Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, November 28, 1822, Image 3

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—— WILLIAM TURNER Hat j n’l, and ofen far Sale, fi n PIECES Diode* supctier 49 inch SJ'iJ Cotton ntgging. nor S6 l'2 A Situation Wanted. £\ YOUNG Man, lately arrived from frA Huston, wishes to obtain a siiuniion a* a Clerk or Mar Keeper, or would be willing to go and teach a school in the country j with both he it peifvctly ac quainted, aiul can produce satisfactory re commendation*. A line addreiaed to J F. 1*. and left ut this office, will meet with immediate atten tion. nov 26 e • Hunters’ Rank, Novk.mbkr, 20j 1895. £51 ITURDAY, the 30tb inst. being the wi lay of settlement of the hooka of the Dank nrtjMmtory the declaring the semi annual D Addend, the BrinJt will he abut t all paper falling due and payable on that day, must he t»»A-«*n up on Friday the 29th. JNO. F. LLOYD Cashier pro tein. nov 22 1107 ■ROOYft and ft WOES. PACKAGES Ladies, Gentle. 'JfcJVjJ/s*/ men, and Children’s Moots and Shoes, of a Superior quality 2000 pair NcgrA $h<»e§ 100 Emersou’b Superior Elastic Razor Strops ^ Alston Consignment, 25 hSnvla N ltum For sale on the most reasonable terms, nt Morrison’* Building, Opposite the Ex change, by TIMOTHY EVANS. nov 8 95 PITCH PINK, TcYYo'w Tine & LUMBER, FOR THE WEST INDIA MARKETS. € AROOKS of the very beat quality, and of all descriptions ol the above named L imber, (50 to oO feet in length, if requir ed) cun. ut the shortest notice, be furnish ed at the UPPER Darien Steam Saw Mill, in the State of Georgia, on the most re«* tunable terms. Vessels drawing not over 12 or 12 and a half feet water, can load with great facil ty atthe Mill by an inclined plane, thereby getting the lumber on hoard clean and dry i and from fifteen to fifteen and a half feet watcr^can be carried over Doboy bar, »iow rendered as safe as any in the United States, from the beacons and buoys there placed. An abundant supply of Cypress Shingles, and Med and White Oak Hogshead Slaves, can be obtained. There being a RICE MILL attached, Mice either in whole or half tierces, can be bad when wanted, for assorting a cargo. Orders or Communication* addressed to the Agent of the Upper Darien Saw Mill, at Darien, Georgia, will he promptly at tended to. nov 25 109 The Subscriber I S npw opening in Hi* spacious Store North tide of Whitaker Street, Corner of May Lane, Savannah, in addition to his former stock, the following useful and fan* cy articles: C. C. Edged, Mocha, Enamelled, nnd Blue I* lilted Ware of all Inscriptions, in Mraekfnst, Dining, and Dissert sets, or detached, of vured patterns. Do do in Fancy articles— Flower Vases, Fruit Bankets and Stands Sweetmeat Jars, Soup cups, Brush 'frays Cul lenders, Pans of various descriptions Butter Tubs, Pudding Bowls Egyptian Teapots, &o. Uc. 8 ts of Elegant cut Decanters, Fan and Strawberry pattern Do do Dishes, octagon and oval Celery Glasses, Incorporators, Finger busins Sugar Busins, diamonds all over 1 e Decanters, Handled J .-Hies Masonic Decanters, Transparent India Shades Hull and Entry Lamps, antique and plaint C' uet Stands, Cluunpxgnt G asses, Acts of Glass Sweetmeat Dishes Glusa candlesticks, Cut I’eg Lamps Vaifous patterns of Cut Glass, in (fingered, Ifluti d, cornel fringe and diamonds, Liqueurs* and Wines,/Tumblers,Buttei tubs .lugs ami balls In plain Omss—Gilman and English heavy bdttuin Tumblers Do do Flint Decanters, Jugs, Wines, &o. of .venous qualities The slurb of China will be found exten sively var ous, from 5 to gl30 persr', Com prising