Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 21, 1822, Image 2

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0* f m (iKOlttilAN. 8lVANNl.1l: . I ■ ■■ rnrnm.lkm ■ . n ■ THDHSUAY MOUSING, Nt>V. Ml, %H2U. M Conxtsntia, Charge vks AfV ores ftom the King of Portugal mul Algarvai, has nr- rived in tVsshinginn City. — * ‘I The new ship fl>»w«r I, Oapt. Holdrldge, hi* been expected from Now. Yolk for sc* vcrftl days put, «• it wss understood she • sailed on the 10th Inst, and should by Uiri time have arrived. For the ihtoi mat ion of -those interested, we are enabled to stale, .from a correct source, that slit was detain* ad at New-Yorfconthc.eleventh, by adverse winds, and would sail the moment the 'Weather would permit. A superior ship of about three hundred tons, to be called the Napoleon, was to be -launched from the ship house of Messrs. Biown and Bell, at NetrYorAyon the 12th lust. She is owned by M^ssas. Wm. and Charles Porter, and is intended fora 8a. Hannah packet. Caution to Seamen and Artfi4fo»vh,-*Cap« ta.ns ol vessels coming to the pint i^f Sa vannah, hHve alwaj s laboured under a *e. rious inconvenience, caused by the deser tion of their teamen. Tllfse who have been regularly shipped and articled lor the -voyage, very frequently, in cchsequence of the higher rate of wages given in this port, desert from their shipi^ and conceal -themselves until the vrssclsihave sailed, when they Immediately ent4r in others • at advanced wages. This inconvenience, In some cases of a very icrimi nature, in a pectin ary point of view, has been submit* ted to for a long time, under Ihfc idea that no legal remedy existed for the evil. It will be perceived hovvevor, by tb^ follow. Ingthat there Is an old Statute, the enforce, tnsnt of which, will do much good,. The three individuals mentioned, it whs fully proved, on the night of the 9ih in9t. desert, •cd from the ship Georgian, with their v buggugo, which was alter wards found in the •hciise of llnbert Dillon j where one of them •wui attested The other*were nfco tuken r*nd 'all of them delvercd over to the Cap- 'taiii. GKORGTV—Chidham Countv. ''Owners hf.Hlup*t Entertaining and retain- deorgiuli l ing three seamen, to wit. vs. C J«n»n Brail lev, Hubert Robert Dillon J Nye, and Andrew Gntfi; ‘•Itided stwm. o on bnaid slop Georgian Without the leave, privity or consrnt of the commander or muster of said ship, in Sn- furnish. The Hi fendanl, Hubert Dillon, hawing been duly notified to appear to answer In Ijv- esse, and u appearing from an einml. nation that the charges alleged in above • case, are fully proved, it Is ordered tpat u v m rant of dint runs fc'vd side be l.«Mied a- pnoiat ?lie Hoods ftf Kind Hubert Dillon, for the sum of Twenty-sn dollars sixty .si* ci nrs, tor entertaining and retaining' die •Vul three seamen, in conformity witn the fourth section of an act passed on the 6th March, 1766. and revised sod continued by -theact of 178.1, entitled "ansot to ei^ti fine the several laws of this state, near ex- firing, ami for other purposes therein •mentioned,'* and that upon the receipt or collection of said sum, that the same be f aid over to the Treasurer of the Savannah nor House and Hospital Society, for the 'Use thereof. IS A AO UU^ELL, J. P. .FAS HPI’INGER, J. P, 'Savannah 20th Abv. 1822. Hie Philadelphia Ckfl^nfthr fith Inst. ( The wln<ifr**ftVt the Rhine promise* states that "A minute and laborious eta- to be this yn.r more plrn iful thin the mi.a. inn ht.f been toil b* Jurtf® Mai- Jr»»rl#ll, »Mch *». renttkibl* I«f i n ..ii,r.i.i.».to. n .ii~«dco.>.n, r .« r .io »**. r i .i i» i. . .. l 'hit the crops are in a the "• the Northern l.