Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 03, 1822, Image 3

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GEORGE RELPH n AS received by the ship Emily, from Liverpool, a further supply of DRY GOODS, Amongst which are very superior English, Snip'd and i'I sided Saramtt Do Figured do v I)o do Dresses 6 4 and 8*4 Ssttin Damask Shawls Barcelona 8hawls RcU Chintz, blue, orange, and gold Ban* dstiss A very extensive assortment of Fancy Shawls, Scarfs, Mantiletts, and Handker chiefs; also Children’s Muss Hoots, all oi which were selected by him sc if in Loudon and are of the lutest fashion, nov 22 re 107 A Valuable City Residence for Rule. T HE subscriber offers for Sale, hit new, large, and cswmwkoNt Brick Dwelling House \\\ Courthouse square. It is so well known, that it is only necessary to say, that it has slwsjs been considered one of the moat desirable residences in the ciiy. If not soldtn a fear weeks it will he rented. JAMES M‘HENItY. nov 2 90 For Liverpool, (V. J'h" British .li p *v> DOUmK r. ft. /l|.r«N. Jlutler, For Freight, >| | Iv u> A. MOl.YNM'X. Nrltffltr the Cip'nin ror tkHiiiKnvc will pay any debts couVraM*l bylliecrcw. nov , .'9 4 For Ncw-Oilenns, The bri| & IIOPK & POLLV, ANDREW LOW & CO. TC1AVE received, by the ships Georgia, UiA Oglethorpe, and other recent arriv als from England and Scotland, the greater proportion of their usual supply of Fall & Winter Dty Goods, which they offer for sale at a moderate ad vance for Produce, or on their usual accom modating terms for approved paper; and by the ship Emily, daily expected from Li. verpool, they will receive an additional as sortment, together with casks of London bottled Porter in quart and pint bottles. Crockery, Glass* ai e, and some other bulky articles. Now in store, and offered for sale, a few pieces of best Bui tic Hemp Cotton Bugging, 42 incites wide, oot 19 Valuuble Lands for Side. T HE following valuable l.ands will be sold at low prices, and on accommoda- tu*g terms, if early application be made to the subscriber. One tract containing 5206 acres at the head of Sapelo river, in the County of M‘- Intosh, near the old Court House, consist- tug of Inland Swamp, of the first quality— prune Cotton Land and Fine barren, for merly the property of Hubert lladbc, de ceased. An undivided two-thiuls of s tract of a- bout 2000 acres, situated on Crooked Rtv- er in Camden County, well suited for the Cultivation of Cotton and considered very valuable. Apply to GEORGE SCHLEY, nov 12 lm No 1. Commerce Row. TORTOISE SHELL, Ivors anCL Horn Combs, Ingrain Carpeting, <J‘c. GTpiI E Subscribers offer for sale by the il dosen, an invoice of Tortoise Shell Combs of all aiiea, Very fine Ivoty Combs of nil sizes Mock tortoise shell combs do do 4 bales Ingrain Carpeting by the bale or piece 2 bales Domestic Plains do do —ALSO— 200 lb Sewing Twine 2 cases Double and Single Rarrel Guns 3 Cables, from 6 to 10 inches BLANCHARD BROTHERS U CO. Anderson'* Building on the Bay, nov 15 101 DRY GOODS At very Reduced Prices. A nn PIECES White, Blue, aud Mixed Elams 50 pieces London Duffle, Biistol, and Point Blankets 300 pair Rose Blankets, a great sacrifice 96 pieces White and Red Flannels A few pieces Heal Welch do uncommonly “Fine 35 pieces Green Baize, scene very low pri ced 45 pieces Mixt and Blue Cloths for Ser vants Superfine Cloths, Cassimeres, and Vesting 13 pieces Patent Colton