Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 02, 1822, Image 4

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'Qcorgia, Effingham County. suPBiuaii iMtijui'. { Oecemher T#r% 1831. The Tru»t»c* ofth«*»-riii»n'\ lailhcrtn Con,.*3‘ lloB » l Bbeneaer, >Uct» Nut. Tht llrirt A H*pr««*<t»tlvM oPMteliaet '•••“'‘I Urto^MJ O s,!- petition oTtha rmrtrM the ‘ the fond.'*'# <* ,lie '.1,1 4IM \ M rc vacant at the time ot tue t irve> T s* WM &!TC *i>reit at tue rile of six per cuu. from the fourth day of December, eighteen hun- drSa atwoi and «* up,>eati«»ff d 4l»c tonne* 'o.' the petitioner*,it U '" ,le ' cJ '"I' Tbomou. Z on u.J bond n«J .mn'- „**bo paid into Court. twelve month*, olb trwto »h« 1-‘1"‘ r, of Rnlemnuon oftb. .heir. .nU r.pre- ■eotnUve* oltlio mill Miobnol! Mock, bi KrooloMd, »mi thnt other and f«* r ‘J“ r P r '> ceedioK* bn had thereon, pnnunnl to 010 in *ncli c*ie* made JHul prt> v| de<h and ifi* further ordered linn lb** >‘“1”^- tmbliilied once » month for Welv«: tn one of the public ifan-lle* ol tin* »'*'“• Kttrael from the Mlnulet. JNO. 011AUL10N, Clerk. dec 11 Ire •. Cherry Hill for Stile. Vttueble t'l,motion in H )'«n county, _ ‘ sittiiled on the •mill* side of the .Greet Olfeeliee river, #* s be- low lldr*IlhdgV, end!W mile* Iroin Bn- vminill, eonttahnlK two huiuhcd *ud ninety »cre* of river *w»mp ol the ft *1011*111, SivSn e.eellent pitoll ol tide, two hundred of witieit »ro ch i red mid under dam*1. mid thN* hundred oinlftf.y mm Jnud ol mtited -Von. hnndnrd ood flfty ot winch *re clc»red mid fence ./ ^ now p M, v |k>,m * ttn (.in nian- plot coll of Will' liiere aru now growing Utiiin, crop* ot OOUOII end rice, by tl.c up peumneus f.iis plan >y the up cl* the liaullUl * of th G r ::mlera.hv^nmi.yiee*t,m.,.,l "Hieie ere 11 loifloond coinmndiom bnrn, wvichine und niiolnn* Imuee, coilmi, onm r i ,l«m.v* ud X:..l> new , nn over- W, ou.e, - c„ii V ru.t.bie itwelhlR houlv, tlublr*. ehuir lliii.ik.ho negro hoii.e. fur the MCiinuniKlmiiiii el Irom^U to 80 n. •ran, and one of ihclir*! ipriuR* ol nnlcr 'ir'lhwc try. There i. uUn .luol .i t„ Chem I! id » tract ul lire hut dreil ue,e» "I pme iond. f™" 1 * ll,cl * k1 ' 11,6 l iiuber, rinI*, r.lnveu, Wc. to bo u.ed on th * place. may bo procured. X IMM of die uhove Und mjybe teen a the urtl-.w of Hit* *uh*cribeiTiii the B»- el, n«i:rSyto»r. 6n. to It- lb Uumoro,B»t»vy» Cl Bond, COUll- V)foi' lo ^lOnCy' 2 , '8MUJEI. M. noND. police, r (tin eipiretmn ul nine month* fron ttlh* iliitc, l uhiftltpply lotho luinorubh ,li. Ju*iie, *ol thii-Interior enurl id Win tlimn 00Uniy, fur, ie»»e >o »cll the o nuu^ tuul mii'iI P«r*nun\ puiperty held by the Inn ^edi“rCiS eonUlnlnn up sriSuif WW t,,e, " ,,r,c ' ^riiJldLund; eorUninmg 50 acres, npiv ilia tlioyCi ' May lslm.ll, cpiilniiiing 100 «c.c», more cr lest, aititniud on the marahee ot Utile Ogecheo more , ^0, between 65 »^™ S ,^ T0Ni Way 13,1833. may It % udmV. H J. UouiIoh -r- , Notice. j. INB month* alio d*te ipplicaflon will p 0 1,wile to the honorable the Jus ticea of the Inferior court of Wynn county, lor leave to sell all the land, in **itl cotin y belunjriiiR to the es ate ot John King, late 11 Eunghuiu KINO, mto’ntr. April 5,1833. la* GUrk county, On, fpl d 6 . MEDICINE, RUHGEUY, ANIV CHEMisrny. lriLU-tM T. iriloUJUtS H AS U gr«:M VirioljT of Work* on the a* ^vr h psjfCM, »ninng wlucli tic: — A Obaervat on« on the N.alire, Kimla and frcvenlinO|t»f Inwdtf, 2 vola. v , Adam'* (Sir Win* on llie t'xiraclion ftflhr Ca'aract, uiuallv peifnrirrd, wilh th* dcacripti »n of u be; ira of New and Im proved (iperntians S 75 c Adam'aCS r Wm ) I'ractical Obaervaliona on Dmropinrfl, or ovriwon of tlio F.yc fwiiht on the inmlcs ot forming un Ar- t HrUt Pupil, nihI on the cure of the diMcrcut aperiva ol ClaUr.ic’, 4 *25. Adnm'a (Sir Wm.) Treat me on Artificial Pupil, with mi account of the morbid «iu(c.a of the live, J 50. Ay re on Vfemmui and D.lious D aordcru, Au-mn'a ileaoription of the proceas of ma- nulucMii'ing Coal fiaa, lor tho Lighting of Street*. Ilmiacinnd Public Iluildings, platN, 9 t0. Accuni'a I'reatianon Adulterations (*f Food an I (Julinnr> Poisons, He’.J cts. OaucroO'a Kaiay on the disenac* culled Yel low Fever, with observations courcming Febrile Contagion,. Typhus Fever, !)