Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, October 22, 1822, Image 4

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w Georgia, Effingham County. BUPUIIIOR COURT, Iteceinter 'iVra*, Vb21. The Trmteei nMlic German"^ I 'k.mi Cengirg-liou at Ebcacter, i efthetttt- The Hein A U-prn«M«Sve» of Michael Mock, il«ee*»e<l J Ml 1> Nm O' , Ilie petition of the Tnlilrel or tin , , Gorman Lutheran Conpogatio.i, a, projInR the ol h' Ih|tlily«nf lie lemption of a.IlUl U»- " tia-cel oflatul, eoWinlnf two hundre.t » ire., IviliK mul belOR in die county ol I.i flluirium ami itutfe aforeauul, hulling ami t, n i . * M.rthwert on John J. Gr.i'^i-* Hm. north-eastward on John IIunoM»w»tl nm civile Li) liner, 8. E David Un- •eld tint arc vacant at the time ol llie ■«*'«> thereof, originally granted to WoHtfS'H. Mock, deceased on the second «Uy«J A ' y,l, 0 nc thousand liven hundred »»"1 »‘ xt l fire, to uccure the payment of the »uin " clirhty ihillan, on the fourth day of Decem ber, eighteen humlrnl ami three, *Hh im tereit nt tin. late of aix per cent, lion the fourth ilu- of December, eighteen liun died mid nvoi amt it appearing to tt- urea aim rwv; - . Court tlftt there it W>w due on««> b, V!' endmortgagethe sum of Bix\v dollars hi h Interest tVom March twei.ty-ftlUt, cRhleen Jiuud.c l and eighteen, at ox per Cent. Ou motion of Wayne and Cuyler* At- tqrnles tor the petUionrrs»\t'»» ordered ths the amount duo on *aid bond and wort* •Krugc be paid into Court, with intmut, within twelve months, otherwise the Lqur tv of Redemption of tile heirs and rcj»r* ■ •entxtivei of the said .Michael Muck, be foreclosed,xnd that oilier and lurllierpro ceedings bo hud thereon, pursuant to the statute in such cases made utm provided- tnd it is further ordered that thu Utile In f mblished once a month for twelve months u oik;of the public gazettes ol lids state. Jixtraet from the Miniitu. JNO. OUAULTON, Clerk, dec It tie Cherry Hill for Sale. fi\ Valuable 1'lautution in B ) an count) a'tnstcd on tho south side of Ih Xlrcat Ogoshee river, about 5 miles he* l, iliu’t, iHulg.‘, and 20 miles frmn Mu Vunnah, containing two hundred and nimt 1 scrys of river swamp of the ftrnt ejunlit'» cm so excellent pitch of tide, two hundred of widen lire cleared nod under dams; and thi i-y hundred and fifty seven acres of lugl Intvl of mixed qualities, one hundred am fif y' of which are cleared and fenced 'J’licire tre now growing on this pin, tyti in, crops of colto 1 and rice, by the up I teurances of winch tlm qualities ol ill atuls under cult vation may be estimated There arc a large and commodious lm -i machine and machine house, cotton, cor nnd giu hotisos, ull nearly new ; ho ovi-i- seer's house, aoonifortuble dwelling lions, ttabid, chttir house, &c. negro bouses fu. ti-o accommodation of from 3d to (it) m • t ;roes, nud one of thcHrst springs of watet n tho low country. There w ulto Hitadied t.» Cherry Mill s tract, of live hundi-td R.’-ea of nlpe land, front which ull lit lumber, rails, tlavco, Oo. to be used on til 1 place, may be procured. A Pint of the above hml may he seen u' ♦he cilice of the subscriber, iu the fc- •change, Savannah. For •ernis, apply to Mr. James 9. llcnd 1) ricn, 10II-1\ lie mere, Esq. Uryun coun ft, or to H SAMUEL M. BOND, aug S3 f MEDICINE, SURGERY, fwiita|ta's Treatise on Poisons, 2 vols. ft8. Failhorn'a Observations on Liver Com- Notico. A T the expiration ol'nine months fr* m this date.-l shall apply to the honorit Me (lie Justices of the Inferior court sCImthsm county, for leave to m 11 the lot -lowing real property of the estate ol R.J lions'on, via 1 . . . One tract of 354 i acres of Land v Bryan county, situated'on Uid B rdcreek. bite Undivided fourth part of 1450 acr* of \.m\ in McIntosh county, situated o> ♦h« Ahtamaha river. Twelve Lots in ills loan ol Brunswick Oymi county. 