Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, October 29, 1822, Image 2

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Georgian. HtVA.VNAII; TUKBUXY MOIIMNfi. OCT. M. 18/2. t»ct«r*i aiOcio wifi be limi.d uii uur liibi p***- ^ To *1** s’- wide mr'li” t» our xdvertis- lands, we arc compelled Again 10 d*> fer Ihe rtnuinder ot J>klgo Str-mg's Deci sion in the cate tffltun iuii d w. Whitaker/ till to-morrow. \\t reettved on Monday morninf fun tnailt from the not tli of OharkMuu, anil one from that ci\y. Three yet remain due , Me hope the intcrc«Mirie w^u die noitli it row about being re*e8tidriishe<l, at least on the other tide of Charleston—bt-i*ccn the • latter place and tint, at we httre acen no auflLicut reason lor the re pi tied Ikiluret of the mail, to ae tee at little toliopi thee will beany change. \V« perceive that in Richmond on the 19l!i Ind. lor the ft rat time aincr the at-rm.they h»d receiv ed by mail 8avftnn:Ji paperf fron ‘be *8th lilt, to the 3d nut. 'I he Schooner Harvest arrived on the 19th inat. ^Richmond from Charleston with Charles on tnd Savannah imnit. The Grampus arrived tt Ncw-Yo k on the 1 HiIi itut. witli Ciiarlciton and bn* Wannah mads. • Tin /oard of C .trwusxioncr* under the tpanUit treaty was to have met on the 15th inai/at the City of \V*iUingtoti, hut in con* * /lencn »»f the absence of Mr. Taatwcll w4io waa detained by indisposition, were finable to procead to but.nwat. Jle wan ’liuurly expected. P. P. Barbour lias declined the office of Judge of the Krcdcricksout'Hh und WiU ILmiburg Chancery Court, to which he whs Appointed by the U.nfrrnorof Virginia. The lion. Daniel Webstar list been no Yniiuud for Cong'rat by a meeting of wu.d delegates, held in lioaton on the A7th lust *jU m . nlav, who hun been ill of h.Jioui fe- *er at Lftxlngt^ft, K>. w hi stated on tho tt Itl Ox WIillil^lcClll, Cotton wwritrrmrly dull.koS prl fe« nominal si Mobile, nn thr Kill, ih.l, N.lif ul til* flit* cinu lull I. rtvrtl. New rrnp it N»w Orleans, ■III Mir S.til ttrpl. was held *1 Ibt.ulsj 14 w»s oltVrvil. Tim Court of l< qotrv upon threnn duct uf C»pi lluM, m il .it.ii upon the .lute of Hi* Macedonian prenuua to her late unlintuual* cruise; ha tin* finished tlie business eutiuslid In them, were expected to adjourn on the 14th iotti A meeting ha, been held in Ihe ci- 'V of Washington for the purpose nf niiliiiK the (Decks, in their struggle- (nr liberty—the Mayor in thechaii. The meeting oil adjourned to a mill kei|iien| May, tviihnui coming to a ile- cimon. hr. Thornton was spokesman on the occiiiion. The fortune nf the late Sir Samuel , ,Auc'iiuiUly la climated ut 800,1101J d'signrd by Ku nprn moiling—one fourth nf which, accinil lexecufion is supported 'hr in .lwut bij it), lo Ihe .London paprra, will be in- O'" Q£fttt8 nj Jin apeanpatters ’.Vital l|ei lied by ihe widow of hi, only bro. ^ 1 11 ttuhrrt Wlkiitnn, li q. was re-elected Major of Philadelphia on llit* 15;h hut. U b. Batik Slime* at New-York on the 19lU lost. w«ru quoted at lUlj a Il5 1 U, Health *f ere-QiIrani - On the 28th Sep feinber ilnrty.iwo deaths by y* llow fevtj are reported i on the WVd. fifteen t on tin Cn\ October lld lj.lwuj and on tbe 4th mlUeo* | A letter dste*d <l»e 10th, says—'“ Bahl Itwra-It doing a good busiuess tbit fall— Itiough it it very sickly, puiticulaily on the Pomt. w A Cine!unfit| paper 6f the 5th htltant, •tj t- •• The Ohio riveris now in fine ntvi. gable order, having risen ah«*ut 20 feet du- ring hu prcKrut week. Our landings tre crowded with bouts, und the shore enliven- Ibd with the buttle of commerce.'