Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 23, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAII GEORGIAN -Mh NEW SERIES—VOL. I. sjivjiMYjir, sjtTuiwir .vdk-Yixo, xovjMitBit as, teat I --■-**-** » 8 VVANN All: ■rr-jiV^- fiuiAy Y MOUNINQ, NOV. 22,1822, Another .U nci nut Pifiacy —0uin Vuck- «r, of ||ie ship Jane, arrived yrsterttay from Bri^H'CMaine) on Mdnrtt^lost, spojte the bftjffiampaort, VVillitmi, from Mobile; J6 days out, bound to'New-York—short of pro and water. The Sampson boa* ' ded^ofT the Tortugts, on the lstinst,^ » pirate, aiid robbed of oil the .clothing Of "era and grew—all the money they -. ctmW find, a chain gable, and all the,new •oils of the brig, and every thing they ' chuld lay their hands on. The Captain apd Cook wert^iaofrsprapd the opeW ,^ a hoy aeverelyaheat, after which tlic brig- was permitted to proceed. The pirate Was a sclibftner of about ninety tone, one gun, and eighty men. Tile boat’s orew which board* id the brig had their Aces painted. Caps ’tain Tucker aupplied the Sampson with' provision!, be. for the remainder of her Voyage. Four JDoyi Later.~ By the arrival of thg packet ahip New-Ymt, siiljewrYorkon tfe 12th insl. London papera to the 29lh Sep tember, and Liverpool to the lat October have been received. Our papera have principally anticipated their oonierttl. A' mo Ig die pajaengera in the NiSw-Vork, are the Hon. John Handolph, of Roanoke, and Messrs Glen, Walburgh, and A. Thompson, of’Savannah. The following lathe latest (trice current. Ltveornot, Oct. 1, 1822. Sir,—The import of Cotton during 3pt. owing to adverse winds, amounted only to 13,654 bglea, of which 8,141 weie from file i U. Stalest Whilst the sales consisted of 14,-. 9(J0 bales, of which 7,000 were taken on S peculation, and 3,000 for export. In the rst part Ilf the month, two large public •ales precluded niuoh private enquiry i but they were well attended, and prices advan ced nearly 14th per lb. at each. Then the demand became brisk, and though last week it waa mitte moderate, U. S. Cotton ia higher by 1.2d* 5-8it per lb. since 1st of Sept. ’As the consumption daily iperea- ees, anti supplies from tlte United States are likely tube retarded, by previous account!, ffom hence, some moderate advance map bo hoped for. towards the latter end of tlte year, especially for good Colton i though no material change abema probable now.— Middling qualities in Sea Island, by their • ..Iw'.ia lKn ntli.ailism nf inorttln low prices, excite the attention of specula, tors, and will be dearer;—No alteration in |)eeawux ok Staves. We remain, respectfully, Your obedient servants, KING 'J GltACIK. fricn Cvnenl ltl liver/iiuil. Oct. 1.182:!. Cpilifn.'Sei. Island,lit 9nl3$'lt do extra fine, 1.4 a 2H 11 Nbw Orleans,.61 a 10(11 Up- land, 6 a 811 i Tennessee arid, AUb. 5} a Tldi Surat; 6J n 7.11 Hen gulp’51 a 6Jd i ' Bice, Carolina, in bond, 13s 6d a 18s 6il! (Paves, W O bp! 113:1, 8 a 12/s Hogshead, 12 a 1611 Tdbacen, Virginia, II) 21 ;l aSdJa |tn'. stemmed, 4Jd a 6-IJ i Kentucky, 2d a Sj-1 t do alentmed, 3Jd a 4jil. Cotton liniported tills year at Liverpool -American, 244,2261. Brazil, 109,089, K. • I.'#Tr«TW. India gUOT ^ivdal 37£,48U biigT Same .period -in 18 1 --228 414 A- merican* 83,732 Brazilo t.584' E, India, S1,903W India—Total, 33 ,633,hnga. Sales of Cutton from the 31st of Augustto the S7,h of 8epf. 183!,jnclosive—Si-S Jriknds 2,350, Orleans, 75 Wt Boweda, 23440, Tennessee, 2,330 hags -Total sales this month—American, 31,760’; Braz I, 10,520 ;■ W India, 2,540 , E India, 160.