Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 19, 1822, Image 1

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GEORGIAN FOR THE country; NEW SKU1E3—V0I,. I. 8JTURDJU' MOH.VIoYU, OCTOBER 19, IBM. Ho. i or. m DAILY GEORGIAN, JSEDITED AAID PUBLISHED LYTUE CITV OF SAVANNAH, £3 Georg* Robertson, 3r. At Sight Dollsra per annum, payable in advance. •' f THE GEORGIAN, / FOR TUB COUNTRY, 1, published to meet the arrangement of the Mail, three times a week, (Tuesday, Thliriday end Saturday) at the Office of the Daily (tear- gran, and contains all the intelligence, Cominer. fiat, Political and Miscellaneous, including ad *erti laments, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent tq all parts of the State and Onion, or delivered in the City, at thatuileee p— -.aims, payahte.iw advanoe. Advertisements are insetted In both pnp»rs •t 75 cents per annare, of nines, for the lint iaeertion, and 37f for every aucceedlng publi- aetion. V Notice. T HE Arm of Rockwell U lleplntrn is dissolv- ed, in consequence of the death of J. L, Hepburn. Esq. The tubeciibera have formed a connection In She Practice of Law, under the firm of HOCK- ■WELL fc MORGAN, They will attend to pro. frtsional business, in the Federal Court, In the Ocmulgee circuit, and in those counties where* $n the late Arm of Rockwell U Hepburn prae- (loed. Their office is In Milledgevilie, comer of Jef ferson snd McIntosh streets, where one of them may be found at all times, when not on the cir- cm,. U. ROCKWELL. A. A. MORGAN. Milledgevilie, June 10, 1823. jtlne 14 NOTICE. T tlfe Amount of seven and sit per cent Stocks authorised to be aiihacribed oy the first sec tion of the act pajaed the 20th April, 1822, en titled “An act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to ticlian^e a Stock bearing an.inter- cat of five per cent, for certain stocks bearing an interest of six and aeven per cent," not hav ing been subscribed, the proprietors ->f six per cent stocks of 18J 2,1813,1814 and 1815, and of •even per cent atock of 1816, who may wish to pvail themselves of the provisions of the third •ection of the act, are hereby informed, that hooka have been opened at the Treasury for receiving subscriptions pursuant thereto, and will continue open until the first of October next. The subscriptions may be made by the pro prietors of the stocks specified, either in person or by their attorneys, duly authorised to make the subscriptions and transfer the stocks to the United States, the certificates of which are to be surrendered at the Treasury at the time of making the subscriptions, aug 27 4xu NOTARIAL PRECEDENTS. Just Received, By WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, KoXTxniaa’s Corns naciAL »nd Notabui Par- oaovNTi, a new edition, with considerable ad ditions, by Clement C. Biddle, of Philadel. phis, S3 SO. AIM, Ja va It Waimb’i Chancery Reporta for 1819 and 1820, vol. 1st, with references to Amori- esn esses, by H. W. Warner, 8® *0, Tliis work succeeds the reports of Swsnston in the same court, which, together with Merivsles, complete the sr s from Vesey, Jr. down to tj)e latest decisive!*. Bat-icr. i.n’a Rsfouts. in King's Bench, from the *601 London edition, with additions by David Evans, 3 Vols. glS. Emus’ Analysis of Blackatone, a new work, 2 dolls. 75 els. A few more-Ylh Wa«AT0*’e Reports. aep2l Notice. N OTICE ia hereby given, that the copartner nership heretofore existing between Ed- wud Williams of Savannah, and Abijsh Fisk of Boston, under the firm of A'. William U Co Savannah, Georgia, isthis day dissolved by mu tual consent. All persona having demands sgathlt the said firm, are requested to present the same for payment, and all persons indebted to said firm, are called upon to make payment to Edward Williams, of Savannah, by whom t|ie busiueaa will bs hereafter carried on A. FISK. EDWARD WILLIAMS. Hilton, June 18,1823. aug 6 Francis U. Nicoll k Co. Case Circuit Court yo L United States, Dis- W. Scarbrough and other. J triot of