Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 19, 1822, Image 2

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<; KOI! (J I AN. s V.VNNAit < Till' hi m morning 1 if.C. 19. lr *| in- M iiitU'i (row M am o, and lim smite* h»U‘ uni veil hi \\ i.*h I’gton. James rlctMH.1*, jr 4i i% been elected U" of llio 17. 8 SrpMr, •rnor of Virginia. IFRAL DFSTSTOX. SAfrivorox J In lUltinnre flo inty Cntirt, v%. Vjcfor- CMfl Jii'Hnt, H Chic a. j »nd Justice llanton if Ward. TJ,*U ci*e,«if noroe importance to se veral ei'M’idvi* rheae* of the com fr* m Jim iic», IS K uin<>.« pur centum ]T»-d In funon.tmt. iguin.t the »yitrn>; tmmity, iv»- drciiled ln*l week. It to t.’iurii SI. f"r convoy tinougli thel»f counteiiartcrU «l dice i.l . wa« an action brought bv «Ittlv ngvini' (full—and 51. lot Milling allot M*** I2t • January, ami arriving sale**— To Min Lit ward I Jand-40% ; from diiio 89 a. to retuan 38h, lor sale arrival. The London C miner ifsteilhnt flit, OMlrrwtltrta nl l.lovd'a have it n< ctaBiif to advance the pioniiumH .«n iu’luiancr very materially, h con- i rin^nr** id ♦!»*• Ib’«* pracics.** To J » maica,56* per cent, is noiv it Bundl'd PIRACY. 1 In thr Document* submilffd fo Con-1 great, wo hate Captain Riddle** cor H’a|»ond(*nc» with the governor ot Cuba- and Captain Spence** with the governor ol Porto Kico both tnatiuc- amls. | Mr. William Prire, the owner 'f the The result at Cuba i« unsatisfactory . «chnnner In* nl Bilimore, on b'taid enough. All Governor Mativ | of which about four yeara ago, her run Wy a report of die Secretary of tin- Xu- \y to Congress, it appe ar*, that our narnl force i* thus e mploy'd, hikI itatioued a 1 * follow* i one 74 and nsHir. offl3 gun* in the Pacific j a 4 4 gun frigate, 18 gun «ioop, and 12 gun achr. in .the Mediterranean ; one corvette of 24 gum on the coohi <»f A- fura ; a frigate of 36, corvette of .24, one •loop of 18, besides 5 aimdler veaaehi of 12 gum, .uni one gnn boat in the West Indu s, the llrflnct IK, and the Enterprise, are »l*o fitting out for a cruize in the \\ e*'. In lit* i onU one small vismI,,* sloop Erie ^ yy,|y # of 18 g ins, is lying in ordinary—ami of •of course disposable against the pirate* The ore supposed to contain silver, which tv a * some time since found in N, C. ha* been analys'd by piofen- r Cm pc of (’ol' College fS. C.J eieu. hut no Mgna ol silver di*covt* The I)evi7.ea [KttgliOi] (}*«rtte aiy*. M«. K. Gout my, lute a r« apccta* hie farmer nl Deptford f.nm, Wilt*, celeluuted lor hi** llelorni Addresses to the lahourera of Wily, ard lor hi* endeavors f» ettect a reform in Cana da, where he. wus imprisoned, in now ledmed to the necessity of breaking atniiea on the highway, and of receiv ing pnrncbail assistance from the par Accon-.ts received at Boston, .from Simrna so late a* the JOlh Hcptcnft- her, represent the cause of the Greeks to be in » proipernna condition. The latest intelligence fiocn the Mores Stated that lilt* (decks ipd the upper ban.I of ilic Turks, having completely destroyed .their army ol 22,000 mm near Corinth." Tbr importe into the lalaiid of Jamaice from the United Sta'cs. from the <*9lli Sep tember. 