Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 16, 1822, Image 4

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/ Qeorgta' Rfflngham County.| •UPIMIQ* OOOUT, Htcemhcr Term, 1821. Th e Trustees of Ihc lirrmsn' Lutheran Congregation at Ebeneser, . Nlfoll.n Co. .Hr li Nm of Miohaol Mock, deceased, J O N Iln petition orthe Trustees of the Gentian Lutheran Congregation it B bc„««r?raying the *«•*£? **5 I.„uit v of llrlemnrion of allthit tract or Jfcijli.m »d «Ute »fnre«i.l. ”, one themaand ,ere» luimlredan'ltdxt). ber, eighteen hundred and three, w»in » terest at tfto rate of 81 * P cr . I? the fourth daSfcof December, eighteetrbuii* S«A-.*ttRa hsS’s'ss. SSSis- eornie. to. the pet.tumera,.t i ordereJ fl the amount dud on «ud bond end mige be paid Into Court, with n,e ' < ".’ Jliin twelve tnonlhl. otherwise the t.pi. yof Redemption nf the hens Mutative. Ot 1 the .aid Michael Mock, be foreclosed, and that other and further prt. ceedinct be had th.reon, pursuant to the atitute lit anolt cases made and provide h and U*a further ordered that tin. be published once a month for ,w « lv ' f u u „e of the public a’aaettea of this.atale. MxUwtfrem tie .ffirmte*. JNO. CHARLTON, Clerk. dec It ire Notice. A T the expiration of nine month, from thil date, I .hall apply to the honorable ths Justices of the Inferior court ol Lha tham county. Tor leave to rttS’ihS'iate real end perannal property held by the late u J. Houston In triiat, via. Cedar (irovo plantation, containing up. .. erarda of 1200 acre., situated in the dialricl ■of White tlluA - . . One Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, ■Bear the above. „ May Island, containing 100 acres, more ior leas, aituaied on the marshes ot Little Ogechee river. Ntlao. between 65 and TO Slaves. ^ HAT. HOUSTON,. Mey 13,1822. adia'g, tt- J. Ihmlon. may IS \ Notice. U^fTNB monthi after date eppl'ieaiion will be made to the honorable the Jus 'licet of the Inferior oowt of Glynn county, Ilor leave to tell til the lands in raid county belonging to (he et'tle of John King. Iite tl Effingham comity. 8 VRAH KING, attm'rs, April 5,1822. |i* Clark county, Ga. •prll 6 ' Ctft Circuit Court a United‘Stales, Dr*, trict ot Georgia. W. Scarbrough and ofhtra.JL J Chnmhert, 13th September, 1822. P ROCK 48 having issued in this cause, ivtui (table to the term of this court in December next | and it being re| re- tented thst John Mailed, William 8 Gil- lett, Sa.mi' l Yates, Andrew Low, and John "logiie, defendants in the said cause, reside itliout the limits of the District of Ueor- f rit: It is ordered, that the said Johu Has* eif, William 8. Gillett, Samuel Yates, John Hogue and Andrew Low appear at the term of this rourt to be holden at Sevan nsh in the term of December nett, to an. swer to the plaintiffs on the merits of their ■aid petitmi, and (hat a copy of this or* tier be published in one ol the garrttei of this slate for three months, and that the piuinMf}'* have leave to take aueh further proceedings as are prescribed in life r in such case made and provided. J. CUYf.Gti, District Judge. True extract from the minutes. GEO GLEN, Clerk. Savannnh, Sept. 13, 1822. sep 14 Sheriff's Sales. Will be tohi o/i the Jl'it Tuwbf in Dr- • cember fieri, I N fiont of (hr Court llous*, between the usual hours, (he following property, viri Two negroes Jacob and llt-nkee, levied (he pro|ert> of Alexander Irvin, at (lie suit of James Dickson U Co. against Alexander and Kennith Irvin. Also, a mulatto woman named Jane, and her child, levied on as the nrbperty of A- *ael Howe, at the suit of John llaupt and Jsne Mvera, issuing from a magistrate's court, and returrtl to me by a constable. Also, the buddings on half lot No 14 Ysmaetaw, Oglethorpe ward, levied on as the properly «»f Isaac Shefiall, to satisfy 9. M, Hood, Daniel Porter, and other*—- returned to me*i>v a constable. ABRAHAM D'LYON, icq nnv 4 01 e* Nodes. T HE Amt of Itorks ell ff Hepburn la the- •nlvnl, hi cutocq'ieusa of the death of J. L Hepburn, E«ij. The aubacrihen have formed e eonneo- lion in the Practice ot I .aw, under the Arm of ROCKWELL fr MORGAN, They will attend to proleaainna! bii.