Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 15, 1822, Image 1

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GEORGIAN FOR THE COUNTRY NEW SERIES—VOL. 1 TUESDAY MOILYINQ, OUTODEU 15, 188*. swag.) 4C5 TUB DAILY GEORGIAN, ISEDITF.Ii .1X11 PUBLISHED IXTHE CITY OF SAVANNAH, TJ-S GeoYgfc Robertson, 3t ■At Eight Dollars per annum, payable in advance’ L wv THE GEORGIAN, FOU TUB COUNTRY,, la piibliaheil to meet the arrangement of the mail, three timea a week, (Tuesday, Thursday *nd Saturday) at the Office ot' the Daily tieor- Kian, and contains all the intelligence, Commer. cial, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad vertisements, published in the Daily Paper. Ttie Country Paper la sent to all parts oflhe State and Union, or delivered in the City, at Rve dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both papers fet 75 cents per square, of Wi nes, for the rust Insertion, and 37 j lor every succeeding publi- y, alien. _ Notice. T HB-firm of Rockwell U Ue|iburn is dissolv ed, in consequence of the death of J. L. Hepburn, EaqtT . ... The subscribers Imve formed a connection in the Practice of Ciiw, under the firm of HOOK- WELL h MORGAN, They will attend to pro. -fesaiona! business,in the Federal Court, in the ■Ocinulgee circuit, and in those counties where in the late firth uf Rockwell W Hepburn prac- Their office is in Mdledgevilie, corner orjef- Vferaon and McIntosh sheets, where one of them *1 ND now, to wit, this twenty-third day of t April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, this emme came before the Court, on u Mandate from the Honorable the Supreme Court ol the United States for further proceed- fogs. Whereupon it is ordered and decreed— inay be fouuil ut all times, when not on the cir* That the holders of Notes of the late Hank of S. ROCKWELL. the United Stales, bring them in for payment A. A. MORGAN. Millcdgeville, June 10, 1822. June 14 .. NOTICE. T HE amount of seven and six per cent Stocks authorised to be subscribed by the first sec tion of the uct passed the ‘20th April, 1822, en titled “An act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a Stock bearing an inter- est oftive per cent, for certain stocks bearing An interest of six and seven per cent,” not hav ing been subscribed, the proprietors of six pei Cent stocks of 1812, 1813, 1814 and 1815, uml ol seven per cent stock of 1816, who may wish to avail themselves of the provisions of the third section of the act, arc hereby informed, lhat‘ books have been opened at the Treasury for, receiving subscriptions pursuant thereto, and V ll continue open until the (list of October next. The subscriptions may be made by tilt pro prietors of the stocks specified, either in person or by their attorneys, duly authorised to make Ibc subscriptions and transfer the stocks to the United Stales, the certificates of which are to be aurrendered at the Treasury at the time oi making the suhHdrfpfltins. aug 27 ft’n NOTARIAL PRECEDENTS. JustTReceived, By WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, MoxTr.rmir.'s CoMMF.netal and Notarial Prn?- cedsnts, a new edition, with considerable ad ditions, by Clement C. Biddle, of Fhiludei- - phis, £5 50. - ALSO, Jacob &, Watteau's Chancery Reports for 1819 and 1820, voJ 1st, with references to Ameri can c.ises, by 11. W. Warner, &i> AO. This work succeeds the reports ol Swanaton in the tame court, which, together with llerivales, complete the series from Vesey, Jr. down to the latest decisions. Salkklo’s Ur ports in King's Hencli, front ‘he 6t', London t*0»tion, with additions by David IJvuns, 3 vols. J Fikids’Analysis of Hlackstone, a new work, 2 dolls. 75 c( s. A few moreth Wubaton’s Reports, sep 21 ' . rig •f’ Notice. N OTICE is hereby given* that the copartner kWership heretofore existing between Ed ward Williunts of Savannah, and Ahijnh Fisk of .