* The imports of specie into Boston, New- York and Pndadeipniu, lor the first six tnoutha of the present >c*ar, smouiii t« jR 32,378. Exports in die "ame.peiiod .5S3.2J4.1U7. UJanoe. g4 $51,729. Among the lntcreatingfl^f'cta exhibited •AT Urigldon Pair, thr Ucsloo Patriot notic ed three sons by one birth, of Mrs. Willi*, wife of Mr. Joseph Willis, of West Smlliii- *y, Mabsiiclmeettu, u soldier of the revolu- •lion. The r nnmrs are, Cieorge Washing ton, John Huncork, and Samuel Adams. •T hey are now 2J months old, and weigh 71 founds. Tl^ nvitlier it 4b, and her bus' Item! 57 years ofue. Notice list been given by the Bankers of Manahrstcr, Kug. that from and after the 39ih of September next, the rate of inter *cst charged on discounts, and allowed on current account*, will he four per con •per annum, instead of live per cent, as -heretofore. Af a late msimi of the Supreme Court nt Ktetfr, N. II HoHiti**, tried fur ottering the tlie endowment of n note, wus found guilty, hm his ciisu is continued upon a question ol law. The Grand Lodge ol Vermont have |‘ , ct« , d the proposition for funning n Uelirial G* und Lodgen| the 1J, States, in |il* located at the city of Washing ton. tfWRerll»*»l l.eilrr nf Ihe n»m* ofl OBITTART. c.aa., will) 400 mm br.'« itefut- Fwr '"f* m " r - "' lc '" «*••" human Ian- w rt Tli* "oi in|up,0 t nr'., hit yn'eii to |„,i J I||I|U ,(* m.iii.r).4il..J«- rataliii.h a III ,anc]r i-l B*« p«f»i»lia, ,!—fur (van rnln|p lo thn bfa.e and with Hi-Ufrlanr, in ihu Hralill—all, K'uut I. hnl aju.ttrihina is the btnavs- wilh sntrera, (lid lu be t p.| «"<•■« "f tlre.ri' fur he.iaR hire- nnr eertti iHiii.lcil lit the Kins I ' ' h,lr l* r *« ,,e • *" "le nf thn 1 y " ,r N '"*' |ili«linyii..hiHl gentleman, Joh« M Qiim., . , , * | Btq nf Oilliiwia. the world hat lu.i a iiene. /.nfeav Jr ‘fft rranrt •—The (hip faeiur, .ml I « fruuitl. U. ncrun, ami hu* llnwmil, c*pt. Ilulilriilgr, (rrivril at mme . it. entrd In teitnec— lie will lung New Vnrk, nn Ihe I7ili inat. lu 89- be regretted, amt Ik* void ha hu will d»ya, lium, with French pa. pera tu the 14th lilt. Thee* paper, give llif mn»t iliaaetrne, arceun'a of the aiiuation uf life Urcrka. They cnnrur in ataiiug that Chuurrhiil I’.i-i cha hail entered the More. | after iln arming Hie inhebilam. of forty (linn { tillage., between Tliermnpyls anil Ihe l.thiiiua uf (hirinth. by which end he had entered the Mure* the itraila id Li'p.itiln. O.iriulli wna deliver ed hui lie ea.v tu R'.l. L. MARINE. POUT OF MHUMM/I. CI.RAHBU, Ship Richard Flasket, Stewart, Liverpool. ATtlllVRI), . , , , „ , Brig Chatham, Over, N York, 7 days, to up by treachery, anti the Greek ft II I'arkman consignee, M M*Don«ld and henalo compelled to take refuge ’ 11 Csssidy. Pnueufrr•, Mess s. M'Doruld at Argns, where they catted ttie '* n d Lyon. Paired ^lie sh p Cotton Plant, traitors m be belie •<lk a d. Jussef Pich i, with Ins army, had /been transported in Austrian vessels, (mm L-panto to the southern shore ol Hie Gulf, snd, liHtl sdvanc«l frofn Patras toward Argo*. The Greek armies acting from Savannah bound to N York, on Wed nesday Iasi, sSoui 30 miles itfthe north ward of Cxpe Hntterss. BELOW—s ship. agamnt Chuurchid P.tcha in Th are thus threatened its*|li« rear, and A ‘ adds the Mccoituf, <* if ihe news of the detent id tjlintimhid P.»cha is not con firmed, t*»e Mores is in jj pat dm ger.” The plan of the Turfath 0 perntinm. it ih added.