—Total, 48, ,(980 bales. Tots) sal. s tips year, 336,5p$ ('Abales, of which 216,2.6 i Were American , r $2,190 Brazil, 19,310 VJ(. India; and B.745 £ India. Bales nf Tobacco—330 hlids Virginia I.e»f, .593. stemmed, 100, Ken. LeafwjaO Stemmed', ltoppahuuiii>c,.50. There had beeh no aiTiysIs-ar Liverpoo] for some weeks | roviuua to the first of Oi- tober, in consequence of the continuance of Easterly winds. Greece Accounts had been re. received in Lntidun from various quarters, confirming the previous in telligence o( the disciimfilure, and al. moat total annihilation of the Torkiih army which had penetrated into the , Mureis. The head of the Pacha bf Baloiiiohn, who commanded it, was m presented to the Senate at Argos on fthe 20th utt. and there remained in the hands of Ibi Greeks, os the fruits of their successes on (he 15th, fit, 16th Rin de Janeiro ire highly responsible fertile illegality of so despotic a re solution, and -hall be impeached; Si Thnt the Geverment of Rio de Janeiro, diaribeying the Cortes, and conslitotjng itself independent, con trary to the withes of the people of Brasil, who ere represented in this assembly, is 8 Qoverment de facto, ind not diju'e.itld thaUhe voluntary obedience of any authority will be criminal, unless whentouipel|ed by fore?. 1 \ !'! • ■■■ ; \ 4 That-the delegated authority of the prince slyidl immediately cease and that the King appoint a regency, to exercise that authority in the manner alrady sanctioned. 5. That (tfi, Prince Royal shall return to ftn'tugal iq the course of frior moftjhiij rkhjwping from the day when the*present decree shat) be po lifted to him ; and if,,,contrary to ex- pectalion, he should tint obey, the pro ckedings fixed by the Constitution shall be adopted. city that can,go to rest kith a tranquil-mind; the alarm eatenda even to the ufllcere of police, charged with maintaining the pub lic secifntyy Tlie district called /W Angel, It most In- feel „Jd with theae ntfllanf, a few nighta ago they onmmitted.the#lhe most tuiheard.of outrageaand exoeaacC Atiumher pf eili. zeds have offered themaelvei to the'Ddpu tyjf I’olitfS, to guard the infested quarters From the Bi-nxW.—Intelligence received ret New York represents llie Brazils lobe in a very agitated stale. At St. Salvador, * skirmish had liken place between the peo ple and the military, in which a Portuguese Lieut. Colonel was hjtlffli and eevjral ttffi cera and prett-takiWTOWihers. ; At P^i- *n5njbuoo. (he fithab tapts 'were Joined by the military, and had succeeded in turning the member*.atf the Junta out- of ofBpe, The object qmmupeopla is slid to b establish a ReppBtirisn government in' bp- position to the Prlnoe,who, it iiiill be re- cnlleoted, otip late aqcounts state, has as sumed the purple. Judge M'Lean, of Ohio, lately appointed, by tlie President, tloifimisaioner of the Ge neral Land Office of the United Statee, has arrived in Washington, sad entered upon' the duties of Ida pew station. Sewn dwelling houses, besides out buildings; wefe destroyed by fire, on the |£th mat. at Wilhtingtop, which commenc ed at ld utclock St n gl^, in an unjnliabited building. Two attempts were made to set fire to the town J)if neat morning, Mr', Ad)iun, of Georgetown, fj). C.) has. this year.pVidmth'rjJrohl a ambfl arineyardV whioh he naa cnliivait-d for three years past, a considerable quantity of wfne . Fruhn sixty three vlnea of Conatamia, was obtain ed two quarter cnaks if wine, uf twenty and' tl)<ra accofdlhgly Were accepted, to perform this particular service for three or iliur nights accompanied by Ihc PiiliceBt puty. I'lie clamour against the police is general, and ff gavcrnqiant do not prompt ly lake energetic measures, it miltoi teller to emigrate to Siberia or, Senegal, anil«tan, tlen the toil of our Fathers f Eflntctef a Idler from a gentleman infrut eia, te InsJHemlin the (own of Forliand, ifaieil■ ’ ' (VoiMfadf, JIu&i . l.