Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 19, 1822, Image 3

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V Exttange On Providence, R. I. JjlOR SALL—by •lee 11 14 8. A CONDY, llice'i»lierf. 'A' Drafts on Philadelphia, 1' 81UHT.—For «»lf by NICHOLAS U NEFF, dec 14 IF Bills on England, JjlOK SALE, by dre 16 19 GEORGE Just Received, A.\n t on, rtPRS Cine Madeira W me,ul a »u- ildi/ penor quality 5 Iona Swedes Iron,assorted IS huica Patent Sprnn Camllc* 50 libit Pilot and Navy Bread '2 cases L'.nc Straw Bonnela S. M ANTON, dee 10 t3 Hire's whpf. EXCHANGE On Providence and Boston, JJpnit SALE, in sums to suit purchasers, Notice. T HE Partnership between James John• ston y Hrn--y IF. Hills, ami Jacob ll'tll- cox, Milder the firm of Johnston Li Hills, was dissolved on the 2d August Iasi, hy the death of the senior partner. The suhscri* bers will continue the business ns partners under (he firm of Johnston & Hills. HENRY HILI.8, JACOB WILLCOX. Savannah, Ota Ike. 18* «\ dec 11 14 dec 17 19 OKU AY TAUT. Drafts on Philadelphia, T 5 to 90 days Sight, in sums to suit . purchaser. dtp 13 For sale hy PERRY & WRIGHT. BILLS ONNEW-YORK, A T 3 to 60 days sight—for sale by SAMUEL WRIGHT. fVho has for sale, 15 hhds prime Sv Croix Sugar 23 qr casks superior Teneriffe Wine 20 boxes 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, in whole and half pieces 10 botes Jaconet, Cambric, and Rook Muslins dec 12 15 42 inch Bagging, R ECEIVED on consignment, ul the first quality. Apply to MILLER y FORT. dec IF p 19 Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the late Rev IValter Cranston, are request ed to rendqr them diily"xttested, to IV. li Bulloch, for settlement. MARY CRANSTON. dec 2 ft. 6 Fov Sale, GTpHE corner Lot No. 22, Brown ward, 4A fronting on Chippewa square, late tht property of the Presbyterian Church ; the most pleasant rmd healthy situation in the city. GEORGE GORDON. d-c 17 119 Christ Church. OrpilE Pews in this Church not held in wJL fee simple, will be rented on Satur day next, the i 1st wit. at 10 o'clock, A. M, •The h'ghest bidders to have the first choice. W. T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer, dec 17 b19 Notice. N O debts contracted by the crews of the British brigs Cumberland -and Ardent, will be paid by the Captains or Consignee, dec 11 11 Scotcli Ale. TIERCES 8$ doz. each, superior fine Edinburgh Ale Two tierces 8^ doz. each, Pale Edin burgh Ale Just received, and For sale by WILLIAM SCARBROUGH Williamson's Building. dec 11 14 Flour aud Loaf Sugar. BBLS. Richmond sup. Flour, brapded Cunningham Li Gallegu, lauding from schooner Cornelius. IV ST CHE, 10 barrels Loaf Sugar For sale by CUMM1KG & GWATHMEY dec 13 116 EATONTON OTpHE Subscriber resumes the practiceDi ■nl the Law in Oakmulgee district, am. the County of Munroe, and will give tin most vigi.ant attention to all business in trusted to his charge. C- B. STRONG. nov 23 1^8 BOARDING. A FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely accommodated with Board, in n private lamily, a few steps from the. City Hotei terms moderate. Apply at this Oftioe, nov 27 3 WANTED, T O Hire or Purchasers middle aged COOK, of steady habits. Enquire at this Office, dec 18 p2Q A Uniform Coat and Hat, O F the Cits'ham Artillery, of an excel lent quality and but little worn, be longing to the indigent widow of a decea sed member, are offered for av)e cheap Apply at the office of the Georgiuu. „ dec 17 19 CANNEL COAL, jrjlOll SALE, by out 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. WHISKEY. TIOG'UIF.'J)3 Whiskey 50 B.U \tis On , Liindilijf fiom ship Ningsi'U. For.ale bi ll. C. GRISWOLD. dec 18 20 ’I o Hunters. iy | PIECES Hemp Hogging 42 / inches wide, at 52cents '97 pieces Plains, lower thru ever of fered bore for the last eleven years, i. Fur sale by THOMAS WALTON. d»'c S 9 Just Kecived Ivig Panthea, and for sale, CASKS Gin, superior quality. S. MANTON. 