Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 17, 1822, Image 1

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GEORGIAN FOR THE COUNTR NEW 8ERIE3-VOL. I THE DAILY GEORGIAN, JS ED IT EH AMD PUBLISH El) IMTHE CJTY OP SAVANNAH, Dj Georg® TkobfcYtsvm, 3r. At Eight Dollars per annum, pay.ble in advance. ■ THE GEORGIAN, FOR TUB COUNTRY, Is published to meet the arrange rr.ent of the ■tail, three timos a week, (Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday) at llte Office of the Daily Geor gian, and contains all the intelligence, Commer cial, Political and Miscellaneous including ad vertisements, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper ia sent to all parts of the State and Union, or delivered in tlnr City, at Sve dollars par annum, payable ib advance. Advertisements nfe inserted In' both papers at 75 cents per square, of 14 lues, for the first Insertion, and 37J for every succeeding publi- catbun. , nm SlHiV MOK.YI.yO, (JVTOVKH 17, 1822. NO. ICU Notice. T HE firm of Rockwell W Hepburn is diasnlv- ed, in consequence of the death of J. L Hepburn, Esq. The subscribers have formed a connection in the Practice of I.uW, under the firm of HOCK- ■WEM. Si MORGAN, They will ntteml to pro. fesainnai business, in the Federal Court, hi the Ocmulgec circuit, and in those enmities where- in the late firm of Rockwell U Hepburn pine- Their office isln Mdledgevllia, corner of,lcf- ferson and McIntosh streets, where one ol them mav be found at all limes, when not on the cit- eui ,. S. llOtllC'VEI.L. A. A. MOItUAN. Milledg^llo, June 10, 1832. »e iW june I NOTICE. T UB amount eleven and six per cent Stocks authorised to be subscribed by tbi* first sec tion of the act passed the 20lh April, 1122, en titled “An act to.authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a Stock bcarini? an into? estoffive per cent, for certain stocks bearing 1 an interest of six and seven per cent,’* not Uv- inir been subscribed, the proprietors <>i‘six per cent stocks of 1812, 1813, I8l4:uul 1815, ami ot ■even per cent stock of 1816, who may wish to ■vail themselves of the provisions of the third ■ection <»f the act, are hereby informed, that kooks have been opened at the Treasury for receiving subsuripttons pursuant thereto, and will continue until the first of October next. Theiubsrriptions may he made by the pro prietors of the stocks specified, cither in person or by their attornoysi duly authorised to make the subscriptions and transfer the stocks to the United Staten, the certificates of which are to be surrendered at the Treasury at the time of wd-inc the icrimiyi^, #u£ 27 notarial precedents. Just Received, .By WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, Most mini's (JoMMKiiciALand Notaiiul I’nr.- cements, a new ctlifion, with considcahle aiP ditious, by (dement C. Biddle, of Philadel phia, £5 50. also, Jacob & WAtitxn'g Clmnoery Reports for 1819 mid lfi20, vof. 1st, with references to Ameri can eiaea, by H. W. Warner, £6 50. This work succeeds the reports of Swanskin in the Same court, which, together,witli Mcrivales, complete the series from Vtsey, Jr. down to the latest decishma. u lALK-Hin’s Ri pouts in King’s Bench, from the dtli l*onrioit edition, with additions by David ^vsiis, 3 vols. £15 »ihi ’•/>»’ Auslys't of Blackstone, a new wort', 2 dot ts. 75 cts, A few more fib Whzaton’s Reports. ■e p - — Notice. ml W Illnv'S o« mvihiiiwii - ... ,, fik. under It.® firm of K. » C. ,VW»nsli, Georgia, l« Mis l)»y diwsolvei. m V atXonseiit,' All persons /laving demands ■uiu.t the said Him, are requested to pivsent u lur. payment, and all persons indebted mid firm, are culled upon tu make payment Bdwsrjl Williams, uf Savannah, by whom lltu ismets will be here,Per cuniedon A FISK. HOWARD WILLIAMS. Ho.ton, June 18, 1822. «ug 6 met, 11. Niroll Ik Co. Case Circuit Court va k United States, Dis- Bcsrbruugh and other! J trict of Georgia. Ctaii.i t, I3t/i September, 1822. IIOCE IS huvmg is-uicd to this cause, re- Ituaable to the term uf this court in lie- ,i»er next I anil it being re, resented that it tissue William S. Gillctt, Samuel yale», Irew Low,'and Jnhn.Bogtte, dcBwlonts in .suits cause, reside without the limits .4 the tiiot of Georgia i It is ordered, that the saifi 3 JJaslctl, William S. G.lled*. Samuel Yates, iffilogtie and Audre# Low appear at the ,/of this pou'rt to be bulden at Savannah in term of December next, to answer to the .