Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 03, 1822, Image 2

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* f GEORGIAN. BVVANNAIIl TUESDAY MOUSING,DEC. 3, IBtf. PHJVATR COttEMPONDCNCK. JtiUeitgev lie, AW. 26. IBM. An abortive ettcn pi «u, an Sa turday, to reconsider llic bill Riithtirieing the Judge* to determine queaiuine reserv- cd. Il provide* fur the ep|Miini-nrnt of * Sheriff and Clerk. *»d declare* either party di*t»li»fied with the opinion ol »ny one of the Judge*, In nwiler ofl*». on the ' find tritl of * cauir, miy enmc ihc Judge to rcierve the question, who I* luliioriced lo’do *0, upon inch terme a* he may di- reel until general rule* or practice, in tbit rrgtrd. eh*!l be preaefihed by all t**r Judge* It require* the Judge to pronounce the o pinion given in Convention,*! the no*! me* outline term of the court in whieli die ex ception wn leken, a* the judgment of that court; provide* for the annual publication ofihe dooieioua of the Judge*, in u cheap anti durable form, and require* them to re port at the next *o**ion, whether any lur- ther Legislative provision* aie nece**«ri to effect the purp,)*e»ofilie act. Tin* bill in now before the House of Uepieaenmiive*, where, though it h*-i many friemte, it will* 1 >11*11(01, encounter considerable uppotr tion. A hlll'o euthoriae tho eit*bHi"im#nt of linuted I'artnerahipi, hat alto pull' d the 8rn»tc by * conn durable maj .ruy, hut no, without a ehuip op|)'i*ili'-n i aa lit* al*o the bill toauthonae Pluinidle inordinary aoilt at law, upon eerlam tern,*, lo imuc sum- m ca*e ti^ Attach- go nt. The Committee from the Huuae of lie- j>i mutative* hold da ly meeting*, hui piakc litllo progreaa 1 they have been en gaged in aettling preliminary rvih-a to go" yarn the inVeallgatlon, and have Hard upon icerlain pomla to which wiliietae* are to be jcxainined which involve an enquiry into ft lie conduct bdth of tho Governui and Col- Uuinmond. Aayct, they liavo examin ed hut one witnc*', andiiiilea*il.ry-»hiiuhl get lexv* te ait during (he aeiaiun of the iluuae, cannot, 1 think, nport during the preaent Week. Tho lower Ilouie was yelterilay engag ed in the diKuaaion of a bill foi tho en- doammt of a wmiiiary of learning fur ft01 aim. It iitaid 10 encounter much u) po- ait ion- To the politem-M of llapt. Doalce we arc indebted ftir New YmFnnpeii oldie 23d ult. They are barren ot tnu-rtat. By the-achooner Either, Captain Perry, -arrived Inat evening, tve received tlir ■Oharlcltur- paper* of yeiterduy morning. 1 We are indebted to otijt enrreapondont* in Milludg. villc for cop t* of the rvporv*'ll the U.infix ubthis Sian The following gcntlrmrn ware yesterday , sppuinted, by tlte Cily Uiuincil, Auctioii SOI* for 18 Ji-Ualvlu Biker, J. II. lie bint, - tieurgr Sclih-i, Join Shiclt, Jun Aaahcl Howe, and Julio Earvin. CVimmiy tied-l/‘IJitJfic. — Wc arc inform -dd; by a gentleman, ai riveil in Ian nlg’i ‘ wen 0 rn at age, that Messrs. Cuniming and M D (lie met finally, at Oaii'phleton,Iu the neighborhood of Augusta, on S.durduy ntornmg. After exchanging um abut in- effectually, Mr Cuniiiiing'i *eciind shut took 1 ffco' 1 the ball muck hi* a pouent onitlie left arm, in about a line wuh the ' breaa'.and ehattered the hour. We are ftn tlirr informed, that a reconciliation took place on the gruuud, and that ul coutae the •Uiair is ended. Two penoni pawed through Lexington, 8. C. a ahart time mice, -opuii whom, it i* lan', were discovered five, twenty, *nd til- T« dollar counterfeit lute* oftbdBa'nkuf tile United Butt* *t PniladelplHa. A counterfeit live and a two ridilir bill of the I'lsnter’a Bank in Havaiinab, were oiloicd in Augusta on Friday laat. Cotton at Mob lr, Uthult. 