1821, to rfu -9th September 1BJ2, were to K ngston, 2C')3 bhls Flour; 9.5 blus and 9* kegs of bread ; 2346 bbd* snd 141 • bids Corn amt Meal; 408,000 Shingles, and 27,0001', el of Lumber, To the^out pints, 125 hula Flour ; 40 »lde and 108 kegs bread} 20 bbh rice; 200 bushel* (lorn and Meat i •40,090 Stave* muMMlcading ; 5-',00() Shut- gi. s.und 8100 feet dumber. liXpui i* during the name period to the Unilmi Ststc*, from Kingston 12 hhda and -5 ohls Sugar'; 7 puiicheou* uml d cask* Hum ; 2 bugs Pimento ; and 14,1K5 lbs Cof fer. From the o itpnrts, .11 punclivom, Uum and 1143 lbs Coften. A carmen his been* promeuted, in New- Yorki for cruelly beating bis horse*, unci brought in guilty. ^ A gentleman} when riding on horseback near Philadelphia, was accosted by u man 'apparently lame, who begged for a ride, and on bin dismounting was seized by the tlnoat, uml rubbed of hi* pocket book Non ruining 5 *0 -dollur*, principal- *1) in U. S*. Hank hills. The King of Holland has decreed the immediate suppression of' a religious or der which had been established without 'authority, for the education «*T youth, at i Louvain, denominated, “ ^laughters ef,St. "Ursula." The present Pope hie. «tine,wd the deaths of o5 Cunhr.nls, of whom *1j were erc.teil hy himself, A pi.tillc meeting lens been held ot Btu«kl) 11,(1.. t*) ui which lien, gwilt watt cliairtnan to lake into cuiiMtlern tiun the piesent struggle between the Greek* atttl Tutks. A committee wtts »|t|ioi*itetl to open u subsetiptitm, and In take such oilier meaauras as might 'be ennsideted utlvisable fur affnrd ug Speed}’ assist,nice to tlic Greeks. The late Lieut..,Allen wits lecnr.d > Lieutenant on board ol (tie brig Ar gus, which was captuicd after n des- i.jiertte etigagetneot by the British aittnp tif win ^eliciin, on the 1411) of August, 1814, in sit. George's Chao. ii. I. The Argus, n will bo recollect td, was commanded byCapt William Aden of Rhode Island, who was mortally wounded caily in th. ac- tiou. The ci.iniiidiiil then devoUed tipon Lieut. Wdliaui II. Watson, of Vi.giuta,' who was soon wounded in . the head, when Liaul. N\ it linen H. Allen, ol New Yuik, the subject ol this paragi iph, took the cnmuiaml, whose conduct is spoken of in the Tiighsst lei m» of prsise. He was a ■bout 30 years of age, and was a native of Hudson. CosHy IFint.—X late London pa per furnishes a regular calculation of the value of flie hogsheads of lvhen* •ish wine, which i* stated to have been D ’arly itvo centuries in a cellar at Jiieinen,.called the Rose; having been |iurchased and deposited in the cellar in 1624, for the sum of 1200 francs, or 24(j dollars, which says the arilh meliciau, if put out st compound mi terest, each hogshead would now be - vvoith 5,”42,686,622 crowns; a botile «*f inis presioas wine would cost fll,- 799,480 Iranrs, a wineglass 2,723,808 tinne*; and oue ff.up ( ecknoiog 1000 <I"'|IS III the gla8») 10,880 haucs, or £,176 dollars. A letter Onto II. Sprague, e«t| dated Gibraltai.Oct. 17. says—“Since my las', several arrivals of Hour have In and it lies declined to SS almu 1200 barrels ken place, a‘ which I placed Alexandria a few days since. 1 . 10. from the received CONGRESS. IN SENATE, DEC The billowing Message, President nflhc fl. Slates, yesterday. was read : Tit ihc SriMic nf 4be United States : Recent intoi iiyalion of the muliipli i d ouirag.'s and tlepretlalinns, which have been cominilted on our seamen and eoinmerce, tiy the Pirates in the West Indies and Gull of Mexico, exemplified by the tleaih of a very meritorious officer, ee, ins in cull lot -om■ inompt uml decisive measures on the part of the government. All ilia public vesslrs udapicd to that service, which can lie spared Irom oilier indispensable dolies, aie.aliea- dy rmployul ui it; Iml, from the knowledge wliicli has been ncq.iim! nf the places from whence Hies" out laws issue, and