4 17 loo doz. WOOL HATS, J U W T received and for sale by the Sub scribers—who have on hand, and are constantly receiving HA S S of every kind and quality, of the latest fi shions ; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. UUri.F.R & SCRANTON, Gildim’s building, Market sqare. dec 7 r«51l Regimental Older. A v el client ,s hereby ordered to be field Ht Justice Russel’s Office, on Sa- tnr-lnv the 28th December inst. for a Cap- tain, 1st and 2d Lieutenants and Ensign to command beat Company No 3. The Polls to be ope lied at 11 o’clock, and the Election superintended hy two Justices of the PepCc, and two Freeholders or a ma jority of them. By order of Lt Col. Roberts. M. W. S1 EWART, Act. Adjt. 1st Regt. G* M. dec 18 20 Sale, For L OT No % 6U by 90 feet, /ronting on Reynold's square, adjoining the resi deuce ot Joseph Camming Esq. on there is a commodious and well finished three story Brick Houses with slated roof, also Stables, Coach-house, tic. all of Brick and slated. In fee .simple. Fvir terms, apply to PONCE Li MACKENZIE. dee 13 93 For Sale, Jttrt landl-'g fron ship Vho mat Fowler, f ont Boston, BARRELS No 2 Mackerel J2 do No 3 do 25 keg- first qm|ity Boston Butter Cranberries, Apples •Fears and Viu» Slid in Stare, Mackerel, Candles, Soap, and Madeira Wine H botes JiMlN CANDLER, dec 13 16 Jones' Buildings. Dividend No. 20, Planters' Bank, Dec. 2, 1822, T HE Board of Directors of this Bank Imve this day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent .for the lust six months, the same will be paid to Stockholders on and after Friday next. JNO. F. LLOYD, cashier pro tem. dfee4 rc 8 Brown Stout, ?$c. CASKS very superior London B. Mont „u0 bushels Lancashire Potitoes 2U0 do T'utks Island Salt in barrels For sole low, by MACKENZIE R HERNANDEZ, dec l'J |l15 Exchange Duck. Notice. A LL persons are Cutitiorted not to trust the ctew of the British ling Waterloo, as no debts contracted by them will be paid by the Captuin nr Consignee, dec 9 12 Cotton and Ship Brokerage. T HE subscriber offers his services in the Purchase and Sale of Merchandize, particularly Cotton, and in procuring Freights for vessels. 11 is Counting Room is in A tangin's flute Bulloch's J Buildings, JVo. 19. EDWIN BARTLETT, dec 13 (|l16 Just Received, A ND FOR SALE-by L. HILLS, No 29, Bolton's Range- New Orleans Sugar Northern Gin Whiskey Apple Brandy Northern Rum Best Goshen Butter and Cheese Buckwheat Flour in half barrels Prime Pork Potatoes in barrels I)"jed Apples in do White Beans in do Young Hyson Teas Engl'sh Mustard Stoughton's Bitters, in btfeesof one dozen each Loaf Sugar Pimento 10 M. Best Spanish Segars dec 12 ||p 15 For Liverpool, | For Ncw-York, The fast sailing copper'd *h’p j The fast mill' g packet brig LAUY GALLATIN, |M PANTHKA, Hit'iaot Britton, master cw JLatl'ry, _ ths commenced loading, ntul Mnlrb Will sail the day alter 1 o-inorrotr, II tie dispateiird without delay, having i l lni 'dav) wind Mid weiilur pe.iu umg two.thirds of her freight engaged. F t For freight of Cotton on deck or passage, the