Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 14, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH ({{xi 1W / * flL-JW GEORGIAN NEW 8EIUES—VOL. I. SAVANNAH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 14,1844. NO 17a sa fn i mi ' ‘ rl1 - WEDNESDAY MORNING, NOV. 13,1822 The correspondent of the Republican, at Milledgeville, under date of the Bill inat. state) that a select committee had been ap- pcUtf on that part of the message of Gov. Clatrtvrelating to the afl'air of the Secretary of State, composed of Messrs. Abercrombie, Jot. Jackson, Sheftall, Upson, Langhorn, Cuthbert, Campbell, Murray and Glen. Judge Charlton lay dangerously ill about S7, miles from Milledgeville. The election fcr Senator in Congress was to take place en Saturday last. We regret to perceive that the sickness (on board ibeTeacodk, at Norfolk, even at this.late season, bus increased' Sit new cases* were added to the sick,list, on the 4;h inst. Lieut. Robert E. Searcy died on the lit inat. The fever in Pensacola on the 17th ult. had subsided. Mr. Pemberton and Mr. Keene, former ly of the Savannah Theatrical Corps, have arrived in Nashville, where they intended giving entertainment* composed ot Read ings, Recitations and Music. - # A daring robbery was committed on the 31st ult. in a house occupied by a Mrs. Livingston, in Market street, Philadelphia The front door being open, two men and two women, who acted as guides, boldly entered, secured the door behind them, went up the stairs, where the family were titling to a back room, tied Mrs. Living ston and a servant girl buck to back with •ilk handkerchiefs they brought with tltem, and tied the arms of Mrs. Livingston's daughter behind her, and,while one villain stood guard over them with a horseman's pistol, the other man and women broke open trunks, bureaus, &fc. and ransacked the house. Among the articles stolen were a gold watch encircled by' two rows of dia monds, and a considerable quantity of other jewelry. In Chambersburg county, Penn, an at tempt was^ifecently made tp rob and mur. der the family of Mr. George Bledsoe, by three villains, which was defeated by the intrepidity of Airs. B. who stunned one of Jhem by a stroke on the head with the tongs, and her husband who succeeded in wresting a horse pistol from another which had been snapped at him, after which they fled. Three persons have been arrested 0n suspiciou. A fire happened in a cabinet mnker’s shop, at the corner of King and Patrick streets, Alexandria, on the morning of tho 2d inst. which extended itself to the two adjoining large three story brick dwelling houses, occupied by the Rev. S. H. Cone, and Mi'- James S. Scott, both of which were destroyed. jErie Canal.—The water has been let in to the Ei ie Canal, N Y. from Little Falls to Schoharie creek east, and west from Ge- nessee river to Montezuma, making about 200 miles uninterrupted canal navigation, sod it is expected shortly to be opened to Schenectady. The new bridge across the Passaic at Patterson, N. J. fell with a tremendous crash on the 23d ult. It was formed of one arch about 90 yards wide, and was nearly finished. Health of JYew Orleans.—Tht ravages of the fever in New Orleans continue una bated. The number of deaths from the 12th to the 18th was— armbled at the Market on Thursday lest, from whence they proceeded in procession to the Baptist Church. The service commenced with e prayer by the Rev. William Capera, and a so lemn and highly impressive Sermon was delivered by the Rev. S. Capers, Irom Matthew, 24th chapter and 44th verse, "Therefore be ye alao ready ; for in auch an hour tire Son of Man cometh.” j The bells were tolled during the procession, and the colours ot the shipping were at half mast. The assemblage of the citizens on this oc casion, was greater than we have witnessed for many years: and the order and solemnity of demeanor which universally prevailed, evinced the high estimation in which the de. ceased had been lielthand the symp... thy felt for their distressed .rrUtives. Wiityaw Intrl. New Orleans. Oct. 9 — Came up brig Mary-Ann, Grace, Boston, via