to which they escape from danger, it appeals that ii will require a paititular kind ol force, ca. puhle ol pursuing them into the stint. low waters to which they rrlire, el frctually to suppress them. I sub mil to the coiisidcr.itiiin of Congress the propriety ol organizing suult a lucre fur the. important obj-rt, JAMES MONROE. ffWitngfon, 9</i Dec 1822. The Message was ret ired to the Committee un Naval Affnra, to con sitter and report. Mr. Hilton submitted the. follow ing resolution for consideration: Resolved, That the Committee on public Lands he instructed to Inquire into the expediency of making fur ther provisions by law for regulating Hie leasing end working of the lead mines ol the U stales. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. Cannon submitted several ro- solulions in relation to improving the militia employing the regular troops in time ol peice. m erecting I,n lifica. loins instead ol liavn g them built liy contract, and requiring ol tho Se* cretaiy of the Navy, the names and grade of the olllcers, &c. Mr Conflict, ol New Jersey, otter several rriiuuks upon thoncces*iiy ol prompt measurts ot justice hi relauun to the pirates, uttered the following resolution— Resolved, I’hat the Committee on Navul Affairs be instructed to in quire, and report as eoily as may he, what lurther measures are necessary, not only lor the more efficient pro tection ol our uirmtnerce in the West Im*M seas fiom piracy, but fur flic en tire extirpation of those freebooters, nod the punishment of those who may he found to aid and abet them. Mr. Wo.tlcuck laid mi the table the following, resolution: Exchange irnnsnetioiK Rakimore, D e. 9.—C6hl.d>. S b'\,. si. Baits Mo la- e* sold-at 32 a S3. Ilhds. and bhls Mus.covado Sugar, 8 60; Puncheons A ,|, 'S U 1 !1 »tu cts. 7C s h i. Ha* vana Ceffe, 26; Whiil Four gti j Iloward-Slreet &6i}; Red Wheel 1 27 ft I 32, white do I 374 ‘ Hit pleads lo have done Inr the mippre, sinti of piracy is thus characterised by Capt. H. The measures adopted by (heCap fsm General, and to whiih he refeis in his letter to ine, consist simply of a proclamation in Ma.cli last, establish, mg ceHain regulations with re»|iecl to the cleat ness ol cuasitng vessels launches, noil other boats. IlieHe re- gulaiiniis, I unders ainl, are not strict- lv enforced, soil, even if Ihey were, they sre altogether insufficient Inr the suppression of piracy along the exlen sive coast of Cuba.” The other measure' or nur lauding upon the cosat to sweepoffihe pirate*, who nestle on the shores of Cuba; a measure, without which they can sc n ee ly he exterpated; was proui|itly declin ctl by the governorf “Ou the SO-Ii (says Capt. •!. in Iiib letter of May 6ih t Iasi to the secrctaiy of the Navy.) I iddresfed a comiiiiiiiieatian to him upon the subject of lauding nur bpals and men upon thecoa-t ol Cuba when in pursuit nl Pirate*. 1 enclose a copy of my communication, as also ol the Capttiiii General’s answer) and you will perceive he declines acced* log to the proposition I made to him. lie certainly might,'and perhaps will consent. In our laniir g upon llmsc parts of 'he coast that are uninhab ited, and where, though within his ju riuliclinu he is u'tcrlv incapable of exor-ismg any authority. There are many such places op the coasts of this Island.” The following iu me Governor’s re* ply:-- - With respect to the permission you -nlicir lor I indirrg upon this coast wiili troops ai d people in boots, tirr the purpose of pursuing those pirates, I cannot arid