Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 15, 1822, Image 3

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page.

*YM+&0 MAi(RIKI). On Thursday evening Uh| by the Ilfv. Mr. Andrew, Mr.Uvwno*. Snitivt, of Philadelphia, to the Amiable Miss IUbima Jaiu Ui*tK,of lint «*r- DIED, In Effingham count), Ulh ult. In the 19th year of her »g«, Jd.a. Caroline King, consort of M<*. Qco W. King. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF SAVAYMIL CLEARED, Ship Savannah, White, New-York, Hall & lfoyt Sloop Packet, Clark, Baltimore, Hall & Hoyt AINU VET), Ship Georgia, Varnum, Liverpool, 32 dava. to A Low tic co. owners, with a full cargo ofif.y Jgoods, £<0. to A Low it co. Low, Wallace & >»o. J Dickson A co. W Taylor id Son, G Rrlph. wfohnston U Hills, W Gaston, T Gardner, W T Wdliains, T Young, HMitchel, CantelmiA La* tnur, E niissW co. H’Campbell, J W Long, ,1 li Herbert & co. J Woodrow, ,1 Carruthers, W In* IT*ls it co.4»nd Gumming (J Gvvnthmcy. Oct. 4, lat 34, N. long 57, 30, spoke Ur. brig Mamet •»f Montreal, from Denurara bound to Quebec, out 12 data, with loss of foretopinasl and jib* boom. Pattehgert, Messrs. C W Rockwell and C M Ring. Ship Pallas. Land, Liverpool, 48 days, with no fflaotteA cargo t * James Dickson U. Co. con. aignees, Johnston it Hills, and G Rclph. Ship Gen Carrington, Wood, Providence, 9 .daya, with a full cargo to O Pift, G Collins, 8 Blanton, G A Smunoui, W Lippitt it co. J P Mu go in, R Campbell, T S Metcalf. Pattengor^ Mi's. Rdttey and family, N H Olmstead and fam ily, Misses Clark, Olmstead and llroad, Mear-a, Jlusiell, Wilkinson, C Prouty, J P Maguire, G A. biinmorts, S U Hartford, E Manlon, S New* comb, E Padelford, G S lUttcy, W Olmstead, J .B Richmond. Schr. (lope, Uinckly,Port*u*Princc, 13 days, in builsst to John J.athrop (J co emisignceq. TuUetigcr J U Powell. Left brig New Packet, Clune, of Somerset, bound to one of the Keys •nil New-York, to Mil 3d ult.» brig Columbus, Marberry, Alexandria, brig l’erox, Potter, of and foi Kennebtink, uncertain ; brig Agenora, Mitchd, of Kennebunlr, discharging * brig Buck, Hutchinson, of and for New-York, Oct 8. Schr Thorn, Vcruard, Darien, 2 days, to M Turnbull and A Low Ik co. Sloop Mary, Brown, Chirleotoh, l day, with a lull cargo to I Gojten, Consignee, J M'Nish, Uaudry fit Dufaure, J P Williamson, P Drege, J A Ueaulard & co. T Walton, S Manton, S Ar nold, Henry k Turner and J Whiteman. 28 passengers. Sloop Express, Humphries, charleston, 2 days, wit4 a full cargo to Hall (J Hoyt, I Cohen, Cldand Ik Fraser. Pattengcrt, Mrs Harmon and son, Mes rs Noger, Air, and Lilli bridge. Sloop Mechanic, Somers, Charleston, 3 days, with an assorted cargo to Levistunea tit Cand le) ■ consigned. rp Ton this ronT. At Providence 28th ult. sloop Willlaiti, Read, to sail early in October. CHARLESTON, Oct 8—Arrived, sell Jane, Corson, Philud. 3 day*. Cleared, ship President, Fanning, N York. The Pilot Uoat Caroline, which left this on Tuesday lalt in search of the wreck of the A-hr Mary Ann, Hillard, of this port, returned on Sunday night, knd reports that she fell in with it st 12 M. 28 miles south of Charleston Light, • in (5 fathoms water; iook it in tow, and stood fir the land with the wind tit N. K.; could only fetch St. Helena Bar j that on Wednesday eve* King, in trying to cross it to gel into Hunting Island Cove, the wind died away, and the tide swept the wieck on a shoal, from whence it, was drifted on Thursdav.