Tick Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts, great Bargains 20 pieces 6-4 Sheeting, very fine 27 do Furniture and llair Cord Dimity 41 da 4-4 Linen, suspiciously cheap S6 do Towelling andTuble Diaper from 3-4 to 18-4 wide, at less than sterling cost 100 pieces very Low priced Calico 56 do 6-4 Columbia Plaids 30 do Caroline and Clan Plaids Figured aud Plain Bombazclta of every de scription 100 pieces Russia Diaper, and Dutch Rolls 1 hale very low priced Car; eting Book, Mull, Jaconet, Nainsook, Datilla Cambric Muslins, figured and plain Muslin Dresses, Flouncea, Trimmings, and Tippets, of the latest fashion 460 doacn Silk, Cotton, and Woolen Ho- S ery, well assorted 93 dozen Kid, Custer, Beaver, Doc, Buck, and Dogskin Gloves 10 pieces Norwich made Black Bomba zeen, the greatest bargain ever offered here Black Sursnets, Black Canton flandker- chiefs, and Fancy Silk Sbawli and Scarfs new style These goods were principally selected In Europe, by a superior judge, or purcha sed in this country at auction, so that they Cun and will be sold cheap at the GOLDEJs iBALL, by J THOMAS WALTON. FITCH FINE, tine & Caress LUMBER, FOR THE WEST LXDIA MARKETS. C 1 AUGOKS of the very best quality, and ) of all denOriptlons of the above named Lumber, (50 to 60 feet in length, if requir ed; can, at the shortest notice, be tiirtiish- -ed at the UPPER Darien Steam Saw Mill, in the State of Georgia, on the most rea sonable terms. Vessels drawing not over 12 or 12 and a half feet water, can load with great facility at the Mil) by an inclined plane, thereby getting the. lumber on board clean and dry ; and from fifteen to fifteen and a half feet water, can be carried over Doboy bar, now rendered a* safe as any in the United States, from tfoPbeucoAs and buoys there placed. v ~ An abundant supply of Cypress Shingles, and Red and White Oak Hogshead Staves, can be obtained. There being a RICE MILL attached, Rice either in whole or half tierces, cun he had when wanted, for assorting a cargo. Orders nr Communications addressed to the Agent of the Upper Darien Saw Mill, at Darielt, Georgia, wilt be promptly at (ended to. nov 23 109 For Liverpool, ... The ship > ATLANTIC. Robert L. Toy lor, nut tty, Weil know n hsm packet ship between New York and Liverpool; copper* ed and copper fastened, and in every re spect a fiist rate vessel; she is of good di* mens uns fur stowing cotton, can load at town, and having commenced taking in, will sail oh the Sth Dccetnher. For freight of 200 bales cotton or pas.-age, having ele gant accommodations, apply to Capt. Tay lor on board at Hunter's wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. nov 20 105 Cuptuin Ala man, Will positively «»d on Tuesday nest, wind permitting. For passage only, •pplytothc Captain, or to 8 A. CONDY, Rice’s whuif. nov 30 5 PUBLIC SALES. PUBLIC S ILLS. For Liverpool,' The fast sailing ship CHARLOTTE, George Sims, Jv. master, Is intended to meet quick dispatch. For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to Captain* Sims on board at Taylor's wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. nov 13 99 a GEORGIA HOTEL, BAPTIST CHURCH SQUARE, SAVANNAH. (jpniS Establishment has lately undbr'. sJL gone a thorough repair, and consider able improvement* have been added. The Subscrifiei* Hmi, token it upon a long lease, and it will be open on Monday the 24th inst. for 4h« reception ancl accommo dation of Traveller* and Boarders, hav- iug