}• scntcry and the Plague, $H. l)o. do. do. with Notcsi hy John H Davidge, I'rofcaaor of Anatomy in die University of Marjla'»l, &4. Qalfiui *s liiustiMtjous of "the Power’d Compression and Percussion in the cure of Uhcunuitis n. Gout, nod Dolnl tyofllie F.xlremi'.ies, fcc. in promuling lleuiih U Longevity, 4 25. niucknlPa (MiRcrvationa on the cure of Dropsies, 4 50. Uiini, livid's Practical Treatise on Tro pical Dysentery,4 25. llew's Opinions on the Causes and F,licets of D susses in the Tech and Gums, with coloured ■Bngravings, 7- 50. lkll’s (Charles) Ksyuy oq the Rlpod r be ing un examination of the difference of the motions oi Fluid* in living and dead vessels, 1 50. Bell’s (Charles) System of Operative 8ur- r\ Valuable Plantation hi ii yan comry, gery, fuumlea on tfie basis of Anatomy, aA biuKted on the south side of the 2 vein gff - * * Bell's (Cliailes) T.eUersennoerntng the dis- eases of the Urethra, 1 5<> U'-ll's (Iknj.) System of Surgery, 6 vola 8»B. If li’s (llrnj ) Treatise on Gonorrhea virn* l»*ntaand Lues Vetioccs, g4. IlctPa (Ih nj.) Treatise on the theory snd management of Ulcers, J^.l, f toll's (John) Principles ot Surgery, 5 50. Hell’s (John U Charles) System of Ana tomy, 2 vols. flH. Hell’s (Charles) Systetff oPDissectiolis, ex plaining the anatomy of the Human Do- »ly, *2 vols gff. v Hielfiu’s Treayae on the Memhrahrs irt ge- iters I snd nit different Membranes in pur ticului, fi'l Ration’s ('V. P R.) IVcntise on Marim |los;)ita!s in the United States, and on the Medical dfpiutmunts of. the NaVyi FSSfrJartrT. lii-re i". -Uo .uuoh«d 1 75. in tilt m ..i ndm Ikimdrrd Hi era’s Treatise on Verminous Diseases, pre’ee leil by the natural history of in- test nul Worm*, and their origin in the Human Hody, gd. flnitlie’s Morlml Anatomy, 1 50. * Hree's Practical Inquiry in'o disordered respiration, distinguishing the species of Uonvulsive Asthma, R2. Uttrh'p l* Iriciplesnf Midwifery j including the disduses ff women and. children, with imprun^metits and notes, by Tito- tnua (|.,fAtViekof Philadelphia, 2 vols. $6. Hum's Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus, with pinctiottl ihi'e, relative to pregnancy and labour, 3 75. A T tha expiration ui ,UI '® " jjj. Hum’s popular directions tor the treatment I „ <"• Wnmea *ml„ gl Moyer’s Lectures upon the diseases of tin* Honrs, plates, 4 75. - drown’* Klomonts of Medicine,^ 75. Itrsnde’s Manual nf Chemistry, to which are added notes and commentaries, by Wm. James Maoneven, $5. (Jlatterlmcli's Observations on the proven Hon and treatment oftho Ephlemic Fe-v ver, 3 50. - Copeland's Observations on the diseased Spine, 2 JO. CoprlaWd's' Observations on nomc of the print; jtol discasca ofthd llecutm and A- ntts, 1 *5. Cullen’s first lines of the practice of Pin., sic, with notes and observations, prac tical and explanatory,‘by^CImrles Cald well, 2 vols, 6 5Q. N INE months alto date application wm vreatla# (4P*(he Materia Mcdica, be Ltl* to the honeruble the Ju* w'Vil.i'ge«.H,t,|in.,inclit.h,.Bnia l ,y i.civ u r . .. iii» M niiiiiiv. aitides, by Denj. Smith Barton, 2 vols. Crichton on Mental Derangement, com prehending n concise ay stem of the Phy. tiolugy and Pathology of the Human Mmd, 2 vols, gl2. Crichton's account of aome experiments made with the vapoui uf boiling Tar, in the cure of Pulmonary Consumption, 1 SO. ChcMiIderi’s Anatomy of the Human Bodv, 250. Cuvier's Lectures on Comprative Anato. my, 2 vols. $11.