-nnes in the FS- level Court, In the circuit, ami in thine comitica where In the late hrm of Rockwell V Hepburn practiced. Ihew oAicc .a in Mdledirtvihe, eornsr ol JelFeroon and McIntosh streets, where one of them may be fouud at all timet, when not on the circuit. 8. ROCKWELL. A. A. MORGAN. Millrdgeville, June 10, 1822. June Id Notice and Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been informed that John Camoclun and Peler Mitchell of Hits city have by aundry deeds recently mortgsged and aligned to diveia peraohb either their individual creditors, creditoim of the late fi»m of’Oarnocliantf Mitchell, or othara, all or sundry the property and estate, both real and personal, of the said dim, as well as their own individual pro perty tnd estate, consisting together of houses, lots, lands,stores, wh o vet, negroes, Ac. in Savannah and Da ion in'<Jeorgia, or the neigfiboi hood thereof, and elsewhere with their interest or share in the stock of the loweraUhui) null near Darien, and sundry sharerm the United States Dank a id other banka, as well as sundry debts due to them in various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, Ac. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bought of Korbea if Uo- lying he tween the rivers St- Marks and Ajjarochl- cola in the territory of Florida aliiresuid. These are hereby to caution the public a* gainst pu chasing any pari of the said pro- perty or estate so coriveyed, orany other properly belonging to the said Carppchan tj Mitchell, or either of them, a»4 hold pri or mortgages on the greatest jpsrt thereof,, which are on record in ’tnc registry in Sa vannah and Durien aforesaid atld in Char leston, 8. C. and cquitajd® Mty <»» »H.Tlu property of said John Ctutnochlrt and Peter Mitchell. WILLIAM CUWSlUA. june 8 fl2 City Slicilff’s Sales. On the 7W<«</uy in December next W I EL be sold in front of the Courthouse, ' ’ between the usual hours of 10 «nd 3 nclnek.^. One negro woman named Rachel, toge- gether with her two children, levied on as the property Of John II Ash,to satisfy sun dry exeunt nua from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah—'TU Smith and others vs Jno. II Ash. Also, all the Printing MaterUfs ofthr Job Piloting Office, consisting'of one Printing P ess, a (1'ianUty of Type, type Stands Plunks of different descriptions, tfc. levied oi> as the property of Henry P Itnssell, dec to sfitisfV the balance of an execution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah^ in fkvor of fL-nry King, and aasigned to Josiah Law rence, and aiso an execution for rent in hv-Tof Jnmea Morriwm. Also, all the Ruilmnga on lot No. 14, (fourteen)‘Washington war<l bounded north by a lane, south hv Rrvan street, east by hit No 13i writ by lot No 15, levied on as the propety of John'l Roberts, to aatiafv an execu tion, C. II Hayden vs. Jphn 1 Ho- berts, indorser. Also, sundry articles of Household and fctghen Furntltiie, levied on as the pro- peitv of.John Turner, to satisfy an execu tion for ('tut, in favor of 8ussnnah1lurns'dcs, AIIHADAM I. D’LYON.C.s. nov 4 91 Notice. jl T the eaplratiim of nine months from, JfS. this Hale, I shall npplv to the honors •Via the .Tiislices of the Inferior court O' lilmllisin eoiinly, for leave to sell the fill ifon lng real pro[ierty