Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 14, 1822, Image 4

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Georgia, Effingham County.\ gUPKItlOH COURT, jkcMrr 7Vim, 1821. •p, B Trustees of the UtrraiiiT l.uiticran-Congrogslion *' I Ebenescr, VHbl* Niti. fha Helra k7epr*.ent.tiv*t or Michael Mock, deccasod. J O v petition of* the Trustee* of the ^n«.H«r.n Congreg.tion a. Ba-fiSSSSS. bouiul'ng n®'* h w w« J Hl|noU ^o U (|, tin®- m ’; lh u*VXuv"flcr. 1 8. K llavl*Un- ^SaSS^^AT^XSi £3§33S»a3g? } Cite Circuit CfXiTt | United Suica, Dio* irict ol Georgia. \V. Boarb rough tnd other*, Chamber*, 13/A S«piemt*r, 1822. P ROCE 48 hieing issued in tlm cause, returnable to the term of thia court in December next | and it being refre- vented that .fnht} fladett, Williitn 8. Oil- lett, Slmin’l Vales, Andrew Low, tnd John Uqffue, defendant* in the mid caw ip, reside without the limit* of the District of Geor gia : It iiorderafl, Util the laid John Maa- Ictt,.William 8. Gillen, 8«,mue(Vutes, John Hogue tnd Andrew, Low appear it the term of this court to be iiolden at Ssvan nah In the term of December next, to an. awer to the plaintiff* on the merit* of their *aid petit on, and that a copy of ^Itia or der he pubhahed in one ol the garettea of this aiatv for three month*, and that the plaintiffs hive leave to take inch further proceeding*' a ere preferred in the r In ilieh cue made and provider!. J. CUYI.EU, District Judge. True extract from the tai nutes: GEO GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, Sept. 13, 1622. aep 14 ^"aid into Court, with ^,hin twelve month.. other*!* «e ».qm 7of Hedemotionolth. h..r. ESKS,& “wh" »nd furtflerpro- ' Jeedi.ig. be h«d l ^“^jr.rtd‘pr 0 v”dedi etatuletn inch ens<4 ffj .. u >. g. ©SSSfe ^^.CHfuLTON. Clerk, dee 11 , 8r*» , *' Notice. *,■ A T th* expiration of nine month, frpm ihi. dite, 1 ih.ll apply *o the honoribtr *|... i.. a ticea of the lnfertpr court of Cha tli.m county, lor rt.I.nd penon.l property held by the kb R J. Houston intrust, vis •• ▼ Cedar Grove plantrtion. eontidflttff St wards of 1300 .erea, situated in the diitrtet of WhiteBluff. , . , One mot of Und, containing JO »or«». ^i r .y h w'SS»*eont.!'»ln|» 100 «re^ mu" or leai, situated on the m.r»he. of Litth *s5«*-as±^ Way 13,1822. may 16 4 Notice and Caution. I XT IIKnB AS Iliive been .informed that ’ V John Carnoclian and Peter Mitehell of till, oity have by aundry deed, recently mortgaged and .aligned to diver, ^ereona cither their individual oreditora, creditor* oT the late Ri m of Carnoohan 4f Mitchell, or otlicra, ail or sundry the property and estate, both real and petponal, of the .aid firm, aa wall u their own Individual pro- lerty and eataic, conaisting together of louses, Iota, landa,atores, whinvca, negroes,, bo. in Savannah and Da ien in Georgia, or the neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere with their intereit or .hare in tho sfobk of tho lower itoam mill near Darien, .nil aundry aharea in the United Statea Daub and other bknki, gs well aa auiydry debt* line to them hi various places, betide* lauds, lots, negroea, Ac. in the territory of Florida, and pirticiliarly one large tract of land bbught of Forbea U Co., lying be- twiren the riven St. M.rke and Apalachi. oola In the territory of Florida aforesaid. Three are hereby to caution the public a- ffainat purchasing any part of the said pro. perty or estate ao .conveyed, or any other jiOdperty belonging to the aaid Carnochan i J Mitchell, or either of them, aa 1 hold pri or tnorigafrea on the greatest part thereof, whioh are cm record in thqkpgiitry In Sa vannah and Darlen.aforeaain and in Chsr- leaton, S. p. and equitable leina on all the ilierty of laid John Carnoohan and Peter cliell. WILLIAM CHRISTIE. June 8 fl2 oihn’r. H. J. Houston. Notice. N ine month, after date application wll be made te the honorable the .ler tlcea of the Inferior court of Glynn count ) lor leave to aoll all Ihe lamia in aaid count belonging to tha aa’alo of John King, lat county., K i Nn , <((mVr April’S, 1622- **• Clark county, Ga april 6 Notice* 4 T tho explfotlon of nine months frill J\ (hil date,! .lull apply to .the honor hie life hiaucea of the Inferior court o Chatham county, for leave to se ll the fot lowing real property of the eilale of II. J Houston, vi*: .... One tract of 3J4J acres of Land h Bryan county, Situated on Red II rd creek One undivided fourth part of!1450 acre- of Land in Molntnsh county, Atuated o the Alatamaha river 1'w.ivft Lota in the town of Brunswick Glynn cutlhty. