Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, October 22, 1822, Image 2

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TTifioiiu I an7 SAVANNAH: TUKSHAY MOJtNIN^OCIjM. I«W. Mr ilui day lm« the ptoasuia «/l J*n- Knling uurreader* with • p»p«ron mini, proved anil enlarged form. Tho editor, •ince lit has tnndocttd the Georgian, liu spued no labor, and no e»|itnaa, u tender It worthy of an extended patronage. On hiiadvertliinif friends and aubaariben, be rcllei for the tupply of the “ enonlial oil” which li to keep hii machinery tn motion, and to reward him Ibr thoie cxtrtlona which ever have been, and will continue to be tie- voted to their aervice. By our preient ar rangement, wo shall be enabled to prevent a aticet containing more information than heretofore hu been in our power. If we meet with a remuneration I'orour trouble and capenae u the fat knight aaya "»hy eul" we are gratefuk-if not, we may ca claim with the youthful Human— '• ’Tla not in mortula to command tuccatc— “ tf'aiiave done more— we have dcaerved It.” AGGREGATE. a The brig OapWy bit irrlwil al We have been laaored w,tli Blotter from New-llirtlnitl. She aailrtl from Mlttedgcvdlc, wliicli, altli the ominlieawe hive before received, give! the eggregatr of all the connliea uftlie elate with theca ception of/W, via. Ap| hug, Kart), Irwin, and Telfair, which an yet to be beard from. The following la tho rcauit i Fur#) tli. ,IS,333 TsUl.1I, 16,irg Abbott, 14,917 Cobb, 14,497 Thompson, 14,'.’SB Cary, 13 919 Cuthbcrt, 1J.B50 Glasscock, U’,761 Hsyncs, S.'.HB Golding 5,0-0 pariian, mi the Sih of June. The Franklin, 74, Cnm. tllawarl, and the at,ip Canton, 0’!*uliv.,n nr Ihia purl, aiilrd nn the Slued Map, not known whrrr fnr. I.oitl Cnchrmr arrived about Slat June with two tbipe, the O’lliggina and Valdivia. It will lie perceived thkt the conteat ia between Cutlibert end (ilaucock, and that tlie former iv now ry raven volet in ad vance uf the latter. Health of JVew.J'arF.—On the 4th inat two caveaof yellow fever were reported, three on the 5ih i one on the 6lli i eiglit on the 7lh I two on the dill, end eight on the 9th. The Mobile ftegiaict of the 3d imtart, atatee Mint all account* hum I’cnaacol* re- Th* Multi.—Pout letter mall* north °) present die ravage* of yellow lever in that Chaileaton, arte received yeaterday nun* ning. Four remain due, New-York p* 1 pore to the Sib inatant were received in Cherlealoa by errivala from tbit port i and from our*ttentivccorreipoudent,the Mcr untile Advertnur, we liave received alipa It tlioVMi inat. They contain liu intelligence of import, » o learn by the Charlcitnn papera uf Raiurday, tint the roada aa lar ai bautee Ferry have been cleared. ELECTION RETURNS. UAMDEh COUNTY. Tsttimll 364 Cobb 143 'Forsyth 36J Csry 153 T hnnipsoQ 955 Glasscock 117 Cu'libert 353 Haynes 47 About l 171 Golding . 44 In tilts county there wo a tiu betweet Maj ,r liardeo am Mr, Brown lor senator Xr/wwenlunvn—JuUn Floyd and >Vui ABoue. GWINM. I l COUNTY. Thompson 4o7 Tat lit all 300 Fusytb 3U0 Abbott 161 Cary 343 Haj lies 915 Guiding 334 Cutlibert 196 CobU 3u9 GlvlMCOOk 166 UENI1Y COUNTY. CUsicock 110 Cmbbcrt 55 Gutdiof 109 Forsyth 40 Thompso* B5 Abbott 14 ■Tattnall 63 Cobb II Hay i tea 56 Gury GO FRANKLIN COUNTY. Tliom|iauii 606 bohliug 43) For.) Ml 606 TuUinilt 407 Oobb 565 Cary 356 rriasaeock 491 Cutlibert 160 Abuovl .451 Haynes 131 \ducc aa di eudtul, ami Mud idthoiigli the* town had been deaerted aomo time, there* had been between one end two hundred deatVa since tlio appearance of the diacaai In n,:w-Oileani,1he caeca ill yellow fever bad nobmulliplled to a Very alarming dc gree—tUiytein new caaea were repotted to Mie Board of Health on the 6th end 9,I* i alxoaica were reported outlie lllhi ten catei on the 13lh i end on the 13Mi, nine teen new casea were reported. Metier Commandant John II.EItnn died at Nut lolk, tilt the SBlh