of the eatafc of It. J IlmiB'on, vie: One tr#ct of 3J4| acrea of I.and ii Hrvun county, litiiute l on Red 11 ril creek. One umhvitleil fouvth pan of 1450 acte- Uni in Htlntosh comity, situated 01 «ho Alatsitaha river. Twelve Lots iittlte town of Urunswick, •Clynn county. VAT. HOUSTON, Mav 13,1832. oilntV. H. J. II titty 16 , Notice. N ine month, after date application will be made to the.t|oiiorable the Justices of the Infedoroourt of Camden county, fur Jcsvc to sell all the lamia In said count; Delimiting tukhe estate uf John King, lati of Effliiulinm county. VAKAII KINO, adin’rr. April 5, 1823. ia- Clark county, Ga. april 6 1 To the Public. J C AHNOCIl AN and P. MITCHEL are • sorry to be again brought before tin public by a second notice of Mr Christie's, who has undoubtedly claims against them, which, when finally liquidated on the de cision of the suit now pending, they will try to satisfy m soon as possible thereafter. The deeds under wltlon Mr Christieclainu an exclusive right to all the real ami per* tonal estate of Csrnnchan & Mitchei, are considered as informal, unjust and illegal. Hence they have been brought and are still before the court, and other deeds have »een executed and recorded, conveying lie property for the use of all their credit ors, Mr Christie included,'without an) trust tyr reservation beneficial to C. &M. or theii fatniliesi and if this be not agreeable to that gentleman, it mutt nevertheless appeal uiirand equitable to the public and all who >ave a sense of justice. The Trustees under the late deeds are anxious to sell the Lands in Florida, alluded to in tbeknoticc of Mr Christie, and to sp. ply the proceeds tp'the immediate payment • »f part of his dtmknd, and deposit n suffi ciency thereof to cover all his clpim; sub- je.ct to the decision of the court—but his oppos tion to any reasonable side, as one in- terepted In hia own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, inUst be borne until a ale can be made under an order of court. June 10 Faditors of papers whri insert Mr Chris tie’s notice, w ill’ph ase insert the abovi until hia is withdrawn, and toVward then bills to the Suvannkt) Republican Office, where they will be promptly paid by j. c; u i». m. Factoragfc tnatV Vjotuuua ..v alow Tiusuifcas. tflHE undersigned luvejhis ilay entered J. into copartnership in the above line under ,the firm of Stuham U Himxan— end solicit from their friends a share of business —Their Counting Utiom ia in the west end of Bulloch's Ruildmga. They will be enabled to make suitable advances -on produce deposited for sale. OUVBU STURGES, WM. P. HUNTER, ^bivanwdu Dee. 1, 1R3I. 1 8 In Council^ .SAVANNAH, lTih Ortober, 1833. TJhe folbwrinit peraoni wore drawn City Coin'able.for thr ensuing year, aa follows: Tor Heathoote Ward KeynuUa llrown Ilarby Warren Franklin Liberty Verclyal . O^lvtliorp* Anton Jeokeon Decker Waahingtm Donald M'Lend Wm. P. Hunter Elias R.-ed Wm R. Holland Wih Robinson Debrge Milieu A. M. Taylor Richard Gorham Wm C. Mills Wm. C. Wayne WmEnpInger 8 8. Williams - ■Greene and Columbia Isiao T. Stewart New Franklin, Wm Mnyhew A true eatraet from the Riinutea. WM. MOREL, e.c. pro tern. net 19 ~ ttsy; : DUNBLE9 prime Northern Hay, . HALL U HOYT. 31 88 for Sale, £\ PRIME Negro Man, accuromed t., OLE the management of hones and driv in £ 1 evrriaga or dray. For terma apply <• J* B. HERDER t (i CO. «et 31 u fresh Medicines. GrpilF. subscriber hUs received by late sr U rival* from N. York, a freah supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES, which, added to his former slock, makes his assortment.. yevy complete. His friends and customers cun be supplied as usual, on moderate terms, at his store, Market