Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 24, 1822, Image 2

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GEORGIAN. jitVANNAlh TUESDAY MORNING. DEC. 24. 1BV2- PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE. MiUtilgniUt, Itoc. 19| 1822. I)ur Bin, . By the laal mail, I a«nl you » copy of <hc report and rciolution ut the Selrrt Committee on that part of the Governor's Mcaaag* routing to himaelfand tlio Srcre- tary of Stale. They were made the or der uf the day for yesterday, and were ac cordingly taken up, and acted upon. The Houro continued in acaaion until 7 O'clock, I*. M. The repeated attempt* Aatle to adjourn—to lay on the table lor tie *e»- .ion—and to lay on the table for tit pre- _,ent. occaatoned much desultory Ubate without any probability of coming lo j-con- v4lu»lon t when the “pruviou* qu«C?n" -war called for, and, after many finitluia’af. tempts to evade it, it ultimately prevailed. This morning, a motion ia before the House for re-consideration, and on taking the yeas and naya, it was negatived 58 nays, 47 aye*. The main question was carried, laat -night, by 57 to 45; and four tnembera, on the Governor's aide. absented-tltcm- ,elves at the time of < ailing the yeas and nays, viz. i Cuthbcrt, Cone, Pui-auiore and aiMh.u a. Probably the two latter left the Huiise previously. I tend you a copy of the Report of the Committee on Finance. You will find by that report, much matter for censure u . gainst his Excellency t and, 1 apprehend, it will create muob debate when it ll laid 'before the llooee, It la expected the Legislature will ad about Tuesday oi Wednesday next, Col, Reel Hill lias introduced into tins Legislature -of Pennsylvania an amend ment to the Constitution of the United [states, providing, that the President and Tice President of the United States shall be elected in each Stair, at such times and -in such mannci- as the Legislature shall direct i the citizens qualified to vote for the moat numerous brunoh of Uiu legisla ture to be the electors. .A suit wao reoently brought, in the city ■«f New-York, for the recovery of 97 dol Jars 50 ccnta, from a justice of .police, be- -ing the amount of good money found in ^posaaaston of a person whuae house was searched and a considerable amount of counterfeit notei found, for which he was un rated, attd escaped. The jury returned <• verdict in favor of the plaintiff for the .above amount. YTe lute nofroom forlhe report nf the MornPnalle—heard boat, irnnnd her For Charleston V^aBC&llfort Cnmmitlrr of Finance entire. The ful- o' m^bl—dllctl for aid from the Castle lowing ia. however, the * bsl.nse of it. WU«h»wmd'defend jrOumlMt" The Committee remark on the subject of ,h * "“V"''! "“'f , ." 4 T"' . , nrtl- and the (foptan ordering them Prln'lwr fW-Th.t the whole Ihien.they Tp'ir. 8team bust COLUMBIA, Captain ,111 Ills k H, . were driven off, anti the tmdy or one a lllochman, will leave this for Chiilr.- oflli* IomiI 4\fi H10) hi beend r *[ wn of litem, a min of mme note on the iion via Beaufort, on Thurtday morning, at lor, eir* pf fcf>5 and that the fur* i % |* ll( | t W;t% nft t morning foundperfo- 9 «>*clock. For passage or fr^ipht of han- (her sum of 2047 05 hi* been drawn ri(cll with .Unton the ahore. dy packages, apply on board at the lower whirr, or to 'A mooting has been called at Boston, of »*ho«H persons who are disposed to join in -stMresdng a memorial to Congress on the subject*of the ^peratian of the existing it evonue Lavs. A caucus of the members of the Mis souri Legislature, was held at 8t. Charles, .on the 13th ult, whi n, after some discus* members, with a few exceptions, agreed ><> recommend: in their private and .and individual capacities, Mr. Clay, fbr •the office of President of the UniledBtates. Alluding to ihe mu.fuuuona fof the of- ice of the President of the United States which have lately been made, the Wil mington Gazette says,—“ As the States mre all'likely to have their particular cau* didates, how would it answer for Delaware lo nominate ouO Of her citizens for the of* .fice f It might be well for us to be t n haste about it, lest we should be the last, . and consequently* lose our chance of sue- A Challenge.