ult. nltei a liligeiing illneaa. Hu wna a native id the atale ut New-Jci»fj,utid in the 37th pear ot Ida age. HABBUSH AM COUNIT tQIauauck 533 Cary Forsyth 444 Cutlibert 960 Tattnall 4.6 Tbumpaon 000 A .mitt 376 Haynes 000 U*’bt> 346 Guiding ooo FAYE I'TK COUNTY. Abbott 137 Tbumpaon 119 Foil) th 136 Cary 77 Guiding 135 Clasaeock 51 Cobb 1)7 Cutlibert 35 Tattnall 119 tl syncs 19 Mexico — Acrnunla fiom aevernl quarter* concur in giving a tliamnl ctiar clcr to die puliticHl atlualtun ut lliitr country. Tlu* Nuw.Oilenna papeia ►late, that mi Hie 3d ult. a proclaim Hun wna receivtd ut 'Tnnt|iico, Irunt tho Minister of War in Mexico,giv ing notice that a pint waa dtacuvered on the 89tli ul Augual, having for ita object the overthruw of the Imperial Government. Several of the tnembera ul Cungresa, who were concerned, hud been linprtaonrd. Il wna supposed that their acceaaurica were spread over every province of the Empire-—many other auapected individual, had been imprisoned—among whom were ubout twentv ut tbn officers who lately served under Gvn. Long, and vevernl uf those who bail net veil under Mina In ahurt,it haul'll, the tprannp uf Itur bide it at it* height j tho troops re main unpaid! there ia nuquickailvet to aupplp the tninea which can be winked, and the ntltera ate inundjt etl with water, au that those principal auurcea ul wealth are cut nil'; thus* wlm dlapleaae Iturliide disappear dai Iv, no urn* known lip wltal incuna | the 13tl fti.ltupol Puebla tyrannizes over lien- bide, und llutbide tyrannize* over the Lflcuplu | the people are riiaaul tailed Tfclh the government, and every thing Indicates the «p|>roach of civil w*,r Thin picture mup be overcharged, but (hat i> h Hue in ninat ol it. purlieu lara there can be lillleduubt. A letter Irnm Mexico, ol Augual 5, says, 11 The duties hero are au exces- aively heavy that nothing under 100 per cent, advance nil the eeat will pay a profit, end uveu that leaves but a intlc." Colonel Maflhew Lynn, formerly a ronapicuoua Member af ('nngrraa, died in the Arkanaai Territory,on the lat nf Augual last, aged about 70 years.—At the time of hia death he waa (J. 8. Factor for the Cherokee nation nn the Aikannaa. lie waa a native of Ireland, hut emigrated to A- merica at an early period ol life, and waa one of the Gist let tiers in Ver mont. Louiaville (Kentucky) hna itfffernl severely from a malignant fever— SS riaitha had occurred in one week, in die early part nf September, and the publication uf the paper, had been sus pended, in conaequence of tltedescr tion of their workmen—dim use has never been so prevalent nr an fatal n« during the laat summer in Kentucky. In Ohio also a great mortality baa pre vailed. The Agricultural Society nl South Carolina, have passed a resolution In procure from Maa.achusaela, plants ol Mio Reach Grass, to be cultivated on Sullivan* Island. From Hie height anil compactness ul this grass, it is considered a prutecliun ill cate of iturma, lie. Election T eals —The Grand Jury uf Npnrtanburgh District, Sou Mi Cura lins, present aa a public grievance " Hint laws are tint passed In prevent n praclire, (nnw Inn prevalent) nf per suns making u«e uf the means ul in- toxicaling their electors, nr by other ways inveigling, entrapping the un wary and innocent,demoralizing the pimple, and destiny ing their Hide penitence of judgment, in order Hi serum their suilVagt, by which means it is believed many procure import atiiiifUcea.” The law allowing the Intendent ol Charleston a salary ul S500 dollars, a year, haa been repealed by the City Council, 10 In S. Tlie republican candidvle, Joseph llazlett, has been elected Governor nf Delaware by a majority uf twenty two votes. Xruniar—Strawn, Mr/iratniuiivt—Ware. EMANUEL COUNTY. Glasscock 104 Abbott 64 F6is) th 97 Cobb 7 Cutlibert 78 Cary 0 T hompion 68 Haynes 0 Tattnall 66 Golding ■0 MONltaOMKUY COUNTY. £\>r»y ib 136 Cutlibert S3 T«im4i F.U ' GUttiCOOk 65 Tliuntpaott 139 Cobb 76 Ha; ova 97 Cary 56 Aboott 96 Gilding 1)3 TATTNALL COUNTY. . Tattnall # 164 GkuMcook 84 Fora) th l«l Haynea 56 Cary 153 Abbott 47 Cuthbatt 1-33 Gckling 17 Thompson 103 Cobh J— Uilnmrc, JltfrutnUtivt—1 ippina. llOUS I ON COUNTY, -fraotar Keener. Jtipniciuauw— Moreland. HEN BY COUNTY. £ntn<«r— Cocl.ran. JUprcHiitutive—Strickland. W1LUN80N COUNTY. -£mtitar- ileal. AV, 'etentuthet Berrh, Y-itchilds. WALTON COUNTY. Akfler-.lUatry. ftficicmkttu "Halcomb*. '• -v . si*. . Spoilt.