^ent ashore, and lias gone to pieces on. the Hunting Island Beach On examining the wreck, previous to her going ashore, they succeded In saving therefrom £3000 in specie, the property of C.»pt, Weis- man, which was found in the run j her cargo, which consisted of molasses and sugar, had gone to pieces. Captain Hillard's trunk, the mute's chest, and some boxes of segsrs, are sup posed to have been taken out by some vessel which had bo's riled the wreck. The Caroline also saved «>ne chain cable, aiid put of a hemp one, one anchor and her jib-boom. They found also Capt Hillard’s quadrant, with his last ob- iervation, 32 20. g l«00 belonging to Captain V’elsmftn, together with Captain Hillard’s mo- ney, which was supposed to be in the cabin, was not found. Oct 9 - Arrived, sell Elisa k Polly, Forsythe, Havana, 9 day*. Markets—Rioe £4; Flour 18 * The schr William, R Allen, mas ter, oj^Hon, sailed from St. Mary's on the 25tl4^^E cargo of lumber for Philadelphia, J.t ilA mllan Q nf QAa.Ant.atl ... < lx, bcaflfemls Sp minutes i weather lanyards, (he roans went,and alie right ed. The erew, comitting Hichard Allen mas ter, Janies Watson mate, S Amts, S Allen, J F.ddeslon, J Parsons, J N Jones, and a black boy, were washed off, but regained the deck, with the exception of J N Jones, who was drowned. The decks were swept of evm thing, the vessel full of water, and the survivors snbsittedfnr lOdsys, with difficulty, on a small 3 uantily of raw salt beef and Halt, say about 6 or pounds, and a thurk they had taken, without Bread, and with a trifling quantity ot water. On the 7th was discovered, and taken off the wreck by the aehr Eliza U Polly, Forsythe, Ha vana for this port. Oct 13—Arrived, sloop Leopard, FellteeJ. St. Auouating, U days. Cleared, thip Ferfert, Prince, Liverpool Fall atid Winter DRY GOODS. T he subscribers have received by the ship ■Oglethorpe,-from Liverpool, an assorted aupply of StASOMJtLU GOODS, winch are offered tor salt, at O morale advance ami on ac- camnadoring term. ; attd b, the slop Ueorgtaand 5lu"MMilfm additional" imply, which will ’oct A • Kail and Winter Goods. B y the ships Oglethorpe and Richard Flas ket, recently arrived from Liverpool, the acubsenbera have receivetl a large portion ol their Fell and Winter GOOBS i and bytl-e Pwl- j.a and't.eorgi*, daily expected ‘hey look for ... additional Supply of every article amiable for . tie present and approaching season. ‘ H JAMES DIGStSON IS Co. oct 8 For Protidencc, The packet ship GEN. CARRINGTON. Thu Wood, matter, will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accnnwnoda* tioni, apply on board, at Moore'* wharf, nr to „ ORIIAY TAFT. HAo hut for tale, landing taidtUp, 5 bales Domestic Sheeting and Shirtings 30 kegs first quality Butter 20 qr chests llyson Tea oct 13 — For Charleston, To sail on Wednesday, Sloop MECHANIC. Obpt Sttncri, For freight or pmiigc, apply to the captain, at Jones* whu'f, or to LEVISTONES & CANDLER. oct 1J For Charleston. The regular sloop Cafit John Brown, »ba» commenced running between this phee and Gharlcston, and will leave here To. Morrow Morning, nt 10 o'clock, precisely. For fiviglit or passage, apply on board, at Exchange wU f, or to ISAAC COHEN, not 15 r Cotton Bagging. Converse's Candles. AffMTt n’<ics.