Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 19, 1822, Image 3
I evil »ml nittlliry iiithorliiM, In whom, kfipciUtn* ill. rtcrdinit ul thit mi j X...I ilccrcc, to tufni u ilcaare it t<>- bt will' *11 «luu biL I'tingy nml, promptlftidr, timl.r Ilia io*|><m,iblluy of bi-iiig guilty ul hijli trcunn, il tlu-jr »l,«ll (til mi tu in. I 1 .linen ul lljo du Janeiro, tht Hut u! August, uno llioumiml eight hunilrml nnil twenty twn, JBjr Kin Kuy*1 Highness the Prince ltegent. Luix Tertirn da .M.trega it Souxa Cuulinliu. (CT At t merting uf the GHOI1QIA VOI.UN- TKEItS, held ut the Eschunge on Finlay evening, Out. 1 ft' li, SB*i, Jititlvtil. That the Mcmhern nf thin Cerpi venr crape on the left arm fur thirty ihiyn, from thia date, n> * token of their deep regret for the loss turelned by them, In the death of tlnoir late lamented commander, Captain Jou.s L»u*u*. For Ncw-Ynrk, TIip Parkvl brig L £ VAN T, HP*, thob', muster. Will mret with ili||)Mchi tor height or Attachment Solo. George Amt^iauii, rt. Charles lit Ichump* »nd J tivph Delrh*nnps. 1 »ri>'y oil hoard at Jnnea imp. r « half, Ucorce Aiideraim, lurvlvtr or to IIAIX U liOVf. COMMERCIAL. Privet ('invent at Charleston, Oit. 14. Cotton 3.1. 18 u 20; stained do 11 a 12; San tte 16 a 18 \ short staple (new) held at II « 12; Hice prime g2| 5 good 24 ; Inferior Vi Dsggingi Dundee and Inverness, 45 a 47 cents, •carer. Cottons -Soraefew sales ornew Uplands have been made thia week from the waggons, at our quotations—the quantity as yet coming in is quite limited, and the price at which the mar ket is to open for the new crop, cannot be cun* twlercd as fixed. Some few sales of old Upland** nave sold ut about one cent in the pound below tire prices of new Cotton. Very little doing in Sea Islumls { one or two small lots have gone off at reduced prices. liice—H0 chuugu whatever since onr last The little doing m this aiaple, is ul the prices quoted. Recent intelligence from Santee did Georgetown district, render it probable that the loss by the late gJle will not exceed one fourth of the crop in those places. At the South, and on Cooper Hiver, but little injury has been sustained. XevhOrleant, Sept. 23.—Business is now completely at a stand, owing pr nnipully to the scarcity of vessels/ Our stock of Cotton on hand at present amounts to about 12,000 baits, and from the very unfavourable accounts receiv ed from all quarters, we are inclined to bel ove that the new crop will nut open over 15 a l(i cts. for prime.” MARINE INTELLIGENCE pout of sjrjuwMR. AHI1IVEI). Ship Vulcan, Reed, LiVtrpo 1, 3fi days, with Hit, coals and dry goods,flu A. Richards, and Zt and J Hub <• wham. Brig Levant, lleebb, Ncw-York, 9 davs, to Hall U Hoyt, owners, with tnerchumtuu*, ife, to Hall & lloyt, t; Kelsey 81 co, Cunt clou M Lunnr, W Scarbrough, 12 Bliss, A B Fannin &. co. J II Heihert &. 00 S k J Bryant, ,L Anderson U co. 'I Butler & co W Gaston, J !l Oldurahul, .1 P Seale d Briettmayer U 00. G iV Long, li ll 'J Tenney, j* Brash (J co R Camplu.ll, F Gillctt too. J Camming Sc San, Bulloch If Dunwoody, t> W •Joe. Lawrence Sc Thompson, R Burroughs, .1 F Xdoyd, Johnston if Hills, H 8 Atwood, VV I 'glia 1c to. W Fuller. .1 B Wick, \V Patterson, l)oti. glass and Sorrel, Rlillcr if Fort, K IDiss k co, £ C Dunning, S 0 If J Schenk, Palmes U Roe, G Collins, Gaudry and D'llaiuo, J Cutlm, VV Gaston. ScbrAnn,'Brownell, Richmond, idayaf om the Capca, to DCuruoy, Johnsum &. Hilly, 8 It Tarkmait, B Ilium k 00. T Pyc'» Nicholas if Nell and the mustir. Pattniffirt, J O’Conner and frmily, J 0 