Lustre, painted Landscape, Ena melled Muse patterns, Paintings in Oil co lors, Dresden and Seve Embossed anil bur- pished, in Single, Lung and Double bets. Gilt Edge Ch na, in sets at &16 Vases, Chimney Ornaments, Jars, Do. Assorted crates for the Country Trade, will be packed to order, or may be purcha sed as imported—allowing all breakage over 5 per cent, as in N rthern maiAuts; crates will he chaiged only one dollar. The following articles me offered per paAuge exclusively, at wholsale, and cm tenn worthy the consideration of the trade Assorted boxes of moulded Glass, at per box 1’lsin neck Quart and Piiu molded De canter! Ring utcA: do do do Quart and 3 nint molded Jugs 'Taper and Snip shape molded Decanters Imperial and Cluster B. 8. Wines English Quart and Pint Decanters Heavy half pint Tumblers Dj do do Flint, English Do do do cut bottom Do do do fmgeied Do do do finger’d & fluted Dutch Straw Tumblers Crati s of Edge Dishes Do Chambers Do Twifilsrsand Muffin*, C O. or edge Do Mocliu Bowls, 12, 24' and 30 India Plates (Dinner) per dozen or box litlia Dinner S<*.s, per set oi cose India Bowls and Saucers A package of Breakfast Sets of painted wa e, very low charged Also, an Invoice per Coryiir from N. York The whole, it is believed, comprises an assortment as fair in quality ami as consid erable iu quantity as may oe found in the State* JOHN THOMAS. xmv25 109 The 'Subscribers Ot-FKH Kim SALK, At the Store JaL ly occupied by • Scott U Fahm, on the K »clungc dock, tlie fol lowing »itides, just landing from brig Osgood, © PIPES Brandy, 4di protf 4 pipes Holland Gut 2 lihds Jamaica Bum SO bids lt\e G-n „ SO do do Whiskey 4 hhds do do 20 hh'is N I'. Mum 5 qr casks IVneriffc Wine 5 qr caaka Midi uu 6 bids White Wine Vinegar 2 chests and 20 qr cheats Hyson Tea 2 boxes Imperiut, cnniaining 20 cunnii- ter* 'IVa, 2 lbs each 1 box Gun Powder containing 20 cuiiuia- tors Tea, 2 Ihs each 1 box Souchong 24 kegs (innpowder 4 Iccgs Shot assorted 7 hhds St Croix bugs*, very interior 20 bhls do 40 bags best G-nen Colfce 20 hbls Pilot Bread 40 coils Bale Hope 10 bids l.oaf Sugar 10 do Lump do 10 half firkins Tluttcr <0 boxes Spout Candle* 20 do Mooli: do 20 bbls Richmond supetflne fresh Flour, Huxali’s Brand 20 boxes Brown Soap 20 do Yellow do 3 casks Carolina lines, No 2ami 3 2 do Patent do 2 do 'Trace Chains 3 dozen Cooper’s Adzes 10 dozen hand ami club Axe* 12 do Padlocks, assorted MACKENZIE & HERNANDEZ, nov 20 105 H GEORGE ltKLRH AS leceived l»v the slop Emily, from Liverpool, a further supply of DRY GOODS, Amongst which are very superior English, Snip’d and Pluided Simmcts Do Figured do l)o do Dresses ft 4 and 84 Sattiu Damask Shawls Barcelona Shawls Rich Chintz, blue, orange, and gold Ban- duuas \■ A very extensive assortment of Fancy Shawls, Scarfs, Mantileito, and Handker chiefs; also Children’s Moss Boots, all oi which were aelected by himself in London and are of the latest fashion. iiov 22 re 107 DRY GOODS At very Reduced Prices. If MY PIECES White, Blur, and Mixed *T\I\J |»l w i nt 50 pieces Loudon Duffle, BiistrI, and Point UltnKBf 300 pair Role iPanlrrt*. a grmt sacrifice 95 pieces White and Med Ftnnm Is A few pieces Real Welch do uncommonly Fine 35 pieces Green Baize, tome very low pri ced 45 pieces Mixt and Blue Cloths for Ser vants Superfine Cloths, Cassimerrs, snd Vesting 1.1 pieces Patent Cotton Tw.h Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts, great Bargains 20 pieces 64 Sheeting, very fine 27 do Furniture and Itiur Cord Dimity 41 do 44 Linen, suspiciously cheap 86 do Towelling and Table Diaper froiii 34 to 184 wide, at