„tills on the merit, of their said petit on, that a copy uf this urtlcr be published in i ,,l the gsvettesuftliis stateIhr three months ; that the plaintiffs have leave to take such thee proceeding” »» are prescribed in the • hi msSctr case ma le and provided. ’ J. CUYI.EU, District Judge. -True extractlrom the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Cleric. I, Sept- 13,1822.svp 14 Georgia—Camden County. "I V'HEKEAS, Mis. Louisa C. Shaw, Bxecu. f Y trix, applies tor letters of dismission from the estate uf Gene al Nalhaniel Green, deceit- eU These are therefore tu cite anil admonish sdl and sutgular tile kindred and creditors of (J,,! deceased to be and appear at my office, on •r before the first Monday in Jantary Itext, and ehev c.oMe.fif any) why said Jotters should nut he granted; mterms-ol' the law. G.-CTISUnder my hand end seal, this 22d day at Jon*, 182% If T] ’ JOUN BAILEY, c.o. o, c. c. ' > In tlie Circuit Court of tlie’ United States, In and fur the District of Pennsylvania, to the third Circuit, BETWEEN Joseph Marx and Joseph Marx' and Clooige Mavx, citizens of the state of Vit gini*, who sue as well in their owit namezut in behalf of such ciliicr Ver sons, Stockholders of the late Rank of the United Slates heretofore named,; as shall come in and become Parties hereto, contributing to the Expenses of this Suit—Com. plainuiUi* AND In F.tiuqy David Letiox, V.UnsTloinHnot, ! October, Robert Smith# Jumys <J. Fish- f" SesMqps er, J.iseph Archibald 1817k * McCall, Paul Sttjmnn, Snmuci Coales, Henry Pratt, George Fox, Paschall Hnllingsworih, John S ille, Tluipias M. ' ling, Horace ljinm y, George Harrison, Abijah H:\mmond, AVilliam Bayard' and Oliver Wolcott, citizen* oft ha State of PenosylvaniH, Tmstees <if the late Bank of the United * States, a £\ ND now; to wit, this twenty-fliird day of «wk April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, this cause ennic before the Court, on n Mandate from the Honorable the Supreme Court of the United Stales for further proceed* inga. VWiereupon it is ordered and decreed— That the holders of Notes of the lute Bank of the United States, bring them in for payment at the laic Banking House of said Bank in the city of Philadelphia, b- fore the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1823, and that on that day this Court will make a final Decree fur Distribution of the funds reserved in the hands of the de* fVmlnnls for payment of said NoteN i and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to he publiahed in one public newspaper in each of the following places, to witPhiladelphia, Boston, New York, Italii* more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender months, before the said eleventh day of April next. A true copy, D. CALDWELL, Clerk Sir. C. The Editors of the Boston Evening Gazette, at Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at New-York, of the American, nt Baltimore, of the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charles ton Cit y Gazette, at Charleston, of the Gcnrgi nn, at Savannah, and'of the Louisiana Advertis er, at New-Orleans, jire requ* sted to insert the above in their respective gazettes once a we» k, for nine calender hionihs, before the 11th d»»y of April, 1823, and tdforward them hills, as soon thereafter us may bej to the subscriber, accom panied by an afHdufft proving the pUbliftUtion, conformably to ili**//'r*gcHi*K , dWW&.-. D. CALDWELL, V{cylc Cir. C. may 9 *I1HE persons whose names are hereunto an V. tiered, ire native* of Liberty county, in the state of Georgia, have resided in said state from the time of their birth; and have had their names registered in my office as persona of co lor claiming to be free. Tiruh attends to-fajming on Mr. Thomas Mal lard’s plantation r site is S3 years old. Prince, a son of Tirah, a carpenter by trade, is 24 years old, ami.resides on Colonel’* Island. Heller, a washerwoman, resides at Riccbo. rough, and is 33 years old. 