|-ist reerived per slip Cotton «93>-y FUnt, fur isle by oct 13 J. D. HERBERT h CO. stile, Very pntife 43 inch Cotttin n.-gging. net 15 p Wkl. Tt'liNKR. For Sale, Young Negro Woman, a good hmtse ser. VHIlt. oct 15 Apply to F. SELLECK. Clothing Wave-House. fjpiIE subscriber lias removed his establlah- JL ment to his former stand on the (Jav, ad joining,the City Hotel. J GEORiIe. oct 15 p For Sale, eR ?^ £8 P fttent ln, l tnould Shot, assorted 25 casks prime manufactured Tobacco 25 bundles prune liny By C. C. GRISWOLD, oct 15 p Warranted Articles. J C9T received per ship Cotton Plant, ,a fresl* sup fly of Drugs, Chant cab. Perfumery Spied, Dye Stuff*, be. for suit- by ANSON PARSONS, oot 15 Benjamin P. Simons, Clinch, House, Fancy and Ornamental PAINT i£R GLAZIEIt, St Julian street, No, 4 west of the Market. N B. Fancy ami Windsor Chsirs nnlnted ii the neatest mnnner. oct 15 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS AkD Flower Bulbs. B Y the latest arrivals from the North, at tli Drug and Seed Store of OEMLER a POSEY. bet IS H d t Removal. thomas do Well & cd. 40,20 miles 8. of Savannah in the >tg/irale capsized, and remained on her cam ends3p minutes; after cutting away the stock, a complete assortment. o<’ BOOl SHOES, which they offer for sale on the mo» moderate terms. oct 15 ref The Subscribers offer for Sale, Arrivals, 100 bales prime Hay 30 coils Rope, small size 140 bis Howard street Fltpir 25 do prime Beef 50 tierces (4 bushels each) Potatoes Boxes Soap and Candles, from Joh Wmsley's manufactory, Boston, e< qiinl to any in the United Slates 30 boxes prime Cod Fish LEVIS TONES CANDLER, oct 15 l Hunter's brick building Low’s Superior Perfumed SOAPS, Direct from London, Low's Bmnlient Compound Do Oriental Compound Do Musk Do Olivo l)o Rose Do Palm Do Vernacular Do Vegetable Do Abyssinian Mto, the real English Windsor 8n»ps For sale by ANSON PARSONS, oct 15 Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ build nf To Rent, A S Eligible OFFICE ur STORE in the cen tres busim-1*,on modera'c terms. Apvty W Uie uili'.sr of the Ccorgma. Fifty Dollars Reward. R ANA WAY from the subscriber in May la unewro man named Cl.EM, who sou iftnes calls himsalf Len,. He is well made ; little yellowish complected; when spoken sharply* he is rather inclined to alutter. He . C f^.S *7 Am O tn.lifl. liinli — — .1 OC ..... plscsi. 1 up I hood, Ten Dollars, I have • lat of LAND in the 3d district Houston county, No 148, with a commqdioi cabin built on it, adjacent to an excelle spring, the l.and second quality, that 1 won 10 acres the first year—20 acres the i year, and the same Q-n*nt ty the 3d year WILLIAM ELLIS, M. G. Lonicera, Baldwin county, Oct 8. o Notice. N n Fresh Raisins. i\ KVn Ho**»fir*t quality Muscatel Rslsina, ilwvll/ just received per brig Adeline, and for tale by OltllAY TAFT. . oct 8 t ‘ Fresh Howard-street Flour. flfegcs Ills Landing Horn aloup Packet, for U23D sale by HALL U HOYT, oct 8 Cotton Bagging. fl tlYTk Piece* Dundee Bagging, for l»le by ilJIKD Hi IHEKT CAMPBELL. Apply toJamei Smith, at Nioliolaa and Nelf’i sent 34 Cotton Bagging. tfflrfY