Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 10, 1822, Image 2

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Tttr- fiKOil (xl Aft. 8 WINN All 11 BM1AV MORNING, lIF.C. 10. 1851. Sceid/nt.—Tu# powder mill of iKiitBrlif inwnahip, I’eiui.wat lately | blown up by accid.-nl.nd I lie prtipt •• riot Mi. l,rmnn, •linekin(lj burnt. I hr riplniinn ia supposed to hate hern m cantoned bjr Hie IriiUun vl the tnt'itiocrjd It '■ pmpnaril by a writer in a New Vurk piper that the meichaiit* ul that i iiy aliuulil ratablith a line of vessel, fni the purpote of collerii » regular India ia- laitilr, till lor the coutryancc ul paa •cngrii. I'olVA I t CORItf.SI'ONOF.M P.. .tti'r irrvtJi, Dec 1. JWhat will be the n roliiit Hie pen<ii"K rt aminalfon ol the apecial committee on ilie | niotl o tt (tie pi ini iptl V. •»( care ol Governor Clark and Col., it U d.Ificuli to aov. Tint committee it -emphatically called the ''War Committee." In the courte of eraminatlon of the v itmy- there it frequently tonic aliarp about, inn. The committee have made but little prugreta i and, it it apprehended, will not bepiepai.dtu report in a week or too yet, ami, it it fctre.l, it to Ittea prtlod Ihtl the Legislature will not be prepired to •cl upon it, or tint it will prolong the let- linn, it any mratorea are reported to it. I am of opinion, that ittompta will be mule to impeach i but haw far they will tu creed, 1 tin unable lo tty. t Hunk, however, it "vould be impohiic to originate aucli a inea- lure, If a vole of denture ia patted, it w ill fully express tbe aenae of tha Legislature. V benever tbit measure l» brought betore the llouae, I ealcula'e it will niuko w “very equally aeavnn.” Strong fcelmgw are fre quently manifeated even on trivial auhjec'a- A call having been made by the committee of finance, on the executive de; arimcnl, for certain papera necraaary fur them tu wake a fair invert igalion ol the documeoia, tut application war i eluted by the trover' Dor i and a reaololion was introduced tliia fnoinmg, empowering tire committee to 'Call lor any p.perr, and author.mug and dl 'Peeling the Governor to iu< niah 1 he debate un lliia aubjeet was warm anil am- tnatad, and occupied nearly the whole fnoriiing. It, however, aucceeded. ‘I hose oppoatd lo it evidently Wiahcil to make a party mailer ol it, and their h elingi weic Warmly eliliatcd. From ihe oppoiitiun, it waa plainly dcinonairaled, that there tvaa no diapoaiiion lo permit tliia or any inner com mittee to pry into (tie archives ol'ilu awe. ral offlcr a, and part-cul.rly into the tiiunicial department, wliere cxiata Ihe dinting, m fund, or I aiiimld rather have said, where did caiat the contingent fund i lor it would wefro, by tile repoit, that tile Governor Las eahauated dial, and haa attempted to make iinouila upon other appropriations. The cxummai on of the cummii* ‘tee, I am of opinion, will develope ex penditure., which will creala much din* eaiiafactioil, and 1 apprehoud much cache- Note from the l'lirlusueae Cnnaut (irnetal resident at l'liilahclpliia, fium thr papera of that city. A notice, signed by Cntidy tlnguet, K-q. Cnnaul lor tbe United .Staler at Km dt Janrim, dated the 2d Oct. having beuen publivlird in the paper* of than city, wheicin tlvc mid, U. S. Consul, srlf nulhnrizrd, inlormi the merchanta trading with Bcuzil, that Ilie CutiHular crlifloate« arc no longer required by that government \ thru.i drr>ioned ferla Imnatll cumpiHled In contradict tuch unwarrantable, und gratuitous notice, not even grnundrd upon any order of the n-f/<nus(ilufeaf got'mmient n/ the Vrince Iloyat at Kiu du Janeiro f and haa further the honor In inform the merchanta trad ing with the Portuguese