must not consent to il. I repeat that Ilia necessary measures have been adopted to de'end my ter ritorial jurisdiction, and for the ap prehension ul every description of out laws.” The correspondence between Capt. Spence and the Governor of Porto Ri- eo, ret itcs to “die rapture and ilelen lion ,by privateers fitted not from this island, of several American me-chant vc-sels,” upon rhe ground of their vio filing ijtcticiiiits hlnclattle. ol the ports ol • lie main, T" 0 tune of Spr uce is chivalrous) hi* arguments irresi-table. Tire point to whirl) he finally brings the Governor is this.-— “ 6inee my letlee of tho Sd insf. tran-mitfing my correspondence, I have had a conversation with the go vernor, who bogs me to be assured, that n 11 he can do, shill be done to meet my wishes, in relation To the priva'eers fitted out of the island ; that those already not were equipped before he assumed the government ; that lie is opposed to it. both in his private and public Capacity; tliaH'u- ture restraints shall be placed upon them j hud that he will remedy all abuses, as far as be h,it power. That the brig Andrew Jackson he had nr dcrcil to beset at lib-riy; that lie should inquire into the cause ot her detention, anil, Unless good and suffi. cient reasons can he given, he will t ike steps to* cause the judge to he re- niovtil. In fine, that he «ill do his utmost to keep the laws of • aiioqs in viola e. That,’upon the subject of blockade fie cm do nothing ; it was a question which must be setiled lie (ween the two goverom-nlsj the blockade had been declared by Gen. Mniillo, it w is rerogoi-ed, ami the consequences nf viol iti tg it were in, evitable ; over this question lie had no contiol.” Enquirer. away slave had hern employed as cook and carried to Europe whereby he was lost to her. Three queMious of law were decided by the Court- 1st. That the owner nf the vessel was responsible lor the conduct ol ni* captain or agent* in shipping the ne gro without legal evidence ol his free dom. 2d. That the captain could not be examined as a witness mi the port ul Ihc defendant, he being responsible over to him. 3d - ’I’hat a protect’on granted by a justice of the peace, certifying the slave to he a free man, and that proof had been made before the magistrate, that he was an American citizen, af forded no justification lor shipping him. The last point decided, was on the ground of the act ot Assembly of I f|f45, which prohibits under heavy penalty, all persons except Clerks ot Counties and Registers of IV ills from granting certificates ol freedom. No exceptions were taken to these opinions of the Court. Verdict for the. Plaintilfs-damages g450 Ho. I). Evans ami VVm. Ms gruiler, E-qs. fur the Plaititt—f’. Kell and Jon. Meredith, Ksijv for the De fendant.—Volt. .America.» Secretnries of State.—Up to James’s reign, there was but one Secretary of Slate in the Briii-li government ; but on the death of Uecil, Earl of Salis bury, there were two created, as if no man could uupply the place nf that able mi'iisler. This reminds one -* the promotion of eight Maiskaia France, on the death of Turenno—a great compliment to his memory, which Madame de-Cornuel pleasant ly explained, by c lling (lie eight new Marshals - for M. de Turen- ne—London pap. ftre 19 T. C. IIAVWAHi. fWtiank, ITiA Art. 1S». | MUSCfftrl Unii-ill*. J*«W Fwwif*. H.