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13, 1822. adm’r. Ji. J. II may 18 l Notice. XPNB months slier datn applloatlon will jN be made to tha honorable the .luslicea «R tlie Inferloroourt uf Camden county, fot leave to soil all the lands in maid county belonging to the cstato of Johh King, lull of Effingham county. M VAKAII KING, athn'rx. AprlTJ, 1822. (a* Clark county, G«. april 6 Yf&tovagei ant\ Vjouuvun xV«u YiuftVuesa. PlkHE undersigned liavo thia day entered JL into enpartnerahip in tha abovh line under the Arm of Smote U HuiT.a— and solicit from their friendl f a aharW ol buaincaa—Thalr Counting Room ia in the wett end of Bulloeb’a Building.. They will bp enabled to make suitable advances on produce deposited for sale. i , OLIVER 6TURGRS, ■ sVU. 1> 11UNTE1L Savannah. Deo.,T,,1801. % *' IrfrCouAcil, BAVATiNAH, ITlh October, 1822. The following persons were drawn City Constables for the ensuing yetr, as follows for Hcathcote Ward .Donald M'Leod Reynold. 4 Wm. P. Hunter Brown Darby Warren Franklin Liberty Ferciyal Oglgwirp* Anson Jackson Decker Wsthington Elias Reed Wm B. Holland Wm Kohinaon George Millen A. M. Taylor Richard Gorham Wm G. Milla Wm C. Wayne 8- William* Greene and Columbia laaacJ'. Stewart New Franklin * Wm Mayhew A true extract from' the minutes, tyAI. I^HBL, c. c. pro tem. _.’ a > • at; HA.Y. m BUNDLES prime Northern Hay, * ' ’ HALL £T HUVT. f For Sale, .foi k, Beefy and Hams. ■hill rtCflvtll ptr hrlg Jticph. 4 e BIU.8. prime Pork 1J 29 do do Beef , 10 do Mess dp 1000 1b best Newbold Hams, for family use ■ * 15 l.blit No 3 Mackerel t SO coils Patent Cordage 15 ctsks Cheese , 20 kegs Salmon 2 bbls Pickled Cucumber*, for fat mily usd, With * general assortment of Groceries and Provision, suitable for families—Ibr sale wholessil or retag, bv THOMAS BRADLEY & CO. nov9 b ‘ Bullooh’s Buildings. Englm and Aiuerican Cast ings. , yst TONS English Castings, consisting i(J ol*Ovens, from 9 to 20 inches i Pnti, from 14 Gallons, to 30 gallons, from the Canon Manufactory. —ALSO— 8 Tona|of American Casting*, cons’stine of Ovens, Spider* with covers., Fit e Dogs and Waggon Boxea. For isle by • P. M'DHUMOTT. nov 12 lb , To the Public. ■ CARNOCH AN and P. M1TCHEL are „ • sorry to be again brouglit before the puhlln hy a seponil notice of Mr Christie's, who has undoubtedly claims sgainst them, which, when Rnslly liquidated on the de- ■ isinn of the suit now pending, they will y to ittiilV as soon ns possible thereafter, he deeds’ under which Mr ChriBtieolnirm in exclusive right to all the real nml per- nital estate ofaCnninchan A Mitchel, are nnsidcred as infurmul, unjust and illegal, ilence they have been brought and are still u'fore the court, and oilier deeds Itavi teen executed and recorded, conveying io property for the use of all their credit s, Mr Christie included, without any trust reservation beneficial til C. WM. or their miliest and if thia be not agreeable to that rcnllemun, it must,, nevertheless appear sir and equituble to the public and all who sve a sente of,justice. The Trustees tinder the late deeds *re naloustosell the Lamia in Florid,, ulhuled n in the notice nf Mr Christie, and to ap. ly the proceeds totfie immediate payment f part of hi* ilomand, and deposit a suffl- riency thereof to cover all Ilia claim, sub frot In the decision nf the court—but his opposition to unv reasonable tale, as one in terested in hi, own right, whilst injuring ill psrtieilioncerned, must be borne until n sale can bemadp under an order of court. June 10 F.ditbra of panel* whq Insert Mr Chris tic’s