dominions, that the orders ol Ids Moat Faithful Majesty are explicit and peremptory ; (no foreign ship or vciael being allow ed to any entry without all (lie re quired certificates,) end recently or dered to be rigidly rnlorced j ami lur liter ob-ervea, lor Hie inlereat of the pqftiva concerned in Hie llrazi inn, that vraaela not provid'd with Ihe regular Uunatilar cerllfic ilc«, ex pose (hemaelvea In all tlie risk aria mg from Hie mea-urrs vthiril Ihe l'or lugneae flutri onicht may nil ipt in legintl tn the port id Kin tie Jtneiiu, and consequently deprive ihnniHclvea therehy of ihe itdvantngu of being ad- iintii d into llalda, and nil other pnrt> ol, v.hicli acknowledge Hie u Ihoiity ol the King and ul tlie nation tuent. I Dr. O’Meara, the author of JV*«/ib Iron in K.vile, haa protested in the l.ondou p.ipera agrinal a French traua lation ol hit work, which haa hern published in Paiia. lie represent Ihe tianslatinn as " a-oi l of irnvettie oltlie in igiual, anil intended India- credit ii by inyatiflectioua, umissiuna end additions.” •Vrrlem, (,Y. C )Mr. Ifi.—Cap- tain J. IlkIII-. ul thr at hooiirr Industry, frnm *l|. Nfai'W,, haa laaourrd ua with a letter addressed to him by an Amrrican grnileman a> S' Urrla. un dti d te nf Hie JOih of Oct from which we extract the roll.iwing particulars conrerning an insurrection of the blinks at Mariiniqur; Fnr acme lime past 'here has been a n imber nf eery -udden d-a'ha among ihe planters of Martinique, aa also the cattle, lie. belonging to the rolnny, which nuturally creat'd a suspicion that all waa nnl aa it should he ; and afler a diligent enquiry, it waa dis- covered tha■ 0 nie deaths originated in poison, and that its administration waa confined tn about forty negroes, who had heen in Ilie hfhit of tin- vile practice fur a length of time. They w-re immediately arrested lor puu iahmeM. The news being carried tn the different eata'ea where they b^migi'd. three plantations revolted, anil before they could he auhiluetl, committed aevercl most sirncious murders, not only nn the while male inhabitants, hut innneent females! The mulattnes Miff,'red also, and il i» worthy of rrmark that the negroes directed their fury at much against the colored people n» the whites. It is said two mulatto companies of in fantry liave shown thrmselvea very artivt in thr aoppresaion ol lliia effair. Tlie last accounts from Martinique, left the rrgultra and militia pursuing ihe tugiiivea in the mountains a- bout 200 have been ordered for exeentinn, that is to »ay, to be BURNT.” The writer adds— "St. Kustatia ia almost in a atite of starvation, and hat sent here for supplies, but as they have not fur WHidrd money, they will get nothing. We have only two American veascla here at present, and do not expect to see any more fur a year to come, as there is not the total inducement. A new work under lh° tittle nf Ihe "British Intelligencer mid Monthly llegister," ia r> make its oppearance in Philadelphia on the but ofJanua- ty. *• Have mercy nn ua 5” When shall we have done with thcac " Hritisli In fellfencers,” " millions,” mul .tfiigu. xiiiet ." Tnuae who m»y live a hun died years hence, may suppose that this was a " Hellish Colony" in 1822-3. Mcocute. For New-Yoik, 11i« new Imt Mul^r jacket schr <> II I O , .f Beers, Mils ter, IIm part of a fit if tit engaged, Mlitpttchrd r«. the rf*ir»»imlcr of tmght or pMnafc, haiinr htmltomr •ccom'nmiatiotiv, apply tu tin rtmicr on board at Bolton'a ^h»rt, or to 8.H. PAltKMAN. dtc ul *ii 13 rt 4: For Clrarle .lon, The narket tlnop Wll.l.l AM, Captain Retd, Will tail fur the above port ni» luuitUay n««t, F» r freight or pawufe > baiinf rxrrllcnt urnoniintu tut ions, i*ppl) to the