of the Signet * or Privy Seal of li eland, July 25, 1797 \ one of the Lords nt the Treasaiy ol Leland, Oe.l. 14, IPOr i SecrcUry In the 1, nil Littute- nant ot Ireland, in Apiil, 1798 I sworn uf the Pi ivy Council, l) 'Oemb< r 19 1798 — Pfesident nf the It‘aril ol CdTitruol, Jltly 6, 1802; in 1805 lie wus appointed Sn oretny for War and Colonies—dismissed iu 180G : re-appuinieil in 1807. I.ONIIOS. AllgO-t 14 1 A le'tcr from Mudritl, d.itsd July ill), uon sinfl the following statements: “li is generally reported that an nlKcmlcom mntii-uiioil hna horn math br the F, gusli uni- bsssmlor to our ministry, purporting tout tf liny pus era attuek our liberty, England will support us willi nil her lifrcea hy land huiIisii "Sumo iiisper.lcd; ersous have, aguin hern re- mov. d from die capilul i hut things »ill not tukr a decisive elistlkiler oil die new ministry be' completely fo tntul. Lopez U nus is experlrd with the greatest imi alienee Ills well known energy prumjfMS aajmnge nf sjsicm in the go vernment, and die trim putriuts a- e well ilispns- ed to support it. "The partisans in Calnh’ii'm ore num .Tims, hut they have jig) received a ter itdr cl: rk.— More than of dr m have been k lied on different points, Mina is oggimmnnd die army in that province. Its will linve 80.OUO men on der him. Til s' is more tlmo is neressary to co. ver the French Frontier, and to crush die re mains of die inshrgents, The nss; tsin oleup- tain Lauilahurri is comlemnedl tin is sentenced lo have lint hand cut off before he is slim " Semlin, July 22—Tile no s VsCmi arrived nt Sn ooiclii on die Dill. He his br. tigid willi him 9UW men, who immrdintely proceeded inwards Lnriasa, to reinfnrdl ClinursehitfPut'll 1, Smyrna, June .8—1* isaflitmcd.ttiat the flo tilla of Meliemet Ali, returning from lie success bn on h<»r *h»rn, am! «rti re^irntrcd «a tfie Mu- r»*Ann, llillanl, Ihun M«v^a t bound to Util J><»rt—look frwm her a boat, which they h»vt »*J»U|fht in 1 the lon^ boat ww»#near her will t\Vo of her plunks stovo in, and one of the an* chnra off tlm bowa Ctptaln Coleman wni oil the Bur on F iday ni^ht hit, and experienced the Hale vi ry arverely f nm N. N. W. and N. \t •nd lias tuflered sumo dainago U muH amt riu K' n fT* U 8, Gutter (3nlhtin % Mtthctrca. She left the llulli yeaterdny morning. On Friday night ei* perumoed • severe gale, In which the loll lief ■ore top*muatand topsail, and her launch, and •nllVrcd conilderable dntnuge in her saila ami ritfRing—had one oaau very acrioualy injured by hail stones. For Liverpool, The fast Bailing coppered and fastened llrhisli whip iiu) plaskrt, copper f RICHAKU Hugh Slow.rt, masi.r, is now rendy to resolve . cargo—she bring a first rsto ship, and stands A. I, at Lliydfcin- trnded Ibr a regular trader, will not be detain, cd. For freight apply to the caption on board or «» HOB HUT CAMPBELL, net 3 . Yonug Mens’ Missionary Society. A N Addreu on the mihjcct of Mlnloni, will be delivered before the above noddy. b> the llev, Jam<>9 O Andrew, on Suiuluy morning next, at the Methodist Church, aft^r widen u collection will he made In aid of its f unds. It is hoped that *»n this occasion a liberal public will corn* forward and patronise an