-appear* to have AUnTTAlS rttOM mis PORT. At Bull. 2Ul inst. sloop Packet, Clark, 8 At St Augustine, H'h inst* seb John, tidleti, 36 hours. ther, the ln»e K-.lrert N* Auchmuty, ol' Newport, U. 1. Ji pleatingnyectntle /—0*» Monday Iasi,(*ny» the Kichntood li nuirer ol • tie 11 di inn.) Thomas j II' ihoo, I lines Mmlisou and J ines tVlunroe, with several other distinguished citi- '/• !»*• a 1 11 acted by vartous eng ignmeiils attended nt Cbarlotte««ille* It i* an agreeable spcrtscle to see sueh mm iiieeiuig together, and mingling with, out ituy parade with the mesa of their countrymen None of the absurd bosom does not swell 'wilt, i.,dona tion at the mere mention of the tort. To wbnt a d graded state haw the monarch* of Kurope f.lien, to be thus the allies and supporters of those who ont only war Upor and oppress an uii fortunate people, but ngunst 'ho scry religion which is nretended to be supporteil by the misnamed Holy A linnce. This intelligence, however, is from Ihe legitimate Journals, and must not uf course be entirely relied uii e ach, Toe court of Assizes, in Poictiers, has terminated the trial of Gen. Her ton and his companions—sentence of CHARLESTON, Oci 2fi -A rrived, ships Hamlet, Pi'ico, N York, 9J hours ; li.-orgia Pscke-t, Btioce, FiiiUil, 8(U>s, Slop litrlviilem, Hobson, Uslt. 4 days. and it* l* * v s. tigeiM, W Taylor, Iscly and servant, M . Goodwin, fatly, child and servant, und Mr Sorrell, laity and servant, of Savumiah Br brig J sse, Johnson, Liveriiool, 34 days i sells Gold Hunter, LnvrUnd, N Hie v«n, 12 i G orge, Smith, New York, 4| Mrirv Aon. Rminou, Unit. 7 pump which acrompnnies n nival trip III Dublin nr K'lii.buigh ! Nn jtlu ilb ws* pranounceil again*! Burtiin, itlrman D.iff.-. Saugr, lluncry. Kiilin, Hene- 1 The fever in IVnaarnta, on (In 30Mi Sr|itinibrr, aliatril, princi p..lty brcau.e aubjet i, were nut prv ei-ntedi neatly w!m*ib Alnertcimv havi dird — tbe bpaniaida geueiaily recu- vored. ■■■ uVf.vico —The Nationjl Osxette eey.: •* We have cuuvnraeil with an intelligent gentleman who left Vera I on ate 8M Aug. havingju..i arrived there from 11.e city of Mexico. He tljiok* the ftnpeii»i gnvrrmnnot mual toikCarry, lur want i.f tumla. The tr mpa yvere without pay—.resort hid been had tu turced loan,, but tliove •formed only a small sum—the mure opuleni pei pie concealrd Ihnr r • ur cea—the mines cudiil yield very little Until steam engines were obtained to elrar them i.f ubstrocijniis and work them nroj erly ; lit vlu ri.Yiurhiilo was reducril to slatniii'i; •traits, und the adist' i- ■ 'he atahMity ol his pov*ei w«s almost BDitersal. Thr Marine Commerce ofNefibnry ■oitjeetne tiial lltme quarters I. # K.lii!. ending, aept. SUtti j e -ltd is *•«■» revenue as was nttncii uuini. lM wuulc 01 UK year >381. litlc .1 pui|'i»e diew these gentleman tngell.ei--but Ihe hnly csosit nf edu- cut uni. The t wo Ki Fritsidenis ntnl Ihe present President, ore vmi- tmsof the tfnivpisity uf Vi ginia — lot whose iuteicsis tiiry were collect ed. Trial /or Jliuriler.—Joseph Pur- clmso, h ynung nuin who nns charged witli niutderiiqe Hannah Hester, his giaiiilmtilher, me last of the Narktic Indians uf unmisetl bltind, Inis been J nit nu his irittl tielnrc the Supreme utllrtal Ci’Ult id Middlesei, (Moss.) •■ut the jury, nflei being nut nil night, could mil agree as to a verdict. They were, therefore, discharged, snd (lie ptituner remained liir a new trial, Oneiiiy Inter /tom England — H v the brig Jesse, aimed ut ('larlnstiin, l.iveipool paper, nf Ihe 17 h Sepleui- her have Inten received. 