Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 05, 1822, Image 2

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8 IVANN All: TUESDAY MOANING, KoV. 1, I8W. il >( ||nm WuImiii .aiwu.les l>»> mm cd tui scat in tl.e present Uonqrct. Several ttiibberiea h.v- been committed between Ibe four .ml eight mile bouse, on tho Sew U.idgc road, SI. Andrew! Yarltb, 8. Carolina, by » gang of emicd runeweji. O.i W«dn*td.y list several negroes wen Hopped, end marry end cloihte tekcn from them—die rollin'14 immediately diming Viem-.lvet hi llie plundered property. Two ceece end one deelh liy yellow fe wer were reported >1 Scw-Yurfc on tlie 2Jd. Ice of some tliieKm-n W1» found on the night of the Md, Tide w ill more el- feotuelly oheck llie aioknet. then nil the project! of the U mtd of llenllli. Tin whole number of ilrelhe during the tenon by yellow lever it two hundred end tweni) -three. Letter! from Nc* Orleans lepTtlen' the '■iluetion of tliet oily u truly diUrctamg The fuucrele of peitout who died of yel low fever, ill Iho Inner part of BopMMben nvereged eboul ten per liny. It i* mostly ■cu. fincil to anilort, tlretn boot men, mid In- borert I It imld thol n» one mucked with the fever recover!. Few vettel! remain in port, end the oily it mniily deiertcd. The oru,i of lugtr hw fid led—.ml in it--l t-tpeci ed to umouitl te more than 5000 hngtheude. The llotton crop it large mid good-ttie puce expected to he nliunt i t ere. Twelve tiiuulend betel ol the uld crop remain un told, itrlHMrrr r»*1 Anffiryr,, iFfoniiuctml in «urh t til tPW-in^tif mpmtPon thn jtri of the Rtnk,ii to Judge JnliMtnn, it^Lthc publirvtton nl r^atrrpublic inimadvcrtion. In nr- l.irut- U.etoty, rrTiltic to the rap dinar) Clare it would be impro|ter Hue nf the Hpanieh piivairrr Hanrhitt f>r an nnintrrrtted individual to tib alias Palmyra, by the nchr. (Irami-ut, I trade turn act I into a conlrovnny of "Thii treerl it will bit rrcidlrctrll..thil kind, but when pulilir bmliri line hern di«r li.tgt-d by the llieirirl 'oommit euiltcinue nnd high-handed Judge nftlir United Sutra nl Chirlea lautrng, upon (hr righlt nl inditidualt, tun, at h-iving a Ittvlul Cuitiniiatinn, levrry imiividual in the community We are bound to presume that thie Itroomrt interra'rd, and hat a right to dreitinn laicrnrdihg tn law, llol, if lilt op hit voice aguintt it, lc»t a (ire nr may lie allowed a Word UPull the lenient ehnulll lie rviahh.hrd aahicli occasion, alihnugh it may nnl lie pro- |'nr» rndauger hit right! iltn. * Such per to keep her a* n p-ii", Lieutenant jit llie cuhc in question, and I uliall Ongnry wat peit'ealfy justifiable ip | theirfme maku no apology lor lliit Winging her in, and u», many thnrr limruaiim. aiicli at lie can find at aru, Tint j In order In enable the public In i> a N all u nnl Uoinmi.-mn, indeed! judge cm rcclly id the conduct nl Mr. Why, a cashiered ufiicer may keep I Uheves and the Directors of the ll ir.k, An tdjniirned meuung wat held in Wash. Ing' on on the -Kld.uli to take loto consider- /lion the resolution of l)ra 'I 1» iroton, pro. tpuling a subscription for- tho relief of the iGruoks -but slier several hours d<sru*tion theme ting adjourned without comm*; to •toy decision. Jltorala'i JCx/fc-i/ifiun.