Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 10, 1822, Image 4

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/ Howard street Flour. | HRI.s f valt llowanl-aireei Flour bushela prime \> ffitc Corn ting It om sloop I’nckri F «r atlc by HALL, IIOVI U CO. •.* 18 103 Laurel Hill Toll-Mill. \ Georgia—Bulloch County. St* Domingo I'tillce. A n !'■«» prime Hi 1i Coffee * ^ Jti*l received and t’*»r «*!*• by UAKKll U MINTON. oc» 26 Sperm Oil. O CASKS Sperm Oil, ««fr»ut-cl C.«. HA/ imm., mill ol'fiitl qiulilr. Fur kale I y IIAI.I, UOVT U CO. nnvl’S ton Northern Gin. yr)'F\ films out! 23 bill* Not them Gin iji/ Luffing Irom brig La^le-and fur lain t»y RAKER k MINTON. nnr 50 c 5 OTTVIE loll Mill on Mia At.crum’s plan Cl«uton baa been omupleUly repaired latflv, a *1 is imw ready !«» work a« well •• any other mill on the river. The tr.ugh- rice tb»t will he sent to the mill will ue kfpt separately in dry and aafe atom, am w*:a1l be krai with rite ulmotl ear* ami rcoiiutny«andlhe b«rrctli wrilbralwaisde livercd in good oidrr Empty barrels made of prime boated atavea, w ilt be turn ishud at the mill when required. *1 be terma lor cleaning Rice will be the same, hr at tlie other toll-mill*. Tlmso planters who will engage to have tbrlr eroj a beat at that mill, and keep he r supplied, w ill have. 200 tierci a or m notch fy*» m they please, beat at one turn. Applications com coining the mill, to be made to Archibald Brrbner, on the FLtdalton, or in Satan lull,to PETIT I)E VILLF.Hfl. s*p 10 rpf Factor, Mongol's wharf. Spanish Scgnrg, ] N wholiylwlf, and quarter Boxes, of vc- ry MynTior quality, received from 11a- Vann, anti l'»r by JOHN 11. UF.I1) U CO. nov 1.1 V) ______ Emerson’s Elastic Ka/.or Strops, jC\ RF. n new IVcm, and on an improved plant n 1 & c h'gliiy i etomrociida J to Uicpubho. Far *•»!>• by ANSON I* ARSONS, Druggist, No 8, Obboua' Buildings, nov 30 «--• rkijiP, Cloths', Scotch l’luiriR, bales beav) bine Plaint X* 2 hale* low priced atom llltie cloths 1 d * .niivt drub nut) Blue (.'asrimercs 1 case real Scutch Tat tan I'laidc Just receiv'd per slop Atlantic- for sale by BAKER k MINTON. rov 18 t TjOIFn MOORHEAD ’ *11 »-gsl *hvc lo iitiortn luaTitcitda in Gear Jit gift, tbftl hr baa Cblablislictl himself jk .nanenily in tliiafi*, an ft 0 uuunvss'mu JS\l to\\aut, The sale of boillturii Product- mil be lus principal btiniiivnn, in the management •>! which, be believes he can do Ida friends Jiiilce—hr relics on the repulsion earn bliahed din ing u long residence in 8avnu nail, tm the references to hi* friend*, and diligent it'trillion, to continue the cmdi. I 1 , ice‘of those who may be pleased to la- tor him with their lunim m. AVw-lot 28</li October, I A?.', "Reference m Savannah—Meast* Cumniko U ChvATUMI.V. 'Slefi rupee in \ugutla—Jonir Muouk, Esq nov 8 |n» ■Classical Sc English School. 11 RA 'J! V Mac I) l)A VV 72 1.1. I NI OHMS his Friends nod I hr Public, that he will rr-open hi* School for > ruing ladies and Gentlemen, on Monday peat, the 14dt in*', alt 1 o'clock 1 , A M. in 0 Die mom under Solomon’s Lodge, near Qic Did l'rt sbytclUn Church, oct 10 Insurance against Fire. UkRIE Aitna Insurance Company, Hart- sJl lord, continue to insure tl-micH and Puddings, MercbandiTie, Fumlttir> a , and n> tber ro operty, including VcaveU in port, , their Cargors, See, ag enat loss or duinngi by Fite, lor any term IVom one month to one or more year*. The conditiona which are moderate, may be known on application to the lubscr'ibr, who is AUthoilsed agent, and is empowered •to IsFiie policies without the dekty incident to other a 0 encie* of this natiu r. The company undert»kc in all casp to pay the lull amount, of the actual