Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 12, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH GEORGIAN ) NEW SERIES—VOL I. SJFjUWVj!//, TUE&DAr MORJV'IXQt'NVPBJftfm 18,1822. NO 177 SWANN AH: MONDAY MORNING, NOV. 11, 1822. Legidoturo ofU*rgia.-On Monday last both branches of tl*c Legislature met and proceeded to the election of officers. In * the Senate Matthew Talbott was re-elected 1 € president, and Mr. Robertson, Secretary The election of Speaker of the House of Representatives was warmly contested be tweeol Generals Allen Daniel and David Adams. ~ The vote stood—for Daniel 48, Adsms 47. William Li. Dawson was elect* ed Clferk ; II. Fryoiy Messenger) aud K. Roberts, dov>r-keeper. GovaToor Clark ha« announced by ptvr clamation according to law, the election oi Messrs. Forsyth, Tattnall, Abbott, Thornp- > son, CTib, Cary and Cuthbert, as repre* sen tail ms from this state in the Congress of the United States. The following is the total number of votes in all the counties ©f the state from the official returns, with the exception of Gwinnett, which is unof ficial. We publish it because it varies from •ny yet published, in the number of votes given to the different candidates, and is ol course correct i— Forsyth 18350 Tattnall 17596 Abbott 15606 Thompson 15178 Cobb 15816 Cary 13462 Cuthbert 13198 The votes for the unsuccessful candidates were— (Visacock 12959 lluynes 7987 Golding 6242 The Confectionary store of Paul Belan- do,in Augusts, was entered outlie night cf the 6th inat. by several persons, whflj after entertaining themselves with what they could lay their hands on, proceeded to demolish and injure the contents, some of which were carried off. Theamountof property destroyed was small A person named Samuel Lockwood Ty ler, a native of Salem, Connecticut, and who itttppaura, by papers found among hisbag* gage, was in the year 1821 Hector of the University of Washington, Wilkes county, jn tb s state, wss brought on the 2d Octo ber In s Dearborn carriage to Florence, Alabama, and left without any information as to who or what he was. lie wss in the last stage of s consumption and shortly af ter died, under the care of the physicians of the place, and v.-.s buried with the re spectful attention ol the citizens. TJie Lexington papers of the 15th ult. say nothing relative to Mr. Clay's illness* consequently we may presume that he is in no danger. From Buenco Ayvet.—On the 2*d August M. Riysdivia, 8icreta’y of biate of Buenos Ayres, iufirtned the Junta then in session, of a conspiracy agonist the present govern ment, at the bottom of which was Don Gregoria Tagle (lortner Secretary of Puei-< rydon.) The pt^ -vns discovered on the day on wlich it was to have been carried into csttution. A committee of investigation was appointed, and the necessity of exem plary and capital punishment strongly urg- •d by the Secretary. Our agent, Mr. Forbes, had an interview on the succeed tag morning with M. Kivadivia, and has no doubt tranamitted the particular* by the Ruth & Mary, arrived at Philadelphia, by which vessel the above is teccived. A letter received at Baltimore from La- guiraof the 4th ult. alluding to the cap ture of Marscsibo, sajs—" We do not an ticipate .aoy inure aerious consequences from it, saving an augmentation of the ex- pen**! of government for a abort time to pome." Lateti from England —The fourth Line •hip Robert Fulton, Captain Holdredge, ar rived at Ncw-Yo k on the 1st inst* brings London d*ea to the 22d and Liverpool to the 2\th September, two days later than before received. The intelligence from Greece continues of a contradictory nature We perceive nothing later from that in- creating quarter, later than we havealrctw cly published. I'he Paris CoMtitutionncl contains two bulletins, said to be authentic, givirg the particulars of two brill ant victories over the Tuita, one on the 2od of June before Ar gos, when they retreated, and were again repulsed on the 2iih at the pass at Treste (halfway between Argo*and Corinth)with the less of fifteen hundred mem and 250 horses and baggagf taken and tent to Tri- pol tta. The otl^rf engagement •• arid to have Uifccn place at Corinth, on the 6th of August, in which the Turks suffered great ly. 1 he battle wss resumed the neat day, when {hey lost W>00 in killed, and alargi number ol wounded and