'Katy, a daughter of Ucller, is 12 years old, slid vvuits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill. Abram, a carpenter, is 35 years old, and rc» sides at Mr Richard S Baker's E. BAKER, c jcic ( July 4 f Roue Nrsr ►On Foreclosure of Mortgage Effingham Superior Court, December term, 1821, The Tiustees of the German' Lutheran Church at Ebene- ezer vi. John Freyermuth and several parcels of Land O N the petition of the Trust eetf*of thr* Ger man Lutheran Church at Ebenezer, stating that tj;*t said John P^yermuth on the fifteenth day of Ap»*?l* eighteen hundred it fifteen, mort gaged by deed u'nder seal to the petitioners, all those tracts of land, containing three hundred acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitman Kelly’s and Garrison’s laud) also another filly acres, sit uated and being in the district of Ebenezer, hounded by land of Peter Arnetoff fc F. Brook- nets, at the time of survev granted to Lsnatcl* tier; alR<>,another tract of land situate m the scV^ enteeth district of the county of Baldwin, con taining two hundred and two and s half acres, known by the number (104) one hundred and our, with the appurtenances, to secure the pay. mentof a bond or obligation of the said John, bearing date the day and year aforesaid £jf pray ing the foreclosure oft he Said mortgage. It ap. pearing to the Court that there is now due on the saiu bond and mortgage the Rum ol two hun dred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred & eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuvier, at torneys of the is ordered that the siid John Frtyermuthjh s heirs or representa tives, do pay into Court the amount due As a- foresaid within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity °f redemption of the 8»idJohn and hia-heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that such further proceedings tske place as are by law directed It is further^orderqU that this Rule be pub lished once a month for twelve months In a pub lic gazette of this state, or be served on the de fendant or his representative or egent six months prior to the time appointed for the pay ment of the monev into Court. Extractfrom'thc Minulet. J NO. CHARLTON. Clerk. dfc.ll re$ . . SAVANNAH Poor House and Hbspital. \7TSITING Committee for July anil Auiptui, I OHAULES W. KOCKWELI- snH GEO. ANDEKSON. Attending Physician, Dr, WM. C DAN1ELL. JOUN HUNTER, Secretary. July 4 TO CAPITALISTS. A VERY superior Siesm 8nw Mill h«, been recently erected in the vicini y of the CVV Y 0¥ DAYMEN, ss the most eligible situation for s business of the kind on the Atlantic shores of the United States. Possessing all the advantages of an in efcluuHt/blc supply uf the finest yellow pitch Pine and Cypress Timber, built on a fine bhifV, with thirteen feet water close to it, and a natural cove for the reception of logs. The present owners not having it in theii power to bestow that attention to it which a concern of such mngmlude requires, are deair mis of telling the whole, or a purt of their inter est in it, and now offer it /or tale at a very low valuation, Aid much In* than such a ttructun could be completed for. There has just been added to it a vety tup 4 rior Dice Pounding Machine, capable of dia charging ut loast .5U uezees of ejeau rice pet day i ami a Loin-Mill, all set in motion by tht same engine. • The Saw-Mill is upon s new principle, b.\ the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. ftpl NIE of London, who sent out one of hinDest workmen to superintend its erection, n can now cut with 48 saws, and may be made to drive twice that number. The Steam Engine is perhaps the best in the United States, made by Messrs. pOLTOP* CJ WATT, of Soho, near Brmingham,; aim erected under the inspection of their best fore man, sent out expressly for that purpose. A wonderful expence is saved in fuel, as the saw-dust from the pitch-pine is found to answer instead of fire-wood, ami Is carried to the mouth ofit the furnace from the pit by elevators now in uae, ' The Rice Machine is also on ■ new principle and found by experience to answer better than any yet in use. The quickness ami regularit) of the movement, producing it of a superior brightness without breaking tlie grain. The mill .s situated on a line Uieek, called Cut llead, on a branch of the Altamaha River, and otdy about half a mile from Darien. Sea Vessels, whose dt ought of watfer enables them to go to the wharf at Darien, can load at the Mill, only a short distance off, with great facility; us an enclined plane from the mill, will i-iiable them to receive the lumber into their bow po*ts, almost without expence; and the mill, as now in operation, can furnish 40 M. fee' >1 plank per day, which may be increased if found necessury; tlie power being amply suffi cient. The lumber sen’ H orn this establishment since it went into operation lias been allowed to bi superior in quality ami reguluril) in sawing. The commissioners of the Navy of the Uni ted States have approved of the