Ions, pro viued it doc* not cacred the amiutut in sured. The premium* ai c rt usonahlc, and should oiler a atroug induci inont to any ticnmi having property at hazard to place tt in icrutity. on :1| 88 P. MANTOJC. Anti-Syphilitic Pills, i*n r ra m »t> nr DOCTOR 7JERTHELOT, Jltid Hold nt hia store, on the Ihy, B gica! efficacy • I thr-e Pills in ilu cun* of all the avmptomtida ce^aui tliseiitein both sexes, lias been arknovvlrdg- oil for move iliun twenty veavs by numbers • *f putieuta throughout the United .Slates, They ire warranted free from any kind el mercurial preparation, and the patient who u«« a them may attend to his business and lollow his own regimen or diet without in* convfinieoey or injuring Ihtir cfln l. Dir subscriber b a prepared n D call sup* ply ol‘th««e Pills—they ore sold with print cd diiTctuio* for use, nt R6 pri'bov * one or two i f winch is generuLy anfficieiit for a coFi*. JOHN U. RKR1 IIEI.OT, net 24 fly f'v Arnrufty, tie k nf lAe cam I •/ Or*- i tliwivy, fir iht contiiy •/ ft kill ch anti Halt nf"'t iiutl. ^Tyiir.KKAS, Asron Cone of the ssid \/w county, applies f ;r Letters of Admi- lustration on the K.state and effects of Wil liam Cone, Ltr n4 said county, deceased. I beae are tliev* fire to cite and admonish* all and aigulsr, the and creditors of the said dt-ccsscd, to hie their ol jec* tiot.s (if any |bet havfel in my offiv c, on or before the first Monday in Jsiumry next, otherwise letter* i f Administration will be granted to the applicant. Given under m> hand and seal this t«enty-iixlh day of Novtmbcrone tbmniund tight hundred if twen ty-two. [L. S.] KI.Y KENNEDY, c c o a c dec 6 10 Notice and Caution. W HEREAS rltave been informed thnt John Onrncchan and Peter Mitchell «.| this Ciiy have hy sundry deed* recently mortgaged snd a wa ugued to divers'persons either their individual creditors, creditms of the lute fu m of Carnodiftit 1$ Mitchell, or others, ull or sundry the property and estate, both real und personal, of the said firm, us well ns their own individual pro* perly and cuime,consisting together <>t houses, lots, lanilr, stores, whnrvra, negroes, Ac, m Sftvnnnah and Dn icnin Georgia, or the neighhuihood thereof, and elsewhere with their interest or shai-e in the stock of tin; lower steam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in the United S'ntes Hank and other IiuiiIih, hs well »a .sundry debts due to them in various places, besides buds, lols, negroes. Ac. in the territory ol f'loridit, and panirularly one h'rge tract oi land bought of Forbes Co lying be* iwoen the livers St. Marks and ApalachU cola in the territory ol Floridit'aforesaid. 'I liesc arr l.e> chy to nuulion the public a* gainst put chasing uny putt ‘of the hum! pro- petty or estate so conveyed, or any other properly belonging to the said Carnochan :j Mitchell, or either of ihctn, as 1 hold pri or mortgage son the*Ht purl thereof, j which are on leenrj in the registry in Sa vannah and Darien alhrewdd and in Char leston, S. C. and enuiiid.le loin* on all the properly oi sMid.lonn (.arnocluui and IVter Mitchell. VV1IXIAM CIJIflSlIB. .pine 8 |U Georgia—Bullocli County. fly Ely Kmncily Clerk uf the Court of Or- ttin try, for the county nf JJulloch uml Ulute uforttnH, W HEREAS, Lcvicy Jones of the said County, applies for Lepers of Ad ministration of the Estate and < licet* ol flenj.imin Jones, ia'e of said county, de ceased i these are thertfore to ciie and *>1- rnoi.iih all ami singular, the kindred and creditors of the vuid dercast-d, to liie their object oos (if any they have) in my office, on oi htfo c tin* first Mondsy in January next, otherwise Letters of Administration will he granted to the applirant. Givi n under nn hand and seal this. 22th day of Now mb ec, cuff didu* sjuhI eight hundred and twenty* two. (L. 5?