less than sterling cost 200 pi, ccs very Low priced Calico 56 do 6-4 Columbia Plaids 30 do Caroline and Clan Plaids Figured and Plain UoitibuzelU of every de scription 200 pieces Muifsla Diaper, and l utch Rolls 1 hale very low priced Cart eting Book, Mull, Jaconet, Nh-uhooF, Batilla Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Muslin Dresses, Flounces, 'Trimmings, ami 'Tippets, of the latest fashion 460 dozen SilAr, Cotton, and Woolen Ho- s ery, well assorted 93 dozen K *1, Castor, Beaver, Doe, Bucfc, and IK’gsA-in Gloves 10 pieces Norwich made Rhcfc Bomba zeen, the greatest bargain ever offered here Blacfr Sarsnel*, Blar.fc Canton Handker chiefs, and Fancy Si Ik Shawls and Snarls, new style These goods were principally selected In Europe, by a superior judge, o purcha sed in thin country at auction, so that the) can and will be sold cheap ut the 0 iOLDEA HALL, by THOMAS WALTON. nov 5 lm A Refutation CALUMNIES C IRCULA TED against the Southern D Western Stales, respecting the Insti tution and Existence of SLAVERY AMONG THEM. To which is added, « minute and particular account of the actual State and condition of their NEGRO POPULATION. Together with Historical Notices of all the INSURRECTIONS tlmt have taken place since the Settlement of the country. “Facts ore Stubborn tilings.”— fihakspeare. By a Soxrrii OAaoi.fifUt. The above work is for sale at the llooh* stores of W. T. Williams and, S. C. D J Schenk, nov 16 102 The Subscriber R espec tfully begs leuve to inform Ins fi iernls and the public, that lie has established himself in the Factorage and Commission Business on Hunters wharf, and will be thankful (or any favors. JOHN CANDLER. Who hat for ante, 100 tmxes Candles of different numbers 100 do best Yellow Soap 30 coils of Cordage of diff erent sizes nov 16 102 50 Rum, Gin, &c. BARRELS N E Rum 25 bhls India Point Gin 250 qr boxes Spun sh S< gars 20 qr conks Currant Wine, of a su perior quality Landing from brig Hope D Polly, and fur sale by 8. MAN TON, nov 13 99 Rice’s wharf Just Received, And in Store, S IX pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes II Gin 5 do Jamaica Hum 10 casks Porter 6 kegs Lead 6 do Shot 25 kegs Harris’ No 1 Tobacco 10 kegs Ladies'Twist do 25 boxes Raisins 50 do Cheese—-For stile by A MORGAN, nov 19 104 .1 mes* upper wharf. EATONTON (jrnHE Subscriber resumes the practice of <La the Law in Oakmulgee district, ufid Hie County of Munroe, and will give the most vigi.unt attention to all business in trusted to his charge. C- B. STRONG. nov 23 108 CHARLESTON FUNDS \TWANTED.—Apply to 8. U M. ALI.EN U CO. nov 25 109 Hunts unit SjUofcs. «— VWWXVW- — THOMAS DOWELL & Co. Coi ner of Broughton snd \\ miaker streets, opposite Col. Shelluiiiti’» Mansion house, Uuve received per oJtifi Savannah from New-York, Ladies black and color’d prunelle Slippers Do do do do Bouts Do morocco Boots, Shoes and ihoetees Do do Slippers and Grecian 'l ies 1st and 2d quality WELLINGTON Boots Mena’ calfskin Jefferson l ies and Shoes Do morocco Shoes and LLuicmg Pumps Misses black ami colored Morocco Boots and Siippers Boys fine and Coarse Shoes Children’s morocco and Leather Boots ALSO, A large assortment ol Hair Trunks, with a variety uf other shoes, all of which will ue sold on reasonable twins. BUY 29 b blankets and bagging. GT.OWGL \V. Off a a for aide by the Hair or piece, tpy) and 4 Bum' BLANK!.TS : 4 and 7-4 Bristol Di.ftL Blanket* 8-4aiul 94 11 v • v y London Du til do 40 unJ 42 inch H il'ic Hemp Bagging White and Blue Bln ns With a variety sit'Goods suitable for the season, at No 7 Gibbons* UuilditogB. nov 