ship planks, furnished from it, ami it is highly probable will give it a preference in future contracts. It bus also been seen and justly admired in New-Yo< k ami Philadelphia. The prospect of a renewed intercourse witl the British West India Islands, renders thir stabltxhmtnt a desirable mode of investment-* oiVovuy- in that case, hming LeuM-uuuW4>«n- JAMAICA ALONE, for about hall of all the pro duce of the saw-mill. t The present owners have no objection to con tinue interested in it to a certain extent, but their other'avocations preclude their personal attention to it. For terms and other particulars, apply per sonallj or by letter to JOHN M’NISH, Savannah. TTN. B. If not disposed of soon, the mill with all its privileges, will be rented lor a tern of years. Apply at above. mav 13. Georgia—Liberty County. V By Elijah BukeV. Clerk of'be Court of Ordinsr) for Liberty County. W ILLI AM OSGOOD applies for letters of administration, with the will annexed on the goo ls ami chattels, rights and credits which were of Mary Ann Fraser, late of said county, deceased. V These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred uml creditors of the said dec* ased to file theii objections, (if any they have) in my office at Hiceborough on or before the first Monday in November next, oth erwise lett« rs of administration will be granted t>> tin said applicant. Given under mv hand and seal, this 17jji day of St*i timber, in the year of our Loid 1822. (I.. S J E. BAKER, ecu l c p »9 % WHISKEY. J UST received per sloop finnan, 150 barrels Whiskey. For aide on accommodating Urmaby J. II. HERBERT Ik CO. sep 12 Georgia, Camden County. To all whom it may concern. 11EUE.YS John BaclduU, Junior, applies w w to the Honourable the Court of Ordinary. for Lettersof Administration nntheun-admlnis- tered part of the estate of David Tucker, Isle . . of said County, deceased. These are tliefeforej fhe principal*, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the H- irs and Creditors of said deceased to file their oh- jections (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office in the Ouurt of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday ih November next; otherwise Letters will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Honourable William Gibson, one of the Judges of said Court, this 21st September, 1822. JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c. c. sept 28 f Laurel Hid Toll-Mill. iTpHE l oll-Mill on Mrs. Ancrmu’s pianist on 4JL has been completely repaired lately, sod is now ready to work as well as any other mill on the river. The rough-t ice that will be sent to the mill wll be kept separately in dry and safe stores, and shall be beat with the utmost car< and economy, and the barreils will be alwa) s de hvered in good order Empty barrels, made ol prime boated staves, will be furn'siicd aftht mill whan required. The terms for cleaning Rice will be the same as at the other toll-mill*- Those planters who will engage to have theii crot s beat at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or as much less as they please* beat at one turn. Application! coflceui- mg the mill, to be made to Archibald Brebner, on the plantation or in Savannah, to PETIT DF- VILLER6. •cp 10 rpf Pactor, Hongiu*. wliuf. DEFERRED ARTICLES ’Ate following remarks are taken from an ar* tide in ilie Auror., entitled Analyiii of Hu- m»o Policy," con.iilinp', m tlie oil lor »»yt, of fmfpneot" written some lime since on tlie spur of tho decision mil luitl »9»le. It m»y, perils os lie observes, sunken some interesting reflec- ii*n,t j I'lti 1 desire of certain Europenn powetw to e.tsblisli monarchies in tlie Soulli A nteric.ii provinces is notorious ; they tail -M in 'fiitcno. Ayres, .nil though still «l far k. illey imist also fail in Chili, What they tuay accomplish in Peru nr Mexico js not tocertain ; not because ol any in- clinstiioti of the Mexicans, but from Hie d-peodent Chartrctor of -the population,—? Petti ia vicious iu the core ; ami were mil the (peat republic, ami the great men who direct V s destinies, so contiguous tu them in the Vrnrxulean untl New Grenadian provinces, P.