Square, adjoining Messrs Clcland iJ Fra mer. EDWARD COl'PEE. 94 11 NU’l ICE. A Young Man who has. had a gwhd edu cation, writes a good hand, and having bt-en long accustomed to active business, and understands well the nature of accounts and book-keeping,' Wishes employment in some respectable business in tips city . he can come well recommended, and aa tmployment is his object, he would not re quire much of a salary. A line addressed >o A. It. through the post-office, will be at< tended to. cct 13 af Georgia—Camden County. W HKItEAS, F.liliu Atwater, requirr, adminiatrati r. applive furlctteia nf iliamiaaion from tile eaiatet of Colonel Wil liam Scott, decraaetl. John Campbell, <le- reaaetl, ami Havena Watcrmais deceaaeil. I'licae an therefoK 10 cite and admoniali all ami elngtilar the kimlKtl and creditor. of aaid .leceaaed peraona, to br anil appear at my office on or before the drat Monday injimiary neat, and abew cause (ifany) why laid lettrra aliould not be granted in lermaofthe law. Given under my band and seal, thia33d June, 1822. 11. a.) JOHN BAILEY, c. c. 0.0. c. July 1 Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Mrs. Louiu C. Shaw, E\- rcutrix, applies for letters of dismis- •ion (Vom tht. estate nf Geue« al Nathaniel Green, deceased These are therefore to cite Iml xdmunith all and su gufar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he tmd appear el my office, on or befbre the first .Monday in January next, and show cause (if any) why said letteix should no' be granted, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and teal, this 83d day of June, 1823 [i s.) JO\h n Ml.R'jt tt. c o. ft. e, i WELSH SLATE. OAA AAA Welsh Slates, of various wUUjl/UU jixe!» for vale at a reduced price, by nov (i fc JOHN HENDBMBON, r l'o Rent, • rnilK Store In Jonva- Hoiltlinga on the U Day, next tp itlie olio occupied by Smith U Turner, an excellent atand for bn- vinesa. Alio ai vi ral Dwelling Itouiet and Ware Rooms. Apply to nov 13 R. if J. 198 HABERSHAM. ROBBERY. TRUE House occupied by the aubacriber, ■It belonging to Mrs Stanton, in Moiilgo- merystreet, near Itnpliat Cli. aqr, next door but one to Mr. Sc1l,ck*s atore, was broken open three toveral timei, on the nighte of ihe 6th,8th, andVih, inate and robbed nf a Feather bed, a Billow and Tintcter, a Mat- irasa and a Cot, a Copper Kettle linm the tritchen, anil fmm thre yard a number of towle. To guard lira public against a aim . lar occurrence, and if possible to detect the ■illain, this notice is glvnp. IFany of the- rticles menlioned are ellbred for sale, they arc requested, to be aloppcvl, and any in formation of them will be gratefully re vived. nnv 19 98 JANET YOUNG. Anti-Syphilitic Tills,- MtrAftvn it DOCTOR 1VEUTHEL0T, Mil told at his stare on the Ray, 5TJb E great efficacy of these Pills in the cure of all the sympioms nf a certain loeasein both aeaes, baa been acknowledg ed for more than,twenty year* by irambers <>f patients throughout the United States. They are warranted free from any kiutl or mercurial preparation, and the patient who I«ca them may attend to his business and' "allow hia own regimen or diet without in- convenicncy or injuring their effect* I he mbootiberh a prepared af eshsnp ply of tlicse Pill.