^Boston, under the firm of K. WiUiumi Ci Co. Savannah, Georgia, is this day dissolved by mu tual consent. All persons having (demands against the said fitm, are requested to present the same for payment, and all persons indebted to *aid firm, are called upon to make payment to Edward Williams, of Savannah, by whom the business will be hereafter carried oil A FISK. EDWARD WILLIAMS. Boiton, June 18,1823. »ug6 Francis ti. Nicoll Si Co. lit Case Circuit Court United States, Dls- YY. Scsrbrougli and other*}, ul Chamber!, lSi/i September, 1822. P ROCESS having issued in this cause, re turnable tu the term of ihia court in D*. comber neat t and it being re| resented that John Haaleli, William S. Gillett, Samuel Yales, Andrew Low, and John Uogue, defendants In the said cause, reside without the limits of the JlisUict of Georgia: It is ordered, that the aaid j&hn Heslett, William S. Gillett, Samuel Yates, jSm Uogue and Andrew Low appear at the t,rm of this court to be holden at Suvannah in the term of December next, to answer to the plaintiffil on the merits of their said petit.on, and that a copy of this order be published in one oi the gazettes oftliis slate for three months, and that the plaintiffs have leave to take such further proceedings as are prescribed in the rule iu shell ease made and provided. J. CUYLElt, District Judge. True extract li om the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. S&oamah, Sept. 13,1822. »ep Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Extern trix, applies for tetters of dismission Irons the estate ufUencral Nathaniel Green, dec as- «d These are therefore to cite and admonish •11 and singular 'he kindred and creditors of (aid deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in .lunsary next, and •hew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted, in terms of the law. Gtveu under my hand and seal, this .2d day of June, 1822. J| [a a] JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o, <fc. j-llyT In the Circuit Court of the United States, In and for the. District of Pennsylvania, in tile third Circuit 1TWKKN Joseph Marx ami .Toorph Marx’ •ml George Marx, citizens of the state of Vngtiiia, who sue ns weil in their own munesas in behalf of such other Per sons, Stockholders of the late Rank of the Untied States heretofore named, ns shall ooiyj in and become Parties hereto, contributing to the Expenses of this Suit—Com plainants. ’ AND In Wtiuqy, David LevuofyWine Ifandinot, ! October, Robert 6 mi ini 'James C. Pish- \ Houmous er, Joseph• Sims, Archibald 1817. McCall, Paul Sieman, Samuel Coates, Hctln Pratt, George Fox, PaschaM Hollingsworth, John Stille, Thomas M. Wil ling, Horace tVmney, George Harrison, Ahijah llammond, William Bayard and Oliver Wolcott, eitixrnsof the State of Pennsylvania, Trustee* of the late Dank of the United States. » at the late Bunking House of said Bank in the city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1823, nnd that on that day this Court will make a final Decree for Distribution of the funds reserved in the hands of the de fendants for payment of said Notes j and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to be published in one public newspaper in each of the following places, to wit:—Philadelphia, Boston, New York, Haiti, more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New- Orleans, at least once n week, for nine calender months, before the said eleventh day of April next. A true copy. D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. The Editors of the Boston Evening Gazette, at Boston, of the Ncw-York Evening Post, at New-York, of the American, at Baltimore, of tire Norfolk tlcftld, ul Norfolk, of the Charles ton City Gazette,at Charleston, of the Georgi an, at Savannah, and of the Louisiana Advertis er, at New-Orleans, are requested to insert the above in their respective gazettes once a week,, for nine calendar months, before the 11th duy of April, 1823, and to forward their hills, as soon thereafter as rhay’be, to the subscriber, accom panied by art affidavit proving the publication, cuhforfnttbly to the forgoing order* D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. may 9 'pHE persons whose names are hereunto an JL nexed, are natives of Liberty county, in the stale of Georgia, have resided in said state from the time of their birth; and have had their names registered in my office as persons of co lor claiming to be frefc. Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mal lard’s plantation; she is 53 years old. Prince, a son nf Tirah, a carpenter by trade, is 24 years old, and vesicles on Colonel'** Island. Duller, a washerwoman, resides ut Uiccbo- rough, and is 33 years old. Katy, a daughter of Heller, is 12 years old, and waits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill. Abram, a carpenter, is 35years old, and re sides at Mr Richard S Baker’s. E. BAKER, cjclc July 4 Effingham Superior Court, nuts Nisi ►On Foreclosure of Mortgage December' term, 1821. The Trustees of the German*' Lutheran Church at Ebene- ezer •Uf. John Freyermuth and several parcels of Land O N the petition nf the trustees of the Ger man Lutheran Church nt Ebenezer, stating that the said John Freyermulh on thi* fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred Li fifteen, mort gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, tdl those tracts of land, containing three hundred acres in Effingham county, state u fore* aid, on a small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitrrun Kelly’s and Garrison’s land; also another filly acres, sit uated ami being in the district of Ebeneecr, bounded by land of Peter Arnetoff 8c F. Brook* ners, at the t ime of survey granted to Landfel- der; also,another tract of land situate in the sev- enteeth district of the county of Baldwin, con taining two hundred and two and a half acres, known by the number (104) one hundred and our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay. ment of a bond or obligation of the said John, bearing date the day and year aforesaid U pray ing the foreclosure of the said moitgage. It ap pearing to the Court that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun dred dollars, with interest‘at six per cent, from the fifteenth day of April, eighteen .hundred & eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuyler,*V- torneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the said John Freyermqth, his heirs or representa tives, do pay lAto Court the amount due as a- foresaid within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that such further proceedings take place as are by law directed. It is further, ordered that this Rule be pub lished once a month for twelve months in a pub lic gusette of this state, or be served on the de fendant or h'is .representative or agent six months prior to the time appointed for the pay ment of the;isonev into Court. Extract from the Minutes. JNO. CHARLTON. Clerk. dec 11 re$ SAVANNAH Poor House and Hospital. V ISITING Committee for July and Jivyvtt, CHARLES W. ROCKWELL and t,?.u. ANDERSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WH. (J DANIEL!.. JOHN HUNTER, Secrelsry. jidy* TO CAPITALISTS. A VERY superior Steam Saw Mill has been recently erected in the vicinity of the OYTi OT DARIEN, at the most eligible situation for a btismrst of the kind on the Atlantic shores of the United' States. PosHossiug all the advantages of an iu-: exhaust bio supply of the finest yellow pitch Fine and Cypress Timber, built on a line bluff, with thirteen feet water close to ft, and a natural cove for the reception of logs. 