Piece* Cotton Hugging, for sale hy J. U. iLllBBBTJfCO. sep 24 London B. B. S. Porter. Casks Williamson’s UBS Porta* of superior quality and warranted or der, for sale by J. B. HEUDKUT it Co oct 10 » Superior Burlington Hams. Blssupcrior Hams for family uae t for salt iAW by J. U. HERBERT & Co oct 18 Crockery ware and Glass. Crates low priced Crockery 10 casks Gliisswxre, just received per ship Oglethorpe, for ssle by J. B. HEIIBERT (S CO. oct 10 Molasses. fO HHDS. and 9 Tie ces crime Molaiies, ' ^ landing I'rom schi'. Oppoaltion, for sale by oct 1 HAI,I. Ik HOYT Notice. I?DWAUD WILLIAMS offprs his service' 1!j to the friends of the late firm of E. Wil- 'turns it Co, in the transaction ol’ Coiumittion Bu duett, at Savannah. aug 6 The Subscribers |~|FFFaR for sale 5 bales of White PLAINS, of very superior qu’d't v and 50 barrels of new (tchmoud Flour, branded Huxall* CUMJ41NG it GWATI1MEY. nrt 5 ^h * Removal. Hj^llB wbscribi-r lia-t removed his ofllci to the A. room above Mr OMershuw's cnbinet ware* house, one door west of thet 'rty Hotel, on the Bay. ALEXANDER UUN1EU. g,«ot 12 P « To Rent, TTl’IE house belonging to tho estate of D ’ctor IX Casey, in — square P^Memnn given oirthe first of November. Fi»r tui ras apply to Col. Shellnianor VN’tn. Davies, Esq, Oot 12 tin Notice. %^ROV09\LS will ho received at the Btefttn JL Boat Office until the 20th inst.for dischat'F* ng Cotton from the company's tow boats for the season ; price per bale to he named S. V. DUNNING, Prcs’t. H oct 8 Wanted. SLANTS a Situation, in s store, or to take \Ar charge of goods from here to Angtlfta, and back again, a Yuung Man whq can come Well recommended. A line addressed to T*, L.and left st this office ahull be promptly at* tended to. oct 10 ■ Fluins and Blankets. WILLIAM KOMi, FT AS received bin lull supply of Plains and tl London Duffile Blankets. Likewise super* fine Caroline Fluids, (Jc. which makes his fall assortment equal, if not superior to any ip the city. oct 10 lm Classical and English School. HEJVRV MscUllfirfiTELL FNFOUMS his FiiemU and th< Public, that l he will re-open his Schoo) for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, on Monduy next, the I4'l» inst, at 9 o’clock, A M. In tl*. room under Solomon’s Lodge, near the Old Preshytetian Chuicli. oct 10 Lime, fj^c. i fiA Casks Thomustown l.ime lL'vf 100 bb No 3 Mackarel 20 bugs CoftVt 20 blw N E Rufn . 150 reams large and small 'Wrspplng Piper ' $ package, plaviug Card* F inale by ROBEHT 9. GOFf. , oct 10 p . r White Plains and Blankets. npilE subscribers have received In thr ship l Oglethorpe, from Liverpool, M hite Plaint and Duffle Blanket!, with s variety of other ar ticles suitable for the present and approaching season, which they offer f‘» r M,e on <heir usual terms. JAMES ANDERSON k Co, oct 8 *„* The undersigned con- tinuestlie Factorage and Commission business, and offers for sale lOOtietces of nr me Rice, of the present crop, principally or half barrels fc put up' for family use—also 100 whole and 80 half tierces of the last year’s crop. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, oct 1 c ♦ BOARDING. QTpHREEorfour young gentlemen can be ac* U, commodated with Boarding and Lodging in a respectable family, in a central situation, and on the isn't moderate terms. Apply to the Editor of the Gbobsian, aug 17 oct 13 For Liverpool, The nip.