--" Yealerday ' iBjT ' JhlpEmperor Alortnder arrived a' this place. TheCoinmanilunt wiihed for two shipg, the one English the other American to be off the Mole hestl with the yards thaoned to give the not pleilse, after three days trial, ahv Great mav. three cheers. The St. Pe ter, C8[it. Hollund.of Beaton, was te lefted lor fha American. The yards hei,ig'%)aniied with' th> Orewa of 'the other ships, (he sailors sung, uut brave- " ®1 ighV g||ona each , anil (horn one hundred and fiflyaeight vines of Tokay, flirty aeven anil a halt buihels of grapes, producing in he whhle seven barrels and six quarter Mr. 8 F. n. jforse 1 _ . House of Ileprlientativea of the United States, with portraits, eleven feet by'six and a half, it ia understood, wilLbe ejblhlt- raea, and 200 camels. The remains of thq Turkish troops had fled tn Co rinth. and it ia Bdid, thaton the 18th, a Bcgnciation was opened for the sur render of the place, and that the Turks, as a proof of their sincerity, had evacuattd II,ecitadel. The Greek Senate had renounced all interference in military affairs, and uppiiinted Calcstrcmi Uictator, tp which measure fheir receui. idvantagea were td. i The London Traveller states, that since lira death of the Marquis of Londonderry, a material objection hasjieeii removed to the aclfphwiedg- x nieht .of- South American iudepen deque. ja The Committee of (MpConstitution .. at {dabno baa proposed . the following decree t , ’ ' I. Thai the decree of the Sd June last, convntting an assembly ot Cousti toeot Cortes ft. Braid, is null. - 2. 'that the Secretaries uf Stats al casks of wine, "“ft ia Mr Adlum’s intention ta extend the ouliivaflbn. ivfereai Picture nf the ed in the southern states dating the pre sent winter. The Masonic Hull of Baltimore ; is twhr dedicated on the 28th day of November circulars have beert t.ansmitted to the Di e thren throughout the state, requesting thim to unite in the ceremonies, in order that the procession may be as splendid and imposing as possible. „ * In consequence of the death of .Cnl. Lew, is, the,meeting hf Commissioner* to settle, tlie division of land iu^nci'between.that state and Mat«oliu«ata, )iW been pbilpon- edto December next, ihJloston. A* th& aqnual meeting .of die Philadel phia Typographical soclbty, the fbilowing handsome compliment is given to tlie la dlesTh file last of theregblar toasts: The fair,—Their for§a excite our a*, miration tlieir hefttt reCrfve ami nnurisli. the best impmeient i and, o tenter of Jlowtre, they surround and beautify Uiejnig e of our existence. i v Tlfif following is also very good— File 31*00}.—A set of /irrtmicii. whn know how to handle their eheeU.iunVdiiinbUle tlieir built, they wilt ever mimta n their ly. Hurra I fnf tht* Emperor, etiuer in hin boat; Mii,k mff bii c gave three cheefs, irt return. Am on* the distinguished phrarnra^ei. ivhtt vi sited IhoSt. Peter, while in port, was the Persian Ambasandor.” v ; HOBRID^MURDER. Little Ut/dc,(\ikfmi») Sept, 10.— most shocking murder wqs perpiit’ rated a, short time stnte, near the dividing line bi tween tfii* Territory and the state of Louisiana, on the per siin of a Mr. Scampn l of Natchimches, by a mqnstfr in hiinniflshoppby the name Of Alorruw. The circumstances uf this murder, as briefly related to us are aa folljw-.-. Morrow and Scamps were travelling together, the font uitLifhi- latter oh horsetiack.