supplied his (louse with a new and ge neral assortment of Furniture. He is determined that his Table shall be inferior to none, while his Bar shall afford the choicest Liduors of every description. (T? The Stables are large and conveni ent, for the accommodation of any number of Horses,£0 With such preparations, ad. ded to the indefatigable attention which it will be hia study and inclination to be stow, he cannot but flatter himself lie will receive that share ol patronage and suppoi t, to which such arrangements may be en titled. ; ■ T DAVID M. FLITS. Savannah, JWr. 21,1822, nov 26 fc 2 nov 5 lm FRENCH GOODS AT WHOLESALE.. 'IB Subscribers have just received new assort meut of Frt nch 'Dir’S UootV.8 § Perfumer's, impound cl reel via New-York, which they offer Wholesale on liberal terms, among them are, White, Black, and Red 7-4 and 8-4 Merino Shawls Do do do 4 4 half and square Merino Handkerchiefs Black Silk Velvet and Mode Black, White, Blue and Pink Satins lio do do do Florences Plain Lustring and Satin Ribbons, No 1$ f to 12 BesrlF. lgc do do No 1$ to 16 Mich fig’d Ribbons by setts, No 6-16 9-22 Black Velvet Ribbons, No 4 to 100 White and Black Silk Braids Black, Plain, and Striped Silk Galloons Plui and Embro dered Silk Hose White and Black Silk Gloves Black, White and c«l’d superf. Kid Gloves do do do do Beaver do Silk Suspenders and Garters Fancy 4-4 Silk Handkerchiefs Black and colored 9ewing Silk Dandy 4-4 Tills Handkerchiefs Superfine Gilt edge Paper Pin* Antique Oil, Pomatum Fine Rose Soap, Honey Water Very Superior Cologne Water, lie. BLANCHARD, BROTHERS SJ CO, Anderson's Building on the Bay. nov 4 91 Blankets anil Bagging. gtavrgiTav. cbb Offers for oa!o by the llnle or piece, and 4 Point IlLAXKEfS Zi * 4 and 7-4 Bristol I) iftl j Blankets 8-4 and 9 4 Heavy London Duffle do 4't in11 42 inch Bible Hemp Bagging White and Blue Pla ns W»*H a variety of Good* soitable for the %*. on, at As 7 Gibbons' Buildings. gov 9 For Liverpool, , The fast sailing copper’d ship LADY GALLATIN. 860 Tons Burthen, .Isaac Harris, Mattel i Is intended to be dispatched without delay. Far freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply to cap tain Harris, ou board at Holtons central wharf, or to HALL, HOYf & CO, The Subscriber n AS the honour of announcing to his Friends and the Public in general, that he has just arrivedfrom N York IS Charles- ton, With the most fashionable Gentlemen's Hats, Clothing, Uc. Those persons wishing a good bargain, will do well to cull It the Subscribers Store, five doors East of the City Hotel, viz Trunks fine and extra superlative Blue, & Black, Dress ('oats Trunks Bnkftds, Gray, Mixed, Olive, Drab, Frock* Box, and. Waterloo Coa)$ with and without Cope*; sonfte with rolling collars. Trunk* Fine and Coarse Coatee's, of various colours, o * Trunks Blue and Black ditto• at very low P r ops. ^ * Trunks Fine and real ex*ra super, super fine Blue, Black,. Gray, Brands, light Blue, dark and light Drab, double and single mlllCassimerc Pantaloons, made in the newest-style. Trunks Blue, Block, Buff, Cassimuro extra quality, double twill'd English Floren tine, Merino,. .Valenca* with Borders, Swansdown, and:.?xtra fine coloured Marseilles Waistcoats. Trunks of extra Frill'd and and Plain Linen shirts. Small packages of ready made Cravats: Hales of real Taitan extra Urgent Cloak*, elegantly Trimmed, from'$7 to 14. Bales Linen, Cotton, Worsted, and Merino Sluits, of various sizes. Bales Flannel, Cotton, Merino, Knitted, and Worsted Shirts and Drawers. 