Captain at Bolton’a wharf, or tu S. A UONDY, dec 10 13 Rice** wharf. A. ty a p iclurcrque and Mecliani« oal Theatre will be opened in a lew even* ingft, in the Exchange Lon^room. dee 10 r 13 Two Servants Wanted. O NE a buy tn drive a one horae waggon about town. Tlie other a boy or girl t apable of WHitiug in a house, for whom w .v gea will be punctually paid. Enquire at tbe office of the Gf.oRouir. dec 10 p 13 White Plains. F OUR halra White Flama, juat received and ottered for sale, by UUMMING h GWATIIMtV. dec 10 rl 13 Boarding. T WO Vo»ng Gentlemen can be accom modated with board in a private lami- ly, in a pleasant part of ihe city. Apply at the Gcoijfian Office, dec 10 l 13 . CORN. Q/jnfj BUSHELS Corn which will be *■* »ohl tfiy lov, in lota 'o suit pur* chaaera, if taken from on bward theachr. Phoenix at Bolton’a wharf. For rale by C.C. GRIS WOI.D. dec 10 13 DWELLING House on Bronghton- JTA street, on lot No A, Green ward, w ith * h'rge )ani and convenient out Building*. Alio a convenient House on Habersham* *treet f on lot No iM, Warren ward, calcu lated lor a large thimly or Boarding house. For term*, apply lo DUDLEY G. WOODBRIDGE. dec 10 u 13 Tuition In Music,. — Wvawvs.— MR. K1NSELLA R espectfully informs in* friend* and the ptiblic, that he has just re turned tu tliia city atul will commence giv mg Leamna in Music on Wriinrsdat, the Uth of December. Applications will be thankfully received by him through the Post office, until further notice, dec 10 13 BILLS On 3s* tw -N ock, l’lillaAel. \i\ila, <5 IViclinioml, \ a I N Sums and lighta to auit purchaaera— For sale by 8. U M. ALLEN h CO. dec 10 p 13 Just Received, ■A.VH FOR SALK, f]PIPES Cape XI.Heirs Wine, of a su- iiw pcvior quality S Tims Swedes Iron, assorted 2.5 Imiios Pment Sperm Candles 30 bids Pilot and Navy Bread 2 caaea Fine Straw Bonnets dec 10 13 S. MANTON, Rice’s wharf. Two men, named W'laon and Jackson, •wore recently arrested al Montgomery, (A- fab.) an suspicion of their being 1 counter, feiitrs, and discharged tor want of evi doner. Ono of them was Xbon after sacn picking up money in Ilie road, purtued, anil caught with 915 dollars upon him. A- pong the note* were thirty one of twenty dollars of the Augusta (Ga.) Bank. The Washington hcpiibliotn speaks of tlie ‘inpportera of Mr. Crawford from Flame to Georgia.”—A almrt time aince thvy would have made ua believe that Mr. Crawford’a cauae waa a desperate one and bitftiendi limiled 10 a few, very few in. ifereated ln-1 finals—now behold they are •pread from Maine to Georgia. Tins •ame cause of Radicalism must be ia • protparious couditian. Mr. Crawford.—The chargee a gainst Mr. CiaWloril, r.ivs thr lfrino- critic Prraa, cuntmue to multiply •nd to inertaee in enormity. W'c Shall keep our rradcra idviacd of the nature of those accusations. Such, and vo boundlt’is ia this gnitlriiina’s ambition, and to be, and such his tie- wire lobe President dial, the Suiilhi'in Patriot assurea ua, " io order to auc ceed Mr. Monroe, ho di'leroiincd to treatt a parly of hit own, formed on toruiAR principles.” It must be obvious that any man who has the taleuli “to ereofa a parly ol Ilia own” •nd to lout.d '.hat party “ on popular •principles,” is a dangerous man, and • man very likely to I % nme m>" pa pular” as to secure tho votes of the .people, in spite of ilmso who consider .themselves as having an exclusive right to direct public opiuiun and make Presidents. Elisabeth Batchelder, the ring, leader and mistress nf e gang of Toguea in Delaware, when brought up recently tu receive sentence uf death, tor aettirig fire to a stable ; unexpect edly, by her counsel, pul in the plea, SCOordmg to the Kogliah law (hat Jiurning a stable