Baldwin and V Dyer, Schr. Lydia Adams, Motmnn, Thomastown, Me. 14 duys, with lime and lumber to the mas ter and Isaac Cohen. Schr Jane, Corson, Charleston, 1 day, with salt* Sloop Gen. Washington, Turner, Beaufort, l Any, to the Muster. Sloop Vigilant, Cook, Beaufort, l day t> the Master. vr son TinsronT, At New-York, 4th inat. ships Clifford* Wnjrne, Allyn, to 2d » Superior, Jocelm, lOtly Ga ronne, Mott, 15lh j Augusta, Wood ; brig 9ig' nal, iWdcll. At Charleston 14th Inst. Mg Leopard, C«ow titers, to sail with dispatch; sc hi Lovely Kcxiul), Watson, to sail 17th. CHARLESTON, Oct 15-Below, ship Philip Leslie, Amstcidam 27 days, and 23 from oil Falmouth. ' Oct. 15 —Arrived Br. ship Roger Stewart Cooper, Greenock. 31 days, sailed in co. with ship Three Sisters. Roll, for Savannah; Hr. ship Flantagcnet, Petrie, Greenock, 30 days. Oct - 14—Arrived, brigs Charles, Coffin, Mu- tai.aas, 4 days; Milo, Hinton, Bristol, ll. I. 4; ship Sybil, Belcher, Liverpool, V7. Cleared, ship London, Brown, Liverpool. PHILADELPHIA, Oc< 4-CIearpd, ship Phi ladelphia, Bowen, Liverpool; Belts Albert, lllye, Antwerp ; Orion, Raton, St. Murys. Below,ship Stranger, Fisher, from Liverpool. BT TUK LSViST. NEW-YORlv, Oct 3-Arrived, ship Martha, Rkctohley, Liverpool, sailed 2lnt Aug. Oct. 4*«8hiita Hannibal, Watkinwin, Liver- pool 1 Juno, Dunk, do ; Triton, Wilkmaon, do; William, HPMantii, do ; Panthea, Bennett, do ; India, Gifford, do { William, Noyes, do ; Stepha «tia, Simth, Havre 1 Romulus, Allen, Cadi*, 35 Asya; Alexander, MTntyre, Gofteuhurg, 70 . days; brig pavid Muftit, Cullen, Gibraltar, 38 day*; brig Bucket, (of Boston) M<acorn, Hava. 1 jta, bound to Amsterdam, put in in distress. • Or.t 5.-Cleared, Wr. brig Hind, Mower, Lyndon ; brig Novo Packet, Avcllar, Fajal; • Arr Hr pacxet ship Prmce lirnest, B tiron, Falmouth, via Halifax : brig Elisabeth, Smallcs, Bristol. BOSTON, Oct 2 —Arr slops Alhlqp, Hasen, Russia; Jane, Miltimore, Liverpool; brig Plant. dO; Friends, Sinith P St Ubes ; Mante, Wi km, son do 1 Cipher, llowcs, Turks Island; Elder, Rrewstcr, Palermo. MS. OLCOTT ?!t.L one.. SCHOOL on the first of No Veml'er I ami, while J.e cnoficlently an tic,fate*, will emleavnrto merit and be-gratetul ■ jbr the palranaj; e °l 1 |1S /octir h oct 19 For Raltimorc. 1 he fine Schooner * ANN, Cnfyt, Thtmnt tlrownell, .For freight or passage apply to DA^IF.I. CaRNF.Y. Jr, net 19 p //.inter's HtnhUngt. For Coosawntdiie. The Sloop GENERAL WASHINGTON, For Freight apply to the Captain on boaid, at F.. Jackson** Wha f, or to JOHN EYKUINGIIAM jr. ret 19 'l'o Rent. A Two.Story llnnae, plpitsiintly situated In Oglethorpe Square. Apply to PONCE 81 MACKENZIE, oct 19 en To Rent. A large and eomfurtahlo two atory dwrl- ling nouse in Bmughton-strcrt, with a hast-mnit atory of h i ‘k, neatly plaistercd and finished, r.onluiuing Kitchen, Wasb lionsrS, ser vants and store rooms. The out.buildings arr J’brick, the yanPhirge, nml the hoqse in good repairs for the immulato reception of a ALIO, A small but comfortable house in Lincoln street, adjoining the residence ofthe suhscribur 1 tho» hoiiae has alflu a luisrment story of atone, con taining Kitchen ut\d servants* rooms; in the yard there is a good curriego house and liable. 