—The e*p r dition 'ofihis blustering M»y»l pail salt, who »«p ••j'liv'ttrs to have us many lives u»s cat, Reams'. ^I.u-ncaibo, after *11, there is reason to hope, li.ts been unsuggctsful. Ao article in Hit I) auocnttic Pre*s under the Cmacoiblu al t)f the 24th ol September, renfl. rs It cur. twin that lie has returned from hi* expedi- lion a^amat M*r*c* ho, hikI the account • i-ktj itucceitfuL• Wo devnully hope this Inu li genet may be currcM, although even in siit) event of his buccum, the conquest nl tho*: cohhUiaVe boon of no hontfii hut the plunder whioh might have fallen to the marauders. II s fleet, •oustating of one luigvtwo schooner*, und one (l« chera, an- chorcd nu the ltttli September at *• I .on TttC'iH,^nn the Indian Cosit, and the nunie slicrnnon the Patriot nquudrnn touched off jiiiftin, and aailud immediately in puisuit. 'l lie litrcuha and hei prise, the Condor, were at Curattoa preparing for a crui/.t* The Patriols have rcccivi d a superior forty four gun IWgnte f om England, The National Advocate states n* a cau tion tn the public, that *ev*ial application* have lately been made in Mtnrca by blacks, for phtoft i «n Ironmonger's store in Broad- way hud been rhbbcd of tome bundtea of thoemuker't friuW. . ajrssc Putnam, Esq. who It represented ** *n eminent prtcriud mcvcbiud, a pro- •fussed republican, and one in whom all parties place the utmost confidence,** has been nominated at a meeting of the mid dling interest, in Poston, to ropresent the district of Sijfl'olk in the next Congress. Abraham Toum, a highly respectable merchant of llontotl^jifcently deceased, has left t\»e following bequests, afler aevursi gift* and remembraneca to private indivi duals :-.Maaaaclui»etts General Mospital, glO.OOQj Synagogue, New-York, 10,0001 Synagogue, Newport, 15,000} ftoiton Fo. male Asylum* 5,000 \ Asylum for Indigent - Bny s, 5,000 j Humana Society, 5,00J, Governor Wolctott hi# appointed 1he C3th of November a day «f ThanK*ttiving and 1’rayer, in list ■ Stale of Conner.tii ut. Tho Boston papers nnl ice, that the pr?vsltage of disease in the too them amt western ttatas has been pm ticu- larly fatal among tho class of people 'who liava emigi «ted (mm the N*w. K gland states, and tlist during the last tew months they have had the painful tank of announcing the deaths of more than twenty narivti, or lurmer ■ residents, ot Boston. Fortunate Escape.'—A seaman it II. ilmur.on the fill iliet. fell from the maM lienil of a tloup, a iliatance ■of silly ■five feet, «i>il reeovereil nie feet wii^out hre.kings, ol'Tiruia- ing him-elf in «ny tinitiileruble tie. g ee. He immeilioli-ly n-,*, twen'y or jliirty ysriU lo a CHiri ge yvhici),tiiii».yfil him finmc, and is'do inj writ, li i« auppnteil that a pile ol wood on ii Kith lie fell, 11m which gave wijouuder him, bioke hii latl. a. —•— Cm tty tnjjnfmn s — Tivncttiien Save heeu fi cd so I irtier.d to piy erilO. ot pi in tu- i..d, bv the taiilr- oi JboHou, lur'uuvlty to tbcu hie eommiuian, hut tl-u-o tli«* piere uf pmchmoDt Hill retain it a virtue ? Here is a privntoci'a ciiinmiatinn granlfil lllnro ilian ei.r yriirt tt"<i, limileil to three manilit 110111111111,111111 e.hicli thm'luift eipireii mure thnn eil Venn »go ; nml (lien tin veins nlier it. i'a'e wc h ive the cniluiKi’- mi'llt ul a I.ieiitouiiot Siimeil.'ily or oilier, n havbtnir lit Oder, egtpmlingtt Hirer muliliiv—unit then three inonlhe lunger, during which procett neither llie vessel nor the cnplinn remain 'lie tkiite I We tin nut pre-imiw to uwy Hint the ilecition ol llie Judge wat mil correct ; hut llie cose m ceriiiinly 11 sir ugbime ill luvoiir of (he t'laim id Lieutenant Uregory and hit cretv.” Ji Faithful .Sm-oiif.—Tho Rev. N. title,ol Y\ esl Ilaitlor.l.