*er (ond „ io#i P tin. li elni.d on Frulay evening. .hen A rnn ,| ni | < 0 n.l*mnn1 I* tier h in Ihr Judge oulercil the pertiet in enter Gle.Ruw, nolle two requett* «l Ihc in the whole eoiouniiug to wily thou. Judge—1.1, the! Ittii name should not *»*d Uollera." | be vried ahuiit ih« .Iren, hy hawker* I III dying «|ieerlie,, and 8<l, that on ill* The neat errainn nf the Crnigwee n r ihe r *ecuilnn he .hnuld not be «*• United Slate, will commence operation, on pused In tho cummun gaze in llm town Monday, the 2d December next. Tor Charleston, Vhe schminur ANN, Amfertsn, JUmitr, Will sad on Friday next. For freight or nasasge, apply on board at An derson's wharf, nnv 21 r • M The agent for the disposal nf the goods of the penitentiary in Richmond. Va. lias been discoveied to he a defaulter to the amount of $20,000. A writer in thr F.Iitern Argus complains tha' Dame Fortune's hands have been pa- ralisecl by unthinking men t in other word** that the munagers of the National Lottery are confoundedly ilow in distributing prise money. The complainant remarks »—*' It is now said the managers are sick : so are many purchasers ot tickets ; and some have died, and it appears li&cly now that we shall all die before we reulizc any prixe money, at the rate they go on." So tickets then arc "but a name, A charm that lulls to sleep." For Charleston, The sloop «JOOi> HOPE, Captain Briggs, Wilfsiil first fair wind, for freight the master on board or to ISAAC COHEN. n 'v 21 r hull. __ A rope made ol raw hide*, has ot oMeegejuapply to th. been invented iiy Mr.Talman, late 0 f »ttheEiolwng* wli.rf, Ihe Brilisli navy, which is infinitely j .i’Oiigt'rantl more durable than tliuie mnnul .eMned Irom hemp. | TSfiilicr. L.urd Bsiun haa * new tragedy ini the nre.., foundrd on a Swedish .lory, ft "!*'• *)." ocIock ’. *'** r aim niu7' Ch T’' h,,,b, ' , '« l ^ bb ''J. ivfiH Uke pl.« fi^iirtMnTui^mu ol dOO.ODUJ, in * hog—the priipcrly nr to the Bavonnoh Free School, for the Mr. Finn', benefit toofr place In Bolton, ■ on the Sill tint. Othello, and Fall, of Clyde—Othello *nd 0 nuM, Mr. Kirin, lago, Mr. Cooper. Mr. lhiolh i. engaged for four night. In Bichtnom). and appeared •in Sir Edward Mortimer in the Iron Cheat. Inter od'anic Ctmmumcniim.—\ xsorte«. pon .enl of die National Intelligencer, in welation to the practicability uf cutting a Canal through the A it land, uf the lathmu. bf Panama—and thus connecting the Paci fio and Mlantic ocean., ob.ctvca—•• I re- ce vcd inform.tion about five year, ago, from twoanthentlosources, n.Ithendeoin- «d them, independent of each other, that a carriage road wa. already practicable, guod, and actually travelled, fnitnl’t ball an- tepee to tho opposite shore, nearly along The boundary lino ofGuatimola, without a hill of any oonsequenco—so good, that a carriage could, without difficulty, go frtnn 4he Atlantia shore to tho I’.cifie do about aittcen hour, t east of t.a Vora Cru*,“ Tho pw jeot to attempt to revolution- d*p Porto Itico (saya the-Boston Conti- mol) originated at St,- Uarui, among tlte Tdack and yellow emigrants from tlte United •States. The government uf Porto Uico had information of thrprrject, and lud taken its measures aocordingly. Tlte Boston Statesman says, “ Ihe Pope has given the iohabilanm of Poring:,I anil Bread, permission to eat meat, tyhen they I'frc (with the proviw, we suppose of when they can get it.) eacept on Fridays duiing Lent, and a' few holtdajs. A Halifax (\o. vaVcotia) paper, wisely divines tlte reason aif this grant, which springs from neitlier tnore our less thin a /•o/o.A deaigo to ruin •tlte Newfoundland h.heries i 1 • Vinery—is rthi. as bad at Western influence ? t. John White,! waiter at a tavern in Uti ca, (N.JT.) was recently taken up cha-ged •«h having stolen g8li0 from a bosrdei .n the house ; J775 was fuund