prisoners. About 2000 homes and all their baggage and am* munition fell into the hands of the Greeks. The l.ondon Courier doubts tire authentici ty of these bulletins. The Paris Moniteur of the 17th of Sep- tember states, that the King hud nominated M. Hyde de Neuville, a Grand Officer ol the Legion of Honor, and sent him his por trait, richly set, in recompense for his im- portant services, and particularly in his iavt mission to this country. Advices from Bayonne to the 12th of Sep. tember state that Quesada (a Royalist Gen. eral at the bend of a numerous bod; 1 of partisans in the North of Spain) had been attached at Viseas, to the east of Jaca, and entirely defeated. From previous reports, which represented Uuesada in a favorable situation, this statement was doubted. The following is tile latest of the Mar kets j— A letter of Oct. 3d, from 8t. George's (Bermuda) gives the price of superfine flour at S7 25, from which the duly §1 13 U to be deducted i com 75 cents; com tneal per bbl. £3 \ oats per bushel 25 cents; and every thing else in proportion. These, It is added, may be depended upon. Mr. Finn made his first appearance in Boston on the 28th ult. in the character ol Hicha d the Third. Mr. Cooper was also performing in Boston. The Theatre at Columbia, S. C. was to have-ieen opened on the evening ol the 1st inst'. under the management of Mr. Young. Mr. Goke, the celebrated English agri., fwe beg M .jor Russell's pardon, ugrieu'turer) in a letter to one of his friends in the United States, says he has been com pelled to reduce bis rents thirty-three and a third per cent, and his tenants art known , to be better able, than any others in E; g land, to support the existing burdens on tbit class of the British population. New Four per Cents, 100 1-8 lo 100 3 8; Console far Account 81J to 81 3-8. French Funds, Srpt 19—Five per Cents opened at 911. 90c. and closed at 911. 85c.; B. hk Stock, 16301. Prices Current oi Lwerpool befit 23. Cotton.—Throughout (lie nliole ol the neik the market .ha. exhibited an unu.uat degree of animation to which .peculator, and exporters, a, well us denlers, have contributed in no incon siderable degree. The whole exttmi ot (he week’s transactions, of which onlj 981 bogs tvert forced off, amount ed to 15,887 packages, 1000 of which were taken lor shipment, aud about 2500, (chiefly Hatreds,) on specula lion, In cousiquenceof this incress, ed demand, holders enhanced their demands, in which buyers to a certain degree acquiesced, and generally paid an advance ol 1-8 per lb. on low and middling qualities of Bntveds and Orleans. Toe business in Sea-Islands was greatly facilitated and extended by speculative demand fur the low qualities, which obtained an advance of )d per lb. The following are the particulars of the business of the week; By private treaty, "4a Bowed, at S 7 8 to 8 I 8d.; 225 Ten (lessees 6| to 7*il ; 1689 Orleans 6j In lOd ; 722 Sea Islands 10} lo 17}d ; 1 la stained do. 7 to 9d. Tobacco—Considerable sales, say about 200 tihds, have been made dur ing the week. Middling anil good qualities of Kentucky slid Virginia stemmed at quoted currency (3 to 7} ) Leaf is in limited request, with the exception cf6t> hhds sold lor Ire land 3} to 5J for ordinary, and 4 j to 6} low middling to good. Nothing was done in this description. A'aval Stores There has been some improvement in the demand for raw Turpentine, and 1100 bbls. good quality were freely taken by auction, at 13s, 3d, to 13s, 6d. per. cwt. In Tar of any description nothing has occurred, and prices remain .1 previ ous quotations, .\ ero Printing Press.—A new printing Press i. advertised in the Western paper* which is termed the Western Lever Print ing Press, formed of cast and wrought Iron and wood. The peculiarity of this press is, that the bar attached to the Lever is in a perpendicular, sad not, as usual, in s ho r sound position. More thsn one hundred young gentle men have entered the Freshmen class of Yale College, since the commencement of tire present Collegiate course, Oct. 20th. An elcgtnt steam Mill has been built in Baltimore, by laaac M*Kim, Esq. at a cost of {584,000—in which 1218 barrels of flour have been manufactured in one week. 8.000,00(1 feet of lumber down the Musqsehannah—forming an item of immense consequence in our trade. From the same- source we received about 