“ Coxehi American Dispensatory, containing the natural chemical, pharmacauticul and medical history of the different mbstau flHkM ill Mclnliinh 'county, ritukted «i th«‘'M«t<m»li*»«''«''' . „ .. , , • 1'MM.Ue l ull ill the to.fl of Drunwlek, Clymt cuiatty. PAT Mai' 13,1823. aim'* X. J. H Bl*i 16 1 I V»rri' , » r.«*y on M»1fonr.»tioni of the Hit-1 wirier 1 * qr.trm of Xu.tnniy, fur the use of m.n He.rt, S 50. I Student* nf Mnlieinr, 2 vol. gf Notice. A T Uie explteiion of nine montli* front tlti* il»teO*h»U apply t* the Itundr*- ble the Ju.uoi-e of th* Inferior court ol ->t a*' Chath»m county, fot I Sire to aril the foh lowTiig ie*l-property of the Jtftute of H. J. Mou.wn, via i / .... One tract of 354* acre* of - 1 Notice. TkTTWB mortii* altei date ap|il'c*!lon will bc nit( | e to flic lionorahle the Justices ol the tnfeno.conrt offjwtileiwoimty, ter leave to seh the lamia i« **nl count) belonging to the estate.of-John King, late ot Eflineham county* “ BAltill KINO, udm’rr. April 5, 1832. Clark county. Ga- .pril 6 1 Dropsy in thg Bruin, 1 50. yne on the l ‘ i Diseases of Children, 3 vols. YafitQTOtftiv tttuV.tlo'uiuia 8\cn \ivisvt.esa. T HE undersigned have tins day entered into cnpartnetahip In the above line under the firm cf ttrrftathi £# lloxTsa— tnd aoliett from their frienda a shsre oi buoineasr-Their Count-ng Room is m (lie <ureat eml of UnilocU'e Build mg 11 . The) will he enabled, to make suitable advance* on produce deposit'd for sale. Oliver snmr.ES, WM P UUNTJ TL Savannah. Dee. 1,18SL J Ch«iv fi'*' Cli Rhom’fl Observations on the Epidemic of Minorca, from 1744 to v 1749, wilh notes t>y Hush, 1 25. Chaptnunhi Elements of Therapeutics, and Materia Mcdiop. 2 vols. Q6. Chap'ul’s LlemehU of Chemistry, 3 vols. 5m Do, do. do. 1 vol. 3 78. Do. do. do. with addi- lions and improvements by James Wood- house, 2 vols, g5. Comstock’s conversations pn Chemistry, in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained. 1 75. • Duncan’* Observations on Pulmonary Con sumption, 3 flb. Dorsey’s (JohifByng) Efcmects of Surgery for tie use of-Students, 2 vols. g7. Douglass’s comparative description of- all themuscUs in a man-and a quadruped, Ewellsts Medical Companion, witli a Dis. pensatory and Glossa^*, g5. 'If* Ewell's (Thns.)pl»in discourses on the laws and properties of Matter, containing the Llementaind Principles of Modern Che- mistry, ftJ. Eliiotson's numerous eases illustrative of the efficacy nfthe*fllydrocyanicor Prvn- tic .Irilin affecunna of the stomach, 275 Edmbu gh Scbooftf Medicine, 4 yola. 10 50. Pont ana's Treatise on Poisons, 2 vols. gg. Paithorn's oHs-rvatious on Liver Com plaints, m 50. Ptourcrov'i F.lements of Chemistry, and Na tural History, with notes hv John Thom pson, 3 vols. gl'2. Gilnian's Dissertations on the bite of a “ Bahtd Animal, 3 50. Gallup’s Sketches nf Epidemic Disesseain Hie State uf Vermont, from its first net- tlement to 1H15, gi. Gamsge’s Account *if fhe Fever, which ex- il'ed in Boston during the autumn ami winter of 1817 ami 1818, with remirks on typhus ft*ver, 6 cents I Hilary's Observut'oiis on the changes of The air nud the e.onemri'tnnf epidemical dm-oses m ttj% hlami ol llarbadoes, with times by Itusl, 2 50 •Pinter’* Treutiae on the Blood, Infbmma- tion and gun shot Wounds, 2 vols g4 50 Hall on .Spotted Feve r, l 50 lleiistis'a Physical Ubservaliona on the dis eases ot Louisiana, 1 5 | Hamilton's Observations on the utility ami administration of purgative medicniea in sever ul diseases, 2 25 llehcrdin'a Cnmmentaiien on the history tuul cure of diseases, R] 00 H illers first lines of Physiology,2 50 Hustings’ t reatise on Inflammation o the mucous membrane of the lungs, 4 50 Hustings' d£xpevimentnl Inquiry into the generul nature of litn.imma'iop, 75 cents IJo'ise‘Surgeon and