Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 05, 1822, Image 2

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d I TttK UflUllUlAN. " V V \ tN N V * I: TUtlflH meRTTAmri. Waiting fro Wecomiiiuc our extract! from Knftfafoatd lalrouia, »« Scotch papers to (he llhh Aiir'i*', receive*! by UCCMlOMtl art Parliamentary 1 waa, he hid re non to bo aaipieinoi In g of (he irritation !tome degree,but he hoped I would be the oemc compelled to alter lut p|r»»o who would cng"rt in ant thii g _ T* \ i .14 k. nf. »*•*. SATURDAY, HORNING* OCT. f. 1829. On our Ant plge will b« fount! • eontinnation «f the Ucdew ol Dr. K illoek'e Herimme. We twee received for • day or two pait mi* Mcroui communications upon the out j.-cl of the election on Monday. Koch as have been landed to us in compliance with our invariable rules by the wriieror with his name have been Inserted. The copy of the others will be re- tu< ned if called lor. •Uy the fist sailing brig Frances, capt Gifford, we have received die Philadelphia papers of the 25th snd t!d li ult. containing NiiSv York dales to the 25ih, and Uoston of the 21»t. Finer in Mur York.—The nnmher of caiyes reported by the New'Y-.rk board of health on the 2.1d ult. wns tin, and faun deaths. On the 25ih, nine owes were reportod, and one death. By aneitnctfrom the Commercial Advertiser, %c Jud<t the state of fueling to be of the most desponding character-* 4 'How doth the city ad toliturythut waa lull of people! liowiaaDebe conn* a widow I she that was gre*t among the nations." Hut few of the churches remain •open. Fire t* ■ Between 19‘end 1 o’clock on the m>u niug of the 25th ult. u Arc broke out ul the corner of Danker and Catharine streets, which destroyed ten bull dings before it was extinguish, ed Four dt the houses were of brick—the re mainder of wood—several otherswcrc injured. A letter from Columbia dated on Saturday, Srtlli ult-tUfei that the preceding night was a most awful night of rain, accompanied by occa* •ionul gusts of wind. The driver in the Co- Jumhiu stage arrived at Charleston, states that tio damage from the late storm was pe c»*ivuble Until within 25 miles of Charleston. Mr. Ulius llcrvy's loss ou South Santee is 4u,0UU dollars. The editors nf the Ualtimore papers are in Tspliires with the perfurmunce of Mr. Maihews, kiu* English coniediun. The Colombian armed brig Camelion, Shan non, from’ Hidiiitiore, wus a off dandy H*>k, ■o.i tlu* <Ji!i ult; waiting to take on board Com modore Daniels and Colonel Duane. The Court of Inquiry upon Captain Hull' chm-d the examination of witness* suit the 20 ih , ult, Thu evidence was to be summed up on the 30th. Trask, width* confinement in Boston jail, in a foom alone, and with which there could be no communication, emitted, by some mtans, to •btr ik liis han lcuilk, and the iron collar (nearly an inch and a ludf wide, snd a sixth of an inch Uuok, which was twisted like a ribbon) by which lie was chained to the floor, into eight or ten •picca. The pieces hear no marks of any in ■irumcnt, and to those who have examined them, it would appear that no human power could be equal to this violence* Mra A. S. Colvin, of Washington City, has •impended th< publication of her Wetkly Met. wjfer, " being compelled to attend to other • objects.’* that would be injurious to him. lilt nun ner was to strange and so wild, as to aa- tlsljr me that he was labouring under men tal elution. 1 bid him be very tranqvil, ami prear.ribtd lor him some more cool and aperient medicines, desiring also that the llut sailing ship Neptune, arrived on WeJ* !^c pi*ns Oj the PaiHameiitary campaign nesday mgl.t from Greenock. , a,,cr lhe , "’j* 1 *! The "g?