^'lfiving stopped for tlie punpuse of iakuig refreshments, Mnrrnwqwatche d an mpportutiity, ami knocked out the -biains nf hie coin, panion, and then levered lijsheifd Iron, Ids,.body. After whjcli he rilled the pockets ofthe deceased of what money they contained, took a pair of pistols and s iriie Wearing apparel also be. longing to‘the deceased, and sat tiff to makehis escape. .,'Jii his bytry to make his cscape. ths murderer left a valuable horse belonging to the de ceas'd, together with’a pair of saddle bags containing a considerable amount in money; which is Supposed to have been the object <>f the murder.' He I'eff the headless body of his compan ion lying,near tlm,road,where it was sh’o'rl ly after discovered, together with the liqrse, See- by,K. of (udians, who immediately gave (he llarjh. Pursuit was promptly made after the murderer, and we are happy-to state, that he was overtuk.n', and ijiprehcndod in Hampstead; Cuunty.- i i is skid that his clothes were a.ain- t-d with blood, anti that he dtepovered evident msrks of guilt Whedflkemv— We understand that the niufder was committed within thn mpits of Lnu- isikiuH if so, the murderer will prnbu- bly be delivered to tht authoritiea date, to receive the punish : inent (loe l' shocking an offence against the laW of Gifd arid ! mah. From Ihe Kentucky Gazette. ^ J Captive of 42 ^/enrs —The fill lowing extract horn,a tetter.enclosed lo the Editor of Ihia pgpe^by tio.v, Oats of Detroit, may lead to,-a most tender meeting between a family 4ha| had Jost sight of each othef 'fiiieyet on tfitl Stde ihe gravy. Without re* (erring lo history, we believe the , ln.- diane and their allies (the Urifrehj captured Ruddle’s station, now in "(jujVori cq^kity, ip a June If80, »> waa tu be returned band the purebsay daily, aalas of live and deaif stuck money, divided between the paetiea, tike placeLiiid such is the scarcity The most siogolar part-qf Jbe triuyw bf money, that [n many instance* they sfcfiqn is, that ,th* parses artj sot are lit’ettlly given away. Esse, rivebty yeah* ofkge, and ' hsv'e not uflluunoe, and plenty, which seven or .been: married a trtoqth i ';b'i|iioH»VRi, 'bight ygars since so uAivetsally pre quite unnecessary.”—Britfof JUSfrdd ffbmlnatcd among the Sussex vnman. ry.. . „ „ , , , J ty, haVe nesriyitlisappeared^nd pen.... , MrJ. R. Say, so justly celebrated ury, grumbling, and ilfstnnient pre-, tliw snundusi policy U'ges |u it. Thu throughout Europe for Ms vitiitipgsau* >airiQ*tlieir eteail. 'fhia alteration in distance between the navigab! Political Kcouomy, his ahnimitefit).. Ihiir circumslanttek has greatly Oper " ' ' hia ihtcn'ioo to eatahfish, about Me bted upon'their political ujiinions,. and beginning of NoveihbeV, at his house, they now InudlV deriaim against‘til n Paris, ojtfsries of Cbhwfjwjfions op men and measures which they forme) ‘ ' “ rj-T^aU'ttrejjjiO.ty and vehemently of AugusT,“3aOP prisoners,"aOOT W <rigbt Vo"!lij& old oceante idling trfyh. I /Win 'PL_ ,.l‘ 11m Phnelna TillinblnD. Mr, Charles ,John«tnn,',jith' honourary member, haa present^ihg^Society yijlb a donation of tine hund®d4ulla«1l -Jfc - «■ The Havana papera^have recently bken extremely violent in their attacks upon the' people anil government t)f the United Stales, because, forsoqth, eerti^n editor* in ihe union have given currency to a few un palatable truths relative to the support re ceived by pirates if. the island of Cuba,, JW» «C*»‘ "b* 1 -- « »m married uiul to the imbecility of their police in pre- wlr^Jicn^^iriicle, rnr whom yoo c — me ..Ian W .1 It. .nt I An ill A mm, i.lltna venting piratical enterprises. Tint the first charge 1* well founded more than one witness has amply testified j of the troth ofthe latter the reader will be enabled tn judge by the following extract from Ha- which 1 tinitbS'lrs. v LaTe and her two daughters were, led .captives and parated Irom the rea v t ol ihe family.