9 1 in ANDREW LOW y CO. yiVIAVK received, by the ships Georgia, OU Oglethorpe, and mlior recent arm- da from ICngfand alicl Scotland, the grtaler proportion or their usual supply of Fall & Winter Diy Goods, which they offer for SHle at u moderate ad- yance for Produce, or on their usual accom modating te ms for approved piper; and Irv the ship Emily, daily expected from Li verpool, they will receive an additional as sortment, together with casks of London bottled Porter in quart nnd pint bottles, Crockery, Glusswui e, and some other bulky articles. Nowin store, nnd offered for sale, a few pieeps of beat lUmp Cotton Hugging, 42 Inches wider ' Oc 19 TORTOISE SHELL, Tvovy a\u\ Uoin Tovub3, Ingrain Carpeting, *J'c. TpiIE Subscribers offer for sale'by the dozen, an invoice of Tortoise Shell Combs of all sizes, Very fine Ivory Combs of all sizes Mocfc tortoise shell c. mhsdo do 4 bales Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —— 300 lb Sewing Twine 2 cases Double and Single Barrel Guns 3 Cables, from 6 in 10 inches BLANCHARD BROTHERS U CO. Anderson’.- Building on die U iy, nov 15 101 White Plains anil blankets 1 HIE subscribers have received b\ the . ship Oglethorpe from Liverpool, it bite Plaint and Duffle Wankets, with a variety of other articli s suitable for the present find approaching season, which they offer or sale on their usual terms. JAMES ANDERSON & Co. net 8 FRENCH GOODS jit wholesale; JpUE Subscribers have just received new assortment of French On Goods 8j Perfumer's, imported direct via New-York, which they offer Wholesale on liberal terms, among them are. White, Black, and Red 7-4 and 84 Merino Shawls Do do do 4 4 half and square Merino Handkerchiefs Black Silk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Blue and Pink Satins Do do do do Florences Plain Lustring and Satin Ribbons, No to 12 Pearl Edge do do No 1$ to 16 Rich fig’d Ribbons by setts, No 6-16 9-22 Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 • . While and Black Silk BraWls Black, Plain, and Striped Silk Galloons Plain and Embro dered Silk Hose While and Black Silk G'oves Black, White and col’d superf. Kid Gloves do do do do Beaver do Si'k Suspenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Silk Handkerchiefs Black and colored Sewing Silk Dandy 4-4 silk Handkerchiefs , Superfine edge-Baper Pina Antique Oil, Pomatum Fine Rose Snap, Honey Water Very Superior Cologne Water, &c. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS U CO. Anderson's Building on the Hay. nov 4 91 GANN EL GOAL, I ^OU SALE, by ' J. P. WILLI AMBON. For Havre, The superior new ship MOW A III), .V, // llAih'filfC, master, Will enmmci cr loading on Wednesday,'*tvl s»'l 3d Piutunn w thout fad j lisa Tout (ID l»S of her ea«gn iei»d\ to go on bunrd. Fqr remainder of freight, or passage, having elegant furnished uccom- moJatiuht, uppjy on bunrd, or to GEORGE GORDON. Landing undfor Sale, 20 Mult Miperior Ol.i crop N O Sugar nov 25 1.109 Eor Liverpool, v ’• In Rliip ATLANTIC, ViV.Ti*' Robert L, Vaylo , master, ,rii>ft»s Wed known imu packet ship between New-York and Liverpool; cop|>«. - Hi and copper fualeneil, ami in ever) r». sped* Aral rate vessel ( aim Is of good di. mens on* for stowing emion, cun lo ul nt town, and having cnmnienced taking in, \t ill s iil on the 5th December. Fur freight «f 209 bales cotton or pus;age, having Hr- gnnt accommodations, apply to G*»pt. Tay lor on board ut Hunter’s wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. nov 20 105 For Liverpool, V. T"e fa t sailing ship C II A I* LOT I K, George Si nit, Jr. master, Is