St. Mary’s. The captain - reports, that the ISth day after leaving St. Mary’s, being in sight of Stirrup Key, he was hailed by a schooner of 50 or 60 tons, who asked where they were from and where bound f to which he answered, from Boston, and.bnund to N- Orleans; they sent a boat and 8 men, armed with blunderbusses, pistols and cut lasses, nliujumped on board and drove all hands below in the forecastle and spiked it down, then ran the brig on the benfc about 8 hours, and came to anchor in two fathoms water, haul ed the schooner alongside and hove out the long boat ; they then broke open thehatcheB and took oui all the dry goods, -and broke every thing in the liold and plundered the vessel., They went fore aod aft, and cut the atanding and running rigging carried oflf the spare rigging, ana new hawser and large anchor; took hi* quadrant and compass and all his clothing, and then told him he might do what lie pleased with his vessel. On asking the pirate where he had run the vessel, lie was told In steer W. by S, to Strange Key, forbidding us to come on deck until they were tinder weigh, nr he would fire into us. The propeity plundered and destroy ed was worth hetwcMi si* and stven thousand dollars. The |>itktes spoke good English, hut appeared to be chiefly ..French aud Spauisiit On the 12th 20 16th 23 13th 27 17th 21 14th 23 18th 16 lJlh 20 W General Jackson.— The Phils- 'jetphia Aurora, says, “ We hare heard, and are induced to bel.eve, that the hero of New Orleans lias resolved to withdraw from al| public employments: Like Cincinna- tus,lie was called by his country to be Its shield ami buckler in the hour of -peril; like him he accomplished , all that man could effect; and now seek ing.thi repose of private life, he fully imitates the glorious example of that distinguished Roman, if such is Ida dete’rmSn -tioti, it is almost certain that we are not hr reafier to have for a high (talion, s soldier , f the revolution ; had Gen. Jackson become a candidate for the piesidency, he would have been the last of the heroes and states men of the “times . that tried men’. »i.1ils” whom the people would have htd the opportunity to honor-” Georgetown, Nuv.9.— A« an rxpres. finn unite deep regret felt by ttii- Community, tor the loss of tile many fall able live., occisiooed hy the la'e loin I vi.ita.ion of Providence, the siuxcn. of tin. lowo and vieinity at Arrived at Marblehead on Monday schooner F or Sisters, Bowden, fjoiu Straits of Belli isle, last from Louis, burg. Capi. B. States that the mahi- tants of Louisburg informed him that a few days before he arrived there, a sloop came in under the control of hei crew, they having risen upon the cap. tain, and confined him on board, and would not suffer him to goon shore. The crew seemed to have free access to every thing on board the vessel and sold to some of the inhabitants, whale boats aud several other ai tides be longing to the vessel- The conduct of the crew, was such as excited sus picions that some serious injury was intended upon the captain of the sloop. The sloop had been on a fish ing voyage, and belonged somewhere in the south of Marblelie id, but Capt. Bowden could not find out the name of the captain or of the sloop, oor ol the town where she belonged. Host. Baity Adv. A letter from the 19th Sept, says—" Among the various reports in circulation here respecting the immediate cause which produced so fatal an efT-ct on the Marquis of Londonderry's mind, as led him to destroy, himself, as coming from good authority—it-is said, that his Mujes ty was always opposed lo coming to Scotland, and stood, nut against the remonstrances of his ministers almost to the vdry last moment. Being, how ever, extremely desirous of paying another visit to the Continent, in u style more suited to his rank than the former one, he repeatedly urg ed the Earl of Liverpool and the Mar quia of Londonderry to provide with the necessary funds. But the Premi er was not to be moved and his nn. hie colleague was no less intractable They both peremptorily refused to call upon the public for money to de fray the expences of the proposed vi. sit, and by doing an, ilia said, they both equality excited the displeasure of his Majesty. The report adds, that the Marquis of Londonderry was particulas’y decisive in the terms of his refusal—so much so, that when the King pressed him on the subject, the noble Secretary replied, • l must non take leave t» tell your Majesty that it cannot be done—the thing is impossible.’ T hin answer was not lobe forgotten ; his Majesty finding at last that Scotland and not the Continent must be his destination, re solved, it is said, to piiniali the Min isler, by forbidding him In oertitnpany him to the North. [Lon. Pap. London, Sept 21.—Lord Melville is spoken of lu »uice d Mr. C n ning as Governor General of India, and the Duke ol Buckingham lo sue- ceed to Lord Melville aa head of the Admiralty. Extract of n letter to Lloyd's Coffee House. Ibufon, July 31.—The squadron under the command of Rear Admiral llamelin sailed this morning. It consisted of Le Cnlosse, on board ol which the Admiral has hoisted his flag ; La Goerriere, and La Thetis, frigates; I’Echo, corvette; LnMo- tnus.sohr. This division will be re inforced by Le Jan Bart and L'i Sy. belle, brigs, from Brest. Its destina'- tion is not known, but it is believed 'hat it is to- cruise oo the..coast of Spain. The Admiral takes the title ol Commander General of the Naval Forces of his M.-ijeqjy in the Metliter rannean. It iss.iid that all the King’s •h'ps in the Levant, have orders lo come and reinforce this squadron. The races over th,Doncaster course fur the St. L-ger purse, took place on the 16ch of Sept. Twenty-two horses started.' Swap was the favor ite, but contrary to the expectation of thousands, he was beaten by Tlteo dore, who took the lead and kept it. To a stranger, the shoutings, antics and grimaces displayed by the cha rncters interested in the race, on Theodore winning it, appeared more like persons mad with joy, than any thing like rational bejngs. . One gen- tleman on Saturday night, at Doncas ter, betted SOO-overeigns to 5, against Theodore, Those persons who took the field against Swap, have doue it nicely. It is supposed upon a moderate calculation that.Mr. Petre, the ownei of Theodore, that won the St. Legei at Doncaster, on Monday, has netteil upwards of <50 000. Never wa- greater surprise manifested, than at the issue of the heat. Money was changing owners in the most rapid manner during the race, and several grooms of gen 1 letnen have by the e vFnt been placed iti independent cir • iirstancesj Mr. Eyre’s man won <2000. Price. Currant nt Charleston, ,Vor. II. * Colton, 8- Hand, 18 a 20—Stain ed do. tl a 12; Santee, 16 a 17; Short Staple, (new) II a 12; Old, 8 A 10; Rice, Prime, 82§ ; Good, 2} ; Infcriori 2J ; Flour, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Richmond, (supe-fioe) 7 j ; Corn, 75 cts.; Bagging, Dundee and Inverness, 55 a 60 cts. Cottons.—But little dojng in Sea Islands; one small lot of the'new crop has been sold at 20 cents. Upland Colton is begining to come in inure plentifultv; it sells readily its it arrive* .it 11 j a It} cents and in snme install ces has brought 12 cents—.the’staple of the new Cotton ia.fnr the most pan good, and in general well hand led. i Rice.—The sales of the week have been quite limited, and we hear of of none over 82|- Flour.- No demand for exportation sales confined to home consumption —the average price 87} ; some fay.' rite brands occasionally command 87|. Corn.—Has experienced a still further decline since last week—we quote it at 75 cents, on an average ; some prime white Corn will still com maml 80 cents, while yellow, nf or tlinnry quality has been sold as low as 70 cents'. Cotton Bagging—Ths article is still held as qunteu , but a disposition appears prevalent to give way a little in the price, and thA best we believe may be had in quantity at 55 cents. fl , ^ Stocks and Exchanges.—Are much the same as last week ; very few trans actions in the former; U. S. Bank Shares may he had at 107j. Freights.