™*' |tior. rceulting from leeling it politic thus At AboyneCasile, in Scotland, e field of nata t 0 change the Ministerial system of tac- was cut down on the 29th July, the seed of ties, even afterttie noble Lord had himaclf win oil came originally Itnm Geoigia. The ex* unlolded the schemes and intention* of pe*iment wns made to aHcertam whether it CiownmciH, may he imagined ; but.the | his diet might be confined to barley wa would witUi. nil .ml oIiim*. of tlut country. I rMl •I' 001 <*»» ""'j perueivetl by llloee|ter >nd ilopi onty. ■ 1 remaincU With lii* It h» proved .ucceMrul who upporittnitiei ol moil m-imately, Lordship until lit. next morning, when ‘ ' observing In. L..irri«hip*M contluc;, ind of although there wai no increase ul' l,fer. lit. Majesty, .ay the Scotch pap-”., wu hrirj " hi- conBt ) t ,! li ,| conversation!., hi. n.iotl .till appeared lo bo In the Jtmr quite confounded, with delight, at the lint - declare that they i.e*er before re-1 state. At 12 o'clock an Sootier, night, appci-uncc of Leilk. At Hulyrtilut llnuac hi. | ,| |,j, Lordship's coitinimd ol tem-1 by my advice, he went lo bail. I remain- Mqjeily uid that •• he had often been told llie per to be live I com' 1 that l i-y never be Scotch were proud, and well they might be," '' Stitt later f -n, l.nglund —The ship BaytinJ, Vandyke,arrived it Lhsih-ston on Wednesday, brums London date, to the 20th, and Liverpool to die Ofil Aukuii. Tlia ootton market was in « most depreued s'lltr when llie Bayard auilc-d, ( 1 it August.) Sale, had been made a. low as 6JI, the average of good upland*, 8<l. A slip from the City Gazette quotes •» fol lows;— ( "I.mnroor, August 19. “Cotton, sea island, fine good and mid- filing, lOjd a Is 911 stained fit a 10$ilj upland bowed, 6$ a 9jil; New-Urlcans 7 a 1 Ijd j Ten- ncssee 6 a 8«l \ Uxhia, 9 a 10.11 Maranhum 9 a 9jtl| Pernambuco a 10j|dj Dcnu-rura and -|)crbiee 6| a 10|d \ Harbadoca 8 a 8|J; corn- man W. I.mia, 7 a 8d; Bourbon la a Is 2d Dengkl 5|a i Surat G£ a 7jd. Flour Arne, new, in bond 1/ IOss I/Hm sour 1/ lisa 1/12a Dice, cwt. Carolina In bond, 12 a 18a j E. India do 8 a 13a. Tar, bbl Am. common and Virginia 10.6d.14a, "Loitstm, Augtut 17. “Cotton,^ea iatapd, mid. to Duo l. 2( n 2v 111 bowed 6( t 9jdi New-Oile.n. 9) a toj i Be- tile 9) a lOd; Pernambuco 10) a 11 )d; IK me- nr. 8) • lOd I common We.t-liulie, f « 81 Surat JJ ,7)d I Bengal la 6il i Bourbon, 9) a la ttice, Carolina in bond, li 10a > II 15. ” A London paper ufAugu.i 19, .talct, from . French paper, that it w.a reported the Ken LI- fendi, ifter an extraonlin.ry counoil of nil the noble, of the Ottoman empire had been held, tfanimitted twin miniatera of Bugland and Auitrix a noteof the higheat importance, the conteotx of which were oft nxiure to put in end tn the uncertainty which had lo long pre vailed in the afiVira of the Kovt. A letter with which we Inve been favoured by a mercantile friend, received by the Bayard, date, that Cotton, particularly American, had been reduced to a very low rate, and i< was be lieved would be xtill lower. Firat nipples of j|he new crop, if of good quality, it is thought may command 9d. Hiliiut-10 a 12) per oent. premium, were, however, considered prefemhle 41 a remittthce. The ahip Oglethorpe, Jayne, tailed from Liverpool, on the lBthAugoit, for thia • port. The Pallas, Land, waa to ud on the 53d jy .gOlt i the Emily, Babcock, from the laih to (he 20* i»od the-Georg'ie, Varnum, on the 1st 8>.pi< mi.vr Thc Vuicin, Ktetl,arrived on the MbAuguM.' added he, " tliey teem to n.e tohe a nation ol gentle men.” The first election of Lo-d Londonderry to the Irish Parliament, when lie wea aesreely twenty one, coat kit father the late Maiquia 30,000 pound, I Among the aucceacora named for the place lately occupied by the klui quia of Londonderry is Mr. Canning. Phi' Duke of York’s property hs| been cold far the pr, menl ol lilt debts. The heiress of a hanker, deoeaeed, is aaid lo have one elaim of 200,000 pounds, The number and violence of the storms which have vis led Europe this summer have been un precedented. All the lintels at Edinburgh ore full—fri^n half a guinea to three guineas are paid fur bejls per night. A single liors, cuita