'l'lteie is liothingpl importMice in them. Snnn lecent dcpiednti- us had been conimn ted in Ireland, ami mime of the gentry in III* enmity of Uusrimunnn, had been stt eked with the .polled typhus lever.—Mr. Hanning had attended at the India House, and resigned his »p pnintnienl ul (sovernor-Ueiieral nf In dia, ami was on the I6ih if September to take the until til nllice ns foreign h'e crefaiy. Advices Iruin Spain to the fltli SepteinUet, slate, that an extraor dinary (Juries had been determined to he called. The following is the stale of the Market. ; ‘ Liverpool, ttept, 17— Several of th large huiders Itaving lincrd off their stuck, at auction, amt then) being conarquently less pressing on the utaikni, Dutton has become more stysdy, soil the improved pi Ices no ticed in our lust, are fully maintained. By priv te, Inst week's sale, amount cd toJ.SSU bug,, ami tin Friday last, by pablir auction—of J69u Uplands, 54.-1) nt ordinary to good tali quality, sold at 5f a 7J per lb—ut 481) Alah-i ma, du dual H a 7J tin j 3130 Ot~ leain and Mobile, 8390 do do fine dual 6a 104 do; 490 Sea Mauds, 870 do do lau , du ai 10 » 13 do; 130 Stained, do 180, do du at 6 a 8j du ; 600 Darlhagena, 400 du do at 6 u 6$ dll) making the -otat sales about 15,100 bags, of which 8000 have been taken nn speculation and for eijnirl. 150 cask, ot llice sold Inst week at lor inletiur, nud 18. 6d a 19s lot line. nery, clt-iult, nod J.iglin. Alim, Fcrnil, llnqtiii, Letlnn, Lambert, Swarats, Unudiay und B-'nulis, were sontenced to a fine nf 8000 francs, and 5 yeijs IropiisnnmrnU l'lte yellow lever, it is said, hat been inlroducetl into Cadiz by an A tnclican vessel. t'rnm r, Ham paper op Ihr Olh .September. Derree ol the Minister nf Kuiunco, matin tin the 5il> ult, in the case ul the sltip Mary, Mayo, which arrived at that port, on the 8th from Viiginia, with a cargo nl tnburrn. " Wltereaa the interest ofnur cum mere-' require, that A nrriran veusclv should not eij iv in our ports, unlit ill force, the lieni-fiis of tin) cniven- tion nf the 811I1 Join-, until such pe riod as French vessel sbnuld eninv its Ill'll fits in the purls nf Ihe Unjieil -State-, j it would nevertln-less he cun trary to the sentiments nf reciprocal giinij fei-ling which should unite two notions, that, by a rigorous applies linn, nt regulations still pending, the vessels of .1 friendly power should find themselves placed in the alter naiive of submitting In extraordinary duties, tile operation uf which isdrsiv. ing to a cloae, or of exposing them selves by remaining at sea, mure par liculnrly at this Benson, lu risks, winch by an act ot legitimate condescension might be avoided i It ia therefoto or dered, that Ihe American ship Marv, tie admitted lo enter the port und basins of lUvre, and there remain until llte 1st of October, (it which time the ordinance nf his Majesty, dated (he 3d uf this mouth, will come into operation.) The master ia at present only required to deposit his manifest, in the custom house, and tile oaths and other form lilies pie scribed by the general low* in cases III' delay shall he dispensed with till that time. This decision shall apply to alt vessels of the United Statea which may arrive ot porta in France fmm this period lo tne 1st of Oc tuber.” For Ncw-York, , JtT,The fust inilmi? oticket sltip AUGUSTA, hriJrJl'T* . n *W, .Vf/.ier, dxxrQfikkm Will poHiiive-ly MHiluii I'huri- 'liy next, wind