—Are still scarce and de pressed—5 8tlis of a penny for Cot ton, to England, ia the utmost that can be obtained. F6r Liverpool, The fast sailing ship CHARLOTTE, George Stmt. Jr matter, Is intended to meet quick dispatch. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to Captain Sims on board at Taylor 1 * wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. nov 13 99 MARINE. PORT OF 8AVANVAH. Old 5tli proof Irish Whiskey. O F a superior quality ami excellent fla vor, in Denvj him. Fur sale hy WILLIIM CMOTHER9. nov 13 IU • ’■ T 1 " " At Private Sale, J UST received J>ec schooner Sea Lion- 13 c.sks Train Oil So boxes Sperm Candles HlBlBEKT V CO. nov 13 iks 1'raln Uil rxes Sperm Csndl {. u, mint! CottOu Bagging. OflFVTA HIKUE9 prime 42 inch Inver- ness Cotton Bagging. Just re- ceived sod for sale bv BAKER U MINTON. nov 13 it Hay and Butter. HUNDI.ES |iria(e New Hay 28 firkins first quality Fresh Butter Landing from ship Charlotte at Tay lor’s wharf. For sate by C. C. GIU lWOLD. nov 13 29 Rum, Gin, &c. «/*> BARRELS N E Rum ^42/ 2$ Uhls India Point Gin 250 q botes Span sU S -gars 20 qr cask* Currant Wine, of a su perior quality Landing from brig Hope & Polly, and for sale by 8.' M ANTON, nov 13 99 Riot’'*- wfuirf REMOVAL. PALMEsly ROE H AVE removed to Bolton's wharf, se- cond Store above the Exchange dock, where they offer for sale, Com, Oats, Hay, and Groceries as usual, nov 13 (t. J \MES ANDERSON % Co. Jff| iVE received by recent arrivals Rom wW England and France, a very clioioe s< I ction of. Eancif nntY Dry Hoods, CKN8I8TIMJ IN PAllT OP Superior Ihunsel*, Venetian, English In grain and Scotch Carpeting, with Hearth lings to match Blue, green, and dnmask Table Covert Rich furniture Chifitzes and furniture Di mity Rich damask table Cloths and Tea Napkins A beautiful assortment of black and 00101*0(1 Homhuzetts, plain ami figured Extra fine black Bombazines Elegant Hnbbinet Veilit and Laces, White and yellow marking Canvass Infants' Caps and Frock Bodies, elegantly ■worked Elegant sewed muslin Hdkfs. Capes, Col larets, Tippota and Frill*, new tniRcrno Do sewed Spence* s .and flounced Muslin Robes awl Ball Dress;* ‘ZytL- . Do indenting and scolloped Trimming and Flounces Fashionable Head Ornaments ; Rich dotted and sprig'd book and mull Mu*» ^ lii)9 and Lcnoes Extra quality white and blac* ailk Hose Fleecy corl* soles and gauze Stockings White,.black and clored Silto and Satins, and Black Mode Rich figured silk Shuwlsand Hautorchicfs, all sixes Rich figured Satin and lustringRibbons Black, white and colored French Crape Dresses Black, white and colored French Crape Shawl|, and Scarfs Ladies’ superior Paris made long and habit, A nl Gloves Ladies' superior castor, beaver and silk Gloves Elegant merino Shawls and Scarfs, a few with lead colored borders White Velvet for painting Riack Italian Levantines and Sattin Blucfr Nankin Crapes and Crape Ureases Do figured Groi de Naples and wide vel vet Ribbon * Swansdown for trimming and tippets Strip’d and check'd Italian SiUrs Best Loudon supetfiife black, blue and fan* cy Cloths Best London superfine black, blue, scarlet, bufti .wliUci, and fancy colored Cass<- meies Together with a large variety of other Goods, which miiJb-* their present assort* ment very complete and extensive, and which will be sold otfaccommodating terms, nov 13 ||i To Let, T HF, Stare in Whitaker-street, first door from theebrner of Congress street, fur* tnerly occupied by Thomas Dowell & Co. an excellent-stand for business. For term 4 apply to BENJ. H/BOyKl ON, or F M4MHN. Cornerhf Congress and WbiUuker-sts. nov 13 .99 To Rent, ’TaoUR small Tenements on Franklin ■a ward. Also, a Store on the forks of lliuhderbolt Road, well adapted for n re* tail Grocery Store. Apply Hi this Office, nov 12 t .Savannah Volunteer Guards. Y OU an. hereby summoned to appear on your gropnd, in full Uniform, completely armed and equipped, on FRI DAY next, the 15th inst. si quarter before 3.o’clock, P. M. iii By order of Captain TvraAtx, LLOYD, 1st Sergl. 