-Mr <-nnncreAihlp LUC IKS, Au, mau-r. 'to now Kwly tv raoolv* ■ sorgo ly to IIOHERT CAMPBELL. For New-York, The reguUrpacket ship COTTON PLANT. Puth, Muter, will sail nn I hursduy next 17th GEO GORDON. For tale, landing ffom midveuel, 40 hhds pnme Si Croix Sugqr ltd bags prime Green Cotree HO pieces first quality 42 inch Cotton Bag- ppnir oct 12 P. M'DERMOTT, •Market Square, AS received per brig Frances, from Pbila* i lelphiu, and a any other iate arrivals, *0 his Loaf Sugar 20 do family Flour 10 huit bis do. 4 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy 4 do do Imitation do 2 puncheons 4th pf cct.tied old Whiskey t do 5th proof Irish Whiskey of supcrmi quality ID qr casks Malaga Wine 5 do TenerifC do 2 do Lisbon do 20 boxes Muscatel Muisinl 20 ilpzcn basket Salt 1000 Sbunish Sugars 10 bites Whitmore's no. 10 Cotton Cards 10 bigs prime green Cuil'ce 5 diPepper 2 da Pimento 1 13 qilaiter chests Hyson Tea 5 wlkde chests do 2 bokca Souchong Tea 20 doken pieces Cedar Ware and Market Baskets 100 ke|s Cut Nails, usorted sizes 20 do yrought do 200 baM patent Shot, assorted 0000 waj/rou and enrt Boxes Blifiknmitli'k Bellows, Aovjlla end Vices cross cut and whip Saws, assaorted ea ' Cdrpeiiter’s Planea, a good assortment, wi\ha general asaorlnwnlof Hardware Groceries oct 10 By John Shick, Jr. On ihr/rti Tnnita, In AUttvmArP text, W ILL be xohl In of the cmirt Imuie in . the city of S.vinnxh, -til o'chn-k, Two Nfgtii Men ttnmril Jtthn xml Bvti, n the property of Mr! Miry Orme, told punx.nt to On older of tho honotuble the Uourt iif Ordm.- ry of the county ofClixthxm, end by order of the Administratrix. Ternt. cxeli. At private tale, All thxt trxol or pxrcol. of Lend lying end be ing in tint pert of the cttyAif Sevxnn.h rilled Bwinllturg, end known In t|te phtn of mid city m lot No 84, containing ono hundred fvet on Willlnin street to the north, end running . U nlh in depth ninety feet, mot', or Icm. Ttrm. of eele onih. ott (5 -.d PUBLIC SALES. By John Sliick, Jr. THIS DAY, 15th ioet. Xt II nVInek . Wit be told in front hit .fiction Room, Jft, 9 Commerce Now, An (twortmrnt of LIQUORS AND GROCERIES. oct 15 By J.B. Herbert & Co. Tills day, 15th In.t. xf U ofelook, H'ill la Mid ut the Hurt ffifrVy leetfietl by Mr, . Oamtl On,It, JfCtatpl, . ■ , All the pcMollll properly ot lUc Wild drrre«. ed, cooiltt ng of UltOCJERIF.s, xtid . «n\«n quantity afORV (it-Olts, told by petmlulnn ol tho ll.tiiorultle the Inferior Utuirt of Chxtlnm county, for lliebeni.At of the credltuye ami hem. Termeowh, oe’ 15 By J. B. Herbert Co. TO-MORROW, 16th instant, at 11 o'clock, M ill be told at our auction not e, 20 his prime Beef 10 mess do 20 luigs Cnflco 80 bis Potatoes 50 do Flour 1000 lbs Bacon 20 bis Gin i 3 pipe* Cognac Brandy 20 boxea Raisino » keg. Lord, Ac. lilt. 4 p ecet Blanket.. Termt exit). net 15 Swedes Iron, Cut Nails, is*c. i/\ tons Swedes Iron, ossorted, principally wsfjgon tire and axe bar 50 cam patent Cut Nails, assorted 100 do Lime 50 HISGin 50 dnlRutn 100 dqvotuloes 50 dq Apples 20 boKes Codfish 2000 bubches Onions 100 bis Richmond city Flour from new wheat 25 bis Berts 10 bis Cider 1000 pair Negro Shocfl 50000 Alexandria Segara | 10 bales