concealed iu the luting of his surtout coat. The steam boat Chancellor Livingston from Albany, brought upwards of two him- drill uuiljifty passe ogert to the city of New • York, on the lOtlt inat, »lr, George Murray, (he celebrated En graver of tlte home of Murray, Draper, Fairman U Co, recently died in Pliiladcl phis, The surviving partners, jointly with Mi Asa Spencer, ctimim*- to curry on (hr Engraving and Printing of Bank Notes, un. der the Arm of Fairman, Draper, Under wood U Co. TheKatinnul Gazette mention, an Inci dental observation of Mr, JeA>rson, relative to Napoleon Bonaparte, in i hotter to the F,»rl of lluolunin 18 :4, which later events have remarkably fulfilled. ” Without hefricoding human Idierty, a gigantic force hat raen up, which.Miems to tltreat- en the world, but ithaigpian tha tlirund ol opinion, which may break from one day to anoiher." The letter is authentic; ’.lie pos- aeasor is In Edinburgh, and keeps it In a handsome f .me suspended in hi. saloon, in testimony of Ids veneration fbr his illus. trloua correspondent. Copt Alden Partridge Its. been elected Surveyor General lor the .Bute of Ver mont. Dr. Porclvah has in press, at New-Haven’ ihc second part of" I’m nethtui. ,t The Store of Seth I’resbury & Sons, uf Taunton, (Mass.) was consumed hy fi'C on (lie night til'the 4ih lust— The innrniiig after a boat containing goods ittilen limn the Store, waa tlis- eovctei) tin 1he litle uf the liver, ut a few rode distance. Th* following person* hove been named an cnnditluids, by (hedemon* tie paper* of Pennsylvania, for the of fice id Governor of Hull stale t J icob ilolgate, Samuel^) Ingham, Mr. i) iilingloo, Genige Bryan, J And. Shul'ze, Alhrrf Gnllalin, John B. Gibson, Daniel Montgomery, Ab ner Lucnck, Walt' r Lowrie, AV’nt. Clark, Johu Tod. The Umpernr of Germany ha* l»te- ly t ffefed a thousand gold ducats, equal In 82000, lo llm author, whether, native nr foreigner, fur the beat trea the on lliecontdructiun of water mills- ■We find, in our file of Brazilian papers, patriotic songs, the burden of which is Indi’/iemleucr or Dsath, ami vitrioua essays otiniaining the bitter eat coni|ilaiitts and itrveclives aguinsl the Portuguese fortes. The Piincc Regent, ill a Proclamation to the Peu pie, third Blit September, denounces the system of Ihe fortes of Lisbun as '•, disorganizing, and f oltuus.” lie calls them " traitors to (lie nation, infnmnun deputies yvhn mean to at I nek Br.zil &c.” He speaks of the libernl and wise consti. tution which llto Uriistliana are to enjoy, anti exhorts litem to be unit cd not only aa a general duly, but because their country is threaten, ed with war. He tells them that they will have to contend not only with troops sent fietn Portugal, but with domestic etnissairca, To judge Irom the tone of the ad tlressr-, the strmlgest patriotic excite ment existed at Rio—A'at Gnz- lour (Idiereut Bank*. One thousand pounds ts offered lor the epprehen. atoll ot the rubber. The loyal chief magistrate of * small borough town, in England, not lung since threatened to commit a "rotuntop fellow,” a. the police re- purls have it, to goal for * seditious assertion, via s that " (he King waa born without * shirt.” William fasielln, who had been concerned in the ahdacltnn nf Miss Gould, in Ireland, was'yx-'Cuted, on .h*7thSvpt, Kilzmaurice, alias cap- ain Hock, who plead guilty on the 11in) was respited ' To such perfect ion hat telegraphing arrived in England, that g message (rum the Admiralty ia conveyed to Portsmouth tit one minute and * few >*cotids, ; The Caledonian Canal wa* to be open, from set to sea, early iniOcto her. The Comet.