Physician,designed to nsa si heudsof famdies travellers, and si a far# people in d'H'-.erning, d stlnguish- ing, und c>mng disesHes, 1 25 lle.rt/ F.fbilhiir Dissertation on the causes u id trcultnciil of the Diseuses ol the teeth' 87i cts Henry’s F.lements of Experimental Chem istry, *2 vols 6 50 Henry's new tuul complete American Me dical Ilerbul, plates, S'J Inm-s’s 8!iort Description of the Htimut* Muscles, 1 50 Larrey’s Memoirs of Milila v.Surgery, trans lated from the French, 2 vols R7 fxmdnn Vtaolice of Midwifery, 1 80 Lnvou.iei*. Elements ofChemixtry, ^4 Lagrange's' Munuul of a course of Chemis try, ot a series of experiments a id illus- trntionv necessary to fin in » complete course nf the science, 2 vols, fcd ' Marcel’s Essay on the cheniinil history and medical treatment of calculous disor ders, 7 50 Munro's Observations on (he different kinds ot Ktnnll Pox, 4 3 > Medical Lexicon, on the platv of Quincy 84 Medical D'clionsvy, by Hooper,'4 50 Maclean on Uvdmtliorax, 2 75 tjacNevenV'Atomic Theory of Chemistry, 73 ct Medical Repnsltmy, 15 vols 37 50 Do do new Kcrit s, 3 vols, 8*- r lirm’s Sy stem of M.ttei in Medica,'with Poles by N Chapman, 8^ * MannM Medical Sketches the Campaigns of 18;2,13and 14, to which are added rurgieal cases, observations nn m-litnn hospitals, and living, hospitals attached to a moving army 8'- Mease’s Treatise nn the causes, means of prevention, and cure of the Sich Head Ache $0 cents Magendie's Phy Biological and Medical He senrehca into the causes, symptoms and t'entment of Gravel, 1 75 Magrndie’s Nummary of I'hyilolngy, trans lated from the French by John Revere, of Haiti more, R3 Magendit's Pltysioh’gteal atul Chemical Hes-arches on the use of the' Prussic nr Hydro Cyanic Acid in the treatment of Diseases ol the Breast, and particularly in Phthri s Puhnonslis,62| cents flrlill.'s (Several system of Toxicology, ora Treatise on Poisons, 2 vols' 13 50 OrfiHu'a Dircrnlona for the 1 rratment of pcoons who have taken p- isons, 2 50 Prout’s Inquiry into the nature and treat ment ol Gravel, Calculus,*f^c. 3'25 Phillip’s Treatise cm Indigestion and its consequences, calf'd nervous and b I lions complaint", 4 35 Phillips’ (A P Wilson) Treatise on Febrile Diseases, including the various species •of fever and all diseases attended with fe* - ver, 2 vnls,$7 Phillips’ (A P Wilson)'Experimental In quiry into the Laws of the Vital Func tion®, 2 50 Parkinson’)* Medical Admonitions to Fam ilies respecting the preservation of heal' h and the treatment oft he tick, 8^ Pntts' Chimrgirnl Works. 2 vols ^8 Pharmacnpcris of the United States of A- merica, 2 25 Do. of the New-YorV^Hoapltnl, 1 50 Do. of the Massaojuisetts Medical Society, 1 50 \ < Pnria’B'Phai’niacologm, or the % History of Medical Substances, 3 25 Parker’s Chemical Catechism, with note* illustrations and experiments. 4 50.* Parmly^ Lectures on the natural history bnd management of the teeth, 2 50 Ramshntham’v Observations on ' Midwifery, with notes by Professor De wees, 2 75 Rodman on Cancer in the Female Breast, with the method tof cure, 4 25 Richerand’s Elements of Physiology, with noteiby Chapman, $4 Rush’s Six Introductory Lectures to Cour ses or Lectures upon the Inatitutes and Practice of Medicine, V 50 Rush’s Works,* new ed tion, 2 vols $7 Rees'Pranioal Observations on Disorders . of tlu BtonmCh, 2.2£ Reid’s Essays on HvpochomWacalwml ot Iy er Nervous Affections, 1 50 Ricketson’s Means of Preserving Health and Preventing Diseases, 1 25 Sydenham’s Work* on Acute and Chrpnic Diseases, with notes by Hush, 3 50 Swediaur's Complete Tr«a\ise on Syphilis 8 4 Scarpa's Treatise on Aneunsm. with num erous additions, and a memoir on the ligature of the principal Arteries of the Extremities, $6 Sinclair's Code of Health and Loogcvity, 4. vols-$20 / Surgical Essavs by A stlcy Cooper