institution, the object of which is tnjnd in furnishing the means ot support to Ministers who are daily employed •n preaching the gulp cl to thousands in our own state. « oct ;l 'I he Savannah Library S open for the delivery of Uooks on Monday, tVednesday and Ft idsy, from 4 to 0 o'clock, I'. M oct 3 For Sale, ‘ 1 5IIE Wharf Lot and Buildings No 7. late the . property of A. 8 Bulloch, Esq. f >r terms, apply to G. W. ANDF.K90N,) r , R. R. CUYI.RH, jO'Wnww. JOHN F. EI.OYD, Caijtier pro tun Blaniers'h It ,nk T’.e shore property, if not dispoaed of hy the IS h ilist, will be leased to the highest bidder, for one year, from the 1st of November next, oct d i. "Molasses. QMfT Molasses, just motived, .nil Ibr OHIIAY TAFT. NOTICE. A Young Mun who Inn had n good education, writes a good hand, un.l having b* en lonj; ncniNtomeil o active boaincSH, uhd understands w< II the mature of accounts and book-keeping wiali^R employment in some respectable busi. m ss in tins city; he cun come welt reenm- in. tided, and as employment is his object, hi would not require mucirnf a salary. A line ud- dieRsi d io A U. thtoiigh the po»t*< ffice, will be irtu n led to, on 1 .8 f ^ Assize of llrcatl. Urn'1 Rave.vage price of Flour being8 dollars •Uk ,»er humd, the weight uf timid for the present month, must b • as follows, vil j i.»i cents louf'Jlh 4j,o* fi 1 cents Ion 1 lh £ < X. ef widen all bake,a and s. llera of hrend will take due notice.* JOHN 1 liODEItTd, c. t , not 3 PUBLIC SALES. Hy J. II. Herbert Co. THIS I) VY. 3.1 iltll .t iBltno's upnrr wloof, for account ol the underwrittn and all conci to* TRMkmqnev oRRYHomn, with her sails atnl FgJii'g, di.chom ic, Also, her cargo, conSiain g of Inml'cr, pitcu, tar, turpentine and rice, put in li^re in distress, on h* rpataag« from VViUpittgum, N. C. to Fat ul, and condemned and S'Td by tr> er of the Fort Wardens. Terms cash. - j Hy 3. B. Herbert ij Co. On 8ATUII1JAY next. 5 •> mat, at U u*cloc.k, Hill be told «n jl'CmUr'l +>Aa>f, A large BOAT, formerly used at the United Status' boarding boat f«% this port. Uy or der of the ColieotgV ul this pd^t. oct 3 “Houses and Stores to Rent. A ,number' ol IIOUSKti m .1 iT- rerun! periaonlie e.iy,.. mu. f > loch have .torea Mtxehnl, will be in.Itol at , u mmlirate p'lce. Apploania will bear in min'! dial limit- hirt^Vuapmisilils rtoiloi, or gnoil auouritiea will ba.»COi ptiul. Apply to 0. II. HAYDEN. ■rp?0 P Houses and Stores to Rdtit. , Tlie aubarrillrr li.a * numbrr \>t convenient Dwelling liouaea tu rink pleaaaotly aiuiated. \ ALSO, >» , A range of Brink store niardie market, eU- > glble .tanas for groeerie. nr dry goods, a JAMES MAII3HAI.L. Application, for terms, which will he low, t* be mule tu WM. H. HOLLAND, ‘W'/Utw if POUYAT U HOLLAND, wp 28 p* “ For Sale, * O NE humlred bbla. Superfine Philadelphia FLOIIH, new oiop, anlled for family uae. aep 28 p A. B FANNIN V Co. Flour and Nai^J* # U®® 1U.S Baltimore sopf«fine ftcah Flour. jfJ kegs well assorted Nails For sale by . PONCE U MACKENZIE, sep 28 p the oik, which has JJraved the fury of the tern- and the storm for veurs, dons not create the h li«»g of tendemeiH of nity'ttnd of griff, which it excited bv the tender flown just rneninginto Abloom, untimely nit pod. and hlightedun its bud. 1. the do>th of the aged we considot 1 the debt of nature uadp' tuvl paid -but tn that'h, «ur tendcrea* hopys-*-«»ur aweetest affections— and our fondest anticipations he entombed with tho Sufferer. In such a eime we nre almost rfrmpted to exclaim, who would be a parent ? Yet such only can estimate the Inns.