—It f* staled in letters from Florence, that the little Comet discovered by M. Pons, on tlm 13.It ol Jply, in Cu*tiop*.i, i* ittow *i*able to the eye, ami that on the 82d ol August it was 37 degree* in the nor thern hemisphere near the Dragon, and that in a lew days it would puss through Hercules. There are now tour Noblemen in ihe field for the appointemnt to the Governor Generalship nfllhdm—the Alaiqui* ot Angles.*, Lord Am- hersi. Lord Maryborough: and Lord Win, Hrnltnck- His M*j\ity ia un derstood to imeie-t himself warmly lor the Mutqoi* ot Anglesva, but we Understand the Noble Muquis has little prospect ot success! with the Court ot Dnectois. Lord Wm. Ben tin. k, 1 the relation ot Mr. Clntiing, is spokon ol as most likely to rec i e tn appointment, Tlte ajijunntment is absolutely m tlte Court of li-rcctors, but the King cult at any time recall. Apples were sold in (his city, on Sulu.duy leat, at the same puce as potatoes, v*. sixpence a peck—u cir cumstance unknown b- lore in the memory ol ihun,— Durham Chron, A Ciinespoiident inlifiiiia us mar, during Me last week, his Majesty has burn visited by a serious nuivuus -fioctinn, atteiidetl by an unusual depression of spirits. The ciintliciing discussions winch have recently lie- n agitated, and the concessions tun.e quentain those discussions, m y, iu poet, account foe this tndtspnsition. Now that tnese state aliaiia are lor the present arranged, his M -jesiy will, probiibiy: adjourn, either lo his cottage at VVindsor, or to the Pavil iun a'. Brighton, in order to renovate his health, and withdraw himself tor a lime Irum tltese toilsome anil ugitu- ting stale matters, and enjoy the aoutety of hil chosen friends, Mi. Kean is completely recovered from his severe indisposition, and per formed the part of Shylock, on Tues day evening, at thn ULsguw Theatre fur the benefit of Miss B.rne, suing year. A punctual attendance of the Subscribers is requested. M. WCHARDSON. nov 21 106 Notice. N O person ia autUumed to represent the Subioriber by Receipt or otlierwiae, irom tint date. JOHN THOMAS. Savannah,‘20th Nov. 182T *• a* 4 nov 21 r Union Lodge, No. 3., CFftilE im iiibtrs ot Union Lixi^e No 3, IX are aummoned tn attend u regular meeting of the Lodfje, THIS EVENING, at half after 6 o’clock* at .*>olomuns t.odge Room. Aa l>usin«-»u of importance will be brought forwurd, their puncstual attend ance is, particularly required Uy order of the W. M pro tem HEIN EM AN* Seq'ry pro tem. nov 21 r. 6 Tl\c BubtcvU-cr* OFFER FOR SALE. Al tbe Store lately occupied by Mean Sceft h Ftthm, on the Exchange dock, the fol lowing article*, Just landing Iruin brig Oogootl, © PIPES Brandy, 4fh proof 4 pipe* Holland Gin 2 iihdi jHiTmica Rum 20 Ishlx Rye Gin 20 do do WhUkey 4 hhd* do do 20 bbls N K Rom 5 qr caaka TvneriiTe Wine 5 qr cuaka Madeira 6 bbtx White Wine Vinegar ‘2 chests and 20 qr chests llysou Tea 2 boxes Imperta, containing 20 cannis- ters Tea, 2 lbs each 1 box Gun Powder containing 20 cannia- ters Tea, 2 lbs each 1 box Souchong 24 kegs Gunpowder 4 kegs Shot assorted 7 hluls St Oroix Sugar, very euperior 20 bhU do 40 bags best Green Coffee 20 bbls Pilot llread 40 coils Dale Rope 10 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 do Lump do 10 half firk ns Butter 20 boxet Spe»m Candle! 20 do Mould do 20 bbls Richmond superfine freah Flonr, Uaxali’s Brand 20 boxes Brown Soap 20 do Yellow do 3 casks Carolina-Hoes, No 2 and 3 2 do Patent do 2 di> Trace Chains 3 dozen Cooper’s Adzes 10 d< zon hand and club Axes •12 do ; Padlocks, assorted MACKENZIE & HERNANDFZ. nov 20 105 Negates for Sale. 4 Print h u.ig ol 32 Negfoea, that can ilL be lugliiy rccommcudeo, will be aold on accommodating t« i rns, by GEO ill i E‘ sSC HLKY. nov 21 Regimental Orders. A N Election is* in.i cby ordered to be held at ihe - uvaunaii Exchange, on Monday the 2d of December next, lor a