—The acltr. Only Son, Capl. Rowley, arrived at Charleston on the Ifti.h, in 40days Irnm Malaga. The tippuaitiun to the Ciiiiaiituttunal sys tem co .litiurd, on the part ul the Roy alists, in the interior, Emil, in can- siquence ol a (hurt crop, was scarce auu high, and American produce dull. The U. 8. squadron had proceeded to Putt Mahno to remove the naval stores Loin that port, the Spanish go vcinment having teluaed the right of deposit there ; tu cons, queuce ul uur recognition ol the South American pruvtucul. Accounts from Madrid to the S7th August, (says the Charleston Oqurtei) liave been received. It ia slated, that at (he first interview between tlie new Minister ut Foreign AIIatm, and the Foreign Ambaaaudoia, llm Spanish Minister called upon them tu pro- tiuunce frankly the relations they propose to muttitain with Spain, un der her pieaenvConstitutinn i & those who were nui prepared to give au un- equivocal assuianee uf their Irtendiy tlispusiltun, were informed dial they might have their paavpurts without a moment's delay. Letters received by the Barbara, arrived, at Roatun Lout St. Refers■ liuig, cuntaiu the iiilurmatiuu that Charlea Pinckney, Esq. Secrctaiy ol Legattun to uur Minuter at that l.nuit, had taken passage onboard the Gen. .Jackson, lor New York, tie mg tlie beater ot despatches to oui f overwent, conveying the decision ul Its Imperial Majesty tri our tavor un that aittcle ol the treaty with Erg laud, winch waa reieircU to him trial mg to the reitAburtteiiient ol uur citi x.iisfor the Slave* taken bv llie B j. ub Irum the Chesapeake during the iaie was. UNITED STATES BANK. Al a triennial meeting uf the Stock holders- of the Bank iif the United States, held bv adjournment at tlirir Hull in the Oily of Philadelphia. Tneadsy, ihe 1st nf October, 1832 Tlnnnss Kllic .lt, E.q. in the Chsir, ami William Meredith, Secretary i The Ktlluwing report of the Com mittee ul inspection and investigation, appointed agreeably to the resolution nf the Stockholders, at the meeting held tin the 2d nf September, lbSS, having been adopted, it was Resolved, That Ihe report with its appendix be published in the. public pspns j and that the President anti Directors uf the Bank uf the United States, tin alsucau-e tlie same to be published in pamphlet form, and that a copy thereof be held at tlie dispusal of each Stockholder. Your Committee, to wltnm was re fericri nn examination of the Condi- lion uf tits Bank— REPORT That they havecarrlullv considered and dil'gently investigated the sub ject confided to them. But heluie submitting any opinion nr statement in detail, as to its actual situation, Htey beg learn to refer to the luminous exposition uf (lie President, herein appended, containing a lurcl uf infor matiun in relation tu the institutiiin, in connection with various topics of sound speculation ami practical utility which cannot tail In prove highly in teresting to the stockholders ami to the public; while at Hie same time they illustrate Ihe consoling truth that the moat appalling riiUieulties may be surmounted by Hie steady ap- plicaiiun uf industry, integrity and talent. In compliance with Ihe provisions of-the 13th srlidc ul the lltli section of the charter, your committee have ascertained that the suspended debts at theJLnk and its various branches, are Upon personal and other than stock securities $6,401,255 40 And upon inanaaecuied by pledge o stock 4,017.350 75 Together amounting to 10,418,3*'!