Georgia. Chamber!, \3iU September, 1832. TJROCEiS having issued in this cause, re- X turnsble to-the term of this court in De cember next I and it being represented that John Hasten, William 8. Gillctt, Samuel Yates, Andrew Low, and John Dogue, defendunts in the said'cause, reside without the limits uf the District of Georgia: It is ordered, that the said John Haslett, William S. Gillett, Samuel Yates, John Bogue and Andrew Low appear at the termyif Oh. court to bo liolden at Savannah in the term of December next, to answer to the plaintiffs on the merits of their said petition, Rfid that a copy of this order be published in one ui the gazettes ofthia statefor three months, and that the plaintiffs have leave to take such further proceedings ss are prescribed iu the ails in such case made and provided. J, CUYLEH, District Judge. ’ True ..tract from the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. ■YanammA Sept. 13, 1822. atfp 14 ftyr.. _ . Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Execu trix, applies for letters of dismixaiun from the .state of General Nathaniel Green, deceas ed' These are therefore to cite and admonish all and Singular the kindred and creditors of. Skid deceased to be snd appear at my office, on Sr before the first Monday in Janaary next, aud dhfcw cause (if any) why said letters should not be granled.‘i«ft*rms oftbetiw. Given underlay liapd nnd leal, this 33d day of jiinejl63j|> *° HN BAILEY,«. e. o. o. e. Ill tlie Circuit Court of the United States, h and for the District of Pennsylvania, in the third Circuit, BETWEEN Joseph Marx and Joseph Marx' and George Marx, citizens of the state of Virginia, who sue as well in their own names aa in behalf of attch other Per- ■ons, Stockholders of the late Bunk of the United States heretofore named, as shall come in and become Parties hereto, contributing to the Exp' naea of this Suit—Com plainants. ANI) In Rtluqy, David Lenox, HViaslAptfiinot, 1 October, Rohr A smith, Jyupef Q. pistrr fieftMons er, Jniopli Sims, Archibald 1817. McCall, Paul Sieman, Samuel Coatea, Henry Pratt, Grorge Fox, Paachall IfloHinnwortlt, John.Siille, Thomas M. Wib ling, Horace Blnney, George Harrison, Abtyab Hammond, William llayard ami Oliver Wolcott, citizens of live State of Pennsylvania, Trustees of the late Rank of the United [ States. J AND now, to wit, this twenty third day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, this cause came before the Court, on a Mandate from the Honorable the Supreme C‘*urt of the United States for further proceed ings. Whereupon it is ordered jmd decreed—- That the holders of Notes of the-lute Bank of the United Stairs, bring them in for payment at the late Ranking House of said Bank in the city of Philadelphia, before the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1823, and that on that day this Court will make a final Decree for Distribution of the funds reserved in the hands of the de* fendanta for payment of said Notes » and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to be published in one public newspaper in each of the following places, to wit t—Philadelphia, Boston, New-York, Haiti- more, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, at least once a week,''for nine calender months, before the said eleventh day of April next. A true copy, D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. The Editors of the Boston Evening GaieUt, Boston, of the New-York Evening Post, at New-York, of the American, at Baltimore, of the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of (he Charles ton City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Georgi- an^st Savannah, and of the Louisiana Advertis er, at New-Orlcana, are requested to insert the above in their respective gazettes once u week, for nine calender months, before tin- 11th day of April, 1623, and to forward them hills, as room thereafter as may be, to tbe*snbscriber, accom panied by an affidavit proving the publication, orrWv • D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. Cf may 9 fJIHE persona whose names are hereunto an I. ncxed, are natives of Liberty county, In the state of Georgia, have resided in said state from the time of their birth i and havo had their names registered in my office as persons of co- tor claiming to he free. Tirah attends to farming on Mr. Thomas Mal lard's plauUtibn» she is 53 yeuru old. Prince, a son of Tirah, a carpenter by trade, ia 24 years old, and resides on Colonel's Island. Heller, a washerwoman, resides at Uicebo- ouglt, and is 33 yeurs old. Katy, a daughter of Belter, is 12 years old, and waits ou Mr. William Baker, at Gravel Hill. Abram, a carpenter, ia 35 years old, and re sides at Mr Richard 8 Baker’s. E BAKER, c j c l c .t<*iy * , Effingham Superior Court, Jfecember term, 1821* The Trustees of the German"! Lutheran Chufch at Ebene-1 ntjfcl Nf||r ezeC w >On F n ecloaurc John Preyermuth and severs! I ol ' Mort fi“8'° parcels of Land J O N the petition of the Trustees of the Ger- man Lutheran Church at Ebcnczcr, stating that the said John Freyermuth on the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred Cf fifteen, mort gaged by deed under seal to the petitioners, all those tracts of land, containing three hundred acres in Effingham county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining Juaidiah Weitman Kelly's and Garrison's land; also another fitly acres, sit uated and being in th^ district of Ebenezcr, bounded by land of Prfcf Arnetoff & F. Brook- ners, at the tithe of survey granted to Laudfel- den also, anotherTract of land situate in the sev enteen district of the county of Baldwin, con- taining two hundred and two and a half acres, known by the number (10,4) one hundred and our, with thp appurtenances, to secure the pay ment of a bond or obligation of the said John, bearing date the day and yfear aforesaid pray ing the foreclosure of the aaid mortgage. It ap pearing to the Court that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum of two hun dred dollurs, with interest at six per cent, from the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hundred U eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuyler, at-, torncya of the petitioners, it ia ordered that the said John Freyermuth, Ins heirs or representa tives, do pay into Court the amount due as a- foresaid within twelve montha from tliis date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John and hia heirs," in the said mortgaged premises, be Jorecloaed, and that such further proceedings take place as are by law directed. It ia further ordered that this Rule be pub lished once a month for twelve montha in a pub- lie gazette ofthia state; or be served on the de fendant or hia representative or agent aix montha prior to the time appointed for the pay ment of the-monev into Court. Extract from the Minutei. JNO.’ CHARLTON. Clerk. dec II re$ SAVANNAH Poor House and Hospital. V ISITING Committee for July and Auruet, CHARLES W. ROCKWELL «nd GEO. ANDBRSON. Attending Physician, Dr. WM. - DANIELL. JOHN HUNTER, Secretary. July 4 TO CAPITALISTS. A VERT superior Steam Saw Mill hn been rcoently erected in the rlcini y of th. C\TT OY QAB.1EN, M th- most eligible situation for a biutn'raa nl the kind on the Atlantic ihnrra nf the United Stati n. Possessing all the adtanuge* of an'in- exhan.i.hle supply nf the finest yellow pitch Pine and Cypress Timbers built on a fine bluff, with thirteen leet water close to it, and a natural cove for the reception of logs. The preiont owners not listing it in their power to bestow thsl attention to ft which t concent of spell magnitude requires, are di'iifr nus of eelNnif the whole, nr e pure of thtirinter. eat in It, and Ms efer it ,fsr tale at a vet K& valuation, and much lew than such a iJrkcnrfv could he completed fbr. • TheretiasiuattWbfi added to k w veh f pwpc rior Maokim rnptms-df m charging at leatt 58 tieveta of clean ric*T*i day i and a Corn-MiU, all act in motion the same dhgine, ■ The 8uW-Mil! ii upon a new principle, hi the late renowned Civil Engineer, Mr. BRN NIR of London, wV> sent out one of hia beat workmen to superintend its erection. If can now cut with 48 saws, and may be made lodrivt twice that number. J The 8tcam Engine ia perhfpa the brtt it the United Htatea, thade by Meairs. BOL'I ON WATT, of Soho, near B rmingliamj and erected under the inspect inn of’ their hes| fore man, sent out expreasly tor that purpose, A wondnthl exuence is saved in fuel, aa fb« aaw-dust from the pitch-pinu ia fmuul to anawei rnatead of firr-wood, and ia carried to th« mouth of the furnace from the pit by elevators now in iirp. The Hice Machine ia also hn a new principh and found by experience to answer better tlup any yet in hoc. The«|uickneaH and regularii\ of the movement, producing it of asuperioi brightness without Waking the grapi. 1 he mill •• situated pn a fine C eek, called Cat-Head, Oii.a brunch of the Altumalia Uiver, and ooly about half a mile from Darien. Heft VuBselH, whose dtaught of wa|cr enable.!, them to go to the wharf at Darien, ettn load at the Mill, ohly a short distance off, w th grea,i facility j aa tm enchned plane from the mill, will i-nablc them >o receive the lumber tnfo tlieir ^ow poits, almost without expence.and the 1 mil, us now in operation, oan furnish 40 M. feet >1 pla tk pcr day, which may be increased if found neceaaary j the power being amply atifii* cipnt. The (umber sent from this establishment since it went into operation bus been allowed to bt superior in quality and regularit) ill sawing. The comnusaionera of the Navy of (lie (Jni ted States have approved of the ship plunks, furnished from it, and if U highly probable will give it a preference in future contracts It Ims also been seen nnd justly Admired in NeW'Yoi k ai d Philadelphia. The. pruSj oct of a renewed interemtrat; With ihi British Wert India Isluiula, renders tho HtaUjiiihniftut aAluinable niede of inuislment- ' LONDON BOOKS. 8. C. IcJ. SCHENK H A R jtiat received by the Hirhark PfaiVet, scilicet ion of London publications, maonr whithire the following: Tjwjorks of the British Poeta, inchnling the mow a cemeiLtianalntionafrom the Griek and Bomw|mhora; by 1'homaa Park, F S A i in 54 vnb, * An Vxrmiition of the Old and New Testa- mcnt.fin vols 4to, by Matthew Henry, a new fditioi| edited by the Rev George Binder and the Hw Joseph Hughes, A M htenjira of the ci-lcbrNted persona Composing Ihe KiJfJst Club, with n prefatory account of Ihe orton of the associutinii, illustrated with 48 lortras from the original paintings, by Sir lodfrtJ Knefler, 1 vol 4to The Tour of AlYtia, containing an account of •II the countries hitherto vla.^dby EuMpeAiut, n-lectril from the hesWa«nhom,Vud arranged by .Cuthrrlnr Hutvov* 3 vids 8* u ' thonpIrteilJWktitlf^ GuidbturtleChndhevp «t'R'ir#e» ftitnJfig A febmplete code uf commer- etal iufirmation, by G W Koi-danM, 1 volSvo • Lettws on the events which have passed In France\iuce the revolution in 1815, by Helen Mkria wfHiamm With a su) plement, I vol 8Vo Bishop Hall'mHelect Works, containing con templations on me Old and New Testaments, with hia devotional and practical pieces, with •omd account dfVia life and iii.flV-ritigs, written by h mac If. in 5 this 8vo, arranged and reviled by J aiah l»ratt / W irka of th* Rt. Rev, William Beveridge, D D, Lord Bialink of St Attaplp cont ulnliig all his aerm ns, with a ji vfkce giving aome account rtf the i itlior and Ijs writings, a new edition in 6 vola vo I Sr moria aelcwed from the works of the Rev Banc Jurrow, III), late minister of Trinity Col lege Cambfidf*- 9 *«*■ JAMAICA ALONE, lur about half ol all the pro dnee of tho naw-mill. The present owncra have no objection to con Unite interested in it to a certuin extent, bin their other avocations preclude their persona) attention to it. For terms and othe^particularB, apply per boiiuIIv or by letter to JOHN M'NISfV, ’ • Haviinnah. TTN- D- If not disposed of anon, the mill with all its privileges, willJic