— -Printers in the ITniied States in rentier a service to ihe jetuse of 8. insnity by publisliipg the followi'nj px'tracl: . k u Coir heller, V. Canada, 7th Aug. 1822. M.y. -Deai SflNt I was taken at Port Licking, commanded by Captain Ruddle, end waa ransomed by.Cid, Magee and brought into Upper Oa nada, near Amberdlburgh, (ktirf Mal den,) where 1 now five, allei' having beeu 16 years among; the loih ina.-j- Your eldest sister is rtbw living' fn Sandwich,but the youngest I cuuld never hear bf. Now, my dear aim, 1 wiAild he very glad to are you once utpie before 1 die, which I do not think wilfibe long, as l am In a very • ■ “ ■ Ifh" ■ ‘ to Maroa Ha Gloria and Liberal, corvet let, sailed ttid 14th inst, it is said lor the .purpose of preventing assistance from Portugal mitering Bthia, and to compel the Eproppan toltllera station ad then lit retard tu Europe.” *fbe bil (9-tona and 138 gallons,). tbftdMkctbr the whale, which was tbkruaMW weeks ago upon the coast of Northumberland, and the fight' to which had be'eams an abject, of dis- putgbetween two -great landowners, upott^Hose property it hid been cast wad on Monday laat (the lffth inst.) flheli possession of in behalf of the Crown, by aapreial order from the Admiralty.—MmcnsPe Courant. We iosert the t-.lluwing disgusting commuOicathm, betjause it ia Well au thehtictmd t4- *• ffdibmd Jones, apain with on Tuesday last, fin, 1 (1 with the the proviso that il to get lo London, had recourse tO'the plan the had adopted, it is onneceasa, ry to state that her wardrobe was re turned. ft ia shpppsed thht • !*•« sffiir hed given rive to this instance nf/smuts Quixotism-—IhtHtU* Pa per, , A French D flnltion of h Whig or a Tbry—’‘Pray, Mon-irurr de Ver- genhos,” skid Louis X'VI. One day of his levee. “ what do you taka ro be the diftereoco between a VVlifg apd a Torvf” **J’leasejyoue Majrstvi re plied the nfinistor," I conceive. Hits, diff-rence to tie nicreJy ntiininal— the Tories are Whigs,I'wheii riles w.fht i Whigs are ’^Tut'irS th»t Mi utiiun by water .tan, lietween New Hempshi gie mins- practicabli Caithbcit and. Cot iiflhbrir nod, Oi|t Britain, Sf" Provtde] Fr nice. »fti Tn bring this tubj own dbiiM, it may t rrlkllvcsituation of nssiee mulcts it an" object uf 'iin' mence iiapcrtanct to make the com* ffitnieetijo as direct and at essy, aa . ' '-t to.ow*^ id. I(jat ifia ia and fen- places. and the «.« , „ when they have got them” j? "i An intelligent correannntMiff, . » native pL Hesseg, who had 1 lately loth Trices.—Ittomak. travelled through the eaatefji d#s- r ,et CaurHjnn, anil) hi-, tries of ihia enantry, represrols the, , coiiditibnnrif * groiver part of (he shi'did veomafiib|r »4brhiiv -truly- deplorably. lie Writes tOtials folloirii—nAlmoat bad state of health, and have Political Ecbiiomp, for toe hebvftt bf ihove Gentlemen who nuty wiah tu srquire an extended knowledge of that interesting science. A lew days since, as snipe men were digging tor the purputd uf uudeV-bin ning (hr biuiidiliin the fltnfta'8T Mr. Ellis, of.+fvattifletd, they dhcrtv vi ed and'lbiik up Ihrvv bottlee .con, taiuing green' gnqaebi ries, tlier fruit being in excellent pieaervatjifff, al though itia though’, from thq^laature ol its situatlun. that it must have lain buried a century tie more. One, td tl the bottles has been sent to Lm'lor^ In •is » great curiosity.