} KI.Y KENNEDY, c c o a c decfi 10 Ftmucis II. Nicoll, \ ! and Co. I Cate Circuit Court 1 vo > t'niletl Elates Ui^ W. Scarbrough and I trict of Georgia, other*. J ChgmAero, 13 th Sept tin her 1 1822. TJHOflE. >S having Monied iii this cause, X returnable to the term of this court in December next* and it being rt| re sented that John Ifaslett, William S. Gil* lett, Samuel Vales, Audi ew Low*, and John Hogue, defendants in the said'cause, reside without the limitM the District of Geor gia; It is ordered, that the said John Has* Icit, William S. Gillclt, Samuel Yates, John Biffue and Andrew Low appear at ilu. term of this court to be holdett at Bavan nsh in the term of December next, to an swrr to the plaintiff’s on the merits of tlieir •mid petit'on, and that a copy of this or der be published in one ol the garettes of this sistc for three months, and that the plaintiffs have leave to take such further proceedings as are pre r cr>bcd in the r in such case made and provided. J. CUYL.ER, District Judge. True extract tram the minutes. GEO GLEN, Clerk. 'Savannah Sept. 13, 1822. sep 14 BlicriH’ Sales Continucil. On the firat Tuesday in Jniiuary next, Y^^tl.l. be sold at the Court house in the v/ Town uf Jefferson, Camden county, between the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, All the improvements nn Ten acres of Land lying on Great Hatilla river, con sisting of u Log lumac, &c. levied rn ns the property of John Hensley, to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of llopk’ns Zt fico't. AUo, the improvements on 7 or 8 n- cres of fenced land, situate in Little Satilla Neck, consisting of Houses, i^c. levied on as the property of James Tumbling, to sa tisfy sundry executions returned hy a con stable—Conditions cash. Jut'erson, Nov. 5th, 1829. GEORGE LONG, d s.c. c. nov 16 f to‘J TAINT\.VU, GlI.niNO, (ILAJONU AND PAPER llANOINO. ■fllllE Subscriber begs leave to Inform X In* Customers and the Public in gone 1*1, that he has removed to l hompsuii & J)onm > it buildings. At , Will CAKE R-STR FJCT, Kcar the Hay, w here he continues to carry on the above business 1 in all ils various 'branches, on the most modern and aiprov «d nrionplcs Walls Vuinted in Oil or Vestemper Colours, ruul Ornamented in the most Fashionable . European style. ON HAND, London White Lead, ground in Oil American do do do do l.insead Oil in barrels, in thu best order Barrels Spint* Turpentine Window Uiass in boxes of various sixes English Crown Glass in ciuu s, suitable for large Panes, Pictures, L*c. ^Finc Colours of all Tunis Painter’s 11 rushes of all tiscs White Wash do A great variety of different color Frosting Bfiie Smalt*, tfc. L*c. All of which will be fold at the lowest Trier*. Qrdevt from thf Country punctual- ly, attended to. Colours mixed ready for tise, and directions given for using them, it rc qu.icd. PATRICK MARLOW, nov 15 £101 Alafb\fc Yatlor>j. —-wiw\ WV-— DAVID RITTER, ' ^ Jft W'Jinven, Conn. TT" V.EPff on liand a great assortment of XV Monuments, Grave Stowes, Tomb Ta- lues of White and Gold Shatled marble, E.