Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 26, 1822, Image 2

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% * GE011UIAN. 8 WANNA II: t Am TV RSI) A V MOHNINB.TtOV. 28,1822. . 26 r 2 miva i b coiuikhi-onurnoh. Mills Jy culls, A'tv. SI DIaH Sir, Nothing of general intercut or of mag nitude Iim y*t transpired, oilier than (he decision hud upon the constitutional ques tion, to change tho mode of electing Go- ▼ernor. This was before the Senate ye*- t teulay, imd negatived, 30 voting in the af- firmstivo ami 17 in the negative i there nut being a constitutional majority, it was re jected, but possibly may be reconsidered this morning An act has putted the House of Itepre. tentative*, ami tiding the 2d Section of the 4th Article of the constitution, so as to make the election of Public Dili -era by the Legislature, two voce instead of by bal lot. Thin mode wilt effectually detect cor ruption when attempted to be practised in important election*. A bill has also been introduced for. the removal, from this place, of the seat of Government. Thi* however, will not succeed. By Isst night'* mail, we understand that t|»4 cornfmiiee on Hammond’s cate had not reported on Finlay last. In addition to the shove, we learn, that on Friday tail the bill to vest in the peo ple the election of Governor, had been re* conkid*red4ii the 8enatc—and is sill] be fore mat body. Franklin Gellege.— I he Board of Truk tei • of f isilklin College, ui this state, have elected Col. Wm..lackson as Trustee,' to Blithe vacancy occasioned by the dcaltt of the late 8tephen W. Harris, Esq. The ’dumber of student sin this institution at pre tent is one hundred and twenty, of whom there are Senior clusa SO, Junior 17. So phomore 43 and Freshman 41. The fol- 1»wing are the names of the Profcssoi* and Teacher* Mo*™ Waddsit, D D. President, who instructs the higher classes in Moral Philo sophy, Logic and Rhetoric. IIkniiv Jack- son, M..1). Professor of Chemistry ami Na- tmsi Pud isqphy. Alonzo Cmuiicu, A. M. Professor bf Maihvmutics and Astronomy, Ai.KiAmiKn II. Win'Tan, A, II. Senior Tu tor. Jams* P. Waoukl, A II. ftul CuaUlkb Davis, A. U Tutors bf tilt Freshman elms. Setrf.'d coasting Captions have been re cently fined in the penalty of twenty dollars ea'.h, byalieljolleotof for the Norltlk and Portsmouth District, (Va.) for not having prepared, when veiled by thu Bearding ol ■ ficeiya luimifoiV of their curgo. A meeting of tenants, who reside in the late Infected District t>f New Yoi h, 1ms been Beld, at which a committee of twenty-one • Was appointed to raise sul>Hcriptions to re* •lieve pour families, in case of distraints tor fenl i ai.d to nuike a respitUul application to all landjorda, shin to give up all, o> a pait of their dues for the quarter during Which the district we re deserted. Among the premiums given st the annual exhibition of the New-York Agri cultural Society, were several for Ameri -can manufactured Bonnets of glass, the highest of which (20 dollars) was adjudged to ttye Crawford Bonnet, manufactured by Miss Harrison, of Dutchess County, which was afterwards purchased for one hundred and tw enty dollars—die others were sold .S', fifty-five, thirty-eight, and thirty-one dol. lsrs eat h. A pair of stockings were also exhibited, mamifuctured by the exhibitor from Coiidn, grown in his garden ou Long Island. A IfttW from Rn.fnn .tyo—" Tlie Kltrtel if • tr'trr nlitnr. nfi r"7* Th* L*U*r Hi* nf (he Ship tovfrlimml ln*« buill lier«,»’<1 h«»e| «ti.> Mubilr Ri-(l.irr Irom the Kili-I Tl.mat,G«|>< ln*h«i for Liverpool, will be now • lu Uunch ■ mnnitrou. tor ol the Floridian, d.tfil nnr Uken from foe mwmiiuy rtoiii pf khi|i.Mllhnnr huud.v.l .ml iwopoil] IVi ..cole, 81.1 ult. | hnlra! Ind lo morrow tin- Hern |i"*t | " There lie. uot"> nn irriou* chengi- iifannthn r-.