300 Doz. Worsted, Lumbswob), Cotton, and Silk short and long Stockings, of supe rior qualities. Cases ef 32 inch Patent Silk Umbrellas. Cases cheap 4-4 Irish Linen. Bales of 3^ ana 4 prnot Blankets, Bales of Kay (J Son's Plains, No. 4 8c 5, at the low rate of 62£ cts. per yard. AV*°, A great quantity of Negro Clothing. Hales K.lmaroock Caps, $3$ |.er poaen. B.»ies Out S zea, Negro Stockings, $5£ do, 500 Jackets and T rowset* of good quality, Blue cloth, well fined at $5 per suit. 250 Suits Fearnought Jackets and trow- srr«, of the largest Sizes, at go pr.suit. 150 Great Coulafrom $6 l« 8. 1200 Red Flannel Shirts, at gl5 per Doz. 12 IW i Fearnought Pea Jackets at g5 each 1200 Check and Striped Shirts, from 75 centstogl 25. 2 Hale* extra quality, Blue round Jack ets with roiling collars. A Branch of the above establishment is carried on in Charleston, 9. C. corner of the Hay aud Queen-street, opposite the Vrn- • lue Hinge where Georgia a id North Caro lina money is taken at p «r. PBTKR DUELS. nov 11 97 For Greenock, h-TV. The well known llriluh shin * THREE SISTERS, ' Siwic. licit, miiticr. Will be ilispitched immedi. Kiel/. Fhr Ircight of 100 bale! Cotton or passage, apply to captain Hell on board, or to JOHN II, REID & CO. nov 27 3 For Charleston, The picket sloop ESSKX. Rogers, A taster. Will meet with dispatch.—For trcight or pa-tngt, having good uccommo- ch«tion% apply to the master on board at Bolton's wharf, or to • ISAAC COHEN, dec 2 p 6 For Charleston, The regular packet sloop D ({LIGHT, Captain Cooper, To sail on Tuesday next, at 9 o’clock, wind aud weather permuting. Fur freight or passage, having cleguot uccuni- mount ions, apply on board at Anctaux* Vharfi or to . t . ? MURDOCH M'LEOD. nov SO - p S 't o tteut, T HE lower part of the budding occupied as tiie Georgian Office, editor. . City fihmiV’s Sales. On the f rot i'iietduy in December tstsrt. \\r Hi. he sold in front of the Courthouse, ’ ' between the usuul hours of It) and 3 o clock- One negro woman named Rachel, togc- gether with her two children, Ik'vtqdouur lie property of John II Ash, to satisfy sun- Iry cxccnt >ns from the Court of Conimot. Pleas and Ojer aud Terminer for the oi) if Savannah—T U Smith and olhera vs Juo II Ash. Al»»s 'be Printing Material* of the Job Printing Office, conMstitigof one Printing Press, u quantity of Type, type Stands. Rlittiks of different daicriptiona, £*c.. levied on tut the piuperty of Henry P Uusseil* dec to satisfy the balance of uu execution fron the Court of Common Plena nml (Her and Terminer for the city of Savannah, in fuvoi >f llenr) King,and aoaigned to Josiuli Lau rence, hik! also an execution for rent in favor of James Moriisoo. Also, ull the Buddings on lot No. 14 (fourteen) Washington waul hounded port! hv a lime, south bv Bryan street, east hi lot No 13, west by lot No 15, levied On ns the property of John I. Roberts, to satis!) an execution, C. H Hayden vs. John 1 Ro berts, indorser.. ABRAHAM I. D'l.YON, C. *.' nov 4 91 Apply to the oct 24 For Kent, O N accommodating terms, thaj large and commodious house situated on cornet ot Jefferson and Uay-streets, opposite the Washington Hall. Also the house ut pre sent occupied by, Doctor Forth, and situa ted opposite White’s Hotel. Possession giv en immediately Inquire of S. Pan.brick., nov 8U 5 