—they lire aold with print ed directiiins'for use, at g6 perhnx * one or two of wtpth ia generally anfficienl for peifcct cure. jpiiN r„ r. net 24 SherilT’s Sales. On thrift Saturday n/l.r r/ir/i-M JVarrfcy in .Rumm y n-rt, ^TWII.l. he sold at the ntarket'house in the town of St. Mary’s, between the Itotira of ten and lour o'clock of that day, One Negro B»y named rrank, levied on as the pro petty of Matthew W. Beaeent to aatisly an execution on fbrrchwure of a mortgage in favor oHawreoee U Thomp son. GEORGE LONG, sscc nor 56 - . Notice. N INE months after the date of this no- lice, application will be mode to thtj- Honorable the Justices ol the lolbi ior Uourt of Liberty Couniy, for permtxtibn 10 sell lira real cilate ol-Lctty Uartcr, de ceased, for the bent fit uf the 4ieirr-atid creditors of the said deceased. UGH P TOWNSEND, Adm’or. ang 15 §a SCHOOL. T HE snbacribcr intends openingi school in this City, on the Ant Monnax in November next, in w inch will he taught, the Latinand Greek languages, together with those branches of sn English edues- tion, usually taught, in Aeademin l<e has tskenthe house at present occupied by Mr Sml. J. Bryan, situa'ed in Market (late South-broad) street* from 4 to 6 pttpila can be accommodated with board and lodging in hiafamily. -for particulars, reference may be had to the Uev J. 0. Andrew, or Joseph George, R«q. CUAULEb W. CARPENTER. act 1 CHATHAM ACADEMY. J yyilK Schools in this Inatitution will o» TA pen on MONDAY NEXT, the 4th of November.—The mile depbrament under the suserintendanee of Mr. Wsaw, the Fe male under Miss Kmosbi-nx. The qualifications of both teachers, ihe tmilecsarc ftillv ashliedareemirtjmilj ril- ciliated to do justice to the pupils commit- trd to their charge, and therefore recom- mend them with the molt unlimitedconfi. dunce to the publ c. Tickets must be ohta ned from the Tres surer for the admission of pupils, as none will be permitted <o remain in the Acade my without them. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. Tr.w.w.y. •mi's iciomx. 1st Class—Spelling and Uuding R19 00 2d do Reading, Writing and A- rithmetic 12 00 3d da Reading, with Geography, Grammar and History 13 50 4th do do do wish Draw ing 15 00 1st Clnsi -Spelling and Reading £10 00 2d do Reading, Writing, Geo graphy, Grammar, and Arithmetic 12 00 3d do do with Matliematics and Latin and Greek J-sn- guagea 13 50 o:t30 Sheriff’' Sale*. On ,, aftar Hr jf tl IWAj M ftfiewT Kfjrt, |I/UaL be sold «t Hie market honxe in f ▼ the town of St Manx, between Ike hour* of irn Knii fmir t» # cl<Wk of that d»y* One hnuw and part nf lot No 3. (three) levied on m the praprm ef Francia Ru* d«l|>H» to Mtiafy hixxtatr, erainty, and poor (ax for the year MftO j xminint due £64 28 centa 6 m end ciwt. Aims pait of lot Ne lyin* in the town qf St Mm's, containing two acre*, more or lew, houtvIeU w eat by John lUchlott, aen. north by Cnugntft st«Wt, auuth by Weed •treet, and east by Norna itrert, levied on aatlie property ol F. xlraCey to aatiafy hi» state* ennntv, and poor tax fur the year 1831 i amount due j&3 87 cehts 8Jm and cost. Alan, part oflot No 5 end part of M No S, in the town of St Man s, levied on as the property of John Langley to satisfy his Mate, county, and poor tax for the year I8JI i amount due 58 rente and oo*t. oct 23 GEORGE LONG, mcc Effingham Superior Court, Dettmhcr Irrvt, 1821, The Uttateea of the Cif r-"j man I.uthrran Cliuroh | Rru Nisi atEbeneeaer (GnForechwure ra. ] of Mortgage John Freyermulhand ae j veral parcels nf Lard J O N the petition nf the Trustees nf the German Lutheran Church M Bbenra cr, atiling that the aaid John Freyermuth tin the fifteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred £/ fifteen, mortgaged by deed under •eal In the petitioners, ail those tracts of land,containing three hundred acres in Ef fingham county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining Judidiah Weitman Kelly’s and Garrison's land* also another fifty acres- situated and being in the district of K, brueaer, bounded hy land of Peter Arne- tolf Ji F. Broukner*. at the time of survey granted to Landfelder* also, another tract of land ritualc in the seventeeth district of the county