*ocv Tattles ; Oval, squared, and circular Ciiimney pieces; Chimney Slabs for fa cings, healths, &c. All orders strictly at tended to. Mr.) a* AG COHEN is his agent for 8a vanual., any person there, w isliing tor ei ther of me above articles, can have a view i>f aTtonk of Monumental Dr ills, m the new est style, and the yncea will be made Tnown by biro. nov 19 rt * To the Public. r CAttS' I*. MITCHF.t.are • sorry til bo again brought before fur public by a second notice of Mr Chlibtie’s, who has undoubtedly claims against them, .vfilch, v hen finally liquidated on the de cision of thu now pending, they will try to satisfy as Boon a* possible thereafter. The deeds under which Mr Christie claim* an exclusive right to all thutenl ami per* snnal estate of Cftmochan f* Mitchel, are considered as informal, unjust and illegal, Hence they have been brought and are still before the court, and other deed* have been executed and recorded, conveying the property fur the u*e of all their credit ors, Mr Christie included, without au> trust or reservation henefirhd to C. WM. or their families; ami if this be not agreenblc to that gentleiusn, it must nevertheless appear fair a»d equitable to the public and all who have a tense of justice. The Trustees under the late deeds are anxious to sell the Lands in -Florida, alluded to in the notice of Mr Christie, and to ap ply the proceeds to the immediate payment of part ol his demand, ami deposit a suffi ciency thereof to cover nil his claim, sub ject to the (Wcision of the court—but Ms oppos tion to :mv reasonable sale, ns one in terested inTiis own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale can be inude under an order of court. June 10 Editors of papera who insert Mr Chris tie's notice, will please insert the above Until his is withdrawn, and forward their bills to the Savannah Republican Office, wherq they wdl be promptly paid hy J. O. U P. M. Sheriff Sales. On the first Saturday atter the firct Tues day, iu January next, W ILL be sold »t tlm Ma»T. t house in the town of St. Marys, between the boom of ten and four o'clock of that day, One Negro Hoy named Peter, levied n «* the property of Daniel Vaughn losati fy an execution in favor of .fames Thomas, propo ty pointed out by tlyj Defendant.— Conditions cash. St. Marys, Camden coun ty, Nov. 7th,1822. GEORGE LONG, n.s. C. c. nov 16 jd02 Noti**\ Subscribers* 1'aeMng Machine at wA Vainucrawjs now in reudiorss to re ceive Ootton to be compressed or repacked. Also Produce received on Storage; ap ply to Stephen Parr, at the machine, or H. k J. HAUEUbllAM. nov 20 ft For Sale, A FIRST lime Improved SOT1A MA- CHINE, with stiver vent, ami in com plete order. The machine is so formed as to bo easily portable—I log put together in such a manner, as to oc taken to pie ces with perfect ease. Apply atthe office of the Gcortuux. (Lj* The editor of the Augusta Chrohl- cle will insert the above three times, and send his Hill to this office, nov 1 89 Twine and Wiue. F IVFi Cases Twine 2 pipes Corsica 'Wine 'Lfnuling and for sale hy HALL, HOYT tf.fO. dee 4 8 Smoked Reel', Buckwheat, and Butter. Vt/TTk NHI.S bmokedHetf %JL>S«r 2D half bhis Buckwheat Flour 30 firkins Goshen Hotter Just received per ship Augusta J. B. HLfHEUT a CO. dec 3 7 Sheriff’s Sales. 0/i the frit Saturday after the Jint Tnet day in January ne.rt, \OFlT.L be sold at the market hotts- \/y the town of St. Mary’s, between the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, One Negro Boy named Frank, levied i n a* the property of Matthew W. Besaent to satisfy an cxecut'nn on forcclosu.e of u mortgage in lavnr of Lawrence W Thomp- son. GEOUGE LONG, mcc oct 26 Sheriff Sales, On the Jhn Tuetday in Jutmary nert, W ILL be sold at the Court house in the town of Jefferson, Camden County, between the hours of ten and four o'clock, of that day, A Tract of I.and on Cumberland Island, known hy the name of the Plumb Orchard, containing nine hundred and sixty acres, more or lens, levied on as the propci ty of Charles Ward, to satisfy his State County and Poor'faxes for the tears 1820 and 21. Amount due $32 JO and cost.-Jefferson, Camden county, Nov 6th, 1822. GEORGE LONG, n. s.c. c. nov 16 Notice.