rt*Hh • e or passage, having good ac» having handsome accommodations, appN commod it ions, apply to captain Britton on to the Mauler on board at Hall, HoyC A Go's board, or to I wharf, or to IIALL, HOYT & CO. ISAAC COHEN, dec 18 20 I dec 17 p 19 For Liverpool, For Beaufort ami the Ocatas- The copper bottomed new fa Th'* List sailmg simp tiisi rror-llin M TKI.KdRAPII, M 1 N K K V A , Josiuh Bowlin, Master, ■ J I. Hilton, Masur, msmSKm Will imet with dispatch--F» Will wantubnm 40U hales to freight or passage, having good acoomtui. complete her cargo. For freight of same, tint ions, apply to the Captain on board at Bulloch’s wharf, or to WILLIAM GASTON. 14 dec 9 12 HALL 6f MEIGS. Eighty Bales Cotton &S Are wanted to fill on the ship DIIRSKT, i for Liverpool. Apply to A. L. MOLYNEIJX. doe 14 17 FOR SALE, T HOSFj valuable Rice and Cotton Plan- tationa, Crawford and Bonden, situated between the little and great Ogeecliie Ui- vevs, a"d distant between ten and twelve miles from Savannah. The swamp and high land are of prime quality, but have not been in cultivation f >r eight or ten years p-ist. They would be an eligible purchase to any person desirous of owing a valuable property, within a convenient distance of the city. They will be sold before the Couit House in Savannah, on Tuesday, the 28lh January 11 o’clock, if not pre viously disposed of at private sale. The Plat is in the hands of Mr. George Schley, to whom reference may be bad for more particular information. The condilions of sale will be, one third Cash, and for the Balance, a ciedit ot three years on a bond and mortgage of the prr- mises, with the interest annually from the date. HUGH ROSE. dec 17 ire 19 For Liverpool, The new fi «u rate ship PIONEER, E Crabtree, master, Will commence loading for Liverpool immediately. For freight of 400 bales, apply to WILLIAM GASTON. dec H 14 For Liverpool, The ship • OGLETHORPE, Charles Jayne, master, Will commenct loading this lay, and receive dispatch. For freight or passage, apply on board at, Johnston's wharf, or to BENJAMIN BURROUGHS, dec 9 12 For Liverpool, The w ell Known coppered Hriiiah ship B LUC HER, Robert J Potter J luster, __ Has three-fourths other cargo engaged, and will meet with d'spatch. For freight of 250 bales Colton or passage, u|» ply to the Captain on board, ul Hunter’s wharf, or to JOSHUA MILNE. dec 9 12 Planters’ Bank. December 4, 1822. N election for thirteen Directors on the purt of the Stockholders for the e .suing year, will be held at the Banking room on Monday the 6th of of January next, being the first Monday thereof, agieeahtc to the cliartorc-f the Bank. The poll uWJ be opemled at 1U o’clock, A M. JNO. F. LLOYD, Cashier pro tem. dec 6 10 Just Received, And in Store, S IX pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes H Gin 5 do Jamaica Rum 10 casks Porter ' 6 kegs Lend ^ 6 do Shot 25 kegs Harris'No 1 Tobacco 10 kegs Ladies Twist do 25 boxes Raisins 50 do Cbcese~-For sale by A MORGAN, nov 9 104 Jones' upppr wharf. Notice. '|YN Election fo< five Trustees will be held at the Independent Presbyterian Church, on the first Monday in January next. Poll to open at 12 and close at 2 o’clock. OMVFiR SI URGES, Chairman board Trustees, dec 7 11 Selling off at Cost. 7IV.IE subscriber wishing to bring hi« bu- JL siness to a close, takes this opportu nity to offer to the public at wholesale and jet ail, bis'vbdlc Ftock of LAoUnrg & GooiYft •, At wholesale an extensive credit will be given, with good