Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 12, 1822, Image 2

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a Tub tifeOjitttAN. mTaVnYh MIUKOAY HOKNI’XM, 00r. I*. IH32- On nor first pag* wdl be found Kvsnl miaoel- laaeoua artlclss. \ 'ft Mr limptM IJoMnai turn Wednesday cl-ctetl * tuatire of th* Price fur the city of ffavannah, trie* 4lr. William A. Moore, raslgned. »y the ahip Cntton I’linl, arrived on Thur*. 4«y, In •!* dav* from New-Yorb, we received XhcNow-Yorl- American of the evening of the 8il lint. Six emerot fever wore reportcil >■ having taken pl*->* einee the lut report, and one dentil. 'Hie greater part ed th* city con tinued dasarted, and it wn« nut expected tbit H would be rc-oeeitpled till November. ELECTION RETURNS. HICHMOND COUNTT. cotta naM. GlasKoak IDT Cary IR7 TMtiiall 418 Cobh 186 Fatty th 921 a Thontpaon 146 Abbot 198 llaynea 37 Cuthbcrt 193 Golding ■* 34 mn imiumiu. ILM ATOM. Gen. V. Walker 506 -no oppoiitUn. Tlis Cltidtn (Sattttf of Wedtitt**) work I ststu dial the tivert Endcrf^k* «re impatiiahlr, from the quantity d' rain that has fallen there. Phi cotton *nd com ct opt, be. on the bank of the river have auatalned considcruble injury* Sheckig F.tmt,—A Urge number of men were a aliort time aince employed in raisings hern in the town ofOtselic, in Chenango conn* tj(, New York, when two young afen commenc ed scuffl ng, and the rife-k of one waa broken in the affray < in thin situation he was carried be* fore hia father, wlio waa hoUliuga currier post of one of the bentt, wheir(dreadful to tftkqc) the father, ahorked at the horrid spectacle, left hia hold, by which meant the t mbera fell and killed tcven men on the apot. internal Navigation.—One number of the tJilca (N Y.) C»aet'e announce* the arrival of 15 boats and 2 rafts, with 544 bis (lour, 204 do •nit, 146 do pork, 71 do aahea^ 3747-bushel* wUent>67d5 do water lime, 230 gallons wlii«k<y, thirty six tons gypsum, 16,553 feet boards, 2019 feet timber, 430 bushels peaches, 19 cords wood, 7a,000 shingles, 12 tom simd for glass works. Cleared sume time, 25 boats with 50 tons merchandize anil 3U tons household goods. • * The new machinery erecting in Philadelphia for conveying water from the Schuylkill in'o the city,,will be competent not only to supply the city, but to tlmiw up a cuvptui of six mill- lions and a half of gullons. The expense of the workafor the more abundant supply of the city [the returns for Congress IVotn tltli county we have not «•* n ] •TAT* fctftMATVH* SENATOR. B^vgv-r M’K.une. BAruasaaTATivw. Hmilk The market, (hr Amarlnn produce and I (fit Thnr*diy I*** two piiannert rnn J manufacture*, wrr, aery Isvnurable. Jflnrd In jiil, l'ir B iiglary attempted (o Tlie I’nrpni.c pirlrd c f iRVOurauir, «unru iiijiu, «”i ■»»* l cimpiny wtlh th* eacape by making a Itnlein lb* wall. liev U. S. whip ot war Peacock, Otipt. Casstn, were not tltaooaeteU tin'll throe n'clnrk In Irt dark line-, i ff Havana—ibe eicw all in gnnil health. th* morning, wh'en they were heard l); . •% yirinminTM. with water, luis hern, hhvr tlie Democratic ft Waikin* 403 L Welkin* 817 I’reai, right hundred ihtutdnd del huh The wa* t. Harris 398 E ’l'arver 203 ter rents in Philadelphia are already 25u09 dol- J Rutchinaon. 349 lars per year. . 1 4 BUBlCECWUNTT. Cruelty to dnima/t.—A complniut was enter- conouiM, 333 3^.3 eil a short lime ti^o Rt the New-York police of- j Glaaaeook 633 Cary fine, against some persons who were employed •Foray Ut 47L Cobb as journeymen in a bakery in Vu’tomstreeV^or 1 Tattnall 426 llujnep 183 toi turii g cats, goals, and dogs, by attaching the T Cothbert 380 Thompion 112 tiils of tlioRC animals te each other* and tying Abbot 369 G hling 5 ■tick* and other urtielea to th?m, J4r epert Tlie MATE LiaiSLATVIt*. 