'Fite house contains six rooms» three with fireplaces, and will he put incomplete repair by the first of November next, when possession of both can he given. JOHN M‘Msl|. oct 19 t Fresh New Flour. f Cl,V H ,c ' ,mn0, l M tpe fine Flour • viL; j 1(H , from on hoard schr Ami, from UichmoHd, and for sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. Hunter’s Buildings. nrt 19 r, Thomastown Lime & N. Piae Lumber. L AN'IllNT, Com sclir. Enza Adams, at n.l- lnn's Wharf. Also, 1J Firkins firsl quality nntior, (hr ash- hv | ISAAC COHEN. or.ll 9 e Commission Business. XpilE Rubsnrihcrs inform their friends and •UL the public, t' at they Will attend to any consignment of gnoda intrusted to their care for salo on commission, and every exertion made for the interest of those who may favor them with their business. ROUT. U BEN. I ANG. References, Messrs Duiumrl Jfc A nan, > Cuablks $ oct 19 a ANDREW LOW & CO. S AVEuoii'.d, In llic.hlpa Ccnrg.'», Oult. ihorpe, ami' n'h recent airlmla front (mill slut iVcW.mrt, the gn .'rr pro|iorll»n Of iliel muni suit lit ul' p- Ta\\ MTvmer Ttvj Goods, which they offer for sale at A mo crate ad> auca fm Produce,‘or on their usual accnmuuidatiiig tenns for approved paper; and hv tho ship Emily, daily expected from Liverpool, they will receive uo additional assortment, together with casks i.f London bottled Porter in quart and plat bottles, Crockery, Glassware, and some other bulky articles. . Now in store, and offered forsal ■, a few pieces of best Uultic Hemp Cotton Utijjjiti,f, 42 inches wide. oct 19 Same 'HnSHl.L be sold on Andeison's lovifr whsrf, 011 Fucaihiy next, 23d ioil. at 13 o'clock, a q laotity ol iisllast Stone, attached in the above case, and sold by order ol the Hvnoritbiv Inferior Court* A. D'LYON, bcc oct 19 Fluins and Blaukctis. WILLIAM U0»K, H AS received his tall supply of Plains and London Duffiie B ankers. Likowia. super- fine Caroline P,upk, esc, which makis Ins fall assort incut iquai, if not superior to ao> in the city, oct 10 im White Plains aud Blankets. subscribers have received hv the sh p l Oglethorpe, fhim Liverpool, H kite Plaint and Ihtfie l/lankett, with a variety ot other'*!- ticlea suitable tor the present and apnroNclfing season, which they oflVr for sale «n their usual turns. JAMES ANDERSON Cf oct 8 GEORGE RELIH H AS receited from Rnglaml, by the ships Rich aid Plusket, Oglethorpe, Faljua and Georgia, an extensive And general nsaoituicnt ot DRY GOODS, both of heavy aiaple Woollens, and London fancy Goods; all of which ware sHucted b> himself with the grentiit care and( atterdioo ; amongat which are a lew rml Tartan Plaids and Plaid Chuktl and a good assort mi nt of Scr vaid'a rea l) made Clothing, which can be Hold ve.y low. oct 17 Fancy and Staple Dry (ioods. B Y the slop Georgia, ju**', arrived from Li- verpnol. the suhsenh* ra have received a large supply uf aeiiaunnhle DRY GOODS, comprising a very choice selection of Panoy’and Staple Artioles, making their present assort im nt more elegant and extensive than at any former period, nod which they offer for aalo oil i heir usual tcrimf JAMES ANDERSON k Co. on 17 t.n Fall and Winter Goods. B Y the alnpH Oglethorpe and Richard Plan- ket, n cently arrived from l.iverpmd, the Hcuhaonhers have received a large portion of their F ill and Wintei GOODS ; him! by the Pal- Ihh and Georgia, daily expected they look fu tin additional supply of every article suitable for the present and approaching season. JAMES Ul( K 'ON if Co, oct 8 Classical nnd English School llliAHr MacDOMWKLL [ NFORMS Ihh Friends and the public, that lie will re-open Ilia School for Young l.adieH and Gentlemen, on Monday next, the 14di insi at 9 o'clock, A M in the room under S lomon*« Lodge, near the Old lTiubytotiau Church, oct 10 / For Providence, \ l'"e pack, \ klnp CBN. I AUKINU I'ONT, M »W, m«»ier, will aail with deapaiuli. For IwigM