(Connecticut) recently pre .ehed lo hit ciuigregtliiui mi the lil'iielh nn jivertary ol hit-nc. cession in the oiiuittry ul the parith. Aiming the punilt unri«(i-d hv luui cl die exienl hit latuiurt, wan the Tic! (hut he h. d preached exclusive nl ex tempore tdilietiet, tliiriy five hun ilieil and filly written vrrnmn« ! li i» leiuaikahle that the pi oiler eitnr nl Mi. I’erkint, ndirinled in die some patishfir furiy leur years- MKXIUAN AKFA1RS. The Vliil.ulelphn Mir/.eiie cnntnini mine traiielaliun of Mexinm It. eo- llienta, whirh give n tleprpteing vie" ol the csj ected triumph of liberty ami eummon oei se, iiHlint rich ami ter- tile territory. A njieeint tribunal i. In be eeliihlislird in Vera C ms, anil ill therapltnl of the oilier prnvinrrt, lor the ndjmlicniion f.rxlu.ivftij nf ca- tu nf srthtion against the state—in hi her Windt, 11 Slur t'.li amber jnrin- dietinn. i'liit tribunal ia to ei iiai.t ef two officers of the army, m d on, lawyer. |i i-. 10 lako cognlsanie either separately, nr in cnnjoncliiin with the mdinary juilget, nt aiii-dged in«linGM of sedition end cmi-pii icy. All me to tic cnnaiilnr. il gotliy of se diliun, vhu con.piio ngaiiial the in dependence of die n itinn, against the Emperor 1 , or Unogieta. A'.peaL air l" b,- had in tin- Captain Henna! of the province. In the capital, Ihri. it In lira Chief, " with whatever title his .Majesty may please to give him " tu elni-y into 1 lieu, the most active ndeni uf pulice, It cannot escape llie most carr- lisa observation, tlntt lliit system it, In effect, a Deapniitin, hardly gilded over with plausible pie leucos. The pretext is, that distrac. lion had become to alarming, that the government had been compelled to mliipt measures, virtually suspend tog all lutva. The truth, however, is obvious and manifest. The aintii- lioryif Jlurbida, in Mexico, like the unnajjMrtl no-hilion of the great, ge iicrtius and brilliant BoKAr.vnTR, bus blighted, for a time, the hope! uf the honest ailvncalci of liberty. We sre almost ready ti> believe, II a llrutns eoold be found iiioong hit countrymeo, lliit modern Caesar's fall would be no incalculable benefit to a nation just rising into independence. Halt, rot. A gentleman Irom South America, who liai had access to the bea' official documents, and much personal nbaer. vntiiin, during a residence there 11 mime years, lias handed to us'a few extract! front Ida notes on some ol thcr interior pro* inces of that Repub lic, near and through which a canal is proposed lobe cut, fur the purpose of joining the Atlantic aid I’ecifie Occeans—and has also shewn us « copy of the survey. In the event of this measute being carried into iff*!,. hich we are assured is perlectiy practicable, (and it ia now under con- titlcraiiim ul the Columbian tinvern- meut,) the advantages tn the United States will be incalculable. Tlye pro. vinccs ef Checn, Atdloquiu, Novita, three of the 1 idlest in the precious metals, the Halle tie Cuucal, Pupayati, lismeralda, (iuuynjuil, Pusto, Quito, dfc. with tvich we ere scnrcfly ac quainted, will be thruwnopeu, and af fnrd all extensive field fur specula- tioo, in the protein dull state of com mercc; and our proximity will affutl us, a decided facility in supplying die markets—independent ol shortening uur communication wit!) Pern, China, the hast Indies, ^jtc. and avoiding the long ami lUogeious voyages roooil ( ape Horn, and the Capo uf (inod Hope. ii. As wc litre published Mr. Ch«vii’ ad. dress to the public, we Ihink it but in act of justice to publish the fullowitig re., in regmd to the cnnlroverty in ques tion, it is only nccet«ary tn mike a simple statement ol facts Cumin, id will lie wholly unnerestarv. 