'flic present owners' not having if In their power to bestow that attention to it whlc^je ouccni of such magnitude requires, arc de«r- ous of tclHtif the whnle^or a part of their inter est in it, and now offer it for tale at a very low valuation, and much less than such o structure could be completed for. > There has jlun been added to it a very supe rior llice Pounding Machine capable of dis- charging at least 50 tierces-of clean rice per day j and A Corn-Mill, nil set in motion by the same engine. The Saw-Mill is upon • new principle, by the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. REN NIK of London, who sent out one of his beat workmen to superintend its erection. It can now cut with 48 saws, and may be made to drive twice that number. The Steam Engine is perhaps the host in the United States, made by Messrs. BOLTON* WATT, of Soho, near Birmingham; and erected under the inspection of their best fore man, sent out expressly for that purpose. A wonderful cxpence is saved in fuel, as the saiV-dust from the pitch-pine is found to answer instead of fire-wood, and is carried to the month of the furnace from the pit by elevators now in use. 'Hie Rice Machine is also on anew principle and found by experience to answer better than any yet in use. The quickness and regularity of the movement, producing It of a superior brightness without Waking the grain. The mill is situated on a line Cieek, called Cat-Head, on a branch of the Altamaha River, and only about half a mile front Darien. Sea Vessels, whose diaught of water enables them to* go to the wharf at Darien, can load at the Mill, only a short distance oil; w ilt great fucility $ as an enclincd plane from the mill, will enable them *o receive the lumber into their bow ports, almost without expeneq: and the null, us now in operation, cun furniuh 40 M. feet of plank per day, which may foe increased if f/' necessary; the power being amply suffi cient. TJie lumber sent from this establishment since it went into operation lins been allowed to be superior in quality and regularity in sawing. The commissioners of the Navy of the Uni ted States have approveiUbf the ship plnuks, furnished from it, and it is nigldy probable will give it a preference in future contracts. It has also bcen-seen and justly admired in New-York and Philadelphia. The prospect of a renewed intercourse with the Until*!) West India lulands, renders tho Establishment a deairuble mode of investment— olVew*, in that case, having been made frop, JAMAICA ALONE, for about half of alllhe pro duce of the saw-mill, The present owners have no objection to,con. tinue interested in it to a certain Extent,' but their other aVocalioilB preclude their personal attention to it. For terms nnd other particular!, apply per sonally or by letter to JOHN M'NftSH, Suvannah. OTT" K. B. tf Dot disposed of soon, the mill, With all its privileges, will be rented for a tern of years. Jlpply at above. may 13, —SL LONDON BOOKS. s. C. & J. SCHENK H AVE lint P^aWH hy the Riclmrk PlmM, » ciilleotinn oTLnmlon nublioatiuitt, mnonir winch .re llie following: B The walk, ol'thc Poet., Inclitillnr the tn«t deemed tl .million, from the Greek .ml Roman uuthor. i by Tltoana P«tk, P 8 A t in 54 vols, An Exposition of the Old and New Testa- Georgia—Liberty County. By Elijah Baker, Clerk of«he Court of Ordinary for Liberty County. W ILLIAM OSGOOD • pplics for letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of Mary Ann Fraser, late of said county; deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to file their objections, (if any they hove) in my office ut Rictborough on or before the first Monday in November next, oth- crwisc letters of administration will be granted to the said applicant. Given under my blind and Seal, this l7tlt day of September, in the year of our Lord 1822. [L. S.) E. BAKER, c c u i c aep 19 WHISKEY. IfUSt received per sloop Susan, 150 barrels •I Whiskey, For sale on accommodating terms hy J. B. UERBERl’ & CO. -sep 12 Georgia, Camden County. To all whom it may concern. HKUEAS John Uschlotl, Junior, applies to the Honourable the Conrt of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the uu-adminis- tergd part of the estate of David Tucker, late of'said County, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the lit Rs and Creditors of said deceahcd to file their , ob