«<] jr\ fv4»u!5cr A freak fttu»c«ul Ha Dear Fitttn cimimsienc*** wmc'» \ For *«!e bf Itnve arisen from certain preientmenH • I the ti*ani J thnCJourl ofO>rr a IVon n<*r t rr*<lc at die left of t' at court, I feel U my duty, and • line («»the lediugi ol the tiraiid J try, to uq«u at y«u to furii'mli me a certificate of tlie evidence you gavr, when called in •» c!*e ef c«»m- mitment under tlie law t f resjKCing lre«- people <d ml *r, wkicii was iM.Je ander the hfti hvitu'F.ode ic Scllecie, against lot Item, O tf accommodating trim*, that 1wrgf*»ud rtmmiodionB hoove aituatt-d on romcr ot .leflersnn ami Un - rcr Is, opposite the Washington Hall. AUo the lioose Lt pi e* sent*d' bv Doctor Furth, and situs, .site White* nov 30 certain free per. m of color, i.Hfoilnred in- tedopporite White’s Hotel. FosBewion g,v. to this state, hy h tinsel I', i womd also hhK j %si1 ,rn mmliauly Inquvcol s. I un imuic, (nr the same fite a id generous cvprcariotut of feeling uhicli were used in ) cur U-su mnny before the Ju y, Your compliance With the above, will oblige, Your obedient Servant, THOM' 4 YOUNG, Jjutc For t man of the (ivutttl Jury. i T!tP following is a statement of the value of the colored and white Cottons imported into the port of Boston from the 1st, 2d and Sd quar ters of the present year 1822. Cul'd Cottons, IV' Cotton*, 1st quarter 2d “ 3d *• 870,495 537,651 28 2.76$ 827,346 251,947 94,110 Total, 8890,911 8373,403 Bullion and Sppcie 1822. 1st quarter 2d do. 3d do. jBullion. Specie, 8179 836 665 2,741 '34,116 1,821 95,703 Rccapitul at ion of the export of Cotton and Uice fiotn Charleston, for the ■ week ending l)ec. 16. b m.ks ro TO V. nicK Up lands. S. Islands, bbls. bags Liverpool 2-514 804 00 00 'Greenock 6J0 214. 00 00 West Indies 00 00 1225 31 Total, ■2921 LU18 1223 .30 1, rtTTBR HAGS Remaining at Hi Hit! ms lsitcrui\ and Com• Savannah, 17th Dec. 1823. TnoMAr. Y('0n«, Ksq. Uie ibienmn ot the Grand Jury. Dear Sir,—In compliance with ihe re- quest contained in your note of this date, in relation to the evidence which 1 gave before the Grand Jury of the Ch url ol Oyer and Termmcr, in the case of a tree person of color, committed under (he affi davit of Mr. Frederick Selleck, for coming into tliu stale in violation of ine act ol 19 h December, .1818,1 have lo communi cate the following as the substance of my testimony, and obiei valiond ou Ihe occa sion. On the 23d of last month, Mr. SeHeck applied to me for the purpose of having said not of 1818 enforced against u free ne gro woman, (named Sally Day.) Ml*. Sci- tech made the necessary affidavit, a war rant was thereupon issueo, and she was arrested and committed to jail, and the pa pers transferred to the Justices of the In terior Court, in conformity with the law. Mr. 8. stated that he had brought this ne gro from New-Yoik in October last, in the capacity ut' a servant, and in consequence ol her misconduct and desotUon from h:8 seivicc, lie had taken this against her. I am aatVdiod that Mr. S. was aware of (he penalty which the law imposed on persona in the predicament of tins unfoitu- natc woman. • 1 observed to Ahe July, that I viewed the conduct of Mr. Selleck in this affair*.as rnrun and oppreanve—because lie had been accessary to die introductiofi of Sally Day into the Stute and the Conse quent violation of the law; because she was probably ignorant of the existence of such a law, or considered herself shielded from its operation by an agreement she hud made toJierve Inin as a domestic; be cause she naturall 1 ’ looked lor protection among strangi'i* to him, who lir.d been »n- stru mental in bringing'her am mg them} and because if Mr. Selleck