-ru would form u man itchy. Should Apfidttca accomplish nis views uf Mexico, iimi erect a tuonaichy there, the United States may Imik sharp; not from any vice or Viaiility in the people, but we must recollect that the liral visitation nl British P wet in Hindustan was. petty tratlii g adventure, not ttjuul in value <o the day’s pay of a brigade of infantry. Ii fifteen years that li'Jle adventure possess the paradise of stntibns, a territory with a greater population than Knglai d at this day. _ V\ itli only 500 white faces, and t promise of promotion to . traitor, who wa. not to fight, bhe gained dtp battle ot Plaisy, ami now she has ISO.000,000 ol Asiatics for subjects. Whal comparison is there betwocii.ihc muslins uf India and die metals of Mexico, when the world ia up for sale. „ lit relation to the precious metals, it is morally certain'that if we hud in 1810 done only what <taa due to out selves, by honestly acknowledging tlir independence of .South America, those metals winch are the keys of universal commerce would have bail their depot here, and could nol have been so easily obtained, nor employ ed with dial success which we have sfen in aiming all Europe. Hut w. have tie- glected (he golden opportunity ala most suspicious period. Another occasion now pre*cnts ilsell, which being neglected, the oppbrtunity, iljnst wholly gone for ever must be so iifi'jclctl to our disadvantage that years cannot retrieve it, and the trea sures which we might have possessed .may. ,h’e sir zed by that very phwer which 'having a desire In prostrate our republican insti tutions, can hardly be expected to neglect the meaqa'which South America presents for accomplishing it. Hut-waving (he great nccumulnlive and tfbrable advantages of national wealth and security, let us take a single case, or ad operation. Lei us suppose it were desired to obtain, for example, from Mexi co, a sum-equal In the late loan made in Epglafm for the United States’ Bank. „The price of the mark of silver iit bars of 11-12 fine iB eight dollars, and lobe pgid by die government. 1,140,000 marks of silver 11-13 fine will cost in them $9.120,000. ,’1,140,000 murk, are equal In 8,43Qpl45 ounces troy, and Olch ounce 11 12 tine is wjrrth 81,185 i consequently 8,439,145 ounces of troy silver 1112 Roe are worth in the United States 810,000 365. Tlie pinRt on such an operaiion to the Bank ol the United States, trail it been nhgociaicd in Mexico, would have been about 8880,365, beside lire immediate ces- sjiinn ol lire iincresl, which on the Eng lislr loan deterred will exceed 83,000,000. So that die actual profit and saving would amunnt to little short of four mil lions. , There is too much reason to apprehend (hat we ore lelting the flood ol lortnne pass by, apd that instead of securing to our neighbours of the same continent the idarket of the United States, a power whose policy enables it to appreciate the fmporianceofit will pre occupy, the place, abdby.the the restless activity of their ..g^irts exclude us altogether, or limit ue sa in Asia to a partial and degrading trade, in which if we had been.wise we might be it IRLZ-TON CITY of Neuburypnrf.) was robbed ol money and clothes. If litis came to his know, ledge, permit ore to a-k why he did not punish the off otters f lie afterward, sent the same men to board (Ire American schooner Coquette, which they rnbbid. All the authority by which the Palmyra had lonuise i. derivedfrom-thraignatuie of a Lieutenant n the SpnnM JYnvf, who is also the llagbour Walter of tit, John's. Porto Rico, and Ujinu rxam mt- flow of the commission, U WiJ be. fmi to be one that had expired#) nd .after, words unlawfully extended! I j ll w»t also givelt without securities rodndemr.ify for tiny apoliationa they mlghljcortimit at sen ! £ , , fi J insist, sir, iJjioth^.Vene tilths. \ Th* C'pniois-i.m is. lor a sch.o ftbrf if PS Spa nish tons, (equal to ItS A,merft»o)io car« ry one long 12 (mender, eight 10 pound rnrronnadea.aiid fnc hund'ed tneo. Now, the Palmyra is ar( Hermnphrutlite brig of 173 tons, American tonnage j mounts t 12 pounder, which is the only circutn- stance that cnrresjmnds with the commits sinn ; two of die otew have been recog. oiled as Cape Antbnio Pirates and sort, tlier of her crew wak heard tu say that lh« Grampus was the same schooner that broke them up at Sugar Key. It m y her* be necessary 10 remark, that all vea-cl* which have been robbed by the crew if the Panchitu alias Palmyra have been hoarded tvhqiuthc flag of Venezuela or France has own worn by that vessel. Threats uf vengeance, which pass unheed ed by ms, have already been thrown out, but 1 wiH etecuie notwithstanding, yyli-t iu my apprehenaiun is my duty ass naval officer. . * The respect l bear to the civil tribunal* •of my country, suffers me 1 not for onn moment to cast any reflection on the de cision of Dip honourable J oiler. He hat pronounced k sentence uf acyuittal in' ihs case id the brig Palmyra, Ine Oratnpu* must, therefore, relinquish her ptize, if the law does nut sanction Hie efuim.