| ii n 11 v mnnrrnl ***«H in in the •••>« ol nfliir, here since I tube end'll. For die |.ur|m«« of: l..*i wrote lo you. It contideird lir.itpctiriKOre early infinry ol line nalun.afo In return lo town before fro.lj tal Hercules, an iinineineluiuao, co- anil I belie.e few will be an ini|>ru- veririKteven ei^lilha nl an acre, lio* deni aa lo venture earlier. The trnnpa been I'Uill, wliieb entirely conceala the ut llua cantonment coolinue healthy, rnanut c-orv nldeilli that prugresses and are now cumfurtnbly provided a- under in roof” Jhiri.t die winter. The Iruepa (rom — — the Baranraa are encamped ntinut one AVcil Cnsuntties -Since, the com- ,.nd u half mile. beluw thin—.they mencenient ul the preaent ywar(I 2-1) hicve been vere aide, but are recover the billowing dealln have occur-1 ing rapidly. The regiment ia lobe red in the N vy ohtlie Unfled Stale., canluned in tliis neighborhood, and vii —I ('.plain, I Master Com- not lo return to town.” 10 I.ieui»n»nta, 3 I.leut*. 4 ' nl Murine., 3 Surgeon., -urgeon- M .lea, I I’ur-cr, 40 Midshipmen, 4 Sailing Mailers—70. One of the Boston papera contains a Idler from a gentleman nf that ci ty, at Bin Janeiro, who cnmmuoieales |he fnllowing interesting particular, ef Brazilian affair*. “ The elections have already taken place ill many ol the provinces; Inr the choice of electors who are lo meet at this place to appoint the represen tutives for the new Congress. Their plan is tn have only one Mouse for the preterit, which is to meet here. '• The pres- lieie is us free a-, in the United Stales. When the King was here fee had but one newspaper, and Hut was nf. very small size, and was primed twice a week, giving us only Ilia decrees, without any foreign news. Now we have twelve papers ; most nf them aie published dsily, giving us the news ol all cnuntiTes, and I ee discussions nil all subject* The Prince lias become very plain in Ihi* dress, economical in his eipen->es, and familiar in his address and ,run veriatinn. Mis urc not a twentieth part nf the expenses nl fur. mrr years Mis ministers arc alt of ilie a.iine chancier. "Thepiimc minister, Josa Bone- rnti.i de And.aille Silva, is a second Franklin, Me ia about 4,i rear* old, ia much beloved by ull fne Hnzilnns unit foreigners, lie was burn in the province of St. Paul's, bat has -pent many year* in-differeut parts nf Ku. rnpe. Fur several years he has lived a retired life, t ut the period has ar rived which called fur tile rxcercise of his talents, ,nd in J nuary Inst lie was placed in die highest station his cminirycnn nftae. Me has great np- poaiiion tn encounter Irom the royal parly,-which was, and even still is ol considerable .length “ We a.e now allowed in case nf libel, and in crimidal cas^a, the trial by jury. The trial by jury nn this southern coa-tinent took place lu re Inst week. It was a charge a- gninst the editor nf one of the Gazett es lura libel on the Prince, qu-stiiui- ing his authority. Me was tri--d by a regulur jury, and was honourably acquitted- The accused Was-ulluwed in choose eight persons for his jury, from twenty lour named by the go vemnont. tl was a now thing to most persons here, Wo expect when the congress meets that the fi st busi ness will be to send umhissudor- lo foreign nations, aml.oneo/the first measures wilt he to put nn entire step lo the slave trade. I think we may rely on ibis being dong very soon. God forbid it should not be. In the year 1821, 43,507 slaves were em barked in Afiicaon board ships own ed in tin* place, of wlidm 38,102 ar rived alive Tire number unpurted at the other ports is immense,” U1KO, At Beaufort, (3. C.) on the 23d inat. of ihfl.iriniutory fever, -Toon Montdoslht, K,m|. lute one ol the .lodges ot the Supe. rior Court, in this state. list in Potion —A Mississippi planter at- trilmtughe rut in Ootion, to a species of toy-, which pierets the tender covering ol the bowl in its unripe slate, and produces in the comae of three days, the decay of die' bowl. Roguery.