perniitfmjf. For fi eighl or p u-nR-c. apply on bourd, or tu oct 29 HALL 8c HOYf. For Liverpool, Tim aiipe-riurc ")pnr^ff ship SOUTH BOSTON, Jt. ft. Campbell, Matter, Hus part < f her cargo ffed, and will meet witli dispatch. F »r freight or piiRiM^e, having ele^nnt furnisti cd accninmodutioiH, apply to CJupt. Camp bell un huardiiit Joneo urmer wliHrf, or to PETERSON ft CO. IVho have for tale, landingfrom laidship, 1UU b.ixes 1st q iahty 8,u on. Cand)** 3 Hpxpb Bhucs and lloota oct 29 For Ncw-York, The rtKuiir pa ktlbrir PAN ITIBA,, ,1 latter, Will mufti Willi ( 'J if trpi|(hl or pusu^c, having superior aceom ». daliotm, apply to Ihe miner un board at Icllair'a wlitti I, or jo ISAAC COHEN. Who hat landing and for tale, 5i) bti'ul * h II-iy 2d bbln Prime Reef 30 boxes Sn*p ttndRandles 25 do ChecBe oct 29 p For Liverpool, The fine *111*m r-t*mt -neil briir SKUKNO, Samuel Harding, matter, BnrihuK only 5di ..mIch, will re- cci* •• qmrlc despatch. F »r freight of 400 balos, apply to y„ WILUVMS, Andeison’a Wharf. or.t 29 ‘4* From Spain—Gibraltar pipers to the £Sd ot Autos', have been received at Bos 1 on. Thej are principally fil led with acceuiii* of inturreclionary movements in the (idTeretit proviucen, by the eueniiea ol the cun»4iHiiion. Bhesc continue lo prevail id Catalu nil,'Navarre and Discitf. The Mar •quis MataT lurid*, he Bishop uf Tar •agona, and Baron d’Creolee, h.v e losucil a ProcUmatimi, dated at‘Ur- g'd, August 15, aunouucia^ lliem Die Regency «f Spaiu duiing the captivity ul the Ring. Quvanda, with 3000 good troops, ut *e ai my of the F-sitli, have, it iasaiil. Own defeated by Col. T ibumca. I' • • uu.tei stood toat the third uf Un column i n' nsainst Queaada, from; PampeluQi, had (alien ititoiiis hand*, aud (oat the others had returned to That capiul or pioccedcd (0 C*iclla. 1)1 EH, A» Lexington, Oglethorpe County, Ga. on ihe night of *2Jd instant, in thr 27th year of her age, M * M*nin.v M'HsaaT.conaifrt •of Mr Jtimea M'llcnry, of this city. Edin- burgh gave her birth, Georgia a grave. To call Hie deceased • dutiful child, affection, ate sitter, loving and dutiful wife, tender parent, humane m distress and amiable com panion, would be but common praise. In hui death chadty Intone of its mo«t zealous and •ctive handmaid*—the church one <:f iu brightest ornaments. In early life religion marked her for its own, and she seemed as •ue dedicated lo ihe Lord, i o her family and friend* 4 ‘ Her hevt, her love, !»er griefs were given’ 14 But all her serious thoughts had real in Heaven." Oft like a ministering nngef was she seen to extend the cup of plenty t the d stfes*. *d in poverty—pour the oil of joy into tlu* of the mk siul t.fRictcd, snd bind up the broken litart with the Gospel'* pre- ctous promise. Long will tlie falteiini; 4cct-n'» nf dying widows whisper the nsnu- •f their benehclresa, and orphan* yet mb* rn w II feel the infinence of her !>ene\o!ence. These reflections u ill leave 4 sol «ce behind to niitignie the agony uf u jereaved hud)md disconsolste fatnih Let them remember that while on c tr h .he not on^y “allureil to brighter world-'* n, ter ex.tmple, bui overcouMng dcaUi, tuv> triumphantly led the v*ay« For New-York, Tile ne.