or paanage, having elegant acci»mm>nla- Iona, apply on bond, ut Moori’a wharf, or to OURAY TAPT. H A# has for tale, landing / •««/ 5 hales Domestic Sheittilg and Ban lings lu kegi first quality B.mcr H Q chest?i Hyson I ea oct 15 For Liverpool, Hie »'i|> f nmntltd tlilp '-»av i.ceiRH, , Jnt .I/1111 o».t, .KKf-T, i. nna- u. i lcci\a a cargo. /K* n«lghi, apply to ROHEHT CAUl’UKI.L. »!l 19 For Ncw-Orleans, The staunch soli ,oner LOUIM. Captain flicker son, j will aail poanivciy on ami ay next — fftr freight or passage, apolv on l» *ani, at Jack- s m’a wharf, or to J. B IIKhBEK F H Co. net 17 The Subscribers offer 1‘ .r Side, HvMvtd by late arrivals, JrT'KN tons Kennel Coal, wan antedliratquality 'W'tt/ IGO bales prime Hay 3d coil* Ri.pc, amatl s!r9 140 hla Howard street Flour 25 <lu prime Reef \ 50 tierces (4 bushel* each) Potatoes Boxes Soap and Caudles, fiom John \ Winsley’s lAanufartory, lloMon, e- \ qiittl to any in the United Slaves 3l> boxes prime Cod Fish \ LRVI8 I ONES (J CANDI ED, oct 15 \ l Hunter's brick buildings Low’ll Superior Perfumed so vi’s, Direct from Lumhm t Low's Linolu nv Cumpiuiiid Do ftricntal Compound Do Musk Do/Glive l)o ( Rose 1 )<| I'.dra DA Vernacular Dm Vegetable D> Abyssinian >1ho, U10 real Engiiah Windsor losps For side by AON PARSONS, net 15 Druggist, No tt'Uthhous* huililuigs 1’UHLIC SALKS. Ily Raker & Minton, Tills IUY, 10,1. Inn, at 11.A lor k, WiV 4# «tld in fi*nt *f Messrs hh J, lf / 4 , 0 p y .Vftie, ('on the 441 pieomi pr no qnalitv 4J melt Cotlou Bugging, Term* -100 piinea, 9i» days, nvur thrd quan* tity,4 uioniha, lor approved endorsed n u inn. And or ha'fputt 11 o'clock, infant ty their strr, 2u0 pit”’' first quality 42 inch COITutf bagging Terms • too piecnl. 69 day*; over that quan* tlty» 9>f days, lor upprtivod eudotsed ootea net 19 r By Baker ^.Minton, On the first Tuesday 4firAVw»aAfr nrrf. Ii7il.l1 he s Id before the courtnotise m thia ▼ ▼ city, at 11 o'clock, 1 ' Wliaif I ot No 8, ami Imprnvrntenis thereon, belonging to the estate of Patrick Si.nton, de ceased, sultl by permission of the hmt rthle il»«' Inferior Court ofthe ofittnty of Chatlmn. b\ or- del ofthe Admioistraiora. ' cl H lO J.iliii stuck, Jr. On st 1'ue ulujfin jYovemtxr next, \\< 11 L he sold in front «'fll*ecpii t house In T ▼ the city olS.iMinonh. at 1 !! oMo'di, Two Negro Men i.aim d John and h n. as the property of Mrs Mary Ormenwk) , ifiMimt to an oitler ofthe honorable tin- Cot in if Ordina ry ofthe county of thallium, and by orfici of tlie Administratrix, rente rash. *A't private su e, All that tract or parcel ol Lund lying »nd h«S mg in that pan ot the City of Suvaitmdi called Kwioshiirg, and known in the plan of said city ' at lot No 24, containing one hundred feet on William street to the north, and running tooth in depth ninety feet, mO c nr leas. Teum-of Ride cash, ()C | 15 By J. 11. Herbert N Co. * Pn,HtW taltj' r Cotli, O N the fiisi Tuesday in nest month, before the court Ionise in this city, between llio usual hums will be sold, Lot No. 81, 'Co’umliia ava <1 being half of a trust lot, fronting on President, Y01 k and Price at reels, sub- ^jjeettna small ground rent, tog. ther with the Improvements thereon, coosisto g of a well finished dwelling house and mil budd ing* oct157 Chatham Academy. T HE Bon'd of I‘i listers of this LiiHt itntinnsa- ooiione that it will re-open on the find of j; November. Mi'Wm. II. Wash, late of South I Camlina, will take the place of Mr. Russell; ami the Trustees are happy in being able to pro/ nomine him in every n spect fully qualified for