Georgian for the country. (Savannah, Ga.) 182?-1822, October 19, 1822, Image 4

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Georgia—Kfflnglmm Comity. HUFBIIIOK COUttT, Ihcnntber 'i'crui, 1821* The Trustees of the German^ I.titli* 1 run Congregation at libencser, Yftoui Nisi. Mi The Heir* k Representatives of Michael Monk, drccaiecl.., O N the petition of the Trustee* ofthe Gcr- man Lutheran Congregation at Ebenexer, praying the fore clow re of the Equity of lie* demption of all that tract or purer 1 of hum, con taining two hundred aom*. lying and lining in the county of Effingham and atntc aforesaid,but ting and boundingn^ftliweM on John J. < -o- irenatinc. north eastward on .Jolmllumild, south east on John Lklle LivUner, 8. E David Lnselil and arc vacant at the time of the survey therco., originally granted to Wolfgang Mock, deceiv ed on the second day of April* one thousand ■even hundred and secure the pay fnctit ofthe aum of eighty dollars, on the fourth day of December, pignleeu hundred and three, with interest at the rate of six per cent, from the fourth day of Drcomher, eighteen hundrur tndtwoi and i» appearing to t'.ie Court that there it now due on said bond and mortgage the turn of sixty dollart. with intercut from Maroli twenty-fifth, oighteen hundred and eighteen,at •iixperoent. .... On motion of Wayne and Cuyler, Attorme* for the petitioner*, ft' ia ordered that the amount due on said bond and mortgage be paid Into Court, with interest, Within twelve months, oth- erwise the Equity of Redemption of the heir* and representatives of the said Michael Stock, be foreclosed, and that other and fun her pro- cecdingsbc hud thereon, pursuant to the stat ute in such cases made und providedi and it in further ordered that thisKule be published once u month for twelve montig in one of die public gazettes of this state. Extract from the Minutto. jNO. CHARLTON. Clerk, dart! Irn . Notice. XTINE month. .Her time »pplio«tioh willbe Xl mtilotn thehijnoriblothe.1n.lloc.ofth. Interior cotirt of C.milen county,for love to icll .11 the l.oil. In .aid county brlonginjf to the •■tote of John Onto lele ot RfBoehom county. HMIAII KING, ailin'rx, April S, 1882. ,»* Clark county, Ua. april 6 Notice. N INE month, after date application will be made to the honorable the .lunhcua ol the Inferior court or Glynn county, for have t o well .11 the Unthln .aid county Mimflinj, to the ca. Ule of John King, late of Effingham county. ft MIA 11 KINO. liltin''rx. April *,1822. fra* Clai h oi.uoly.Oa, april (1 tientfTftl Drup ani YamVVj | Pearl barlef •MtdiCiinti Warehouse. ANSON PAR80N8, M. 8 Gibbon*' Jtniidinift, R ESPECTFULLY informs lili friends and customers in this slate and South Csrolina f mernlty. that he has esiahiialicd himself in the Inig Lint, on his own individual account, and ia opening at thi* tima an extensive and general assortment of warranted ficali Imported * Drugs, Chemical, lWfumery, flfc. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Merchants, and Planters, and ult who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at this Es tablishment on the most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Antimony crude Marble Marten Powdered tin Plaster mercurial do Pm gundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do dracblyou do gum do Mistering Quassia do rasp'd Quicksilver Uluiburii root do powdered lied precipitate Hose wftter, llosln dust of Iron (him elastic, Spatula* Joules and weight* lSank n seed* in basts, Notice. A T th. uptmtlou of nine month i IVnm tlila date, I .hall apply lo Ills honorable the Jill, tieea of the Inferior court of Chatham county, fir leave to aell the following rcnland perwinal properly held by the It J. tlouilun inti u.t, vii i Cedar Grove plantation, containing upward, ef 180(1 tore., aitueted in tho diltrict of White Bind'.. On. Tr.ot of Lattd, cohUlnlepJO ticrcs, nc.r tho above. May Island, containing 100 acre., more or teas, situated on that marahe. ol tittle Ogochcc * Alio, between 81 and TO Slaves. TAT. HOUSTON, May IS, 1822. crfatV. JI. J. Hotuhn. may I* , Notice. L T the c.plratlon of nine month, from this ■l.te, I Khali apply to the hinuirahle