* 66 Your committee are decidedly ol o pinion that the loss to the I)ink upon this debt, together with other drafts,' cuuntcilcit checks, and from nil other sources,Cannot exceed 85,743, 899, a loss arising partly Irum Hie peculiar situation ol me monied relations of Ihe country, but principally Irum a misplaced confidence to unworthy a gents. But your committee feel gra tilled in sating, that a lund more titan autfifieiil Ins been derived from the previous pi nfits 61 the Bank, ami specifically pledged, and set apart to meet this loss ; besides which It pos sesses* surplus ot 8971,425 41 cents, arising from a balance winch stood to the ciedit of the profit and Ins- sc cuu-.i • * the 1st of Juiy last, and Irum interest which lias actually accrued, hut which has nul yet been patd,upuu that purlieu nf the suspended debts which it la confidently believed will be ultimately obtained. The pirerding tact*, with the fol lowing analysis, your committee leel assured will tender the cotiviclinn ir resistible that the Bank ul the Unit etl Stales haa now attived at that point when its capital may be derlar etl to be sound and entire, while it poiaeaira contingent intere-tsnl near ly one inillinii ul dollars, to be appli rd In such objects a* the luture ad niiniatiaivrs of its affairs may deem tdvia.ibie. l)a. Bank of the United States tu Stockholder* fur capital paid in, The etim purl, hot nut )< t extinguish'd for Bn- mur, premium on 4 mil lions o!‘5 per cent. Go vernment Stock U lor Bunking 11 oust-a, pro vided for and to be ex tinguished by the se- mi-snntisl appropria tion of $60,000 E'ti mane ut all the base* of the Bunk, up lo the preaeut period, Buianov, $34,992,139 61 2,015,802 15 .3,743,899 00 971,4J6 41 £41.rid,266 9 Cn Banlc of the United States by capital putd in, The nim which h»R been paid on Bnnun, premi um on 4 million* ol 5 £ er cent, (internment luck Ik,Bunking lion- ■eH, winch will lie ex. tiiiguinlicd by a iemi- annual uppiop. atioii of $60,000, Value ot Hanking !TmiR n s winch have cost $834, 99J 15, hm winch ut the expiration of the charter will not then Bhtml on the hooka of tin* bank at * value more than Contingent fund <.f3,550 000 dollar*, which will he increased hy the transfer ol $193,899 from the balance of the pr« fit and loss account as it stood on the lat of J ily last, to cover the lo9suHHiiBtRiued, The balance that will re main of what appeared to *he credit of the profit and loss account on the 1st of lulyt after having transfer ed to contingent fund $193, ■899 The interest which lint accrued on suspended duhts. umnunliiijf $1,279,520 54 Alter deducting Interrat on that portion which is detuned bud of 511, 8U8 20 Advance above parmn 37,9 >4 shares stock of, the Bank of the United 8tuti«, which it holds, say $4 per share, 34,992,139 63 1,620,000 00 395,802 15 •3,743,899 00 51,897 07 767,712 34 151,816 00 34,992.139 63 5,456.891 90 6.776 192 74 129,741 28 $41,723,46G 19 In addition to the nbim*, the com mittec deem it proper to exhibit the following brief view nf the present ac tual situation uf (he funds of the Bank, and nf their distributional I'lie capital of the bunk paid in hi The circulation of bank notes amounts to The deposits are Unclaimed Dividends Amount due to sundry Bmikfl in cuivent ac count, mid to individu als in Burope, Fund reserved to cover the losses suitainecf by the bank, Profit-and loss account af ter having transferred to cunt ngenlluml 193, 899 dollars Interest, discount, Uc re- ceived from 1st ol July to — September 1,964,898 36 3,743,889 00 51,897 07 388,237 01 The total amount of funds Winch are dist. ibuted In U. S. 5 per cent stock, In U S 6 per cent stock Loans on personal secu rity, Loans secured by bink stock, Lou ns secured by mart- Due by state banks, bear* ingiulert