2.000,000 gallons r.f whiskey, and ncai ly a similar amount per wag guns. All those items, together wi ll our wheat, rye, eorn, amt the thou sand hogsheads of tobacco, Ac. which are brought to us, and resold hero ei ther fur exportation or home conautnp tion, authorise us to soy, that tin trade of Baltimore has been niueli mn taken iibrnnd, and tliqQinfinilely more' business is dime there thsn mauy of our neighbours are aware oft” ■ -wig Mi it, Rubbery—’ftle Herald, pub lished at Fiedeiicksburg, Virg. of the 30th Oct. says—“Most of our rei der* have noduubt heard of the dep redation* that were committed on the mail between this placo and Alcxan dria during the last summer. No clue has heretoloro been found by which to come at a detection ol the robber,— It appears, that some of the leters have been found and amt on to those for whom they were intended, but rifled of their contents wherever they were of value. We have understood they were found in or near Dumfries, wo have also heard some particulars which it i9 deemed imprudent to publish at this time. It must be gratifying to those concerned in the transmission of the mail to know, that enough has been discovered tp give a proper di. rectiiin to public suspicion, which has hrrctnliire been at fault; and the inno cent liable to sufl'er in (he good opin ion of society as well as the guilty. YVi sincerely hope that the perpetrator of the robbery will be detected aud bruught to condign punishment.” well as from Rio, sufficient it was sun nosed, to list them a twelvemonth. There wss afloat at Rio, Sept. 18, about 6,000 bbls. 2 ol which were go ing to the river. On board free of duty 9.000 re. on chore if of good quality, retiil 10,500. Beef, 8 a 9 mills; Purk, 10 a IS mills; Ameri can Naval Stores, no sale ; Mac kerel do. ; Ssgsre, from 84 50 s 7. per 100 lb*, onboard ; Coffee, sleadv at 23 50 > 94 do. Spanish D0II9. one illrea each, .ml riving; Wheat, dull sales, large qualities in store and afloat from all parts of burope.” Herald. fforfolk, Xov. I.—The U. S. Bluop of wsr Peacock, Captain Cissin, came in from sea yesterday afternoon, and anchored in Lynnhaven bay—the this morning came up and anchored English Stocks, Sept. 21—Three in Hampton Koida. per Cent Consols, 80 7 8 to 81 1-8 ; " The Peacock has had a passage of Trade of Baltimore.—The Balti more Federal Republican states, that one half of the flour exported Irnm the United States, in 1821, was from the port ol Baltimore. The same paper states, that, by a relerence to the commercial tables and result! for 1821," it will be found that about 9 days Irom oft' Havana, and lost by fever the following officers !—Lieu tenants Stallt.igs, Bowyer, Midship men Luundes,Archer, Weiherell, Mr, Chapin (Captain’s Clerk) and 7 men. There ore a number at present on the sick list, but few of them, however, of lever, its ravages having of late considerably abated. Cant. Cnssin, Lieut. Cassin, Coejmati of mariners, and Purser De Bree, are in good health ; Lieut, Searcy dangerously ill. 'The prisoners which had been captured have been sent to New Or. leans in one of the prize vessels av -laird by previous accounts.—Herald FROM RkTjaNFrIRO. Mrfolk. A'oi\ I.—Capt. Small ol the brig Eliza Reilly, from Rm Janeiro, arrived last night has politely I'uvnr- ed us with the following intelligence. “In the month of August, a Maui, lesto, addressed to all the nations and governments friendly to the Brazils, was issued by the Pnuceltegeiit winch was considered in the light of s de claration of independence at the time. Some inquietude having been re ported to exist in the interior, the Prince Regent went in person to St. Paul’s, which is distant about four hundred miles from Rio, where his presence soun restored tranqui'lify. He relurncd to the city on the 15th of Sept, and appeared at the Theatre on the evening of that (Ly with a green badge on hit lull arm, (with the inscripliion of “ independence or death,” in the place of the Purtu guese cockade, which he had removed from his hat. On the following day the Portuguese cockade was not to be seen in the srect; but all those who used to wear it, had the green badges on their arms. " The Prince, it is said, did not wish to establish the Brazilian cuck aile, intending to leave that mutter, ns well as the choice of a Brazilian flag, lo the Curie,, which