1»AT. HOUSTON, May 13,1823. <1 dmV, H. J. H may 16 $ Notice. A T ttre expiration ot' nine month, from tin. date, I .hull apply to the honorable ; 1ht- Justices of tltc Interior eoiirt of Cha. t'lam oounty.for loai'e to sell the following real uml peroonol property helil by the late It J. Itiiii.ton In tnut, via : Cellar Grove plantation, containing up- war 1 !, .if l'SOO acres, aiioaleJ in the district eif White IHnlf. Onu Tract of Land, containing .10 acres, near tlie above. May bland, containing 100 aerea, Inure rr less .itoiied on the inarslira ol l.ittlv Ogecltee river. Also, between 65 anil ?0 Stave*. I'AT. IIOUSTOM, May 13, 1833. mfw'r. H. J. //aniton. . >nuy 16 $ . Notice, T^TINE months «ft«v date application will J3I be made to the hunouhle the Jus tict-s of the Inferior court of Glynn county, ■for leavcio sell all the lands in said county Belonging to the esiate of John King, laU- <j| EiUngham county. S\UAH KING, atfinVr. April 5,1822- ^a* Clark county, Cia. spril 6 Notice. N^TTNE monthsIlXer date application will be made to the honorable the Justices of the Inferiorcourt of Camden county, for leave to sell all the lands jn said county belonging to the estate of John King, lute •of Eflingnam county. SAUAH KING, wi/mVx. April 5,1R22. ^a* Llark county, G.i aprd 6 ■FttCilorugfe am\ tiounuis biou Ewsintss. TJXIIF. mulersigm il have this day entered into copaiVniyjtrip in the « hnv e lim Srm of 8-rv tinder the firm of B-rvaona It Hout.h and solicit from their frienda a ahare ot Dnai'ieai—Their (tombing Itoom ia in the tve.t end Pf Ttulloch'a Biildmg.- 1‘liei V’i'l he enabled to mahe sellable advancer on produce deposited for sale. OLIVI.H 9TVHGFS, . WM P. HUNTLH. kovumtli. Dec. 1, mi. $ AND CHEMISTRY. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS H as a great Variety of Wo^ki on Ihc 1- hove sultjccu, among uhich arc:— A iiohls Ohsorvut um on Ihc Nature, Kinds and Picvcnllun tf InsainU, ’J vols. ‘V- idani’a (Sir Win.)'on the extraction of Ihc Cataract, »s mnully performed, with the description of a Series of New uiid Im- proved Uprratmns, 5 75 Allan.’« (Sir Wm ) I’ruc'ical Observations, on Entropium, or eversion of the Eye Lids | on the modes of forming hii Ar- t lio.lul 1’upil, and on the cure of the different species ol Cataract, 4 25. \d»m’s (Sir Wm.) Trcatiu- on Artificial Pupil, with im account of the morbid sta>cs of ilie Eye, 3 50. Ay re on Marasmus and Bilious D sorders, S3 At cum's description of the process of ma nufacturing Coal Gab-, for the Lighting of Streets, Mouses and Public Buildings, plates, 0 '>0. Iccuui's i'roatisc on Adulterations of Food and Culinary Poisons, etc. Baiicruft’s Ebsay on the disease called Yel low Fever, with observations concerning Febrile Contagion, TyphtH Fever, Dy sentery and tlm Plifgiir, Do. do. do. with N.iirc, by John B. Davulge, Vrofcssor of Anatomy in the Uiimrsity of Mar)land,,g4. Ita-luii ’« Illustrations of the Power ot Com rossion uiul Perctusimi in the cure i f ditumatum Oour,wnd Ilvliil tyoftfw Extremities, Ac. m promutiog Health ti Longevity, 4 25. lllackidi's Obscnllloni on the cure of Dropdca, 4 50. Bampfteld*3 Prartiesl Treatise on Tro pical D)st‘titery, 4 25. IIcw'h Opinims on the Causes nnd Effects of DthOises in the Teeth and Gums, with coloured Engravings, 7 50. Bell's (Charles) Essay on the Blood \ be ing an examination of the dill ore nee of the motions of Fluids in living and dead vessels, i 50. n il's (Charles) System of Operative Sur. gerv, founded on the basis of Anatom), 2 voIn Bcll'a (Charles) l.etteri'conrcrnlng the dis cuses of the urethra, 1 60 Be ll’s (Dell).) System of Surgery; 6 vols. «J8. II IPs (flenj ) Treatise on Gononhfks viftt- li'Utannd Lues Venerea, R4. llrll’s (llenj.) Treatise on tho theory and management of Ulcers, R3, ’ell's (John) Principles of Surgery, 5 50. Ikl.'u (John W Charles) S)stein of Ana tomy, 2 vols, ft8. Ucll’s (Charles) System of Dissections, ex- plaining the timilomy of the Human Bo (IV. 2 vols g6. •l'.chu’*s Trent me on the Membranes in gc- norkl nnd on Uiilerent Membranes in par. tlcttlar, ft -' .hrton'j (W. P C.) Treatise on Murim lloipitjds in the United States, »nd on .the Medical departments of the Navy 1 75. Urern's Treatise on Verminous Diseases, proce led hy the i annul history ofl .