endorsers or town ac ceptances, and at retail g. od bargains can lie obtained for cash, viz : A general assortment of the most fashion able Ifat.s and Clothing, consisting of Trunks blue and black Dress Certs Trunks Frock, Waterloos and Box Coats of various colours Trunks blue, black, rdivp, drab, grey, and slate colour C >»sack Pantaloons Trunin Linen and Cotton frill’d and plain 8hirts Trunks blue, black and casRi mere Vests Trunks Men and Boys* Tartanplaid cloaks VJfeAhq 5 to gl2 Trunks merino, worsted, and flannel Gen- men’s Shirts and Drawers Trunks Hosiries, consisting of Silk, lambs- wool, worsted and large size Yarn Stock ings Kilmarnock and Scotch caps Gentl -m t, n'b Fin Travelling cap* Cases Water nroof Hu's A variety of Mgro Clothing, consisting of round J ickets and Trowsera, from 4 'o gfi per suit. Great coats, Pea Jackets, Monkey Jackets, red Flannel and check Shirts Bdts 3 3j| point Blanket* Do While Plains Cases extra fine Irish Linens Cases large size Silk Umbrellas CaFca Men's Shoes Apply at my Store, five doors East of the City Hotel. PETER DMiUE. dec 9 lm 12 'J BaviWiavft. Ni B. WEED tj Co. WE Removed t ? No 6 Gibbons' Build- SmI’JI ingt, where th*v have, just iveeivtd, and are now opening, a torgu and genera) assortment of Hardware avd Cutlery, Among which are 3 casks T.ib/e Knives and Forks 2 do Pen, Pocket, 2 bUait aud Dtfk Knives 2 do //and, PanneJ and Back Saws 3 do S. S. Knob Locks 1 do Mortar Locks 1 do Stock Locks, from 6 a 2 4 In dies /ong 3 do Pad Locks 1 do Wood Sc cws 20 casks Trace chains 2 do Socket Spadcfl 1 do Grubbing Hues 10 gross Morris'patent Liquor cocks 1000 pair Honk and Plate Hinges 2 -0 dozen Plough Lines 60 casks cut Nails 10 do wrought Nails It) enses Carpenter’s Plane* 10 boxes Beers’ Axes Also, \nvils. Vices, cast Iron Stoves Pots and Ovens, Brass Andirm.B.Shovel and Tongs, cloak and curtain Pina, connnod Knobs. Brass and Ivon 'Red and I able cn« tors, and curry Combs. Together vitli almost every other article in tht I. ne, all of which are c fi’eved for sale Low, toapuai or town acceptance*, dec 2 f| a b The Subscriber, ■"NFORMS his friends and the public gen- l_ ernliy, that since the death of Mr. Wil son. (bis foreman,! he has engaged Mr W Newton, of London, and late from New York, to superintend the TA1LORING BU SINESS. His ability and experience in that line, he confidently expects will ena ble him in all cases to give general satisfac* tion to those who may favor him with their custom. Every article of gentlemen’s apparel, Naval and Military Uniforms, Uc. wilLbe made in the neatest and most fashionable manner, and warranted of the best work manship. ALSO, I.adies Habits, Pelisses, and Cloaks, made up in a new style. He has just received in addition to his former stock an extensive assortment of CLOTHS, Cassimercs and Vestings, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. — AlSO — • A general assortment of TVeaflrs MtuVe Clothing, CONSIST!!**! OP Extra super Blue and-Black Coa’s do do Blue, Olive, Claret, and Par- son's gray mixed Frock Coats Blue, Black, Grey, Drab, Wellington Mi% and oilier fancy colored Cloth and Cassi mere Pantaloons Lamb's Wool and Merino Shirts Angola Shirts, a new ailicle worth looking at Men and boy's Lamb's Wool Stockings Ladies M».rino Chemises, Wc. fac. WITH A LAUOK ASBCUITMPKT OT Seamen's Negro Clothing, which arc offered veiy low for ciuh J P. SEIZE N. B. The best of workmen, and a stiff! c?cnt numb *r of them have been engaged in Now-York