five guinea, per week in the stables. A' moil jinmd murder has been committed In Fiance upon the body of a female by her Col- feaaor—no cause is given lur llie act. Ilcrbni^ w» dismembered by the muidercr and depos ited on the eel III ill dillerent parts of llie iieiglj- bnrhood. The Rev. Me. Eyre, has been brought before the Worship-street office for violating (Ire peiv son of a child 10 years ul age. On li aeiaminu- lion a young woman testified that slir had suf fered from bun in the seine manner when ele ven years old, Thef Hev. gentleman is de-tc. ib- edes “elsll fine looking mm, tbimi^/ly year, old, with all the e.4lsvind uieiiners ula gentle man A smart shock of an earthquake was felt at Lisbon on the lOtli uf July, and within a few li -lira a similar phenomena was expci ieuced tin lie same day at Alcuuai on the lllliatUay break an eruption of Vesuvine took place. Arthur’s beat In the neigbhuilu-oii of Edin burgh and llie C'alton Hid in the oily, wt.reco vered with tents, ma-qnes, Sic. onllie King’s si rival. A splendid silver cross, a presi ni from the Indies of Edinburgh, wns presented tn the K ng in his y unlit, by Sir Muller Scott, antithetic count udtls, " he in a brimming bumper return, ed Ilia grateful thanks Air the ctleiing of love end beauty. 1 * The Edinburgh Observer, in honor of the King's visit, contains in e line across the whole breadth uf five columns, in tile largest type, " Long live King lieorgc the Fourth, the father of In# people I” •nails full at Cheltenham in July, were picked up 'g-lelter ss/lllie devastations cum qiittcr) by in innumerable multitude uf field mice in that neighborhood ere immense. In die district of -Bniiuali elone hardly one tenth uf the harvest is left—the loss is estimated al 314,090 florins. A soldier at Ynrk died in conurqtieueo 01 flogging on llie Slid July. Ilia crime was dn- posing nf the silver spoons belonging to the mess uf the officers lie received 3u0 lushes lie uus whipped at Hull, and toon tiler com- pelludlu accompany the regiment lo York in a baggage waggon. On tile aecoml day's march mortilicalion commenced—in this state he pur sued hie journey, and when arrived was obliged to walk to the hospital. A principal and aenond in a duel in Ireland were found guilty of manslaughter— the former waa sentenced to nine months -impriionmonl end to be hunted on the huntI / snd the latter in consideration of Ins previous long conflnemnnl, to one month's imprisonment. ' Shearers were lured at the Cross in Glasgow on the 17th August, at 2a to 2« 4rf, without vic tuals. Mr. Kean had concluded an engagement at Dublin and won to appear in Glasgow on the 3d September, . Mr. YVonler, the ctlebrtted printer of the Black Dwarf, has been released from prison, hii term having expired. The trtlnnsof Bir mingham gave him e publio dinner on the oc casion A meeting has heen^eld in Glasgow to ad dreaa the King on the subject of the horrible atrocities committed upon the Greeka-by tile Turks. lure discovered him to evince uneasiness at any untowiiiditreumaLincealhet might have occurred in the House, in the Ce binel, or in public life. Uut even in the House this louchinrax displayed itself, ill x very recent iiiaience to the aurprise ofinatiy of the Noble Lord’s surrounding friends. '( was particu'arly remarked that night; and It was the genernl subject Of ennver nation next tiny, at the etuhscriptiim houses sod in the several political circles at the West end of the town On the debate on ilie“ du|H'runniiiiiioii Bill,” Mr, Canning strongly opposed it, at er declnmig (hit it lisu been postponed twenty seem limes; and in his opposition, he ” imagined'’ the case of a "youth" who, while at the Uni veisityhud It'll Fellowships,Studentships, #0. all lor e place under tiovermnrti , the reward tor which sv«s to be destroyed by this Bill. Thu noble Lord; in reply, wag evidently hurt at such opposition and that it should come from such a quar