notice, will please insert the above until hia is withdrawn, snd forward their liilla to the Savannah Republican Ofiice, where they will be promptly paid by ■-e-g-'-i 'V: Fresh Medicines. ' rpilE subscriber has received by late ar il rivals from M, York, a ft-esh supply of DRUGS G? MEDICINES, which, sfided tohis former stock, makes his assortment very complete. His fViendi and buitomers can be supplied as Usual, on moderate terms, at his store. Market -'quire, adjoining klessrs Cleland U Fra sier. EDUfiARD COI'PEE. net ?4 11 \., NOTICE. , A Young Man who lint had a good edit- A cation, wrilea a good hand,'and having ibeen lnng accustomed lb afctive business, wnd underatanda well the nature of awounts and book,Ye*Ringe wishes employrtnsm In some respectsble business in this ciiy i i« can come well recommended, and as employment ia hia object, (te woulB not re quire much'of a salary. A line addreaaec to A B. through the poat-oftice, will be at tended to. • oct 13 af Notify. N INE month! after the date of thia no tice, application will be made to the Honorable-the Justice* ol the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for permission io aril the real estate of Letty Carter, de- ceased, fqr the benefit of the heirs and cfcdilora of the said deceased. UGHT. TOWNSEND, Adm»or. »uff U fit. Domingo Coffee. 4,n bag* prime 81 Domingo Coffee Just received ami for wlr by oct 26 BAKER U MINTON. N/E.Gin, Ciller, Brandy, er\ BIIL8 New England Gin ip blit*Cld-r Bi-andy 40 do Cldar 11 do Apple. 11 cask. Cheese 6 A-kin* Butter 2 crate, black Tea Fata Landing from achr Savannah, and for •ale by dr 8 95 HALT., HOVT A CO. " " - - - 1 ■ - • Eresh Butter, Kaisius, &c. DR KKG8 Fumily Duller SO boxes Freah Kaiain* 4 bale* Drown Shirtings 15 boxes Mould Candles 120 hhds N. England Hum 30 hbla do do SO^bbli Northrrn Gin For side low, by * , t S. 0. OIIEENE, oct .11 Th Moonr»s wha^f. Notice. T IP. Arm of Rockwell U llephurn It di*- ■dived, in pnnii queoee of the death of J. L. Hepburn, K»q. The aubscribera have formed t connec tion in the Practice of Law, underthe Arm of ROCKWELL A MORGAN, They will attend lb professional business in the Fe deral Court, In the Oemulgee circuit, and in those counties where in the late firm of Rockwell jy.Hepburn practiced. Their ofiice it in Mdledgevihe, Homer ol Jefferson and McIntosh streets, where one of them msy he found et all timet, when not on the cirouit. B. ROCKWELL. ' A. A. MORGAN. Milledgeville, June 10, 1822. jime 14 Georg»—Camden County. W HEREAS, Ejllm Atwater, esquire, administrator, applies for letters of dismission from the eita(es of Colonel Wil liam Scott, deceased, John Campbell, de ceased, and Havens Waterman, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased persons, to be and appear at my office on or beforf the first Monday inJiuiuary. next, and shew cause (ifany) 1 why laid letters should' not be granted in terms of the law. Given under my band and seal, this22d June, 1832. (ua.] JOHN BAILEY,c.c.o.c.c, July 1. Georgia;—Camden County. UTHftREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Ex- T T ecutrix, applies for letters of dllmis sion fiom the estate of Gene re) Nathaniel Green, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors nf said jleceased to be and appear at my qffice, on or before the Artt-Mondsy in Janasry next, and show cause.fiRknyj why *aid letter, should noi be glinted, in terms of the law. -■ Given under my hand and leal, tfiia 22d day of June, 1822. [t-’ a] JPNHBAILE'Ac.e n e' e. Sheriff’s Sales. | Fla* seed On (Ae/rei Sntwi{>, iflcr th, /fret TWfrfny j fill,,., in IlccmUv next, | H n im«* W ILL be sold al the market house in II the town of St Mnrya, between the hour* of ten and four i^clnck of that day, Due home and part of lot No 3, (three) levied on aa the property of Francis llu- dulph, to satisfy his state, county, and poor tax for the year 1890 ( amount due $64 22 cents 6 m and cost. Alan, part of lot No 27, lying In the town of St Mary**, containing two ncrcB, more or lessj bounded west by John Bachlott, sen. north