Domestic Plaids 50 boxes Raisins, for sale onboard tbebrig Globe, at Rice’s tfrharf. Apply to THOMAS S. METCALF. opt 8 • ■ WILLIAM ROSE, VJA8 received by the ship Neptune, from tl Greenock, /Bhficifiue Circassian Scarfs and Shawls* Du Cytherisn Dresses Fine book muslin Handkerchiefs Do sewed book do Do do do muslin Frills 4-4 bonk munliii Handkerchiefs, with borders Fmv.j \c»net Epaulets a new article 'Do Stomacheis ami Capes do Do book muslin Capes or Tipets do Do India book and mull Muslins, tambored and plain 4 4 and 6-4 Namsook and jaconet Muslins 6 4 fine Caroline Plaids 4 4 printed Calicoes 4 4 Unmri Stripes and 5 4 cotton Checks Bud Ticks and Linen Checks Cotton Shawls and Handkerchiefs And a few bales of Pi dns A fbrtjior supply is daily expected, whteh will 'be sold low as formerly, at the sign of the • Gulden Fierce, oct 5 ru T HE Life of the Rev. Thomas Scott, D. D. lUctor of Aston Sxndford pucks, including u nsrativc drawn by himself, and copious ex* tmotH nf liis letters. By John Soott, A. M—l vol. SI 50. Letters to Richard Ileber, E*q. contsjning critical remarks on the series of novels begin* K with Waverly, and an attempt to asoerlain ' author. Commercial and Notarial Precedents—By Joshua Mont* flere. Forgerv Defeated-for sale by 8. C. fit J. SCHENK. oct 10 By J. 11. Herbert § Co. .Ptwiliw Mir fir Cath. 0 the fitvtTUkxIity in next month, before " v the otnirt hnime In thli city, b.tween the timinlhottN, will be ioltl. Lilt Nn. SI, Cn'umtrfx wxrt| heinr hxlf or * tout lot, fronting oh Pre.idem, York end Price xtreet.% eub. jeet to x email ground rent, togv ther with the improvement, thereon, eonilxtlng of x well flnieticd tlwdlltng hou.e xnd out build. Ingx. net 15. ffi; _ . application will be made to the Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for permission to sell the real estate ot Letty Carter, deceased, for the benefit of the heira and creditors of the said deceased. LIGHT TOWNSEND, Adm'or. aug 15 4* Mrs. KING H as removed from her l.le r sidence (South Common*) to- Wulhurg’* New llrick Building*, corner of Congrew tml Jclfcivon .treet*, where .lie can Imndimnicly iccommo- lute x few Gentlemen x> Hoarder*, tp Twenty Dollars Reward B ANAWAY from the .ubacriber on the eveinf of the Slltinat.a Negro Man named HILL Ht in a abort thick let negro, about 5 feet 3inchra high, very black complexion i atilt- terx nmchwhen queationed i had on when he went away, h long black cnat add black silk pantaloon*, hilt aaTte hax taken other clothing, he may probably chttnge them. The above re ward will be paid for 111* apprehenainn and de- livery in jail, orto IV. H. HOLLAND, oct 13 i • Chatham Academy. T HE Board of Truiteea of this I munition an- oontice that it will re-open on the firat of November. Mr Wx. If. Wmk, late of South Carolina, will take the place of Mr. Htiatell; and the Truttees arc happy in being able to pro- the atation. oct 13 For Sale, T HE Whsrf Lot and Buildings No 7, late thr property of A. 8. Bulloch, E'sq. For terms, epp'yto «;£; "^Committee. JOHN F. LLOYD, Cashier pro terii Planters's B ink The above property, if not disposed of by the 15th inst. will be lessed to the highest bidder, for one year, from the 1st of November next, oct 3 i. For Rent, S EVERAL Dwelling llonsea