ter; a d he retorted upon ihe liight lion. Uetillemun, Unit the iMttgttutry" case was nolhiti, nf the kinii; tout It wag a ! rent ense, ’but line that did not utleut llie pit tuple ol (lie Bill. The political convrrsitLIuiii of the next (lay giid, that Ihe imaginary (nseupplied to an instance in the (Vuntifi'i/ -family’! The contlodiciion, however, llmsgiven to Mr, Hatllillig. was looked upon as s very pe cullgr circumstance, judging of Lid Lon dontleiry from the met ami temper'lhat lie had always shown on former occasions. Bui h 1 ill no one apprehended that the No- ole M rq ns’s mind wss ill ny way alt' cl ed. Ills Majesty was the ft st to commu nicate the tear aniUuspiuiou iliui u change had taken place ; that caution wxircqui -ttc; I fro t danger otherwise might result, tin Finlay the Ma quis of Londonderry had a long .mdieiii.' of Ills Majesty, pie- punitory to the King’- departure lor Scut mod. tu the couisc ol that audience hit ed constantly with his his Lordship until Hint time. On Monday morning, at seven u’clock, Mrs, Kobinsun, Lady Landondcr ry’g maid topped at iny door, and asked it 1 wsa dressed, foMImt my L-irit wished tiiseeme. I answered, “Dies he want me now f” To which she replied, " No, not immediately, but by-ami bye, when my Lady is dressed : she lias not yet left the bed room,”. In half an huur after wards Mrs, Robinson came ngoin, and said her Ladyship was then dressed, and her Lord would be -lad lo see me. In walking from my own room to that of my Lord’s, I saw his dear was open, ami lhal he wns nol there. 1 met Mra. Robinson, who said he hsil just gone into my Lady’s mom. In on instant 1 stepped into the dressing room, which is a long narrow a partmeiit, and I a ,w the Mmquis in his dressing gown, standing with Ins front to the window, Ida back tome, and his lace in an elevated position towards the del ing. Without turning his head, and on the instant he exclaimed, ‘ Btnkheud, let me fall upon your urm—it is all over I” He n ver spoke again,—(Here the Doctor drew his hand across Ins eyes, and seem ed lo lime considerable dilUeully in com nitinding hi* utterance so aa tu proceed wi h his evldeme)-! ran to Inin and caught him in my units. He wss at that moment lulling ; and ss lie tell upon me, I saw that he had a knife in his right hand very firmly douched, end covered with blond. The Coroner; Did you see the knife usi d f — Witness t No, I did not. The Coroner t T mil we are to under stand it wit* used before you saw I-ini ? — Witness : Ye*. Blood was then flowing from the Marquis as from a watering-pot- The Wound must have been given at the moment I entered the room, as, from the nature of it, life must have been extinct in the twinkling of an eye niter its inflic tion. About two quarts of blood flowed from the wound in lea* than it minute alter Majesty wu- -u.pii-eduiid alarmed ul llie Mr-oge and incoherent imiuner tit which i it was inflicted. I urn SHtisfl" that Ihe lioitl Loiuiiindeiiy li d conversed ; and Maiquts was quite dead in^leaa, than a Iter the Noble J, od’v departure, it is minute alter I entered the rmim. 1 slated mi iuttimny that wu have every reason to rely upon, that the King imme diately wrote lo Liverpool, mention tug that lie hull just hnd ” Loudiindeiiy’’ with him; that the Mnqut-talked in a veiy irmuikublu munnei ; that Ins Ma jeaty tell alarmed tin hi- Lonlshtp’s ac Loidslnp know that his demeanour tied been the subject of any remark. It may be added here, lltui liis Lord ship shortly belme .’evlticed alarms that were never known to affect him in liis -sue moments, even in the must truuuluus periuil of his political contests—namely that ol petsiuial uttsek. He told hiacon- Hdential valet, that " lie waa beset by as- The Turkish frigate about which mtioti has been said ih England, manned with Brit,all i men, and secerning to report well provided -with arms and warlike stores of every descrip tion, has tailed. 