For Liverpool, ' , The brig. • . OSGOOD, , Offer ( wq master, , Has commenced h ading, and will requii^ 300 bales of Cotton to complete It dr caigo. For Ircight, apply to Capt. Coit on board at Anciaux's vfharf, or to bei^jXmin BURiipUGUs, No 3, Commerce, ltow, nov 23 108 For Havre, The superior new ship Howard, JV*. //• Hotdredre, matter,. Will commence loading on Wednesday, and sail 3d Prqpcimo Without futl; has four fifths of her cargo, ready (p go on board. For rfetnMjpder of freight, or passage, having eUirant fitrniahcU accom- modatioli9, appjy bn boattl, or to * GEORGE GORDON. landing and for,Sale, 20 khds Superipr!'Old crop N O Sutrar nov 25 1109“ For Foiit-au-Fiiiice, ~ s * Thfe ship MONTGOMERY. Ilciitn, Matter, . ; — Wjll^.ieet with (lisp.tcli. Toff, eight or pa.Mge. »ppr,' on board, or JOHN ]LAWHOP U CO fiov J 92 . .. For New-York, ~ Ti e Tiiirket, .bin AUGUSTA. , 7J tl eoil. mutter, '. Will sail uu Frulny next, having part of her cargo engaged—For fi eiffh. of the remainder a- paaSnge, apply to the master on board, or tO HALT, HOYT U CO, dec ? 6 . k . For Havre, The •uperior copperfast^n'd new brig AMKKK AV Will commence binding In a FeW days, having two thirds of her cargo enga» ged. Fm freight of 200 bnlys of Cotton or passage, apply to Capt. Graves on board, at Anderson's Whjirf, or to i PETERSEN, HAMMOND U CO. nov 30 5 For Boston,, • « The trig IIESPKR, R S. Hubbard, J faster, Will sail with all possible dispatth. For freight or passage apply to the Cap- tain on board at Bulloch’s wharf, or to JOHN CANDLER, Jonea' Buildings. • Jf'fio has received and for sale, 50 bhls No 3 Mackerel •' 27 boxes Madeira Wine ofsup quality 30 kcgs # UuUer, put expressly for fami ly use 20 bbls Potatoes '• v . .' 50 hbb Apples nov, J6 102 For Providence, The packet brig IlOLLA, Harrington, Master, WiR meet with dispatch—-For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board at Moore's wharf, or to ORIIAY TAFT. Who luis for sale, landing from said brly, 20 bundles first quality Uay 90 ca*ks Lime 1200 bunches Onions 10 bbls Vinegar nor 30 ii 5 For Sale, Freight or Charter, The schooner Jov AMERICAN LADY, U°, tain fs r bts, OaSi Apply lu Ik CtJ. 1IAULU3UAM. nov 37 t 3 For Iteftt, T URK.F. Stores opposite the Market in West Broad street, Also for sale, a pair of gentle Carriage Horses- , Apply tu. JOHN l\ WILLIAMSON. !)OV 30 \\ 5 o v.. » f rjhfe r I'o Kent, T WO Store. In, the building opposite l’cutickl’. range. it jo,. l One Tenement .unable fir a Dwelling or Buafdin'g Huute, Urtna moileraVc. Ap ply to THOMPSON St BONNEY, nov 9 | Whitaker-alreet. To Kcuf, rtfttF. Store in Juiiei* Uuildinga on the ■Lt ttav, next to Che one occupied by Smith fit Tnmer. nn eacellent stand tor bn- siOe... Also several Dwelling houses and Hiioms. Apply to H. a J. HABERSHAM. *9S ' 4^- Pontes’ Patent Bedateafjs, £\ N sjsoriment of the above construe At linn is rendy fur inspertion st the PMnrurt Store qjf live Subscriber, in Kuril), urc Store i, me Huhscriber, whikli'tli. Imtg desired improvement in ino Jo of Atiifeing Bedsteads is doubles. uv coiriplUliedit may he set up in une^ni- niiod, nhtl token down in the same spacer./' time without the use of tbol.,' and does not enntpin the least harbour fur bug* or dirt. A further tlcsctiptinn is deemed unnecei- saryj as the impruvuincnt must stand on it, metitsil The Subscriber being atithnriseil to sell them in thU, (lliicc, will reoeive orders