by Congress attaet, south by Weed street, and east by Norria street, levied on as the property ol P. bracey to satisfy his atafe, county, and poor tax for the year 18211 amount due 87 cents 8Jm and coat. ^ Alio, part of lot No 5 and part of lot No. 8, in the town of St Mans, levied on aathe property of John Langley to autiafy hia atate, County, and poor tax Tor tlie year 18214 amount due 58eent*and coat, oct 23 GEORGE LONG, n s c c Inferior CoOrt, Chatham County, a Chambers, Oct. 2,1828. O N the petition of Joseph Delchampa, stating tfiat he is in fall, for debt, at the suit of Peler DUringer, that he is in solvent, hut willing trf surrender all hia os- tate for the benefit of hia creditors, aathe law directs, and praying for Mief under the insolvent acU of jhia atate. Ordered, That the said Joseph Uelchpmpa, be brought up, at thecnCtrt house in Savannah, on the thlro day of December hext, at 10 o’clock, to be heard» and that notice there of be given b'B creditors, agreeable to law. Extract from fhe minutes JOB T. BOLLE8, Clerk.. oct 3, cf . lately,i Effingham Superior Court, Decembe.'term. 1821. The truateea of the Ger-' man Lutheran Church at Ebeneeier w To Rent, HE Store in Jones* Buildings on the bay, next to the one occupied by Smith U Turner, an excellent stand Ibr hit- nines*. Alio several;Dwelling houaea and Apply to H. U 3- HABERSHAM. novt** m Ware Rooms. ROBBERY: QTpHE House occupied by the subscriber, -LL belonging to Mrs. Stanton, in Mnntgo- merv-sti-eet, nesr Baptist Ch. sqr, nrxt door hut one to Mr. Seilcck’a store, was broker!" open three several times, on thcnlghts nf •be S'It, 8th, and 9th, insts androbbecl of a Feather bed, a I'illuw and Bolster, a Mat- 1 1-sss and a Cot, a Copper Kettle from the kitchen, and from tlie yard a number of fowls. To guard the public against • aim-- ar oceiirrence, and if possible to detect the •illnin, this notice is given. If Bny of the articles mentiuned are offered for sole, they are requested- to' be slopped, and any In formation of llttm will be gratefully re ceived. nov 13 98 JANET YOUNG. Auti-Syphili|ic Pills, V.UKPAKKn nr DOCTOR BERTHELOT, Jnd sold at his store on the Buy, ITU -E great efficacy f these Fills in the -14 cure of all the symptoms of a certain if seasein both sexes, lias been scknowledg lid fur more than twenty years by numbers nf patients throughput the. United States, t hey are warranted free from any kind uf mercurial preparation, and the patient who uses them may attend to.his business amf follow his nwn regiinen or diet without in cotiveniency or injuring tliqir cir-rt. . The BUbscribetlniS prepared afipth sup ply‘nf these Fills—they are sold with' prim ed directions for use, at g6 per box i-one nr t wo of which is generally sufficient lur a petfect cure.' £ JQ11N B. BERTHEI.OT net 24 ), Sheriff’s' Sales On Ike Jim Satiin'hiy after the Jim Tueulay •in January hext, ' Yk WILL be sold at the market house in VJT the f-iwh 6f St. Mary’s, between the hours ofthn and four o’clock of that day, One Negro Boy named Frank,llevied on as the property of Matthew W. Beseent to satisfy an execution on fin-eclosure of a mortgage in favor of Lawrence U Thomp son, GEORGE LONG, pace oct 36 - ' John Freyermuth and ae veral parcels of Land _ □ N the petition of the Trustees of the German Lutheran Church at Ebenea- cr, stating that the said John Freyermuth on the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred Ci fifteen, mortgaged by deed under. seal to the petitioners, all those tracts nf t. land,containing three hundred seres in Kf- fingham county, Mate aforesaid, on a small crehlRtcljoining Judidiah Weitmsn Kelly’s and Garrison’sTandi also another filly acres- Bitnated and being in the district of E, besteaer, hounded by land of Peter Arne- toff A F. Bronknera, at the time of survey granted to Latidfelderi also, another tract of land situate in the sevefitceth district of the county of Baldwin, containing two hundred and two and a half acres, known hy the number ,(104) one hundred and our, with the appurtenances, to seaure