deemed her re sidence in this state an infringement of the law, a sense of duty to her, situated as he was, should have impelled him to procure a passage lor her to her family and friends. Respectfully youV obedient Servant, JAM US EPFINUUK. dec 19 21 For Side, FIT IF. Southern half ul Lot No 10, corner JL o( Diuxtoii-Mrevt, Austin ward j upon which there i c a commodious house, lately occupied by Doctor Rend, immediate pos- x ssinu can be had. If Hot sold ut private it will be put up nt public sale, on the first Tuesday in JanuHr), For lertns, ap|d\ to GEOUGC SCHLEY. dec 14 17 Wants a Situation.' 1 4 YOUNG Gen’lemsn who has been sometime in Georgia as a private Tu tor, wishes to engage as ;» teacher in a pri- vate family ; he teaches the Knglish piiage only. Apply to the Editor of the Geoiigi ax . dec 9 eu 12 MRS. 1)1'. PASS T AKES this method of informing her friends and the public generally, that she has removed from her residence V- est Brond-street, to the house formerlv occu pied by Mr. Box in Drayton street! no itlv opposite Mr. W. Williams*, where'sko w-ll as usual, teach tho Piano with ^mj/mg, &c in the most fashionable style the reduction of her prices will make it an ob ject for young Ladies, (who feal a disposi tion) to acquire these beautiful accomplish ments. tl. B. Written or opal communications re ceived as above, d *c 4 8 Independent PresJjytenan Church. T HOSE Persons who purchased or rent ed Pews in this Church, at auction on Thursday, the 5th inst. are requested to call on liie Subscribers, and settle for the same. r BAKER (J MINTON. dec 12 1.5 -FIRE ENGINE. YrtOU sale Cheap, a first rate FIRE EN- GI.NE. Apply JOHN PARVIN. The Augusta Chron ole will please insert the above six times and sdnd Lis ac count to the E liter for payment, dec 19 l 'll Lunding From the ship Niagara, PIPES Cognac Brandy, Signett’s brand, w wurranted pure 11 kegs Tobnoco—For -ale bv R. W. -VANVOOKills.- JUso in Store Ut Market Square, A general assortment of Groceries and Domestic Goods. > dec 19 21 1 EF1* in a Store in the vicinity of Bol J ton’s upper wharf, a Y 4low Handker chief, containing some articles of wearing appurel; os the articles are known, it will e imp ssihletopass them ou the public with unpuniti. > d.*c 19 '|| '21 mercial Heading Hoorn. Ship Juno, S B Turkman, Liverpool, 24h Dec. Brig Chatham, S R Parkman, Liverpool, 24th Dec. MARINE. rUilT OF S.U -MW..iil Bv Ihe brig Rnterpriae from Mar- rinico at Pruvidenc**, we lorn that (he tnaikefs at Trinity wery? glutted with nil kinds of Atnerictn priwluce, and when ihe EuterpiUe sailed, there Hysol ved, That Hit President ol \ could be no sales effected of any article whatever. No cash iu (lie place, a d molasses could not be h ti«»hi even for ca«.h. NotwithatAnif.iig there was still some molasses of tin• ♦»ld crop on CLEARED, Br brig Traveller, Goltlie, Abenleen, VVm Gaston. Brig Eagle , Cook, Providence, D.ihnmel St Auze. ARRIVED, Pole boat American Eagle, Augusta, with 367 halos cotton, to Cantelou & La mar, consignees, G Gordon, J B Herbert k co, Duhauiel & Auze, acd T Butler £* Notice. OTTl'lE Copartnership heretofore existing <Li. at Savannah, under the firm nf .1. hn Latiiii ’p (J Co. having been dissolved, in consequence of the £vath of Mr. .1. Lathrop - the business will be continued under the same name, conducted bv Mr Hezrkiah J.ord, who with Henry Thomas of New- York, and Henry IJall f of Boston, compose the company JSeio Fork, Dec. 4, 1822, doc 19 21 • the U. Sl;itea he requested to cuu>c