the Jut in. of the Inferior cotirt of Chatham county, r fcavo to tell the following real property ol e estate of tl. .1. H.uta'on, vl.t One tract of 2M, aeree of Land ill Bryan tint}’, ntuJted on Ited II rd creek. One undivided fourth part of HJO acre, of imlln McMloeh county, litu.ted un the Alata- ill. river. , . Twelve LoU In the town of Brunawlek, Glynn unty. VAT. Hous ton, May 13,1022, aJm'r. JI. J. S. may I® % 'Sactaruge & Commission BUSINESS. T UB tinderaigned have thi. day entered Into copartnemnip In the .hove lino under the firm of Btoihim U IIctrii—and .ollclt tVom Weir friend. . nf bittineia—'Thbir Count ing Hoorn i. in lit. watt end of Bulloch’. Ituild- Inge. They will he enabled to make tumble advance, on produce deposited for ude. a ruitGF.s, WM. V. HUNTElt. 'Warannah. One. 1, 1H n l. r 1 C berry Hill lor Hale!" fV Plantation in Bryan county, sit- W* uated on the south aide of the Great Ojreohee rivrr, about 5 mile* below Hill's Budge, and 20 miles ft-om Savannah, contain ing two hundred and ninety acres of river fwwmp ofthe grot quality, on an excellent pitch of tide, two hundred of which are cleared and underdatnsiand tlireo hundred and fifty seven •ere* of high land of mixed qualities, one hun- dfid andftuy ofwhteh in •beared and fenced, Them ftro now growing on this plantation, Cropkof totto* ana rice, by the appearances of which the qualities of the lands under tion may be estimated, There arc a large and commodious barn, ma. thine and maohine'house, cotton, corn nnd gin Rousea, all nearly new t an overseer’* house, a comfortable dwelling house, stables, chair Rouse, Ac. neg*o houica fbr the aecommoda- tiou <*f from 5U to 60 negroes, am) one ofthe Aral springs of water in the low country. There U also attached to Cherry -11111 a tract of five hundred acres nf pine land, from which all the lumber, rails, staves, Ua. to be used on the place, may be procured. A Plat of the above land may be seen at the office of the subscriber, in the Exchange, Sa* nrannah. For terms, apply lo Mr Janies 8. Bond, Da- .'Tien, to R-1*. Domarc, Raq. ftryan county, or to 8AMUEL II. BOND, •ttg 22 r Alcohol Aloes soct do he pat Arrow r. % <t Anuia seed Ahsafiaiida, AIIutq Angelica root Angostura bark Aqua Fort ia Antimohial wino Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nttrou* do Tartaric do Sulphuric Hark yellow, do red do pule, do in quill Hals Capevi do Canada, do Ptru do Tolu Dai badoea Tar Borax rcPd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Bceuwax yellow do wliito Brimstone roll do rePd Castor Oil, American do AV. India Castor, UtiRNia Camphor ilIM Calomel np Cumliurldcs, do pule Camomile rtowers Cnnclla alb. Caraway seed Cardamon Reed Cascnrills bark CasRia, Clnhomon f!ustilo Soap, white do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colombo root dn pow. Chalk prepared CoriumleraeeJ do iKiw'd Cowitcli Cream Tartar, pulv Cniroiive Sublimate Carmine Conserve Rose* Caustic f.nnar Drai\'on« blood Digitulcs Dovers Powder* P.pnnm 8idll, Eng, Ifithor Sulpls Ergot Elder blossoms Kmerv fine do No 1, 2 and-3 Elixir 1*11 hi r uric do Vitriol Extra :t Cicutcr do Gentian do Quar.'ii* do Lead Hour Sulphur do llenxnin Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringe* Eyr nges, quart* lh boxes do pints, do 1 phtts do mal:-' and female Congresati spring water l^mon acid Soda powders Balts of Lemon Cologne water AVjish balls Windsor soap Transmit ent do Islqubl do Low's perfumed do Nnples do Pomatum in sticks do in pots RM»»rtcd Rose water, livcnderdo Fancy Vials line nets iuu»M Sal Aminoniso do VMutile do Soda do Itocliell, Ho Tartar do Epsom, ik> Glauber do Nitre refined Snlut Arsenic,Fowler’s Spts. Ammonia do Hartshorn do Lavender tompn'd do Wine, do cimphor do Nit. Ditto bassafraa burk Bnrsnparilla Sponge* fine, doewrse Saffron Spanish do Eng do American Ravin, Bennt Ales Spermaceti 8n»kc root Virg. do Seneks, Rquilll Btnrax, HaltaHaitshorn 8ugsr lead Syrup Squills, do simple Tart Emetic, Tapioca . Tinct Aloes comp'd do' Myrrh, doValcrUn do Snake root do Assnftttida do llonxuin comp'd do Cuntlmridea do Senna do Uhubarb do bark Huxhxms dn Peruvian bark do Opium, do Castor do Mvidats