reined lor a tern of years. Apply as above. mav 1.1. Georgi—Libeity Louuty. By Elijah Baker. Clerk of*the Court if Ordinar> 1 for Libaity County. W ILLIAM OSGOOD applies for letters ot udmininijpition, with the will annexed on the goods and chattels, rights and credits winch were of Mary Ann Fraser, late of said couqly, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ci-editors of Ihe aaid deceased to file thei objections, (if Aiq they have) in my office at Bicehorougli on or before the first Monday in November next, oth- erwiae letters of administration will be grautetl to (be s-idapplicant. Given undewnp hand and Real, this 17th day of September, iu the year of Mfr LomI d«2J. (L. 8 ] E. BAKER, ecu lc sep 19 WHISKEY. J UST received per sloop .Humiii, 1 AO barrels Whiskey, For sale on accommodating terms by sep 12 J. B. HERBERT tk CO. Georgia, Camden County. To all whom it may concern. HEREAS John fimhloft, Junior, applies to the Honourable the Court of Ordinary for Lettersof Administration on the un-admmia- tered part of the estate of Duv^l Tucker, late of said County, deceased. Tljeae are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the IL ira and Creditors of said deceased to file their oh. jeetions (if any they have) in the Clerk's office in the Court of Ordinary, on or before the first Monday in November next; otherwise Letters will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Honourable William Gibson, one of the Judges of said Court, this Slat September, 1822. JOUN DAILEY, e. e. o. e. c. «ept 28 f Laurel Hill Toll-Mill. JKlHE roll-Mill on Mr.. Anemia’, plsntoton U has been completely repaired lately, and ia nowidy to work aa well aaany other rtiil! on the river. The rough-rice that will be aent to the mill will he kept aeparatcly in dry and aafe stores, and shall be beat will) the utmost care and economy, and the barrella will be klwa) a de- livered in good order. Empty barrels, made of prime boated itxvea, will be furn'ihed at the mill when required. The terms for cleaning Rice will be the same as at the other toH-mills. Thoac plantera who will engage to have their emi-sbeat at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or as much les*. ax they please, beat at one turn. Applications concern ing the mill, to be made to Archibald Brebner,' on the plantation, or in Savannah, to PETIT DE V1LLEKS. •eplO rpt Factor, Mougin’t wharf. Georgia, Camden County. ..... To oIItv*om it mny concern. VOTIIEIIBAS Archibald Clark, Esq. npplle* .. - ,** to l|ir Htuuatrtihletho Court utOrdinary I’ . , , .Wr LrtUra of Admlnlatratiou on the e,tat. rtf tts-W WsstsShistsmissA 3 vola 8vn I'lfc History/of Religious Liberty from the first impugn ton nf Christianity In Rriiain, P the rallt ofneorge the Third, hy Benjamin IIion 3 voV Uro H lory oflnlolerance, with observations on the i ircaiciahlein as and injustice ofper,ccu- llon, mil (i the equity and wisdom nf unre (trie id rf gious liberty; by Thumss Clarke, 1 vol Ho/ Ili tnrJofthc Jewa, from the deatrnction of Jem lira to the prelent time, by Hunnah Adai aW vol 8vo fth eat I Cuilnms of Bacred Scripturei, col- lectrlfr m the moat celebrated Traveltrri and their oat ’minmt or tics, by the Rev Samuel Uunliri ; M, Oth edition, in 2 vola 8vo. Tt • I lia Cabinet Opened, 1 Vul Tl > l tivenal Traveller, bv Samuel Prior lilt Hr linos of the Linli«aii,Gener»ofInseott, hy W (V inti, 2 vols I’r d> ce ami Principle, male by. the author of lit “i uthoreaa," 1 vol ’ Mi III lima, Prnciical and Experimental, fir cv,rj d« in the year, hy one hundred of the meat )n| tlar ministers, and containing the out* I(|lemif3sii discourses ClGsieli Dictiiman for the use of tdiouls, by tynfimjlawite, (, L)) y Gospr'iautBLhyJJ i A |iimw>lt y of tirthoi \y llteltev John Pfowrtt, A M, l vol '“ir* of Mrs Maty Bhi field, by S Summers eaque IMety, 2 vols ‘ moos, hy the Rev George Burdef ir Dialogues on iotereaiitig auhjeflla, natical Principl'w of Natural IMiiloao- Sir Isaac Newton, 3 vols 8vo a