4 complaint wan properly noticed by thu silting M.NATUM. magistrate, and the panice bound over to up- Alien. pear at the next session. BKriIMKMTATlYKB. "Thttma done* • '■ Cox In Massachusetts there is now growing an Apple Tree which wu« set out by ,. f -, -■ Peregrine White, the first person of English ■cntvv.N COUNTY- - descent bom in New*Rngtand. The trunk ot The ahip 8lx Brollivrs arrived at Havre, in Trane*, un the I Ith or August, with Mr. I)-- tleuvllla, late French ambassador tn tbia emit*. tiy, on buard. %rtlnii Remains 4>Tlia skeleton of A Indian •ruimaual else, and in a moat perfect atote of preaervatiitn, waa recently discovered about two feet below the abt face of the earth in the village of Hoff do, New-York. The teeth were ,oooil and white, and had lost none of their cna- irtel. In the grave were found a still for atrik |t<K Are, andatohaeco pipe, the former in a atate t r decay i the Utter in a perfect atate, aa if just u tod. The Uitfliilo Patriot remark, that a few year, ago a number of human akelttona wet* dug tip near th • apot, in repa ring the .treat. YVhile electing a amal) battery during the late war, on the brow nf the tefraee, oppo •Ite the light hone#, aeveral their tone were alao -disinterred, The Indiana relate the following tradilion ooncrriiing thdao bonea—that during the revolutionary war, the Seneca Indians white amplo.i rd aa allit'a of Great flritain. hav ing euflered tome <1- f- ats and otlier dtssatera in her aeryiee, near the mouth of Genesee river, returned to Buffalo, where Itir greater part of 700 of their warrior* died in consign nice of a disease contracted in tile British camp i prob aldy the amall pin. vtmannin Arnman.-In Dr O'MearaVlooma] of Cohveraatlons with Uonaparte, Napuleun ob tented that the English seamen were aa much superior to the F enoli aa the latter were to the Spaniard. I ventured to aay (adds the narra. tarj that I thought th* Trench would never make good teamen,-on account of their volatili ty of temper, and impatience. That especially, ,hay woafdnever submit without complaining, to blqckada porta for year, together, suffering ft-m the combined effects of had weather and nf privationiofevery kind, aa wff had done atToulon *'l do not agree wlthyou there, %««■ ihn.ire, .saidhe, “but 1 do not think that they will ever make as good aetmen aa youra." The aeu.ia youra—your seamen are aa much b. tier than oura, as the Dutch were once to youra. I think, however, that the A'ner-oana are 4*Mrr seamen than junta, tsecause (h*y,»re leas mttnerooa.” 1 -bwrv.d lliat tlie Americana had a considera ble number of English seamen in their service, who passed for Americans, which was remarka ble, aa independent of other circumstances, tlie American discipline on ’board of men of war, waa muoh more aerera than oura i and, that It the Americana liad a large navy, they wquldfind It impossible to have no m-ny able seamen tn •ach ahip, aa they had at present. When I ob served that the American discipline was more Revere than oura, he smiled and Mid, “soretf* AfiaU e crsahie.** prices Carraol at Jtukmnd, Apt. 98. Butterfeah 18a-SJi ti kin 14a th. Corn, bM R4 M -.Checae8 ( a 11, Fiour,-city milts, ,ew. 6 J7 * 8 iU , 4'p'country 8 13; Dice 3*3 ft>, Tobacco ve-y fine log a 13 cts, luje 6J * *t fluddling 4*8) inferior 1.Jaej. the trre is much decayed, but it yet bears (Vuit. It produced this years little more than a | eck of apples. Hr. White waa lieutenant of. mil- tury company in Hut town, lie died in 1701, agedbiyema. Mnnroeennnly. N York, by a rreont census, cnntains 313(1 inhabitants. In October iH.'U, the popolalion v. as about 1300. Increase in two yt-ara, 1630. The Drltlah Hoard of Admiralty have sent an ablq astronomer to the island of Made! abide- termine its exact longitude by a aerie* of astro- nnm cal ohsetvationa to be carried oil there and in Great Ordain at the aitme time. When this i-i arcompli.bed, ships on long vnyagea may cor rect their longitude by touching at Madeira, and aticrwanLi proceed witlt confidence anil safely. We understand that the Porpnia* has brought auBcicnt evidence tnrsiabliah th* piratical character of tha privateer btig Panchila, aliat Palmyra, now in thia potl. fatrirr, According tn th* dectatnn nf tlia Hnn. Joilge Dtaylon, «f the Admiralty of the District Court of the U. 8talea—tin brig I’nlmyra, captured anil libelled by the II. H. arhr. Orumpirs, (lapt. Oregorv, Ofli cera and Crew, Itoa been restored io anil nrtual poaseyainn inkeu of by the claim- unta,—fify Ohm. POUTO-Htro PMVATRRHS. till nf t/tn name, uijfnree nf the Pfiviilrert fit- tert uni fern the varioun pane nf ihie /./on,/. Falomu- A (tall rigged bug, pierced for SO giins carries an guns, 1S lb. carnm .idea, lisa a complement of 130 men—fit ted nut from this port, and now on a entire, Pitnchrtn—A hermaphrodite brig, pier- cod lur 16 guuv, curries ten to twelve guna ; has it rinnplemenl ot ISO men— captured by Hie tlrumpua. tf'shr. Gen. Pereira—Pierced for 16 guns,carries nix to s’ghl guns, nud has a ctmipletnenl of <0 men—ia fliteil out in this place, and ia now in this port, Sclir. Bnifutn*—Curriea, four guns, and 50 ti. Go men—fitted out at this p-rl, and now on a t rtiiae. Sc/tr. Floruit litiMsr—Fitted nut frmn Fuiardo, and now on a cruise—carries une gun «nd 40 men. Ftechera la Carmen—Fitted out from Porto Cubt-liu—carries 4 guns, and a com plement nf 50 men. Resides tlie above, there are three nr lour other a tsnl| privateers Irons tlie dif ferent purls -d Ihe Is'and. St. Johns, Porto Ihto, du». 