-■such only «sn feel -such only y^dl weep With those who Ivtve tints millered,this most severe dispensation brayuit Providence. But lot us not mourn for ttioae who have escaped the trials, the troubles Md evils of a rude woild, wc may hund)ly hope, to partake the j »ys of u hutteWlIippy had It been for rr any, very many of us, had wv! met a fate alike early ijor many a heattfelt sigh, anrl Insoy a bitter tjrarhad been spared us. llnmhle I istruments in the hands of .he p vinity, to his •Imghty flat *<£ most bend—and whilst wc liave theconnolariou to know that he Cannot do wrong, let. us not by vJProurmurs impeach (hat God wtui gourds, protects and preserves the greatest a^d the manest amongst us, " Who sees w)th equal eye, as God of all, " A beryl pet’Uh or a aj.arrow fall." whole ddefest attribute is mercy—whose es- fence is love*—whose justice is etc nai'and ini- di.itHhle, Let us bow and adore., dn Milicdgeville 13th ull. Mr. Oliver Holman, llcrchuut, of Boston. In Jones county 17th ult. Mrs. Elisabeth tVultjUged 31 years, wife of Hugh Watt, Esq. and daughter of General Abraham Phillips, of Backing ham, N. C. * . At his residence near Milledgeville, 21stult. Colonel Robert Rutherford. In Milledjpville 17th ult. Mrs. Nancy M. Da vis, aged '27 years, laic curikorthf Majfr John H„ Davis, of Clinton. In Jones cootity, 11th ult. CyJ. Wm. Jones, Aged 44 years. ' 1* ** . I«> J*utnam county 10th ult. Mr. Josiah Carter, •gedT^yeats. BOARDINd. BT)HBEEor four young gentlemen can be ac- sJL coitimodoted with Hoarding and Lodging in m respucUble family, in a central situation, and on the m«)«t moderate terms. Apply lo Hit Editor of. rip Geouoiar. aug 17 Cotton Bagging. Ai>>) I.oics Smith, Niobai.S ,ml Nell ’. .■q-t 24 * ,>iiror AL'innler was making |iropmatiooa to Vienna., A i'Ii.iolc ol ministry had lak.n place, at Mbiiiidon tile 6 It August. It ap|iems to he of th liberal cant. 0 >o ol die edi tors uf the Journal VEx, ectodor is mi niater ol Fur-ign AHiitrsJj. The situation of most nf the provinces of Spain, is more frat quUjhan at our Iasi accuuiitl. The insurreflpt in Catulonia, Itoiv'ever, bail, not been cWiirelj suppres- soil—16,000 men have been aent by land to that province, anti 8000by water,tube under the command of Gen. Mina- Ahandol'200 men,commanded by the old Partisan Cubtllas, ha. appeared in die province of Burgn*. It is said that Me rino has again appeared on the acetic, but i|iis is not certain. - Ferdinand ha. published an address to the people, in which lie promises to con solidate the national defence, and to per ptdualc tiie national cry of “ Long live tliUonalitutiiin,” Tlie King of Persia is said (o have been* converted to Ihe Christian Rrligion. Tlie opening of (he Congress at Verona, is expected io lake place in September. The distreaaea in Ireland had been in aome degree