- | A T tht expiration of nine months from this date, I shall apply to the honorable the Justices ol the Inferior court of Cha tham county,for leave to tell the following real and personal property held by Uic late It J. Houston in tcyst, via ; Cedar Grove plantation, containing up ward* of 1200 acres, situated in the district of White Bluff. One Tract of Land, containing 30 acres, near the above. May Islam^ containing 100 acres, more or lens, situated on the ninrshes of Little Ogechee river. Also, between 65 and 70 Slaves. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13, 1822, udm*r. 11. J. J/ouiton. may 16 $ * In Equity, October. Sessions 1817. in the Circuit Court of the United States, In and for the District of Peunsyl van in, in the third Circuit, BETWEEN JosephM^rx and Joseph' Vn x ami George Marx, citizens of the state of Virginia, who bite as well in their own numes as in belulf of such other Per sons,Stockholders of the late Bank ot the Unit ed States heretofore named, ub shall come in and become Parties Hereto, contributing to theExpenaesof this Suit —Complainants. AND David Lenox, Elisa Bon- clinot, Robert Smith,Jus. C. Fisher, Joseph Sims, Archibald McCall, Paul bieman, Samuel'Coates, llenry Pratt, George Fox, 1‘usctuill Hollingsworth, John Sdlle, Tliomus M. Willing, Horace Binney, George Harrison, Ahijah Hammond, William Bay ard and * Oliver Wol cott, citizen o»‘ ihe State of Pennsylvania, Trus tees of die Jute Hunk of United State*. k NI) now, to wit, this twenty-third day Jk of April, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-two, v|uh cattae came be fore the Court, on a Mandate from the Ho notable the Supremo Cou<t ol the United States for further proceedings. Where upon it is ordered and decreed—That the holders of Notes of the late Bank of the United States, bring them in for payment nt the late Dunking House of caid Hank in the oily of Philadelphia, before the ele vcnlh day of April, A. D. 1823, and that on that day this Court will make a final Decree for Distribution of the funds re served in the hand* of the defendants, for payment of said Notes ; and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to be published in one public newspaper in each of the following places, to wit:—Philadelphia, Boston, New-York, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, at least once a week, for nine calender months, before the said ele venth uay of April next. A true copy. I). CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. The Editors of the Boston Evening Ga zette, at Boston, of t) e New-York Even- ing Post, at New-York, of the^ American, at Baltimore, of the Norfolk ‘Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charleston City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Georgian, at Savannah, and of the Louisiana Advertiser, at New- Orleans, arc requested to insert the above n their respective gazelles once a wer k. for nine calender months, In fore the l|lli day of April, 1823, and lo forward the i hills, as soon thereafter as may be, to the subscriber, accompanied by an affidavit proving the publication, conformably to the foregoing order, may 9 D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. Notice. N ”INE months after the date of this no. tice, application will be made to the Honorable the Justices ol the Inferior ^ourt of Liberty County, for permission >o sell the real estate of Lctty Carter, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said deceased. LIGHT TOWNSEND, Adm’or. A'lg 1/i 3* ipplicution will be made to the honorable the Justices Notice. J^INE months after date n| of the Inferior court ot Camden county, for leave