pleaeantly *i. tutted, in different parta of the City: alao a number nf Counting-houaea and Ware-room*, convenient and eligible aland* for buiinras, which will be bad on reasonable term- by apply mg to K, (J J, HABtKJtlAH, oot 1 t By Baker 8c Minton, On THURSDAY next, 17th inst, at 10 o'olool* Inf'oni rf their Auction Store. A ffeiuril Assortment i f GROCERIES. And i\t half part 11, inthertoro^ A great Vivyi ty i f , , M| oct 15 DRY GOODS, By Bakjer &Jtfi4»Wi», ' 'On Fill DAY, 35th irlir«t (4 o'clok. • Will be trlrl on.Telfah*, whdrf, A pile of Coals, said to contilin Jtl torn or 4» chkldfoiu, lold to pay wharfage and-atoragn. net 15. By Bukei- ty Minton, r On the fir,t Taetday In A’tvt'mitr next. 11TILL bcgold before tho court houao in (till f Y oily, at 11 o'clock, Wltxrfl ot No 8, xxd Improvement! thetteon, belonging to the eatxte of'I'atriqk Stanton, do- ceased, lold by permiiaion of the honorable the Inferior Court of the County of Chttham, by or der of the Adminl.tratora. * ,«t 15 Mortgaged Sale. Adam Tunno.T vt. > Fcreclmure. Oran Byrd. J W ILL be aold at the enurt'Lmnf, hetweeff the iiauul hour, of 10 and 4 o’clook, on the tint Tuenlay in Deoember next, a negro woman named Daphney, mortgaged by Oran Byrd to Adam Tunno, and told under thr .ante, A. D’LYON,a co oct 5 HlflIILY IMFORTANT Anil Interesting ^Newa FROM FAIIIS! P 1BI9, Empercur de Fri.icr de Barbetfn with feeling* nfthe moat profound re.peot, announce! to the oltixeha of Savannah, that he haa returned from the North, and intend* paaa- ing the remainder of the eeaion ameng theitl for their eapecial benefit r confidently rels ing upon a continuance of that loyalty and fidelity which It la hla pride and plexiure to acknnwlrra have ever dlatinguiahed them. He haa thx plea sure to inform them, that for their better reoep- tlon and accommodation, he haa enlarged hit im perial brad'quarter*, In auch a manner xa to on- tore their comfort and convenience, In aatyle peculiar to himself, and where he will, al “ time, be happy to receive the friends xnd «K lho«e whoso nfCJ the renovating influence of his hit heslth-l ing raxors I . ,t"", N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen who whit to have their llalr arranged bv Paris, willhe xt. tended xttheirown houses by tending MMr of. derats shove. - . , P. 8. Bills on Pari, tiken xt ntr. oct 8 NOTICE. A Young Man who hat had t-good education. n. writes a good hand, and having been long accustomed to active butineaa, xnd undenundx well the nature of account! and book-keeping, wishca employment in tome respectable butt, nesa in this eity i he can come well recom mended, and a employment ie hit object, be would nut require mncli of e aalary. A line ad. dreaaed to A, H.through the poat-office. will be stlenlcdbi., pc, 3 u SCHOOL. M. thin City, on the first l£sroar in Novem. her neat, In which will be taught, the Latin and Greek Unguagea, together wilblhoee brauche* of an Engliali education, usually taught In Ac*, demiea. He haa ■kill the beuae at preaent occu pied bx Mr Sml. t.r Bryaiu aituated In Market (late Seutb-broad) *treet;from 4 to 6 pupils can be accommodated with hoard and lodging in hit family. For particular^ reference may be hid to the Mtv.J. O. Andtew, or Joaeph George. Esq. tUABLES W. CABPENTE& ' Ml