8*9 cent*, dull, i at lluntiville, 15th ult. J * v 8 cent* j at Notches. though somewhat injuied by the roi, the lUpply wai expected 10 be *• bundaut. Export of eotton from Charleston during the weak ending Dec. 8.— U| laadv 240-1, Sea Islands67. Itice, bWa, i44J.hags 57 . Havana new* io the 24th ult, inclusive, b received in Charleston. A British squa dron consisting of the frigate Seringapa- *tam, brig Redwiug, and culler Grecian, ar rived at Havana on the 24 h, d reel from Portsmouth, dispatched tu protect the Ili-t- tish trade against pirates. Due of the Ha vana papers contain* a preclamstion of the Governor of I’erto Rico, detailing (he cir- eumatinceao' naected with the late secret exped.uun to revolutionise Hut island, winch he assert* was planned in the city of New-Yo-k; whore a bermuphrodite hrig.and a scliosm-r were fitted out by the commander Ueu.Luia Decoudiay Huistem. In theee vewela also sailed an luteudant. Treasurer, Otticcrai c. to form a goveru- -menl for Porto Kiro; one oflhc persons engaged in this ailair, Pedro lluvoi*,* na tive of Guadaloulie, was executes si- Porto It co 01, the '1 Jin Oct. The commander withTiis two bugs was at A letter troaai St. Jugn tie Cuba men- tions tlie'capture, nv tlte Spanish frigati lagers, near Curracoo, of till, e out ul Jive ^cnuoi.irs whiui appeared < ft that puri; -which, liom the draei qilmh, we suppose -Ao be part of the above expedition. They Were crrticdto Potto Cebclio. ‘ A leitswfioni Naswu, dated the 19th ult. flatus the capmie of -five piratical veils II, on the coast of Cobs, by II. U. 41. act MR. CRAWFORD'S MF.F.TINC YM III VANAl.LK.N- More Ilian SII year* ago, IVler I, Vanallrn, then Mnltcilnt (irneral til 1 hr Wratern L'iiruit of the tl le ol (ieoigia, in a prnrrrdtng then pending in Hie Muprrinr Court ol Wilke* County, grossly insulted the feeling* ol Chat lea fait, * practitioner in H|r said Court, who waa el-clnd, the nr 11 year judge ol Ihfl'aaid Court, and in IH09 a aena'or nf Hie atate in lire Congress id the LUti eil Male*. The li'eliliga ol Mr. Tell were *11 highly Irriluted, that he drlermtiod In lie inaiul aslitfaclion. lie Ipplitil In W. II Crawfmd ('he proem Mecre- tmy ol the Tieasuiy) In bear lire chal lenge, whn urged him tu abafiduti lilt; idea, on lire ground tint his ail versaiy did not hold llnil rank and respectability of character which en titled him to such nolice, anil that his official station, where he was known, would not supply hi* dt.ficienej in re rpccfnhiliiy. Alt, Tail’s leelings how ever were su excited that this rea soning wuh put ^ullicicfl' in restrain litem, and tie insisted ti!--"i a .iialatfpn. It was it a timeol'high p .lineal excite- men I, when he urged In* Irieml Air. ('rxwlnrtl, by lire alrmig.