— But respect to myself, and to the brnv« men under my command, induces me to shew to the world, that while (ve would risk our lives for the protection of lair commerce,• we Rave not captured und brought into poet any prize without strung grounds fur the correctness of our coud|U>t, The public’s moat respet'ful servant, FUANCIS H. GREGORY, Lieut. Coutd'f. Charleston, 8th Oct. 1822. - TO THR EDITOR or THR OHA1 GAZETTE. Sir—I herewith transmit you a few remarks accompanied with certain docu ment ry evidence. ' On the grounds tltgs established, I conceived it my duty to capture the Pancltita alias Palmyra, s* in my opi inn they lolly establish, her cha racter to he >urh as was at least doubtful il not piratical II 1 know any thing, I hope I know the duties of my profession, sod the nature and extent ol theo'iders I haye from the goyernment ot my country. Permit me, then,before the following documents are read, to make a few plain remarks. One of the crew of the brig Maria-Ann, from Curacna to New York, was brought into court, and swore to the fact, that in July last the Palmyra boarded the said png, rnhbrd her, and demanded and search-, ed for money. The privateer schr. Pe riera was in company at the same time, wtiictr also hoarded and -robbed the brig. Captain Escurra acknowledged that an . American pilot bust acbuontr, (the Dennis I LONDON FA8HION^FOIt AUGUST, No. 1,—Evening Carriage Airing Dress.—Round dress of lemmi-ctfloiired Italian crape over white, with two row* of lemon coloured sarsenet, Imniltnnes I over winch are leaves or laupuettes of white j the leaves are of Urlio,.’s Patent Lace, and have a light and beautiful i lleitj ladies wlnlnipfer lire languettes. have them of whj e satin. Tile sleeves, which aia ornamented ill a novel style, are likewise finished with Urling’a luce 1 and all Ilia lace appeml^ea (0 till* dress are of the same fabrication. Tlieltur (a arranged, a la Sappho, and ia pani *y covered by a fichu linm of face with a full blown rose on the I'rotU curls, near the let! aide. A shawl uf lavender-coloured silk, with a variegated border, is carelessly thrown over the form. Necklace and ear-ring* of Egyptian pebbles- Nn. II.—Morning Promenade Costume. — High dress of lavender grey Sarsenet ornamented round tile border with cherry coloured satin, and belt of the sartle, fas tened on one side with a gold buckle. Collar falling over of embroidered muslin richly trimihed with Uriitfg.'s Patent Lace. Bonnet of white sai'senet, or chip, ornamented with ears of corn and wliita marabout feathers. Dove rolourcd kid slippers, and letnon coloured gJtlVt«. La Bette Assembles. J- . -r^--rr T HR* 1 -J) peorgia—Chatham County. To alt -whom it may Concern. V|»>!«J(BAB W ilium Morel haa applied tu yWr the Honourablr the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County for letter, of Guardianship of the persons and property of Ann H- Roe, jgliaa C. line,and Louisa D. Hoc, qrphanMindi r the ago of fourteen yetrS, children of Ale f- 3, Kt)e a deceased. These are therefore to cite snd 1 and singular the kindred of the .aid 1 to file their objection* (if any they have)* granting ofletters Guardianship M uforeeeid, to the applicant'in the Clerk’s Office of the Said Court, on or before the third d.y of November next I otherwise letters of Guaidianship ’will be • granted. Witness the Honourable Thomas N. Morel one of the Justices of the said Court, th* second dsy of October A. D one thou, sand eight hundred and twenty tiro. 8. M. BOND.qc pC^ y have)fotrle • or! 3 4 itieotgia,4Jaiudflj» Oouitty. To allwh$m it 'may concern. W HEREAS Archibald Clark* Esq. apptiefl to the Honourable the Uourt of Ordinifry for Letters of Admidglration on the estate of DSaiel Grade, late ol said County, deceased* Thete are therefore, to cate and admonish nllfand singular the fleirtanri Creditors of stfddecexs* ed, to file their objections (if any they have), in the ClerVs office the Court of (ftdinary, on or before the first Monday ip Novenfber next) otherwise letters will be granted to the spplt* cant. . . * M itn?ss the Hhonourable William Gibson, the Judges of aaid Court, this pCeffloer, 1822. J^UN RAlUiY, S. c. o. c. c* ‘ itness the I ^S^ept t