—l)n the aHernnon nf the 12th, a countryman by the name of Lee, wim lives somewhere hack of Albany, came In th- Police Office ami stated dial he had been swindled by Inn rogues in die Ini lowing manner:— While walking in Water-street, near Burling slip, lit* w-ts accosted by . a la in, who said that some of his proper ty had been levied nn, uml, being un der die necessity to raise a small sum, he would sell Ins watch very cheap and at the same time presented a watch, chain, Ike. which to appearance were of gold, and which he offered tn ng fire look place in llsmil. M!l * ,ul Cdeen dollars. While they ton, Maas, on die 8th Inst, in s homo oern-, "are talking of the purchase, a man pied by a Mr, Isatc Do Ige, and willow Am doubt the companion of the own- I .imm... ki t .*■ . ' ... . al.rga el I.timmm. Mrs. 1,. J-ho wits sil- -ting with a sir.*- danghtef when the fire w as discovered, immediately ran up sluiri and by great exertion, laved loir three daughters of8,.lU, and 12 j u»rs of age, a child of Mr. Dodge's and her sick daugh ter who had been ill for several months, in doing which, she was severely scotclud, and sprained her wrist. All the furniture, -Clothing, and about Sbtlollirs inbank notes were destroyed, Iraviog the unfortunate -woman entirely destitute. Twelve bales ol new crop Cotton, were arrived in Mobile, on the 1st -inst.a part of winch weie suld at II ccnie. The Directors tit Ihe Commercial. Bank ol Delaw are, lute declared a! and the money was ciuinlrd down dividend of three per cent on the rapi t»l stock tor Ihe Iasi rfx months. They have also detl^fd a dividend of liven- ty per cent, ol the c-.pi .il slock equal 'to eleven dollars anti filly cents nn /och share, payable lo the respective stockholders, or their legal representa tives, mi the 2lrt itisl. at the principal branch bank where the stock-may be to their credit. 4’avmcnt will b e ni .tie in notes of banks paying specie, or il prelervtl by the aioct.fudders, they can rect ijc uue hall ot the tame iii •pecic. er ol the Watch j joined them, anil after examinitg the watch and in- q.tiling the price, took Lee aside, and assured him that it was a great bar gain, offering subsequently twelve dollars for it himself, anil said be would gu to pincure the money, and return to take the watch—all which was lor the purpose ol inducing Lee to become himself the purchaser- Af ter he had been some lime gone ou Ins pretended errand, the owner of the watch told Lee that, as he was in great wantot money, and did not know whether the nnm would return tie might have the watch lur eleven dollars, with whith offer Lee closed, on MARINE. rout of SJtrjvy vjift, CI.KAltKD, Biitf Native, Cole, New Y->rk. Hall, liqyt 8c co. Sloop Packet, Clark, Hulain ire. Hall, Hoyt iS co. ARRIVED, Revenue cutler Crawford, Cliamplin, from a cruise. sloop Mary, Brawn, Charleston, 18 hours with dry goods, corn, coffee, (Jc to order. Suftbrd's b-iat Lotfc'H.from Faracljuclar landing, with 152 hales cotton to T Pol hill, uml U own Overstreet. Mac El Murray's boat Pelican, from Au gusta, with 270 bags coltiui tn Pruict- £< M'Ketizn, G G mloii, Camming And Gwatli* m >\, C'anteio* and Lumar am! O I tdt Kirfcpati'icA:’# bout Rob Roy, from Au gusta, with 6udbags cotton to J P W lliam* h .ii, W Gaston, S Manton, Johnston & Hills R Tailor, CHidetou U Lumur, J Uai» per, P INI and A & Wood. Hull's boat Paragon, Irom Augusta, to J II (i lieu, with 4.iU bdes cotton, tn Johns- stun d H.R W Gaa'ori, OTaft, A L Moly- neux, ami 1) mumtl d Auze. ltlce Barrels, w HOLE at 75 cents HALE do. at 6 J cents—for sale by J. MEIGS, Mongin’s, late Bulloch’s buildings, novlt || a For St. Augustine, I ll< I top FLORIDA, Captain Fitch, Will hive quick dispatch. For tieight or passage, having hamlHome sc- cominodxtioiis, apply to the master on board st Bolton’s wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. nov ?6 p 2 PORTRAIT AND MAMature I*Muting. IlorilKTjhF.NiinR, Art it! Painter frent tl* undent Jtoynl ,h:a- tittup pf Pnrit, AV HO has heretofore rcce-veil the high- WILLIAM TURNER Hat jmt received, and offer* for Sule, PIECES Dundee supenor42 inch Cotton Bagging, nov 26 l? Bunk Styte of Georgia, Savannah, 25th A*ov. 1822. 