- tout'ind Worm*, iiiHl lUeir or guv iu Hit Human Body, ftd. tWdh^a Mm-lmi Anatomy, 1 50, liree'ii i'raeticnl inquiry tn'o disordered respiration, distinguishing the species ol Convulsive Asthma, ft'J. Bur.i'a Piinciplei of Midwifery; including the diseuscii of women and children, with improvements and notes, hy Tho. mas C James of Philadelphia, 2 vols. ftti. Burn's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, with pncticul info enres, relative to pregnancy and labour, 3 V5. Burn's popular diKpctionator the treatment of Women and Children, ftl tloyci'a Lectures upon the diseases of the ltones, plates, 4 75. Brown’s Elements of Medicine, 2 75. Urande’s Manual of Chemistry, to which arc added notes and commentaries, b) Wm. James Macneven, ft.5. (Mattel hack’s Observations on the proven turn and treatment of (he Epidemic Fe ver, 3 50. Copeland’s Observations on the diseased Spine, 2 50. 'Jnpeland’s Observations on some of the principal diseases of the Uccluin and A- nus, 1 .‘5. Cullen’s first lines of the practice ofl'hv- sic, with notes and observations, prac tical and explanatory, by Charles Cald well, 2 vols, 6 50. Culhm'i Treatise of the Materia Medica, with large additions, including many new articles, by Ucnj. Smith Ballon, 2 vols. R5. Crichton nn Menial Derangement, com prehending a concise-system of the Phy- biology ami Pathology of the Human Mnul, 3 vols, ft 12. Crichton’s account of seme experiments made with the vapour of boiling Tar, in th* cure of Pulmonary Consumption, 1 50. rhe.scldon's Anatomy of the Human Body, 2 50. Cuvier’s T.ectivrrs on Comparative Anato my, 2 vols. ftll. Cove’s American Dispensatory, containing the natural, phnrmacautical aiuj medical history of the different substan ccs employed in medicine,4 50. Chcyne’s Essay on Hydrocephalus Acutus, <<t Dropsy in the Brain, l 50. Oheyne on the Diseases of Children, 2 vols, ftd. Cleghorn's Observations on the F.pidemic of Minorca, from 1744 to 1749, with notes by Ruth, 1 25. Chapman’s Elements of Ther>pf utics, ml Materia Medica, 2 vols ft6. Chnptal’s Elements of Chemistry, 3 vols 5 90. Do. do. do. 1 vol. 3 78. Do. . do. do. with Addi tions and i nprovements by JamW Wood- Louse, 2 vols, ft5. Comstock’s conversations on Chemistry, in which the clemuuls of dial science •re familiarly explained, 1 75. Duncan's Observations on Pulmonary Con sumption, 3 50. Dorsry’s (John Syng) Elements of Surgery for the use of Students, 2 vols. ft7. Douglass's consjjRrative desoriptlon of all themusclcs iu a man and a quadruped, ft3. « Eu ells’a Medical Comptninn, with a Dis- |Tensatory and Glossary, ft5. Ewell’s (Thos.)pUin discourses on the laws and properties of Matter, containing the Elements and Principles of Modern Che mistry, ftl. Elttounn’a numerous eases illustrative of the efficacy of the Hydrocyanic or Hnu- tie »4<w/in tnVcimn* of the stomach. 2 75 eldinbutgli Schou' of iluiiciue, 4 yols, 10 60. V plaints, ftl 50. Fourcroy’s Elements of Ghcmlttrv, snd Na tural History, with noics by John Thom pson, Gvnlti.ftl'j. Gilman’a DiSscrtn'mns on the bite of a Babul Animal, 3 5C. Gallup’s Sketrlieiof Epidemic Diseaxesln t-.e State of Vermont, from its first set tlement to 18! 5, ft3. Gamugc’s Account ot the FeVcr which ex isted in Boston during the autumn and winter of 1817 and. 1S18, with remarks on typhus fever, 62 J cents Hillary’s Observations on the changes of the air ami the enneom-fant-epidemical diseases in the Island of Barbadoes, with notes by Bust, 2 50 Hunter's t reatise on the P.lood, Inflamma tion, and gun phot Wounds, 2 vols ft4 50 Hull on Spotted Fever, l 50 tleustis’s Physical Observations on the dis eases ot Louisiana, 1 ,5 Hamilton’s Observations on the utility and administration of purgative medicines in ■ever ul-diseases, 2 25 Ileberdeti’s Commentaries cm the history anti cure of dileasec'ftj 00 Mullers first lines of P(i)siol'»gy,2 50 Hasting;.'Treatise on Inflammation orthe ^micous membrane ot the lungs, 4 50 Hastings' Experimental Inquiry into the general nature of Iilflammstion, 75 cents flou&e Surgeon and Pli>siciun,clcstg<'.