the payment of a bond or obligation of the ■aid John, bearing date the day and year aforesaid U praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It appearing to Ihe Court that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum ol two hundred dollars, with interest fit six per cent, from the fif teenth day of April, eighteen hundred SJ eighteen. On motion of *"' — and Cuyler, attorneys of the pqti la ordered that the .aid John Freyenn. . his heirs nr representstives, do pay into Court the amount due as aforesaid within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John and Ids heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that such fortber pro ceedings take place as are By law,direct- V - * It is forther ordered that this Rule be aublished once a month for twelve months n a public gatette of this stale, or be aerv ed on the defendant or hia repreaentstiw or Agent six months prior to the time ap pointed for the payment of the,money into iourt. J ■ -J Extract from the Minutei. JNO. CHARLTON. Clerk, dec 11 refi SCHOOL. T HE subscriber intends openings school in this City, on tlie first Musiui i„ November next, in which will be taught. ' h « l r n * n | d Gr f ek ■•nguages, together withthtae branches of an English educa- Ron. usually taught in Academic. He ha. taken the house at present occupied-by Mr. Smi. J. Bryan, situated in ‘Market (|„ e south-broad) atreeti from 4 to 6 pupils c*n A . . _ be accommodated with boaidand lodein. PRIME Negro Man, sceuttomrd t„ in hisfiimily. For particulars, reference the m tnfffcment of imrsca ami driv- may be had to the Rev J. O. Andrew nr iag-% or .dn»v F »r terms apply Joaeph George, R*q. * t0 ^ 3l J ^“' HERBERT (i CO. ^ ^ CHARLES W. CARPENTER. CHATHAM ACADEMY. OmtlE School! in this Institution will o> 44 pen on MONDAY NEX F, the 4th of November.—The male depbrimegt under the suacrlntcndanee of Mr. Wish, the Fe male under Miss Kihobsuiix. The qiishficstinns of both teacher*, the trustees are fully satified are eminently cal culated to-do justice to the pupils commit- tea to their charge, snd therefore tecotn- mend them with the most unlimited confi dence to the public. * ' f" • Tickets must be obtained from the Trea surer fur the admiaaion of pupils, at none will be permitted to remain in the Acade my without them. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treaaurer. TEHMS. -, oiwl’s scaoDk -Spelling and Reading -*10 00 Reading, Writing and A- rithmetic 12 00 Reading, with Geography, Grammar and Hiatory 13 50 do do with Draw ing 15 00 ■otVscbooi.. 1st Class—Spelling and Reading glO 00 2d do Reading, Writing, Geo graphy, Grammar, and Arithmetic 13 00 do with Mathematics and Latin and Greek lan guages 13 50 1st Class 2d do 3d do 4th tin 3d do oct 30 Ron Nisi On Foreclosure of Mortgage j. Laurel Hiil Toll-Mi H£ l oll-Mill on Mrs. Anorum’a plan- •t on has been completely repaired /, snd is now ready to Work as well as any other mill on the river. The rough- rice that will be sent to the mill will be kept separately in dry and safe stores, and shall be best with'the utmost ctreand economy,and the barrells will bealwayade- livered in good order. Empty barrels, made of prime boated staves, will-'be furn ished at the mill when required. The terms for cleaning Rice will be the tame •t st the otherToll-mills. Those planters who will engage to have their crops beat ,st that mill, sod keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or as much less as they please, beat at one turn. Applications con- cerning the mill, to be made to Archibald Brebner, on the Plantation, or in Savan nah, to PETIT DE VH.LER9. sep 10 rpf Factor, Mongiu’a wharf. General Drug and Family jMfc&loine WareVvouae. * "5 ANSON PARSONS, JYo. 8 Gibbmu' Btildingo, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers in this state and Soutli- Carolina generally, that he has established himsellin the Drug Line, on his own indi. vidua! account, and is opening at this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh Imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, dfc. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Mer chants and Planters, snd all who wish to ' purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at this Establishment on the molt accommodating terms, CATALOGUE. Marble Morters , Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes For in'East-Florida. i\ PLANTATION Situated on the St Johns, ten mileafrom Jackaonsville, called Mulberry Grove, containing 160 or 190 teres of hammock, and 640 of fine pi Innd. The hammock is tome of the be... land in Florida. , Also thirty prime,young Negroes, now on the plantation. The place is considerably improved, about 60 acres of it being now uimer cultivation. A iling credit will be given for the principal pan of the consideration money Apply to the subscriber on the place, or Bolton A Copp, of St Marys, Georgia, oct 23 nf JOSHUA H1CKMON SAVANNAH. Hook and Job kiintlng MICHAEL 1. KAPPEL C ARRIES on the Book and Job PRINT- ING.BUSINESS in Bay lane, (Rey nolds ward) between Lincoln and Aber- corn streets. Order* fffrr Printing left at the liSokand Stationary stores of S. C J. Schenk, on the Bay j T. Langworth’s, in Johnston’s square, or handed to me per sonally, will be th%nkfully received and correctly and promptly executed. OCi* Ji Scale of my Price* f*r Printing, i* left at the above placet, oct 22 l| BOARDING. TpWO or three Gentlemen can be accom 'Ll modated with comfortable Boarding in a private family, in a centara! situation, and on moderate terms. Apply at the office of the Georgian. Oct. 24. * Wanted. Nl WANTS a Situation, in a store, or to >4# take charge of goods from here to Augusta, apd back again, a Young Man who can come well recommended. A inn addressed to T- L. anil left at this office shall be promptly attended to. oct 10 Franklnoense Glauber salts Galls Aleppo do Kino, do Jalap dn Gualao do Valerian do Gentian comp’d Vmegsr distilled do Sqnilla Valerian mol G.lbsnum, Ginseng Vitriol.ted Tartar Gold Thread Vitriol white Gentian root Ginas Antimony Ginger R*ce do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Ammoniac do blue do green Patent Mt-didnea (fo Baietnau’a drops British oil Essence peppermint Btniigntun’a bittern Godfrey 'soordisl Steers Opodeldoe Turlington* bslsom Daibeys Carminativ* paflVs Elixer HnrlemOil or meda- camentum Oil Wuimteed Ik, Pj'SUeaN.Lond#* Ecea Windham do Amlersona do lloupera do calomel no opium Opiutis, orange peel Oxymel sqnilla ^ Oil Vitriol do Tansey do olivet do Peppermint do spearmint . do savin do Rosemary do Peneroyol do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm seed do Lavender do Anniasecd do Juniper do Cloves do Almonda Ointment mere do Basilicon do cerate NuTm^“' drn “ Ce Nux vomica, ^^idtffie. Pear! barley «^tl precipitate Rose water, Rod* Powdered tin Rust of Iron Flsster mercurul Gum elastic, Spatu. do B’urgundy pitch l.. ’ P do Senegal do Arabic do powd. do Kino do benaoin do Tragacanth do Gusc do Myrrh do Shellac do Copsl - do Msstich ‘ do Gamboge do Scamony Helebore black do white Hiera Plara Honey, do squills’ Hoffmans anodyne Isinglaia Ipecacuanha or Hip po Jalap Juniper berries Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do ball i. Jo refined Lime water Lead" do Magnesia lump do powderen | do small square do calcined Manna flake do aorta Metercon, musk * r f do adhesive do strengths do drachlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp’d S iiickiilver. Iiubsrb root du powdered Scales tnd weight* Garden seed* in bag. es, .aborted Balm (Tuilo Churches - cough drons,for couglii, Colds, conimnp. lions, Mtlimas, tjc. Cephalic Snuff, fot catarrh* COLOURS, ifc. Prussian blue, 1,3 Ivory black •v ,ni L, 3 ... I,am P block Fig blue, Kings yel-lndigo Spanish , Black let), red do Drop Lake, No 1&2 Lilliarge Flake white Terri de aenns Carmine Antimony orude Alcohol Aloes soot do heptt Arrow root , Aunts seed Assafcatids, Allum Angelica root Angostura bark Aqua Fortis Antimonial wino Araenic Acid Muristio do Nitric do Nitrou* do Tarttrio do Sulphurio IvorjtSyringe* Syringes, qts.ih