29,1822 CAPITULATION OT TI1T, CITADEL OF A I MENS Trnn.lated f.r the Pulluitiwn. •Men*./»n* 41.—The Capitulation «• greed upon between Ihe Plenipotentiaries of tlie Provisional Supremo Government -I Greece, the Counsellors nf Athens, ami Ihe Commander* of tlie Turks, besieged in die Citadel nf Athena, which, reduc ti Ivv the Greeks to the last extremity, suit Deputies to propose to capitulate. 1. The Turks shall deliver their arms to tin- Greeks without anyie-ervo. I. The Uieeks shall preserve, with all lluiir power, tlie honour and lives'of the Tutks. 3 Each Turkish family shall take their effects, beds, clothes, Jjv. '4. Of the gold, silver, pearls and jew els, the Turks shall keep lull at all that belonged to them, excepting such as may have been taken from the Chiisttans, 5. All tlie Turks wlio wish to remain in Athens will be granted lire right nl re sidence, and lor all wltu wish to pass lo Asia, Ihe Grecian Government will pm cure European vessels to, convey them, anti pay anti provision them. Signed by 22 names. Hr. llidloch, an enterprising individual who is making exertions to introduce the Lapland Item Derr into Great Urituin, lias also imported aome of the Wapiti, or gigantic slag of the Mis- som-i. -'Jhrte ereatuara are of tile aiacofho-s ea, and can he broken to harness, in which their speed is prodigious. Mr. F.ntTon—Please give thr following quo- riea an insertion inymir paper, soil oblige A CONbTAN I' HEADER. Do Bur newly elected Aldermen peim t tie grots to smoke sugars through the streets, to tlie great andfi-isjoeut annoyance of I'uol pas Btitgers, particularly females I Do they allow negroes to carry large clubs in their hands as if they were under the conatant apprehension of being attacked by every indl vidua! they meet I Do they allow negroes to whoop tlnd hollo, Some nf the newspapers, particularly at ihe seal nf Government, are actively engaged in discussing the quest inn tl’Ao s/to// lie our next President t Mr. Craw foul and,Mr, Culhnun, are the prison- whose names are most frequently beluie the public-. Thu advocates, we will not say the liiends,of Mr. Calhoun, put the q-tes'itm not an much no the merits or qualification* of tlie individuals as upon certain principles of policy ascribed to them. Mr. Ca'hrtun is represent!d as the cut-dial approver of Ihe policy pursued fiv Mr. Monroe, while Mr. Crawford is re presented as unfriendly lo many nf the general principles which gnverti the pi e eent administration. The object of such representations it mnnifeally to make Mi. CaihnUn the candidate of tliu adminiatra lion, and Mn. Crawford the candidate ol tlie opposition. The great principle open which if ia taiil, those gentlemen differ is >be ex Mr. Lit the jiilrt'. lie proceeded tn thr dime ol their room, which they had fa* teneil within, lie irquiryd •• when were they going they replied with Ito/iv/ll " In half an hour.” lit’ advised, thorn tn wait a little for company- Having pro cured aaaiatance the merry fellow* were safely deposited in another room, tntltvxii Ihe events nf daylight. In Ihe morning the aberiffcalled to pay them their rea peets when they moat unrnurtenus'y re luaed him entrance into their robm. the door of w hich w aa barricadoed ao aa in pre sent a atubborn rr«iatance to the punier un* putt ers nf atrnng arm* and sledges, and it was not till after more than an hoot's vigmtntus application that sheriff Smt’h wax able to make hia entry. When ihed-uiy wns barsl open the desperadoes held in their hands heavy alnnea swearing ■mist ungeniletnnnly, that they would kill lit* first man tvho entered. The sheriff thinking it not best tn be ceremonious, rushed in, when tlie fellows submitted, and were presented with a art of ruffles, which may prevent them in future, from wot king in the night, nr breaking Ihe rest nf their neighbour*.