jections (if any they have) in.the Clerk’s office in the Court of Ordinary, on or before the firs' Monday in November next; otherwise Lctte * will be granted to the applicant. * Witness the Honourable William Gibson, one of tl*e Judges of 'said Court, this 21st September, 1822. JOHN ILVJLEY, q, c. o. c. t. sept 28 f Laurel Hill Toll-Mill. 1 ■' SrnHE l oll-Mill on Mis. Ancnim’s plantst on iJL has been completely repaired lately, and is now ready to work as well ysany other mill on the river. The rough-tice that will be sent to the mill will be kept separately in dry and safe stores, and shall be beat with the utmost care and economy, and the bsrrells will be always de livered in good order. Empty barrels, made of prime boated staves, will be lurmshed at the mill when required. The terms for cleaning Rice will he the same as at the other toll-mill9. Those planters who will engage to have their crofsbeat at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or as much less as they please, beat'ai one turn. Applications concern ing the mill, to be made to Archibald Brebncr, on the plantation, or in Savannah, to PETIT DE VILLEUS. sep 10 rpf Factor, Myngiu’s wharf. edition, edited by the Rev George Uuidtr and the Rev Joseph Hughes, A M Memoirs oflhe celebrated persons ctfmpnnlng Rit-Uut Club, with a prefutory account of the origin of the association, illustrated with 48 portrait# from the original paintings, by Sir Godlfgv Kueller, T vol 4to Tlfo-i’our of Af'r ca, containing an account pf Countriea hitherto vialteubv Europeans, seleOted fiom the beat autbdrs.and arranged by Catherine Hutton, 3 yola 8vo ■Complete Mercantile Guide to ihe Continent of Riirdpe; forming a complete code of commer cial ini irmation, by C W Uordansz, 1 vol 8vo Lett rs on the events which have passod in France since the revolution in 1815, by Helen Maria ' fillinms, with a supplement, 1 vol fivo Dish: > Hallos Select Works, containing con- tcmplat pits on the Old and New Testaments, with hi devotional and practical pieces, with some ai munt of his life and anfleringa, written hy htmi C in 5 vola dvo, arranged and revised by Josi: i Fratt Worli df tbeHt. Rev. William Ileveridge, I) 1), Li d Bishop of St Asaph, containing all his sermon: with a preface giving Some sccOtliit of the mil! ir ana big writings, a new edition In 6 vol! 8vo ' Scrm » selected from the works of the Rev Issue Butow, D D, late minister of Trinity Col lege, C nln idge, 2 vols 8vo‘ 'The istory fif Religious Liberty from the first prpagation of Christianity in. Britain, to. the de It of George the Third, by Benjamin Brook, vols 8vo II Bto y of Intolerance, with observations on the unr isonableness and injustice of persecu tion, an on the equity and wisdom of unre stricted eligious liberty, by Thomas Clarke, 1 vol8vo Histc/y of the Jews, from the destruction of Jerusal m to the present time, by Hannah Adams 1 vol 8vu Orie tal Customs of Sacred Scriptures, col lected om the most celebrated Travellers and the mo t eminent critics, by the Hcv Samuel Binder A M; 6tli edition, in 2 vols Svo. The ndia Cabinet Opened, 1 vol The Iniversul Traveller, by Samuel Frior IHust atious of the Linns*un{Gencra of Insects, by. W \ ood, 2 vols Fi ud uce and Principle, a tale by the aullior of the* Utlioresg," 1 vol Med ations, Practical and El pi r) mental, for every c »y in the year, by one hundred of the most p pular ministers, and,containing the out lines o 36G discourses Clasiical Dictionary fur'the uue of schools, by 1 hom&i lfotyne, LL u Gospel Truth, by J G Pike A Summary of Orthodox Belief and Practice,-- by the Rev John Prowctt, A M, 1 vo| Memoirs of Mrs Mary Burficld, by 8 Summers Picturesque Piety, 2 vols 8ea Seimotis, by the Rev. George Border Familiar Dialogues on interesting subjects, by a I inly Mathematical Principles of Natural PhiloiO' Hophy, by Sir Isaac Newton, 3 vols 8vo ^ Gillurd'a Hlackstone; Coote’s Law of Mo?l- gages; lloole's ArioSto; Junius ^Pliny's