Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 23, 1822, Image 4

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% feorsto, Effingham County.I T-AmaMlV > Unitril Siitrt, lit: SUI’ElHllll UOUUT, htctmhrr '/Vim. 1821 The Truste.. of tin 1 German"! I.Mthrratt Uongrcg.lion »t I Ebentwr, VlWii Nut. 0*1. | The Heirs & HeprewtiMfive. of Miclucl Hock. dcceawdj O N lit* petition nf the Trustees ortm- Qienttn Imthersit Corlgrcgstlon at K .enescr, pr.ylng tile forerlmure ..I the E iuitv Of lie It mption o( nil tint iruCtoi parcel of land, con’sluing two hmttlretl . ires, lying sml being, ill the county ol El- fdiiglism soil ststc Ifiiressltl, butting sml boumling north-welt on John J. tjrovrns. tine, naatli esitwpnt on John Hiitioli,south east on John l.idlrUvlincr,». B |>uvid Utt- scM 4oil arc vacant *1 the time of the survey thereof, originally gi'Hled m Wollgsttg Mock, deceased on the second day of A- ril, one thousand seven hundred wid sixty- five, to secure the payment of thei sum of eighty dollars, on the fourth Jay of Decent* ber, eighteen hundred and three, with in* tfirst at tlie rate of six pet* cent, from the fourth day of December, eighteen huh- tired mid two; and i» appearing to the Court that there i» now due unsaid bond ami mortgage the sum of sixty dollars with interest from March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and eighteen, at six per cents On motion of Wayne and Cuyler. At* tonnes for the petitioners,it is oidered that the amount due on said hood and mort gage he paid into Court, with interest, yvillun twelve months, otherwise the lscjiu- of Redemption of the heirs and repre- 1pm it stives of this said Michael Mock, be foreclosed, and that other and further pro ceedings hud thereon, pursuant to (tie •latnte iiranoh case* made and provided? and it is further ordered that this Itule hr published once a month for twelve months in one nf the public gazettes of this state. Extinct /root the Minutes. JNO. CHARLTON, Clerk, dec 11 4*c „ A — ■ At Cost, for Cush, To cl*** (he Concern of the ,ala firm nf J STOVE ii CO. T I!Kilt entire stunk of Dr> floods and Heady Made Clothing, consisting of a ■/great variety of amides, made in the best in timer and rtfgood nuncnals. 'those who W ill to jnircliiii.e for cash, will find it to tlicir iWl i-root to cull, as they cannot he Hold -for credit. LI.(i t VNI) CANNON, Surviving Partner. Hryan shret, near the Slate ItuaH*. N. It l< ii presumed that til who we in debit'd .0 the late Hun of .1. Slone Cf f^o will cull and cancel them, Without subject ing the subsci'ihf-r io the Uccusaity of put ting their notes and acoounta in the hands of their attorney for collection. L.G. CANNON. nnv2 ft a a prior:. flfllK Copartnership nf Joskki Rtons IL (hi. is di .solved. by the death of J. Sllone, which mikes it mccilary that all IS ’ and A 'ooon’s sliottid tie immediate L Paul that art hie, to the subset iber, who in itiu surviving Part ner, at their old stand, Hear the Htute Dank. l.KG’.t \ND CANNON. The business * HI lie eomlnui d at the a- b"»f stand, under the H in of 8. TOl/B«.Y it CO. who arc now opening a large and ex' naive stock nf belt 8u| krflite Cloths Chewinitfres, tn*i Vest ngs, which they arc deternuui d in sell Ipr Cash at r».‘duc’d pri- c«'h. Just recvivod the Intent Philadelphia and New-Y.nk fuahiom. All ucdiirs prompt* ly executed and thiuiki'ully received. 1.1.(J lAND'-CANNON. blsCLAUi T0U3EY. nov 2 * i; i -u — - - ■ — Cotton Bagging, Sperm. Cumlles, ^e. ^50. Jimt jft eivt/U per ehif) Savannah, 4\ i\\ “it*. - a -i.' 1 it’ll Cotton Hugging u >d boxes Sperm Candlua JV tloop Mary, 12 biles Caroline Plant U' r sale on accommodating term*by J. D. HERBERT Ik CO. nnv id 4UJ y- The Subsenliers H WB received from England and the Northern Stales, by Ihe late arrivals, the following articles, which they will din poseofoit the most accommodating terms, viz! — * 850 kegs White Lead, 56lbs, 28 and 14 lUO do Paints, all c lour* *, lo boxy Sheet Copper 2 caskf^popper Nails 2 do do Spikes 5 r ills sheet Lead 5 casA-3 bar do * f> ) do Nails ami Spbra, all siaet 80<J IDs Seme and Sewing fwine 3 fishing Seines 90 yards long 3 J casks Drown Stout, Porter 40 coils Hale Hope v A()\) dix Cordage 40 bolts Htissiu Du* k 20 pieces Havens do 75 tons Swedes, Itussin, sn<V Englinh Ivon, all sorts and sizes Paint f)d, Lamp Oil, ana u general as sortment