(-'(1 t US31si heads ot bundles, t revellers, and se: faring people in deeming, dstinguish ing, and curing diseases, 1 25 II rtz Familiar Dissertation on the causes and treatment of the Diseases ol the teeth t*?i cts Henry’s Elements of- Experimental Chem istry, 2 vols 6 50 Henry’s new srnl complete American Me dical Herbal, plat vs, ft9 Hines’s Short Description of the Human Muscles, 1 5W Lsrrc) ’b Memoirs of Military Surgery, trana Isted from the French, 2 vols ft7 London Pi act ice of Midwifery, l 80 . LavotiRcr'u Elements of Chemistry, ft4 Lagrange’s Manual of • course of Chemis try, or a scries of experiments and illus trillions necessary to form n complete cour se of the science, 2 vols, Marcet’s Essay' on tho chemical history and mc-'l al treatment of calculous disor ders, 7 50 Munro's Observations on the different kinds ol Small l*«x, 4 5v» Medical Lexicon, on the plan of Quincy, ft! Medical Dictionary, hy Hooper, 4 50 Maclean on lltdrothorax, 2 75 Mnr.Neven’s Atomic Theory of Chemistry, 75 ct ♦ledicul Itcpnritcry, 15 vols 37 50 l)o do new series, .3 .vols,'ft 12 Murray’s System of Rfiiti-rin Medica, with notes by N Chapman, ft5 Mann’s Medical Skel^-s .»f the Camj *)gn» of 18l2,13and 14, to which are added surgical cases, observations on nvlitar) hospitals, ami flying hospitals attached to a moving army ft ’ Mease's Treatise on. the causes, means of prevention, and cure of the Sicli Head Ache 50 cents Mageudic's Physiological and Medical Be- Searches into the cuuses, symptoms and treatment ot Gravel, l 75 vlugeiidie's nummary of Physiology, trans lated fVom the French by John Revere, of Halt • more, ft ! ilagendie's Physiological and Chemical Btsca'CheS on the use of the Prunsic or llvdro Cyanic Arid in the treatment of Diseases of th»* Breast, ami particularly in Phthes s Pulmomdis,6Jj i-c'trts Drfill.’s General system of 'Toxicology, qr« Treatise on Poisons, 2 vols 13 30 Orflllu’s Directions for the Trctttmcnt of peianna who have taken poisons, 2 59 Proofs Inquiry into the nature and treat- mefit ot Gravel, Calculus, ISc. 3 25 Phillip’s Treatise on Indigrsuon and i«s coirBeqtienbes, called nervous and b I- linns complnint<«,4 25 Phillips’ (A P Wilson) Treatise on Febrile Diseases, including the various species Ol fkver nnd all diseases attended with fo yer, 2 vols ft7 Phillips’ (A P Wilson) F.xper mental In- quirt into the Laws of the Vital Func? tions, 2 50 Parkinson’s Medical Admonitions to Firm ilics respecting the preservation of health and the treatment of the sick, ft2 Potts’ Cliimirgical Works. 2 vols ft8 Pharmncopa-i» of the United States of A- merieft, 2 25 Do. of the Ncw-York II »spital, 1 50 Wrstar's system of Ahatnmy, for the til« Students nt Medicine, 2 vols ft7 JWiodicat H arks The Eclectic Repertory and Review of Medicine, Uc. published in Philadelphia, at ft* pei annum. Journal of Foreign Medical Science, Uc. hy Dra.Emlen and Price, being a new series of the above, ft5 per annum. Chapman's Philadelphia Journal of the Me- dical and Phyaical Sciences, ft 5 per an mim. F.berle's Amrriran Medical Recorder, I’hi ladclphia, ft5 per annum The New England Journal of Medicine and Surgerv, ft3 per annum. God man k Western Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical, and Natural Science, published M Cincinnati, 62$ P er number. July 20 The Trader* Safeguard, hy John lh»l!e, I ft-ix seeil Esq I F eituelaecd Do. of the Miiasttchuaou* Medical Society, 1 50 Paris’s Pharmnrologin, or the History of Medical Substances, 3 25 * Parker’s Chemical Catechism, with notes, illustrations and experiments, 4 50 t'armly’s Lectures on the -mitunil history