Blackstonc'i Conti 's Law of Mort- knoll's \rioato i Junius t. Pliny's Let- pe'a If mor und llliaili Cowperi Dry- wtgil t Charles Uie 12th and Peter the Great Fary Tales j Ossian'a Poems i llruuties r.8hta| earr, Chinese Tales i Spencer's Po lls | |tse ami progress j Francis; Horace. Stll^VintianB will bo received for the follow oi priodical worksi— La Belle Assembler ; .BntlV Review | Ackerman's Ueposilory j Ec MjjicReviewi Monthly Magas nr; Voyages •Kss| on the Ih snrHfctlon of4he Human Bo- lAbviamncI Drew, aecfipd edition, 1 vol 8vo V'raftcul Expiaitinnon Psalm 130, by John Igrenj) D 7A Ucomw concerning the |Ioly Spirit, hy J#hn men, D D .‘TIuNatun-, Power, and iJeae'd of Indwelling Sin inlehcvera, by John. Owen, D I) pmrtcal Disconracs on Regeneration, by P Dondijge, D U jlelpo Devotion, by Mary Anne Davis, 1 vol Viejof the Succersion of Sacred Literature, in a cjhnological Arrwigement of authors and rkt, by Adant Clarke, A M, 1 vol I cave idy Use of Earthly Tilings, by vel. •logical 8yatem of Nosology, with a i) und simplified nomenclature, by John loud, M 1) F it H, 1 vol 8vo jpta of Algebra, by James Wood, D D aiise on Plain and Spherical Trigono metry l>v Boberf Wooilhouso A Iteatise on Trigonometvy, hy fe Vinc«t. Him Sod Progress of Stenography, by James iitnry Lewis. , Thr^e .Enigmas attempted to be explained I) .loha FrmwNewtop, E«-q 1 vol 8 vo Bnfftki’a Nafurul Histoiy, in 16 vols Tm key in Minature, givings dascription o the manners, ctAtoms, dresses, and oilier pecu- liarilia characteristic of the inhabitants of the Tqrki I)empire, illustrated with 73 splendid c.n- mvii ;a, containing uptyardsof £50 costumes, I Vo) Pat nts' Medical and Surgical Assistant, b> Thor b Ayer Bromhead. a Th Traders Safeguard, hy John K^lle, Esi) Ms iclof Chemistry j By Win Tlioimp Brand* 3 vol ivo, second edition. An ial Biography and Obituary, 1820,21 and 22,8i A I j ular Course of pure and mixed filalhe rnatii or school and students, 1 vol 8vo Se it British Divines, in 6 vola 12m» Bk dies of Ui* Domestic Manners of the Ro mans vol Esi > on the Institutions, Government xml Mann ■ of Ancient Greece Le ra on Philosophy, by the Rev J Joyce, 1 vol. Bio xphical Peerage of the Empitf of Great Britai 4 vola 8p< shea of the Rt.Hon. Henry Grattan, ed ited I Jiia son, 4 vols 8vo A ' rai’ise on Diseases of the Nervopa Sys tem, 1 J C Pritchard, M D, 1 vol 8vo Th Life of Andrew Melville, containing il- luslr ons of the ecclesiastical and literary his tory i Scotland, by 1'homaa li’Crie, D D 2 vola 8yo Co «e of Lectures on Drawing, Painting and Engi ing, by W M Craig, i vol 8V9 ™" "■“ "W* — XJ An l.uuuirv eunni'iiiiiiK In. pr m.t.Vt iten'i nf IrchUKl, illustreteJ by e plan Rtiu. by Thomas Wood, 1 sol Pvo tidy June G-ey eml ht r TtmsiA > yol Jvn Study ofMmlern HiMety, by JMpes Utitnral, Donne, I ml fivn ' JK May liny with tlie Hum, by IHbotnlirlij Amusements ef Clergymen, byStlum JstilL Ini'fieet, Olsvi, Homeric*, nf the word, which occur i* the llliwl, hy John Welker A I'rystisc on th* Theory-nd qehui.m sfth, Cubic end lliqusdrstic Bqitelioujlr tlx he, B Rr tljfe, R D F It S I’d. trait, ofth* British Poets, frrm No ] to 14. This wries ft i« expected wifi be cumjdct. ed in 25 |urt«, one of »hioh wiilippesr every two months i tmcli part eonNsinx sk enprn lj os, end will form two volumes, «n|*!lislicj wnh Vi(-nette illlex Sketches nffndie, written by in rtfcmr ft* Fire.Sid. Tmelhwee* Hi msskeGtilftec Atiyedotee, eccompenled' with ubwrwlone designed lofiimKh tnnntcdbif hnd emchtWne mem for jelnire home,, by J. Thornton, 2 Ml, )Vmo Entpiiry into tlie Moderh ftrfvilllnjr Notinlb of the Freedom nf the Will, by the into Itet Jaosthxn Kdwerdi, 1 vol 1’eiyntnl Portr dture of Tliumi, II. Trelfry, by R TroflVy, I vol ”, Sketches of Sermon, Preeolied to ContrTen. lion, on the (iontlnent of Europe, 2 vols MentsFDiMiplIne, by Henry Foster Burdtiy *1 • A, I’opullr Beenes, tmnsleted from the Gemnn, ilhiilreied wi’h enyixvinyH of M Csmpt, t vol The CruiatleA • tele