of Ship Chandlery. WM. TAYLOR U SOK, nov 6 ro Classical 8c Knglish School. hi: yu r nt j c ii ojtxe ll I NEOitMS ms Pneiuls and the Public, that he will re-open his School for * Young Judies and Gentlemen, on Monday next, the 14th imt, at 9 o’clock, A M. in the room under Solomon’s Lodge, near the Old Pfoshytctinn Church, oct 10 \V. •cftrlwingh sod I trict ol Georgia, others. J f hnnhert, iSffi September, 1822. P ROCESS hiving Issued in this• cause, returnable l« the t«mi of tills court in Doct mbrr next 5 and it bring re| re* "unted that John llldetl, William 8 Gil* s l r Mi fianw: d Yates, Afhlrew l.ow, and John Hogiie, lU-Icndants in the said cause, icnide w ithout the limits of the District of floor* gia : ?( it ordercfl, that the said John !1h«. ( hut, William S. Gdlett, Samuel Yates. John Hogue and Andrew Low appear st the term of this court to lie holden st Savan- nah In the term of -December next, lo an, swer to the plaintiffa »n the merits of their sui'l petit on, and that a copy of this or der be published in one ol the gn7i*ttesof this rate for three months, and that the plaintiffs have leave to take such further proceeding* ms arc prescribed ill liter in such mse made and provided. J. CUYLER, District Judge. True extract from the mmutei. GEO GLEN, Clerk. Savunuah, Sept, 13, 1822, sep 14 Notice and Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been informed thst John Carnocliun and Peter Mitchell of this city have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged uml assigned to divers persons either their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm of (Jftrnochgh it Mitchell, or others, all or sundry tin; property sml ustute, both real and personal, of the said firm, as well as their own individual pro perty sod estate, consisting together nf hmiHCfi, lots, lands,stores, wharves, negroes, kc. in Savannah and Dmien in Georgia, or the neighborhood thereof, and elscwhel’t with their interest or share In the stock of the lower stenm null nenr Darien, and sundry sluices in the United Stu’cs Hark and other hanks, as well as sundry debts due to them In various places, besides lands, lots, negroes, he. in the territory of KlbvUla, nod particularly one large tract of land bought of Forbes Ct Go. lying be twreblhe rivers St, Marks and Apaiaclii. colatytho territory of Florida aloreeaitl. rheseare hereby to caution the public a- gainst pit* chasing any |>ari of the said pro*, periy Or ca.ate ho conveyed, or any other properly belonging to the aaid Curnoohlui It Mitchell, or either of them, as 1 h* Id pri or mortgages on the greatest part thereof, which are on record in the regpdi’\ in Sa* vHiitudi and Darien uforesiml nt|d 11 Char leston, S. f). and equitable lelni^on all tin property of said Jobii Curnochan and IVler Mitchell. WILLIAM CUHISTlE. jtliieS |13 SlicrilV Sules. On the first Saturday alter the first Tues day, in January next, W ILL be sold at the Mai feet house in the town nf 8t. Marys, between the hours often ■' , d four o’clock of that day, One Negm Boy named Peter, levied on as the property <>f Daniel Vaughn to satis fy mi execution in favor of James Thomas, propei ty pointed out by the Defendant.— Conditions cush. St. Marys, Camden coun ty, Nov. 7lh, 1822. GEOUGE LONG, n. s. 0.0. nov 16 flu2 J. To the Public, CARNOCHAN and P. MITOHF.L arc sorry to be again brought before tlu- public by u second notice of Mr Gliristie’s, who has undoubtedly claims against them,' which, when finally liquidated on the de cision of the suit now pending, they will l y to satisfy ns soon as possible thereafter. I’lie deeds under which Mr (JhrlHtiecluims' an exclusive right to nil the real and per sonal estate of Unrnochan 81 Mitohel, are considered as informal, unjust and illegal, Hence they have been brought and are still' mfore the court, and other deeds have. >een executed and recorded, conveying lie property for the use of all tlicir credit- >i h, Mr Christie included, without any trust »r reservation hen* fictul to C. £jfM, or their i.imihest and if tl}i^be not agreeable to that gcMdlbihan, it rniist nevertheless appear lair and equitable to the public and all who 1 »ve n sense of justice* flic Trustees under the late deeds are anxious to sell the I .anils in Florida, alluded to in the notice of Mr-Christie, and to np. i>Us the proreeds trt the Immediate payment *>r part of hi* demand, and.deposft a suffi ciency thereof to cover alibis claim,sob- ject to the decision of the copH—but Iiib opposition iq any reasonable sale, ms one in terested in his own rightrwlplst injuring all parties concerned, borne until a sale cun he made under an order of court. June 10 Editors or papers who Insert Mr Chris* in's notice, will plenne insert tins above until bin is withdrawn, and forward tlour bills to the Savannah Republican Ulfiue, where they will be promptly paid by J. C. ii P. M. Notice. 