to by laid blore this House « atate ment showing the amount of nil mo neys advance by (internment, on cnnlracts or otherwise, either tu a-jlhe plantations, in cons qj -nee ^ents, aub-ageiita, contractors, sub* | p( very heavy rain«, the roads were contractors, or to individuals, since j so bnd and (he rivers so high, it tlie 1st day ol January, 1816, which could not be carted to the sea side have not been accounted for on seN|nnd (he probability was that one dement y and the amount of loss fit month would elapse before anv qtian- any,) sustained in each ; and whe j tity could be had. Inconsequence of a clistiirbanco with the negroes, (he whites were all under arms, and bu siness of all kinds completely aus pended. ther, in all cases, on the advancement of money, security has been taken, and the names ol the sureties On motion of Mr. F. Johnson, of wee KesolvijL That the Com milter on Naval Atturs be instructed a T to inquire into the expedience ol Impostor.—Little more than allowing to Hie wiloweil niolher ol ,wu wpe ** a -’* a 5 ,oaI1 S " ian calle ' 1 Liout. W. H. Allen, of the United ? n ,he Secretary ot State, request- state,’ Nivy,. halt pay pension for >»S pecuniary aid. He represented five years. The next subject in order was the resolution for carrying iotn effect the agreement between rhe Ui iled States and Georgia.; anti Ihe House having gone into Committee upon it, on re quest ot Mr. Gilmer. (Mr. -Bassett in the Chair )— On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the Com mittee rose ard obtained leave lo sit again, and the explanatory Report upon the subject nude at the last Sciiiuu wan ordered tube printed. himself to be a son oT the Rev. Tiron. thy Alden, President of Alleghany l College, and biother-in-law to Mr. Furrelly, of the House of Represen- la’ives. He slated to Mr. Adams that he had been sent to the West Indies for his health, and that lately, on his return he had been captured and plundered by the pirates. This statement is a gross falsehood. Mr. Alden has only two sons: they are 4)0111 under age, and have never been absent from Meadville, since they ar rived there iu 1815,^-vVanL Int* vt> rou this ronT. At Philadelphia, 10th inst, ship Ha zard, Child, to sail 12th. At Boston, 7th inst, brig Almira, At wood, with despatch. At Providence, 3d inst. brig Savannah, Rowers, with despatch; schr Savannah, Pease, 8th inst.; sloop Rising Sun, Coo ley, 8th inst. \ At Baltimore, 10th in3t. sloop Packet, Clark. At Charleston, 17th inst. sloops Ex press, Hammett; William, Read, to sail next day. ri.Kxnrn ron t**is port. At Alexandria, 8th inst. brig Halsey, Small. ABniVALS FROM Tni8 POUT. At Charleston, 17th inst. schr Hunter, Li e, 1 day, bound to Newbern, put in on account of head winds ; sloop William, Read, 12 hours. At Baltimore, 9th inst. 6loop Caroline, JDclauu. BOSTON, D c. 7—Arr ship Cundagp, Somes, Buenos Ayres, 51 ; slop Rubicon, St Lbcs 62. « PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 10._A r ship Manchester; Holmes, Liverpool 4S ; brig •Phoebe, Grinule, St Burls, 14; schr Ade line. Israel, Cape Hnytien 11. NORFOLK, Dec. 9—Arr brig Undaunt ed, Hatton, 35. VllOM OUR CORRESPONDENTS, Oficet of the N. F. Jter..idvetiiter, ^ and Gazette, Dec 9. 5 Arr schr Emulous, Van Name, Peters burg ■, sloop Dolphin, Thomas, Alexan dria 3, DENTISTRY. STk'IE Ladies and Gentlemen oPSavnn- tub are res ectfiiilv informe 1, that ;dr. A. .1. Shtminski, Dentist, is now on Ids waj Ir m the North, and may be shortly expect “d in this place, whtai he will give due notice of bis arrival, dec i9 ♦ 2i Sugar, Codec, £50. 