were soon to assemble at Rio, Several persons supposed to be inimical to the inde- pend'.nce of the Brazils, had £een re cently arrested and were to be sent to Portugal. The Prince Regent was very po pular, as being favourable to a Con- stitutii-o-nl form of government, and every disposition was manifested by the people to maintain a friendly in tercourse with the United Stales. Mr, Raguet, lately appointed Ame rican Consul at Kiu de Janeiro, ar rived with his family from Philadel phia un the 8lh of September, and was recognized immediately after the arrival of the Prince in the city. The Rin fleet was still out, but it was generally believed that despvtches were sent to them to return ; they had been in sight of Madara’s fleet, but struck no blows, being nearly e- qual. All vessels leaving Rio had to give bond, of treble the value of vessel aud cargo, not logo to St. Salvador. Markets at Rio dull fur all kinds nt American produce in coiisequeuce of the number of arrivals from the U. 8. aud waa it not for the Lima mar ket, there would be nu sale whatever for Flour ; large quant Hies hid gone and were |oinj irom the lliver, ax Washington Mu. I In allusion to the my.leritau Porto Riro Kxpe pedition, 1 no notice of which we hiva-takal, tly Mercantile Adverti ser e*y», that if the troops have land ed, as repsrted, it is not improbahlt that they have by this time taken pos session of the Island. It is said that the whole force consists *f twenty two hundred men about nlm hundred of whom went from ,/VVm Tvr/.\ Phi ladetphia and Baltimore. Tiey made so noiseless an exit, that, like old Lear’s troop ol horse, they (light be supposed to have been "sled with fell*” in their departure to "till, kill, kill.” We did not auppnse lie Expe dition to be so numerous at n is no» reported. We know they wire pro vided wi'h arms, and a quattity of other articles suitable to Iheirrxpedi- tiun—printed proclamations, tor ex ample, with blanks for the rrnne of the place or places to be revoliliuniz ed, already signed by Don Q-n. De Coudrsy, Captain General, &c. and couutei signed by somebody, wto (or the present shall he nauieleis, as Secretary of State.” Some af nui contemporaries express surprise it 11U not having given all the portEulara of this uffsMhich have rescind us. a*Rn We have 1 refraining, that the who c affair is rash, indiscreet, lie laws of the United eason nevertheless, for Whilst we are of cpHiion contrary to Statei, and I course to the duty uf Amerian cil ing ; an I thought it was bast In iftetl J something if I could got a chance, to help me along to live ; and 1 told my comrade I meant to ito it. My coin rade is a nice *or( of a man. This closing declaration, with the perfectly compiled and innocent air of the rogue, was a little too much tor the risible laculiies of the audience. .Vogistrate,—Well and no you look Hus handy cut tu provide your self with winter quarters, did you ? We’ll fry to accomodate you ; what would you think of the penitentiary, with the stepping null which will soon be completed, fur alx months f .Ve. Hamilton, you haw no disposi (ion to follow this fellow through tint trouble and expencc of a formal con- victim, have you t) Mr. H—Oh, no, sir ; if appeared to me to be my duty (u btpig him op, and the-Court can deal with him iww os they think proper, Magistrate—Well then, Leo, we shall send you to the penitentiary for six mouths, as a Mi-rant merely ; and when you come out, we ire rather of opinion, you’ll be a little more select in taking up ynur winter acc-un modaiiona for annther season. You will hardly fi ul it the tame lozv, gaud feeding place, we apprehend, which the roguea used tu find it before the exceiciso of the stepping mill was introduced fur their amusement. Officer, take him uver to Iho bride well for the niglit- N. B. This case of Lee, ia not without its parallel and ils precedent, in one or two, or a dozen cases; so completely inefficacious hsa that mode of punishment, the penitentiary, be come, (except where a remnant ol aham# may dill linger in the mind ol the nlTendei') and so would have con- tinurd without the new, and happy invention of the stepping mill. Lee will never receive such another sen tence, with such an air of satisfac tion, and non cliatence. WILLIAM STARK, Jr, H AVING laken an Interest in our fatal. ness, it will hereafter he cunducttd under the firm of Hut, Mott tf Co. I1ALL U HOYT. nov It 97 zctiB, and whilst we be- lieve that tl 1 expedition is as contra ry tu public aw as tu municipal law j yet, we do not desire to act tho part of informers in regard to the persons engaged. Tney have indeed risked their livosind reputations un a des perate venire—but .they may have been deluded Into it by false repre sentation oi ile object, and we are willing tail they shall have on oppor tunity tn escape the late which may await all those who are engaged in the affair. For this reasun we da not give all the particulars wc have heard ul it.