'EDNE3DVY next, the 27th instant, having been recommended by the City Council as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, this Bank will be shut. Therefore all notes and acceptances falling due on that day, must betaken up to-morrow the 26th hist. A. PORTER. Cashier. nov 26 r 2 A Situation Wanted YOU C Man, lately arrived from 'SiJi H *ston, wishes to obtain a situaiiou as a Clerk or Bar Keeper, or would be willing to go and 'each a school in the country t with both he is perfectly ac- q-iainled, and can produce satisfactory re commendations. A line addressed to J F P. and left at *this office, will meet with immediate atten- t on. nov i6 e • est patronage ill Savannah, has (In honor to inform his friends and the public that he has returned hither, where he igaiu offers his professions! services. He further | ILutse ill Courthouse squat e. Negroes/or Fale. V Prime gang of 32 Negroes, that can be highly recommended, will be sold on £cotfiinuiUling terms, by GEORGE SCHLEY. nov 21 re A Valuable City Residence for Sate. rilHP. subscriber offers fi»r Sale, his f»m», JL large, ami comnoiliou* Brick I)welling llodse in Courthouse square. It is so well begs leave to give notice, that his llaugh* I known, Rmt il is only necessary to say, that ter, Mrs May, will commence teaching] it has always been considered one of the Drawing and Minialute Painting, ah soon ns a class of Young Ladies can he formed. Application to be made at her Father’s re sidence, Draylon-sircet, near Broughton- treet. Reference—Charies Harris, Esq. nov 26 2 Landing. A /? BAGS G**een Coffee 3 hales Domestic Cotton Bagging of superior quality. 'For sale by NICHOLAS d NEFF. nov 26 2 St. Croix Sugars. , IIIIDS prime St. Croix Sugar 10 bbts Loaf Sugar 10 do Lump do 50 do pnm« ; B-*ef, new 25 tons Swedes 1 on Landing from ship S ivanuah, for sale by HALL, HOYT & CO. nov 18 103 Pork, Flour, djc. CVTV n.VHKKI.8 P-init- for* 'SJ'i/ R.O Imir bbls Floor 50 bbls Prim, and Mess Beef 5 tierces Sperm Oil For sale b> THOMAS BRADLEY 8c CO. Bulloch’s Buildings, nov 26 b 2 Drafts on Charleston Boston, and JOHN MOORHEAD B ogs leave to inform his friends in Geor gia, that he has established himself pe> manentlv in this city hh a Commission AitrcA\ant, Th.- -mle «f Southern Produoe will be his principal business, in the management of which, he. believes he can do his friends jiWitice — he relies ou the reputation esta blislied during along residence in Savan nail, on the references to his friends, and' diligent attention, to continue the confi- ; dence of those who may be pleased to fa vor him with their business. JVew York, mh October, 1822. Heftrence <n 8 tvannuh—Messrs Cummino d Gwaitimkt. Reftrencein Augusta—John Moors, Esq nov 8 11 re most desirable residences in the city. If not soliPin a few wcpk.i it will be rented. JAMES M’HENUY. nov 2 90 Brunswick Blacking, F OR Stoves, Coal Grates, Fii<t|Msces, &c. This beautiful compositioirVhen applied to the -above mimed articles, gives them an elegant and duruble Black gloss, free from any disagreeable smell. Sold by R. WORRELL, Jr. Druggist, Corner of Hay and Whitaker etreete, nov 23 l 108 BALLAST. 4.0 excellent Stone Ballast, suita- ble for s'owing with Cotton, for sale onboard ship Liverpool Packet, st John ston’s lower wharf. —ALSO— m 100 kegs frestvFhiladelphiaCrackeS Apply to Capt. Birkett on board, or to JOHNSTON d HILLS, nov 23 u103 WELSH SLATE. 