Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 26, 1822, Image 1

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SAVANNAH '•'w. gr • y GEORGIAN \V *r v**^ .* V, ■a NEW SERIES—VOL. It. sAVAJWin, TUESD r morning, November cg. lasa. NO i SWANN All: MONDAY MORNING. NOV. 25.1822. PRIVATE CORUESPONDBtJfcK. Jllilledffeiitle, v\bt\ IT. iL'ing of very grot importance has yet eome before either branch of the Leglul*- ture. The comniittee on the affair of Ham tnornl have again me’, and appointed a tub committee, who will report to the commit tee in a few days. The election of flank Directors has not yet taken place, the Bank committee not having reported. ' The bdl to subject free penons of oo- lour to sale far limited periods, for debts contracted by them, and to prevent thetlh from transacting^businesa by way of purchase and sale, has been read t’.vlcc, and will be read s third time on Mon. day or Tuesday neat. The bill to reduce tlie fees of elate and eottnty officers, has not been again called up. A'oe. 18.—This morning, notice was laid upon the table, according to the resolution of the city Council Bf Savannah, for the ap pointment of a committee to prepare and report a bill,to confirm the titles heretofore made by Council in fee simple: and ala > to repeal an act vesting the control of the Court-House and Jail in the Corporation of Savannah. The bill for altering the constitution, so as to make tlio Governor elective by the peo. pie lias not yet been acted on. It Will pro bubly pass the present session. The Legislature of South Carolina is to meet at Columbia this day, Tifi murderer Joe.—This runaway dcs. perado, it is said, lias returned to his old ground, Mrs. Horry’s plantation in South Carolina. He was pursued at Clarendon a ehort lime since, but eluded his pursuers, He is represented to be quite lume from the shot he some time since received. IVcst Indies, has been remitted, and where" levied returned. New Orleans dates to the 7th inst. aro received in Charleston, frum which it is in furred tint the fever has decreased j on tile Is* inst. there were but nine interments, and on the two succeeding days no obitua ry notice appeals. The Board of Health of New-Orleans, on tbef23d lilt, recommend to all sttangers to avoid visiting the city. The weather was cool, and the number of cases had diminish-, ed, but the diminution is attributed to the absence of proper subjects, The National Intel! gencer of the I6tli inst contains the official .report of the Court of Enquiry upon the conduct of cap tain Hull on the Bust on station. The pro- ceedingsare much too voluminous for our columns. It is suffi -.tent to say, that the opinion of the court ta entirely favurghle, and that the hero of the Constitution baa completely triumphed. Tlie Columbia Telescope mentions that Counterfeit ndtes, of the denomination of nine hundred dollars, of the Bank of South Carolina, letter D, are in circulation. The general appearance of the engraving is much heavier and darker* in tlie counter- futs than the genuine, and the little finger ofthe lelt hand oflhe female vignettes, which in the genuine nutes is .n a straight position, is considerably crooked ill the counterfoils! The paper is indifferent. A proposition has been made to the Le gislature of New Jersey, to provide a treading mill for the employment of tlie convicts in tlie state Penitentiary. Piracy —It it recommended in N. York, that a public meeting bo called to memorial ize the Government ofthe United States, to lake immediate and prompt measures to cheat the dar-ng piracies—which after u!l the efforts made to check them, still conti- tilue. The freebooters have now several pWvatecrs of the first class, and are con. SSanUv iiiercasing-ih numbers and audaci ty. Tlie subject should command the at tendon ofthe neatsesaion of Congress, and Iheejings We hope, will generally be held for tlie