U Ben j, Travers, with platen, 5 50 Thomas' Modern Practice, of Physic, with an appendix, by David Hoeaack, 4lh edi tion, 4 50 Thacher's American Modern Practice, or a simple method of preyention and cure of diseases, g4 Turnbull's Naval Sprgeon, ebmpwing the entire duties of professional men at sea, 4 50 Ikfioditnl Work*. The F^slectic Repertory slid Review of Med cine, lie. publ shed in I’liilidelphis. •t 8' per annum. Jnuri<i«l of Foreign Medicsl Science, lie, hy llrs. Kinltu snd Price, being & new seriesnl the nhnve, R5 per annum. Chapman's Philadelphia Journal of the Me and Physical Sciences, S$ pertn- uum. Eherlo’s American Medics! Recorder, Phi ladelphia, R5 per annum The New Emr land Journal of Medicine and Surgery, R3 per annum. Gmlman s Western Quarterly Reporte* of Medical, Surgical, and Natural Science, published at Cincinnati, 62$ cants per tni tuber. j'dy 20 „ Geoi^ia- -Camden County. W IIEHEAS, Elditi Atwater, esquife, administrator, applies for letters of dismission from the estates of Colonel Wil liam Scott, deceased, John Campbell, de ceased, und llaveus Waterman, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said ‘lereased persons, to be and appe» ot my office on or before the first Monday in J 'Hilary next, snd 8he#rause (if any ally said letters should not be granted in •ermaofthe law. Given under my hand and seal* this22d June, 1822. [l. s ) JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c. c. .i-'ivi Georgia, Camden County. To nil whom it nuw concern. YTOIIEKEAS John Bachlott, Junior, ap V2 plit g to the Honourable the Court of Ordinarv fin Letters of Administration on the uu-administvrc.d part of the estate ol David Tucker, late of said County, decans ed 'These are therefore to cite and admo nish, all and singular, the H> irsand Gredi tois ofialddeci u ed t- file their ohjoctihns (if any they liavc) in the Clerk’s offiefe in 1 lie Court of Ordinary, on or before th»* fi»st Mnday in Nove mber nextj otherwise Letters will he gianted to the applicant. Witness the Honourable William Gib son, one oftlie Judges of Rad C urt, this 21st S<*pt .*nber, 1822. JOHN* U MI.EY.c. c. o. c. c. R**^* .°8 t Sheriff^ Sales. J 0.1 the frtt Sntnni.iti after the fill Tnet day in W il l, he sold at Uieuiaiket house in the (own nf St Marys, between dir hours often and f,mr o’clock of that day, Due house and part of lot No 3, (three) levied on as the property of Francis Ru dolph, to satisfy K'u state, county, and pom- tax for the year 18-U; amount due 5^1 22 cents 6 in and cost. Also, part of lot No 27, lying in the town of St Mary rontsining two acres, more or h'M, hounded west by John liachlott, sen north by Congress Rtrert, south by Weed street, and east bv Norris street, levied on as the property ol P. Bracey to satisfy his wtxto, ronntv, nud poor tax for the year t$2t; amount due $$3 87 ceiits 8$m add cost. Also, part of lot No 5 and part of lot No 8, in the town of 8t Mary s, levied on us the propei ly of John Langley to satisfy his, Rtate, county, and poor tax for the. year 1821 { amount due 58 rents and cost, oct 23 GEORGE LONG, 11 s c c Inferior Court. Chatham Counlv, Chambera, Oct. 2. 1822. O N the petiiinn ol Joser li Delrhamps, stating'hat lie is in jail, for debt, at the suit of Peter Du inger, that lie is in solvent, hut j||Ulin •- to surrender all his os- •ate fi r the benefit of.his creditors, as the taw d 1 rena, and praying for relief under the insolvent acts of this state. Ordcreti, Tlu»t the said Joseph Delchampe, hi* bn ught up. at the court bouse in Savannfh, on the third day of December next, at 10 o'clock, to be heard ; and that notice there of be given h s creditors, agreeable to law. fixtruct from the minutes JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, nr* 3 r-j- , Georgia, ‘Camden County. To all whom it may