intended to meet quick dispatch. Fur freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to C»q'(jLin Sims on board at Taylor's wharf, or to 0. C. GRISWOLD. nov 13 09 For Liverpool, The f ist sailing coppli’d ship LADY UAL LATIN, 360 'Tons Burl hen, Isaac Harm, Master la intended to he dispatched without delay, For freight or passage, having $nnri Accommodations, apply to cap- tie n Harris, on hoard at Bullous central uJia t, orto HALL, IICYT fc CO. nov it 07 For bort-au-briiicc, •v» The ship > MONTGOMERY, II cstou, Master, — Will meet with dispatch. For fi eight or passage, npplv »»n board, or to JOHN LATH ROB & CO. nov 5 92 For New-York, tV The fas' sailing packet ship savannah, Isaac White, mister, Will anil on Tuesday, 26th Inst. For freight or passage, having ele gant accommodations, upi ly to Captain W hite on board at Jones’s upper wharf, or to ; HALL, HOYT 8c CO. nov 23 108 l or Liverpool, The ting OS <X OOD, Oliver Coil, master, , lias commenced hading, and will i< e 300 bales of Cotton to complete her >. Fur freight, apply tn (Japt.-Coil on 1 ut Aneinux’s wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, No 3, Commerce Ruw. v 9.3 108 For.riitulcpfon, Ill* it gular Bar Art sloop Jm WILLIAM, Captain Herd, ML Will sail no Wsdnesdsy next For g i «-r pa-s.igr, having d.-gant aceom- *1 •liana, ap|.ly to the Captain at lloltuii’- a h.irf, or to nnv 25 109 H A. CO\!)Y, lliiv's svha'f. JJ'o Lit, ^794. f 10 Slum in Wliilnker- m ^ atrecl, first dour from the cofne* #JIRN| "fGongress stn et, furm- rlyoccu AmmA pied l»y I Dr..veil D Cn an exci Rent s'and fu* hu-im-HH, Fur term apply to BENJ. II. 1JOYN TON, or I*. MORIN, Corner of Congress and WlnUL-U'-it 4 nov 13 09 For New-York, The nnck* « i»rig NATIVE, Captain Cole, To meet with dispatch.— For freigiu i r passage, apply on board at Jones’ upper wharf, or tn MALI.. HOYT & (iO. nov ifi me For New-Oi Jeans, The fast sailing brg IIOTK & POLLY, Captain Muuran, (Well a m* cl i will snd first of'Dc- ivuipcr for the above port. For freight or pa-i/ ge, havinghandsume accommodations, apply to the master on hoard, or to 8 A. CONDY, Rice’s wharf. Neither the Captain nor Consignee will pay any debts Contracted by the crew of said brig, nnv 18 103 For Boston, The brig II IS S P K R, li x fi iS'. Hubbard. Master, ■gM "’ill sail with all possible dispatc’-. For freight or pa-sage apply to the Cap tain on board at Bulloch's wli.r f, or <o JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Buildings. Who hat received and for tale, 50 bhls No 3 Mackerel 27 boxes Madeira Wine of sup quality 30 kegs Butter, pul expressly tor fami ly use 20 bhls I’otatnes 50 bhls Apples 1 nqy 16 102 For Baltimore, The fast sailing brig MESSENGER, Hassell, Master, Intended as a regular packet; wil| m< et with dispatch. For freight of 100 bales nr passng.*, having handsome accom modations, apply to the Captain on board, or to DANIEL CARNEY, Jr nov 25 n U-9 For St. Augustine, , 11,. i FLORIDA, Captain Fitch, Will have xpiiclc dispatch. For ft eight or passage, having handsome ac commodations, apply to the master on hoard ut Rollon’s wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. nov 26 p 2 net 29 For Baltimore, The sh op PACK RT, Captain Clark, _____ To sail on Friday next Fur freight pi,s„ig«, apply on boa id at Jones’s upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT D CO. nov 18 X03 Houses to Bint. Thu Lease ol lhe loilutviup ileuses and Stores of the Sub seiiher, having expired on un>! before this day. they will l>«- rent ed wt a moderate price to responsible 'IT*, mu11a, vir.:—^ 2 'Tenements, Lot No 31, Warren ward. 1 ll.nise, l.ot No 25, Brown wind. 1 do half Lot No 9, 2d Tything. Rey nold’* vs anl, foimerly the property o» J dm Anderson A Store in Bay Lane, on Lot No 2, Jek) l Ty thing, near the Exchange. 