Captain, iirat and second Lieutonauts, and Eoaign, to ommaml the (ZtiOHUIA 'YULt/A 1 '- TtiaiiS The Poll to be opened at 10 o’clock, A. M and the election superinten ded by two Justices of the Peace and three freeholders, or a majority of them. By order ol Lt. Uol. ROBSUTS. M. W. HTBiAR L Acl'g AdJ't 1st liegl G.' M. nov 21 b JOHN C. LEGE a Fs^PEC I’FULLY informs the public ut general, tnat he has arrived fVtnn 6'hu. lesion and is now ready to receive Pupils, nov 21 r Nwtice. r HE suhaci ibeiH hate upp -lnted R, Rai- f«>rd to collect alhkbia «lue to their I de firm Persons indebted tlneto, will make paymen. to imn CHARLES LBVISTONES. JOHN CANDLER, nov 21 p Giiiul St nes. llflfl t-it.l,. D Btotirs, .sn,all sizes, Lao- * uu Oii-K “»fi lor sale by nov 21 i()6 HAIL, HOYT u UO. Coffee and Whiskey, ff/lTk \ M\GS prime Gr.en Co/Pee 70 bids fit-at quality old New* Orleans Whiskey Landing f. om achr Camilla, from Boston. For ‘al by HALL, HOYT CO. nov 21 *106 1.KTIKR BAGS Remaining at Militant* Citernvy and Com dhtciuI Rending Room. Ship AiqoriC ', S U nan. Liverpool, to sail Dec. 1. ■FOREIGN summary From London ami Liverpool papers, to the 28thSept, received at the oflice of the ‘Georgian The Duke of Manchester wa* es pecial to sail from England, on th. 26th Sept, foi Jamaica, of which island he is the Governor. It is his intention •opropose to the provincial lc£tsl.v ture on his arrival, on the suggestion nf the mother country, that the troops employed for Ihe <l«f*nce and p« eser vation ol the island, shall be in future paid out ol its revenues. r By an order ol the commissioners of the Admiralty, British ships are per mit tv d to hoist the UuiooJuck us sig- balb fur j)ilot»^ MARINE. pout of ajtrjjMjuk AIIUIVBD, Ship Africa, Johnston, Wiscasset, 10 days, to Johnston frf II 11a. BcIun CwmiPa, WoodcrsOn, B oaton, days, to IlwlL Hnyt & co. O Tult, Johnston y Hills, Lawrence 8t Thompson, North A Row. Row & Newell, Tuft and Sibley, '1 C Hayward and Mr. Wright. Patsengert, Messrs Wright, Smith. Megan, Fitzpatrick, Cavender, nance, Hamel, Daily, Catray, Allen, Dodge, Kirslay and Ware. Sloop William, Luce* Newport, 7 days, to L H Sage k co, G Gprdon, H S Atwood, W Lippit tk co. and Dernier !* Posey, Put tengert, Mwsea Ann Jennings and Sarah priest, Messrs Cone, Dunning, Molton, Field, and master Field. -i— CLEARED FUlt THIS TOUT, At Providence, 5th inst. sloop Mercy, Bolles. ARRIVALS TROW THT8 rf»HT. At Providence, 5th inst. brig Adeline, Collins 16 days. or ron this port. At Boston, 6tn inst. slnp Thomas Fowler, Candler, (o' sail on the 15ih ; ache Phdan- der, D Damon, 14th mat.; schr Margaret, G Scott, with dispatch. At New York, 11th inat ship Jono, Doak, to sail the 20th ; Emulous, Seiden, in a few days? brig Signal, Bedell; achr ''ally-A'nn, Woglam, in a few da)s; sloop Telegraph, B-nvlin. At Charleston, 19th inat. sloop Delight, Cooper, 24th inst. The U S schr Alligator, has been spoil' n in ihe bite of Lcogaue, bouud to Port-wu- Priuce. Just Received, i BALK S >oi l)ial> Plw's, mixt & blue 1 1 bait' Bine und White Kw-rseys, for Ne- gro clothing. A only to DDlTtiLASR W SORREL. tVho have >n Store, 50 hags G een Coffee ]6 hhds MuRcnvado Sugar 15 barrels Loaf Sugar 10 pipes Cohaenu* Wine Window Glass, assorted Oil Cloth Carpets, nov 20 p li twits and S\\oes. THOMAS DO WELL & Co. Corner of Hioughtonand Whttakt-r streets^ ' Cpl^naite Col. Shellman’x Mansion h use, Have received per shift Savannah from A’etti- York, Ladies black and colored prunelle Slippers Do do. do do Boots Do morocco Boots, Shoos and thoeteca Do do Slippers and Grec an Ties 1st and 2d quality WELLINGTON Bdots Mens' eslfak n Jefferaou Ties and Shoes Do morocco oboes and O tncing Pum.