the station. •* ocl 12 WILLIAM ROSE received by the slop Neplune, from tlrcenock, Bure’fine Circassian Scarfs aud Shawls' Bo Cylheriun Dresses ! ’me book muslin Handkerchiefs )o sewed book do )o dd do muslin Frills 4 4 hook ipuslin Handkerchiefs, with borders Finejiconet Epaulet ,a new article Do Stoinaoltcis and Capes do Do hook muslin Capes or Tipeta do Do India book and mull Muslins, tainbored and plain 4 4 sod 0 4 Nainsook and jaconet Muslins 6 4 ll ie Caroline Fluids 4 4.printed Calicoes 4 4 IJioon Snipes and 5 4 cotton Checks Oed' Ticks ami Linen Checks Cott n HI,awls and Handkerchiefs And •* tow bulea of I’l ana A thriller supply is daily expected, which will he sold low us formerly, at the sign of the Golden Fir tee. oct 5 ru Mortgaged Sale. Adam Tuono. 1 vn \ Fortclotun, Oran Bud. j W ll.l. he ao!d at the court house, between the Usual hour* of 11/ aud 4 o'clock, on tin first Tuesday in December next, a negro woman nunted IViphuty, mortgaged by Oran Byril to Adam Tunno, and sold under the same. A. D’LYON, ace oc» 5 William Taylor § Sou H AVe just received by the ship Georgia, from Liverpool, the following Uuods: 600 kegs English vVJxite Lead 30 tons do Iron assorted, round and pq utre 3 tons do sheet Iron 30 cskIch do Spikes and Nails, assorted sites 700 hanks seine sod sewing Twine 10 esses Sheet Copper 30 tierces of lisiclay's best Brown Stout London Porter 4 rolls Sheet Lead Also -w general assortment of Ship Chandlery, (Jo tfc " r * 19 b Employment Wanted , Man of si- ally liahin, wlmiiwell known In t\_ Sava,nod, aotl la amlulily qualified, would willioqly I*” 1 ' ’•”• •' or 'l( r - oliaolsiordo any other wrilioq which mlKht be required, f-r a cqnipeoiatioi, only. He would al.ohe will,,,* lqPeiiKa|{e aa a Clrrk in ’.nine reaneotahle Onieery eslahlilhmcnt dr Shoe Store. Or would lie willing in take charRe nfa wharf or two, uptm aliarai. Ploaacapplj tolho Printer. qct 19 p The Sub8ciil)ci’s wish to pur- chase a prime NEGRO WT2NCII, not exceed*- ing 30 or 35 years uf age, a first rate Cook, in. diiBtrious, sober, and f good temper , for such a liberal price in Cash will he paid. Apply to J. B HERBERT & CO oct 19 For Sale, HUE Wharf Lo* amHluililingsNo 7, late the ’ L proper!\ of A. S BuUnr.h, Eh<|. For terms, apply to G IV. ANDERSON, > , It. It. CLYi.BIt, j Commltleo. , , , JOHN P LLOYD, Cashier pro tern I'lantna's R nk The shove property, if not disposed ol by tile 15th inst. will he leased to the [ugliest bidder,' for one y ear, from the lkl of November next, •♦is 1. . * • SCHOOL. mi IE subscriber intends'opening a school In 1. thia City, on the fi st Monday in Novem ber next, in which will i>e taught, the Latin and Greek languages, together will! those brunches of un English education, usually taught in Acs- dmiiicfeJio has taken the house at present occu-, 1 lied by Mr 8ml.'.t. Bryan, situated In Market 1 late Hoitth broiul) street; front 4 to 6 pupils can ! tie accommodated with boa-d and lodging in his family. For particulars, reference n»ay be had to the, litv. J.. 0. Andrew, or Joseph George, Esq. CHARLES W. CARPENTER. OCt \ FRESH GARDEN SEEDS Flower Bulbs. way th> l.te.t arrivals from the North, ftt the unify and heed Storej>f DklULEH U POSKY. oct If In Council, SAVANNAH, IM, Oytnher, 1823. The following persona were drawn City Con- fUabloN for the ensuing year, ss fnllows t For Heathcute Ward Reynolds Brown . Darby Warren Franklin Liberty Percival Oglethorpe Anson Jackson Decker Washington Donald M'Leml Wm. P. Hunter Elias R 'cd Wm It. Holland Wm Robinson George Millen A. M. Taylor Richard Gorham Wm C. Mill* Wm C. Wayne Wm E:>; inger V. Du flee Bteph S. Williams Greene and Columbia Isaac V. Stewart New Franklin Win May hew A true extract from the minutes, WM. MOHEL.C.C. pro tern, oct 19 To Rent, OrpHE honoe helonginR to lh> ostato of D olor C isry, in — square. P .saeasion ei»en U|, the first of November. P«». t rms^iply to wol. Shellman or ft m.Uaviu, tsq. oct12 tin Bank State of Georgia, SAVANNAH, 16 li October, 1823. N OTIOK.