st, Heal estate taken for debt purt of which is produc tive, Amsuut due hv sundry utalc -banks, Ac. in cur rent account. Paid on account of Bonus and premium on 5 pur cent stock, Banking houio in Phila delphia and branches! cost Notes of state banks oq hand, Specie in the U. States* Batu atul 4>i anchei* $53,504,196 99 nt> follows ; $11,060,0' ti 00 2.02u,469 27 26,236,150 88 5,974,725 80 8,000 00 739,918 76 587,102 38 910,950 97 1,180,880 00 834.922 15 £64,642 56 3,346,434 22 $o.),504,i 9b 99 It might be deemed prudent to ab stain liom expieasing hii opinion upon the future ptosped* ol the Dank, lea ving each individual lo draw his own inleieuces Irum ihe facia exhibited; yei your committee are unwilling to omit the expieasiou ot what they be lieve to be a well grounded hope, that the profi.s ol the Dank and its public unlay will continue to iocre i»e with the gr .dual (leveiwpement of its re- souices. It Uie has, under the emoarrassment and perplex! y in which it hasueen placed, not only sus tained us own credit but that of the circulating medium uf the country, wilu willed lt» inteiestand prosperity are indiapuubty connected, u can *tdico»y Oo duujied, lhai incsc uidi rolticf hbjng turirtounlrd and a more ample opened lor the exercise m it# energies, an increase of profit will result from a corresponding extension of its business. And whilst yuur committee hire found it impraftici ble to view this ioititution in anv " ther light, than aa *n estsblishment tu cfTxCt great national objects, they have been cumpelled tofeegeik. that though those objects have b-ien lolly attain ed, the institution itself has nut re ceived the support whipli it ia clenrly the interest nf the nation to sffnd. The past history of the Bank has proved that where a neitsft »'l mornl obligation U wtnting, the existing laws are in:i»h qustc to deter the a- gents of the Burk finm the commix sion of frauds upon its vaults. V«»ur rnmmittee therefore odtisethot the President and Oirecors present lo Congress a respectful memorial, pray ing— 1st. The enactment of efficacious laws, that adequate punishments may be inflicted upon such agents nf Ihe Bank as may be guilty of mslverss tion in nftice. Silly. That they ask an alteration in that part of the char ter which requires that all notes of the Hank which are payable on de msnd shall be received in payment nf debts due to the government, inus much as this requisition, os hereto fore construed, hus not only the ten dency to prevent the Bank from re aiming to some sections of the coun try a sou d circulating medium, but it may occur, that the Bank cannot wifely place to the credit of the gnv eminent, in cash notes, at one office, which, accoiding to the contract nn the face of them, s e payable at differ ent snd distant office alone, # where only funds have been placed tor their redemption. Though your committee are aware, that not only the convenience of the public but the interests of the institu tion require ivn additional emission of, its notes, and although they believe, diat with a reasonable exertion on the part of tliecttahier these maybe exe ruled and put in circulation, while the business ot the Bank is confined to Its present limits; yet they are satis tied that a considerable extension of the ordinary hu*inegH of the institu tion, would rer d r it wholly impnssi ble for its officer* to perform this ser vice : it is therefore rmgmctlully sug gested that Congress sprayed to puss a law, authorising other agents of the Rink to (sign its notes,ami in the mean time, the committee recommend that the'liest means in the power of the President and Directors be taken, to put in circulation a larger additional amount of notes, not exceeding the denomination of twenty dollars. Your committee have not discover ed that serious consequences have re sulted to to the interests .f the Bank (except those which