—Siisiex Paper '- [These ante deluvisn gooseberries hou'tl he served upas '< desert to the Oiiam fodliih Society.] Tlie executor of the Rev. Peter Beauvoir, Igte of D iwnham Hull, in tlte cbuhijrjr of Esse*, paid laat week tlm sum ol thirty ’eight Am. sand pounds fo the Anxprp unioe.bsfiag ihe duty on Seven Humiriid hod Twenty Thousand Poumlsf, payaufa to the residuary legatee Richard BeiiyiiH, how Richard Dcnyon De Beauyuir. This fortunate legstee was mi felatihn to the testator. A- hove fifty ihousand pounds were other wise tell-in legacies. The immense (ivopetty was tv queathed by till tealstor independent uf hia freehold estate which are of ponaiduf'able value. ln.>8dition to this prodigious wealth, the testator possessed, and retained till the day of his death; a living of 300i, a-yeer! We undei stand that the charges for one t,f thq etesm' boats which accompanied hljfMujefJy to Scotland, amount to 48001. rhe public are nof iiiv’araof the narrow escape which iiW.,Majesty had iti returning from' Scotland. The Royal yacht groun- dbif: off Oifiirdneas, to .Ihe greol dismay of oil on board.—Fortunate ly if; was aeon got off. The pilot, through whose ignorance or jnatten riiin. this accident happsned, has, in fconsrqiience, received, no allowance fob 1 lift time he has engaged. I FOREIGN EXVRACT8. linfe S,liter—lAbnut a mouth Cycling, slender looking pera -n npptiremly about 19 yeats of age made"applicationito Ihe master of one bf’lie London -traders at Dundee tn be admited art appreuctice on board his vessel. Aftyr some communing", an agreement waa entered into, imd -the apprentice set about his service , ysBIi great alacrity j'and, duimg the ' Afitfge, perfomted the duties of the ship 10 the entire sairFiction of . th>- captain, who observed Ilia apprenlii e passed rather an vff-minale and mb' rfest deiiieanour, end s great lack of /juve.nilq beSid.” pn the vesaelN arrival alXoiidnn, tlie apprentice Sad denly disappeared, and, after a fruit less search on the part of' the Crew she retured mi;,-us the apprentice,— On the succeeding voyage, a person came onboard the vessel, apd de manded the clothes of the runaway, who, ’he person stated, was of the sex feminine i and, having accomplished her ai’iject. was now devirinus to qnij the hazardous -prulessinn she had ein” barked in. This detail had !’• full fleet oo the bystanders, and the “lack inquire. 'You affectionate mother, ,/ of beard,” at the Seme time flashing Mary miracle. To Peter Lale, Kentucky.” Ilavanhi-Ocl. 22—Our public repose has been for aoire time disturbed by a band of lliievt** who commit depredations on the liouaea of tlie citixtns. Tliey are provided with every necessary implement to sssstjlt slid stroke. Tbare is not a fiuniljr in the FOREIGN SUMMARY ' From London and Liverpool papers, to the ! 28thSept. received at the office of the Georgian Tlie following is an extract of a let ter hum the Agent lo Lteyd’a at Ilio Ja -eiro, dated July SI t — I'lie Union Portuguese frigate Runs Unidu brig. over the captain’s mind, he determi ned upon visiiing the runaway, and Ihe raw" Qneensferry tail” (tor such ’lie apprentice in the first instance slated herself to lie,) hut to tliut of s strapping wench just out of her teens, "daU'ibg with nature’s graces,” It ar rayed in the attire peculiar totter sex' Alter acme explanation, in the course of which she Mgted that she belonged to Inverkcilbing, and buiug anxious itrenuie uphVId.—ffnflisk Paper. ■ , , O.i sutuid.fy-eveni'ig there wera no Utss thiqi ^ Cnpi al raVnviots in the comfetoneH cells of. Nt'wgat, all ■it ivhunte hakaHn oonvicteil in the (iteseqt SeAihii? arid there remained opwsrdsteffMl) prig-iners for trial; nor-hav'e tlmlca'mljury for Middle- 'Jiet rtrjfflnatwf their labours, •a. teJttW-•. Borrnwini' MwspnpeA This la a monatriiu- evil, w Inch but own by tile Infloaqcepf puldic opin. sea mn. The answer td "lend Wf tjaur paper" shntild aluldy be“ga> and silt sprite for if. What is ten dollars a year tn have all the advantage which a dairy ps(ier holds forth ? 