1 shall lake i' fir granted that the Committee ol the Htockolders have done wind Mr. Clieies says tln-y linvn done, although the rrsidutinn of that Committee, published hy Mr. Clieves, dues nut bear him nut in hit statement, Tho rraolidinii is cm filled to the “ past and present cumliiiun ot the Sink,” widnnd any reference to die Charges nt fraud contained in M<. Uheves' " exposition.” Mr. O. however, says 'hat a " distinguished member of the Committee declared, that die Com miltee hud been perfectly satisfied with die proof ot everv fact alleged, and hud uiinninioitUtf resolved lliai every fact li nl been (ully proved Kvery mail will judge for himself ol die propriety of passing mien resol 11 duos, and publialnng them tn th- world, upon reading the following statement ot facta, lu into, the II ink of the United .'stales su tsineil s heavy lost in the Branch at Baltimore. The President and Directors of the It ink alleged that the loss was nrcasinnnil by the. fraudulent conduct of some of the of- licerv *f the B tllimorc Branch, amt it the instigation nl the Hoik, prose. ctdiona wore iiiititutcil in the cour s ot Maryland, against these itidividu its lor the alleged frautl. Tlmte prose- rtdionsare still pending. The parties have pleod not guilty to the charges, mil put themselves upon their coun try fur dial. They have challenged their accusers to substantiate their chinges before a legit tribunal. At though die Bmk has feril five emi nent Lawyers for their professional services, In conceding nod conducting diese prosecutions,yet the Bank cun fesseil nt.the I,tie term uf thu llaiturd County Com I, that it was not pre pared to substantiate its charges, and prayed for a continuance »l the causes, which whs granted. Al'er this cull tinunnce,'it appears that the President Hid Directors (mid Im* 11 r„-1! I know, some n! the Stockholders) of the Hank, elected themselves into n tribunal of inynsition upon the ufi'.i. s ol the Bank, Before this tribunal. Mi. Uheves, the President uf the It ink, charges these individuals with a "stu- pend- u» fraud,” and ‘‘requested, us a favour, ami claimed, as n act sd jus dee, an Opportunity nf ptnving die tacts which he alleged.” After hr hud gone through with his pi nuts, ho lys, on the authority nf n distinguish ed member of the Committee, that die Committee ” unanimously re solved that every fact had been fully proved.” “I did suppose,” says Mr. Clieves, alter so solemn ami public a testi ninny on die subject, that even the hardihood of the molt audacious guilt would have hern silenced.” An in. dance of such i auft'-rahle rffonterv, ippression nnd tyranny, certainly ran nut be parallelled in the records of n 11 v other tribunal than that of the in quisition ! What ? in this boasted country of laws, where one rif its fun it imrntal tmixims is “ before a man is uundemiifd lie shall bn confronted with liia accusers ‘before a legal tri bunal,” ami where another maxim is, that “ every man is tn be presumed innocent until his guilt is proved bv leg I testimony,” and where a third minim is, that •' no man shad be a judge in his own case.” I say, in a country where such maxims are re. eognivedss laws, ia it to be tulcrau.d dial a man shall he arraigned before a tribunu! without an opportunity ol be ing Imuril 111 his own defence—that trtbimal also constituted id