have beep -follow ed by a public exjioaure) from a want of obedience in distant agents ; they nevertheless deem it -proper to advise, that the President and Di rectors of the parent Hank keep stead ily in view the absolute necessity oh enforcing its own orders through all the various departments of the insti tutions ; without which neither har- tn\n$ with w*qr indiwi. We have been politely favoured by ,m esteemed correspondent with th* following extract li asm the Circular nf the Comptroller of the Treasury, addressed to the several Collectors, Sic. of the Uhitetl States. Deeming it important that those Interested In commerce should be possessed of ths construction put upon the Ftoclami* lion nf the President, opening ths trade with the British HamD anil Colonies, we lose no time in laying these instructions before our readers, Bouton Patriot CIRCULARS TO CnLLEOToilS, NAVAL CF« riCKKS AND SUUVKYOllS TntvMMir DiI'aiitmext, > Cmnptrotlei't OJJtcf, fivpt 14, 1822. > Pm—You will receive, herewith, A copy of the proclamation of the Fred* dent of the U. S. thr 24ili ult. i^ueil ill conformity with tlie s uthnrity vested in him by au net of Congr* 68 pnss*it on the Gib of May Iasi, en'itl^d '* An act in addition to the oct concerning navigation, and also to authorise fM appointment of Depu'y Collector*/* The proclamation specif; •* the f? i- ti-h Colonial ports.iu the West lndirt and in North America, which an act id Parliament,nf the 24tl» J-nve last, been opened to the vessels nt rba United States ; and from which I5*i- tisli vessels poaSessiog certain quali fications, may be Admitted to entry * i the ports of the United States, uni';! the end of the next session of Con- ninny cun be eipected in it. ad.nitr K rbw,h - P rn 1 duc,! n 01 ' niannlaoture, of J * I its Itorltmi I ft ,■ P.„.» a* .* I. I iatrttiun, nut a,*curity tu the interests ot it* stockholders. Yuur committee feel much gritUR- cation in bciti(t able to ^,ite, that the current expensea of the bank have been essentially mlooeri since the yeai 1H19, and while it might be sop posed that the present .embarrassed slate nf the cnmmeice ot the country and the limited amount uf interest heretofore divided upon the capital nl the bunk, are ati niig admonitions to your agents to observe the most tigirl economy ; yrt, inusmuch, as the *p!en did tdifice in woich you are ns-embl eri.ii. now so nearly completed, they cannot but recommend that it be fin ialud provided the expense shall not exceed 825,0U0. In take g into view the business nf the banka* connected with ita d fierent offices, the committee think it right to recummei.d to the continued at teiiliun of the president and directors, the necessity of withdrawing those branches which aie fou d to be unpro fitable, and transferring their funds tu those offices which tthall seem to re- qob e additional capital. Your committee take great plea sute in unanimously decl.ring, that the circumstances of the back fully real’Z" the anticipation uf toe slock holde s, as expressed at their last meeting, in regard to the president, who, by his talents, disinterestedness, and assiduity, has placed ils affairs in an attitude so safe and prosperous, at that the burthen of duty devolving upon hi- aurceasur will be compare lively light. THOS. F.LLICOTT, Chairman ofllie Committee of Inspection and I'lvest'gatiua* Bank of the United S.atet, Oct. Ut, 1822. Steam Land Carriages Griffith’s Patent Land Carriage, lor conveying guuds and passengers nn our public ruads without the aid nf hmsea, will be worked by an engine uf a seven burse power, and will transport a load of six tons at an average rate of five miles per hour, which maybe varied and increased indefinitely for other tarriajjes. The genenl introduction ol these carriages fur all kinds of pur puses will constitute a triumph of me chantca never anticipated by our an teslots. * Liverpool Conner. 