and management of the teeth, 2 50 •Raimbotham’s Observations on Midwifery, with notes hy Professor Dewees, 2 75 * Rodman on Cancer in the Female Breast, with the method of cure, 4 25 Uicherantl’s Elements of Physiology, with nnteaby Chapman, ft4 Rush’s Six Introductory Lectures to Cour ses uf Lectures upon the Institutes and Practice of Medicine, 1 50 Rush’s Works, anew ed lion, 2 vols ft7 Rees’ Practical Observations on DisonlfT of tin Stomach, 2 25 Reid’s Essays on Hypochondriacal and oth er Nervous Affection*, l 50 • Ricketson's Means of Preserving Health and Preventing Diseases, 1 25 Sydenham’s Works on Acute and Chronic Diseases, yvitli notes hy Rush, 3 50 S«e.diaur’» Complete Treatise on Syphilis S* - Scurpa's Treatise *»n Aneurism, with num emus additions, and a memoir on the lighture outlie principal Arteries of the Extremities, « 6 - Sinclair’s Code Of Health and Longevity, 4 vols ft20 Surgical Essays, by Astley Cooper & Benj, Travers, with platen, 5 50 Thomas’ Modem Practice, of Physic, with «u appendix, by D ivid Hossack, 4th edi- - lion, 4 50 Thacher*s American Modem Practice, or a 'simple method Of prevention and cure of diseases, ft4 Turnbull's NnvaJ Surgeon, comprising the entire duties of professional men al sea. 4 50 Townsend’s Element* of Therapeutic*, or a Guide to health, 2 50 Thompson’* System of Chemistry, 5 vols ft3l Untierwood’s Treat!** on the Diseases of Children, with directions for the mausge menl ol iulanls, 3 25 LONDON BOOKS. S.O. tj. SCIIKNK H AVEl«*treceived bv 'lie ltir.hnrd 1-1**- k, i, a ciillection ct' London priblica Uuns, uim.UK a l.icll an* the lollou'inp : The wm ks iifllio Uritish Tncls, iaqludlnp ihc most e.lmmcd t anslationi from thi Greek and Roman au'boMi hy Tboma- I'.rkj-F S A i io5tvol8. Al*. Exposition of the Old and Ne'* lYstaintnt, in 6 vols 4to, by Matthe'* Hcnr\, a now edition, eilitetl hy the lt«-\ (i nrge Binder and the Rev. Josepl • l.tgi^s, AM Mvinoira of the celebrated persons com posing the Kit-Cat Club, with a pretaton Account of the f .rigiu of '-lie association, il lustrated Willi 48 portraits from the on ginul puintnigs, by Sir Godfrey Knellcr, 1 vol 4io The 'four of Afr ca, Containing an er- c unt of all the countries hitherto visile-, by Europeans,selected from the best au thors, and arranged by Cathciiue Hutton, - vols 8vo Complete Mercantile Guide to the Con- tinent of Europe, forming a completecod. of commercial information, by G W Roi _ lansz, 1 vol hvo Letters o« the events which have pa r sed in France since the revolution »«» 1815. hy Helen Maria Williams, with a auj.ple^ ment. 1 vol 8vo , . Bishop Hall’s Select Works, containing contemplations on the Old and New l es tnments, with his devotional and practica pieces, with some account ol his life »"■ sufferings, written by himself, in 5 vols 8v» ranged and revised hy Josiah Pratt Works of the Rt. Rev. -William Beve ridge, 1> D, Lord Bishop of St Asajih, con taining all his sermons, with u preface giv ing sour* account of the author and his \vn • inga, a new edition in 6 vols 8v« Sermons selected from tin* v oi ks of tin Rev Pane Barrow, 1) D. late minister oi Trinity College, Cambridge. 2 vols 8vn The History of Religious Liberty from Ihc first propigs' 1 on t»f ChrisDunity in Rri'ain, t > the death of George the Third, by Benjamin Brook, 2 vols 8va History of Intolerance, with observation on the unreasonableness uml in, justice o persecution, and nn the equity and wis dom of unrrs.ricfed religions liberty, by Th 'mas Clarke, 1 vol Rvo History of the )lew8?from the destruction of Jerusalem to the present i-wn., b) Hannah Adams. 