Iron Via Colombo runt do Kino, doJidap do GvimIho, do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squids Valerian root VUiiolatcd Tartar Vitriol white, Jo bluo do green Patent Mmlir.inci, Uc. Butt man's drops Vial cute,'Mtledi 1 Wax tapers Nurembergh da Warm Losengea Patent Lint Thumb lancets da camman do Clewlcya crown dai J* Evans*! Spring lancets Tooth Inatnimenta su’d Bougies, Gallipot* Vlicabov snufT Liquid blacking Black scaling wax Rrd do Red wafers, assorted do Tooth brushes, common do silver wire, 3 and 4 row* Cupping and 1 repining Instruments e|«ui Ulrlt > .i.o-lrd Male .n,l female ailver Jalm Holla Catheter. Jhurehe. cau|»h drapa,White leather akin, far cau,ha, cvlda, Con-Bullish mustard, by the S iitptian,, aathmaa. In. in catvater. d. tic Grouml Cinpcr, nee da lialic Snulf, for ca-Oiovca, cinnamon rha, Mace Soulcltarla, I.atrriflora, ar Fcullcap. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Astunii’it in Small Ho ren, Well calculated lor Planl.tinn use. TtgtAer vath a gfir.'at a. I oilmen t aj Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, ...tirti-tl Pliidlt, &.c. ALSO, Stinting, .ml U.llHlmt Mineral Spring Waters, - ill be kc-iot cnnitnutly on hand it) M nertect atute u uni be impurlt d. ANSON TAK80NS. dec 31 (p 6YHHP OF PALME1TO. D OCIOIt BGHTHELOI ruspenifttlly in- forms the public and Ins fiicnds, tlmt he n supplied in Iuh store with u large quantitv of hut eflicacimiX Medicine oath J die Syrup of I'olmetto, which ia celebrate I for its extraimli ;»ary virtues in destroying WORMS, which ao ,'euerally aHlict children in tlua etmutry. It haa been generally acknowledged all-over the Went ln«lie« and the United Stales. Tins Syrup he- ng of un ugiecahle flavor, children will lake it ;*aisdy without that disgust which ordinarily at tends tho use of other Medicines employed for the same purpose. Those persons who will use this Syrup in the above case nmy be certain of a radical cure. Directions to uso it will he given bj the sub. icribcr. J. B. UEUTHELOT. ma)' 31 Flax seed. Fennel seed Mi itidi Oil Pilhigs steel, do iron Essence peppermint Frankincense GMuber salts Galls Aleppo Galhanum, Ginseng Gold Thread Gentian root Glass Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grain# I’aradiso Gum j\mmuniao do Senegal do Arabia do powd, do Kino do heuxoln do TrugacantU uo Guac do Myrrh do Shsllao do Copal do Mastioh do Gainhug* do Ceamony llelebore bluok do whiU) Hiera Pisra Honey, do Rquilfs Hufl'mans anodyne Isinglass 'j Oemler ^ Posey TfAVE moved their store to the south-west Jllcorner of Jefferson and €t. Julian atreet, There they aell all Show article* which are usu jpilly enuineratedin the loug advertisement* ot ▲pothecAries. * As they reside in the same bouse where thev ? rry on their business, they oan stall times, F tjr night, accommodate their customers . They always keep on hand a complete ass mteht ftf warranted GARDEN SEliDd. Also, teinien Touii and Jilower Vots. * ■ «cp 19 StougntoiTs bitters Godfrey's cordial Rte»*rs Opodc Id oc Turliu^tmis balsam Daibeys Curml native Daft'S Elixer Harlem Oil or mcdcca- mentum Oil Wormseed Pills, Lees N. Lbndon Pills, Lees Windham do AndtfVSous do Itoopura Jo calomel, do ophun COLOt/m\ Uc Pmsslnn blue, 1,21 Cf 3 Fig blue, Kings yellow •Drop Lake, No. I U 2 Flake white, Carmine lvo*y black, lamp blac\ Indigo Spanish Black lead, red do Litharge Terri Uc senna IN VIALS, Ess. Cinnsnvm d# Ltvemler d« Bergamot do Lemon Culo'd Magnesia Notice und Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been inform*dthat John Caruochan ami l’cter Mitchell (*f this ci have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged [iiid assigned to divers persona cithcrtheir indi- •idusl creditors, creditors of the late firm of Uarnvchan U Mitchell, or others, all nr sundry the pi \pert >• and estate, both real and personal, ot the fid firm, as welt t3 their own Individual (ropeftv *«d *-state, oonsuting together of immes, bits, lands, stores, wh irewa, negroes, Ac. b fisvammh und Dirien In Georgia, or the leighhorhnod thereof, and elsewhere with their merest or share in the stook or the lower lenm mill near Darien, anil sundry shares in