reduced by the funds fur nished from England—‘but much auffering still existed. The inarkel for wheat continued modi depretaed in consequence of the iininenae suppliea ami fine weather. Tlie-following ta the lateat of the Cotton Market :— Losnox M.axsts., August 13 The demsiut for coiton coniilrtles cunfioed chiefly to Ihdta descri|itionl i abftftt one half of the ttengalswere taken tor export? tile remain der for home consumption | the sales since our lint cousin of 1600 bags, .11 in bond, riz 6 9ca-tslands, Kilt fleecy, 11 3-8(1: 4 do, stained 84 Ud; 30Feruuinbuco, good, lli4| ordinary, I0)d; 200 Sunts, middling lesty, 1] a 61; good fair, 6J liiod-U; to good,; 670 Itenpal, very good, 5 3 4 to 6d | TOO mi,Idling 5| a 5 3-81 500 boveds and 110 sea islands, offered a' puobctaleon Thursday, were wotli- ilraivn: die former at 8} nd the latter at I. i Lohdom. Auriu t 16. A letter was recetv d yesti irlay from 2 nte, dated the 6'ffu:t- On that vert day . report had rr'XOfd the Island ol t e'yapiure of Nap li eRunan* woich ul‘ generally credited. No other cba.ige liileilur Couri, tjlmiliam Luuii.j, Chambers, Oct. 2, 1828. O N the petition nf Josei li Delchumpi, Btatiog •hat lie io io jail, fordeht.ot the suit ofTj lul ekpiditiunjnfaitdin, lutajinrivcd at klanclto, ter Duringor,' that he is insolvent, but 'villiill with several Greek vrs e s which it has taken, itn surrender all hit estate for the henefiiol hil The three shipanfAke line, and oilier meh of ormlliora, aa'the law dirboti, and praying (hr r. war that sailed frourConsUolutople, have joli • f mider the insolvent ecu of dlls slide. Or- cd the Turki h fleet. * deirff. that the said Joseph Delchumpi be brought up. at tile court houaejn Savunnuh, on the third lay of December next, at 10 o’clock, lob* Heard i and that notice thereof be given li s orcdilors. ngreealile to laW. Extrucl from Ihe minutes. 3UI\ T. BOLLEB, Clerk, net 3 cf ( a©©. i OU SALE, -H MARINE INTELLIGENCE. I’ojtjr OE s-i v-h.wyjw ' AllldVLD, Ship Neptune, Rich, Greenock, 41 days, with coal and drv goods to Nicholas 8c Nell, Owners, Ponce 8c M‘Ken8ie, S Writfht, Julinafun 8c Hilly. W Ross, W Giggles, A Woo Irow, and Older On the 24'It August, off Londouder y was boar ded by the King’s Glitter, and informed that the ship Jane, iff snd for New-York, front Gins- govv, hud sprung udeak and was in LnndouUer ry for repairs. On the 3d Sept 1st. 61 long 16 passed packet ship Arttiity, from NetwYurk Co Liverpool. Sch. Andes, Sheafe, from Mobile bound to New Yolk, put indis<rebs On the. night .of the 27th ult. experienced a severe !iurricai.« j it commenced blowing f om the north cast'.and shifted to the north With increased violence j she has lost nearly all her rigfl*; ng, and pitched away tier jib boom. A few days before rit Jos a man. Oil the 11th ult. spoke the brig Fat riot, from Port»su Princo, bound to Nev« Orleans; off Cape Antonio* the P. engaged u piratical vessel with 50 men on board in which affair the captain his 2 mutes were dangerouHv wounded. Thecapt. d>ed of his wounds the day befitre the A. spoke hef. 8chr Isabella, I)e Forrest, Ba>acoa, 6 dsys, with fruit to T Jalineku, owner Off the Mar saw the wreck of a schooner, bottom up, from wlncf^ look a main-sail and some other articles. < ^ Sloop John Chevalier,..Chevalier, Sjl Marys, with cottoit to Johnston & Hills, A Low k Co, and Oranges te the the Master. J J a**en^evt, Capt Richardson and Mr. Pomery. The U. S sclir* Porpoite, arrived at St< Marys on the2Dtli ult. ASBTVATS rnou THIS PORT. At Charleston, 28'.h ult, scltt John,GiUet, l day. VP roa THIS FOOT. At Philad. 