purpose of inducing it to act at an early day. The measures adopted at tlie last session, have not been coinmensoruie to the object to be attained At the en suing sev-inn, the benefit of experience will enable Congress to pursue utlieralil a more efficient character. ~ s of the press in Calcutta according to the Brititf prints, have been followed by the best ef fects in reforming abuses and enlightening the benighted inhabitants ot that country so long oppressed by native superstition and foreign policy. During tlie laal festival of Jiigern.iut, there were not a sufficient num ber of pdgnriiH present to drag the car of the idol, and no devotee could be found to j mold ice himself, A large portion of the iitliabtututs ate receiving the benefit of education t numerous elementary works are circulating through tlie empire, anti a cele brated fluaiiKi .'tiurnier, Ram Mohun Roy, lias livid i«iMtc meetings at Calcutta, for the norpuse of freely discussing the tenets of In*religion, and exposing the cruelties practised under it. Colton at Columbia (S. C*) on the 19 it itibt. prime new 10] cents, genc- it'.'y 10; Coro, 364. Legislative Journal — In senate, on Tuesday last, mi omtiiin of Mr. Her- rich, it was resolved, that the Jurli* ciary Committee be instructed to en' quire into the expediency of reporting a bill to compel the Judges of the 8u perior Courts to snuvene at the sent of government, once in each year, for the purpose of establishing uniform rules throughout Ike State ; and, on motion of Mr. Beal, the same commit, tee were, instructed tu enquire into the expediency of legalizing the acts of Simon Whitaker whilst acting as Secretary ofState, and also those el Thomas II. Crawford whilst acting as Deputy Secretary of Stale. Notice was given that a motion would be made ftir the .appointment of a com mittee, lb take' into consideration the propriety of laying off the state into seven Congressional Districts. 0 1 the 15th, the Judiciary Committee were instructed to enquire into the expediency of altering the constitu tion, so that (he members of the Le- gislnture may be elected, and the-Lc gislatureltonvened once in two years; In the House, on the 11th a memorial from the Savannah Free School -So ciely was referred to the committee o- Public Education and Free Schools I and a resolution laid on the table fu, the repeal of the penal code, On.tne 13th. notice was given for the intro duction of a^bill to alter and amend the act for reducing the interest of money, so far as relates to usurous contracts; and anothertncompensa’e the Justices of the Inferior courts lot their services, The committee on the Judicisry were instructed to enquire into the expediency of passing an act to facilitate the recovery of money out nf the hands of Sheiifls, Coroners, &c. and also of making endorsers on promissory notes anu bills of ex change, in certain case*, deemed and taken to be obligors with the ma ker or drawer. Absolution was laid on the table for laying oil the state into Senatorial Districts, and reduc ing the uumber of Representatives- We ire authorised to state, says the New York Daily Advertiser, ofthe 15th inat, that the charge of one dollar a ton, tonnage du ty, demanded out! lev;* I on British vessels, in this port, frbm a port in Great Britain, in consequence of a part of tlie cargo being ♦he produce of the British colonies in the .trips a day. No accident lias occur- West Indies, has been remitted.and uhere ...l ■ i,. ..a There are thirty six steam boats dying on the river Clyde, in Scot and. The tonnage ofthe largest is given at 239 tons, aitd the smallest at 37 tons. Those which ply b,*» tween Glasgownnd.Gvectuick gener ally make two and sometimes three a 16; Rills on Atlhntio Slates, I] prent. ; Exchange on England, 11 preot. (asked); do. on France, 5f. 17 a 31. 20- Freights..