concern. W HEREAB Archibald Clark, Esq. ap plies to the Honourable the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel Grade, late of said County, dec* am d. The*- are»herefore to cite and admonish all snd singular the Heiia and Creditors of said dect am*d, 10 file their objections (if any they have) in the Clerk’s m■ c tlu* Court of Oidiiia y, on or before the first Monday in November next; otherwise letters will bc granted to ylu* applicant -M itness the Honourable William Gibson, one of the Judges of said Court, this 21st September, 1822. JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o.c c. sec 8 f Georgia—Camden County. W IIKUEA9, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Ex- ecut riX| applies for letters of dismis sion from the estate of Gene hi Nathaniel Green, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish " and singular Uif kindred and credit- « fsaid deceased to he mid appear at n Ifice, on or before the first id niday in Janaary neat, and show eittise (if any) why smd letters should not ie granted, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d lav olyune,*!R22T f,. 1 lOsjlrRMI.F’aT*,r o. c r Georgia—Liberty Comity. Hy Elijah Baker, Clerk of • he Court of Or dinary for I ihe ty County. W IT.I I AM OSGOOD applies for letters of administration, with the will annex ed on the goods ami chattels, lights and credits wh*cli were of Mary Aun 'Fiaser, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish allaiid singular the kindred and credi tor* of the s .id deceased to file thei oh jectiono, (if any they have' in my office »i nicebnrotigh on or before the first Monday in November next, otherwise letu rs of ad ministration will bc granted t<» the said ap plicant. Given under mv hand and seal, this 17th dav ofSej tember the year ofourLoid 1822. [L. S’] E. BAKER, ccotc n' Townsend’s Elements of Therapeutics, or a Guide to health, 2 50V Thompson’s System of Chemistry, 5 vpls S31 Underwood’s Treatise on the Diseasev^f Children, witli directions for the manage- meut of infants, 3 25 Georgia—Chatham County. Tn all whom it n\tiy Concern. TE11EAS Wilhnm More' has anpli ed to the H nonrsble the Court "f f»r<linary of Cha ham County for letters of Guardianship ofthe persons and pmpertx of Ann H. Hoe. Eliza C Roe, and Louisa D. Roe, orphans under the age of fourteer \enis, children of Alex. S. Roe, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all atid Singular the kindred of\hc sshl de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of letters Guard *n- ship as aforesaid, to the applicant in the Cl,TJ-* Office ofll.e*.irt Cwrt.onorhj^ CMaam ,tok H,' ft>tellle third .l*v of November i otH rr ., nnnmno * s.r.. n .r!ll. erwise letter* ofUi*' duunlnp will be grant- ed. WHnessth* Honourable Thqmas Iji 'Morel one of the Justices of the said Court, thesecond day offOctoher A. *D one thousand eight hundred and Laurel fii.l Tofl-Miil. JT>MF. I oil-MiII on Mrs Ancmm’s plan- tut on Siaa been completely repaired lately, and is now ready to work ns well ns any other mill on the river. The rough- rice that will be sent to the mill will be kept separately in dry and safe stores, and shall be beat with the utmost care and economy, and the barrells will he always de livered in good oider Empty barrels, made of prime boated stuves, will he furn ished nt the mill wlmn required. The terrm for cleaning Rice will he the same ns at llie other toll-mills. Those planters who will engage to have* their cr«| s beat at thnt mill, and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or ns much less as they lease, bent at one turn. Applications con cerning the mill, to be made to Archibald Hr**hner, on the Plantation, or in Savan nah, to PETIT DE VILLFRS. sep 10 rpf Factor, Mougin'a wharf. Gentian root Glass Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Ammoniac