to sell all the lands in said county oelnnging to the estate of John King, late of Effingham county. b Alt AH KING, adtu’rx. April 5, 1822. $u # Clark county, Ga. npril 6 Flax teed Fennel seed! Filings steel do iron Frankintcnsfl Glauber silts Gall* Aleppo do Kino, do Jalap do Guaiac do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Vinegar distilled do Squills Valerian root Galbanum, Ginseng Variolated Tartar Notice. VpNE months aftei date application will k x be made to the honorable the Jus- 1 .ces of the Inferior court of Glynn county, tor leave to sell all Ihe lands in said county belonging to the entitle of John King, late cl Effingham county, S \itAII KING, adm'r.r. April 5,1822- $a" Clark county, Ga. npril 6 Georgia- -Canulen County. liniKItKAS, Ehhu Atwater, esquire, ▼ F administrator, applies for letters of dismission IVom the estates of Colonel Wil liam Scott, deceased, John Campbell, de ceased, and Havens W'aternmn, deceased.,. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased persons, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in January next, and shew cause (ifany) why said letters should not be granted in terms of the. law. Given under my hand and seal, this22d June, 1822. [l. s ] JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o. c. c. jnly 1 NOTICE. A Young M»n who ha. h.d a good cdu- cation, writes a good hand, and having been long accustomed to active business, and understand* well the nature of accounts •ml book-keeping, wishes employment in some respectable businea* in this city ; he can cnft.c well rcoommetided, and us employment is his object, he would not re quire much of a salary. A line addressed •o A. H. through the post-office, will be at tended to. oct 13 uf Notice. A T the expiration of nine months from ill this date, I thull apply to the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the fol lowing i eel property of the estate of R. J. IloutMin, viz: One tract of 354$ acres of Land iu Bryan county, situated on Red II rd creek. One undivided fourth part of 1450 acres of I,and in McIntosh county, situated on die Alatamahs river. Twelve Loti iu the loan of Brunawick, Glynn county. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1822. 4 atlm'r. it. J. H. may 16 $ , General Drug and Family NietUcinc Warehouse. ANSON PARSONS, No. 8 Glbbonf BuUdinffi, R espectfully informs his friend* and customers in this state and South- Curolina generally. that lie has established himself in the Drug Line, on bis own indi- vidual account, and ic opening at this time Hit extensive and general assortment of warranted fresh Imported Drugs, '-Chemicals, Perfumery, <$*c, Gentlemen Physicians. Country Her- chants and Planters, and all who wish to purchase a( wholesale or retail, can b* supplied at this Establishment on the moot accommod'.tiug terms. CATALOGUE. Marble Mortert Composition do Iron do Ivory Injection pipes Ivory Syringes Syrnges, < boxes do pints, do $ pints Gold Thread Gentian root Glass Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Ammnmao do Senegal do Arabic do powd* do Kino do benzoin do Tragacanth do Guac do Myrrh do Shellac do Copal do Mastich s do Gamboge do Scamony Heleborc black do white Hiera Pi^ra Honey, do squills Hoffmans anodyne Isinglass Ipecacuanha or Hip- p° Jalap Juniper berries^ .atidanum 0 Liquorice root w do powdered do ball Jo Tefmed Lime water Lead do Magrifcsia lump do powdered do final) square do calcined Manna Hake do sorts Mezereon,' musk Mustard seed, mace Nutmegs Nux vomica Pearl ashes Pearl barley Powdered tin Plaster mercurial do Burgundy pitch do adhesive do strengthening do drachiyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp'd Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, EX- ecutnx, applies for letters of dismis sion from the estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceased These aretherefore to cite and admonish all anflbingular (lie kindred and creditors of deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and show cause (if any) why said letters should not be granted, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and sea), this 22d day of June, 1822. [l 8.) JOHN BAILEY, c. c. o.e.