Let ters ; Pope’s II' mer and Illiad; Cowper; Dry- ileo's Virgil; cNurles the 12th and Peteribe Great; Fary 'Talers OssJan's Poems i Beauties of Slmkspeaie,Chinese 'Tales* Spenccrbi l'o- ems; Rise and progress; Francis; Horace. Suhscriptiuns will be received ifor the follow ing periodical works i—La Belle Assemblee ; Montiily Review ; Ackerman's Repository ; Kc lectic Review; Monthly; Voyages and 'Travels. Essay on the Resnrrectlon oftlie Human Bo dy, by Bamuel Drew, aecond edition, 1 vol 8vo Practical Expnaition on Psalm 130, by John Owen, D 1) A Discount concerning the lloly.8p>rit, by John Owen, I) D The Nature, Power, and JDeCeit of Indwelling Sin in Believers, by John*wen, O l) Practical Discourses on Regeneration, by P Doodridge, D D Help to Devotion,‘by Mary Anne Davis, 1 vol View oftlie Succession of Sacred Literature, hi a Chronological Arrangement of authors and their Works, by Adam Ciurke, A M, 1 vol I he Heavenly Use ofj'EMitbly Things, by John Fhtvel. Physiological System of Norofogy, with * corrected and simplified nomenclature, by John Mason Good, M D F R 9,1 vol 8vo Elements of Algebra, hy Jamqa Wdod, D D A Treatise on Plain and Spherical Trigono metry, by Robert Wnodhouse A Treatise on Trigc/t.omeiry, by fc Vince. Rise and Progress of Stenography, by James Hc^ry Lewis. Three Enigmas attempted to be explained by John Frank Newton, E*,^. 1 vol 8 Vo Btifion’s Natural History, in 16 vols Turkey in Minature, giving a description o the manners, customs, dresses, and other pecu liarities characteristic of the inhabitants of the Turkish empire, illustrated with 73 splendid en gratings, containing upwards of 150 costumes, 6 vols. • 'w*, Parents* Medical and Snrgical Assistant, by Thomas Ayer Hromhead. ■ The Traders Safeguard, by John Rolle, Esq Manuel of Chemistry. By Wm Thomas Brande 3 vols 8vo, second editipn. Annual Biography and Obituary, 1820,21 and 22, Ivo • . 4 . . A Popular Couroe of pure and mixed Mathe matics for school and students, 1 vol 8vo % Select British Divines, in 0 vols 12mo y. p Sketches oftlie Domestic Manners oi the Ro man!!, 1 vol . « Essays on the Institutions, Government and Msnnei8 of Ancient Greeae Letters on Philosophy, by the Rev J Joyce, 1 vol. „ t , • ^ Biographical Peerage of «!»e Empire of Great Britain, 4 vols (Speeches of the Rt.flon. Henry Grattan, ed ited by his son, 4 vols 8vo A Treat ise on Diseases of the Nervous Sys tem, by .1 C Pritchard, M D, l Vol 8vo .The Life of Andiew Melville, containing U- liatrations of the ecclesiastical and literary his- tory of Scotland, by Thomas 11‘Crie, 1)1)2 Vols 8)0 bourse of Lectures on Drawing, Psinting and Engraving, by W M Craig, 1 vol gyp | An Enquiry concerning Hid fte mHIfa inhab- I" 1 }- >'"• O-ey fctl hf» 'ffilh.., 1 vol Svo Study of Modern Hutofy, by *Mir. Sltireold Donne, 1 Vnl 8rn , . M*y Dey with Ihe MUMI. by JOnnMIrM. . AmtuemcnH of Ulernrmcn. by.Edw»,-dSt|H. ingflect. , ■* cjnvl. Homortei, of tbjjnnb f l.lch ncur in the lllind, by Joiin A TiuhiIm on the Tlieorjrind'Solutint, nftha Utid^B 1 D i 'ri''s“ t,C E ‘ 4u *" < ** b >'» Fot'tralt* oftlie Rrltith Deoil,Tom) No 1 to U. rnil «erie» It la ekpMttd %l|l *>e coffiulet. od In 25 parti, one of wliidH will nppoir every viRnotte title.. ' Anecdotes »(tcompeffl% TMlHbrtohrttHfe -dMiffned tofornliib in.!motion and entertain- ment for leiaure houra, by J. lbornton, 2vol« l/mo Enquiry into the Modern ProMling Notion, nfthe Freedom nf (he Will, byWte late-Boy Jonathan Edward,, 1 vol Twl*?Sh of Thom “ '*• l with It To* Sketcbe. of Sermon, reached to Congreea- tlonaontlie Continent of Europe, 2 vol, ^MentolDi«cipline, by Henry Foiter Btirder, ■nfw 1 ; 1 *-* 9 “ ne «t 'f»n,I»(erl from the Germ.n, ;llu,trated with enijravitig, of M. Campe, lvol l.nT/ 1 ' * ,,le fur y* uth . b y Hod- land, with plate, lr p 34 Georgia, Camden County! TOffHF.REASArchibald Clark, En.’appliei TT to Hut Honourable the Court of Ordinary ,? r f'^l er *,° Admtniatration oh (he estate of Daniel Oracle, late of mid County, decreed. 