do Senegal do Arabic do powd. do kino do benzoin do Tragacantb do Gunc do Myrrh do Shellac do Copal do Mttstich do Gamboge do Scamony Helebure black do white Hiera Piera Honey, do squills Hwlinans anodyne Isinglass Ipecacuanha or Ilip no Jalap Juniper berries Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do bat! do refined Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powdered do small square do calcined Manjtu fluke do sons Mezcreon, musk General Drug and Family JvlftAvcvkiti W streVioua©. ANSON PARSONS, JVo. 8 Gibbone’ Buildingt, 1 1ESPECTFULLY informs his friends lkand customers in this state and South- Carolinn generally, that he lias established himself in the Drug Line, on his own Indi vidual accoifht, and is opening at this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh imported Drugs, Chemicaist Perfumery, <J*c. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Mer chants and Planters, and all who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can bt supplied at this Establishment on the most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Antimony crude Marble Morten Alcohol Composition do Aloes soct iron do do 4 hepat Ivory Injection pipes Arrow root Ivory Syringes Annis seed Syr nges, qts. i n boxes Assafcctida,'Allutn do pints, do $ pints Angelica root do male and female Angoatura bark CohgressBi spring •Aqua Fortis water Antimohial wino Lemon acid t Arsenic ‘Soda powder* ▼ Acid Muriatic Salts of Lemon do Nitric Cologne water do Nitrous Wash balls do Tartaric Windsor soap do Sulphuric • Transparent do Bark yellow, do red Liquid do do pale, do in qaill Low's perfumed do Hals Cupevi Naples do d»> Canada, do Peru Pomatum in sticks do in pots assorted Rosewater, lavender assorted Essences ass’d Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Soda do Rochell, do Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau ber dp Nitre refined Solut Arsenic, Fow ler’s ^ ^ Spts.'Ammonia Cantiiarides, dopulv- qo Hartshorn Camomile flowers do Lavender compd Canella alb. do Wine Caraway seed do eahiphor Cardamon seed db Nit. Dule do Tolu Ha bailoes Tar Fancy Viuls Horax rePd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeswax yellow do white Brimstone roll do rePd Castor Oil, A me do W. Imlia Castor, Russia Camphor refU Calomel pp rennciseeii Filings steel do iron Frsnkiiirienoe Glsuher salts Galls Aleppo 00 tiuaiac do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squills Valerian root ” IT, * ...» n*i»i Galhamitiu timseng Vltrinlsted Tartar Hold Thread Vitriol white w , u , music <io Simple Hrf:"' 1 ' m “ CC *'re<tp«°!p!,.«ri do blue do grern Patent Medicines Cfc Hatrman's drops British Oil Essence peppermint Stoughton's hitters Godfrey's cordial Sheers Opodeldoc Turlingtons halsom Dalheys Carminative Dafl'ys Elixer IJarlem Oil or mede* camentum Gil VVormsecd , Pills, Lees N. London Bills, Lees Windhuns do Andersons do Hoopers do calomel do* opium Opium, orange petri * Oxymel squills Oil Vitriol »lo Tanscy do olives do Peppermint ' j do spearmint do savin ; do Rosemary do Peneroyol J j do Origanum i do Cinnamon do Worm «ee<l do Lavender' do.Annisseed r .. dp Juniper, , Tf j do Cloves do Almonds 1 Ointnfent mere ■ • do Basilibon do cerate do simple Nutmegs Nux vomica Pearl allies Pearl barley Powdered tin ' blaster mercurial uum do Burgundy pitch Jus do adhesive do strengthening do dracldyors do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp’d Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered . COLOURS, lie. Prussian blue, 1, 2 Ivory black _. an ^ 1 3 Lampblack Fig blue, Kings yel-Indigo Spanish low - Black lead, red de Drop Lake, Nol&2 I.iiharge Flake white 1'erri de senna Carmine do Spanish flies Pi/ia root Red precipitate ■ Rose water, RosiQ Rust of Iron Gum clastic, Spatu- las