*c. Administrator’s Sales. Hy J. 11 llerbei-t & Co. 0'i tlie first Tuesday i n January neat, WILL be sold before tlie Court house in Ibis city, between the usual hours, four valuable slaves, riz; London, Laliah, Nelly, and her clrild, belonging to the es- tate ot Samuel Evans, decease d, s»,ld by permusion of the llonondile the Court of Ordinary aud by order of the administra tors. Terms cash, V;v23 108 Notice. T HE firm ofllorkwell (J Hepburn is dis solved, In consequence of the death of J. L. Hepburn, E«q. The subscribers have formed a connec tion in the Practice of Law, under the firm of ROCKWELL & MORGAN, They wdi attend to professional business, in the Fe deral Court, in the Ocmulgee circuit, ana in those counties where in the late firm of Rockwell if Hepburn practiced. Their office is in Mdledgevilie, corner of Jefferson and McIntosh streets, where one of them may be found at all times, when not ou the oirauit. S. ROCKWELL. A. A. MORGAN. Millcdgeviffe, June 10, 1822. June 14 NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of John I.H ibridge, deceased, will please comt* forward, and those tltat have demands w ill present them to the subscriber, who is au. thorised to settle the same. OLIVER M. I.1LLIBRIDGE, oct 22 ' u qualified exechtor Antimony crude Alcohol Aloes soct dtr liepat. Arrow root Aunis seed Afsaffctida, Allura Angelica root Angostura bark AqiuiFurtis Antimotiial wino Arsenic Acid Muriatic do Nitric do Nitrous do Tartaric do Sulphuric do male und female Congrc sal* spring water Lemon acid 'Soda powders Balts of Lemon Cologne water Wash balls Windsor soap Rark yellow, do red Liquid do do pale, do in quill Low's perfumed do Hals Cupevi Naples do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum in sticks do Tolu Ba'badoes Tar Fancy Vials Borax refd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeswax yellow do white Brimstone roll do ref’d Custor Oil, Ame do W. India. Castor, Russia Camphor refd Calomel ep Cantbarides, doputv Camomile flowers Canella alb. Caraway seed Cardamon seed Cascarilla bark Cassia, Cinnamon Castile soap, white Sponge fine do colored do coarse Clove* Cochineal Columbo root do in pots assorted Rose w ater, lavender assorted Essences ass'd Sal Ammoniac do Volatile do Roda do Rccliell,do Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau her do Nitre refined Soffit Arsenic, Fow ler’s Spts. Ammonia do Hartshorn do Lavender compd do Wine do-camphor do NiU’Dulc Sassafras bark Sarsaparilla do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do pow'd Cowitch Saff ron Spanish do English do American Savin, Senna Alex Spermaceti Snakeroot Virg. do Seneka, Squills Cream Tartar, pulv Slorax, Salts Hurts- Corrosive Sublimate horn Notice. A I.L persons indebted to the F.state of Jlaniel Coyle, deceased, are required to make immediate payment to Messrs. Gordon ii Pooler ; and those having claims to render them in duly attested. M. HERBERT,Ex’tr. nov 6 93 Match Lights, J yglOtt SA1.E, by ANSON VAUSONS, Carmine Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digitales Dovers Powder* Epsom Salts, Eng. Ether Sulph Ergot - i Elder blossom* Emery fine do No 1, 2 and 3 Elixir Paragorc