'Ill* - Frince Leopold sailed two or three days previoiti laden with armsand warlike stores, direct for Aleaandrie. Thejprochiyation which we slated on Thurs day, waa iasiied by Ferdinand, it apreari, was oflered to him, but rafrised lo be aignoi by him. It is given in our exuaclt. 'London. Aug. 15. THE MARQUIS OF LONDONDERRY llie noble Lind's frrenils li u tan li paiu observed, lor some lime past, an, alarming alteration tu hia health ; they perceived that the business and >q .abides, and contests uf the Hou-e, creand great (.-SUesaiH-ss of demeanour and irritation; but nolle ol them hgtl imagined that the amid was sfleewd by ihe exiuuiuuu re l'he Coroner ; Are you satisfled, from all you saw that it was entirely liis own sci ?—Witness t Certainly ; it is impossi ble it could have been done by any other human bring ; there was no uiher parson in the mum. The Coroner : And now, Sir, a* tn Ihe tuuut ; and that it would be uuvisable to - s tot»*of hi* Lord-hip’* mimlf—Witness, take becoming precautions to have the , hi¥e n() , , M<t | le ,iuti 0 n. having opportunity ol watching Ihs Lordship's I known him for upwards of 30 years, in conduct. I lie King further urged *l ,e |-nying that he was perfcc'ly deranged, necessity ^t unco having medical »«*• and in a alale of complete inaanily. vice, Uui, tLpoaailile wnliout lei tog hia CORONER’S INQUEST. Mr. J .meu Bankhead, said, on Friday luai, I received a note from the Muiclu tmesa, begging me to come us soon sa pita stule to Itrr Laid, whom -he w, a extieme ly anxious about, as she thought him al srmi'.gly ill, and very nervous. 1 went immediately to Ills Lordship, ami full hi* pulse,-and thought him very leveri-h * He complained ol a pain in the head, end cootuhion of reculectiou. I considered him cx remeiy ill. Ho appeared very much distuihud in his manner. 1 a id ii wus necessary he should'be cupped, and that I whuIiI stay until the cupper came, and dime with the Marchioness. The cuppcrWuiti arrived, and liis Londship loal seven ounces -of hlood. Alter Ihe operation he expressed himself much ru lieved, and 1 advised him to lie dowo on the sol's quietly fur half an hour, and,'is hia lordship had ate scarcely any dinner, to take a cup ol tea. He did so. I re mained, in the house until hia lordship got into Ihe carriage, aicnuipanied by the marchioness, to return to North Cray, and hi- lordship said to me, before his de parture. as 1 mu-t be *wrc that he waa ve ry ill, hp expicted l would come down the next day, and stay at Cray with him all baturdsy and Sunday. 1 sent with him mme opening imdtcinc, which l di reeled him to take oh the Saturday morn log early as I was anxious to know its ef lect wltrnT vi-ifcd him. I arrived here, on Suturday afternqpn, and waa informed he had been in bed the whole ol the day 1 went immediately to hia bed room, un entering which, l observed hia manner nf looking, towards me was particularly sus picious, and betokened alarm. It was quite atrauge and unusual. He remarked, that it was very odd I should.,come into Ilia bed room without first going into the dining room below, i answered, I had dined in towo, and aa it waa a family dm ner, they had got-below stairs, I had come losee him in the first instance.*-' tie Diet made a remark which surprised me ex ceediugly. He aaid, " I seemed perticu lady grave io my manuer,”and asked tnr abruptly- ' ll I had ,ny thing uupteasani to tell tutu f’! 1 answered that I had no '1 was au-prised ut the question, and hi- The'Coroner: From whit period can you give that opinion ?—Witness : l hud i b-erved a greitt decline in hi* general health for three week* past, but I waa not aware nf any mental delusion until within lour d iysnt hi* deceaatj The Coroner t Doei any Dentleman nf the Jury wish to o-k a question ?—No furtln rquc-tioti waa asked, and D . Bank- head retired. 8PAIN London, August Id.