8. V. G. nov 13 p For Sale, i HUBS Muscovado Sugar I 75 bbls double refined Loaf Sugar 50 bbls single do do do 25 boxes do do do do 6 hhds W I Rum r 9 hhds Crockery Ware 13 casks winter pressed Sperm. Oil 3i)0 casks Cut Nails assorted sizes 5 Ton* Swedes Iron 30,000 Spanish Segars 75 boxes 8 by 10 and 10 by 12 Win* * dow Glass 10 boxes No 10 Cotton Cards 20 reams Printing Paper 25 bundles Hay JOHN LATHROP & Co. nov 13 p Huhters’ wharf. ARRIVED, Schr Esther, Perry, Charleston, 1 day, with dry goods^^bugar, molasses, &c *o I Cohen, G T Gordon, P Catonnet, Ponce & M'Kcnzie, S Wright, L Thompson, P Dre ge, HTupper,.1 M‘Nish, RWJ Habersham, Win Turner, J &f H M'genzie. AnmiVALS FROM THIS TORT. At Charleston 11th instant, sloop Mary, Brown, 2 days. At N Orleans 21st ult. sloop Susan, But* ler. •* \ At Liverpool, Sept. 23, Cumbeiland, Smith. UF FOR TH'8 FORT. At Boston, brig Hesper, Hubbard, to sail 31st ult. BOSTON, Oct 31—Arrived, brig Perox, Patten, Port-au-Prince, 22 daps Cleared, ship Pactolus, King, Batavia j brign Caravan, Dill, Gibraltar j Havre Pack et, Geyer, River Plate. Spanish Sugars, I N whole, h tit*, ami qiurtt. of ve ry superior q ulitj, received from Ha vana, Slid for Kale by nov 13 99 f by JOUN H. UKIi) J CO. Haxall’s Richmond Super fine fresh Flour. Anr. BARRELS just receiveil.aml con- —‘Uv/ #(ant ,„pp|i t9 will continue to ar rive. BiiJti i's anil families esn be accom mnilaleil *ith any quantity, they miw wisl to purchase. The quality of this flout is esteemed very superior. Richmond Manufactory CUT NAILS made nf Russia and Swedes Iron, 80 cast. P om 3d up to 30(1. For sate bv l*OYCE a MACKENZIE, nov 13 Jr.e fit 'l*he Subscriber .fJESPECTFULl.Y informs the Inhabi [titant. of Savannah and its Vicinity, that lie'.wilt open a Sctinnl for the receptiqp ol young Ladies and Gentlemen, on MONDAY the 18 th of November, In which will be taught all the requisites of a correct English education, together with the Latin, Greet-, French, and Italian but- Kiuges. Ite lias taken the room occasion ally occupied by the Union Society, in the wrat end of the Academy. For Terma of Tuition and other-informa tion, apply to the store of JIuMmin U Hay- ward, a few doors west of the City Hotel. FAR WELL JONES. nov 13 99 Wat« Vrout Dots. BUTLER ^SCRANTON UK n->w npeirng a ; tlitdr Old Stand, jttA GHilon’s Bail ning. Market Square, a *.:iieral ossurtm’*nt o* ..ter Pr .»» Oval, Military, and Fashionab e Dress llils, < f ev ery desciiptiori—warranted to hold lheir coin*, and not lo break They receive their Hat* direct f om ihe Manufactory of Aon- berley l J Moody, with Wh*C!. they are Coil* •.ect. il ■•aud a ill fiirtisli at nil times, whole* sola or i ei sail, on as good terms as any es tibiiolnn nl in the Slate, nor 6 tc ' Negro Shoes, SdXD« nov 8 'iVVIlt received snd for sale by' 8. A.CONDY, t Rice’s Wharf. GOAL. |/ Chaldron Coal, landing from r brig Prompt, and for sale by JOHN D. MO' GIN. nov 18 p 1 Onn Bunchas.Omuls' a \J\J\J 200 pUKKKYS M 50 Bushel C) \TS For sale on board schooner Savannah, a\ Jones' upper wharf, nov 8 95 r JOHN MOORHEAD B egs leave to iuform his friends in Geor* gia, thut he nos established himself peripanrnlly in thfeatyRs a Commisahm J&exrfiant, The sale of Southern Produce will be Ida '.irincipul business, in the management of which, he belrves he can dolus frienda justice—he relics oh the reputation eatu blished during a long residence in Savan nah, on theTeferences to his friends, and diligent -attention, to continue the confi* deuce erf those who may be pleased to fa vor him with their husim ss. Jfe» York, 28th October, 1822. Reference in Savannah— Messrs Cummino If GWATUMCt. u Reference in Augusta—Joek Moons, Esq. nov 8 GkYE«\R UVLOGEIUEis AND DRY GOODS. T HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that, lie has commenced business \\i the ab<>X£ line, in Jsarnard »treet t two doors from the store of P. M‘Dermott, Market Square, where he is now opening a select assort* meet of CHOICE GROCERIES ^and DRY GOODS, which will be sold low for Cash. Families desirous of obtaining Warranted Articles, will find it their interest to upply as above, as the subscriber will guarantee i heir quality, bemg selected solely by him self. ^ JOHN M'RAE. nov 8 i Plains and Blankets. B ' DALES White plain* 5 do- ft.miestic Plains and Woolleys • ' For sole by J m. BAKER MINTON, nnv/ a. • OAl'S. 