—JV*. London Ho* Shocking Denrnvili/.—A fellow by die name ol Samuel t'lieu broke frmn the Go shen g nil about ten data ago. He proceed ed to Mamakating Hollow, where meet ing with a girl of eight years old daugh ter of the witbiw Toungs, he immediately conceived the hellish design of commit ting violence on her person; for which pu- pnse lie informed In-r of his being Iter rmisin, ami invited her to take a walk. Having ns It* umc*tv*d, gone far enough to escape the observation m She neigh hours, lie pt-nce-d d to the execution of his design;hut her cries reached the Inn tlv, who repaired to the spot, when the villain made off, lief life wasal first ctin Htdered dangerous, bnt site hss in a mow-* sure recovered.—Sxilltvnn IFhig, Distressing .Accident.—On Thursday last, the tiny of regimental training, Mr. Gyrus Chamberlain was, in company with others, on his way tit the place nf meeting, when some one of the company discharged his piece, prnh tbly for the purpose of mak ing a noise tor amusement! Mr. Chamber lain at tlie moment coming before the gun, its contents entered his thigh near tlie knee and shattered the bone in such a manner, it was judged necessary to amputate the limb, which was dime. Thus lias Ihe unwarrantable practice of diahnrg- £Utu for ep rt, on day* nf training or miter pulitic micusio-is,been (tie moans rif depriving this uulnrtnnate man nf his limb, Another.— On Friday, Mr Ed win Mark- ham,-sun of Mr Archer Matkhlbt, of trtia village, in company with his brother and another person, were going a abort dis tanee in a wagon, anil (unit a gun with thorn, for the purpusc nf shooting -quirrrl-j they saw one near thorns the gun was load ed by Mr, K. Markham, while standing in the wagon, end in the act of handing ihe s me to Ilia brother, it was dischargctl. anil the contents lodged in his !i*td, ami shattered the scull in a shucking manner. He survived in an-'nsunsihle stale about an hour,—.duinrn (J \'T) paper. Ihe contemplated eaGms^r f-reait -ms ■« nil the port, of tht VnihdStates, only by 89.074, SB*, It will also be seen that it falls *hort of sn amount equal tnthe estimated rin-n. tli’ure tf the trfio/e adii'lnistration nf t,U gareriiment only.84,831,083. Nor is tills all. Tie receipts of rut- toms at tha singio port of New Vnrk lor th* present yr tr will pay mor* than tip* thirds nf the whole national •xpendtture, including Ihe civil, diptotic, and tniscella. ttenus disbursement*; tha appropria tion for the puhlfo debt (amounting to 85i*83,877) anil tha whole military anti naval estabiWimenta of the country. IntheyoYV 1820, the reccipti of cua- toma at this port, in relation to all tha other polls in the United Stood n* five tu> twelve; tho last year they were, if wo art* correctly informed, a little more than half, nml admitting them to retain tlWt same relative proportion that they ptfKv sessetf the last year, it follows that this portion of the public revenna will sur mount the calculations of the Secretary of the Treaiury, by a no Iri9 sum than sis millions two hundred anti fifty-one thou sand three hundred and fifty six dollar*. Admitting even that the custom* reccivt-il at this port (of which wo do not arrogate to ourselves tho belief) should exceed by one third tlmso of all tho other ports in tha Union, yet thero would still be a surplut above the Treaiury estimates of mure thou half a milltou of dollars. ^ At the same time that these facia furs ni*h a subject for well grounded congratu lation, they may, perhops, supply us here after with some other and more import ant considerations naturally deducibl* frmn them.—J\T. J'. American. lomelimvs alter the hour fixed upon for them p.nct nl the Federal Government. Tina to return to their homes, and frequen ly win a the cltiaens ate retired to reat, disturbing the neighborhood wherein these proceedings arc carried on t And finally, is it by their knowledge that ottr City Scavenger ia so very irregular in going Inn rounds through our atreeta, particularly under tlie bluff which to my own certain knowledge k scavenger’* cart hu aot visited these ten dayal If Hr Editor our new Council allow these matters to escape without any notice, they ware elected—but without any apparent regard to the real interests of the city, CRUIZE OP~Tm PORPOISE. Chariest n, Oct. 10.