-al niolivra, lo perlurm this service lur him. ll wae done, etfil lo ihe ustnniahmeul uf the comipumly Mr. Vanallen te t'llwi-d to fijht, 00 the ground Hint III* opponent was deficient in respeclain- in,. Mr Ct-twIiml, wlm had urged .is a ground Icn not cliuliengiqg, Mr, Vatrallen’e want -ul reapeclabiti'y, ilid not Irel limisell bouml lo nft'. r In nine II asa cdmpe'ilisr in life slrlle ---otherwise, hail he been desirous ul engig-ng in such com eat a, the way fva* clearly open fur hlln lu do a--, and it Is even believed that in M Crawl-ini's thus declining to intake tire quarrel his own, Mr. Vanallen was n-dutetl, partly by his own will end puitly-by Ihe will uf Mr. Ciaw fours enemies lo lake ihe eventual measures that led tu his uverllirow— inclining lu the idea at the time ul lalpnx them, that Mr. Crawford would, most probably, decline the in- lem-iv. Upon Air. Tail's publishing the transaction, public opinion cu.npe’ lit} Mr. Vanallen lo change Ilia ground. He took therefore' • yJunginati -by the name of/Tankers iy, went into (he neighbourhood ot Mr, Titif, he sent by his Irieml Tank- ei*ly, a ohalleoge tohtttll AI (he mo. tiH-nl of its frcipt, AI.. Tmt Wus set. iilg oat to one of the Courts id the CHcuil. He src-'pied-tlte chsllengi verbally, and informed tho second Ihkt on his return Ire would fix lime ui,d place, btc. Alter Ins return he wrote tu Mr. Crawford and requested him lo see Ms. Tankursly and make Ihe necosury arrangements. Air Crawford accordingly calftd upon Mr. Tankersly lor that putpnie, who a id his agency tvns at an end, us Mr. Tail did not meet Mr. Vunullen when in! led upon Upon Mr. Crawford's telurn from litis interview, hi-passed thro’ Wash ington in W ilks Country, where Keter L. Vanallen then hsppotii-d lobe,and was suddenly challenged by him in terms the must gross- It wuitscer- timed that this course hall been udvi si-d by the present governur olUeorgia and sotitu other piditical chaiacters, whose known object way tu break Mr Crawled ilown : He (herefore-did not heantte tu tho challenge and to meet his -advetsary. He had no qusrtel with hi in. He never gate him any causo of uftence. In seudtng the clralle ge, Vanallen be came u tool nf ■ pultlical parly uppu. sed to Mr. Crewloitl, who lurcsaw Ihe aseemlcncy-which Ida talent* and strongly msi ktrd character were des tineil lu acquire, il nut put down. It is true that Air. Vanallen hud last his left eye tu s dtutiken bauwl with one uf the personal and political friends of the pre-ent (tuvornor ol 4ieurgia, by name Uuslavus Haines. This was however no disadvantage lo him in such e contest. No consideration of 1 private na ture cuuld have induced Mr. Craw ford to meet Vanallen ; but when he was satisfied of Ins being in instru ment in the hands uf'the federal and Vazuo faction in Ihe elate, to drive him irotn ihe bar, and from the polit ical stand which lie has made against (hose factions he waived every consideration, and subjected himself to the hazard di such a inerting. Juilge Tail, now of Alabama, Doc- tor-Udmoir now of Kentucky, Uuctur Abbott of Ueorgia, Judge Junes ol Alabama, and a number ul otheri now agsit-al Mr, Crawfmtl nn atcnunl <tf| this trnnaactiun Tho*r who desire lu know the truth will read Ihe sccnunl with snlislsclion and dinar who have bern in wilful error will remnin so. I ll it not ill-signed logo any lurth.i er into Ihe illustration of Air- Crew- fmd's character on this occasion than rm. iooit remoted hi* Oflh* to ike fo* JJ Trom whirh tUu piper il iuuctl. dec 3 l 7 Nqtice. T IIE l’--wa in tire llaptlst Church will he uffeict! for Rent, on Saturday neat, In cnmbal error wi lt Irath, but il sloes Ttjt inat. at 10o’clock, srem somewhat to Ilia purpose, in or-1 tier In Ihe rectification ol another er-1 g f( . 