for them at liib store in Whitater street, oppo site Cat Shcllmaii’s. ( . J. W. MonitILL. nov IB 110? BhaUvanv AtUt\er^, COMPANY ORDERS. A N election for Second Lieutenant, Vice id. Joynbr deceased, and for such other vacancies is tony then occur, is hereby or dered to li. held, at the Laboratory, on Wednesdoy afternoon, the 11th of.Decene, her proximo, at 3 o’clock t the corps wit.' therefore parade at that hour in full uni. ,following vilual form. — ■ - ' By order of 'V. T. Wtituns, Capt. W. t>. BEERS, 1st Seigt nov30 ‘ |» 5 A Kcf'utauon OF'THE CALUMN IES C IRCULATED against the Southern & Western Stales, respeciin(} the tulion and Exisienceof SLAVERY AMONO THEM. Td which isidded, • minute and particular acehimt oftiib actual State and oondition of to rorulatiojc. Hiatorlcal Notion, of all tbe tRECTIONS that have taken place their Tngel INSUI since’ •'facti JKRECTIOP i tht St jt|ement of the country tijarc S'tnbborn tliings.”-rA/io^j>eore, r Ry'l hijCTH CAuoLipus. The! above work is lor sale at the Bonk- sloreaof W-. T. Williams and S. C. S c 1 n: 11 SUcvitV’s Sales. , HUl be sold on the fist Tuesday in I)c- * ermber ne.i't, front of the Court Housu, bctwceii thi JL usual hours, the following properiv. via: Two negroes Jacob and IlLMikeu, levied on ns the prb| erty of Alexander Irvin, ai th*-suit of James Dickson Co. a^ains’ Alcxandef and Keimith Irvin. Also, a mulatto woman named June, and her child, levied on as the property of A sael Howe, at the suit of John Uaupt and J»nfc Myers, issuing mm magistrate's court, and retured to me by m constable. Also, the building* on half lot No 14 Yatnuci aw, Oglethorpe ward, levied on as the property \X Uaac ShettaU, to satisfy S. M. Bond, Dgniei I'orter, and othtri— returned tome by a ctvsluble. AUUXltAM D'LYON, s c c nov 4 91 Slieritt’s Sales. On the frit Saturday after the frit Tuesday in lieiember next, W ILL be sold at theioarket houso In the town of 6t Mam, between the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, Due house and part of dot No 3, (three; levied, on as the property of Francis Hu dttlph, to satisfy his state, county, and pboi tax for the year 1820; amount due g6-l 22 cents 6 m and cost. Also, part of lot No 27, lying in the town of St Mary's, containing two acres, more or less, bounded west by John Buchlott, sen- north by Congress 9treet, smith by Weed afreet, and east by Norri* atreet, levied on a* the property ol I*. Bracey to satisfy his state, county, and pour tax for the year 1821; amount due £3 87 cchls Sim • coat. Also, part of lot No 5 and part of lot No 8, in the town of St Ma»>«, levied on as the property of John Langley id satisfy hi* at ate, county, and poor tax for the year 1831; amount due 58 pent* and cost, act 23 ' GEORGE LONG, nice Mortgaged Sale. Adam Tunno,l vs. Foreclosure, Oran Byrd, j W ILL be so'4'at the court house, be tween the ilfual hour* of 10 and o'clock, onthe first Tuesday in December next, a negro woman named Diiplmcy, mortgaged by Oral! llyrd to Adam Tunno, and sold under the .same. A. D'LYON, see oct 5 By George Schley, THIS DAY,, Valuable real Estate at Auc tion. B Y order of the Directors of the Bank State of Georgij, will be sold at the Court house in this city at 11 o'clock, on the first Tuesday in December next, the Rowing valuable property, viz J wo lota frotHlng on Bay add Jefferson Tills A wt Ky (leorgc Schley, IS DAY. h. f. it*.