4 T the expiration of nine months from this date* 4 shall apply to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Cha- tharn county, Ibr leave to sell the following real and personal property held by the late R J. Houston intrust, viz : Cedar Grove plantation, containing up- wards of 1200 acres, situated in the district of White Bluff. Otic Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, near the above. May Island, containing 100*eres, more or less, situated oil the marshes of Little Offfcrliee river. Also, between 65 and 70 Slaves, PAT. HOUSTON, May 13, 1802. adm'r. It, J. Houston. may 16 V JOHN MOORHEAD B egs leave to Inform his friend* in Geor gia, that he has established bmiselt permanently hi this city as a tjo\ft\\nss\ovi The sale at Sonui^rn Produce will be his principal busmess, in the management of winch, he believes he can do his friend* ju-.i ce -he relict on the reputat'on eata boshed during along residence .11 Savan nah, on th» references to his friends, and diligent attention, to continue the confi dence of those who maybe pleased tofu- *?or him with thvir Imsim as. JVc-ji fork, 38lh Oct .her, 1832, Rcfcr-ii'*.** m S ' uMiiah—- Messrs Comxinu 6^ Gwxtii^f.t. Ref. rence m V igusta-Joux Moouj*. Esq nov 8 .jre SliPfifT Sales, 0‘» tKr fit ti Tuesday in January next, W ill, be sold at I tie Conn hou«e in the town of Ji fio’son, Camden Countv, between the hours often and fbur o’elot k, of that dav, A Tract of Land on Cumberland Island, known by the name of the Ptuoib Orchard, containing nine hundred and sixty acre*, more or lets, levied on as the propeity of Charles Ward, to satisfy his State County snd Poor Taxes for the years 1820 and 21. Amount due g»2 50 and cost.—Jefferson, Camden countv, Nov 8th, 1822. GEORGE LONG, d. s- c. c. nov 16 fl02 Notiee. fllTrr.firm offlorkwcll U llepbum Is dls- 1. solved; In consequence of the detth uf J. L Hepburn, Esq. The sobacribers have formed s connec tion in tlie Practice of Law, under the'finn of KOL’kH ELL a MORGAN, They will attend to professions! business, in the Ke- Tiers! Court, In the Ocuudgec circuit, and In those counties where in the late firm of Rockwell it Hepburn practiced. Tlie.r office is in Mdledgovilie, oofne.r of Jefferson and McIntosh streets, whejja one of them m:ty be found st all time** when noton the circuit. S. ROCKWELL. A. A MORGAN. Millodgovlllc, June 10, lfiu«. june 14 Notice. VTlNE months after dare application will Lx be mude to the honorible the Jus tices of the Inferior court of Glynn comity, for leave to sell all the llthils in said county dunging to the ear ate of John King, late f Effingham county. SARAH KING, adm'rx. April 5,1822. $a* Clark county, Gs. april 6 Slierifl’ Soles Continued. On tlu- first Tuesday in January next, •yO^ILLbe sold Ht tlie Court bouse in the kftr Town t f Jefferson, Camden countv, net ween tile hours of ten and four o'clock •if that day, All the improvements on Ten acres of Lart'diylng on Great Satilla river, con sisting of a Log house, Ac. levied on as the property of John Beasley, to satisfy an ex- "Crttion in favor of ^opkms (/ficort. f Also, thij improvements on 7 or 8 a ores of fenced Innu, situate in l.utle Satilla Neck, consiHiiiig of lloust'S. itc levied on ns the propeity of James fumbling, to sa- paly sundry executions returned by a con stable - Conditions cash. Jefferson, Nov. 5th, 1822. GEORGE LONG, d.s.c. c. nov 16 |J02 Anti-Syphilitic Rills, put PA it Ml nv DOCTOR 1U5RTHEL0T, Jlnd Huld at his store vn the Hoy, Ii k|,iE great efficacy f these Pills in the IL cure of all the symptoms of n certain diht-asein both sexes, lias neen arknowledg- d for more than twenty veins by numbers -il'patients throughout the United States. I hey art* warranted free Horn any kind of Mercurial prepur diob, and the patient who ises them may attend Jo his business amt bllow his own