—To Liverpool, lor Cot ton, per lb. }ald; France, d >. tlo.3 cehts (Northern porta, dm do. j a 1 cent; do. Tobacco per hhd. 86 a 8. We are nut yet enabled to an nounce the commencement tifbusi ness in the staples pi our markets; business ill other articles is In const! quence limited and doll. Among the few trsnsactions durfttg the week are 78 bales of Cotton, as folllows : 8 a 13 cents ;20 at 14, 50at 14].— Nothing was done in Tobacco worth mentioning. Com. Report. Havre Sept. 20.—My last adyised you thuta large quantity of Cotton had been sold hi this market at from 18] tn 20 and 21] sous, duty paid. Sales have cuntinued pretty brisk fur the last week, and above 7000 bags we-re disposed of at those rates. The ge net al opinion respecting Cotton is pret. fy much the same, & all that hits been bought lately on apeculation, is aj caiu offered for ealu at a very ti tiling advance; the dealet**, however, are not inclined tn purchase at an ad vance, and continue to keep out of the market. On the whole, I think Cot> ton is not likely to improve. Very fine New Orleans has been sold al 24 a 25 sous, duty paid. Fort au Prince Oct. 18.—Flour 8 11 89 : Rice S a 5] dull ; Tobacco no sale ; prime Pork 15 a 17; Mesa. 20 a 23 , Beef 10 a 12 ; Codfish 7 a 8 ; Mackarel 6] a 7 ; Lard 18 cts. ; But ter 18 ; Madras Handkerchiefs* 13 a 16; Seeresuckers 13a 15 long;yellow Nankeens 211; short do. 7] a 7]* Loot- an!/—On Thursday night, the kit chen back of the bearding house of Mrs. Bcggs, in Whitaker street, near t’enfield’s, xus set on fire, by combustibles pift behind the kitchen dunr, by some person who en 'vied through the window 1 it was timely discovered, but al ter the tiimdy had retired Communicated. - >C7* The, Passenger, by’tlie ship Howard, Captain Itoldredge, return him their thanks fbr his gentlemanly and polite atten'ioit to them, during the passuge from New-York, nov 25 r 109 |C7“ Consignees per ship Howard, are earnestly requested to attend and re. ce*ve thvir Goods from Hunter's wharf, Phis Day, amt until the ship is disoliarged nov 25 r109 - Office Bank United States, I Rice Bread. ' \ NoTims.ii 2.1d, 1322. THUS MORNING at the Ealaldtahmenr , EONESDAY next the 27tlt instant, I Broughton' street, to weigh tttreo ... i been set apart ur a day of, ounces mora than the assize. The subacri- I haijkUiving Slid Prayer, this office will her is now prepared to supply Grocer*— be shut-limes or Hoods falling duo on they may depend upon being supplied punctually. m Y (>F Havre, ed nn (lie river, either from sea-risk or the nature of the machinery Bell’s (London) Weekly Messenger, of die 23d September, makes tlie fol lowing remarks. Mr, Canning’s principles arc a» sunnily ninth more liberal and less servile than those of the late Maiquis of Londonderry and we believe he is so well inclined to tlio Greek cause, that lie will attempt something in its fa' vor. He will certainly not follow servilely in the track nf any one; and as the Marquis of Wellesley and the Duke Ids brother, are prepared to coincide with him, we so far antici pate, as respects the Greek cause, a more enlarged ami liberal policy.” Wc understand that it has been de cided by the Supreme Court of this state now in session here, that the Scller*lof Goods is not liable for any damage or inferiority ofquality which may he discovered by the buyer, af ter delivery. This does not apply tn frauds, for which the sclltr probably is liable, though this point cauie on ly incidentally into consideration in the case in which the above dew cision was made. It is understood’ that there is no warrantry on the part of the seller that the goods sold are merchantable, but simply that the sel ler has a title to sell, and that the gOdni shall be wliat the Bill of Par cels declares be—if Cotton, that the article ahld in Catton, #c— This case, we hear, is soon to be pub lished at length for the information of all concerned.