* iKi> •,’ i. DAY, bt l< re the »/»uirt h.iu«e, A wt llhn kc and last trotting rarriaro H ;rae, the beat of the late Dr. ilayaid's pair. 1 dec tty John Kllick, Jr. ™ ,s f* Av > hi «l It ..'clock, WlH **“ *°W «'ftlMU ol his A notion liootn. No J, Gotninvrce Row, An assoi tnicnt of Liquors and Groceries. , c .i 7 Uy llakur q Minton, nils BAY. (1 3.| ii„t, »l tl o’*, oi, G .kioi.N wlniifj «i|| be sold 17 him* -HU pr.„if J .inaic* ttuiu of tha brat quulit) * I'jhl* pfoie i|u.,% St Croix Sugnr do hhia Muss i'ork B 20 half do do JO tierces winh-r strained Oil 2U bh;svuniiiicr do do Landing from ship Cotton Phut _ . Ternui at time < f sale, dec 3 7 By Baker Minton, On lilt RSDaV. 5-h iiiuL at halt past 10 o'clotk n Iff) k of their Auction it^re, An-' i*i*hI hHit'r!riM'i.f <>| Git O CE HIE S, Nnd a. bun pu«t tl o'clock in '<toie»«n asHMiimi iit of reasonable OiitisU UKY COOCLj, life 3 7 J. B. He'rtierl t?' L'u. TO-MORROW, 4tl» inst »t u t, ci . WiR b« ...Id before our .lo.v, * A u**., t(bei‘t ..f GROCERIES, t$c. 7 F’rmarash. By Bufer dj lYiiuton, OnThumiUy i ex\, 5.R m,l. at II u’clo-k, M Ittlront of m.r .notion.tore, WiR he .-old the .loop GEORGE, A. .lie now lie. ai the Kxclia go hick- 'i.rthen 13 t .ni or thereabout, dec 3 7 By . George Soldo', On SATURDAY, 3th hist, at l J o’clock, Wdl bv: sold at th<- Exchange dock, M l'h<Lntinn I’ll KUK ANN, Burthen-87 14-9A Ii ton,, a f„ •ailing atau.ich vine , w. II fonin ■-**."*• rigging, nnchora. Ufa. calouatei for the inland or droging tiade. d r 3 7 By Bilker & Minton. Executoi-’» Sates. VVIM- he aold on theifi.t T.ieadavllt December next, at tl o’clock,' in front of the Court hnu,e Ih thiacite. Tlte Fucking and Comiireuing Machln* with the building m which it itanda, on Staunton’,, belonging to the eatnie of Jamea Hamilton, deceased—the building .object to be removed after the expiration of the Lease. Sold by order of the Exrcuton. imiv 26 2 Term, at time of sale. BOOTft and 8UOE8. PACKAGES I.ailies, Gentle. _ men, and Children's Boots and Shoes, of a Superior quality 2000 pair Negro Slio^s 100 Emerson's Superior Elastic Razot Strops Also, on Consignment, 25 barrels. N Rum Fur side on the moat rcusofyible terms, at Morrison's Building, Opposite the Ex change, hy TIMOTHY EVANS. nnv 8 93 ENGLISH SCHOOL. —-MAVAWAAm* U }. nov 1 h 102 * rt’he Subscriber rj KSIfECTJ-ULl.Y inform, the Inhabi JLl/tants of Savannah and its Vicinity, that ho willopeuw School for the reception of young Ladies and Gentlemen, on MONDAY the 18 th of November, In wlucb^w ill be fiiught all the requisUea of a correct English education, together with the Latin,' Greek, French, and Italian lan guages. He has taken the room occasion ally occupied by the Union Society, in the west end of the Academy. For Terms of Tuition and other informa tion, ajqjly to the store of Btdtlwin U Ray, ward, a few doors weat of the City Hotel. FARWELL JONES, nnv 13 99 The Subscriber R espectfully begs leave to infornt Ins friends and the oublic, that he has established himself in the Factorage and Cominiraion Business on Hunter's wharf, snd willbc thankful for any favor*. JOHN CANDLER. Whs has for sale, 100 boxes Caudle* of different numbers J0<> do bc*>t Yellow Soap 3u Quilt of Cordage of different sixes nw 14 103 streets, with the improvement* thereon-— consisting of two ranges of buildings, well const meted for a Public Hoarding House on one side, and on the other for stores or ’minting Rooms. These