regimen or diet without in conveniehcy or injuring their effect. T)ie subscriber unprepared afresh sup ply of these ft’llla-—they are sold with prim i d directions for use, at g6 p«*rbox, one or two of Which is generally sufficient for h perfect cure. JOHN B. BERTHELOT. net 24 Bheritf’s Sales. On the first Saturday after the first Tuesday 411 January ne*f, \fyiIX be sold at the market house In \Af the town of 8t. Mary's, between the iionrs often and four o’clock nftliat day, One Negro B iy named Frank, levied on us llie property of Matthew W. Besscnt to satisfy an exectit on on foreclosure of a mortgage in favor of f.awreoce ii Thomp son, GEORGE LONG, usec oct 26 •Wi'g'uwewtftV OtAcvs. £\ N fleotlon lllificbi iinlfrnl lo lie hclil at the Market Hmiae in Kllia' Bij'i.n, on .Satin (lav til. 3Wli November next, for a Captain, 2il 1 ieutcnanl untl Bnsign, to Ueut Company No, 2. ALSO, At tlie Court Home on the same day, nn eleciion is ordered to lie held fur u Cap tain, 1st and 2d Uvntetmnt, and Bnsijfu, to Heat Ciimiiany, Nn 3. The Pulls to he opened at 10 o’clock. A. M. anti the election superintended by two Justices nf the Peace and three freeholders nr a mnjnnty of litem. By order of Col Steele White, M. W. STEWART. Actg. Adjt. 1st llegt, G, M nnv 11 97 Notice. A I.L persons indebted to the Estate of il. Daniel Coyle, deceased, ar* required to trinArc immediate payment to Messrs. Gordon it Poo\pr ; and those having claims lo render them in duly attested. M. HERBERT, Rx’tr. nov fi 93 Scidlit?. Powders. T HE tru« and Genuine Scdlitz Powder, is just received from Liverpool, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS. 'Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ Buildings, nov 9 % Plains and blankets. n BM.RS White Plains » 5 do Domestic Plains and Woolseys For sale by BAKER it MINTON. nov 7 a Por Sale, PRIME Negro Man, accustomed tu the management ol horses and driv “g a Carriage or dray. F »r terms apply to J B. HElvBEUr it CO. oct 31 88 11AY. BUNDLES prune Northern Hay, fur sale by HALL U HOYT. net .11 Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Elihu Atwater, esquire, administrator/ uppliea fqr letters of dismission from the estates of Colonel Wil burn Scott, deceased, Jolm Campbell, de ceased, and Havens Waterman, deettsed. These are therefore tp cite anil admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased persons, to be and Bppear at my office on or before the firs^ Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any) why said letters should not be grunted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d June, 1822. [l. h ] JOHN BAILEY, c.c.o. c.c. July 1 Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Ex ecutrix, applies for letters of dismis sion from the estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceased 'These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular (he kindled and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not bo grained, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22d lay of June, 1822. [i. a) JOHN BAILEY, c.e o. c c. man Lutheran 1 Church at Kbenenzer Sheriffs Rales. On the fra Saturday after the fret Tuesday in Hecember tier), W ILL be sold at the market house in tlie town of St Marys, between the hours of ten and four o’clock of that day, One bouse ami part of lot No 3, (three) levied on ss the property of Francis Hu* dulph, tu ssttsfy hisi'ute, county, and poor tax for the year 18.0; amount due ft64 22 cents 6 m and cost. Also, part of lot No 27, lyingin the town of St Mary's, containing two acres, more or less, bounded west by John Hachlott, sen. north by Congress street, south by Weed street, and east by Norris street, levied on as tlie property of P. Bracey to satisfy his state, county, and poor tax for the year 1821 j amount due 87 cents 8Jin lind cost. • Also, part of lot No 5 and part of lot No 8, in the town of St Man s, levied on as the property of John Langley to satisfy his stnto, county, and poor tax for the year 1821 ; umount due 58 cents and cost, oct 23 GEORGE LONG, nsec Interior Court, Chatham County, Chambers, Oct. 2, 1822. O N the petition of Joseph Delchumps, stilting (hat ho is in jail, for debt, at the suit of Peter Dirirger, that he is in solvent, but willing to surrender all bis os- (ate for the benefit of his creditors, as the law directs, and praying for relief under the insolvent acts of this state. Ordered, 'That the said Joseph Delchamps, be brought up, at the court house in Savannah, nn the third day of December next, at 10 o’clock, to be beard; and that notice there of be given h a creditors, agreeable to law. Extract from the minutes. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, oct 3, c t / Effingham Superior Court, December term, 1821. Tfi6 trustees of (he Gcr-*^ * * "* v ' ‘ Rot* Nisi On Foreclosure of Mortgage John Freyermuth slid se vend parrels of Land _ O N tlie petition nf the Trustee* of the German Lutheran Church at Ehenez or, stating that the said John Freyermutli on the fifteeiit It day of April, eighteen hun dred H fifteen, mortgaged by deed under Real to tlie petitioners, all those tracts of land,containing three hiindred kcres in Ef fingham county, state aforesaid, on a small creek adjoining Judhhali Whitman Kelly's ami Garrison's land; also another filly acres- situated and being in the district ,«f E, betieser, hounded by land of Peter Arne- toff 8c F., at the time of survey granted to Landfeldety also, another tract of land situate in the ueventceth district of the county of Baldwin, containing two hundred and two and a half acres, known by the number (104) one hundred and our, with the appurtenances, to secure the payment of a bond or obligation of the said John, bearing date the day and year aforesaid it praying the foreclosure of the said mortgage. It appearing to the Court that there is now due on the said bond and mortgage the sum ,of two hundred dollars, with interest at six per cent, from the fif teenth day of April, eighteen hundred ii eighteen. On motion of Wayne and Cuyler, attorneys of the petitioners, it is ordered that the said John Freyermutli, Ins heirs or representatives, do pay into Court the amount due as aforesaid within twelve month* from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John and his heirs, in the said mortgaged premises, be foreclosed, and that such further pro ceedings lake place as are by law direct ed. It fs farther ordered that this Rule be published once a month for twelve months in a public gniotte of this state, or be serv- jd on the defendant or his representative or agent six months prior to the time ap*> pointed for the payment of the.monby into Court. Extract from the Minutes. JNO. CHARLTON, Clerk, dec 11 rn4 Laurel Hill Toll-Mfil: iipME Toll-Mill on Mrs Ancrum's plan 'll tat on has been completely repaired lately, and is now ready to work as well as any other mill on the river. The rough- rice tftk£ will be sent to the mill will be kept separately in dry and cafe stores, and shall lie beat with the utmost care and economy, and the barrelli will be always de livered ill good order Empty barrels, made of prime bouted staves, will be furn ished at the mill when required. Tlie terms for cleaning Rice will be the same us at the other toll-mills. 'Those planters who will engage to have their cro| s bent at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 200 tierces, or as much less us they pleaBe, beat at one turn. Applications con cerning the mill, to be made to Archibald Brebner, on the plantation, or in Savan nah, to PETIT BE VILLEUS. sep 10 rpf Factor, Mongol's wharf. Flat sred Kennel seed Filings steel do iron Frankineense Glauber suits Gulls Aleppo Gslbsuum, Ginseng Gold Thread Gentian root Glass Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Aiitfooniue do Senegal do Arabic do nowd, do kino do benzoin do Tmgacunth do Guac do Myrrh do Shellac do Copal do Masttch do Gamboge do Scamnny llelebore black do white lliera Picra Honey, do squills Hoffmans anody ne Isinglass Ipecacuanha or Mip- po ..-lap Juniper berrie* Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do ball do refined Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powdered do small square do calcined Manna flake do sorts Mezereon, musk Milliard seed, mace do rod precipitate S.Tv e i“ do Spaui.h flie, ° Nui vormc, Emu root „*"! lied precipitate Pearl barley Rose w ater, Hosin Powdered tin Buttoflron P aster mcrcurisl Gum elastic, Spatu. do Burgundy pitch las do adhesive Scales and weights General Drug and Family JSlfcAicinft WttseYumae. ANSON VARSONS, No, 8 Gibbons' Duildings, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers in this state and South- Carolina generally, that he has established hjmseltinthe Drug Line, on his own indi vidual account, and is opening ot this time an extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, #c. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Mer chants and- Planters, and all \idio wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at this Establishment on the most accommodating terms'. CATALOGUE. Marble Morten Composition do iron do Ivory fyjeqtion pipes Ivory Syringes Syr nges, qts.ili boxes do pints, do £ pints Notice. INK month, .Her ilule Implication will be made to the honorable the JiYstices of the Inferior court of Camden pounty, for leave to sell all the lands in said county oelonging to the estate of John King, late of Effingham county. SARAH KING, adm’rx, April 5, 1822. Clark county, Gu. april 6 f SCHOOL. T HE subscriber intends opening a school in this City, on the first Monday in November next, in which will be taught, the Latin and Greek languages, together with those branches nf an English educa lion, usually taught In Academies. Ue has taken the house at present occupied by Mr Sml, J. Bryan, situated in Market (late Soiith-broud) street; from 4 to 6 pupils cai be accommodated with bom d and lodging In his family. For particulars, reference may be had to the Rev J, O. Andrew, <p, Joseph George,Afisq. CHARGES w. carpenter. oct 1 Notice. A T the expiration of nine months from itL this date, I shall apply to tile honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court ot^ Chatham county, for leave to-sell the fol lowing real property of the estate of R. J. Houston, via: One tract of 354$ acres of Land in Brvun county, situated on Red B rd creek. One undivided fourth part 0f 1450 acres of Land in McIntosh county, situated on the Alatainaha river. Twelve Lota in the town of Brunswick, Glynn county. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1822. adm'r. Ii. J. H. m«v 16 4 Mi arfa b 1 Notice. Y wife Rosannab Saunders, alias Ro< . sannah Migee, having left my bed board, I do hereby forbid .all persons from Busting her on my account, or har boring her, as I will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after lh s date, JOSEPH SAUNDERS. Savannah, 19lA JVsi. 18*2. p NOTICE. A Young Man who has had a good *du. l\. cation, writes a good hand, and having been long accustomed to active business, and understands well the nature of accounts and book-keeping, wishes employment in some reopectable business in this city; he can come well recommended, and as employment is lus object, he would not re quire much of a salary. A line addressed to A.J). through tbfc post-office, will be at tendee to. oct 13 af Notice. N INE months lifter the date Of this no tice, application will be made, to the Honouibfe the Justices of the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for permission to sell the real estate of Letty Carter, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased. light Townsend, Adm'or. aug!5 Antimony crude Alcohol Aloes soct do licpat Arrow root Annis seed Assafistidn, Allum Angelloa root Angostura bark AquaFortis Antimonial wino Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nitrous do Tartaric do Sulphuric do male and female CongrcssSt spring water Lemon acid Sodapowder9 Salts of Lemon Cologne water Wash balls Windsor soap Transparent do Bark yellow, do red Liquid do do pale, do in quill Low’s perfumed do RalsGapevi Naples do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum in sticks do Tofu Baibadoes Tar Fancy Vials Borax ref*d Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeswax yellow do white Brimstone roll do ref*d Castor Oil, Arne do W. India Castor, Russia Camphor rePd Calomel pp Canthuriues, do puW Camomile flowers CaneRaalb-. Caraway seed Cardamon seed Cascsrilla bark Cassia, Cinnamon do in pots assorted Rose water, lavender assorted Essences a9s'd Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Soda do Rochell, do Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau ber do Nitre refined Solut Arsenic, Fow ler’s Snts. Ammonia do Hartshorn do Lavender compd tjo Wine do camphor do Nit, Dole Saskafrus bark Sarsaparilla do Kino, do Jalap do Guaisc do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squill* Valerian root Vitriolatrd Tartar Vitriol white do blue do green Patent Medicines tic Bateman’s drops British Oil Essence peppermint Stoughton's bitter* Godf