-Th » llank will he closed on itirdav the 19tb inst. for a sonu-unnnal set- ilement; therefore all bills nnd notes fulling ripQ on that day, mast he tukvn up un Friduy.tliv 18' h. Customer* are requested to hand in thtjlr Bank Rook*; in order that ihrv may be writien up and balanced. A. POUTER, Cashier, oct 17 P. M'DERMOTT, Market Square, A3 received per hug F ances, from Phils- , delphii, ami ii any other tale arrival*! 20 Ids Loaf Sugar 20 do family Flmr 10 half bis do A pipea4ilt proof Cognac B andy 4 do do imitadon do 2 puncheons 4th pf ' ect.fled old Whiskey 2 do 5' H proof lush Whiskey of superior quality , 10 qi- casks Malaga Wine 5 do Teneriir do 2 do Lisbon do 20 boxes MiihCutei Baixini 20 duaen buslcct bull 10 0 S|)ano>h S< gars 10 hoxi s Whitmore'* no. 10 Cotton Cards 10 hags prime green Cull'cfi 5 d * P.-pper 2 do Pnnento 15 quarter cliestf Hyson Te» 5 whole cheats do 2 boxes 8 mchong Tea SO dnxen pieces Cedar NVsr# and Market Biskets 100 ki-gs Cut Nalls, assorted sizes 20 do wrought do 200 hags put, nt Shot, assorted 6oU0 waggon and can Bix»s Blacksmith'* B*Hows, Anvllll and \\oe.o Mill, cross cut and wlup Saws, aisiioricd ‘ siaes Carpenter's Planet, a good assortment, with a general of Hardware and Groceries act 10 I'lanieis’ Bunk, SAVANNAH, Obiubar Hi I,, 1832. R E901 VED hv the Board of Diveotor-nf the Piantera’Bank of the Stale lyf Geo;* giu, that from and alter this date, tlii* Bo,k w ll not consider the notes uf any oi the Cliarte ed B inks of the State of Georgia (the notes ol t|i« Planters' Bank excepted) that may be dep, hit- ed in the Vtautei's B ,nW o> uuy person or per- ■on*, or by any buukmg company whatsoever or that may be paid into the add hunk to the credit of any peraonbr persons or any banking company, us rreutiug any cluint inlnvor of aiicu persons or such hanking company to demand that the check* or ordeia they u. such hanking ing compuuy may issue on the said PmnU ra* ll.tok lo he paid in specie coin of gold orailm.ii but that the Planter*' B,mk will, tor the arcnm- modution of their customer*, continue to re ceive us heretofore, in depothc and in payment of all notes deposited for collection, tile notes of all the chartered banks of the state ot Geor gia, but will always reserve to itself the right < f choice in the notesol which uttlie respective chartered hanks of the state hfG orgia, the said PliuUer’a Bank may prefer to make in puydionC on the cheeks or orders being presented of person or person* or any lir k ng company that may have an amount at their credit in bank. Hesolvtd, That fur the information of custom ers uf the Planter*' Bunk, that each one may know the amount of their respective deposits In the notesol the charti red banks ofthesate nf Georgia, olliur than the Pnuiier*’ Hank, ami, also the amount of their deposits in the notes ofthe Planters’; that the Gudm r dt thia bank he mstiucted to have entered front und utter this date in the hooks of the <!ust< mes of this institution, en their depositing the notes of the chattered Bunks ua aforesaid, the folluuing words to be prefixed to the