3 mr which hat - xi-ted abroad (and lire . greater Ihe diauncr from (irorgis | the more hsalhta error breo eunltived to bo. fastened u|um Ihe mind* JOHN SlII'-K. JOSIAII PBNFIEI.D. dec 3 f Ihe credulous) rc-qiccting the hold na( c J ' which Mr. Crawfiod baa upon Ihe of- lection* of fiiurfililia of Ihe respects. Ido sod honest part uf the inhabitant* j nt hi* state. Asa proof of the coi- ecltreaa uf this poailion, it may be enr-fid,-Miy asserted that jit the meet ing nl the Legislature in-Nov. 1821 of the 74 voles given to Governor Clarke, he cniiid not have, infiuenced 30 to vole for elector* who would have b'-en adverse 10 Mr. Crawford's advance- ment to the. Pi esMl-ney. As further proof ol the entire ascen dency of Mr. Crawfnijd in Georgia there was not a candidtte at Ihe Iasi October election fora teat in the 18th Congteas /and there warp 1,1 candi dates In supply 7 seat*) whn was not | warmly the admirer id Air. C. and tie. aired him to poasesktlje‘first station in (he gilt of tlvt Nation. The grn- tleoian who Iwu been selected by go vernor Clark lo succeed him in the cl»ir nl Slate, tines himtelf st this ear ly day, proclaim his sentiineiita-in favor of Mr- Crawford. j An Overseer Wanted, fJ^O take chnnte ul' * Rice Plantation on Apply al tbe Gum- Frcnli Tpas, Juft rffnvn/ yr thip CfllfH F IFI Y ten catty bote«Hyson Te» 25 bout cuntRinin^ caniiter* Quo* puwUerand Imperial do 20 ten catty boaet Unnpowder do 10 five do do Imperial do 10 cheata llyton Sim do 15 do II; ton do loate importa*4 *na and mperlorquality. Fur aalc on accommodating t« rrr s by J.U.ItFaUUEHTfcCQ. dec 3 7 I’ork, Beer, Butter, t'*c. /amrksr/rsa, rrAssarr OArs, IIA Itltkt.S Prime Pork d'U 5 hhls klcss lleef 90 hhls Beer, (Law and Beveridges^ 7 keg* tioahen Mutter IN STORE, Mrs* I’nnt, Prime Buef Burk Wheal and Corn Meal liaoltis, Hrrringt, ke— For aale bv GIBBS A ALEXANDER, nuv 30 p 5 Ta) lur’a wharf. Negroes for Sole. A Prime gang of 32 Negruvis that car be liighjy recommended, will be auld mi accommodating trrma, bv GKOUGE SCIILEY. nov 21 re GIN. Hogsheadii Gin, juat Landed For aale, by L. H. SAGE U CO. dec 3 p 7 Madeira Wine. F IFTY TWO caaka Madeira Wine, Po- muna'i Cargo, Howard March U Co's- brand. For sair bv J. ii. HERBERT k CO. dec 3 7 Smoked Beef, Buckwhear, and Butter. Bill.8 Sm->ked Beef US/ 20 half bbl*. Buckwheat Flour 30 fi. kins Goshen Butter Just received per ship Augusts J. B. HERBERT U CO. dee 3 7 Price* Current at Charlatan, Dec-7, Cullans.—K'-ur or five hundred hales ul Sea l-lunds have been brought lo market during Ihe wcok principal ly of the fiier descriptions which ure held ut 2-2 a 23 cents, tioine sale^of fair Cottons have been made at 18 a 20 cents. 'Uplands are . coming in mure plentifully, and ife selling ul an overage ol ubout II dents—some fancy brands huvegune ashigh us 121 cents. The accnunts fruit Liverpool by the Hercules have had Ihe effect to sustain prices, partirulaily ill the 'middling puulitjcs of Upliutls, which tveie previously giving wa)- llice 1 .