-' ' noki-1 brief SIHNAL, )) m. Be.lrll, matter, __ Witt sail poHiiively on Thursday, t-'-r u-c-i|(lit nr |iaa-age, «(i|ily nn boanl, or >o HAI.L ij IIOYT. oct 29 Card. C? Msjsra. All--ri, Ibldwin, Rvcket, Obf. lio, O. Clark, G.CIaik, bins, Kllle, God. dnrd, Haddennn, .loot-s, Jnhuwin, Morrill, Heed, Stearns. N. SVratlon, Tt ayer, !r Wit lord, piiaseofrrra in ihr alii,i Amnio, Iron- 1) ulon, trinier llieir ainrrre acknnwlcdg mi-nta to Ca|i(Hin Turner, fnrliia invnriabl) polite atteiUion lo durioo their i n- “tie- oct 29 CANNEL COAL, J^OR Sale by oct 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. WAN’lKi). X\ First rate BOO I' and SIIOF, MAKE!' in ko to the interim ol the Stale, to. whom liberal wiReswill he paid. Apply to L. UAI.UWIN U CO. oct 29 -e Savannah, General Collection O.lice. Ut||llE Subset ther ml.ti nts tlie Public, <UL that he has opened an ttflioo for tin collection of Rill* generally, und will b< happy at any time, to atteqd to tne call* 0 . ins tiieuds. oct 29 ||p R. GLVSTEAD. City Property for Sale. rlTUK lollowilln' properly, Lot Nu. 3, first JL lythmg, Cercival aard, will be sold.m uasonsble terms by appiymiy lo Sirs. Xls. uv Lnwosa, or oct Id) p P J. VOU.ATTnN Jufit Received By ship Rising Slates, snd tlnrp Earl, ft IA HMDS, rt tailing Molasses UVh/ $0 bbls Gin 42 boxes frperm. Candles, 4s to Ih 25 do M'Uild do 5s lo lb 25 do hi, I, Snap do Mu*cslcl Hatsi|is 1U hsga Pepper 10 hags 1'mivntn 2*) boxes Hyson Tea 19 kegs No I Tobacco li*0 hniidl's Wrapping Paper 40*J0 yatsli IlnmeBtic Plaids 2090 yards llomeBtic binpt-a 8oo0 Ih Loaf Sugar 59 bbls Potatoes 20 hbls Apples 10 hbls Cider, Ac. 30,Ot)O American 8- gars—F »raale hv BENJAMIN K. TAYLOR, oct 29 a Rice’s Wharf. It L. MILLING, Jit t/ic t'.gn of the 71 fti HOOT, JSi'orth tide •Mni ket Square, HAS THIS OAT OPENED One case Ladit* fin-* Valencia and Sitinet Blips. J)o. do Met *rco Walking Shorn, lli els .and Springs, Mun Toe Tir«. Do. do fine Double Sonl Walking Shoos, right and left,heel* and airings. Do. do fine? Ruckle Shoes, Double 8 ihIb, verv fine. ]>”, do fine Morocco Slips, Heels and Spring*. Blue snd White Kid, Heel* and Springs. M’uaeB Mornco Walking und 8lips Children'* Morocco Shoes tml Boots, ad Colors, do fine Seal Skin, do Three doxen Servants Shoes of Every do* tcription. A 1.80, 500 pair Negro Shoes, Very nipcnur, for Sale by the ain^lv pair or dozen, by It. L. HILLING. oct 29 , (p Do. do Do. Do. Do. For Sale. .CHOIX RUM 4 H, Prime Miren CliFI RS C0T1ON KAMI.IBM, Hum.o ME UK NT—hv MED. UOIIDON*. •etas x S T P, Goshen Butter, Bwetliali Iron ami fresh Raisins, J UST received per ship Anguata, 20 firkins 1st quality Goolu n Rutter 5 inns Swedish fron, a«sortrd 100 boats Irvah R."ainv- For sale by J. U. (iEKUEUr U CO. oct 28 J. B. Herbert Co. O FFER for sale the following negroes— 5 prime field hand I do brick maker 1 do accustomed to attend In • grocery store. Terms cash. oct 28 To Rent, XpUE house belonging to the eatate of Dr '■A ht squsre. Posteamou ga en on the first of November. For tenia *PI»ly ,f> ^ ol - •ShtiUmanor Win. Davies* Ena oct 12 tin ^ To Rent, T IIP. itwrllinpr psrt olu convenlant houan in Market square, auiuhle for a .mall family. It will be rented un moderate terms i puavriHioo given iimiu-dinlely, rent to commence on thu firat nf November.