do Vitriol Extract Cicuter do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphur do Benzoin Sugar lead Syrup Squills do simple Tart Emetic Tapioca Tinct Aloes comp'd do Myrrh do Valerian do Snake root do Assafatida do ltonznin comp'd do Cant burides do Senna do Rhubarb do hark Huxhair.a do Peruvian bark do Opium do Castor do Muriate Iron do Colombo roo f ^ iti hd white do blue do grem Patent Medicines^ Bateman's drops British Oil Essence pepncrmiit Stoughton's bitter*; Godfrey's cardial I Steers Opodeldoc Turlington* bslsom Ualbeys Carminative Duff\ s Elixcr Harlem Oil or medA camentum \ Oil Wormseed Pills, Lees N. London Pills, Lees Wind hull do Anderson* do Hoopers do calomel do opium Opium, orange peel Oxymcl squid* Oil Vitriol do Tansey * do olive* do Peppermint do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Peneroyol do Origanum do Cinnamon do Wormseed do Lavender do Anuisseed do Juniper do Cloves do Almonds Ointment mere do Bnsilicon do cerate do simple do reel precipitate do Spanish Hies Pina root Red precipitate Rose water, Rosin Rust of I i on Gum elastic, Spatu las Scales and weight! Garden seeds in bpx* es, aborted Balm Quito Chiiroht-s cough i drops,for coughs, colds, consump tions, asthmas, (fc. Cephalic Snuff; for catarrhs COLOURS, U C . Prussian blue, 1, 2 Ivory black ® n, 13 Lampblack Fig blue, Kings yel-Indigo Spanish low Black lead, retLdo Drop Lake, Nol&2 Litharge Flake white Tern de senna Carmine nr this. laudanum Antimonial win# Tinct rhubarb do assafulida Dais Capev* Sweet Oil 6nts Lavend com do camphor do n*rtshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentine Caiomel Jalap Tartar Emetic IW B0TTLI8. . , „ . do Turpentine s Pt« Hartshorn Sweet Oil, castor Oil do sweet Nitre American and W. 1. Sundries. 7ial corks, Bottle ui Patent springTruiaeJ Ess. Cinnamon do Lavender do Bergamot do Lemon Calc'd Magnet?* . Knsom salts Rhubarb Peruvian bark Cheltenham salt* Henrya calc'd Mag neto Stomachic bitten Castor Oil Petagoric Wine Bitter* Wax tapers Nuremberg!) do Worm Lozenge* Patent Lint lliumb lancets do common do Clcwleys. common do DurJ'le Ink Reir-ik powder Black dot Pljl boxes Red do Red wafers, assorted do crown do; do Evans'sTooth brushes, Com mon do silver wire, 3 U 4 rows Cupping and <repan- ing Instruments Male and femule sil ver Catheters Whit£ leather skV\i English mustard, the lb. iu canister* Ground Ginger, race do Cloves, cinnamon Mace Spring lancets Tooth instruments ass'd Bougies, Gallipots Macabov snuff’ Liquid blucking Black sealing wns 'Spanish whiting Rotten stone Pumice do Powdered blue Copperas Vermilion, Chinese do English Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or Scullcap. SHIPMAN’S € GAltHEN SEEDS, Jlsswted in Smalt lioxts, Well calculated for Plantation use. Together Kith a general aiiortment of Surgical Instruments, Shop- Furniture, assorted Phials, &c. ALSO, Saratoga and Ballston Mineral Sprisg Waters, will be kept constantly on. hand in as perfect state as can be import ed. ANSON PARSONS, dec 31 f p Crockery. fi/TV CRATES assorted Crockery, se- lected particularly for this market. For sale by nov 25 109 HALL, HOYT & CO, Tide Swamp Plantation. r Pi*B subscriber offers for sale that well* -L known plantation called lfrevittm Hill, immediately below' the city cf Savan iiash, containing 230 acres of prime rive swamp j about 215, acres under good bsnto and in planting order, and between 1 and 200 acres of high land. Buildings sufficient for a gang of* hundred negroes, with bains Ike. Terms accommodating to a good purchs- ser. For further particulars apply to Messrs It. & J. HABERSHAM, or to the subscri ber in Charleston. H. M. HAIG. Dov 16 lies