50 bx)xe>» Ncgi-o Pipes 2.) bids l oaf Sugar 10 M. American Segar* 10 M. Spanish 50 bags prime Green GofTee 100 kegs and qr kegs of best Rifle Powder.-For sale by L. H. SAGE & CO. dec 14 17 Telfair’s wharf ply to d c 11 U Gt atul. Lodge of Geo: gia. A N extra cmniimniciit'um nf the G •nil t c Ige nf the State of Gt brgia, wi'l be held T »-MORROW EVENING, at Solo mon’s Lodge Room,, at 6 o'clock. I he importance of the business to be brought forward, demands the general attendance of the Officer* and members. By order of R W G. M. WM. P. BEERS, Sec’y.o l.q. dec 19 e2l County Election. A N election for Receiver of Returns of HL Taxable property, and Tax Collector for Chatham County, will be held at the Court House in the city of Savannah, on the 8th day of January ensuing—of winch the Electors of the county will take nonce. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, jiccc THOMAS N. MOREL, jiccc EDWARD HARDEN, GEORGE L, COPE, J 1 c co dec 19 p 21 A Bargain. lORsale, all that Tract of Land, hi the county of tferiven,-formerly the resi dence of Mr. James Platt, deceased. 'The tract contains about 5924 uteres, well tim bered, is ou Black Creek, adjoin* Savan nah R.ver, and is without donb. one of the best Mill seats between Savannah and An gus'u ; this Lan<LJ« really worthy of atten- don, to a parson disposed to have a valua ble plantation,-Saw and (hint Mill. It is be lieved this land will answer all these pur poses. Apply to D. U'LKOD, or J ERE 111 A(I CUYLER. dec IV 21 Just Received, Mf) LjjfBlAO, 'OffWk KLGS first quality Ufcttet 20 bbls Pilot Bread*. A) bhls N England Uum 10 boxes C'-dfish 100 casks Lime 50 hanipers Irish Potatoee 100 bundles Hay /A STORE, 1000 bushels Com 100 do Oats For sale by CHARLES ARNOLD, doc 18 T 20 Exchange wharf. . For Sale or to Let, rSPIHE unoxpired lease of the half Lot, be- S. ing the corner of Broughton and Jef ferson slierts, with the Buildings erected thereon, consist mg of two separate Frame Stove* and Lodgings, and a Fire proof itoi e and cellars, being excellent stands for aQ kind of business. For terms-, apply to PETIT 1)E VIl.LF.US, Factor, Mongiu’s wharf, dec 14 eu 17 Liverpool Coal, Halt, and Potatoes, F OR SALE. Also an excellent Bo* Chronometer, by Litherland. whose er ror and rate are accurately ascertained Ap- A. L. MOLYNEUX. Landing F ROM ship Thomas Fowler, and for sal© by the Subscribers, Coils Cordage Do Buie Rope Heavy Raven* Duck Co rmnn do do Kheeting8 Russia Duck Broad Diaper*, We. L BALDWIN & CO. dec 13 16 Bum, Gin, etc. S» BAUHKI.S N E Hum -Js/ 25 fib's Inrliu Po nt Gin 250 qr bexts Spanish Srg'Aa 20 qr casks Currant Win A, of a su perior quality Landing from brig Hope & pollv, and for sale hy 8. MANTON, nov 13 09 Rice's Wharf. 4S prim For sale by J/'S\ HHDS prime retailing Molasses 2 w For sale by PALMES 8c HOE, Bolton’s wharf. AFLOAT, 1500 bushel* Com, new crop 300 do 0«ts 100 bundles Hay For sale in parcels to suit purchaser*. Apply ah above, dec 18 p 20 GUNPOWDER At. Reduced Prices. FRESH supply of Cbeimsiord Gun- t&A powder is just recei - d, and will be sold flower puces than heretofore This powder is warranted to be equal to, and its strength has been tested to be greater, than any nude in America or im« ported. * 1 It will be sold wholesale or retail, and to accommodate (Airchasers, it will be sent to any part of the city free of expense. Dupont’s powder also for sale. U. S. GO FI' dec 18 p 20