'i greas. * According In the (erms of the pro clamation no articles can be imported into Hie United Slates, in any such British ship or vessel, other than arti cles of the growth, produce or manu facture, uf the British Islands and colonies in tho West Indies, in tho case of British vessels coming from any such island or colony in the West Indies ; and articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of (he R • tislt colonies in North America, or of the Island uf Newfoundland, in tho case uf such vessels coining irom the port of St. John, in that Island, or any of Ihe ports in North America, speci fied in the proclamation. This is a corresponding regulation with that contained in the 3 I article of the act ol Parliament alluded to in these wordst—" Provided always, that no articles enumerated in the said schedule shall be imported in any foreign ship or vessel, or in any Bri tish built ship or vessel so sold as a- tioeuaid, unless shipped and brought directly from the country or place ut which they are the growth, produce or tnariuf dure.” Il results that British vessela com ing from British colonial porta in N. America, cannot bring articles of Ilia growth, produce, or manufacture of ilte Uiitish West India Islands, or tlie productions of any other place nr country ; and when coming from ths British colonial ports in the West In dies, cannot Ul ing articles ot the growth, produce or manufacture, of the Uri'ish colonial ports in North A- merica, or the productions of any other pluce nr country. It is not to be understood, however, that the pruclsmstiim limits the im portation in British vessels to (Ita the particular Port or I-land from which the vessel may come ; on ilia contrary,a British vessel coining Loin any British colonial put Lit, the W est Imliea, may being articles of tlta growth, produce or manolacture, not only ol such particular port, but also ol any other of the British colonial porta ut the West Indies ; anil u Bti- tish vtasel coming from a Biiliah port in North America, may bring article* •I the growth,produce or tnonufactutp. not only ul such particular port, hut al-o nf any other of the North Ailieti- cao Briti-n rolonies. * It may he proper tn nb-erve that, vessels uf the U. Slates are neither allected i>y the act of Congress el thn 6tlt ot May last, before referred to, nor hy the proclamation of the Ihesi- dent uf the U. Slates t hut are still subject to the operation ol the 3d sec- •on of the Navigation act of the 15th ol May, 1820—accoiding to which -hey cannot import from British coio- trial ports in North America, the pro ductions nf the British colonial p'-rti in the West lmlica, or those. «f any other place or country ; now Irorti the B itisli colonial ports in the West I t. dies, the production of the British co. lur.ial ports in North Ameiica or those of any other pluce or country ; with the same privilege, however, as hr** already been stated, with respect tu importations in British vessels i that is lo say, that the importations in A- msrican vessels er* not to be jimitad. to toe articles ol the growth, produce* or manufacture ul the particular port from which the vessel may come ; hut the same latitude is to be enjoyed it, this respect as is iu the case uf BrilisA vessels. At the Act of Congresa and th* President s proclamation 'extend nu farther than tu the opening ol th# ports of the U. States, on certain con ditions and restrictions, lo Briliait ves sels arriving from certain colopid ports, such vessels ami their cargoes are entitled to Hie privileges ot th« convention between the II Stalrfauil Great Britain, ol the 3J ol July.*iS Out British vessels arriving | r „ B , , U ' C ,J colonial ports are liable to one UuU:r per tun lor tonnage duties and light .nuiicy, and tiieir cargoes tu the usual uiscriminatiog duty nl 10 per cent. he. tween iuipurtaliuus of ^.mds tu vex