10,0(10 pen- tile read thy Advocate daily, a n) one tenth pay for it. Is it not iiahl that we shmild.i.ibniir griiis (ur au many people f~“A F Advocate, • . —.- .* ■ From tlicbontlujrn,KVoorder, KNIERNAC IMPROVEM.r I will begin this ud,dr«aS 'U aentiments of a writer, who ia alm- a s'anding authority in all matters of civil policy : lie says,' <■ that 'gtyd roads, canals, and navigable rivers, by diminishing the e|pence ...of car riage, put thy,remote parti of < coun try more nearly upon a lUVel with those in the neighbihirimudMif Urge towns—and on that accnuntiHhey arc the greatest of a|t improyetnenta. They enqpurage the, cullivaiion ol ifiinote parts, which must always be tlie moat extensive circle of the coun trv, They ere advantageous to towns, by breriji.riB duwn the monopoly til' the cllotijl'ib their rieighbbfltbud and lli|2'«ro;. udyantageous to all parts- bf, life ctiunlry | for though they infVnduce some rival cominndrty possible ( that eatery advantage may J>a sfliraled to the citirieos of eit'-vf, null Huns vatwaolo branches uf 'Hie Jjjfwlelt of-distent vlimea, Usi-lul, oc .ea-tV-nliat to sundori) con- itttulYqtfe, venience and lutekeat. It hat for mitiy years been the tub- j-'ct of consideretiun, and it has oa- cited the atteptiun of publiu tioiliea apd active individuals that tl.a facility ot intercourse should be increased between this State and Tennessee. The practicability of the moasttea has been pointed out by nature ; -and, inti) Ihb old markets, they open muftyl ;nal navigatiiiiiifsnd eaay ooiriinuniee new markets to its produce. 1 If turnpike roads and , canals ire so essentially necessary to Ihe proa parity of a country, the same good; fjvill result from navigable rivets ;ind perhaps, ni-aily i-qutfly benefl cisl constqui-nces will lie felt by the artizan, the agriculturist, and tlif trader. Tllfy increase and extend; foreign commerce, and augment an jnlqroal trade, which sometimes e«* cetda the forinur in value and jmpor- tanpe, , ' j . ' 'hf:- Internal commerce also, beJWeen two lections of a country remotely siipated, Will obviate the dangers of a voyage in bnieterous aeaanna, and give icCuriiy to commerce during I war. - The foithfplrecords 0 f history tell os, that in"proportion as the facilities of intercourse have been promoted be tween distent nations, commerce Kgs extended, and civilizitiori increased. Navigable rivers, are to sections of the same country, What the-ocean is to distant ‘end islands— and-as the latter .conveys oh iis bn turn by turnpikea, which our «tata iis co'mpelenl to qsiaBjlab, won d mo* nnpitlize -nesrly till file intercourse which i- conducted towards the Mid dle sfl'd Northern states. (To be continued ) MAUINE. sum the products of Cliinii, fudia, A- fotfininUret'‘diva. fries or HJilfOpe, so The former is s powerlul stimulus to trade add indus try, by .creatiog an easy communica tion from place lo place. From the same source we are also iidormtd, that with all enterprising 1 nbt) com mercial people, ancient or modern, the improvement pf internal enmmuoiet lion has never failed to^demand an as- siduoos attention—and eminently is ,..... „ .. .entitled to legislative pslrunage. Oui was conducted not lo the presence ori country is most unquestionably capable uf great improvement in in lernal navigation | and. it ia surrily a subject of much regret, that so lit tle has beeu dune,' though much is contemplated. It is so formed by na- lurr, as to admit of the inosl intimate conuection ; and