—vYal. Intel. Emigration.—No season within the last lour years ha9 furnished such in increase of population to our wes tern states and territories as the pre. sent. In addition to the thousands from Europe who have located there, the migrating mania seems again to have seized upon our New England brethren, in-umuch that our sleets arc daily thronged with the ponderous co vered waggons of the east, bearing nut unfrcquently three generation# within, aud going, as Mr. Irvine would ear, tu "Ohio, Kentucky,or the Loid knows where.” These wend their way round the lake shore by land to their ultimate destination ; while the throng ol young men, hale and hearty, who haie plodded their way, ■■ with knapsack slung,” from the sober scenes of New England, on fool, greet with heart felt satisfaction, " die sail. Tbit idly waiting, Hu| l with every gate ” and is ready to waft them over the billows of Erie, to their imaginary Canaan. Before such, the tall for ests are rapidly disappearing, and the wilds of Michigan and Indiana, where so recently. “ (leant with man divided empire claim’d.” •re many of them already waving with golden crops nr scattered with flocks and herds.—Buffalo Patriot, NEW-YOUK POLICE! Saturday Oct. 29—One Charles Lee, a stout, hearty foolring man, was brought into tho Police snout 5 o' clock, Saturday afternoon, by Mr Hampton, grocar, corner of Washing ton and Vesey streets, fur stealing a quantity of loaf sugar from hjs store door. He was caught in the very act. Mr. H. it seems, wss just mov ing back his effects from the upper part uf the town, and among other things,the cartinen had discharged numberof loaves of the sugar in ques tion, out of which, the fellow w'as ex peditiously filling hi* huge bag, on the side walk, before the dour. Where do you belong I.aya the magistrate to the prisoner. Prisoner.—I have ju«t now come from Baltimore, but I was b rn at Point Lucy, Upper Canada, where I have a home. Magistrate,—And what did you mean bv trying to rob this gentleman of his properly as you were doing t Prisoner.-Why, Sir as I was telling you, I had just come from Bil>.; and I cnold'nt get .nr work here, and I wax lame tad could'st jjet gaud lodg- D1EI), In Morgan county 18th ult. Mr. Willie Burge. In Fulaski county 20th ult. Mrs. Mary I). Bryan, aged 32. In Morgan county filh ult. Walter Tay lor, F.sq aged 62. At 1 he Barrancas, near Pensacola, on the Sib ult. Major James E. Dinkins, of the 4th rcg. U 8. infantry. Philadelphia Beer. 'Irtft BAHBELB Very superior BEKTt, Oaisssn U Morrison’s Brand. Just received and for sale fay JOHN PAIIVIN, nov 11 p Clelsnd’s Buildings. Rum Barrels, VST1IOLE si 75 cents ▼f [ MARINE. PORT OF BAVAMYJM. CLEARED, Scl&r Science, Griswold, Ncw-Yurfe, Hall U Hoyt ARRIVED, Hriff Hope £5 Polly, Muuran, Providence. 15 days, with produce toJ C Greene, D F Taylor, O Tall, J 0 Whiling 8c co and A U E Wood Panengevt, Messrs Adams, Wood, Whiting, Luliicr, and three in the steerage. Vr ron THIS POET. At Balt. 1st inst. brig Messenger, Basset, to sail with dispatch. CHARLESTON, Nov 8—Arrived, ship Ncwburyport, Goodrich, Limerick, 46 dayn. Nov 9 —Arrived, sell Miller, Slocumb, Boston, 6 days. Sloop Leopard, Wicks, Newport 7 days. Sailed in co. with the sloop Flora, Briggs, for Savannah, Left brig Orient, Maybe*, for sSavnnah, to sail in 3 or 4 days. Cleared, scl sFelix, Maxwell, W Indiet; Huntress, Burdick; N Orleans. BALTIMORE, Nov 2-Arrived, ^ch Nancy, Meyers, Curscoa, 17 days. Clea<ed. brig Torpedo, Chandler, St. Barts i sch Experiment, Baker, Cape Hay* ien. PHILADELPHIA, Nov 1—Arrived, ship Ruth U Mary, Mickle, Buenos Ayres, 60 days i sch Utility, Gasper, St. Augustine, 8 Cleared, brig iMaware, Cole, Pensaco< la; sch