—Tlte quantity it market this week,is pretty lacgei and sites cathcr heavy—,g3 has befn obtained lur that fit prime quality uf the new crop j butts by nu meals q-tick at tills price Sumc nf iidhliur quality is tillered as lew as J 1 Havana, Ahv. 22.—FlourBtllimnre 813 a 154 It-Ce, 64 i Sugars. Alutcn- vstlns, 834 brown, 3 s'fij | whites, 4 50 ■ 6; Muletsea, 44.S ^ vials Iter keg, scsrct' ; llttlrs, scarce, ilU u S2 rials rich i CofT.'e, 19 1 81. We owe sn apology tt»W -poetical enr- respondents f-tr the muiA.on of their effu sion*. “-Voric#" shallyppenr in our next, Kituation Wanted. A YOUNG nun Widie\ to obttin a situs- ti m in a Counting rof>m or Dry Godd store; nati*f*ctory rpcommendations can be* produced as to abilities, iic. A line directed to L.'d let tat tins Office, will meet with attention, dec 3 uf7 E. T. COUUTFaNAY J1T1 VS just received from New-York, s <u4l handRome assortment of Caroline TWida-, Plaid Scarfs and 4 4 llandfxrchiefs Velveteen do Mull, Boot- and Jaconet Muslim Figured, plain arid corded Cambrics Together with a general msortment of Dry Goods, which-he offers on accommo dating terms at his Store, Market-square, dco 3 p 7 I OGAN, a fluidly history, 2 vols. 82 50 J ROCHE BLANCHE, or tire Hunter* of die Pyrenees, a Romance, by Miss Ann Maria Porter,‘2 vols 82 The Cook's Oracle . containing receipts for cookery New edition, g I 25 New-Yurk Medical and ■ Pny-ical-Jnur. nal, N'ual, 2 and 3, by-Doctors Francix, Dyrf-tnan, and Beck, Publialied quurter ly, at 84 per annum. Percy Aueedotca, part 22 Exile, and 23, War. Received by 8.C. O'J.SCHfeNK. Also, an assortment of excellent Quills, offered very cheap, dec 3 p 7 MARINE. POUT OF^A) JUTjYjtU. Jib.' litit g, can support every fact slated in (his account ul the (ratisacliun Air Taukeialey is also living and will support the siaWment as lar as he is concerned. Col. Francis Willis, now uf Tennessee is also cognizant ul some •! tlte facts, as the challenge ul Mi. Vanallen wxs delivered «t his house, sod the citcumslauce attending it were known to -bun. From this statement it svi'l appear most satisfactorily that Mr. Craw lord so lar from (urciug an utx fifumfiiig man into * enuteat of hie and deltb sul jecUd himsell lo aume animad- vtqsteii hrr his liiibearance ind when called upon by Ihe challenger, he was influenced by 'Considerations ul the mull impeliou, nature to dis pense vs lilt In* otij-ction* of Hint ol Cl.PlAII Brig hide, Spear, Providence, *" I Cohen. AUBIVED, Hr hrig Traveller, G'nhlie, Dundee, via Cha.-l-at-n, toWm Uastan, consignee, with dry gnud*, ta W -Gaslqn, J 11 Head (1 co, and \Vm Ingha-lkco. Scltr Bstlter,Perry, Charlmton, 12 houra hom wharfto wharf, to l Cohen. Sloop Essex, lingers, St Augustine, 20 hours with IVuit In I Ih-lien, Blimp Su-sn, Hubbeft, New OiIran*, 14 -loya, with sugar, to D T, Hall. Pat- lrtger, A Marshall. Blimp Elizq Dulles, Rnchestcr, 13 days, tvi 1 h sundries lo the master,. Sloop Ilf "per, Hetlley. Providence, 12 dsvs, with produce Uc to S Manton, and B f Tavlor. Pole boat Packet, from August a, to Can- telnu-anrl lannar, 34J balei cotton town- dry merchants. cixanxn roa Tins roxr, * At New York, 23d ult brig Signal, Be dell. Al Charleston, 2d inlt scltr Rufus King, Broukfield. qe or vn* Tins' voXt. At New-YorF, 23U ult, ship Niagara, Beebe. At CharIe*tom8d inat, sloop Express, Hammett, to tail