by Mr. N. in order to be punctual in his undertaking, dec 14 bib 17 For Greenock, , 'flic well known British ship 4jS®N THU EE SISTERS, James Bell, master, Will be dispatched immedi- l>. For freight of 100 bales Cotton or passage, apply lb captain Bell on bouid, or to * JOHN H. REID & CO. nov 27 3 For Havre, The first class copper'd ship HEBI’RRUS, A»chd M* Corked, master, Having two thirds of her cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch. Fo* freight of the rema nder or passage, having V.tegant furnished accommoda tions apply to the Captain oh board at Hun ter’s wharf, or to SAMUEL WRIGHT. dec 6 10 For Now-York, The new copper fastened x-£T<fc pnekn £hi» C NIAGARA, WHlUum lichee, Master, Will have immediate dispatch. For freight or passage, having el igant ac- commodations, apply on board at Jones’ upper wharf, or to HALL, HOYT Li CO. dec IK 20 For Ncw-York, f be staunch ship 1. Y 0 U U U U S. 'J ^ e y* nu,fiter » To sail 25tli mat. Foi freight it lit) bales, apply n boaul, or to EDWIN BARTLETT* dec 17 p 19 5?; VW For New-York, Th -hip OH A U LOTTE, : Captain Simn, 5€fV* Can take from 50 to tOObides Cotton on deck, if immediate application is made on board at Tavlor’s wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD. dec 12 15 For Providence, I'be pachi-t ship GEN CARRINGTON, ll illium Martin, master, Has half h.r freight enga- and will meet with dispatch. For remi-indcr or passage, apply on board at Moore’s wharf, oi to S. MANTON. Who has received per said ship, and for sale, 120 first cjiiality Butter 2d bbb Mi rs Beef m 20 half hbis Mess Beef P 50 bbls Pilot Bread 50 do boiled Cider 100 casks Lime 100 boxes first sort Herriam 20 halfbbisNol Mocktiel 20 six gall kegs Currant Wine, stipe nor quaii'y dgc 14 17 For Darien nnu Turtle River, The nev packet sloop FLORA, Briggs, A luster, A regular Minder, will sail on* r u- tunny. For freight or ) ajsagc, apply on MILLER Li FORT, 19 lluutci's .vliaifi board, or to dec 17 1’he Subscriber H AS remoml to the store Lt* Iv occu pied by Messrs Bulloch & Dun-wady, where he continues to transact FACTORAGE AND Commission Business, and offers for salo 50 tierces NEW lilCF., together with the following articles: Casks of 11. ll. S. Porter Whole and half bhD Fresh Flour Barrels Mess unit Prime Beef Boxes fresh Raisins Hvson, Gunpowder and Souchong Teas Coffee Loaf, White Havana, and Brown Sugars Cognac Brandy Jamaica and W. India Rum Holland Gin and Whiskey Sperm and Tullow Candles Soap in whole and halfboxes Sperm, Linseed, and Thun Oils Spikes, O ipper and wrought Nail* Cut Nails from 4d to 20.1 Together with an assortment of Ship Chandlery, Hardware, and Paints. WILLIAM P. BOWEN. nov 29 4 *1 Good Glume©. THE NORTHERN BAR-ROOM, O N Rice's 'wharf, now in complete order for such, and calculated to embrace tiic Grocery business, is offered to Let lor the coming season, the present oc cupant leaving it from tircums'ances and a preference to a different pursuit. To a good tenant (ami to save trouble none other need apply) it will be rented low, and the stock on hand may nlsn be had, i( required To say any thing further in praise of the above, than to observe its central situation, would be superffuou i, conside ring tliut that alone must recommend it as one of the first stands of the kind in this city. For particulars, enquire ou the premises, dec 10 II 13 PITCH PINE, \c\brw Tine & LUMBER, FOR THE WEST INDIA MARKETS. t 1 ARGUES of the very best quality, and ) of all descriptions