— Apply al the olficc of the Geoririao. oct 22 u To Rent, T UP Store and Cellar apposite the Stile Bank. To a good tenant ihe root will bo low. Apply lo W, GALE, or.t 22 The Sui»criber H AS the honour of announcing to his Kriehfla and the l'oblio in general, that he has just arrived from N York U Charles, ton, with the must fashionable Gentlemen's Hat*, Clothing, Uc. Those m esons wishing a good bargain, will do well to cull at the Subscribers Store, /Ire dtort East of the City Hotel, via Trunks fine and extra superlative Blue, & Black, Dress 1 oats Thug s Brunds, Gray, Mixed, Olive, Drub, *••(»• », Roy, and Waterloo Coats, u ith und without Cupe*j same with t olling collars. Trunks! ine and Coarse Coatee’s, of various colour*. Trunks Rltie snd Black ditto, at very low pr pcs, Trunks Tine and real eVra super, super fine Blue, Black, Gray, Brunds, light Dine, dark snd light Dial), double uml suigle millCussimere Pantaloons, made in the newest atyle. Trunk* Blue, Black, Hnfi*, Caisimerc extra quslity,double twill’d English Flcran- tine, Merino, Valcnc a, with UordciH, Swansdown, and extra fine coloured Marseilles W.uucoats. Trunks of extra Frill'd snd snd Plain Linen shirts. . Small packages (//ready made Cravats. H.itirs of real Ta tun extra large s z«* Cl oaks el- ganlly 11 mimed, from 557 lo 14. Bale., L'otton, Worsted, und Merino &' i't., of vorious sizes, Ba'es Flanuel, Cotion, Merino, Knitted, and Worsted Shirts and Drawers. Doseos Worsted, Lamhswoul, Cotton, and bilk short mid lunp; Stockings, of supe rior qmilitirs. Coses ol 3) inch Patent Silk Umbrellas, llol'-s cheap 4 4 Irish Linen. Daleauf -i snd 4 point Ul uikels, Dales of Kay U Son’s Plains, No 4 & 5, at the lo* rate of(MJ ots. per yard. ALSO, , A Ifrent quantity nf Negro Clothing. Hales Kilmarnock Caps, g per Dozen. B iles Cm S sea, Negro Blocking,, gAjilo. 500 .laokriaand Trowsersiifpnoaquality, lllno elntn, well lined at ga pi r suit. 250 So. s Fearnought Jackets and trow sets, of the largest S-z s, at go pr. loit 150 Great Coots from g6 to 8. I20d lied Flannel Sldrts,at gl3 per Dnz. 12 Dales Fcarmiugllt Pea Jackets st K5 each 1200 Cluck and striped Shirts, from 75 cents to gl 25, 2 Daley extra quality, Blue round Jack, ets with rolling collars. A Branch of the above establishment Is earned on in Charleston, 8. C. oorner nf tin Day knd Q teeti-streei, opposite the V.-n. due It mge where G.-ntgis a id North Caro, linamoney ia taken atpnr. 1‘KTUIt DltRGE oct 29 1 Commission Business. fjpHP. subscribers uifttim their friends {* (4 the public, that they will attend to an, consignment of goods inti listed to their cam •or sale on commission, and every everti,,,, made for the interest of those who ms, fisvurthea With their business. 1IORT. & 11F.N. LANG. Ketcrences, Messrs DouansL N Ausa, J , 1A Muauiss Ktuar. J not 19 a Groceries, Homespuns, ^c, Landing and for Uu t. Qf BBI.S. Northern Gin ID hhdsN K Bum » do W. I. do 5 hli-ls A 201).Is Muscoyado Sogag 5 boxes I am I Sugar 6 40 boxes Muscatel Ibisins 20 boxes Hyson l eu 4 halfchests Hyson Skin do 70 bags Shot, assuned 6 hoses Cotton Cards, No. 10 !'“«* t’epper, 5 do Pimento 5 liluls and 20 hbls Copperas 30 casks rut Nsila, sssorted 4 balt-a O.-onbui'glis 25 cases aiol hales Domestic Ginr. hams. Snip,., Checks, Ticking. Shirtings and Batinetls ad 28 J 1 WA't EltMAN £/CO. Coft'cc, Sugui-, 6jc. . fi'X ba K» prime G.eto Coilee *Jvy JJ 15o hhds N t>Muaco. Su „ r Ijj bols Muscovado Sugar 300 casks Nads, awnoto" size. 3uu boxes Windsor Soap 41 pipes Holland Gin 20 qr casks Sicily Madeira Wine Apply l« E. WILLIAMS, VO 42 JkoJcisou’s Wharf. DANCING ACADEMY. JOHN C. LEtiK, Frofemraf the art uf Iiancing, m ' s the honour of announcing In the in. -abitants of bavaunsh and us Vicinity, tioyt un MONDAY, 11th NOVEMBER, he willupen in liisncw built Aoscmhly Hall, corner of Bnoghton and Dull street, Ini Discms Aciui.wi, for the reception „| inung Ladies and Uentlemen, where he s- gum anticipates the pleasure of receiving, share of the t ublic patronage i he will g", lessons on Grices, Dancing, Waltzing, aim the most Isshionahlc Steps, Movements mil figures in Country Daneee, Cotillions Jc. Days of tuition, Mm,dag. Hi din tdat, sod Suturduy, St 4 o’cluck m the alleruu.