rqy's cordial Steers Opodeldoc Turliiigtons bslsont Dulbcys Carminative Duflys Elixcr Harlem Oil or mede- cumentum a U'l U’ormsced jL Pdls, Lees N. London Puls, Ltes Windlmn* db Andersoni do Hoopers do calomel do opium Opium, orungc peel Oxymc) squills O l Vit/’jol do Taiisey do olives do Peppermint do spearmint do aavin do Rosemary do Peneroyol / do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm seed do Lavender do Annis seed do Juniper do Cloves do Almonds Ointment mere do Basilicon do cerate do simple do strengthening do drachlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp'd Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered Garden seeds in box es, assorted Balm Quito Churches cough drops,for coughs, Colds, consump tions, asthmas, ifc. Cephalic Snuffi for catarrhs COLOURS, &c. Prussian blue, 1, 2 Ivory black and 3 Lampblack Fig blue, Kings yel-Indigo Spanish low Bluck lead, red da Drop Lake, Nol&2 Litharge Fluke white Terri de senn* Carmine viais. Laudanum Antimonial wine Tinct rhubarb do assafeetid* Bids Cupeva Sweet Gil Snts Lavend com do camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentinq Caiomel Jalap Tartar Emetic IV bottles. Wine BUtero do Turpentine Spts Hartshorn Street Oil, castot O! do sweet Nitre American and W. J, Sundries. irllEIiS. * >0lUe Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender do Bergamot do Lemon Calc'd Mugncsia Epsom salt* Rhubarb Peruvian bark Cheltenham salts licnrys calc'd Mag< nesia Stomachic bitters Castor Oil l’eragorie Wax tapei* Nurembergh do Werni Lozenges Patent Lint Thumb lancets do common do Clewleys common do Durable Ink Red ink powder Black do; Pill bote Red do Red wafers, assorted do Castile Soap, white Sponge fine do colored Cloves, Cochineal Colombo root dopuw. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do pow'd Cowitcn do coarse Saffron Spanish do English do American Savin, Senna Ales Spermaceti Snake root Virg. do Seneka, Squills Cream Tartar, pulv Storax, Salts Harts- Corrosive Sublimate horn Fresh Medicines. QTpiLE subscriber lias received by late ar- U rivals from N. York, a fresh supply of DRUGS & MEDICINES, which, added to his former stock, makes his assortment very complete. His friends and customers can be supplied as usual, on moderate terms, at his store, Market Squgre, adjoining Messrs Glebed ti "Fra zier. EDWARD COiTEE. oct 24 i$ Carmine Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digit ales Dovers Powders Epsom Salts, Eng. Ether Sulph Ergot Elder blossom* Emery fine do Na>l, 2 and 3 Elixir Paragoric do Vitriol Extract Cicuter do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphur do Benzoin Sugar lead Syrup So hill* do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Allies comp'd do Myrrh do Valerian do Snake root do Assafaetida do Boqpin comp'd do Cantharides do Senna do Kinibarb do bark Huxham* do Peruvian bark do Opium do Castor do Muriate Iron do Columbo root crown do; do Evans’sTooth brushes, com* Spring lancets mon Tooth Instruments do silver wire, 3 if ass'd 4 rows Bougies, Gallipots Cupping and frepar Macabov snuff ing Instruments Liquid blacking Male and female sil Black sealing wax Ver Catheters Spanish whiting White leather skim Rotten stone English mustard, by Pum'ce do the lb. in canisteri Powdered blue Ground Ginger, rac Copperas do Vermilion, Chinese Cloves, cinnamon do English Mace Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcsp. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, Assorted in Small Boxes, Well calculated for Plantation use Together with a general assortment of Surgical Instruments, Sho] Furniture, assorted Phials, &c. ALSO, Saratoga and Bollston Miners S|iri«(- Waters, will be kept constantly o hand in as perfect state as can be imprf ed t „ ANSON FAllSON* dec 31 fp Oeniler Posey H AVE moved their store to die «ou west enrnerof Jefferson and St. linn street, w here they sell all those artic which are ttsuually enumerated in the 1< advertisements of Apothecaries. As they reside in the same house \vh they carry on their business, they can all times, day or night accommodate til customers. They always keep on hand a compl assortment of warraniedGAfUJEN SEE1 Also, Garden Tools and Flower l'ots. sep 19 FRESII GARDEN SEEDS AND Flower Bulbs. B Y the latest arrivals from ibe North, it the Drug and Seed Stere of OEMLKU ii POSEY. oct 15