such are the facili PORT OP tiJtrJJe'XAH. Sf* Sloop Good Intent, Allyn, New lludford, 6 dayi- with produce to T Br«dl«y H co, lorn J<WM»y fc/RoujI - - '* ^ vr wou Tan i lisa presented by our various atrewus, ' * '* community,-Tjio 1 sgricultural.and mer cantile, be fairfy rewarded—the ooa fur Hie ptoductsof (ho suit, ultimate-" lyrdes killed litr a foreign murket, anil *#• for enterprise and mcluriy •tWdMriiwiting to the i ijirioh, tha .ygfiiPf qMiules uf - mewiii.tidize*, this -able, wa ters of the Savannah and Teitpessea rivers are neither so numerous horiso formidable ay to deter Irom the at^ tempt to remove them, hr to rrpvsit a hope that they will not be soon i«r- mtiunted, by ih« application ol Inbik with capital and imlustrjff • Tlmae who lisve must carefully i t tttrii ed the puints ot obstruction, hlje not been frightened by tlieir number or magnitude ; bit', on the contrary, their .report* have been so favourable, that* n»W stimulus was given lo hope, end unwilling apprehensions mada nmet,. under the cheering belief (hat tlie day was noi far diitant when rocks would be removed from the tp*d of the rivers, In make them flow in smooth and I^tel streams, and (b« mountains made loftll the sallies. Peranna wnb have been in Tennes see must frequently have heard an opinion expressed, uf the advantage* which were offered to its inhabitant* ' totrndewph Georgia—and have also heard .il regrettadTIiat (be communi cation was nut made more tiny. It ik knuwa that ike greetgst .portion of . mftchandirie flririfi.ite way to' that yx- 1 tensive and finlMishing stale from New-Ytuk, PtriiaiJolphit and Brill- more, pitlier by lapd to KnuXville oe Pittsburg, ant( theneeolown' th« Ohio sod MistUsipi. to the moulhi of tho Cumberland and Tennessee, where it is often detained for weeks and months from the low itate of flios* rivers, not -idinitttng the passag.* of boats- tp Nashville, nr the settlement* bnniefijng on flip Tenm-aaee j or it must be shipped to New-U>leans, tha only other sure avenue through which it cgn-be receiygdf II is a lact of no iltMommon oooiifreni'O, that live tinr- jiWSiitB of Nashville,Fayeijeville, Win, cheater, and other places in Tenues-, tie*; do mil receive their goods in Ipse ■tli«u J «hree qi" nlh9 ff° m the tlm A they are sent from the place of purchase in the Atlantic sen ports. The inter- * : t 1 -1 ♦I m. .MBt'Bk.. Ship Jane. Tock»h Brialql, ' (Me^O ilaya, to James Dickv’iu U co, and the IffM. ler. Optbe fTUVlnat. In 36 21 long 74 4S, vpoke the bi ig Hop® or qph-m; 62 dmya fi-om lloenns Ay rev hound th Salem. _ . Ur brig- Friooe KutnsotF, ■.VoedhouJe, dn-on. 10 days, In ballast to tho-master. 8clir loo, Wrvilmi, Charleston, with corn to It V J Habersham. » Sohr Thorn, V-:- oard, Darien, 3 days, with aundriee, tomndry peraoot. Sohr William, Aubena, Charleston, 1 day with aiindries to sundry peraona.- ^ Stoop Nancy, Sturtevunt, t’ ovidencr, 7 lUyai'with produce, be. lo 0 laic,anil o- ticnqi toil a-indry merchant HP-flarien. Paeeengere, Messrs. Robbins,BmiUl,Briiom * " brig* Hulls’ vnd £agic* h- & Alex tfitler, Hii^the muster, af'ot- vngerRs MruFleuhinRiiyJlr^nmiWif^Kl, luutily. Me«srs Jenney,£t Cite* W Pierce* Ch»ie» Cook* Luce* vV It Alien. I Kider, and utltera, 20 in all. Sloop" Carolina, lJeMtlo, Baltimore. $ day% witU flour and sugar to sundry p«r- *° Stoop Florida, Fitch, Richmond; 7* hours. Sloop Joseph, Curtis, Oaaabaw lalaod, 3 days, with wood. ‘ ^ Foie bout Monroe, from Augusta, te J K Datifurtb, with 533 bales aiuup, to <^um- mfi'.g and Cwalbniojr, A B Fanun it co, I WyUy, G Gordon, Ponce U JS'Konxie, aiul Hubauicl U Auxe. it m*ti At New-York, 12th ttiXt $U*op Cyntkbf