yestefday i Mary, Brown, to sail to day. ■'UO6T0N, Nov. 2t-l»A(f Ahip Brifllint, A A'ins, CrfinMndt, §0,. , . NEW-YOHK, Nov 23—Arr ibipi Grand Turk, 0»ll»rni, Turks lslsml 22 ; Susque- baninb, Collinson, Gihralur ; brig Ac* live. Noble, Malaga 65, CHARLESTON, Dec. 2-r-Arr French brig Mexican, Dnzuhar, Vera Cruac, Cam- peachy, and Iasi from Havana, 8 days, in diitresa bound to Bordeaux, On the 21st Sept, in the roada of Campeachy, vw* rob bed of Irom 36,000 to ^40,000 in specie, plate, cochiucui. Mid indigo. On the 30lh being mil in the roads, ’Was again robbed. On the same day the llr brig Waterloo, of Liverpool, was i tabbed of evei*y thing W ARR ENT ON, N. C. FEMALE ACADEMY\ , HEMOVAL. J OSEPH ANDREWS and THOMAS P JONt S, I'rincipals ol the above Aca demy, having disposed of their inierekt in •he building lately occupied by them, have removed to thp healthy and | lcasnnt vil lage of Williamaboro, in Granville County, N C. 18 miles west from Warrenton i where their school will openoji the-second Monday in January, 1823. The same course of study heretofore pursued, wdl be continued under all the ftitme teaohers, they being membera of the fumMy. The Pupils are instructed, not on ly in the rudiments of knowledge, but ah 4o in the highest branched of Science, ever taught in Female 'seminaries^, including Grammar and FArsing, Belles Lcitres, Geo graphy, Chymestry, Natural Philosophy, Botany, Astronomy, kc. The Principals possess a better Philo- snphicul npnar.itua than most of our Col leges j and lectures are delivered on the different subjects, accompanied with ex< pefiments. Hoard, with tuition in all tne above bran cbet, 60 dollars per session; Music, Draw ing, and Painting, and the Latin and Greek languages are also taught, and charged as loUai ■*“ Fancy and Castile Soaps, £50. L ANDING and for sale by DANIEL CtUNEY, Jr. 30 cases Transparent and other fancy soaps ■4 cases Castile do very superior Plantation lioci. Club Axes, Broad Axes and Shingling hatchets, of Fourn't menu fact ure. n»*v 23 10ft 6p«*edw«.ll,and • arrittU vc«"ti under com-1 ie»pe^(abilily in i.u su agonist. So I04i»rl ot cuptii n G'*uliey, ol II. U M slup | much then lor Ihe hue oml cry, which ly^-Mhe number ot prisoner* u* t 'i» j l(U been nflempted in cerlain lljv “ Ql;, P‘ H uarUr» of tho uu'.uo to be Elegant Bobinet Lace, Sr.avfe, teVvtuAes, SAnvwAs, . AND FACE VEILS J UST received by the brig Ardeut,from Liverpool, and for sale by JAMES ANUliRSUN U CO. nuv 30 p 5 and tuition is payable in advance, each Lady t9 to furnish berself with a Co verlid, a pair of Sheets, Blankets, k l ow els. New Pupils pay only from the . of the session in which they are admitted There are eight competent teachers, )»e time js devoted to tlie busiues»< this institution. WiHiiwubfrough* JY, C. *A*ov. 30,7822. dec 3 cf7 E 100 Dollars Reward, ^ (Conditionally.) man named Rachel and her child Sally. The woman' about 26 years of age ai ' ' child 6 months Her complexion ; same as our country-born negro e inclined to be long-thick lips te^th, and on her face is a mole ab< size of a small pea, which looks at fii a blood blister, middle sized. As 1 be lieve she has been persuaded off by somr while person,-.! wiil give the above re place she w*s brougtn. B U. MITCHELL. Abe. 30. C J I he editors of the Savannah •Geor gian