'OJSJCDJE) $ US 1 ELS °»l». f" Hie schniinrr F.i,y Amtri- jsn^q^loort’!. xharf Fiiraulc,jn lot. tq ISAAC COHEN. % - nov 8 Philadelphia Beer. RAtlRELS Vi-ry siipi-riOr I'F.ER, - Oawng V Mmitu*. Bwnd. ji.t I’coeiveil anti tor sale by . JOHN FAIIVIN, nov 11 p' Clvlanil’^uililiki.;. Onions, 6jc. Rice Bauds, W HOLE at 75 cent* half do. at 6 '4 cpnts -for Rale by JM P.ICS Mongin's, late Bulloch's Buddinga. nov 11 || a Bills on New-Yorfc, £poi< SALE, by l 8* C. C. GRISWOLD. CANNEL COAL, ^Olt Sale by net 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. London Porter O F the bes! Quality, in casks of fVom 6$ to 9 dozen ruch For sale hy JOSEPH CAimUTHERS. nnv 7 l Ddffiestic Phans. IlF.CHbVFD on Consignmm t, 8 Bales Li. Domestic Plains and Woolseys, whicb will be sold low. J. A. MAXWELL. nov 9 b ANDREW LOW & CO. FlfjAVE received, by t/le ships Georgia, wi Oglethorpe, and other recent arriv als from England and Scotland, the greater proportion ot iheir usual supply of Fall & Winter Dry Goods, which they offer for sale at a moderate ad. yance for Produce, or on their usual accom* modaliug terns fo» approved paper; and bv the ship Emily, daily expected from Li* verpool, they will receive an additional as sort ment, together with casks of London bottled Porter in quart and pint bottles, Crockery, Glassware, and some other bulky articles. Now in store, and offered for sale, a few nieces of beat Baltic Hemp Cotton Bagging, 42 inches wide. 8 , oc: 19 Valuable Lands for Sale. I ^HB following valuable Lands will be . sold at low prices, and on accommoda ting terms, if early application be made to the subscriber. 3 One tract containing 5206 acres at the head of Sapelo river, in the County of M'- Intosh, near the old Court House, consist ing of Inland Swamp, of ihe first quality- prime Cotton Land and Pine barren, for merly the property of Robert Baiil-e, de ceased. An undivided two-thirds of« tract of a- bout 2000 acres, si ualed on Crooked Uiv er in Camden County, well suited for the Cultivation of Cotton and considered very valuable. Apply to GEORGE SCHLEY, nov 12 lm No 1. Commerce lior. WILLIAM,STARR, Jr. H AVlNG^taken an in crest in ourhusl# iichs, it will hereafter be conducted under the firm of Hall, Hoyt & Co. HALL V HOYT. noy II 97 For Sale, ^ S\ Complete DOUBLE GIN Aid ol Brown'd make, and has performed remarkably well; the Machine with pearly all the Gear, will be sold low. Please ap ply at this Office. nnv 7 l , r (ff‘ The subscriber’s wag- goes will deliver good FIRE WOOD at tl*e residence of any of the citiJ^PFrf Sa vannah during tie winter, at Six Dollars per cord, cash, by sending an Arder for the quantity wanted, to Mr. Coates, overseer on Vale Koval plantation, or to JOSEPH STILES. oct 23 lm White Plains and Blankets. T HE subscribers have received by the ship Oglethorpe from Liverpool, h'hitt Pfaint and Jhtjjle Blanket#, with a variety nf other articles suitable for the. present , and approaching season, which they offer for sale on Iheir usual terms.' • "JAMES ANDERSON k Co. oct 8 . Clascal & English Sch'ool. HENRY MacDONNELL I NFORMS hm Friends and the Public, that he will re-open his 8chool for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, on Monday next, the 14th inst, ^at 9 o’clock, A M. in the room under Snltimon'a'Lodge, near the Old Presbytetiun Church. octtjfQ Steam Boat Office. apwo Clerks are warned .uhituiffiee.iod 'Ll until Friday next, the liiHiSsl. appli cations will be rereived by the President. N. B. Salary of tst-Clerk, glOOO pr. inn. do 2d do 8800 di> The latter tn give Bond snd Security in the sum of82000. , S. C. DUNNIN^ President. nnv 11 b 0 Noticed r riHE Copartnership of the Subscribers ft. under the firm of DelamaterU Starr'S « ihis day dissolved bv mtltttal consent. Per sons having demaiMts against the Concern are requested to preoent them for a^Ade ment, and those indebted ip mske payment io li. W. DelamaJer. * » R. W DELAMA TER W. STARR, Jr. m R W. Delamiter will continue the GVo«. eery Business, at the oU ataad, on Boliou's wharf. nov 11 9T