of Baldwin, containing two hundred sml two and a half acres, known hy the nttmher (104) one hundred and our, with llraeppurtenances, to secure the payment of a bond or obligation of the said Juha, bearing date the day and year aforesaid if praying the'fhrechwure of the aaid mortgage. It appearing to the Court that there ia now due on the said bond and mortgage the aum ot two hundred dollars, with interest tt six per cent, from the fif teenth day of Ajtril, eighteen hundred £/ eighteen. On motion at Wayne and Cuyler, attorneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the uid John Freyermuth, hts heirs or representatives, do pay into Court the amount due as aforesaid within twelve months (Vom this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said Julio and his heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, ami thst sueh further pro ceedings lake place aa are by law direct ed. It'is further ordered that this Rule h< pnbllahed once a month tor twelve mouth* In a public gasette of this state, or be serv ed on the defendant or his rrpresentstivt or, agent aix months prior to the time ap posed for the payment ol into Court. Extract fram tic .11!antra. JNO. CHARLTON, Clerk. dec~ll re* For Side, in East-Florida. X\ PLANTATION situated on the 8i JftA Johns, ten males (Vom JacksensviUe. called Mulberry Grove, omtaming 160 m 190 acres of hammock, and 640 ot tine pine land The hamirn ck is some nf lira bev land in Florida. Alto thirty prime young Negroes, now op the plantation. The place i» eonsidcfably' improved, about 60 acrea of it being now Kinder culluation. A long credit will be given fi*r the principal pan of the eonaideraiion money Apply to the subscriber on the place, or Belton A Copp, of St Marys, Georgia net 23 ot JOSHUA HlCKMON SAVANNAH Hook vyuA 3<ib Trtiitmg Dfficfc. MienJEL j. KJ rKL C ARRIES on the Book sml Job PRINT ING BUSINESS in Bsy lane,' (Key. nolda warsl) belwern Lincoln and Aber- corn streeta tVrrlera for Printing laft ar ihe Rook and Stationary stores of S. C J. Schenk, on the-Bay* T. Laogworth’a, m Johnston's square, or handed to ne i*rar* tonally, will be thankfully received and correctly and promptly executed. (O* .1 Sente yf ary Jhscre fir Primtutf, if. Carmine trfl at lie aim placet. net 22 d Inferior Couil, Chatham County, Cfiittnhers, Oet.a, 1884 O N tho petition of Jooeph Uelclramps. •taring that he iain jail, for debt, at the suit of Peter Dtiringer, that he is in solvent, but wigine to surrender all his as- late for the benrfituf hlaereditcre,Mtlie law directs, and praying for relief under the irunteent acts of this state. Ordered^ That the raid 'Joseph Dekhampa, be brought up, at the court house in Savannah, on the third day of December heat, at 10 o'clock, to be heard * and that notice there of be given h a creditor*, agreeable to law. Eatract them the minotea JOB T BOLLE8, Clerk. oct3 ef Laurel ffli! ToU-MUI. jpilK 1 oil-Mill on Mis. Ancnim'a plun- •iJL tat on hwa been completely repaired lately* and ia now ready to work aa well as any other mill on the river» The rouph* • ice that will be sent to the mill will be kept separately in dry and safe atores, an«* shall be bqat with the utmost care and •‘conomv.abd the barrel!