2 Stores with conveniences for fumilics, t on Thunderbolt Road. ALSO, Several small Houses at a low Rent, in dillcrcnt pul ls of, and near the city. C. II HAYDEN. N..I1. Lots pleasantly situated may he had on accommodating terms, by persons wishing to build on Lease ground, nov 8 l|| Caution. A LL Persons arc forbid t'* rent the House of John Anderson's Estate, from any prison hut the undersigned -the sale of the same made by the Sheriff, being n void one, us made lispcndciiB iu the case ol the Poor Ih use vs. l.ehy and another. It H PETTIGREW, All. in fact of l.ehy and Wife. nnv 19 104 Caution and Notice. R II. PE TTIUREW', Eaq. having given • not ice, in the lust Georgian, tlmt no person las aright to rent the House he- longing to the estate of John Anderson, I hereby give NOTICE, That I will ren> the house and premineson half Lot No. 9, 2d Ty thing, Reynolds ward, foimerly the , property of John And*?: son, (which, 1 prtsume, Mr. Pettigrew basic- fercnco to) tn any responsible tenant, at a mode rate price, and will guarantee to said tenant the undislurhed posHtsmon against Mr Pettigrew** claim, the subscriber bold ing legal Sheriff’* Titles. C. II. HAYDEN nnv 90- j! '1 o Lieut, ' J3IIE lower part oftlie building occupied l as the Georgian Office. Apply to the editor. oct 24 For Rent, O N accommodating terms, that large and commodious house situated on corner ol Jefferson and Buy-streets, opposite the Washington Hull. Also the house nt pre sent occupied by DOf’lO'’ Forth, and situa ted of posite While’* Hotel. Inquire of 9. Bill i 11II1CK. nov 18 103 To Rent, j~ni!E Store in Jones’ Buildings on the <L1 Bay, next to the one occupied by Smith & 'Turner, an excellent stand Tor bu siness. Also several Dwelling houses and Ware Huoma. Apply to R. D J. HABERSHAM, nov 12 $98 To Hint, T WO Stores in the building opposite l’enfiidd’s range. aiho, One Tenement suitublefor a Dwelling or Boarding House, terms moderate. Ap« ply i® THOMPSON h 110NNEY, nnv 9 H Wlntaker-slreet. Spanish Sugars, I N whole, Imlf, and quarter U.>xes, of ve ry superior quality, received from Ha vana, and for sale by JOHN II. REID U CO. nov 13 99 Lima Bark. J UST received, pale and brown Lima Hark in powder, which w ill be found ■uipcriorln quality to any other species of I’cmvian bark,and particularly recomnieti led to the attention of Bhysicans and Plun ttrs. For mile by It. WOR‘ KLL,.Tr. D-tiggisf, Corner of the Bay and Whitaker street nov 23 l L 8 Flour, Whiskey, Butter, ^c. j/ \ Hhls Howardslrtef sup rfiue Flour 60 bis llaltim >re WhihAvy 30 kegs superior Fam )y Butter 4 J cusks patent Nulls assorted sizes • 20 hhls N E Rum Boxes Candle and Soap, Agricultural in- tru meets, if C' received and for sale by DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. nov 19 pi llunter’s Building* SLATE, O F a superior quulitv, in quantities to sail purchase is. For sale at reduced prices, by JOHN H. REID 8c CO. nov 2? 107 HAY. BUNDLES pr me Northern Hay, oct 31 for sale by 83 HALL D HO£T. PUBLIC S ALKS. By Baker Minton, TO.MOllllO VV, vtttli inn. at I..II' put 10 o’clock, ill fi Old of their Auction Storr, A Kri.