—We yesterdiy morning received Bayonne papers to the 7lh ins', c ntainitig accounts (runt Ma drid to the Sil. Tlie«e repreoent Spain aa being still without a Ministry or a Go vernment, which is attributed lo the un willingness of Ihe King to choose Minis ter* from among the Liherol Party Lo pez Banos and Calatruvs are the only new Ministers appointed, that ol daticho not being confirmed. The nightly meeting* ol the Clubs are ingreat activity, and the National Militia of Madrid and the pro vinces is increasingin numbers,so that an other explosion is dreaded, Salvador Uabard., the soldier who was convicted of being concerned in the death of Lieut. Laniiaburru, has been executed. Hu wished to harangue the populace, but the Prieits would not allow him. The popu lace is said generally to have pitied him. Tl e regiment ul A manza, which (listiu- guished itself against Ihe royal Guards, waa ordeted to be incorporated with the dni-ion of the Empccinado; but the Pa mots proteating ag„inst the removal of that faithful carpi from the capital, the King, at the instance of the Permanent Deputation, revoked the order. He had not,-however, given a very favourable an swer to their request that he would re move the Patriarch and others from hia Palace. He demands their reasous lor D.i* request, and dne of (he Journalists coolly remarks that to give them, would be only prolonging (he dispute to the pro judtee ol both the King and the Constitu tion. He has been desired to put hia n# Government; for the Permanent D*. ' putation.iin which the Patriots had plscvfi their Impel, has lost public confidence since the late event* in this capital. | 0 tact, it i* reptxischrd with temponiirr with the King, and of showing an apathy nnt ronaiitcnt with present circumatanca. On his part, hia Majesty Mill tledei thy choice of a Minister surli as the part, now ' prevailing at Madrid desires. R •rein* (hat the Council ul Stale his pro. tlucetl to him men truly liberal for Mini*. ter»; but that the King Its* rejected the«e proposals, for fear of the conat-quence. In short then, only two Ministers are named Luprz Bunns and Culutrava. The norni- out inn of Sunchu, which wae annnunct-d ua certain, has not taken place. Several other persons have been spoken of lor the new Mmiatiy. who would not fulfil the wiahesof the Patriota and whose nomina tion would excite still more irritatinn. Meanwhile we observe great activity in the nightly meetings of Ihe rom^puarr. s. The Niliunal Guard of Mudritl is in. creasing,as well as that uf the Province*, and every thing seems to prepare the long, projected revolution. The mass uf Ad dresses which we continue to receive from the Provinces, both on the event! of then 7th, and on the King’s delay in punishing the authors of the machinations against the system, in naming a Ministry such a* the general opinion desires, indicate the views uf the Liberals. It is alfirmed that palisades are going to be placed outlie heights (rVaitilihiij, and even that eannon will be pkfried at difl’- rent parts - f the capital. A contedcrutinn Inis been formed in Ihs three Provinces of Biscay, to form tea companies ol Chasseurs to pursufi the fac tious, who commit the greatest excesses. The soldiers will be paid by the Provinces and placed under the cutuinsnd of three distinguished officer*. Q-ie-eda has withdrawn his whole fore* to the frontier, ami is employed in con stantly exercising hia soldiers. Accord- ing lo tlfe latest statements which he Itae sent to General Egui.