* wdl be always de livered in good order Emnty barrels, made of prime boated staves, will be furn ished at the mill when required. The terms for cleaning Rice will be the same «s at the other toU-milh. Those planters who will engage to have their cro| s beat at that mil), and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierce*, or as much less as they i lease, beat at one turn. Applications con cerning the mill to be made to Archibald Brebner, os the Plantation, or in Savan nah, to TF.TIT DR Y1LLF.R9. sep 10 rpt Factor, Mongin'a wharf. Gentian rou Glass Antimoay Ginger Race do powdered Grains Pared'* Gum Amiuoniao do snu gal do Arabic do pnwd, do Ktno do benxoia do Tragscanth do Guac dii Myrrh do Shellac • do Copal do Mastich do Gamboge do Scamony Helebnre black do white Hiera Pier* Honey, do squills Hoffmans anodyne Isinglass Ipecucuanha or Hip .slip Juniper herein Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do ball Jo refmed Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powdered do small square do calcined Manna Bake do sorts Meaereon, musk General Ding mid Family ■Mfc&ictna Warekouae. ANSON PARSONS, Jl>. 8 GfiAana'M'afa R espectfully inibrma his Wends and customers in thiastste and South- Carotins yvucniHy. that he has established himseH in the Drag Line, en his own indi vidual account, tnd it opening at this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fVrth Imported Drags, Chemicals, Perfumery, (fc. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Her chants and Planters, and all who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at thia Establishment on the most accommodating terma, CATALOGUE. Marble Marten Composition do iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringes Syrnges, qts.ih boxes do pints, do £ pints Antimony crude Alcohol Aloes soct do hepst Arrow root Annii seed Assafiviida, Alluro Angelica twit Angostura bark Aqua FwtU Antimonial wins Ivxenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nitrous do Tartaric do Sul;ilmrie Bark yellow, do red Liquid do do pale, do in quilt Low's perfumed do Hals Capevi Naples do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum In sticks do male and female Congress!, spring water Ixmon acid S-sla powders Salts of Lemon Colirgira water Wash balls Windsor soap Transparent do d<f Tolu Bkrbmlues Tar Fancy "Vials llorak re(\l Burgundy Pitch H.-le Armenia Beeswax vellow do white Brimstone roll do rePd 'Castor Oil, Arne do W. India liastor, Russia Camphor rel’d Calomel pp Caniharides. dopulv Oamiuaile tin wets Csnells sib. Caraway Med' ' Cardamon seed CascarUInhuk CasoiafCinnamoo do in pots assorted Rose water, lavender assorted Essences ass'd Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Soda do Hochell,dn Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau her do Nitre refined Solut Arsenic, Fow ley's Sots. Ammonia uo Hartshorn dp Lavender compd do Wine do camphor do Nit. Dole Sassafras bark Satmparilla Castile Soap, whKe Sponge fine <h> colored Cloves, Cochineal Columboroot dopow. Chalk prepared Coaiainaer seed do pow'd Cowitch Cream TaHar, puhr [CotrsKive Sublimate HOARDING. iDWO or three Gent’emen can be aceom- wJL modatrd with comfortable Boarding in a private family, in* tentaral situation, ami on moderate tenns. Apply at Ike office of the Georgian. Oct. 24. Wanted. \%trANTSa Situation, in a store, or to Vw uke charge of goods from here to Augusta, and back again, a Young Man aho can come well recommended. * A addressed to T- L and left at this shall be proapdy attended to. cct 10 Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digitales Dovers Powders Epsom Salts Eng. Ether Sulph Ergot Elder blossom* Emery fine do No 1, 2 and 3 Elixir Paragoric do Vitriol E\tract Ci cuter do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphur do Del do coarse SaffYon Spanish do English do American Savin, Senna Alex Spermaceti Snake mot Virg. do Seneka, Squills Storax, Saha Harts horn Sugar lead Syrup Squills do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Aloes comp'd do Myrrh do Valerian do Snake root do Assafcetida do Ifonaoin comp'd do Caniharides * do Senna do Rhubarb do bark Huahsms do Peruvian bark do Opium do Castor do Muriate Iron do Cokunbo root Flat seed Fennel seed Filing Mrvl do iron Frankinteime GUuber tubs Galls Aleppo do Kmo, do J»*,,.