1 v«il 8vo Oriental Customs of Sacred Scriptures, collected front the most celebrated Travel- |< rs and the most eminent cr tics, by tin Rev -Samuel lit r ler, A M, 6th edition, i. 2 vols 8vo. The India Cabinet Opened, 1 vol The Universal Traveller, by Samttc Prior Illustrations of the Line# in Gk-nera ofln sec In, by W Wood, 2 vols Prudence and Principle, a ta|c by the author of the “Authoress,” 1 vol Meditations, Practicalflnd Experimental for every day in the year, by one hundred <1 the most popular ministers, and contain* mg the outlines of 366 discourses Classical Dictionary for the use of schools, Uv 1 homus Bowne, L L ' G-ispel Truth, hy J G Pike A Summary of Orthodox Belief and Practice, by the Rev John Prowett, A M, 1 v nl Memoifs of Mrs Mary Barfield, by S Sum met a Picturesque Piety, 2 vols Sea Sermons, by the Rev Peorgc Burde Fmiiliar Dialogues on inte: tiding sub jeets, by a lady Mathematical Principles of Natural Ph 1 loBOsophy, by Sir Isaac Newton, 3 vols 8vo Gifford’s Bluokstone; Coote’s l .uw ot Mortgages j TToo-ie’s Ariosto; Junius Pliny’s Letters; Hope’s H mer and llliadi CowpCr; Dryden’s Virgil; Charles tin 12th and Peter the Great; Fairy Tales Ossiati’s Poems; Beauties of Slmkspeai. Chinese Tales; Spencer’s Poems; Ris< and progress; FrnnciPf Horace. Subscriptians will be received for th following periodical worksLa Bell Assembltc; Monthly Review ; Ackerman’ 1 Repository ; Eclectic Review; Montlih Magaz’m ; Voyages an^ Travels. Essay on tl e iti surrection of the llumat Rodft by Samuel Drew, second edition, vol 8 vo Practical Exposition on Psalm 130, b) John Owen, D 1) A Discourse concerning the Holy Spirit, hy John Owen, D D * The Nature, Power, and Deceit of li dwelling Sin in Believers, by John Owen D D Practical Discourses on Regeneration, by PjDooflridge, D D H« ip to Devotion, by Mary Anne Davis, 1 vol View of the Succession of Sacred L te ature, in x Chronological Arrangement ol authors and their M oi ks, by Adam Clarke, A M, 1 vol The Heavenly Use of Earthly Things by John Fl- vel. Physiological System of Nosology, with a corrected and simplified nomenclature, by John Mabon Good, M D F R S, 1 vol 8vo Elements of Algebra, by James Wood, D D A Treatise on Plain and Spherical Tri gonometry, by Robert Woodhouse A Treatise on Trigonometry, by S Vince R sc and Progress of Stenography, by James Henry Lewis. •Three Enigmas attempted to be ex plained by Joint Frank Newton, Esq- l vol 8vo Buffon’s Natural History, in 16 vols Turkey in Minature, givings descrip tion of the manners, customs, dresses, and «'her peculiarities cliai'MCterratic of Hie inhabitants of the Turkish empire, imi!.- irated with 73 splendid engraving*, con taining upwards of 150 costumes, 6 vols. Parents’ Medical anti Surgical Awistant b; Thomas Ayer BrontbcnJ. M «nue| of Chemistry, By Wm Thomss Branded vols8vo, second edition. Antral Biography and Obituary, 1820,21 and 22,8vo A Po| ular Course of pure and mixed Mathematics for school and students, 1 vol 8*o Select British Divines, in 6 vols l9mo Bke'chc* of the Domestic Manners of the Romans, 1 vcl Essays on the Institution*, Governrtient and Manners of Ancient Greece I.e'ters ou Philosophy, by the llcv J Joyce, 1 vol- Biographies! Peerage of the Empire of Great Britain, 4 vols Speeches of the Rt. Hen. Henry Grattan, edited by his son, 4 vols 8vo A Treatise on Diseases of the Nervous System, by J C Pritchard, M 1), 1 vi.l 8vo allinnum, Ginseng Yitriolutcd Tartar Gold Thread Vitrk I white nry history of Scotland, by Thomas M’C'rie I) I) 2 vols 8yo Course of Lectures on Drawing, Painting and Engraving, hy W M Craig, I vol 8vo An Enquiry concerning tnc nr mttive in- habitants of Belaud, illustrated by a plan f Erin by Thomas Wood, 1 vol ttvo Lady Jane G’ ey and her 'flints, 1 vol 8vo Study of Modern History, by James Shergold Roone, 1 vol 8v<» May Day with the Muses, by Rloomficjd. Amusements of Clergymen, by Ed waul Stillingfleet. Clavis llomerics, of the words which oc cur in the Illiad, by John Walker A Treatise on the Theory and Solution of lie Cubic and Biquadratic Equations, by the Rev H Bridge, It 1) F R S Portraits of the British P>ieU, from No 1 t»'14. This scries it is expected will he omplcted iu 25 parts, one of which will ppear every two months; each part con tains six engravings, and