20th list, ship Georgian, Bailey, to •ail with dispatch ; brie Frances, Funk, to sail 25th ult. * At Hartford, 16th ult. sch Five 8isters, Kel l°gKt to sail.20th. . The ship Emily, Rabconk,.sailed from Liver pool on the 12iU August,, r'T B^jlpah. Tlie U. 9. corvette Peacock, Capt Cassin, •ailed from Havana *he 5tn ult. on u cruise. Dering the month uf Augtis , 87 vessels en tered the port of Havana: .it* thvae 33 were Spanish, 34 Americans, 15 Bngledi, I French, 1 tonburg, 1 Dutch, 1 Sicilian, ami I Portu- guf^t and 11 vessels of war—of wh cl* 5 were rireiff-i* Sailed in the same periorl, 96, v>*.— 28 Spanish, 44 American, 3 French, 2 Ham burg, 3 Dutch, 2 Bremen, and 10 vebsels of wa , 5 of whioh were foreign. CHARLESTON, Oct ^—Arrived, rch. Col. George Arm.ttead, Coleman, Trinidad, 'Cuba) 15 days. On SatuWay l:ut, Tybet Light bear ing W. by N in 12 fathoms water, boarded t schooner, which was dismasted and full of wa. ter, with no person on boatd—she bad # Churlt Georgia—Chatham County. To all v/hont ii may Convent* vTOllEUF.AS Wihiam Morel has applied to the llunoursble the Court ofDrdiuary of Cl.a ham County for letters of Guardianship of the persons and property of Ann ll.ftoe, Elifa (J. Roe,and Louisa D Rue, orphans under the age of foutleeiByeais, clnhlren of ALx. 9. Roe,, deceased. . I hese are therefore to cite and admonish all and Hipguinr t) e kindred ol'the said deceased, to fi e their objections (if any they huvc)to the g miring of letters Guard aitsliip as aforesaid, to • lie up .licant In the Clerk's office' of the siid Court, on or before the third day of November next i otherwise letters of Guaidiansliip will be graMed. Witness the Honourable Thomas N, Morel one of the Justice! of .the suid Cnql’t, thfc second day of October A, D- one thou sand eight hundred and twenty two. 8. M. UOND.c c occ 4,'oct 3 ... tor Boston, The Brig MON i< OK, EUlviilge, Matter, For freight pr paseage ap; ly to the Muaier on boat'd,Tones 'upper wh »rf, nr to HALL U HOYT. sen 2H i-oi'St Augustine. The sc.t'ouner OPPoailloKi MarUneUi, Matter, ^Will sail tlie lu*t of the week, for >r pasxagc appty to the Master, *t Bol ton’s Wharf, or to ILL. IIALL Ci HOYT. The uiideraigiied con- tinu *. the Factoiagn andjpoimnilsion business, and offers for sale li(K)tiei4esj)f pr tne Rice, of ihe present crop, principally or half barrels put up for family use—afro 100 whole and BO naif tierces ol'the last year's crop. J011N F. WILLIAMSON, octl C| 4 I1HDS prime N Orleans Sugar 2U0 bblx * ml } Pl>iliul*4|4hta 1I}0 Wiilak.-y 20 bbls Havana Coffee 80 puholieons Old, N. 0 Rum, 4th proof 1 ’0 Regs White Lead 5o kegs assorted C«t Naifr 150 Shis ol Flour 40 bbls Linseed Oil 6n boxes Muscatel Uaisim 20 bbls Lost Hug »r 3ui» boxen Ye.Uow Soap 10 do Spermaceti Candle* 50 do Cordial 10 pieces India Floor Matting 6 casks English assorted Cut Qlaia 1 case of Men's Strew Hats 10 bales of YclluW Nankeens, and an ItivdleH Furniture DTtAPTB ON I’IIILaIjELI’IIIA. . 