—‘A Virginian in the Natibn- a\ Intelligencer proposes a Wager of five hundred dollars, that he will exhibit at (he Maryland Cattle hhow, which maybe held near Baltimore in the year 1824, a native Bullook of Virginia, of greater nett weight than any that can be exhibited at the »M f “ nd of ‘ he 8 " ,e time and place, by any New-Yorker, whose Bullock shall be a native of that State— The addic»a of the Virginian is left with J. S. Skinner, esqr. editor of the Ameri can Farmer, Baltimore, through whom the preliminaries may be .adjusted, should this offeree accepted at any time previous to -the first day of March next. (her ruin ul 2047 05 hi, been drawn from the Contingent Inntl ol 1821 Slid 22. and chsig,d to printing ex penses , v hi*h is considered by the Ciiiiioiitlee • violation of tha aot lor further difining the dmica of tbn ’ompltoller General,” dfc. The a mount paid lor printing and bit.ding Lunar’s Dtgt-ut ($I1,I06J is consider ed unn-asuliable and riurbifont,— The ripen,e uf neither of the Hi scut, previously printed amounting by $50110 to a like ruin. J'eiiitentinrjt Ftttid — Tliia fund a- moutiting to $10,000, lias also been di iwn lor and paid, except the sum nt $26 544,and the further sum ol $1792 lid has been drawn from the contin gent tund nf 1822 and charged tn Pen itentiary expense,. The committee express a hope, that no aurli violation of the law before referred to, and als>, applicable to this case, will again oc cur. Military.—The Committee object to the salary ul IheAdjuianl Geneial. The Committee recommend, that the 'duties of the Adjutant General be confined to the receiving and cunanli dating the returns ol tlie division and brigade inspectors, and r-porting the same to thr Governor, and attending the Governor when ended mjt on mil itary occasions. Fur thus attending the Governor, they recnmnicnil that he be sllnwedTlve per day, end fur Ilia other neoviers two hundred dullais per annum* State and Government Home —The items under this head, lutve amounted in the last two yeata to $7,273 771 I'he Committee deem aevetal uf llte charges exlravagjn-lv high. Miscellaneous.—Under this head theUnnnniitee object to the payment ol a cuinmisaion of live per ccm drawn by Klislis YVood.un a disburaeinent ul 50D dollaia. And to the payment uf 199 43}, made tn J. M, Hanham, sheriff ol St. Jnhtia, Hast Fonda, by Mr- Wood, in pursuance of an execu- live, order for apprehending, boarding lie. of u certain William P. llurch, t fugitive felon. Special Appropriations.—The Com mitlee find, that two warrants have been drawn by the Executive for the earn, appropriation, both of -which warrants have been paid at the Ireaeury ; the last sum drawn having however been returned by his excel lency. The cnmmitlee conceive (hat an improper imputation has been cast by his excellency the Governor, upon tie treasurer ill stating that if the trea. amer had required the comptroller general lo have checked ihe warrant before he paid it, as it ia his duty bv law, to do the error would not or could nut have occurred , % Civil.Establishment —The expense uf 'he secretaries uf the executive de garlmrnt. is considered, worthy (he attention of the Legislature; an appro priation nf $750 each for two secreta ries is thought to be sufficient, tngeih- er with the perquisites of the office. Land Fund.—The Committee find an unexpended balance nf this lo ul appropriated on Ihe first of M.ty, 1831,-tothe smnun' of 23,262 96 The following ire the re9 dutione of the Committee accompanying their rrpnrt. Uesnlved; That the payment nffhe sum of $19!) 