—The U. S. schr. Potpotae, J.ts- It.image, E-vp commander, arrived yesterday in this port, from a long and interesting ctuisc on the coast ol America. The Porpoise durinq her cruise, has vi sited St. Bart9, St, Tnom is. Puerto Ca- bello, Uuracua, St. Mutlitu, Chagrea and Havana. From reports, it appears that oil thr Coast of Colombia, our Hag is res pected by the Navel torce* oil that Re public—but on the contrary, the foices of Spain capture aud condemn all vessels that they meet with trading to or from ports in possession of the Patriots. Porto Cabello is the only place that now bolds out against the Colombian three*; but it ia mote Ilian probable, that etc thia, that has also surrendered. * The Government of Colombia, Hi the potta above-mentioned, appeared to be well organised, and every disposition e vinced to favor the commerce at the I'tit led States. wdl be acknowledged at mice when we assure our readers that the papers alluded to have no hesitancy about a trip to Ktt tope to import names by which to distin guish their partittin*. The advocates of the Secretary at War are called Libe 'als, while those of the Serrotary of the Trea sury are designated Radicals. Mr. Cal Ituuti is the friend of liberal salaries nf a large army and navy, anti of all thosp expences and establishments which it is raid will make ns respectable tn the eyes ol Foreign Notion*. On Ihe other hand they say Mr. Crawford is in favour of mo derate salaries and of keeping up no greater iiavul or army enablishoient than the ’ xigencies t,f the country m. y require, lie is represented as deairous to go into power on the peaceful and econ mical principles nf Mr. J If rson which are sup posed by many to be obsolete. Without feeling called upon tn give an nnininr. as lo Ihe claims or qualifications of either of the Stcretariee, we may be permitted to say, that' the advocate* of Mr.Calhoun are placing hit pretensions' on » shallow and a sandy foundation, and those of Mr. Craw lord on • rock of ada mant. Atpexpensive administration ne ver will be popular and nothing but a mistaken notion of public opiniun could tempt the advocates of sny candidate to offer him for support under the expects lion that he would be the head of such an administration. If Mr. Calhoun is tho urged forward, Mr. Crawford’s friends will have very little io do but. vote aud when they go to the putt, they will be sur- prised to find how large a majority of the people of the United States prefer econo- liny to eitrivagauce.— Aton. Press, NATIONAL RESOURCES. It will be recollected that in the annual -p rt of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitted to Congress nit the 10th day nf' IKr.embet, 1891, Ihe receipts fur the year 1849 were e-timatetl at sixteen mil lions, one hundred and ten thousand dot Ilia. Of tnia amount it was computed that Ihe coaloma would afford fourteen mi’linns—leaving two millinni one hut) d and ten thouaand dollars to be aup plied from other sources of revenue aud ev -n on thal basis, it was calculated that the receipts of the current year would exceed the expenditure by one million, one hundred and sixty two thouaand three hundred and thirty eight dollars. It is with much satislatlinn that we feel ourselves atithont' d to congratulate nur renders aud tlie nation, upon the clrar, and almost indubitable prospect, that tho estimates ol the Treasury will be more than realtxed. We have been favoured by s friend on whose acquaintance with the subject we can very implicitly rely—whose state ments may be received sa verity, is,d whose estimates are founded upon the best knowledge of the subject, with the follow ing obstruct of duties received and re- ceivuble at the purl ul New-York fur the current year:— Duties on goods imported } „. in 1831, J 81,838.503 41 do. in Istqr. in 1824, 9,314,73149 do. in fid qr. in 1829, 9.419,348 84 do. in 8d qr. in 1893, estimated at 7,693.678,68 9,500.000 00 810,195.678 68 This statement and estimates are made only upon the dutira on goods, wares and mcrcltandicet, anil are independent of the duties on tonnage, $r. which, in this port only, will probubly amount to three nr four hundred thousand dollars, and which are understood to have been included in ihe estimate of the Secretary of the Trea *u>y. We are aware that computations by fi gores are not .usoallv of an attractive chs racier; aml any thing in the similitude of a sum in arithmetic, ja apt lo repel eveo a reader nf research. The subject under con sideration, however, is entitled to at least least flew mnmenVs refieetion. A little jttcnttfln to the subject will show that the imnunt thus received and receivable at the single port ot New-York, tails short ol Extract, from " a voice from St. H.