waa a clergyable of truce—that i«, that aim was entitled Xn benefit ot clergy. The court after due deliberation, declared lit favour of the claim, and »he waa sentences to be branded in the hand sud to suffer tiue year's impriionmeut. Dr. Uwins, of London, states the illnwing, fact, in his Medical Report lor the month nf September last i 1 " A leniarkiible instance nf Aphonia (losa of voice) tia* recently presented u self to the writer, which has he n moat -ucces-fully treated hv gnltmilisni, in comliinaiinn with Ilie nilens argen- tl. The. subject 'vaa a young and amiable female, who bail heen depriv ed nl her voice for nearly four months, and had taken steel, with other me- ilirinals, without ifti'Ct, fu the cnur-c of iliree days from llio commencement nf the galvanism and drug just nam. ed, Hie voice began tn r-iurn, and it lintl at long'll regained all its wonted c.carocss and energy.” Burchelt, in Ilia late " Travel* in South Africa,” says: " From the concurrent assertions nf all the Hottennls, I learnt the singular fact that the teeth of the /ftisfiiuen tribe, do nnt, in the course nf time, decay as those of most oilier nations do ; but become, in old age, quite ground down by use, in the same manner as tlioso of sheep.” A Paris journal save—" Tn (lie eomiemation nf all France, Talma (die great tragic actorj ia about to retire Iriim the stage.” Legislative, (omitted yesterday, A bill has pns-rd ilie House of Repre- •enialives, allowing to ilie Justices of ilie liifeiiin Court three dollars per dnv each, provided they shall hot be paid lor mure than fifteen days in any tear (and a hill relative tu usurious contracts, which provides, that nn pe nally shall be incurred lur taking mure than eight per cent- per annum, but that tho pnnnipal, and now legal in terest only, shall be recoverable at law. The bill to incorporate the Georgia mutual Insurance Company, and the hill lo exempt Irorn sale certain atti- 1 Ira necessary tor the support ot the debtor’s lamily, were also passed No tice ha* livru given of a bill to repeal Q$ ! Just Received, DOZEN Smoked Mullet Roea 10 kegs Richmond No 1, Riid Lt- dit'R Twin Tobacco 30 bhls Pilot and Navy Uro«d 10 bhls Muscovado Sugar '20 boxes Soap, No 1 '10*000 Spanish Begat* 30 bills Potatoes 20 bb!s No 3 Mackerel *000 lbs Codfish Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Rum Molasses, Vinegar, N E Hum and Gin With n general assortment of Groceries, for sale, by M. I. MOSES, dec 10 p’13 Kicltangc wharf. To Refit, For Sule, 1 2*OR Cash or approved endorsed Notes, Lots No 11, 8j4, Green ward ; No 1 and 2, Washington ward ; No 7, Columbia ward* w«th the imjnovamen s thereon. Al so a tract of land a!unit 4 miles from Sa vannah, on thr Otfecelu- road. Apply to DUDLEY C. WOODBIUDGE. dec 10 1 13 \\ lute Pine Lumber, F or sale by UltOWN U OVERSTREET, dec 9 p 13 The Subscriber OFFERS FOR S.tJ.M rtftTn HAMPERS Scotch Potato*,1 v£)vS/ 10 keg. Lodi Fine Herring i JOHN U'H AE. dec? ill Bunk Stock for Sale. SHARES o! the Planters*, and vl/7 do of the Bank of the State* Enquire at this Office, dec 7 u H Notice. /\ N Election for five Trustee* r#\\l be held at the Independent Presbyterian Clioreli, on the first Monday in January next. Poll to open at 13 and close at 2 o’clock. OLIVER 8TUHGES, Chairman hoard t rustees. dec 7 11 BARLEY. fV TEW bags fresh Poxrl Barley,tn.