his accus er's-—ot the parlies interested ■ in his conviction—that tribunal also being witnesses against him, and after lie has been comlemaed by such a tri bunal, under such circumstances, must he also submit in silence, or be reprunched with the •' liaiddiuud of audacious guilt,” fur saying to his fel low citncnis, that lie is not guilty, and claiming tn have a lair and impartial trial before a legal tribunal or his country? One is at a loss Iordan* gtisge to express his astonishment and disgust at such an audacious outrage upon the rights of the citizen, more especially when it proceeds from a man occupying so high a elation as M r. C. and is sanctioned by so power futand influential a body as die Bmk of dm .United .Slates, in which the governmen' of the Uuion is repre sented and has an impurtant influence- Fellow Citizens ! if you do not raise the voice of indignation against such high-handed oppression; if you lamely A commercial friend has po'ileN famished us with die following stale nf the Msrkets at Havant, on the M'h inst. Drovitinnt are in good demand at present—prires and supplies atnJe- ute. The crop of Cotfee this year will nnl he an abundant at wat nntirinat- led owing tn a very dry setsmi— it* it I jit will be equal tonne million irrobes. Only tome tew parcels nt ordinary hive yet come In market, but in a lew {weeks there will be an anundinee. Sugars ate gelling scarce ; very Teiv guild parcels remain in market, sod none of the new crop will be in till February. This Unvemment have come tn (lie determination of m illing Hsvani a port nf deposit, and measures are now taking to curry Hid same into effect. Under this system all imports will have the privilege nf icinaining twelve months after landing, ami if exported within that period will only bo subject tn expellees of storage, &c. nut ex ceeding fi pec cent . /'rices Current.—Beef, cargo No. I and prime, bbl ; do No. S. gfi; Flour, sup. Phil, ami Bait, bbl BIG; do Richmond, Virg. and N Orleans, I t 1 13 ; llunis.qql 18; Lard, Bos- mn, qq‘ 18 e fid -, Pork, cargo, No. 1 Boston, bbl 15 a 16; Rice, Car. srr. IG} rs; Pilch, bbl g,3 j R .sin, 4 ; Tar f om U S 3 ; Spi'its Turnen'ine, qql "l4 ; Tobacco, Ken qql gG a 8 Exports —Ooff-e, 1st quid qql £20 a fit! ; On fid do SI) ; do 3d do. triage 13a IS ; Cocoa, Guuynpiil 75 III ear. ftlfi a 13; Cmdlinesl, ni ro 90 a 110 ; Ouppsr, qqt 25 ; Hides, each, 2 4 11 2 G rs ; Muncy, gal 5 a 6 is ; Molasses, h"g. 5 it scarce ; Sugar, must arro. 7 1 9 rs ; do brown, 7 a 8 ; do white, 10; do white and brjiivn, as- 8 5 and 2-5 6 It) a 8 Ifi ; Segars, 1000, box 8 a 12 dollars; Vanilla, lb 12 ; W ix, white aero. 14 ; do brown, 9;Sirspsrdl» tie Honduras, qql g30 a 35 : Kxchange on U. States, 4 per cent, ndv, aVorfolk Beacon. For Port-au-Prince, The shin MONTGOMERY, Meirt’i, •m.s ■ ■ - Will inwl with *ll*pstch. {For freight «*r i>atuftu. apply <*»» fi"»nl, or I to John i.A'ii(itoi' u cu. | nov 5 yj milks upon it, tint our reader, miv have P i r,, " t ,h, • loodamenul principles of •0 opportim,tj*..f hearing b,.tli tides * I lh '' c " ns,ilu ' io "' »" J uf J"' r ''Dertiew F .m Ihc Haltimar.- Fclend c«.*e 'Jrmnspled ux the dost, ymi T-.e c.ontniveikj bniwiTnlhr Bank u ^' M4, 'r '“.<>* tree-yon are fit •fthe United Bute* and sotueul tut lubc ,h# “ M.