900 OOO Welsh Slates, of varioua g-, zc . F| for sale at a reduced JOHN HENDERSON. price, by nov 6 ft- At Cost, for Cash, To close Ihe Concern of the late fnn of J STOWE'd CO. I ^IIEIR entire stock of Dry Goods and . Ready Made Clothing, conaisling of a great variety of articles, made in the best manner and of gone! materials. Those who wish lo purchase for cash, will find it for their interest to call, nstheyeannot be sold forcWit. LI GRAND CANNON, Surviving Partner* Bryan street, near the State Bunk. N. B It ih presumed that ull who are in debted to the late firm of J. Stone d Co. will cull and cancel them, without subject ing '.he subscnlu r <o the nebewity of put ting their notes and accounts in the hands of their attorney fur collection. L.G. CANNON. nov 2 |U Cotton Bagging, Sperm. Candles, fyc. fyc. Just received per ship Savannah, / TVfV'l >lec ' Hutton Bagging 50 J).)xos Sperm Candles Pe>"shop Mary, 2 hales Carotin*- Plaid E'orsule on aobnirimudsting terms by J. B. HERBERT & CO. nov 16 102 Notice. N INE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior court of Glynn county, for leave to sell all the lands in said co*uhty belonging to the es'ute of John King, late < 1 Effingham county. S tUAH KING, nr/m’r.t. April 5,1822. §a" Clark county, Ga. aprd 6 the steps ol a hnu*e m solid silver, to Ihe sati-lactiofi ol the swindler, who whs seen to snule at the crodulity of the ci unirvm. n. Assmui ms he had secuml Ins p iv. , be made off'in haste, us he slid, to redeem his property; wfiile.L e wellt ‘ ft’quietly to a friend *0 appi ize hint ol ins good fortune, who, oft eiumii'ing (lie watch found it one of those that are made for the purpose add hawked about for sale ol the real value, perhaps, of two duller*. i .Jtu. Seidlitz Powders. T HE tru^nd Genuine S^d'lits Powder, is just received from Liverpool, and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No 8 Gibbons’ Buildings, nnv9 96 Plains and Blankets. 5X n Vl.LS whije Plain. 2) 5 do JlomesTic Plains and Woolseys For sale by BAKER d MINTON. nov 7 a For Sale, JA PRIME Negro Man, accustomed the management ol horses and driv ing a carriage or dray- Fur terms apply to oc» 31 J. B. HERBERT d CO. R8 Notice. A T'the expiration of nine months from this date, 1 shall apply to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Cha tham county, for leave to sell the following real anil personal property held by the lute R J. Houston intrust, viz : Cedar Grove plantation, containing tip- wards of 1200 acres, situated in the district of White Bluff. One Traci of Land, containing 50 acres, near the above. May Island, containing 100 acres, more or less, situated on the marshes of Little Ogechee river. Also, between 65 and 70 Slaves. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13, 1822. adm r. It. J. Houston. may 16 § *fc Notice. Y wife Rosattnah Saunders, alias Ro nannah Migee, having left my bed and board,'I do hereby forbid all person from trusting her on my account, or har boring her. us l will not be answerable for any debts she may contract after th s date. JOSEPH SAUNDERS. Savannah, 19(/j ,\yu. 1822. p £\ T Short sight. For sale by <£* DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. nov 26 p2 Prime Pork and Beef. ©rflA BAUIIELx Prime Fork 30 bbls prime Beef 60 bbls smoked do Received per slop Howard, for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. nov 26 2 30 bids Vassar’s Ale, r AN DING, and for sale by Li A. MORGAN, nov 26 l2 Jones'upper wharf. 51 Pork, Beef, fyc. 