—Boston Palladium A letter from the surgeon of the l\ S. sloop of war Ontario, dated on the 15th September, states, that tha ne phew of Mr- Shuler, American consul at Algiers, who had been left in charge of the public business,.in con sequence of an insult offeicdto him by a party of 'Funks on whose grounds he was hunting, had struck the Ame rican Hag, and taken his departure for Port Mahon. U. S. Bank Stock at New York on the 14th, 103 7-8 asked, 103 1-2 offer/ ed. New J)rleans, Nov. 28—Cotton, choice prime, none; lair, 14 a 15] cts ; <lo. 2d qual 12 a 13] ; inferior, 10 a 12 ; Alabama and Tennessee, 8 a 10 ; Pork mess, none ; do. prime, 814a 15, scarce ; cargo 10 a" II ; Beef, mess, northern, bbl. 11 ; do. prime, 9 ; do. cargo, 6 ; Bagging, Scotch, yard, 40 a 45 cts. in demand; Kentucky, 27 a 30 ; Rice (100 bis.) 83 25 dull. Stocks and Exchange—U. S Banlr Shares, none; N fit S. Carolina, Geor gia and Alabama Batik Notes, 10 per ct. discount; Doubloons, &U 75 * MARINE. PORT OF SA VANNAU. CLEARED, Brig Almira, Atwood, Boston. S B Parkmxn ARRIVED, Ship Howard, Holdrege, fJew Yo’ft, 7 days, with a full cargo ot dry goods, tkc. to (i Gordon and the Muster, owners, C West, ft lilt, C Stephens, Guidry & Dufuure, .1 Conrpy, F Selleqk, A Brown, M M'AUmier, S Lawrence, J Taft, W Lippit & co. Mille i C J Fort, G Newhall, Cantelou & Lamar, G W Coe, A Parsons, J P Seize, J Milieu, J I/itnrop 8c co. T U Price, 1 Ogden, W Gas ton, Morel 8c Lalhebuudiere, Ponce M‘* Benzie* Gumming 8c Gwathmey, J B Her hert tJ co, U Campbell, J Kopman, A Bar; clay, Claghorn 8c Russet, 11 S Atwood, F Gillet & co. W T Williams, J Anderson 8c co, A B Fannin & co, T Butler 8c co. Hall, Hoyt 8c co, Killa n (J Wells, J Wil- cocfcs, A Morgan, It Smith 8c Co, A Corn wall; S G Dunning, Z D«y; W Scarbrough, F J Lay, R Wonei, Potiyai 8c Holland, Uu» lter/8f Minton, Gibi>9 6c Albrfinder, John ston y Hills, J W Morel. 1’ Bradley 8c co, J Meigs, S J Bimrgottux, Weed 8c co. R \\ 8c p G ilaviland, B W Voorhis. Passen gers; O'Sturges Knq family and servants, A Barclay Esq family and servants, Mrs Hoi- drege, Misses Woodward, Cranston, Mor ris, Rtebbins, Mrs Armstrong, Mr Scuddef and family, MrJ Crane 8c family, Rev Mv Curler, Messrs Lawrence, Duhaine), Lord, cupt Jayne; Messrs Cater, Kopman, Basset Walmsley, White, KSmith, Campbell G hb Cooper, Tuttle, D Ilaviland, R Ilaviland, ami several in tlie steei age. Shop William, Reed, Charleston, J day, to 9 II Condy, Lawrence (J Thomdtion, P Drege, J Norton, col Myers, H rupper,and JohnstOn & Hills. 3 Passengers. Sloop Express, Hammett, Charleston, 1 day, in ballast to, I Cohen. Passengers. Mr and Miss Courtnay, col Lindsay, and the Rev Mr Ahdrew. Left sloop Mary, to sail yesterday morning. “ Sloop Support, Butes, Darien. Sloop John Chevalier, Chevalier, St Ma ry’s, 17 hours, with oranges to the muster. Passengcrs^h'H B- rrien, Miss Barns, Messrs Gibson und Oneill. Sloop Amelia, Tuber, Darien, with sun dries, to hall U Meigs. AnniVAT.S FROM THIS POUT. At Newport, 13th inst. achr Ann, B 1- ow- ncl. At Charleston, on the 22d inst, schr. Esther, Perry, 8 hours from Tybee. At Charleston, 23d inst. sloop Susan. Bradley, 6 hours from Tybee. At New Orleans, 2d inst. sloop Susan, Butler. CLEARED FOH THIS POUT, At New York, on the 13th' inst, schr O- hio, Beers. Swaim. Heavy half pint Tumblers ——- Do do do Flint, English TTP FOU THIS POUT. Do do do. cut bottom At Boston, lllli inst, schi-8 Rising States, Do do do fingered and Eliza Ann, to sail in a few days. Do do do linger’d 8v fluted At New York, 14lh inst, ship Baltic, Bunker ; sloops Raynbam, Hunter, to sail 20th inst.; Howard 2c James; Blankenship, with despatch. At Baltimore, 15th inst, schr Freemason, Handy. At Charleston, 21st inst, sloop Mary, Brown. OJjkr.of //i« Mercury—noon. CHARLESTON, Nov. 22— Sclirs Little CI.erub, Davis, Turks Islund, 6; Hr schr 'Trio, Fuiford, Nassau, N P, 4 ; Br sloop Nelson, Ebbcts, Montego Buy, (Jam.) 2L The U 9 schr Porpoise, was at St Ma ry’s on Lite 2Jd iost. The superior new ship HOWARD, vY. //. //nhtteilge, master, Will commence loading on WfccJnesduY, Sn‘1 tad 311 Proximo ’without fad j litis four fifth s of her cargo ready to go on board. For remainder - f freight, or passage, having elegant furnished uccom- modatiohs, apply: on board, or to " GEORGE GORDON.