boxes ao pints, do 4 pints do male and female Congress^ spring water Lemon acid Soda powders Salts of Lemon Cologne water Wash balls WindsorTosp Transparent do IVax tapers Nurembergh do WormLoaengea Patent Lint Thumb lancet* . do comihon #do Clewleys Bark yellow, do red Liqtii a do do pale, do in quill Low’s perfomed do BalsCapevi Naples do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum in stick* do Tolu Barbadoes Tar Fancy Viala Borax rePd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeswax yellow : do white Brimstone roll do rePd Castor Oil, Arne - do W.'lpdia Caatoi‘i Russia Camjitjor ref’d do in pota assorted Rose water, lavender assorted F.ssencet ass’d Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Soda do Rochell, do Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau- ' her do Nitre refined Solut Arsenic, Fow- w - Spts.Ammonia do Hartshorn do Lavender compd -do Wine do Nit. Dulo Sassafras bark e«, dopulv i flower*' Ctnella alb. Caraway toed- - * Cardamon seed Cascarills hark Cassis, Cinnamon ' S arsapsrilla Castile Soto, white Sponge fine , do emored tlo coarse Cloves, Cochineal Saffron Spanish Colombo root du English do pow. do American Cha|k.prepared Savin, Senna Ales Coriander seed Spermaceti do now’d Snake root Virg. Cowitch do Seneka, Squills Cream Tartar, pulv Storax, Salts Harts- Corrosive Sublimate horn Carmj,nb Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digitales Dover* Powder* Epsom Salts, Eng. Ether Sulph Ergot Elder blossoms Emery fine do No 1, 2 tnd 3 Elixir Paregoric do Vitriol Extract Cicutpr do Gentian da Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphur do Benzoin Sugar lead Syrup Squill* do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Aloes comp'd do Myrrh do Valerian do Snake root do Assafietida do Bonaoin comp’d do Csntharidea do Senna do Rhubarb do bark Hushama dn Peruvian bark do Opium da Castor do Muriate Iron do Columbo root 1* visit. Laudanum Antimnnial Win* Tinct rhubarb do ssssfestidt JBals Capeva Sweet Oil Jipta Lavend com T do camphor do Hartshorn - do sweet Nitre do Turpentine- Caiomel Jalap Tartar Emetfo .... ,s fovrua. Wine Bitter. do Turpentine Sots Hartshorn Sweet Oil. castor Oil ao sweet Nitre American and W.l. Sundries, ivl. b<>lu ® u ‘ Pl ' , ‘ ,,lt *pringTruue» " ax tanera common do Durable Ink Red ink powdek Black doi Pill'baxee Red do Red wafers, snorted do Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender do Bergamot do Lemon Cslc’d Magnesia Epsom stile Rhubarb Peruvian bark Cheltenham salts Henry* calc’d Mag. nesia, iStomXbnic bitten Castor Oil Persgoric crown dot do Evani’sTooth brushes com- Spring lanoets mon ■ do silver wire, & » I 4 roye Cupping and trepan. ing Instruments Male and female sil ver Catheters White leather skins English mustardahy the lb. in canisflfr* Ground Ginger, raco do Clovet, cinnamon Msec ,Tooth Inatruments ass’d Bougies, Gallipot* Macahoy snuff • Liquid blacking Black sealing wax Spanish whiting Rotten stone Pumice do , Powdered blue Copperas Vermilion, Chinese .do English Verdigris, Irish Glue 8outelUris, Lateriflora, or Seullcap. . SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Boxes, Well falcu(ateil for Plantation use. Together wi'rA a general assortment nf Surgical Instruments, Shop Furniture, MsorteS Phials, &c. also, ' Saratoga and Ballston Mineral Sprikg Waters, will be kept constantly on hand in aa perfect state at can be import 'd. ANSON PARSOglS. tP dec 31 Oeniler ^ Posey H AVE moved iheir store to the south* west corner of Jefferson and St. Ju lian street. where they sell all those artielea which are usuually enunnferated in‘ the long advertisements ol Apothecaries. As they reside in the same house where they carry on their business, they can at all times, day or night accommodate their customers V * They always keep on hand a complete assortment of warrant«dGARDEN.8BED3, Also, Garden Tools and Flower Fota. aep 19 FRESH GARDEN SEEDS * ’ **> Flower Bulbs. B Y the latest arrivals from the North, at the Drug and Seed Store of OEULEU U POSEY. oct 15