'Landing from ship Howard, BBLS Mess and Prime Pork 15 do do do Beef 10 bbls No 3 Mackerel 50 hoxi s Hen ing No 1 20 bbls Potatoes 2 hhda St Croix Sugar '1 pipe Signett's Brandy 1 do Holland Gin 20 bbls Whiskey 20 do Gin 12 cutty 1 Boxes Y. H.Tea 10 M. superior Havana SegaPB 15 bhls and half bbls Buck Wheat Meal 10 bbls Corn MeAl 10 bhls Roans 2’ 1 boxes Bloom Raisins 10 fcegs Tobaceo 20 k»o<s paper Tobacco Loaf and Lump Sugar, Coffee American Sugars, lie 20 bbls Double Ale, Law 8i Bever- edge's Brand For sale low, by „ GIBBS & ALEXANDER, ro v 26 p 2 ^ , a^ lor's wharf. Classical & English School. HEART MacDOXXELL r NFORMS his Friends and the Public* that he will re-open his School for v mg Ladies and Gentlemen, on Monday ne>C, the 14'h inst, at 9 o’clock, A M. in the room under Solomon’s Lodge, near the Old Presbytetian Church, of 10 NOTICE. Haxall’s llichmond Supers line fresh Flour. QOrk BARRKLSjust received,and cnq. stunt supplies will continue to ar rive. Ba&ers and families can be accom modated with any quantity, they may wislx to purchase. 'I he quality jof this flour is esteemed very superior, Richmond Manufactory CUT NAILS. made of Russia and Swedes Iron, 80 cub&s fi om od up to 30d. For sale by PONCE d MACKENZIE, nov 13 lire fu T HE Copartnership ofJosKrii Sroxr. 8i Co. is dissolved by the death of J. Stone, which makes it necessary that all Notes and Accounts should be immediate ly Paid that are due, to the subscriber, who , is the surviving Pat tner, at their old stand, ] Youths Fine Coats JOHN P. SETZE JiriAS received by the late arrivals from New-York, a great variety of C1.0THINU, Which, for beauty and quality, excel any that ever wus offered in this maket,—viz. Blue and Black extra fine Dress Coats Second Quality do do Blue, Cluret, and Brown Frock Coats Drab Box Couts near the State Bank. LKGRAND CANNON. The business will be continued at the a- boye stand, under the firm of S. TOUSEY d CO. who are now openiug a large and extensive stock of beat Superfine Cloths, Cussimeres, and Vestings, which they are determined to sell for Cash at reduced pri ces. Just received the latest Philadelphia and New-York fashions. All orders prompt ly executed and thankfully received. LF.GRAND CANNON. SINCLAIR TOUSEY. nov 2 || i GEORGIA HOTEL, BAPTIST CHURCH SQUARE, savannAii. CmmS Esiahlsiitiu-ml has lately under- 'Ll gone a thorough repair, and consider able improvements have been udded The Stihscriber has Uiken it upon a long lease, and it will be open on Monday the 24th inst. for the reception and accommo- i dation of Travellers and Boarders, hav-' ing supplied his House with a new and ge neral assortment of Furniture. He is deteriqpied that his Table slndl be inferior to none, while his Bar shad afford the choicest Liquors of every description. 'Ty The Stables are large and conveni ent, for the accommodation of any number of Horses. With such preparations, ad ded to the indefatigable attention which it will be his study and inclination to be stow, he cannot but flatter himself he will receive thafshare ot patronage and suppo. t, to which such arrangements may be en* titled. DAVID M. FITTS. Savannah, JVstj. 21, 18 J2. nov 26 fc 2 The Subscribers H AVE received from England and the Northern Slates, by the late arrivals, the following articles, which they will dis pose of oil the most accommodating terms, v.z:— 850 kegs White Lead, 561bs, 28 and 14 1U0 do Paints, all c lours 1U boxes Sheet Copper 2 casks Copper Nails 2 do do Spikes 5 rolls sheet Lead 5 casFs bnr do 50 do Nails and Spi/res, all sizes 8u0 lbs Seine-and Sewing Twine 3 fishing Seines 90 yards long 30 casks Brow n Stout, Porter 40 coils Bale Rope 100 do Cordage 40 bolts Russia DucJfc 20 pieces Ravens do 75 tons Swedes, Russia, and English Iron, all sorts and sizes Paint OU, Lamp Oil, sun a general as* Kortnient of Ship Chandlery. WM. TAYLOR d SON. 4 uuv 6 re Planters’ Bank, NovEMor.n, 20, 1822. W EDNESDAY ihe 27lh mat. having- been set apart by the City Council as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, this Bank will be shut, therefore all paper full ing due on that day must be taken up on Tuesday. Paper intended for discount on the 27th, must be offered on Monday 25th inst. Saturday the 30th inst. being the day of settlement of the books of the Bank prepa ratory the declaring the semi-annual Divi dend, the Bun* wifi be shut; all paper fall, ing due and pu\a!