buildings, from their situation, their extent and construc tion, are well adapted for a Hotel; they were planned for this purpose, and have been so used under the name of WASH ING ION HALL. One lot fronting on Joachim street with the improvements thereon, known as the LIVERPOOL HOTEL—there are two spacious dwelling houses, two stories each, with Ruiuibje back buildings, calculated for the accommodation of families, or for a House ol Entertainment as heretofore used.' .. Lot No. 12, Franklin ward, witli the im provements thereon, consisting of one twp Rtory wooden building in front, and one o- tWln the rear on tl)e lane, bounded eart by Montgomery street west by lot No. l!, and fronting south on Frankfin^square, con taining 60 feet front and 90 feet deep, sub ject to s ground rent of $30 per shown. Lot Letter S, Oglethorpe ward, cnnlft'o. tng three small tenements, bounded we* by Farm sfrjeet, north by lot letter U,e»*t Ivy Poplar street, and south by a lane, U2J feet deep and 67 feet wide. Lot No 4, Oglethorpe ward, with a two story wooden building, 60 by 20 or 25 di vided into four tenements, the M is 64fbei wide and 1)2£ feet deep, bounded souvh hy Zubly street, eas« by lot No 1, west by St. Gail’s street, and north by Orange street; (here is also mi the rear of said lot a small budding on gro nul rent of $80 per son 1 m Lot No 16, containing 5 acre*, bounded east by lot No7/south by lot No 15, north b$ lot No 14, situated south of Curries, and on a line with the old rope walk. Lots No 18 aud 19, adjoining M'Leodson the South Common 80 IVet 9 inches square 15 acres land near Fair Lawn, ac j tiling Poor House and IL spital. GEORGE SCHLEY, Auctioneer. Terms—oue^hird cash—balance in one and two years,secured by buud and tnort gage on the Premises, dec 3 102 Old Jumaicu llum, IjlmUugfrumkrig tlugte ut Hic.'t 11 l.arf, I .YOUR lilitl. Cure old Jamaica Ituiti— . For aale by OUUAY TAFT. no* 3l> uJ Mb JAMES K. BOULOUGU, L A I ELY from Ul.arieiton. inteniJX open* 'inf- a school in thil city, in which will be UUfjhl ull Ulnae several branches gene* ralfy comprised in an F.ngliah Eilucation. He will open, as soon as he will We ob- taineit s few pupd-. Five or six will bo cpnsiilereil sumcient to justify .commence ment, ’Fur purticulira, reference may be had to H^v. Jamea (/. Andrew, Itev. George Whito Mr Isaac D’Lyon.aud Mr. De Villera. •Parenta and Goarriiana dispoaed to pa. twnite the subscriber, and who may b« dtairoua of an interview with him, are re- -IpectftiHy requented to call at Ida resi dence, Mnntgomery-s'reeL near the Bap- list Church, or at the Metlmdut Parsonage* where he may be occasionally found, nov 30 p $ White Plains and Blanket* T HE subscribers have received by the sh*p Oglethorpe from Liverpool, Whitt Plains and Dvffie Blankets, witn a variety of other articles suitable for the present fnd approaching season,which they offer or sale on their usual terms. JAMES ANDERSON fc Co. oct 8 JOHN LATHROP & CO. OFFER FOR SALE, r8>d(\ BARRELS Loaf Sugar (&)>£/ 22 hlids Muscovado Sugar 75 bags Green Coffee 30R pssks Neils, assorted 9 lihda Liverpool China 6 do N F, Rum 3 tuns Swede, Iron - 35,000 Spanish Began nov 29 p4 £- m Molasses, Coffee, 2;c. IIIIDS Molasses , » 40 bags prime G-een Coffe4^ 2 cases 25 M. Se-yars 53 hhda and bhls Northern Qk| 100 hnxvs Candles 100 do Sokp 3<> hhdt Sugar 20 bhls do Just received, and for sal? by L. U. SAGE k CQ. nov 27 p3 r oct 29