and Charles'on Courier, are request* ed to insert the above three times and forward their accounts to me immediately. IL B. M. 4cc3 7 CAtsNEL GOAL, ■3SOR SALE, by 1 J. F. WILLIAMSON. oct29 Lludrs und Varnish. I)f>ZKN F*nc) CLairs i 3 bbls Copal Varmsh, in store—and for sale by A. MORGAN. nov 27 t 3 Jones' upper wharf. i Landing. A /? RAG^ Grrqn Coffee 3 baled Domestic Cotton Bagging of superior quality. Fur sale by NICHOLAS U NEFF. nov 26 2 WILLIAM TURNER Has just »eceived, and offers for Sufe. JOtr,i\ PIECES Dundee super.or42inch CoiVon Bagging, nov 26 l 2 EATONTON uTpUF/ fiubsci iber resumes the practice of > JL the Law in Oukmulgee dhuriht, and the County of Munroc, and will give the must vigi.ant attontiun to all business in* trusted to hil charge. C- B. STRONG. nov 23 168 Vussar’fi Ssupeiioi 1 Ale, Y^AN alwajabe had ol'ihe Subsonbera, \J and attire lowest rale, al the wharf a. hove the Exchange Steps. W. LH'PIXT Sr -CO. nov 27 u-3 BDARD1NG. rpWO or three Gentlemen can be tecom- 1. modated with Board, within a few rods of Ute Exchange. Apply at Ibis Of fice. Wanted to hire, a snnrt active Boy, to wait in the house. Apply as above, nov 30 u 5 Rum, Gin, &c. tA BARBEES N E Bum 25 bbls India Point Gin 250 qr boxes Span-sh Sugars 21L qr casks Currtnt W me, uf a su perior quality • Lanrlingixim brig Hope U Polly, nnd for sale by 8. MANTON, nov 13 94 - Rice's wharf. NOTICE. QrpiIE'Subscribers are prepared to-dis* ll ebunt promptly every day, approvt d ,.»1 er, not having more ninety doji to run, at six per cent, and pay the proceeds uf such discount by Checks on Augusta, if preferred by the offerer. CUM MING U GWATHMEY. nov 16 re Pork, Flour, flje. BARBELS Prime l-ut* QbrsU 100 half bbls'Fluur 50 bbls Prime and Mess Beef 5 tierces Sperm Oil For sale by THOMAS BRADI.BY k CD. Bulloch’s Buildings, nov 26 b 2 N. E. Rum and Butter. t/\ BAHRELS N England Bum 50 kegs Butter Landing from brig Eagle, and for Rule by 8 A. CONDY, nov 30 5 Rice's wharf. For Sale, -Ks/rv M. feetN P Lumber 6 barrel* Liver Oil 15(1 bu«htli> Potatoes 50 bmullrs Scale Fith 2 M Bed Oak Staves Landing from-achr Sylph, at Jackson’s wharf. Apply on board, or to ISAAC COHEN. nov 30 p 5 A Situation Wanted. 4~\NE who ha* been regu/aify brought up ih » countirtg room, wishes emp/oy* ment, and wHI engage to remain a year or more, 4tait>fiiotfi;r references wi//be giv en. Apply at this office. dec 2 , / Notice. Qpp THE pews on the ground floor be- a longing to the Church and the whole of the gallery pews in the Independent Presbyterian Church will be rented on Thursday next the 5th inst. ODIVER STURGE8. chairman board Trustees* Dec 2 u 6 Just Received Per brig Eagle, and/or Sals, /la/fN BARBELS Clark’s best Gin 20 boxes while canton Sugar, for Family use 100 bbls Potatoes—Api ly to . S. MANTON, r dec 2 p 6 Rice’s wharf. 