Scales and weights Garden seeds in box . asborted Biffin Quito Churches cough drops,for coughs, colds, consump tions, asthmas, lie. Cephalic Snuff, f«r catarilis IK VIALS. Laudanum Antimonial wine Tinct rhubarb do asrufeetida Bals Capeva Sweet Oil Spts Lavend com do cumphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Caiomei Jalap l aitat Emetic IK B01TLKS* Wine Bitten Jo Turpentine Spl* li»i tsiiorn Sweet Oil, coBtor t do sweet Kitre American and W. I. Sundries ial corks, bottle o. Patent flpringTruui Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender do Bergamot do Lemon Calc’d Maghesia Epsom salts Hiihharb •Peruvian bark Cheltenham salts Henrys calc’d Mag ncsia Stomachic bitters Castor Oil Peragoric iVax tapers Nurembergh do Worm Lozenges latent Lint fhumb lancets do common do Clewleys common do Durable Ink Red ink powder Black do; Pill boil Red do Red wafers, assortei do crown do; do EvansVTootJi brushes, com Spring lancets ■ mon l ootli Instruments do silver wire, 3 l nps’d 4 rows Bougies, Gallipots . Cupping and 4repa Hncaboy snuff* ing Instruments Liquid blacking Male and female si Black s^Blmg wax ver Catheters net 3 S. M. BOND, ccocc Council, SAVANNAH, ll-'h Ortober, 1823. The following persona were drawn City Constables for the ensuinfryear, as follows : For Heathcote Ward Donald MT.eod Reynolds Rrown Darby Warren -Franklin Liberty Percivsl Oglethorpe Anson Jacknon Decker Washington Wm. P. Hunter F.lias Reed • Wm H Holland W'm Robinson George Millen A. M. Taylor Richard Gorham Wm C. Mills Wm. C. Wayne Wm Enpinger P.Duffre S 9. Williams Grerne and Columbia Isaac T. Stewart New Franklin Wm Mayhew A true extract from the minutes, WM. MOREL, c.c. pro tern. oct 19 Cassia, Cinnamon * Sarsaparilla Castile Soap, white Sponge fine do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colu mbo root do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do pow’d Cowitch Cream Tartar, pul* Corrosive Sublimate Carmine Conserve Rosea Caustic Lunar Dragons blood * Digit ales ^ Dovers Powders i Epsom Salts, Eng. Ether Sulph Ergot Elder blossoms Emery fine do No 1, 2 and 3 Elixir Paragorie do Vitriol Extract Cicuter do Gentiau do Quassia do Lead I lnur Sulphur do Benzoin go coarse Saffron Spanish * do English do American Savin, Senna Alex Spermaceti Snake root Virg. ff'o Senekn, Squills Stot-ax, Salts Hurts- horn Sugar lead Syrup Squills do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Aloes comp’d do Myrrh do Valerian do 8nake root do Assafotida do Bonznin comp’d do Canthariilea do Senna do Rhubarb do. bark Uuxhsms do Peruvian bark do Opium do Castor do Muriate Iron do Columbo root Spanish whiting White leather skit Rotten stnrte English tnustsrd,lj Pumice do tlte lb. in camste Powdered blue Ground Ginger, ra Copperas do Vermilion, Chinese Cloves, cinnamon do English Mace Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcip. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Boxes, W ell calculated lor Plantation us Together with a general anortment of Surgical Instruments, Sh< Furniture, assorted Phials, &c, Arse, Saratoga and' Ilallston Mihei Spriajj Waters, will be kept constantly •'and in a* perfect state a* ran be impt ed- ANSON I'AltSONS dec 31 |p Oemler S; Posey H AVE moved their store to tire south west corner of Jefferson and St. Ju lian street, w here they sell all those article* ^vliich are usuually enumerated in the long advertisements ot Apothecaries. As they reside in the same house where they carry on their business, they can at VII times, day or night accommodate their customers. ' They always keep on hand, s complete assortment of warranted HARDEN SEEDS, Also, Garden Tools and Flower Pott, sep 12 FRESH GARDEN SEE! AND Flower Bulbs. B Y the 1*te*l arrivals from the North the Drug anil Veil Store of OEMLEU U F08R1 oct 15