lie United Stairs Bank ami other banks, as well s sundry debts due to tlu-m in various places, ivMih'S famU, lota, negroes, Ac. in the territory if Florida, ami particularly one large tract of and bought of Forbes U Co. l>ing between he livcia St. Marks ami Apalachicola in the errilury of Florida uforesnid. These arc hereby to caution the public against mrchnsing any part of the said property or es- atc so conveyed, or any other property belong- ng to the said Caruochan U Mitchell, or eithei »f them, as 1 hold prior mortgages on the great- st part thereof, which are on record in the re gistry in Savannah and DArien aforesa d and m Charleston, S. C. ami equitable leins on nil the tropsrty ot said John Cartv'chan and P«-ter ilitchdl. June 8 fl2 WILLIAM CH1RIST1E. Ipecacuanha or l|Ippo Epsom salts, Uhubarb Jalap Juniper berrleq Laudanum Liquorice hoot do powdered do ball do refined Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powderca do small square do catcirifcd Manna flake, do sort* Meacreon, musk Mustard seed, mace Nutmegs, nux vomica Opium, orange pool Osvmel squills Oil Vitriaf do Tansqy do ohves do Feppermint do spearmint do savin do Hoacmary do Pcncrpypl • do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm seed do Lavender Anitts need do Juniper do Cloves do Almonds Ointment mere do Basilicou dp rente do simple do red precipitate do Spanish flict Peruvian bark . Cheltenham salts ' Henrys calftM Magnedl Btomachlo bitters 1 CMtor Oil . Porsgorio Laudanum Antimomsl wine Tinct rhubarb do aisafiatida Hal Capevi Sweet Oil Snts Lavend com do camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Caoitial Jalap Tartar Emetio in noTTLxa, %Vine Bitters Buts Ha'lshoro do sweet Nitne do Turpentine f wcct Oil, castor Oil merican and W. 1, Sun (triet. Spanish whiting Rotten stone Pumice do Powdered blue Copperas Yemilion, Chinese do English Verdigria, Irish Glue Patent spring Truss*) Com man da Durable Ink Red inkpawder Black d*i Pill baxea To the Public. T CARV'OUHAN ami I’. HI I U1EL .re tor- k! • ry to be again brought before the public >y a second notice ot Mf Christie's, who him un* luubtedly claims against them, which, when inally liquidated on the decision of the suit tow ponding, thoy will try to satisfy as soon as lussibli- thereafter. The deed* under which Mr Christie claims in exclusive right to all the real and personal •atute of Caruochan A Miichel, are considered is informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have been brought ami are still before the court, and other deeds have been executed and re corded, conveying the property for the use of all their creditors, Mr Christie included, with* out any trust or reservation beneScial to C. U M. or their families \ and if this bo not agrees hie to that gentleman, it must nevertheless ap pear fair anu equitable to the public and all who have a sense of justice. The Trustees under the late deeds are anx. jous-to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in the notice of Mr Chriatie, and. to apply the pro ceeds to the immediate payment of part of his demand, and deposit a sufficiency thereof to co ver all his claim, subject toThe decision of the court—but his opposition to any reasonable sale, os one interested in his own right, whilst injur ing all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale can be madq under an order of court. June 10 F.ditors of papers who insert Mr Christie's notice, will please insert the above until his is withdrawn, and forward their bills to the Savan- h Republican Office, where they will be promptly paid by J. C. U P. M. Georgia—Canulen County. W HEREAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, admi nistrator, applies for letters of dismission (Vom the estates of Colonel William Scott, de ceased, John Campbell, deceased, and Havens Wetermnn, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased persona, to be and appear at my office on or before the firat Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted in terms ofthe law. Gi»eu under my hand-and seal, thit22d June, 1822. fi. a.} JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c.c. jutv l . .. r For Sale, A Few barrels AFl’I-FS. Appl- to NICHOLAS & NEFF. tog 27 p MEDICINE, SURGERY,| AND CHEMISTRY. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS n AS a great Variety of Works on the above subjects, among which ares— Arnold's Observrt-ona on the Nature, Kinds and Prevention of Insanity, 2 volt. go. Adam's (Sir iVm.l on the extraction ofthe Ca taract, as usually pet formed, with the des cription of a Series of £ew and Improved Operations, 5 75 Adam's (Sir Win) Practical Observations on Eutropium, or eversion ofthe Eve Lidsi on the modes of forming an Art ficlal Pupil, and on the cure of the different species ot Cataruct,4 25. Adam’s,Sir Wm.) Treatise on Artificial Pupil, with an account of the morbid states of the Eye, 3 .50. Ay re on Marasmus and Bilious D-solders, R3. Accum's description of the process of nut ufuc- luring Coal Gas, for the Lighting of Streets, llouaes and Public Buildings, plates, 9 ft). Accum's Treatise on Adulterations of Food and Culinarv Poisons, 82£ cts. Bancroft’s Essay on the disease called Yellow Fever, with observations concerning Febrile Contagion, T) pirns Fever, Dysentery and the Plague, g3. Do. do. do. with Notes, by John B. Davidge, Professor of Anstogiy in the Uni versity of Mar> land, R4. Bailout's Illusti ations ofthe Power of Com pression and Percussion .in the cure of Rheu matism, Gout, and Debility ofthe Extremities, &c. in promoting Hcidlhand Longevity, 425. Blackall's Observations on the cure of Drop* •its, 4* 50. HampfieM's Practical Treatise on Tropical Dysentery, 4 25. Be'v'8 Opinions on the Causes and Efiectc of Diseases in the Teeth and Gums, with co* loured Engravings, 7 50. Uell’s (Charles) Essay on the Blood i being an examination of the uiflVrence of the motions of Fluids in living and dead vessels, 1 50. Ufll'ft (Chaties^ System of Operative Surgery, founded on tne basis of Anatom), 2 vols $8 Bell's (Charles) Letters concerning tlie diseases of the 'Urethra, 1 50 Bi ll** (IK-n|.) S)8tein of Surgery, 6 vols. R18. Bell’s (B»*qj) Tiectiacon Gonorriixa virulenta and Lues Venerea, $4. Bell's (Ben j.) Treatise on the theory and ma nagement of Ulcers, Bell’s (John) Principles of Surgery, 5 50. Bell's (John U Charles) System of Anatomy, 2 vols. £8. Bell** (Charles) System of Dissections, explain* ing theenatomy ofthe Human Body, 2 vols. Bicltat'a Treatise on the Membranes in general, and on different Membranes in particular, $2 Barton's (W. P C.) 'Treatise on Marine Hospi tals in the United States, and on the Medical departments ofthe Navy, 1 75. Brera's 'Treatise on Verminous Diseases, pre ceded by the natural histqry of Intestinal Worms, und their origin in the Human Bo dy, R3- Bail lie's Morbid Anatomy, 1 50. Hree's Practical Inquiry into disordered respir- avion, distinguishing the species of Convulsive Asthma, j$2. Burn’s Principles of Midwifery i’ including the diseases of women and children, with im provements and notes, by Thomas C. Janies of Philadelphia, 2 vols. $6. Burn's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, with practical inl'ctmoea, relative to pregnancy and labour, 3 75. Burn’s popular directions for the treatment ot Women and Children, £>1. Boyer's Lectures upon the diseases of the Bones, plates, 4 75. Brown’s Elements of Medicine, 2 75. Braude's Manual of Chemistry, to which are added notes ami commentaries, by Win. James Macneven, » 5 ' Clat lei hack's Observations on the prevention and treatment of the Epidemic Fever, 3 50. Copeland's Observation!! on the diseased Spine, 2 50. Copeland's Observations on some of the princV pal diaeasesofthe Rectum and Anus, 1 25. Cullen's first lines of the practice of l'lqsic, with milts and observations, practical ami explanatory, by Charles Caldwell, 2 vuls, 6 60. Cullen's Treatise of the Materia Medic?, a ith large additions, including many new articles, by Benj. Smith Barton, 2 vols. £,5. Crichton on Mental Derangement, compre bending a concise system of the Physiology smd Pathology of the Human Mind, 2 vols. fc!2. Crichton’s Recount of some experiments made with the vapour of boiling Tar, in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption. 