>le on that day, must be tafcen up on Friday the 29th JNO. F. LLOYD Cashier pro tcm. nov 22 i 107 <* A Refutation OF THE CALUMN IE S C IRCULATED against the Southern & Western States, respecting the Iiibti* Union and Existence of SLAVERY AMONG THEM. To which is added, a minute and particular account of the actual State and cunditiou of their JVEGRO POPULATION. Together whh Historical Notices of all the. “Facts are Stubborn things.*' — Shakhpeare. By a South Carolinian. The above work is for sale at the Book stores of W. T. Williams and S. C. d J Schenk, nov 16 102 Regimental Orders. A N Election is hereby ordered held ntthe Savannah Exchange, on'Monday the 2d of December next, for a Captain, lirat and second Lieutenants, and Ensign, to command the OfiOKVlA VOLUN TEERS The Poll to -be opened at 10 o'clock, A. M and the election superinten ded by two Justices of the Peuce and three freeholders, or a majority of them. Uy order oi Lt. Col. IIOBEItTS. M. W. RTEWAKT, Act'g Adj’t 1st Uegl G. M nov 21 b Notice. T HE Copartnership of the Subscribers under the firm of Delnr.naer d Starr,i« this day dissolved by mutual consent. Per- sons having demands against the Concern are requested to present them for set le- ment, and those indebted to make puymeul to B. W. Delamater. B W. DELAMATER W. STARR. Jr. B W. Delamater will continue the Gro- eery Business, at the old stuuu, on Uoltou’s wharf. nov 11 97 Blue and Gray fine cloth o atees Valencia, Toiling, Swamlowns, and all ci ther kind oi Fancy Vests Extra fine White Marseilles do Black Florentine Cussimcre and Cloth do Blue Cloth and Cass.mere Best Single and Double milled Cassimere Pantaloons, of all colours and sizes Flannel Shirts and Drawers Knitted do do Sup. Plain and Frilled Cotton and Linen Shirts Superfine Cravats Scotch Plaid Cloaks, of various sizes and prices Short and Long Lambswoul Hose G ntlemen's Beaver Gloves 100 Dozen Woolen do Silk Umbrellas of all Sizes Lion Skin Great Coats Servants Coatees and Pantaloons Men’s and Boys Suits, very cheap Pea and Monkey Jackets Red Flunnel, Check, and Striped Shirts Striped and Spotted Guernset Frocks Flag and Blue Bandana Handkerchiefs Drab and Black Hnts Loudon Duffiland Point Blankets ALSO, Supevfine Blue and Black Cloth Do Dduble milled Cassimere of al most every colour Vest Shapes/ Black Florentine, Valencia, and Toilitet Vestings \ Extra fine White Marseilles Fine and Common White Flannel 30 pieces Heavy Lion Skin 24 do very good quality Blue Plains Scotch and Tartan Plaids, from 62 cts tn gl Having just received the lateRt N. York and Philadelphia fashions, he will be ena bled to make up the above goods lo suit his customers, oet 31 ||rb Notice. M FI HE {Subscribers' Parting Machine at LI Yamacraw, is now in readiness to re- INSURRECTIONS that have taken place CtJiveCotton to be compressedor;repacked since the Settlement of the country. , A,t >° Produce received on Storage ; ap- - • ply to Stephen 1’arr, at the machine, or It. h J. HABEllSHAM. nov 20 ft English and American Ca$U ings. 4YK^ TONS English C'ustings, consisting of Ovens, Irom 9 to 20 inches.; Pot>, front 1-4 Gallons, to 30 gallons, from the Canon Manufactory. —ALSO— 8 Tons of American Castings, cons’sting of Ovens, Spiders with covers; Fne Dogs and Waggon Boxes. F^r sate bv P. M'DEUMOTT. noy 12 ||c INSTliUCTlON ON The. ’Violin, an! Flute. Ilf It. HENRY, lust Violin in the ftavan' JjfJL imh Thea i e, intends to give Insuuc- tion on above instruments He will be found at the House of Dr. Louis U. Furth. nnv 19 || Hav and Butter. BUNDLES prime N>w Hay 20 fi kins first quality Fresh Butter Landing from ship Charlotte |t Tay lor's w barf. For sale by nov 13 99 C. C. GRISWOLD.