*'ng awl fur tialo, ^ 20 hhds Hupenov Old crop N O Sugar no*- 25 i. top Tor Haiti in ore, The last aiiilimf brig MESSENGER, I Husjctt, Master. --—J* IntencUd as a Tegular packet ? wllj meet with dispftnh. For freight of 100 l»ales or passuge; having luvndsume accom modations, apply to the Captain on board, or to A «Ci tmv 25 DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. ti 109 For Charleston, The leLtilui* Packet sloon VMLLIAM, Captain /Iced. _____ Will sail im Wvilnesdaj* next, Fm, ire j{ui or passage, having elegant aocomv tnml.itions, apply to the Captain at lioltoii’s tvhai f, or to , 8. A. GOODY, nov 25 109 Kiev’s ii lim f •hat iluy, must be taken up on Tuesday tlie 26th. ,7. HUNTER, Casliler. nov 25 e 109 Sperm Out ’ CASK4 Sperm Oil, warranted Gc- UkJ nume, and of first quality, For sale by HALL, HOYT & 0O, nnv ‘*5 |pu Irish Potatoes. IIUSI1E1.S Irish I’utaloes of so* Parlor quality, for sale in luts to suit puichuscrs, hv GEORGE SOUf.EY, No 1, Commerce Row. nov 25 e 109 CHMLKSTOX FUNDS YNTEU*—Apply to W S. a H. ALLEN U CO. nov 25 109 CORN, 9000 BUSHELS prime White Corn, -JV/W m i LiuIk anti in bugs For sale liy HALL, HOYT & CO. nov 25 109 The Subscriber [ S now opening in the spacious S^nrc North side of tV/utaker Strept, Comer of, Hfi# Lane, tiuvannuh, m addition to hi? former stock, the following useful and fan cy articles: u C.C. Edged, Mocha, F.namellcd, and Blue I* iived Ware of all Descriptions, in Braekfast, Dmlng, and Dessert sets, or detached, of vnr ed patterns. Do do in Fancy articles — Flower Vases, Fruit Baskets and Stands Sweetmeat Jars, Soap cups, Brush Trays Cullenders, VansoiYanous descriptions Butter Tubs, Funding Bowls Egyptian Teapots, Sic. Wc. 8- ts of Elegant cut Decanters, Fun and Strawberry pattern D* do Dishes, octagon and oval Celery Glasses, Incorporators, Finger basins Sugar Basins, diamonds all ovetf > Ice Decanters, Handled Jellies Masonic Decuntcrs, Transparent India Shades Hall and Entry Lamps, antique and plain; Cruet Stands, Champagne Glasses, Sets of GsassSweetmeat Dishes Glass candI^*ickB, Cut I*eg Lumps Various patterns of Cut Glass; in lingered, fluted, cornet fringe a/id diamonits, Liqueurs, and Wines, Tumblers,B.ittei tubs: Jugs and Salts In plain Gi iss -German and English heavy bottom Tumblers Do do Flint Decanters, Jugs, Wines, Sic. of vunous qualities The stocfcuf China will be found exten- •ively various, from 5 to gl50pfirsct, Cum* prising Lustre, painted Landscape, Ena melled Hose patterns, Paintings in Oil co Up'6, Dleaden and Seve En^boBsed and bur nished, in Single, Long and Double bets. Gilt EdgeCh na, in sets at $16 Vases, Chimney Ornaments, Jars, lift. Assorted crates for tiic Country 'Trade, will be packed to order, or mav be purcha sed as imported—allowing all breakage over 5 per cent, as in N- rtnern markets ; crafes will be cliaiged only one flollar. The following articles are offered per paefcage exclusively, at wholsale, and on terms worthy the consideration of the trade Assorted boxes ot moulded Glass, at per box Plain neck Quart and Pint molded De canters King necA: do do do Quart und 3 pint molded Jugs Taper and Ship shape molded Decanters Imperial and Gloster B. S. Wines PITCH PINE, \c\\im Piue & press LUMBER, run TIM WEST INDIA MARKETS. t lAHGOKfi of tlie v#ry brat quality, anil ) of all descriptions ofthe above named Lumber, (50 to f>0 feet in length* if requir ed) Cun, at the shortest notice, be furnish- ed at the UPFRR . Darien Stmm Saw Mill, in rite Stab, of -ficoigia, ou tbc must rea sonable terms, Veaaela tlralving not over 12 or 12 anil a half feet water, oan load With (freat fucil ti al the Mill by an Inclined plane, therehv Ifetling ihe lumber on boil'd oleatt and ilrj i and from fifteen to fiftewu and a half lect water, cut be carried dltti tfobny bar, now rendered aa safe an any in (lie United,cs, fi um the beacons and buoys there I j laced. f' An abundant suppVnf Cypress Shingles, and Red nnd White Oak Hogshead Staves can bo dbtqined, There being a IllCE MILL attached; Rice either in whnlit or half tierces, can be Had when wanted, for assorting a cMfco. Orders or CommuiucatiuuH addressed to the Agent df tlie .Upper Darien Saw -Mill, at Darien, Georgi*? be promptly at tended to, nov 25 10f \ Dutch Straw Turn Hers Grates of Edge Dishes Do Chambers Do Twifflersand Muffins, C.C. oredge Do Mocha Bowls, 12, 24 and 30 India Plates (Dinner) per dozen or box India Dinner Sets*per set oi case p India Bowls and Saucers A package of Breakfast Sets of painted ware, very low charged * Also, an Invoice per Corsair from N. Yotfc The whole, it is believed, comprises an assoilment as fair in quality ami at consid erable in quantity as inuy be found in the State* JOHN THOMAS, nor 3S m DANCING ACADEMY. MR. BOUOKr, Jim, Vrofrswp i»jf .Dancing, from Paris t H AS the honor to inform hi* put runs wird* the public, that he will open his Dan** cing Academy on Monday the 25th instant, •n the hall ofthe house, lately occupied by Mr. Lnurens, Broitghton-street, 'This Bail Boom, m addition to its sufficient size, is ilia central siiuatiqp, consequently conve nient to pupils from all parts ofthe city, Davs of tuition, Mondays, Wednesdays iml F idays, from 4 o’clock, P. Mluntil 6 for young ladies, gild lioni 7 o’clock P, M ufitil 9 lor young gen> lumen.. Mr. Bo idet, lot the covenience of those Ladies ami Gentlemen who may not wish toatUml the Puhlio SjIiooI, will give private lessons at own houses, or at Ids Ball Uijt'm ns usual tie further bega leave to give notice, ihat his duughter, Mrs. Betts, will again resume the tuition ofthe Harp, Pianoforte and singing in English, F.ench and’lflf lian’,, af her fathi'r’s residence, as usual, nearly opposite M . Gaston’s Dwelling »ov 25 109 PORK. BARBELS 1»rime Pork, N. York City inspection. Landing und for ssilu by rfov 25 H\U„ HOYT U CO -j—■— * • Crockery. CRATES ussorted Crockery, se lected particularly for this market. For sale by HALL, IIOYT 8t CO. nov 25 109 OYSTERS] ^Tj'lEN properly dressed, tnakd one of V*/ the lineal renaats whicb ea« be par taken of i not only are they’grutifjinff to tlie palate, but they are nutritive j|au~tn dress tltfm properly, require, the talents ofa professed Conk. The Subscriber Iniviit(. been brought up from bis infancy, to that profession, assures his friends that he will continue unrcmitled in his exertions to please—and s|. he has during past winters, met with an Uncommon share of palrim- Sffe.for which he feels grateful i lie take* this method of informing his friend), that lie again oilers himself us a candidate for tljejr favors this winter ,pis.Establish ment isnow removed to tile” .. Driclc Tenement in Ray.Lane, immediately book uf the Ci y tlnlel, where Gentlemen can be^furnished with Oyster Suppers, ut tlie shortest notice’; and where Oysters are pickled tor tlie use of Vessels, and fur family use. Tlie old Savannah Boot and Shoe Black- ing Shop, is removed to the same ploce. IV. S. WARD N. B. Washing and Ironing done at tile sitortest notice. OO* No Shmhtg done In my shop. • w. s. w. nov 25 r 109 punctually, ' I? N. R. Due nr t^o apprentices to the bu- »iocss would be taken, P. RltASCH. nov 15 re SJUAYED, I 12tq, ipK.. young Pointer Slut, x ' wlnte, mol spotted brnwn, and answers to lit* ti*me of FLORA. ’Idle finder trill be re oar _od by returning her to F L. PETTY* - p 107 'A ludt Received, j BXLk 8touf Drab I'luin<h)ixt Qa* bfuf 1 hale Blut ami White Kev»cys,Jbv gfo clothing. Apply to - DOUGLASS (i SORREL, H lio have in t>ture % , 50 bags Gieen Coffee lti IiIicIh MuscuvatidtjSugar 15 baiTols Loaf Sugar 10 pipes Colmenar \Vlne Window Glass, "ssortetf * * * Oil Cloth Carpets, &c. nov 20 p 7 \ Irish t’otatock A PF.W tinmpers Irish I'ntutoka nf to- perior quality, received* froni Belfast via Clou lesion, for sale by \ lr SAMUEL WRIGHT. , nov16 i M BOARM^: . 