1 50. Cheselden's Anatomy of the Human Body, 2 50. Cuvtei'a Lectures on Cwtnpaiativc Anatomy, 2 vols. $11. Coxe'a American Dispensatory, containing the nutural, chemical, phai macaulicul and medi cal history of the different substaaces em ployed in medicine, 4 50. Che) ne's Essay on Hydrocephalus Aculus, or Dropsy in the Brain, 1 50. Clieyne on the Diaeases of Children, 2 vols. $3. Cleghorn’s Observations on the Epidemic of Minorca, from 1744 to 1749, with notes by Rush, 1 25. i , Chapman's Elements of Thettpeulics, and Ma teria Medica, 2 vols. g6. ChaptaTs Elements of Chemistry, 3 vols. 5 90. Do. do. do. 1 vol. 3 78. Do. do. do. with additions and improvements, by James Woodhouse, 2 vols, g. f >. Comstock’* conversations on Cbemiatiy, ic which the elements of that science are fa miliarly explained, 1 75- Duncan's Observations on Pulmonary Consump tion^ 50. Dorsey's (John Syng) Elements of Surgery fpr the use of Students, 2 vols. §7. Douglass’s comparative deivriptlon of all the muscles in a man and a quadruped, &3. Ewella’s Medical Companion, with a Dispensa tory and Glossary, $5. Ewell's (Thos.) plain discourses on the laws and properties ol Matter, containing the Elements and Principles of Modern Chemistry, $3. Elliotson’s numerous cases illustrative of the efficacy of the Hydrocyanic or iVurric Acid in affections of the stomach, 2 75. Edinbut gh School of Medicine, 4 vols. 10 50. Furre's Essay on Malformations of the Human Heart, 2 50. Fontana's Treatise on Poisons, 2 vols. g8. Faithorn's Observations on Liver Complaints, Si 50. Fourcroy'8 Elements of Chemistry, and Natural History, with notes by Johu Thompson, 3 •yoIs.812. Gilman's Dissertations on the bite of a Rabid Animal, 3 50. Gallup's Sketches of Epidemic Diseases in thp State of Vermont, from its first settlement to 1815, S3. Gamoge's Account of the Fever which existed in Boston during ihe autumn and winter of 1817 and 1818, with remarks on typhus fever, 623 t ceuts Hillary's Observations on the changes of the air and concomitant epidemical disease* In the Island of Barbxdoei, with notes by Rush 2 50 Hunter's Treatise on the Blood, Inflammation a.ul gun allot Wounds, 2 vols S4 50 Hall on Snotled Fever, 1 50 Henstis'* Physical Observations on the diseasra of I^ntisiana, 1 25 Hamilton'* Observations on the utility and ad ministration of purgative medicines in sever al diseaaes, 2 25 Ilebeitlen's Commentaries on the history and ' cure of diseases, Jg3 00 Hallers first lines of Physiology, 2 50 Hastings'Treatise on Inflammation ofthe mu cous membrane of the lungs, 4 50 Hastings’ Experimental Inquiry into the get nertd nature of Inflammation, 75 cents) House Surgeon and Physician, designed to ns- aiii beads of families, travellers, mid sea-faring people in discerning, distinguishing, and cur* ing diseases, 1 25 Hertz Familiar Dissertation on the causes and treatment ofthe Diseases of the teeth, 87$ cts Henry’s Elements of Experimental Chemistry. 2 vols 6 50 J Henry's new and complete American Medical Herbal, plates, &9 Innes's Short Description of the Human Mus cles, 1 50 Larre) *s Memoirs of Military Surgery, translat ed from the French, 2 vols g7 London Practice of Midwifery^ I 80 Lavoisier's Elements of Chemistry, $4 Lagrange’s Manual ol a course ot Chemistry, o? 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Emien and Price, bciog a ucw scries of the above, g5 per annum. Chapman's Philadelphia Journal ofthe Medica] and Physical Sciences, g5 per annum. Eberle's American Medical Recorder, Philadel phia, g5 per annum The New England Journal of Medicine and Sur gery, 8 s per annum. Gqdman s Western Quarterly Reporter of Med ical, Surgical, and Natural Science, published at Cincinnati, 624 cents per number, july 20 '> Ten Dollars Reward. R ANA WAY from the subscriber on Thur* day, 4th inst. a yellow fellow named BIL LY, about thirty-five years of age, five feet six or eight inches high, spare made, and very smooth spoken. Ihe above reward will bo given lo any person who will secure tun in any jail iu the state, so that 1 get him. WILLIAM liOBEUTBGN. JMiUet&enliC, July 8. S. Captains of Vesselsted others aro cautioned against carrying him off, under tho penalties of the law. july 16. e