©rid assortment of GROCERIES, Consisting of 8 lihd.a N I! Runt 5 pipes 4 It proof Cognsr Tl^ndy 4 Itluls do Jamaica Rum Y Idols v i (Jrnlx Rum 16 qrca^i dry Mu.uga Win* 90 Idris N O Mugur II Id.Is L'-af .Sugar 30 boxes Northern Candle* 40 do do Soap \nd a' lmlf put u o’clock in store, a va luable "■sorinieiit uf scNsnnahle DllY GOODS, Consisting of Superfine lllue cloths atid cnssimorel* Whi e nod Blue Plains—Scotch 'Tartan BlaitlS iLd mtl blue twilled Flannels, super. I’lMteCnlrnps, Cotton Cambrics, fine Irish l.inem, Tiiikc*> red Uaiuianus, Mad- rasa lUmlk. rcliiiTs, (Pack Boinhnzetts, co« lurol Gaasinirre Shawls, cambric Dimities, bl.icfc GanUn Hdkls, Dorn* Stic Plains nnd .VoulciiH, Eiapendeis, eoi’d Sewing Silks, Men and \\omen’s black worsted Hose, coitnn Ball.', nov27 3 Prime N O Su,i>;ai' Coflee, liy J. B. Herbert £5 Co. TO-MORROW, 281 h inst* at 11 o’clock will be sold on Andersous Whtuf, 101 Mills prime N O Sugars 150 fugs prime Green Cotle* — also — 50 crates Crockery well assorted 50 p& prime Inverness Bagging Tcrmt—Sums under gvOU rash—over 200 to $500 60 dtivs—over 500 to £101)0 90 da) S 1 —over £t (JO 4 months, for approv ed endorsed paper. ALSO, 25 hhls Coffee 15 hlids N O Rum 4th proof 7 pipes Holland Gin to boxes white Havana Sugar 20 hhls Sperm Oil nov .’3 108 By Hakenfij Minton, On the first Tuesday in January ne-t, W ILL he sold in front of the Court house in this city, at 11 o’clock, A stout healthy Negro Man, a' out '-.6 vein s 01 age, a good House Ser vant and Field hand. •nv 7 3 Rice Broad. T 1II8 MORNING, at the Establishment, Uroughtoli street, 10 weigh three 0.luces more than the assize. The subscri ber is now prepared to supply Grocers— tiiey may depend upon being supplied punctually. N II. One or twn apprentice! to the bu siness would be taken. P. BRASCII. nov 15 re Fancy and Castile Soaps,fijC. I AN DING and for sale by A DANIEL CARNEY, Jr. 30 cases ’Transparent and other fancy soaps 4 cases Castile do very superior Plantation Hoes, Club Axes, liioud Axe* and Shingling hatchets, of Fuvon's manu facture. nnv 23 108 BOARDING. uTJIWO or three Gentlemen can be accom- <LL mmlated with comfortable Bnaiding in a private family, in a cental ul situation, and on moderate terms. Apply at th» office of the Georgian, nov 20 105 40, BALLAST. TONS excellent Stone Ballast, suita ble for s'owing with Cotton, for sale on hoard ship Liverpool Packet, at John ston’s lower whuif. —-ALSO— 100 kegs fresh Philadelphia Crackers Apply to Capt Birkett on hoard, or to JOHNSTON U HILLS, nov 23 u 108 Iiay and Butler. UUNDL.K9 prime New Hsy iO'i'JU iu fi kins first quality Fresh Butter Landing from ship Charlotte at Tay lor’s wharf. For sale by C. C. GIH3WOLD. nov J3 99 Negroes for Sale. A 'Prime gang of 32 Negroes, that can* be highly recommended, will be sold on accommodating terms, by GEORGE SCHLEY. nov 21 re A Valuable City Residency for Sale. T HE subscriber . ffers for Bsle. his nrw, large, urn! comtiKJtliou. Brick Dwelling House in 6'ourtliouse square. It is so welt known, 'lint it is only nee. ssary to say, that |l has alwiqs been consi ereil one of the most desirable residences in the city. ^ If not sold in a few weeks it will be rented. JAMES M'HENllY. nov 2 90 Brunswick Blacking, 1 J0H Stoves, Coal Grates, Fireplacel, ’ Ike, This beautiful composition when applied to the above named articles, give, them an elegant and durable Black gloss, lice from any disagreeable until. Sold l>y Tl. WOnnELL, Jr. Druggist, Corner of Hay and n hitaker .tree!., nnv ?.!. t. 1U8 ■ CORN. onnn BUSHELS prime White Corn. j|, puifc .ml )n bugs. For sue hy I1ALL, HOY f fir CO. nov 23 199. Poik, Flour, $c. BARBELS Prime Fork IjJvS/ 100 half bills Flour ' Vim.- »nd Meta Bgef SO bblL 5 tierces Sperm Oil For sale bv THOMAS BRADt.F.Y h CO, tlulloijr’s Buddings, nov 26 h 1