\piNE. .fOlt'FtoF S.H r JWtrAJi(l. •• AKNiVKD, Ship Superior, J’tcHyn, Now*Ynrk, 10 (Uvs, to huiiKinel k Ai'gu, c i- iisijjnuuR, with wulae to li Cami»l»**ll, .1 C irney, .1 H Cre.x- m«*r, JohiHton h iMi*, G ftpuilmayor A co. .1 I* 3utz, Miller W-FoPt, V •Hntler if co. A Maxwell, K Itutta, Hissutt I* co. Maurel & Liithebeaudiore, P M'DernmU, J 11 Older* sltiiw, K SeFItuk, A II Fannin A co T It Price, T Rtmllcy if c» G W line, M f.eon, .1 W la«in)f, M \V Morj' in, Petersen h co. W Si'-Mibron^h, D A C*»tl\vise, K lilt** Ei co FJ Lay, T l.nnywor h, \V llradfonl, II S Atwoiwl, A h F. Wood. lUlniTfniivhx, Ponce if M K nzie, .1 Bony, »l liopnvm, S ,C JSc.l Schcn^k, .1 II llurhcrt si co. A Rvans, A Parsons, W GiirIoii, W Taylor A Son, li if J Htibci’sham, .1 Lathvop^ro ami the mas* tur. I’listoifrera, rnpl Kully and lady, S G Schunck, lady, child an>l sui vmil. A Fiians and lady, Mis Land and child, Mrs Sinqj- son. Miss Sclienck, two Miss Lecounts, Mlss Lvon*, Miss Pettit, Mins Oltlershaw, capt Urudlev. Mesara. Waynmau, Campbell, II tr uer, Cod wise, Stilus, Munn, Ituynor, Rvans, Morgan, Lay, Armstr niff, Il.rion, Falli^ant, Nichols, maulers Kelsey, Kelly, and Older- c hirv, Hriff Almira, Dyer, Uoston. 13 days, to S H Pat jb an. Sclir Superior, Horton, Hartford, Conn. 12 days, with produce to L II Sage & co. 23 inssetiffers. S« hr Sulina k .lane, Drew, Boston, 11 days, to O Taft, P Hill. K Williams, K Dag. RCri A c i nnd It S G fl*. Pnatengeri, J H Shaw, It rmhham, T C Cooley, mid J in the steerage. Sloop William, Read, Charleston, 36 h-mrs. with merchandize to () Taft, S H Condy anil J C B twera Patseagert, capt NV Taylor and dady, Mi-Goodwm, lady and child, Mr Sorrel and ludy, Messrs llrown. Gray, Necdom, M illard, Henry, Msson, Je wett, Church, Piquet ami Anthony. Pole Boat Adeline, from Augusta,'to W Bruen, with 518 cotton, to J Dickson if co. ii Lollins, AL M'il> ueux, Duhamel if Cuinmmg if Gwaihmey, Ponce k M'K uizic, G Gordon, F. flints fc co. J Cam ming S >n, W Gaston and II Hutchcr. .ell Five Ful/tuiti —Brig A nertoa, from Newbury pot t. . re ron this pout. At Plnlad. ships G orgian, Bailey, and Liverpool Packet, lh<ketl, to sail 25'li nil. At New Haven 15th ult. brig Empress, B isks, to sail lsi : CHARLESTON. Nnv. 2—Below, ship Mercury, Nickels, Boston, 15 days; llr brg T afalgtir, Havre, 46. Cleared, brig Catharine, Wellsman, Ha vana BALTIMORE, Oct 24— Amved, brig Canada, Hutchins, Havana. 11 days. Cleared, ship Maasasoit, Brown, Amster dam •, sch Col. Ramsay, Coward, Matanzas B-)S PON, Oct 21—Arrived, ship Fisher Atuev, Cammeti, Hamburgh, 34 dtjsj Br brig Prince KidosofV, Woodlmusc, Btogor, Wales, 3r ; brigs Hero, N Urloatu; liusc in Bloom, Havana. Cleared, sinp Sully, C^ok, Charleston; brig Two Brothers, Shaw, Honduras. Wanted to Purchase, To 40 Groce EMPTY POUTER BOTTLES. —Apply lo oct 31 SMITH fit TURNER. Nails and Bagging, fA CASKS Cut NaiNasior4ed8 : zus 25 Pieces 42 inch COTTO^i BAGGING.-—For sale by JOHN LATHROP & CO. no? 1 p % Hunter's wharf. J. B. Herbert £5 Co. O FFER for ante the following negroes— 1 prime field hand ' 1 do brick maker 1 do accustomed to attend in s grocery stoic* Terms cosh. oct 2B For Ncw-York, Tne packet hnif, . TL Lli It It 4 I’ H, Snail, Matter, ■Will sail with dispatch. For freight it passage, apply oil btUtrd, or (o HALL k HOYT. nov 5 92 For New-York, The schooner S C I K N U 8, • 7\ C.rif.ou’il, Mutter, A substantial guild vessel, will suit on I'liuraday next. F*r freight or pas sage, apply »o the master on UohixI at Bol ton’s w harf, or to HALL k HOYT. nov 5 92 For Charleston, Thu packet *lm>p WILLIAM, Captain Head, (Entered as a regular trader,) will sun 4 tii w’nt freight may offer, on Thurs