Mucdonotigh, Copeland, St Jago. Nov 2—Arrived, ship Coromandel, Day, Gibraltar, 42; sebs Elias Jane, Pascal, 1 la vant, 24 ; Unity, Warner, Curacoa. Cleared, ship Electro, Robinson, Lon don. NEW-YOUK, Nov 1—Arrived, ship Bo bert Fulton, Holdridge, Liverpool, 36 days. BOSTON, Oct 28—Arrived, brigs Che* rub, Letch, Accra, Africa, 70 days; Venus, Slicpley, St. Thomas, 29- Cleared, ship Milo, Woodbury, New Or leans; brig Krneline, Phskett, Gibraltar sell Zealous, Brown, Havant. Jamc*t Fletcher Etq. 8hcriff of Henry Co. 0a* S IR, you are hereby notified not to sell the Lot of Land, No. 212, first district, Henry County, Ga. advertised by you in the Milledgeville Georgia Journal, of 29th Oc tober, for sale on the first Tuesday in De cembcr next, under an Exec. Van Wyck, Melifc*. and Lester, vs. J. R. Warner-the name tract having been gold in Savannah on the first Tutsday in October last, by the U. S. Marshal of the district of Georgia, un der Exec. G. Haight vs. smd J. R. Warner. RICHARD LEAKE, Pk'ffa Alt. Gj* The Milledgeville Journal will give this two insertions, anti forward their ac count to this office for payment* nov 11 r Sugar and Coffee. afffb 11111)8, Prime SUGAR <2P&J SO COFFEE For sale by U.OL, HOYT U CO. per I 9> For Liverpool, ti, «:L«i Milmgiionper’d ship lady gallatin. 35*) Tons Burtliuo, Isaac Harris, Mutter ,. _ , l» iniendeil lo be Uisghtuhed without il.l»)'. For frslflfat or puugc. Imving *o"fl soBcnvnodstloirt, «pp|, toc»p. .«• IUn % .« board it Boltons c«ntn| wharf, or to UALLyHOYT U CO. *4- nov II 97 For New-York, The nackel bnr, TELKORaP'w * -Viw/f, Matter, vmm Will sdl To-morrow. Furfreighfa OrpsSMgOwi'fag good uccoir.modatiuii., apply On boarJit Junes upper wharf, or to — ^ HAM, 4IOYT fc (JO. qtpti 97 For NetvJVork and Connec ticut River, The(ww snd fast uuling packet schooner SAVANNAH, , Pe nt, Master, •to* reft(T3| to take i», aud win wit on Wednesday rfcxt For freight, which will he taken low, or | swage, having good sc- cjinmoilaiions, apply on botra at Jones’s upper wluuf, or to HALL, HOYT U CO. nor It 97 9 Stout lest Double Brown Porter. 1 1(1!) CASKS of very superior,—Just rt. sA'SI/ ceiveu sod for sale bv nov It J. B. HERBERT k CO. 97 HALF do. at fitj oenti—for sale by J. MF.IGS, Mongiids, Utc Bulloch’s Buildings, nor It |a T. C. HA.YWA.ttD, ■ On the Bay, has for sale. Zri BL PACKAGES Boots snd Shoes,com* (J prising a good assortment ALSO, 50 bids No 3 Mackerel 1U do Sperm. Oil Holland Gin, Jam. Rum, NE do* Winra, Cordials, Tobacco, Dearborn's Patent Balances, 8to. nov 11 i. Steam Boat Office. jpwo Clerks arc wanted at this office,and until Friday next, the 15»h insi. appli* cations will be received by the President. N. B. Salary of 1st Clerk, glOODpr. snn. do 2d do g800 do, The latter to give Bond and Security in tho sum iff $2000. S. C. DUNNING, President. nnV 11; b Notice. T HF, Copartnership of the Subscribers under the firm of Dtlamaler V Slarr, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. FcN sons hiving demsnds against the Concern are requested to present them for settle ment, and those indebted to make payment lo U. W. Dclamster, B. W. DELAMATER W. STARR, Jr. B W. Delimiter will continue the Gro cery Business, at the old stand, on Bolton’* wharf. nov 11 97 WegvttvcntaY Orders. ft N election is hereby ordered to be held dCiA et the Market House in Ellie’ Square, on Saturday the 30th November next, for a Captain, 2d l ieutensnt tod Ensign, to Beat Company No, 3. Slid, At the Court House on the seme dey. an election isotdered to be held for t Cep- tain, 1st snd 3d Lieutenants and Ensign, to Best Company, No 3. The Foils to he opened at 10 d'eiock, A. M. end ihe election superintended by two Juticeiuf the Peece snd three freeholders or a majority of them. By order of Col. 8tcele White, M. W. STEWART. Aetg. Adjt 1st Hrgt. G. M, nov It 97 Domestic Plains. R ECEIVED on Consignment, o Bale* Domestic Plains end Woolleys, w hich will be sold low, J. A. MAXWELL, nov 9 b . 1- CANAL COALS, O F Superior Q isfltv. for sale bv LWf' - CANDLER, nov 8 Jones Buildings. White Plains and Blankets. T he subscribers li»ve received bv the sli p Oglethorpe from Liverpool, filaSa Plains end Diiffie Blankets, with ».variety of othe7 articles suitable for the present end approaching Meson, which they offer | for sate on their usual terms. bet 8 JAMES ANDERSON h G»,