-s Misses black and colored Morocco Baots and Slippers Hoys fine and Coarse Shoes Uuldren’s morocco and Leather Boots ALSO, A large assortment of Hair Trunks, with a variety of other shoes, all of which will oe sold on reasonable terms, nov 20 b M bite Velvets, !*OR PAINTlve, for sale by 1 JOHN H. REID U CO. nov 0 105 Twenty Dollars Reward, F DR in> Negro wench, named PLEA SANT, who ran away tlie23u Februa ry last'; site is a short thick wench, promi nent smooth lace, sedate in appearance and neat in her drees; was in the nabit of sell ing small wares at the Exchange dock, for aeveral years; was the property of Peter Guerard, Esq —probably is now in Augus ta. The above reward will be paid on her lodgment in any jail in this State; a fur ther veward will be paid on proof to con viction, of her being harboured by a while person. GARDNER TUFTS. nov 20 p Com and Lard. a®(D(i>“ 0 u “7 co,n ist-v lamliog uud I'm- sale by fALMES O «OE, nov 20 p JJolioii’, whurf. Far Sale, R ICHMOND Fipurol the most approved brands; Lbat Sugar ami Manufactured Tudjcco. The last has been in store some time, GUMMING GWATHMEY. nov 19 u- FLOUR. BARRELS Fresh Richmond Flour of the first quality ; for sate by GEOuGE SCHLEY. nov 19 p Lima Bark. J UST received, paie and brown Lima Bark in powder, which will be found attpenor in quality to any other species of Peruvian ha. .i, and particularly recommen ded to the attention of Physicans ami Plan ters. For sale by it. Worrell, Jr. Druggist, Corner or the Ray and tVhitaker street. nov l<5 l Lost or Stolen. A BLUE’S uniform Jacket, with a sli ver Epaulette—any person leaving at ‘this Office such information as will lead to their recovery, shall be liberally rewarded n v 18 10i Powles’ Patent Bedsteads. N assortment „f the Hbuve construe- Don is ready for inspertion at the ure Store of the Subscriber, in which the l»>ng desired improvement in the mode bf Hi dsteads isd< uhlesj hc- complished ; it may lie set up in one mi- mitCfr and taken clown in the same space of time without the use of tools, and does not c jitain the least harbour fol* bugs or dirt. A further description is deemed unncces- sa' y, as the improvement must stand on its merits. 'The Subscriber being authorised to sell them in this place, will receive orders for them at his store in VVhita&er street, oppo- HtVt* site Col. Shellman'a. nov 16 H102 J. W. MORRILL. Dancing School. M ’t BOUQET j*. spec fully informs his Patrons and the Citizens of Savannah, tuat in conseq-ience of his airiyal being* la. ter than he anticipated, his Dancing A- cede ny will not be opened at the time he at first intended. He will, however, ope at an early day, of which due notice win be given, nov 19 104 Sugar, Flour, Whiskey, £$c. j6V|)\ flHU.S St. Croix Sugar SBMi/ lOd l.blsfr. sh Flrmr f fO do Whiskey 75 do Apple Brandy ID kegs Funily Butter loo boxes N • l, Soap 60 do Sur erior Mould Candles •50 bbls Mess Beef 15 hhds N E Rum 3‘J bbls do do 10 do Linseed Oil landing from brig Messenger, and fo: sale by DANIEL CtRNF.Y, Jr. nov 20 u Hunter’s buildings. 'To Carpent; vs and Builders. 'F»IE t Subscriber keeps constantly on l hand a i&'ge assortment of Mahogany Suitable for stair hantlrails and bannisters; also Plank. Boanis,and Veneirs, for cabinet makers use, all on reasonable terms. Or tiers from a distance will receive strict at* tention. J. W. MORRELL, Whitaker-street,opposite Col S/tellman’s, nov 15 i l Twenty-Five Dollars VjLT'LL he given for the apprehension of ESAW, a Negri man formerly be longing to J id Huger, tfe is About 35 '•r 4 ) years of age, and 5 feet 8 incites .igh, neither stout nor linn, of a light com- dexion though not yellow ; lie has a mole > one cheek, occasioned by the tooth •lie. nov 3 tre 11 k J. HABVBSII4M. • Just Received, dud in Stort, S UE pipe. Conn** llramly S pine* II (tin 5 fio -tnntMoa Hum 10 cask. Honor fi Itcgi I.rtJ fi do Shot 25 Kt-jpi Hsn-is’ No 1 Tobacco 10 IteR. Ladlt-a Twist do 25 boxes ttaisio, 50 do CliecM—For salt hy A MOltGAN. nov 19 104 Jones’ upper whsrf. Powder. 