of the above nam- <) Lumber, (50 to 60 feet in length, if requir ed) can, at the shortest notice, be furnish- ed at the UPPER Danen Steam Sazo Mill, in the State of Georgia, on the most rea sonable terms. Vessels drawing hot over 12 or 12 ami a half Feet water, can load with great fact! tv at the Mill by an inclined plane, thereby getting the lumber on board clean ami dry ; and from fifteen to fifteen and a ball feet water, can be carried over Duboy bar. now rendered as safe as any in the United States, from the beacons and buoys there placed. An abundant supply of Cypress Shingles, and Red and White 6«k Hogshead Staves, can be obtained. .There Wing a RICE MILL attached, Rioe either in whole or half tierces, c«u be bad when wanted, fur assorting a cargo. Orders or Communications addressed to the Agent of the Upper Darien Saw Mill, at Darien, Georgia, will be promptly at tended to. / nov 25 109 GENERAL Crockery Establishment. -WAWAW. — For Havre, The tine and fast sailihg brig EAGLE, B Cook, Master, Having part of her cargo engaged, will meet with all possible dispatch. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on b ard at Mooie’a wharf, or to DUHAMEL & AUZE. dec 6 10 - For Jefferson and Great Katilla, The regular packet sloop SPARTAN, GMs, Master, Will sail on Saturday. Fm freight or parage, apply on hoard, or to MILLER U FORT, dec 17 p 19 Uuntcr’*_whu'f, Hy Baker (J Minton, Till< DAY, 19>li intt. »' hall’p.«i 10 o'cluck in front of their Anc’lon More, A gpuer*! nr»..rtni m of GROCE HIES, Consir'ing of 11 hhds Smithfichl Gin 20 bids Newark Cider 11 do NO Sugar 17 b«gs prime Grt«n Coffee 7 libdo N V. Rum 16 bbls Cherry llrtndy 3(J hoses Muscat*.! Raisin* 17 bbls Sntivl.fii Id Cm 11 half bbls prime Beef 1H firkins Butter 15 bbls Lim p Oil % ^ 35 boxes Nort icin Candle* 40 do do Soap —ALSO - 1 Elegant Gig and Saddle Hone dec 19 2l By Baker 6; Minton, TO MORROW. 20th inst. at half past 10 o'clock, id their Auction Store, A valuable assortment of ttaaonuble DRY GOODS. dec 19 21 By Geoige Schley, - FO-MORROW, 2Uth inst at 4 o'( lock P.M. Will be sold at bis Auction Hoi m, &00 Y oYames ot1iook3, Comprising many valuable works, in va rious departments of science andliterature —They are arranged for inspection at tins Auction Room and iviJi be sold without re serve. Terms cash, dec 19 2l l>y George, "Schley, TO MORROW, 2ui!i inst. at 12 o'clock, W ill he sold at the Exchange Dock, The achr ELIZA JANE, Burthen 40 37-95 tons well found in every respect and com- peui i. ud for sea. d c 19 21 • Terms cash Administrator's Sale. Old ulid Superior Madeira Il'Wfi, J. B. Herbert Sj Co. . TO Mt'ffROW kUtli l ist a' 11 o’clock, Will he sold, at tlie store fnimerl*>ccupo-d bv Timm tut Gardner, dre^oacd 825 buttles Madeira VVincj of the Louisa Cecilia's cargo, of the impu tation of 1816; btTmging to the estate of fhomns Gardner. Sold by pet minion of the //imorabfeMfie court'or Ordinary, and by order of the Administratrix, —ALSU- 10 Demijohns old Jamaica Rum (Ipc 19 19 Tecois cash By George Schley, On thrfrst Tuesday in February next, W ILL be sold -without reserve, at *12 o' clock, in front of the Court-House, that valuable trust Lot, designated in the plan of the city by letter Q, with tin; build- • ng tin n on, known ai the old l'rtsb)ie- rian Church. di-e 14 17 * Terms'*ssh. Thirty Dollars Reward. A B CONDKD since 27th tilt, from his employment ns apprentice to Messrs Clark ami Luff borough, masons, my fjbgro buy »Y, or SYPIIAX, about 