* ■ii a few casks Whale Oil For sule by william g Aston; dec 7 u 1X Coffee, Lundies, £;c. BAGS Green Coffee 20 hnics Mould Candles SO kc|;s A'tarr’t Nn 1 Tobacco* old •20 do do No 2 do do 5 dn Cavendish do do 14 bhls Lump Sugar For sale by J. MEIGS, Mongin*s, late Bulloch's Building, dec 10 u 13 Domestic Tlains and Pi tent Ploughs. THE subscribers offer sale, a few case* *- Domestic Plains of superior quality, •nd Wood’s Patent Eagle and common Ploughs. Notice. A LL persons are cautioned not to trust the crew of the British brig Waterloo, as no debts contracted by them will be paid by the Captain or Consignee, dec 9 12 ELXCANT Cloth and Hair Brushes, J UST received from Mr. Taylor's facto 17, Pltdadclphia—and for sale by ANSON PARSONS, Droggiat, No B, Gibbons' buildings, deo 9 12 Notice. r pHE Pews in die Baptist Church, (not •*- rented) will be ottered on Wtdnesday the 11th lust, at 4 o’clock in the alter- boon. JOHN SIIIUK. J. PENFIELU. (lfk 9 p 13 Of all people the Hindoos seem to hove been Ilie moat vehement respect ers of their Clergy, Jlsgis rscy, anti King " For coutumi'liniia laogunge to a Brahmin (says the Ikw ol Mono,) a Sutlra moil have an iron style, tell fingers long, thru-t red hot into his mouth, ami for ofV'iiiig to give in atruction to priests, hot oil must be poured into his mmi'lt and ears.” “If (says H ilhed’s Code of (teuton Laws) a Sootier ails upon the carpet nf a Brahmin, in that case ihe Magisirste, having thrust a hot 'iron into ilie part i.IT.'tilling soil Inatnleil him,shall ba nish Inin the kingdom. For striking a C u E A P Family Prjvision Store. r |^HK Kubseriber informs the ptiblic that 1. he haa opened a Store, No. 3, in the Brick Uuildtnga, AncM end of .1/arFrf- Square, where he offers for : ile on the tha*ven.l code of tbi, a.ati, and for '£'• Patk > ““««• AUt> fanthngfromihip Clifford- Wayne, 40 bbls of superior Ncwiti k Cider .20 bbls of first quality Beer A Large assortment of Spanish, New- Orleans, and American Segnra. Also a large quantity of Applet and Chea- nuts. The above articles will be told cheap forcaah. Families can depend on k regu lar supply of Groceries, at tbe Lowcar prices. JOHN SMITtrr dec 10 |l 13 * Cotton Bagging. (VTTirfri prime 42 inch Inven. ness Cotton Bagging. Just ri ccived and for sale bv BAKER U MINTON. nov 13 w Saratoga Congress dec 6 110 Eagle i T. BUTLER S> CO. Potatoes. BUSHELS English Potatoes, ia excellent condition, for sale. Ap ply to dec 3 H. M'DONtLD, Jones' Buildings. Notice. P ERSONS having flemands against the late Kev Walter Cranston, are request ed to render them duly attested, to H\ B Bulloch, for settlement. MARY CRANSTON. dec 2 n. 6 CANNEL COAL, JpoR SALE, by net 29 J. P. -WILLIAMSt^i. Livcrpodl Coal, L ANDING from brig- Cumberland* snd for sale by JOHN D. MONGLN. dec 4 CHARLKSl OJV FUNDS \\ Wanted.—Appiy'to OJf s. o M. Al nov 2$ 109 ALLEN U CO. a cutmmlleo tu enquire into the expe diency of pieventing citizens of this ala'e, front selling spirituous liquors to the Creek and Cherokee Indians. A bill lo alter and regulate the mode ol commencing suits in equity, and tn authorise the appointment of Masters in Chancery, (a copy of which we hive received) was read the first time in the House, on Saturday neck. MARINE!* pour of sjrA.wvjn. CLEARED, Ship Montgomery, WVsiuu, West Indies J I.aibrop 6c eo. ARRIVED, Ship Minerva, Wilson, Boston, 6 days, in ballast to Wm Gaston. Ship Emulous, Selden, New York, 6 dk>« to G Wcsllelt. ||rig Franc! . , _ . day* from the fiapes to Nichoka £< Neff, Mineral Spving Waters, J UST received per the ship Howard, add for sale by ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No 6,’Gibbons' Building*, o ^9 4 Dividend No. 20, Planters* Bank, Dec. 2, 1822. T IIE Board of Directors of this Bank have this day declared a-Dividend of 3 per cent, for the last six months, the tame will be paid to Stockholders on and after Friday next. JNO. F. LLOYD, cashier pro tcm. dec 4 rc 8 Notice. To Bent, ijpifE Store in Jones' Buildings on the 4A Boy, next to the one