43} '»v. his excellency thr G vertmr lo James -K Hanham. for apprehending and confining Win, P. Burch in th? jail of St. Augustine is a disbursement from the public trea sury of this state which cannot be ap proved nr allowed by this Legislature. Ussulved, That the charge ol Elisha Wood, Secretary uf the Executive department, of five per cent, for monies disbursed for small incidental contingent expenses, ia unreasonable and cannot be allowed. R esolvrd. That all unexpended ba lances of appropriations (except those which are special), shall at the close of each-political year, be considered and declared as a part of the common Irnly Melancholy event.—On Fri day last, thr Hon. Dixon Hall, a mem ber nf the Senate of this State, was suddenly deprived of life in a man ner peculiarly distressing to hia nu merous Ismily, and the community.— Gn the morning of that day, being in dec 24 35 8. H. FISKB. For Darien, The fast sailing sloop NANCY, Captain S. Sturtevant, Will sail on Thursday next, For hi. Factory a,Sterling,in thi. he noticed a deiagement in a band ur (s • on tine nf the large drums connected with the main shaft, and with the in- irntinn nf rectifying it, he applied hia hand, which was caught between the band and the drum. 'I he machinery at this time was in rapid motion, at the rata of sixty or .eventv revoluliona ip a mihut’c.— The effect was dreadful. Ilia body was drawn with irresistible violence, through an opening often inches dia meter, crushing the hones and instant, ly depriving him ol life. He was re. apectfd and beloved ; sod the circum. stances of hia death excite '('celimrs which cannot be expressed.—jYVu> London, Dec. 11 We have been favored by • com mercial friend with the following ab stract from s Leghorn Price Current, nfthc 21st nf October.—JV , .|J r . Am Coffee, 24 a 27 cts par lb; do 29 do, regular demand; Cocoa, $27 per cwt. in little demand; Cotton, 14} a 15} eta. pr lb;Codfish, $1} per cwi;Flour, no price; Indigo, $2 43 per lb; Log wood, $51) per ton; Bum, 28 a 57 centx. per gallon, unsaleable; Long Nan keens 70 cts per piece; Snort tin 50 dn; Tubarrn, 6 n 7 cts per lb. without demand; Sugar, Havana, white $9 3ft par cwt; dodo brown, $6 20do, Pep per, 13 cts. lh—Four Americans had arrived with cargoes in ballast since 8th Sept. vi-/.. the Nancy Ann, Eliza, Pitrint, and Columbus,—-^Exchange on London 48j pence per dullitr, Piicea at Augusta on Saturday.— Cotton —The supply arriving at mar ket through the week, has been con siderable. Prime ia in demand at II cents. Second and inferior have de clinud } and good lota-can be bought at 1 Mo 10}. Fr ,ighta per bale to Savannah, ! 25 to 11 A. Salt and Cotton D igging—both are declining, from the anxiety of holders to realize sales before Christmas. Exchange, on New York f *r 60 day bills, 3 pr. ct. prero. United States and New Tfofk Post Notes 6 to 7. dec 24 p 25 HALL U MEIGS. I''or Darien, The iloop WILLIAM* K Luce t Matters Will be dispatched immedistvly. For freight or passage, having good accnm tn«»dffA\nn*. apply on board at Taylor’i wharf, or to GIDDS it ALEXANDER, dec 24 r 25 A 2JBL’ MARINE. CUUT OF eui> Ao\ AH. . To be Sold, PIECES London Duffle Blankets, very low charged’ 74 pieces Negro Cloth, uncommonly cheap—by THOMAS WALTON. 24 « 25 AUtmV. T MKkF. will be a Shooting party at the Tavern At *lenoke*« Gate, TOViltRO W the 25th inat A Deer wdl be aet on at *G0 yards* with a rift*, and rurkieaat 165 yardtt. dec 24 e 25 OHice Bank United States, Suvannhhs 23«( Dec. 1823. Si^DNESTVW next being Christmas wJr day, this office will be ahtH. Notes or bonds falling due must be taken up oi< Tuesday the 24th. J. HUNTER, Cashier. dec 24 r 25 Bank State of Georgia, Savannahs 23d Dec. 1822. N OTICE.—This Bank will be closed on Wednesday the 25th inat Christmas day—therefore all Hills and Notes falling due ou that day* must be taken up the 24Ui inat* A. PORTER, Cathier. dec 24 ?25 ©<D Pork, Sugar, and Hats. BARRELS Prime Pork, city In- spect'iin , 20 bolt St, Croix Sugxt 18 8oz. Ruram Hats 20 kegs 1 ubacco No I, first quality For sale by 4. MORGAN. dec 24 li. 25 ruts dav C OMMENCES drawing the Literature Lottery of New-York, Seventh Clnsa. which will be rApidl) completed. CAPITAL PHIZES. 