1 Notice. XJERSON9 having demands against the [ JL late Rev Walter Cranston, are rpq'ie st ed to render them duly attested, to W, B . Bulloch, for settlement. ■MARY CRANSTON. dee2 pl 6 Tlie Subscriber H AS removed to the store lately oeeui* pied by Me < -tis Bullock if JJunworigX where he continuei to transact FACTORAGE AND Commisaion BusinesB, Cuks of B. B. S. P-rrer r Whole and half bid* Fresh Ftour Barrels Mess am) Prime Beef Boxes fresh Raisins Hyson, Gunpowder and Souchong Teat I, Coffee Loaf, White Havana, and Brown Sugars Cognac Brandy Jamaica and W. India Rum Holland Gin and Whiskey Sperm and Tallow Candles Soap in whole and halfboxes Sperm, Linseed, and Train O1I9 Spi&rs, Capper and wrought Nails Cut Nails from 4dto 20d Together with an assortinent of Ship nov 29 WILLIAM P. DO WEN. The Subscribers OFFER FOR SALS. the Store lately occupied by Jtfeur* Scott k Fahm t on the Exchange dock, the fol* lowing articles, just landing from brig Osgood, , PIPES-Brandy, 4th proof 4 pipes Holland Gin 2 hh'ds Jamaica Hum 20 bbls Rye Gin 20 do do Whiskey 4 hhds do do 20 bbls N E Rum 5 qr casks TenetifTe Wine 5 qr caaks Madeira j6 bbls White W'ine Vinegar 2 chests and 20 qr chests dlysou Tea 2 boxes Imperial, containing 20 caunlfr* ters Tea, 2 lbs each 1 box Gun Powder containing 20 cannia> ters Tea, 2 lbs each 2 box Souchong 24 kegs Gunpowder 4 kegs Shot assorted 7 hhds St Croix Sugar, very suberior 20 bhla do 40 bags best Green Coffee 20 bbls Pilot Bread 40 coda Bale Rope 10 bbls Loaf Sugar 10 do Lump do 10 halftirkins Butter 20 boxes Sperm Candle* 20 do Mould do k 20 bbls Richmond superfine fresh Flonv Hnxali's Brand 20 boxes Brown Soap 20 do Yellow do 3 casks Carolina 'Horn, No 2 and 3 2 do Patent ‘ do 2 do Trace Chains 3 dozen Cooper 1 * AdzCl 10 dozen hand and club Axes 22 do Padlocks, asaorted ' MACKENZIE k HERNANDEZ, nov 20 105 CLAGHORN BASSETT, H AVE the pleasure of Informing their friends and Customers, that they havo Reopened at then* former stand No 23* Stilton*» Range, where they oiler for sale, at their usual low prices; 30 bhl* Best Rye Gin 25 do Loaf and Lump Sugar 10 do Beans 70 do -Pilot and Navy Bread 20 bbls and half bbls No 1 U 2 Mackerel 50 boxes Mould Candles 15 do Sperm do 500 gallons Winter strained Sperm Oil 50 boxes Brown Sonp 10 fcegs Goshen Butter 5 casks Cheese, first quality 3000 lbs Codfish 200U galls. Stone W f are -10 bag* Coff ee 3000 lb Cordage, asiorted sizes Cognac Brandy and Holl. Gin in pipes Hhus nnd bhla N E Rum Half hhls Fly Market Beef £ Pearl Barley in half “barrels ^ Lorrillard^ Cut Tobacco Ladies Twist and Plug Tobacco Also, a General assortment of Gtocerieff and Provisions wholesale and retail. Ship and Firmly Stores, put up at the shortest' notice and warranted the first quality, nov 29 4 BOARDING. 4 FEW Gentlemen can be hanilsrmely iA. accommiKlateil with Board, in a pnvat- family, a few steps from the City Hotel, terns moderate. Apply at this Office, nuv 27 3 Now Landing, ND for sale by && L. HILLS, No. 29. Bolton'0 Range, iMme New Orleans Sugar Prime New Pork Halt bbls Fulton market Mess Beef Half bbls Buckwheat Hour Northern Gin Apple Brandy Whiskey Diied Apples l White Beans \ Soap and Candles Goshen Cheese and Butter Lard, Newark Cider Moo on board schooner Ohio, ^ 500 bushels N Yellow Corn 20 barrels Apples 20 bushels Hickory Nutt And a quantity of Cabbages for Mle by the Master, nov 30 p 5 Just Received, And in Stare. S IX pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes H Gin 5 do Jamaica Rum 10 casks Porter 6 kegs Lead 6 do Shat 25 kegs Harris' No 1 Tobacco JO kegs Ladies Twist do 25 boxes Ibisins 50 do Cheese—For sale by A MORGAN. nov 19 104 June*’ Ujiper wharf. Johnston Sj Hills Offer far ante, landing f,um i/ub Hetpervt, %/ Pi BARBELS Whiskey (/Ml/ 50 ba^s prime Greta Coffee dec 2 b fi