1 heaft are therefore to cate and admonish allht 4 singiilar the Heirs and Creditor, of nid tleceaa- ed, to file their ob jection, (if any th,v havel in ‘'ilClerk’..Office the Court of«,*o,r ^ before the Ant Monday In November nextt Olherw.iac letter, will be gramed ,to. j} he appli* w tlneao the Hhimourable william Glbwm. 3ir, U Se t p h t e «' U h d eir;82 f 2 ,,i<i ^ Urt '" li *‘ JOHN BAILEY, c.e.o.c.o, . 28 f Georgia—Chatham"County." . To all nhom ti may Concern. rXWHF.RKAS William Morel ha, applied to / W the HonourabletheConrt ofOraipary of ' Chatham County for lett«ra of UuardlanaKlp of / the peraon, and property of Atm H. Roe, Eli,a / C. Roe,and Louisa D. Hue, orphan, under the age of fourteen yeara, children of Ale*. 8. Hov. deceaied. *1 Tltce are'therefore to cite and admonirlt alf and Hineular the kindred of the said deceaied. to Ale their ohf*eHim»flfeny U»y htVrl rwrtm prrantinrr ol 1« .er, Guardi,itiliin aaetorraaid, to Ihe applicant in the Clerk’a Office of the Mid- Court, on or before the third day of November next I otherwise letter, of Guardianship will be granted. Witness the Ifonourahle Thomsi N. Morel one of the Jtistieea of the said Coutt.the aecond day ot October A. II. one thou. •anil eight hundred ahd twenty two. 1 8. Mt DOND.c c oc C pet 3 Itileiiur Cotirt, Uhatham County, 1'hum‘ben, Oct. 2.) ASS. O N the petitltm of Joseph Delcltampil, atalinlF ih,the i, in Jail, for debt, at the suit of Pe ter Duringer, that he I, insolvent, but willing to surrender all hi, estate for the beneAt of hi, oreditore, 0, the law direct,, and praying for re lief under the in,olvent act, of thiialate. Or. iterej, that the nld Joseph Delchamp, be brought up, St the oourt house In Savannah, on the third day of December hexl, at 10 u’chfck, tube heard 1 ruil that notice, thereof be given hiscfeditor., agreeable to law. Extract Rom the minute*. JOB T. UOLL.ES, Chirk. net 3 ef an ML PROPOSALS, For pubtithingy by subscription, in one volume^ a collection of Fugitive POEMS, - MORAL, SEnTIMENTA L, and SATYRfCAL 1 ■Y aifxfecK osbohm. T HE autlicr of the piece* which are to com* pose this Volume, never anticipated lame or profit; he merely followed the impulse of the moment; and in no instance ever wrote, as a tank, any thing contained in the proposed little publication; no manuscript, and few -printed Copies Were ever retained; and in many Cases these productions were forgotten by die author, until recalled to his mind by the public prints* Which have often gratified him by flattering notice; but which have filao frequently innov* ed him by mutilations, which were extremely Mortifying, - / The luvjt cc/nsideration boa ItlWlrteit him, dur ing several years, to attempt the propieiro col lection* in order to correct the enoi »«j^itbers 9 and rest upon his merits or demerits, f Disinterestedneia is net pretended t the au thor confesses that« liberal palrdhgge would afibrd to him much pecuniary relief ;.and he is the more encouraged tQ expect Hire, from the spontaneous notice, in the papers from Alaba ma to Maine, of his advertisement in the Na tional Intelligencer, notify ing his intention. The author confides in the tried coal of his friends throughout the Union, for the promotion of his interest in thikease; and trusts that such as are so good as to BCt os agents, will look to the responsibility and punctuality of subscrU* *• . ■ This volume will be neatly executed, and ip* sue from the preoi ex soon as possible, at the price of One Ztottoft-with usual commission to agents. Proposals deposited in Philadelphia, and with in fifty miles thereof, should be returned within one month af<er they are exhibited»those aba greater distance, with all possible promptitude. (O* Subscriptions to tho above r^ceivcdMtjbw . Office of the Gcokqum. BUJplO I'line Savannah Library 8 open for the delivery of Books on Monday, JL Wednesday and Friday, from 4 to 6 o'clock, PM. Oct#