1 irpWO op three Gent'cmen can be adpom- modated with cunr*v*rtable Boaidingv tn ti private family, in a centand B'rtv'iauprv und, 1>n moderate terms, Apply at ihe office uf the Gemgian. m>v 20 . 105 Just Received, And in ibtare, S IX pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes II Gin 5 do Jamuicu Rum .10 cask* Port dr ti kegs l.eud 6 du Shot 25 kegs Harris’ No 1 Tobnc# 10 kegs Ludles Twist do Jw" 25 boxes Raisins / 50 do CUeeac—Fur tsle by * A MORGAN, Tiov 19 104 ^.T'lnfS’tipper uhaff. Fancy anil Castiie Soaps,£50. T AND1NG and for sale by Juf ’ 1 lAANlEL (LVRNKY, Jr. 39 cases Transparent and’ether fime^ soaps 4 cases Castile do very superior Vlantation Does, Club Axes, Broad Axel and Shingling hatchets/ of Mon's maim* fuclure. 0 nnv 23 IQS Castings and Gin. fjplVE Tonaasnorteil* llolloWware, Pota iX and (Ivena, Hint 5 pipes Holland Gin Landing from Hloop Uurolina, at Ander. soti’a wharf. The castings will be ibid low if taken from tile vruel. Apply to UUUGLAfiS h SORREL, nov 22' p 107 . EATONTON QfpHR' Subsci ihcr resumes the practice of sJL the Law in Dakmulgee district, and ihe County of Mtinroe, and will give the most attention to all business in* • trusted to his charge. » C B. STRONG, nov 23 108 > To Carpenters and Builders. 'I’lllE Subscriber keeps constantly on X hand a large assortment of Maiiooani, suitable lor stair handrails and-bannisters; also TlunAr, Bi ards, and Veneirs, for cabinet makers use, all on reaaonuhle terms. Or ders from a distance will receive strict at tention. 1. W. MORhJBLL, If hUaker-street,opbutsite Col. Unpllmun't. hoy 15 || 1 Tide Swamp Pknfcdioni 'I'HE subscriber oilers for sale that well- ^ know n plauta'ion called dirc.’wton Bill, iinmediatefy below the.^city of Savah- nah, containing 230 acres of prime river swamp ; about 215 seres under good banka and in planting order, and between 1 and 200 ^cres of high Und. Buildings si fficient for a gang ofa hundred ntgioes, with burns &c. . Terms accommodating to a good purcha ser.* For further particulars apply tfr/Ieifirs \i. & J. >1A BRUSH AM, or to the lObsqri' H. M. HAIG. ber in Charleston! 1102 nov 16 Boots and Sliotis. — Vwvwvw — THOMAS DOWELL & Co. Cprner of Bunightonand Whitaker streets, onposiie Col. Shellman’s Muuaton house, Have received per ship Savannah from New-York, Ladies black and color’d prunelle Slippers Do do do do Boots Do morocco Boots, Shoes ynd.fehoetees Do do Slippers and Grecian Ties Island 2d quality WELLINGTON Boots Mens’ erdfsk 11 Jefferson 'l ies and Shoes Do morocco Shoes and Dancing Pumps Missis black and colored Morocco Bools and Slippers Boys fine ami Coarse Shoes Children’s morocco and Leather Boot* , ALSO, A large assortment of Hair Trunks, with a variety tfMcr shoes, all of which will ue sold on reasonable ft tail. BUY 29 U ' N. H. HART fr^EGS leave to acquaint hir. Friends and vm^Uic Public,he has removed to Gutrard’s /Jui(dings, Corner of Buy L^ne and Whit aker at*where he has received and open ed an extensive and general assotment of CllIXA, Glass, and Earthenware; Also, a handsome assorment of Cutlery, Ja pan, Plated, and Brasfware, too to emimeiute, all of which he will disp- se of nt his Usual low prices, for Cash, or town acceptances. J- PLANTERS AND Cotuitvy JSletjikattta Visiting town, to lay. in auppliui, will do well to visit this eatublUbmenl, wiieae they call be aopplutd with ever^tlicU in tlM above line. „» « >i*ietory teims. llOY 8 I®* t