day next, for which or passage, having ex cellent accommodations, apply to the Cap tain on board ul -Bollon’s wharf, or to S. A. CONDY, Rices' wharf. TT/to hat for tale on Consignment, ‘20 boxes superior Claret Wine '25 bills Jenck's best Bye Giu 20 bhls N E Rum 50 boxes No. 1. Soap 10 kegs No. 1. if 2. Msnufse. Tobacco 25,000 (Tulls Porta Sheeting. PIECES Porta Steeling, received ^per ship Superior, anti for sale by JOHN LATHIiOP if CO. nov 5 p Horns arid Iron. fl/ZX Hit IIS t lorna 25 Tons Swedes Iron, assorted 10 liluls Leaf 1 ob tcco For sale by ' OURAY T.AFT. nov5 92 Just Received, FIuKlNd of Goshen Butter, hy the nov 5 ship Superior, and for side by II. M'DONALD if CO. Jones’ Building, Buy-ttt eel. SALT. A OftRGO of Liverpool Suit expected to arrive daily. In Store, 50 kegs best quality London Mustard. Fur sale bv A. RICHARDS. nov 5 92 LOAF SUGAR. A O BARBELS Loaf Sugar, Thomas' mu- * ® nufMcime, just deceived from Balti more, per sloop Knterpr ie.—For side by DOUGLASS k SORREL. nov 5 p Drafts on New-York, S\ T SIGHT,—For tale hy JOHN If. k CO. Ws’ited, sn experienced Book Ri-eper, for such, a liberal salary will be g*ven j none need apply but those who cau come well recommended. nov 5 92 DeuvgVa Yoiuntvevs. itEKtlNQ will beheld at il\e Ex- change THIS EVENING, at 7 o’clock, on business of the greatest importance to the Company 1 punctual attendance is re- quested.---By order of Lieut. Woonnuinor.. J. W1LLCOX, Sergt. nov 5 r E. T. COURTENAY ]]TI\S removed to the store opposite wJ Messrs tl’m JhgHt if Co. where he is now opening a general assm ment of DRY GOODS, Received by the ships Cotton Plant and Garonne, viz. DUFFLE and POINT BLANKETS, OLIVE and MIXED COATINGS. WHITE and HKD FLANNELS. Together with * general assortment of Domestic and F nev articles, which he of fers on accommodating terms, nov 5 92 M1S8 LYONS T ) ESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies of k> Savannah that she has just received from New-Yorfc, by the ship Superior, an elegant assoi tment of NEW AND YasYvtGnoble Hoods, which she is now opening at her store, St Julian att'eet, between H /iitalcer-at. and Jnhni.on't.iqttare, and hope* to merit a share of public patronage. As she ha* the assistance of those that are complete Mis tresses of the business, and flatter* herself that she will be enabled to give general sn- tisfaction to all who may favour her with their commands. DBF.9S MAKING done at the same place under the superintendance of Miss Mr Rom. N. B. Country Merchants supplied with LEGHORN and STRAW HATS by the case or dozen, nov 5 re Contract Wanted. S EALED proposals for Lighting the City of Savannah lor one year, will be rr- ceri ed by either of the undersigned com- mittee of Council, ak any time previous to the expiration of thirty da> s from this date —the names of the securities must accom- nany the proposals. Persons desirous of making a contract for this purpose, are re terred to the ordinance for lighting the city for more pa.tirulnr information. RICH. W. HABERSHAM,) W M. C. DA ME LI*, £ Committee. OLIVER 8TURGE8. j DO? 5 92 Dissolution nf Copartner ship. T he firm or jjuiwk i* m?ofr.v is this day tlishilived, hy iu own linvta* lion. Persons having demand*, will ren. drr them to .1, B. Jiiuunit, and those imb bt* rd will make ptumenf to him, ** he isdn. !\ atitlinrilcd lo* settle the liusin. s* of ||, 0 Conctrn. J B J AC DON. J. G. BROWN, J. B. Jaudon will continue tho Ims acts lie ctuforc carried on by Jutidon if Brown, and solicit* the continuance of Uieii-fm-ud^ patronage. ti»»? 