for youth, hy Mt. Huff- lend, with plstue aep 34 , Georgia—-Gliatham County. To affwhoin it frwy Concern. MGltEAS Willisin Mure! lies applied t. the Honourstile Ihe Court oTOrdinery of UhetltemCnunty for lettert of Guerdientliip of ihe penonstndpriipertyuf Ann If. Hue, Eliee C. Koe.end Louisa D. Hoe, orphnnx under the site of fourteen yeera, children of Alex. 8. ltoe. leceifted. These are .therefore to cite end admonish all nnd singular the kindred of the aaid dreeasedt tu file their uhjectinna (if any they have) in the ninniinr of letters Gtiardianihip m afnrraaul, tii the np|4ioant In the Clerk’s Office uf tlie suld Court, on nr befure the third !l»y of November nasi | otherwise Ictlere of Uuetdieniliip will b. (frented, ’ kYitnesa the Hunnurehle Thome, N. Morel one .f the Juaticet nf tile asitl Court, th. •rcood day of October A. D one tlibu* ssnd cight hundred anti twenty two. ' f s,m. Bond,co net . w || 3',' , ndadntcnl.h all Olid ahiqolur the lleira and Creditot • of said deceas ed, to file their objections (If any th«y lievo) in the C'lerk’a office the Court ttf Ottlinsi y, on or before tlie flret Monday in November next, otherwise letlerx will be granted to file appli cant. • Wltneaa the ((honourable William Gibaon, one of the Judges nf said Court, tbit 21st September, 1823. JOUN DAILEY, 6.c. o. o.c. •ep 28 f "* PBOPOSALS, ? For publishing, by subscription, in one volume, IS collection of Fugitive, - POEMS, MORAL, SENTIMENTAL, eml BATYIUCAL, at ■ it rice uiioux. filTHE author nf the piece! which oro In com* l pose (hi. volume, never anticipated fame ot profit i he merely followed the Impulse of th. moment t nnd In no instance ever wrote, a, a teak, any thing contained In Ihe proposed littl. publication i no mnnuirrlpt, and few printed enpies were ever retained t and.lit nuiny case, these production, Wire forgotten by the authors until rectdled in hie mind by ihe public print,, which have often gratified him by flattering nolle* i hut which have aim frequently nnnoy* ed him by mutilation,, which were extremely mortifying. The l,st consideration has Inclined him, dur ing several ycara, to attempt the prcpoled crfl- lection, in order to correct the error, of other,, and real upon hi, merit, ordemerita. Disinterestedness i, not pretended t the au thor oonfeues lhat-a liberal patrnnagp would afford to him much pecuniary relief t and he i. the more encouraged to expect this, from th. spontaneniia notice, In the paper, from Al«hu> ™ to Msine, of hi, advertisement in the Na tional Intelligencer, notify ifig hy* intention. The euthor confides in. the tried neal of hi# friends throughout the Union, for the promotion of his Interest In thiioue i end trusts dial such as arc so good as to act •• agents, will look to tlie respomibilliy and punctuality of tubtcrib- era. ^ , Tliis volume will be neatly executed, and il- sue from llic nreei as soon aa possible, at th. price of One Dollar— With usual commiaiion t. •gent,. • , l’ropoialidepoiited In Philadelphia,arid With, iu fifty milca thereof, should be retu ned within one month after they are exhibited i 'hoae at ■ greater distance, with all poasible prompfifodc, (O’ Snbieriptim. tt the abou rtcomtl at lb, Office of the GsonsiAX. oct 10 . ^ . Inferior Court, Chatham County, Chambers, Oct. 8,1628.' O N the petition of Joseph Delchumpt, Mating that he lain jail, for oebl, at the suit of Pe ter Dunngef, that he ia maolvent. but willing to surrender all hi, estate for the benefit of Ida credit ora, as the law directa, and pnyiilg for re lief under the insolvent acta of this Mate. Om tiered, that the acid Joseph Delchampi, be brought up, at the court houae in Bavannab, mx the third day of December next, at 10 o’clock, to be heard; and that notice thereof be give. Kit C(editors, agreeable to law. Extract from the minilte, JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, oct 3 ef The Savannah Library. TSofeen for th, delivery of Books on Monde] j 1 Wednerf»F mid PtUViA*" 1 * idey, loefo