-lenit" by R. E. O’Meara, late Sutgcon to the Emperor Napoleon. “ The emperor Francis,” saitl Napoleon " whose head is crammed with itleas of higu birth, w»> very anxious to prove ibiik I was descended Irnm aome of tho old tyrants of Treviso; and alter my marriage with Maria Louisa, employed tijvcra per sons to search into the pill musty records of genealogy, io which they thought they cnuld fi nl something to prove what they desired, lie imagined that lie had suc ceeded at.last, and wroth to mb, asking my consent that he should publish the ac count with all official formalities. I refus ed. lie tvas ao intent upon this favourite object, that he again applied, and said, ' Lnissex mot hire,' that I need not a|t* pear to take any part iu it, I repli -d, that this waa impossible, as if published, I should bb obliged to luke notice of it; thal l preferred being tlie son of an hon est man, to being descended from any H> tie dirty lyrant of Italy. That I Was th*. Rudolph nf my family. Napoleon professed himself doubtful that the Ett»> : -th could notv continue to manufacture goods, an aa to bo able Its sell th> in at the same pri„c as those utsda in France, in conseqnnc* of Ihe actual necessities oflife being sn much deafer in England than in France, lie prulYaacd bis disbelief that the nation cnuld support lha immense weight of taxes, the deutnesff ot provisions and the extrav. gancc bad ndminsfration. " When I ivns in Frnnce (continued he) with four timea tho extent ol territory, ami four limes the po pulation, I never could have raised' imo half of your taxea. How tint English po pulation bear it, I cannot conceive : the French would nut have Buffered one fourth of thorn—notwithalanding ynur great suc cesses /continued he) which ate almost incredible, and to which accident and per] haps destiny have much contributed, 1 do not think that you are yet out nf tlie scrape t though you have the world at command, 1 do nut believe that you will ev. r bo able toget over your debt. Your great commerce has kepi you up t but that will tail when you will no longer be aide lo undersell the manufacturers ol other notions, who are rapidly improving. A few years will tell whether I am right.— The worst thing that England haa ever done, wit that of endeavouring to make hefaell a great military nation. In 'fij- temptmg that, England must always IbB th* slave of Kostin, Prussia, nr Austria, nr at least subservient to some of them, be cause you have nut a population suffl. cieutly numerous to combat on the conti nent with France, or with any of Iho powers I have named, and muat conse quently hire men from smite of them }. whereas, at sea, you aro ao superior— ynur sailers are «o much better, thal y, u can always command the other with sure ty to yourselves, and with little compara tive dpi-nse. Your soldiers have not the requisite qualities for a military nation- Tliey are not r-qual in address, activity, or intelligence to the French. When they get from under the fear of the lash, th y, obey nobody, lit a retreat they cionot be managed ; and if they meet with tv J they are ao nnny devils, (tiwtaiiav^h) ami adieu to-subotdinatiun. 1 aatv the re treat nf Moore ; t never witnessed any thing like it, it wav impossible to collect ur to make them do any tiling. Nearly all were drunk. Your officers depend upon interest nr money tor promotion. Your soldiers are brave, nobody can deny it ; but it was bad policy lo encouragp the military mania, instead of sticking to ynur marine which ia the real (nice of your coun try, and one which, while you preserve if, will always render you powerlul. Jo or der to have good soldiers, • t aiiou roust always is at War. From the London l.iteran- Gsgettr. Application of Michinenj to the t'ulcu.- Utiug end Printing of Tahhs. A vet y eminent Mathematician,Charl-a RaUbage, E*q F. H. >. London ar.d Edin. uurgh.fcc. ui a letter addressed to Sir Humphrey Divv, President „f the R.ya] t»;c«-ty id London, ha* auQttuncvd lo Uto