occupied by Smith U Turner, an excellent stand tor bu* s.ness. Also several Dwelling houses and- Ware Rooms. Apply to R. W J. HABERSHAM, nov 12 *98 JpHE'public are cautioned not to trust vl any of the crew of the Colombian schr JO HARIIELS N England Rum 50 kegs Butter of war La CenteHn, who have arrived at tliia port in the English brig Waterloo, captain Partridge, aa no debt* of their con tracting will be p:«id. JOHN BARTLETT, Agent, dec 9 12 A txooxl LA\tu\ce. THE NORTHERN BAR-ROOM, O N Rice's wharf, now in complete order for such, and calculated to embrace tlie Grocery business, is offered to Let for the coming season, the present oc cupant leaving it from circumstances and a preference to a different pursuit. To a good tenant (and to save trouble none other need apply) it will be rented low, and the stock on hand may also be had, if required. To say a*ty thing further it* praise of the above, than to observe its central situation, would be superfluous, considering that that alone must recommend it as one of the F SelVcV, F Dure, K BVms l* co.. first stands of the kind in this city. For 40 bbls Prime Beef, N E't-YOHK City Inspection—for sale on board ship Clifford-Wayne at Tay lor’s wharf. dec 9 p 12 An Overseer Wanted, T O tuke charge of a Rice Plantation on Savannah liver. Apply tt tli« Gxoar «ixk Office. dee 3 7 ll Miller and Fort. X' lloittdnn. P M'DermoU. P Minis,I Gotten, H Cstaidy.W ficarbtonRh \V T Williams, Petty £/Greene. J Shaffer, J Rovers, It Worrel, jr. II Rstnpjprll.J llsr. per, snd J M'Nish. Piwtenyeta, Mexsrx. S’, mington, snd A^new, achr Rising Slates, Cook, Bolton, 14 Bi sbmin even with it blade of grass, days, lo Lawrence Si Thompson, or overpowering him in nigumenl, the' ' ” *' 1 ' - offomler must snnthe him by filling |>nistralr. A Brahmin, whether learn ed or ignorant, is a powerful divinity, even »s fire is a powerful divinity, whether consecrated or popular Thus,though Brahmins employ them selves in afl sorls of mean occupv tions they must invariably ho hnn nured, fur thev ire aome'hing trxns" ceadantly divine.” JCat. Bax. M’.dwlves.—In Giay’s Supplemenl fo the Lu'lidon Fharnun-paeii. it is tilted (hat"from 1723 tol7Jd.dur jng srhieh time, women were almost Pole boat W»icr Turkey, from Augusts, to J Willy, with WOlixlsscnttonto Cnute- tou and I-lunar, Lawrence U Thorr.t»on. Gumming ami Gwathmey. Paxscngers in the atiip Delaware. Ha. milton, from Philadelphia, Miss Honalon, three MtaxJohnstnns, Messrs W f t t-.vsns, .1 Y Jackson. -G H Jolmston, C Mulvey. Timothy and Woodruff’. partirulsrt, enquire on the premises, dec 1U « 13 FBHMANENT . , ENGLISH SCHOOL. Pork and Candles. F IFTY bbls Prime Pork 20 bbls Mess Fork 15 boxes new Sperm Candle* Landing from ship Cliflord-Wayne, at Taylor's wharf—for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD dec 9 12 Saratoga Congress Mineral Spring Waters, J UST received per brig Joseph, sn td- ditional supply, in Quart and pint hot- ties, well packed in sait and straw, war- ranted in order—for sale by ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, No 8, Gibbons’ buildings, dec 9 12 21—Arr achr Orteanx w Orleans r Munro, aloop Dimood, Tin- ll iseaay Intake the Jew’s forfeit of a pound of flesh, without incurring the imputation uf barbarity which tka«l c.axl upon him tor that diverting joke. Ho was-4 mere mongrel at torment- ♦ xclusively employed as midwiveg,i' ni -’> to Ihiuk of cutting it liiftvitha oat ol 750.122 death#, 6.