5 p N APOLEON in Exile tors Voice from St. Helena. The opinions nnd nflt c* imns ef Napoleon on the most imporant events of hi* lift- hikI government, n Ins own words, by Barry E O’Meum. Esq. ia ‘2 v«U, 25 Pen Owen, in 2 vnls. g‘2. Life of the Rev. 'I homas Scott, D D. Bcc« tor of Aston Sandford, ’Buck* 1 mcluding a Narrative drawn up hy himself, and co. pious Kxti*.”c.ts of his Idlcts, by John Scott, A M. price $1 50 Sketches of Domestic manners and InstU • tution* of the Roman*, 1 vol. Fur sale by b. C. k ». SCHElvK. nov 5 e DRY GOODS At very Reduced rrices. IHO 1‘IF.CES White, Blue, and Mixed J WV/ plains 50 pieces London Dt.flle, Bristol, and Point Ulti' frets 300 pair Rose Blanfrets. a great sacrifice 96 pieces White and R< d Flnnncis A few pieces Ileal Welch do uncommonly ▼ Fine 35 pieces Green Baize, some very Ibw pri ced . 45 pieces Mixt and Blue Cloihs for 8er« vsnts Superfine Cloths, Ca p iSimere*A and Vesting 13 nieces Patent Cotton I’icfr Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts, great Bargains 20 pieces 6-4 Sheeting, very fine 27 do Furniture and Itair Cord Dimity 41 do 4-4 Linen, aifspicionslv cheap 86 do Towelling nnd Table Diaper from 3-4 to 18-4 wide,'at less thnn sterling, cost 200 pieces very Low priced Calico 56 do 6-4 Columbia PI lids 30 do Caroline and Clan Plaids Figured and Plain Bombnzetts of every dc* scription 200 pieces Russia Diaper, nnd Dutch Rolls 1 bale very low priced <!ar| eting Boofr, Mull, Jaconet, Nainsoufr, Batills Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Muslin Dresses, Flounces, Trimmings, and Tippets, of the latest fashion 460 dozen Silfr, Cotton, and Woolen Ho, s erv, well assorted 93 dozen K d, Castor, Beaver, Doe, BucJ* and Dngsfrin Gluves 10 pieces Norwich made Blacfr Bombs, zeen, the greatest bargain ever offered here Blacfr Rsrsnets, Blacfr Canton Hnndfrer- chiefs, and Fancy * Silfr Shawls and Scarfs, new style These goods were principally selected m Europe, by a superior fudge, o purcha sed in this country nt auction, uo that they can and will be sold cheap at the GO LI) Eh BALL, by THOMAS WALT*5N. nov 5 fm SALT. tail; Gallatin irom Liverpool, for tale by HALL U HOYT. oct 31 88 Cognac Brandy aud Jamaica Rum. hhds 4th proot Jamaica n«im^ 5 fiipes do Cognac Braifly BAKEIt if MINtON. For snle by oct 26 St, Domingo Coffee. 40 ^ >< ‘K 8 P r,me St Domingo Coffee Just rece iverl and for sale by BAKER if MINTON. oct 26 For Sale, I N Quantities to suit purchasers, LIVER POOL SALT, tow landing from ship 1 Immus, at Perry k Wright’s wharf. Ap ply to r k A. L. MOLYNEUX. oct 31 88 CANNEL COAL, pOIt Sale by oct 39 J. 1’. WILLIAMSON. Clftitings. 'r\ ^' 0T .storied Castings, of. tope, -i'-a nor quality. Just received by .loop i.iitei pnie from llaltimore. For sole by DOUGLASS U SOKHEL. nnv 4 p Corn Mills. T OBEY*5 Patent Corn Mills, just rcceiv« ed, und foi salebv JOHN D. MONGIN. nov 4 x To Rent, , /' house belonging to the estate of Dr 4* Casey, hi square, Possess'mn given on the first of November. For ternyr apply to Col. Sheilmanor Win. Davies, P.Bq oct 12 tin 1 To Rent, 4 HOUSE pleasantly sa, lut ed in B. ougl ton atreei, on Lot No.4.Greeu war Apply to D. G. WQODBR1DGE. nov 2 ft To Rent very low, 4 F.D possession given immcdiatelv, ti * »■ new Two story HutuM, next lo Sir.' Wayne*, in Yamacraw. ItltOWN Si OVEIiSTKEET. nov 2 p To Rent, T HE lower part of the building occupied os the Georgiui Office. Apply to tho editor- get 24