1 On KEGS half kegs Powder 1 ju Caunisleri do Josl received from tbe lied Stone Mills,and waranted tqual tosity of Dupont’s, It is tut those who willgive it a fair trial, to decide on its superiority, ss ihose who have alrea dy used it, prefer it tp any other. For sale by L. It, BARE 8t CO. nov 19 u i Telfair’s wfraif. Butter, Received by Ship Favorite, S IXTEEN kegs Fresh Goshen Butter, For sale by GIBBS ALEXANDER* Taylor’s Wharf. Daily expected f om New-York. 100 bbls Albany and Newburgh Ale. nov 19 p Beef and Tongues, Received hy brig Fiancee from Philadelphia, T1(T)1 OALF bbls Beef, and 2 of Tongues, UhiJ pot up expressly for FumUy use, by hhustcr. —also— A general assortment of Garden Seeds, frum ju’Mahoii’* Seed Warehouse in Phila. delphia, among which there are seed O. nions. F. M’DERMOTT.' nav 19 p DRAFTS O N JWiti I’orfc, Philadelphia, Washington City, Baltimore, Richmond, and t Charleston, In’sumsto suit purcltaser*, and *tany sight. For sale by 9. k M. ALLEN V CO. nov 18 108 Rice Barrels, W HOLE al 75 cents HALF do. at 62} cents—for sale br J. MEfGS, Mongin’s, late Bulloch’s Buildings, nov 11 ||a The Subscriber R ESPEC TFULLY begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he hi* established himself in the Factorage and Commission Business on Runter’s wharf,, and will be thankful for any favors. JOHN CANDLER, Who hat for eii/e, 100 boxek Candles of different numbetf 100 do best Yellow Susp 30 coils of Cordage of different sizes nov 16 102 NOTICE. K*pHE Subscribers are prepared to dis* u count promptly every day, approved pai-er, not having more thin ninety daya to run, at six per cent, and pay the proceedl of such discount by Checks on Augusta, if preferred bv the offerer, CUM MING U GWATHMEY. »mv 16 re Pilot Bread, See. BBLS first quality Pilot Bread 3b boxes Claret Wine 20 bags Pepper 20 hhds prime retailing Molasses Landing from, brig Orion, and for sale by OURAY TAFT. nov 16 u STOCKS. * SHARES Steam Bunt Stock iivJir 5 > shares Planters’ Bank Stock For sale by GEORGE SCHLEY. Who wishes to purchase Slate liank Stock. nov 19 t ' BOARDING. L XFIWO or three Gentlemen can be aeeom-'^’ sA modated with comfortable Boarding in a private family, in a centaral situation* and on moderate terms. Apply at tbe office of the Georgian, nov 20 105 Family Batter. Ju*t landing from brig Vesper, KKGS of Butter of superior quality. For sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. nov 18 u Huuter’a Buildings. Irish Potatoes, A FEW hampers Irish potatoes of su perior quality, received from, Belfast via Charleston, for sale hy SAMUEL WRIGHT. nnv 16 i A-Teacher Wanted* i O NE who has received a Cbisrical educa tion, and who iscanuble of fitting youth for any College. A salary of $800 per an num will be given, A man of family will be preferred, and unexceptionable refer ence given as to morality and capability; Apply to Wm. Popb, Jr or John M'Nish Esq May R ver, S.C.orto Messrs Scott Faiim, Savannah, uov 18 cf 'Fide Swanip Plantation. r pHE subscriber offers for sale tbit Well* known plantation called 1 TVrtvwtou Will, immediately below the city of Savan nah, containing 230 acres of prime river swamp; about 215 acres under good bai-Fs and in planting order, and between 1 and 2U0 ucres of high land. Buildings -sufficient fur a gang of a hundred negroes, with baroft &c Terms accommodating to a good purcha ser. For further particulars apply to Messrs U. & J. HABERSHAM, or to the tubscru ber in Charleston. H. M. HAIG. nov 16 4102