*, liis division cun- aims ol 3390 foot ami 300 Ittiise. Order* have come.horn Madrid to B.y'onueto suspend all supplies, and to require accu rate account* from those who have ma naged the large sums received from tha Peninsula. The following piece has been presented to the King, tn be aigoetl, published sml circulated ; but hia M.ijesty haaunoounc- eil that he had no need to exptfiks hi- an- tislac ion to those who had deprived him of hia Guard, the unly support of hi* Throne, by intrigue* and dark plots, of, which it it vainly attempted to accuse Mint— " S nniarda—The evident proofs of cotirag.’, of love for Ihe country, of attach ment lo the Constitutional Compact be tween you and me, which you continue to give on all occasions where your assistance is required tu secure good order, ar.d nut institutions, have filled my heart with S rutitude, and I can no longot- insist my eiire to express it, “ Honoured by so many deeds since t swore to muint iin the Constitution—at* oath whiqh I will renew if necessary—you have crowned vour firm, generon*. ami steady conduct s your giorious acti-ns un Ihe memorable day when the batdjUnns of my guards, excited by suggeMitlhs sbbver- kite ol urd -r, made a criminal attempt tn destroy our tviie institution! ami llie Con- stitutional Tn rone, have resounded thro* the Peninsula; the inhabitants of every cottug - knows that it is to your heroic braveiy that Spain owes its tranquility und the preservation nf iu laws. "Continue, faithful inhabitants of Ma. drill, to defend your most sacred right, your children, Ihe throne of my father-, which is under your safeguard; and in future, aa hithertu, let it aulfioe fur you to show yourselves, to destroy every enemy who should attempt to sap the foundation of our tranquility—of your prosperity— and of the happiness of my subjects in ge neral. Lot the men who have laboured to pervert the opinions of mv old Guard hide themselves in the dark ; I shall di*covi(> them, and,-aided by you, their punish ment shall be prompt and rigorousk •• Now, good and faithful Snanikrds, I open my heart to you, I feel relieved from the enurmuus ve'.ight that oppressed it; like the father ol a family, I can find no happineas only in tho midst of my cliiU dreo- and this happiness, which I de*ir* to share with you, will not be complete till I sue the undisturbed and tranquil reign of those constitutional law*, wluclx were the fruit of profound meditation*, during the^momentary occupations of this kingdom, whose destinies will be speed- ily acgumpllnetl, in spite of the men who have lived only by abuses end tyranny. " On my aide 1 will do my utmost fra consolidate the constitutional edifice, and to perpetuate the rallying cry of < Long live the Constitution,’ which I take plea sure in hearing. Such have been (my in tentions, since I swore to that Sacred Code which is the aafogurd of my Throne, end precursor of happy futurity.” Petersbnrg\JHty, 21—Ttie Imperial Guaid arrive here daily in eeperate bodies They have never yet acted in any Turk, kish catnpaigh, and would apparently thia „ ... — - ... the froltsli provines, forming a line of reserve sod observation. name to a proclamation, thanking those time, had hostilities commenced-wiih the woo deprived him of his guards, Shich Ottoman Porte, hare remained in the it is said he refused to du. The wcuuots from the provinces are not interesting. Quesada has retired with hia force to the cx remtty ol Navarre. These papers con firm the intelligence that there is no yel low fever either at Barcelona or at Cad.z. gl'he Liberal Journals, themselves, even .■midst (heir abuse of the Freach ministry ac|tnuwledge that France presents an tu auruiuuutabie harrier against an tutexler- ence on the part of Russia with the tuter- ual government ot Spain, and tint Ads tria concur* with France m tost respect. Madrid, Jug le—-Our situatio ns afrit manner of putting it, Ue said, the truth the saute—no uiiuulry, and we may say, The rest of Ihe Army is kept ready to fight, though a* (here is no probability of war breaking out so soon, orders hav« Ueen issued to withdraw the troop* from the Turki-h frontiers, and lo spread them iu more distant encampments, Mentz. July 28.—ft is the Snabtlen* opinions in Fiankfort that peace will ha maintained. The opening of the Cm- grew of Verona ia to take pl-ce in t o Iiontii ot September. Ndfontv th-de mure talc of the East it it there expected fS