19venfs old s a slim lellow, not very black, talkative and plausible, bn^not very shrewd; fond of Iress, and much of a beau on Sundays and holidays He had no particular marks hy which I could designate him-but lie is pretty well known about town. From tak ing a good many clothes, I suspect he has left toe place. Captsina of vessels are cautioned to be vigilant, that he does not* make his escape on board. The above re ward will be puid on his delivery in jail, or to L. KOLLOCK. dec 7 11 7IV1K Subscriber is extremely grateful to cL u liberal public who have pa'ronixed bis exertions, unremittingly employ'd since the fire of 1820, to raise an establishment in the line of busmesa he has selected, lully adequate to all their wants and even their luxuri ■* ; and having availed himself of the summer mouths, to render the assortment now appealing as complete and as splen did as any in the Southern country, he con fidently asks in its behalf, the-r support. They will find from the present date, at the Store, corner of Bay Lane and Whitaker street, near the Bay, Morrison’s Building, a genei d and complete assortment of bidia and Staffordshire Hare, Including CUT GLASS of all descriptions* China Breakfast Sets Liverpool During Seta India Dinner Service* Water Plates Beefsteak l'ana And every other arrive useful or luxuri ous, which is to be had in similar establish ments at the North; and in order to comply wdh the'times, he has reduced his prices and equalized them with those of Pniladel- phia and New-York—the exchange and freight only added Sets of articles adapt- ed to tire approaching Christmas festivi- ties, may be had as above, and orders re ceived and forwarded for the completion of any broken seta. JOHN TIIOMAS. N- U. Careful Packers constantly re tained, and articles delivered at the homes of purchasers, dec 13 x> 16 Notice. CHIME Copartnership heretofore existing <11 between the SuhscriWTis, Under the ti. m of Elias B ics & Co. is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The business of the firm will be settled by F.lias Bliss, who is duly authorised to receive all debts tue the Concern. eltas nmss. CHARTER U WILLIAMS, New York Elias Bliss will continue the Factorage and Commission business on hi* own ac* count, at Ae. 14, Mongin's Buildings. dec 16 1.18 Mbs. U. T. SHEARER R espectfully inform, her friemi. and the public generally, that she baa eiTKiv'd from her establishment in Brought- on-street to Market squat e, opposite Mcs- ,rs W. Inglit Li Co. where she is now open ing a new and elegant assortment of And FANCY Articles, Direct from Charleston per schooner Mar garet, consisting in part of the following articles, viz : 1 case Elegant Leghorns 3 ca^cs Straw Bonnets 1 case containing Velvet and Silk Hats and Bonnets, Turbans, Caps, Fea thers, Flowers, Ribbons, Lie. All of which will be sold on very accom modating termk Leghorns bleached and dyed in a very superior style, having an e- legant milliner to superintend her business, dec 17 |l 19 Drapery, Window Curtains and Floor Cloths. F or Sole, at GEORGE ST&'>'S’ C-bi. net It ate room, Broughton-Street, 2 Suits* fBlue Moiine Drapery Window Curtains, complete 7 Suits of Elegant Chintz do. 1 Drawing lloom suit of Curtains, com plete , Large Assortments of Floor Cloth*, with a variety of Bliuds of all descrip tions. Carpets and Curtain* made up in the newest fashion. CCT Two Journeymen ind an Appren tice wanted to the Ctdphct Making bust* nets. • . * « dec 13 limit