- PRIVATE SCHOOL J. C. Laos respectfully h'cgx l.i.. • form the La-iiesof Sayu-'.V, Cft . re ,0 ln - yet ohUinedthal fine acenmni-.i " IIVe no1 ring Hut ‘ds IV . Pen * l riV *>« school in ns iisiqii-am the hours uf JO to 2 u’clnrv - ,n tin- above mentioned dat t l ck ' He will also attend in private families snd in beminaues. ,u For Terms i.f Tuition and other inform., 'loo, apply at Ins residence stl*. P. n„ in ,„ anil’s, E%. or at hi* Hall. He will he round throughout the day at either of the above place,. NIGHT SCHOOL. Butter, Lime, Laths, &c. A'ovi Landing t Kprs prime Rutic* I30csaka ThnniNSiown Lime, (part selected exp testily fur while mortar) '100 M. Laths 120 kegs Gtt ii powder 100 reams I.ecter Paper 100 do Foolscap uud pot paper 150 do laige and liiimII Wrap* P'liR paper .100 cVixeit Playing Csull ^0 hag* Codec 30 boxes Chocolate 20 do' So.ip 15 hbls N E Rum 10 bhla prime Beef No. 3 Mackerel Cavendish Tobuteo A complete and choice snort* ineitt of Account hock*. For sale by ItQBRIlT S GOFF» Exchange wliai t. oct 28 e PlAnters’ Bunk, R SAVANNAH, Ocober 16th, 1822, ESULVEI) by the Hoard uf Diree- lor> ol the Planters’ Hank of tha -tale ol C.Vnrgla, Unit from ami after this date, this B mk w ll not consider the note* ut any ol the Chartered D uikaol the Stitt ol Georgia (Hie notes of the Plantera* Hurtle excepted i that may be depoaited in the l lantcr s Hoik by any pci sun or perauna, or by any banking company whatsoever, or that may be paid into the aaid bank to the credit of any pei-aon or persons or JW hanking company, as creating any claim in tat or of such persona or surts "nulling company to demand that ihe checks or orders they or such harking tog enmnnny may issue oo the said Plan ters Dank lo he paid in specie coin of gott or silver: hut that the Planters’ BunkwilL lor the accommodation of their customers, continue to receive ss herclofore, in dc- poane and in payment of ill notci deposited) or collection, the notes of all t»-, c chartei-erf banka of (lie stale ol Geo- .la bu V' > way. reserve toitse’j -' the notes ol whi'*'. uM i„ l v -4 choice in ‘••red hunk* - 0 J llie ‘g, a , P -^pcclivt char- u.nk„ ASfSjasi.*?? **j Mr. LrsK uki-s this nj'portunity of ii | ^ , II — 'ini' w UI nr lung the Gentlemen oftins City, that .si ipeoed Ins Night school in the Alien y Had, on every (lo-i-la-, It , duesda aid 'a n-dsyeien.iig,at 7o’clock. ' oct 29 Ha " ) ’".rt on the e ’ 7 PfcftT to make in pd d . n ;-' n c e c “''"I*” *>'"'* ns JWect That for the information ofcofc tomei-a ol the Planters’ Bank, that each ne may know the amount of their res- ptctivedenos ts in the notesi.fthe charter- ‘T 0({ieor «‘*' ■ Iheii li, ”" d aiso "W araount «f hetr deposits in the notes nf the Planters* Inurnld t ‘, he C * >hicr °* thi * b *“k be in. atiuuleU to have eoiered from and alter tliwflateui the hooka of the customers of this inantunoii no Uieir dep.-siimg the note* ifthe chartered Banks as aloresaid, the billowing words to On prefixed to the -cspeclive sums lliey may ilepoaite in Bank tamely, 'Note, ol the Banks af Geor. ‘ wi ‘ e f " ul » of the Planters’ bank J ^ depowted, the entry to be nude aa a order of the Boanl or Directors. dims F LLOYD, oct 17 lml ^crpm ^ H