«l took '• n "~’ wlr d ' ' ic “ te W *T ,0 place in chiihrj , while in eight■***'* '* |l ! rb T degrees. . For, has nnt year*, from 1807 to 181-5. when the J " ' ' MORILF., Nov, Packet, /fesrtt, tCy'V Munro. New Yurt, tt; ker, New London. Nov. 20 — Art brig Tuscaloosa, Tilyori, New York; achr Tliorn, Taylor, N Or/wna, epoihtcary meh-midniws wrreas ex- every creditor, the legal power ot tak. ing 'an nr twenty pounds nf Christian naively employed, out cf 147.5M n-* h -'« forleit ot iiis bond I-Piuvi ..... .. . .. /J.II.WO Siainsai *.«M 4«xUtf| 1,404 were io e'.i’db d-". deuce American. Cavalry WvOlpvs-' T he GBORGIA HUZZA.K& are rcqcir- edio be on tlieir parade j;r Hind, at 5 o’clock, P. M. on FrwUy the 1 Jilt ins', in full uniform and completely equipped for parade. By order Stius. Commanding. GORDON, bt Svrgt. dec 6 10 Mu JAMES K. HOLLOUGH, L A l ELY from Charleston, intends open ing a school <n this city,in which will be taught all those teveral branches gene rally comprised in an F.nglish Education. He will likewise, if appl.ed to, attend to the instruction of Youth in private families. For particulars, reference may be bad to Rev. James O. Andrew, Rev. George White Mr Isaac D’Lyon, and Mr. De Villen. The subscriber being inured to a South ern climate, should he succeed in raising a school, would not it ia presumable, con ceive himsslf necessitated at the approach of the sickly season, to relinquish ms little charge, os those are who emigrate from the north, and who are. from the alarm exit ed, compelled to seek shelter insomemme talubnou* clime; but would be willing to remain here during the summer and fall months iff the next years These who pa tronizc him, may consider their children as placed in a permanent and tfsiabhshed school. I he subscriber may be found by such at may wish un interview with lum, at bis residence at Mr. Ruffe's in Montgomery street, or at the Melhoiiat L arson age oc- casionsUy. doc JU 13 Crab Apple Cider. F IVE barrels of the celebrated Crab Ap pie Cider, of superior quality, and 30 bbls Newark do excellent flavour, landing this day from ship Clif ford Wayne—and for sale by W. UPPITT A CO. dec 9 p 12 Wants a Situation. A YOUNG Gentleman who has been nL sometime in Georgia as a private Tu. tor, wishes to engage as a teacher in a pri< vate family; he teaches the English Lan guage only. Apply to the Editor uf the Gesrsiax. dec 9 eu 12 Cotton Ragging. tl'FYITk wkues 42 inen Baltic Hemp Uvl/v Cotton Bogging 36 pieces Neisiaiu (a goodr *’>stitute for cotton Bagging) Received by brig Traveller Loin Dundee, and fur sale by JOHN Ha BUD ($ CD. dec 4 8 N. E. Rum and Butter. Landing from brig Eagle, and fop isle b f 8 A. CONDY, nov 30 5 Bice's wharf. WILLIAM INGLIS ^ CO. O FFER for sale, 42 inch superior Cot ton Bagging, received per Traveller.- Also on hand, A few bales Grundy’s White and Mix! Plains, which will be sold low. dec4 l 8 To Planters. 7A. PIECES Baltic Hemp Bagging 42 / “ inches wide, at 52 cents 197 pieces Plains, lower than ever of fered here for the last eleven years. For sale by THOMAS WALTON. decS 9 Landing, A fC DAGS Green Coffee 3 bate. Domestic Cotton Hi superior quality. Tor Bale by * , NICHOLAS ti NEFF, nov 26 2 BOAUDDSG. T WO or three Gentlemen can be accom modated with comfortable Boaidinf in a private family, in a ceotaral situation, and on moderate terms. Apply at the office of the Georgian, nov *20 105 EATONTON SrptlP, Subscriber resumes the practice-of iJL the Law in Oalcmulgee district, and the County of Hunroe, and will give the moalvi,i.ant attention, to all business in trusted to his cl.-arge. C B. STRONG. no. 23 408 For Rent, O N accommodating terms, that largf and commudtmis house situated on comer ol Jefferson and Bay-streets, opposite tho WbHhingtun Hall. Alao the hotise at pre sent occupied by Doctor Forth, and siiua. ted opposite White's Hotel. Pussessi* n cn* en rtnvaedlauljr InquUcol 9.1'auavtc^ Dev 30 i