respective mime they may deposite in Bank, namely, "Nott a of the Hiuks ofGeoigin”; when notes of the I’luutcrs' hank are depustud, the entry lobe ntude as aucli, .By order oftlte Board ol Directors. JOHN F LLOYD, oct 17 tit | Cmlin’t pro urn, Fresh Rabins. O ri/fl BMwi lira, quality Muscatel ftalalna, just received per brig Adrlotr, and t'ur lull 1 by ocl 8 L UliUAY TAF l. Removal. THOMAS DOWKLL k CO. [1 AYE romwved from tlieirold Maud, to the IX ciiqo r ol Hroughtim and M lulnker strfets, Wjosito Col. Hhrl/inun's Mansion /foute, where they me opening, in addition 10 their former Slock, a complete assortment of BOO 1'8 and f'HOKtt, which they offer for sale on the mos' moderate terms. ocl 15 rel Flour, Cotton Bagging 65 Lime his fresh family Flour, ground from new _ wheat 15 pieces prime 42 inch Cotton Bagging 25 cahks Dexter Rock Lime Fursa'i hy JAMES H. FRASER, oct 17 u Market square NOTICE. i Y.oung Man who Ins hud a good'education /». writes a good hand, and having hi en lour ucenstomedlo active huaiuesH, and under*'.mds w, 11 the natiiro of accouifta and book-keeping, wishes employment in aomc respectable busi ness in this city; he cun cornu well recom mended, and ns employment is his object, lie would not require much of a salary, A line ad dressed »o A.-B. through the post-ofllce. wrll hr iticndedto. oci 3 f For Sale, casks patent and mould Shot, assort! 25 cuoks prime manufactured Tobacco 25 hunJles pr me Hay By C. C. GRISWOLD. oct 15 Beigitmin l\ Simons, Conch. House, Fancy and Ornamental PAINTER i? GLAZIER, St Julian street* No. 4 west of the Market. N B. Fancy and friodipf Chairs pulAted ii tUenewUMnuuuer* - oct If p Cotton Bagging. Tn,(E aubacriber Im. reemved, and oflVr, for ;ei 'LL aale, very prime 42 inch <!oU,m Baffliq.. ool 15 p WM. TUUNKIt. For Sale, ^ Young Negro Woqian, ajpiwl home «er- «,nf. oct l) Apply to f. SKLLEtiK. Clothing Ware-House. fl’IllE sul—criber hoi removed, bi, 1. vnent to hie former atom! on tire Bay, ad' jening ihe City Hotel. 1. OfiOBUU. Ml IS P IIIOHLY IMI’Olti'ANT And IntercHting News FltOM I’ P MUfl, Empci eur de Pi taler de Barttotif, with feelings ofthe mn*( nrefnund respect, announces to the citizen* ol Savannah, that he has returned from the North, and intends pass ing the remainder of the* aeasdti among them lor their especial bent fit; confidently, relying upon a continuance of that loyally and fidelity which it is Ilia pride and pleuaure to Mclcnowlrge have ever distinguiblied them 11« has the plea sure to infotm them, that for theivbetter rec«p- lion and accommodation, lu- has enlarged Ins im perial head quarter*, in such a maimer as to en sure their comfort and convenience, in a style peculiar to himself, and where lie will ut all Ilmen be happy to receive the visits of hit friends and all those-whose necessities require the renovating influence of Ills Ins health-inapir* mg razors l N. B. Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to have their Hair arranged by Paris, will be at tended at their own houses by sending their or ders aa above. I', b. Bill* un J>«n> taken at par. ‘ oct 8 Notice. P R0P09AL9 will be received at the !?te*m Boat Office until the 20th inst, fordisejiarg* •ng Cotton from the company's tow boats for this season; price per bale to be named. • 8. C. DUNNING, Prca't. oct 8 Wanted. \it/ANT9 a Situation, in a store, or to tek« \rw charge of goods from here to .Augusta, - and bimkagain, a Young Man who can coin# well rifbmmended, A line addressed;to Tt L. and left at tibia oAfi* akaU be promptly at tended to. Od 19 % ■r-