|i do Guaiao do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squills Valerian rWot Galbanutn, GinKng Vitriolated Tartar Gold 1 bread Vitriol «lute do blue do green Patent Medicines Uc Bateman's drops British Oil Fwnce peppermint Bhnigntonl bitters Godfrey's cordial Steer* Opodeldoc lurfuigtons balsotq Dalbeya Carminative Daflys Klixer Harlem Oil or mode* camentutn Oil Wormaecd . Lec * Nl LondoO 1 ills, Lees)ViodhaiB do Andersons w do Hoopers do calomel do opium Opium, orange peel Oxymel squills Oil Vilriol do Tansey do olives do Peppermint do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Peneroyu! w do Origanum T do Cinnamon ' do Worm seed do Lavender do Afinisseed do Juniper do Cloves do Almonds Ointment mere do DasilicoQ do cerate do simple (**• preoipitato Nutmegs Nux romics Fcarl ashes Pearl barley Powdered tin ^ Plaster mercurial do Burgundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do drachlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp’d Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered do Spanish diet Pm« root Red precipitate Rosewater, Rosin Rust of Iron Gum elastic, Spatu* las Scales and weights Gsrden seeds in bag. et* assorted Bslm Quits Churches cough drops, (br cough*, colds, consump tions, asthmas, &c. Cephalic Snufi, for catarrha COl.OUBS, Uc. Prussian blue, 1,2 Ivory black snd 3 x. Im p black Fir blue, Kings yel-Indlgo Spsniah low Black lead, red do Drop Lake, No 15*2 Litharge Flake white Terri desenns Carmine in nan. Laudanum Antimonial wind Tinct rhubarb do assafatida Bals Capeva Sweet Oil Spts Larend com " do camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Ca omei Jalap Tartar Emetic Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender do Bergamot do Iranian Calc'd Magnesia Epsom salta Rliu barb Peruvian bark Cheltenham rails Heurjs calc’d Mag nesia Stomachic bitten Castor Oil Feragoric .... ,H aoxTiso. Wine: Bitter. do Turpentine Snts Ha> tsliorn Sweet Oil, castor I uo swttH Nitre American and W. 1 Sundries. link carka, bottic utPatent springTrun tVax tapers common do ^urembifygh do Worm Loaengei Patent Lint Thumb lancets do common d® Clculeys common Durable Ink Red ink powder Black do; Pill box Red do Red wafers, assortc do -jrown do; <U Evans'sTooth brushes, coi spring lancets mon do silver wire, 3 4 rows Cupping and trep ing Instruments Male and female i ver Catheters White leather ski English mustard*' the lb. in canlsft Ground Ginger, r do Cloves, cinnamon Mace Tooth Instruments ass'd Bougies, Gallipots Itacabov snuff Liquid blacking Black sealing wax Spanish whiting Rotten stone Purrvce do Powdered blue Copperas Vermilion, Chinese do * English Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcai SHIPMAN’S • GARDEN SEEDS, .Jssortedin Small Boxes, Well calculated lor Plantation t Together WlA 0 general atooumait i Surgical Instruments, St Furniture, assorted Phials, &* jlso, ■•■' Saratoga and Ballston Min Spriag Waters, will be kept constant! hand in >s perfect, state aa can be inu «l. ANSON PAIiSOfi dee 31 |p Oemler Posey H AVE moved their store to ihe s west corner of Jefferson and S jj‘ »n s'rcct, w here they sell all these ar wh ch are usuually enumerated in the advertisements of Apothecayies. As they resiile in the same hetise u they carry on their business, they c all times, day or night accommodate customers They always keep on hand a com assortment of warrant edG A ItDEN SE Also, Garden Tools and Flower Pots, sep 19 FRESH GARDEN SEE AMD Flower Bulbs. B Y the latest arrivals from the Norl the Diug and Seed Store of OEMLER U POSf oct 15