will form two vo lumes, embellished with vignette titles Sketches of India, written by an officer for Fire-SidtfTraveHers at Home, 1 vol 8vo Anecdotes, accompanied with observa* ions designed to furnish instruction and niertamment for leisure hours, by J. hornton, 2 vols 12mo Enquiry into the Modern Prevailing No ons nftlie Freedom of the Will, by the ■ate R6v Jonathan Edwards, 1 vol Parental Portraiture of Thomas H. Tref- ry, by R Treffry, l vol Sketches of Sermons Preached to Con- regulions on the Continent of Europe, 2 vols Mental Discipline, by Henry Foster Burdcr, M. A. Popular Scenes, translated from the Ger- non, illustrated With engravings of M Dampe, 1 vol The Crusades, a tale for youth, by Mrs Hoff and, with plates sep 24 The Rife of Andrew Melville, containing Hint rations of the ecclesiastical and liter- Gentian root lass Antimony Ginger Hactk do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Ammoniac do Senegal do Arabic do puwd. do Kino do benzoin do T rag oca nth do Guuu- du Myrrh <lo Shrllao do Cff|i] do Mastich do Gamboge do Scumony. llelfcbuiMbhltmk uu We Hiers PiJnr Honey, do squills HoflitmnS anodyne Isinglass jccucuunha or llip- po Jalap Juniper berries " auduhuiii Liquorice root do powdered do ball do refined Lime water -ead do Magnesia lump do powdereu do small square do calcined Manna fluke du sorts Mezereon, musk General Drug anil Family iSlcdicinc. Warclvowa®. ANSON PARSONS, JVo. 8 Gibbons* Buildings^ R espectfully informs his friends and customers in this state and South darolina generally, that he has establh' tiuiself ill the Drug Line* on his own indi \idutd account, and is opening at this time an extensive and general assortment < warranted fresh imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Gentlemen Physicians, Country Mer chants and Planters, and all who wish tt nurchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at this Establishment on the most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Marble Morters Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringes Syr nges, qls inboxes do pints, do pints Antimony crude Alot.hol Aloes uoct do hepat Arrow root Annis seed Assnfcctidn, Allum Angelica root Angostura bark VquaFortis Autimonial wiqoj Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nitrous do Tartaric do Sulphuric do male and female Congresalk spring water Lemon acid Soda powders Salts of Lemon Cologne water Wash bulls Windsor soap Transparent do 'dark yellow, do red Liquid do do pale, do in quill Low’s perfumed do •tals CopeVi Naples do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum in sticks do in pots assorted Rose water, lavender assorted Essences ass’d Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Soda do Tar tar do Epscm, do Glau ber do Nitre refined Solut Arsenic, Fow ler’s Spts. Ammonia Cantharuies, do pulv dp Ilurtshorn Camomile flowers do Lavender compel <tio Wine do camphor do Nit. Dulc Sassafras baric Sarsaparilla do Tolu Barbadoes Tar Fancy Vials Borax rePd Burgundy Pitch Ih lc Armenia Beeswax yellow do white Brimstone roll do ref’cl Castor Oil, Arne do W. India ustor, Rvissia Camphor ref’d Calomel pp lings steel do imh rankiiisensn lauber solti all* Aleppo do Klnf, do Jalap do Guuiuc do Valerian do Gentian contp'4 Vinegar distilled do Squills Valerian root do blue do green Patent Medicine* U§ Bateman’s drops British Oil Essence peppermint Stoughton's bitters ' Gotlli ey’s cordial Steers Opodeldoc *1 i,ii litigious halsom^s Carminative L.tfl'ys Elixer liJilein Oil or mode- camentoin > Oil WormseciLA| Pills, Lees N. I.mvson Pil's, Lees Windham do Anderson* do Hoopers do calomel do opium Opium, orange ptcV Oxvinel sciuiUn Oil Vitriol do Tausey do olives do Peppermint do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Pcneroyol do Origanum • do Cinnumon do Worm sred do Lavender do Annis seed do Juniper do C'Jives do Almonds Ointment mere do Basiiicon do cerate do simple Mustard seed, uiace do red precipitate Nutmegs Nux vomica 'edil uahe< carl barley 'owdered tin Plaster mercurial do Burgundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do urachlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp’d Quicksilver Uliuburb root do powdered do .Spanish flies fail ruu Red precipitate Rose witter, Rosin Rust of Iron Gum elastic, Spatu las Scales and weights Garden seeds in bole es, as.