8o|it at i, t'KitiiY a wBinnr. Mrs. Lint butt B EOS tenvo to Inform iirr tVienils (hut the hit* fetnrnoil to brr former nsidoncr in St,t* si reql, (brick house, *n,t door rut uf Dnyimt street) where site will re.commence her bionl. im'ry on tlie fleet Joy of October. Heading, Willing, UraMimar, Googmpby,' ■Bmbroiaeri, Plain Sewing, and the minor ami useful hrnliclies of Rilliotttlon wilt be.lmiglu by tier. She (rusts to the fpprobot on t,f thus* who may be pleated to faYor tier willi tlmir pity milage, which she retmer-tfully niliclls. Idis L. can XcbomiWdat* two br three vouifg lvlies with board, and Willi lh, u«e of the Kano, If reqillreu. ' sep '-’fl c Thcjfyn of Jackson Wonmiiimna, hithnioexllttlrn Itdltli Ived by mitluxl content. Thu lm«ne«. ciinfldtd tolliem Will receive tit* atlentihn of VYoodhriilgr & Du rand. BBRNeXHH J,»i KhO\, Jr. THUS. W'tODBiilDGE. rep 3 ^ rp ^ Tho Undersigned have united men, professional ioleresi, ,n the prac tice of the I AW, snd will be found el 1 lie of., nco recently occupied by Jsckson 81 Wood- bridge. TllOS M. M OODUIIIDGE, , ALEXIS t). DOItAND. •ep 3 rp , Congressional and Legislative Election. A N election will be held at the court htioi* in 8.‘V«oo«h, m and for the county of (;h»t- ti .m, bn Monday tile irveidh d*y nfOetolieren. suing, for seven Members tiiTtyrew ni tile stiia of Gcnrgin in lb* Eighteenth CnngreM of lit* Dinted Siatei, xhdfor *. SflMlot aud'ffirce tte- presentnliv-s to represent fl:|l erthnly in the next Legislature of this Mine, ofwlach 'lie Occ- tors will take notice The BiierKfilpr his Depu ty will wt'end thenmeto keep snd nrescho giiml order. Time for-Mceiviiig votes IVcm 7 o’clock iu the mornlitfMHIl 8 o’clock ip tlie if- , terbuon. JOHN PSTm-IAMSDN, I jcoo GKO. L CJtl’K, Jiccc EDlVMtn HAItuEv, jiece „ Fruit. , O RANGES, Bananas, Limrr.ffe. In good or der, for ule on board the sclir. Opptti- der, for ule on board the «cbr. litn, IVrnn Havant, at Bolton't Wntrf. act I * p ’ . ' For Sale. * 6X Firkona first quality of Goshen Butter S) 30 Kegs Patent Cut Nulls, 6>.l to 20d 4 Dozen Itice llooks, fiir8ickjes By A. SMITH fc J. TURNER, u . 03* An Election for a Jus- ticc of tfie Peace for Chatham county, espltin J O Mill’s District, will be hrklal the boose of Kobcrtjfoy, lit Savannah, on Wednesday It.* Vtli day of October coining, 0 fill the vacascy occasioned by UieWesigmdlnn ol. William A. Mo M|ltr|. ALEX. HUNTER,/f ISAIAH DAVENPORT,r« THOMAS CLARK,/* zep 24 » g * SCHOOL. T IIE itiboeriber intends ipeninff « school in tins City, on the first Mutfiuf in Novem ber next, to which will he taught, the Latin and Greek lan^isgea, together wiihtfiose branches of an Biglisli education, usually taught in Aca- demies He has taken the hoove at present occu pied by Mr 8ml J. Bryan. wtim»ed in Maiket (late South broad) s»reqftfr«im 4 to 6 pupils can be accom uodMted «ith board snd lodging to b e family. For (articular*, relierence may be h id to the Rev. J-. O..Andrew, er J siepli Ge » ge, fevq. CUAUJUHS VV. CAMFJfcNtKR. • •Ml