-.orted Balm Quito Churches cough diinis,for coughs, Colds, consump tions, asthmas, 6’c. Cephalic Snufii fog catarrhs COLOURS, Me. Prussian blue, 1, 2 Ivory black and 3 Lampblack Fig blue, Kings yel-Indigo Spanish low Black lead, led do Drop Lake, No IS.# Litharge Fluke white Carmine Terri de senna IS VIA1.S. Laudanum Antimonittl wine Tinct rhubarb do asHufcctida B.ds Cspeva Sweet Oil Spts Lavend con) do camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine C'aiomcl Jalap Tartar Emetic IV B01TLK8. • Wine Bitter* . do Turpentine ints Hu' tshorn Sweet Oil, cus'or Oil do sweet Nitre American and W. 1. Sundries, nai corks, Dottle w< Patent springTrusic* Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender . do Bergamot db Lemon Cale’d Magnesia Epsom salts thuburb Peruvian bark Cheltenham salts llenrys calc’d Mag nesia Stomachic bitters Castor Oil I’ersgoric Wax tapers ■Vurumbergh do Worm Lozenges Patent Lint rhumb lancets do common do Clew ley* common do Durable Ink Red ink powder Black do; Pill boxe* Red do Red waferp, assorted do n do; do EvsnsWooth brushes, c c m- ipr.Dg lancets ni ' n i ooth Instruments ♦ do silver wire, 3 V ass’d Bougies, Gallipots wucuboy snnfl’ iViquid blacking •Ruck sealing wax Spanish whiting Rotten stone Punv'ce do Powdered blue opperas 4 rowa Cupping and Hrcpan* iug Instruments Male and female sil ver Catheters' White leathevjVins English miistmd, by the lb. in enmistcvt 1 Ground Ginger, race do Eanella alb. Caraway seed Cardamon seed Cttscurilia bark Cassi-.i, Cinnamon Castile Soap, white Sponge fine do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colombo root do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed « do now’d Uowitch Cream Tartar, pulv Corrosive Sublimate Carmine , Conserve Roses Caustic Lupar Dragons blood Digitales Dovers Powders Epsom Salts, Eng. F.ilier Sulpb Ergot Elder blossoms Emery fine do No 1, 2 and 3 Elixir Paragoric do Vitriol Extract Cicutef do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphut do Beiacia do coarse Saffron Spanish do English do American Savin, Semi* Alex Spermaceti Snake root Virg. do Seneka, Squills Storax, Salts Hurts- horn Sugar lead Syrup Squill* do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Aloes comp’d do Myrrh do Valerian do Snake root do AasufoBlida do Bonzoin comp'd do CunlliariUcs do Senna do Rhubarb do bark lluxhsvrs do Peruvian bark ldo Opium do Castor do Muriate Iron do Columbo root Vermilion, Chinese Cloves, cinnamon do English Muco Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcsp. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Jio.t es, Well culculatcil for PlantiHon use. Together luith n general acimtmrnl of Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, assorted Phials, &c. ALSO, Saratoga and ILillston Mineral Spri«p Water*,'will bekept comUolly ua liand in as perfect state as ran hc^wnport. id. ANSON l-AItSONS. dec"! |p ’■ Oemler fcj Posey H AVE moved their store to the south west corner of Jt flfV-rson and St. Ju lian s'reel, where they sell all tli'-se articles which are usuually enumerated in the long Hdvertisemems of Apoliiecarit s. As they reside in the same house where tlioy carry on their business, they can at all times, day cr uigl.t accommodate their customers They always keep cn hand a complete assortment of warran»edGARDEN &EED3. Also, Garden Tools and Flower Pots, sep 19 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS AND Flower Bulbs. B Y the laiest arrivals from the North, il the Drug and Seed Store of UBMLEU U l’OSEY. Od 15