20,000 Dollars, *40,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars, 3,000 Dollars, 2,000 Dollars, 2,500 Dollars, fyc. Tickets at present, TEN DOLLARS. Apply to S. & M. ALLEN Ci CO. (O' Price Tickets will be received for ordtrs.—Correct Lists of the drawing kept. Cush paid for prize,, and eyery informa tion given gratis dec 24 25 Jamaica Rum. J UST received by the brig JJritlc, from Montego Bay, twenty-five puncheons high proof <and tine flavoured Rum. For sale by WM. TAYLOK & SON. (TT public are cautioned against trust ing the crew of the above mentioned brig Brisk, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or Consignee, den 24 b 25 .Notice. OTpKE Honorable the Superior Court of vl Chatham County, will commence ita r. gular Term Sitings on the 6ih day of 'January ensuing, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon, for the trial of Causes civil and cri minal Applicants forcitiaenship, must ap ply at my Office, before the Court, to have the papers prepared. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, dec 24 p 25 Sheriff’s Sales. O'i the Jtrst Tucntay in January, ennting, Vi®ILL be sold before the Court House Vw in Savannahs between the »su»l hours, by order of the Justices of the. In ferior Court. Three men of color, stid to be free, ta. ken up for ilk-gal residence, and fined ac. cording, to lew. ,nd foiling to pay their fines are now to be ruld as slave,—the purchaser to (five bond £7 recuriiy to trans port them out ofthe Stnte of Georgia, ill theaum offive hundred dollar, each—their name, are Francis Hurday and John—and John Lacario, alias John Page. Conditiona uf sale Casli. ABRAHAM D'LYON.a. cc. dec 24 25 CLEARED, 8chr Cornelius, Biskey, Barbadocsand X market, 1 Cohen. Sclir Bylph, 'Moreen, Mamgalanle and a market 1 Cohen. ARRIVED, On the 13th foist, schr Bethia Sc Betsey, Cobb, from Cape lluyticn, bound to Turks Island, put in distress—her sails and rigging much injured and main mast sprung-. Steam boat* olurabia,Blackman, Charles ton, via Beaufort, 2 days. J'tiiecngat, Mrs Bignow, child ami servant Mra Perony and two children, Judge Huger, Captains Haskell and-Cook, Messrs Baldwin, Dor- tic, Ycnagu, Ker, Molyueux, Mortimer and Canter. Steam Itont Alatsmaha, with boats No 18 and 28 in tow, consignees J Gumming it Son, J F Williamson, Johnston ft Ilills, U Cord n, It' umpbeli, J Harper, dimming ft Gwatlimey. ( C Gri*wbld,'P Hill, Law- rente ft Thompson, Dulmntel & Auze, AV Gaston, N-B Weed, Ponce It M*Kenzie and others. Steam boat Oekmulgee, with Nos 6 and 22 in tow. The brig Upton, 25 days from N York, bound to nt Aoguat’me, with a detachment October Term, 1822, Rvta Nisi. The following singular communication 4a among the Document* submitted ' to Congress by the Prevldent. It is from the f aptaiuof a Spanish Privateer to Captain Homage. It is worthy of preservation a- jr.ung .Use " Curiosities of Literature." * b. M, B, G.-Boves, At aea, July 8, 1822. M. Bamsge, U. S. sclir Porpoise. Sir ; l am sorry you will be incommotled •with ll>* 8y finytng yon tins m-.rning, be ing the cate that we thought you were patriots ami we fi» v e oo otn.saiou from our £nvci'nicnt, to blockade all the men ports a.ul happened that most all the vessels from the men hoisted and oglu with die -American tl.g, we took you to be one of '"them, i hope therefore jouwill fargived the uneasionslly attair. 1 remain ^ our atticear Ac. PAULO LLUGEB. To the captain of the U. 8. Bo. Poputse. Providence, December 5.—Tlti« day ianhservetl, in this State and Massachusetts, as one of Thanks giving and Prayer. The good peo pie of Connecticut, having already got through their Thanksgiving, it was expected, with some appearance of reason, that they would have spared ua some of their tuckies, at a moder ate price. Butt such ia the scarcity of this indiapensible requisite to a regnfsr Thanksgiving, or such the incresting piety of the people of Rhode Isltitd and their zeal for roast ed turkev (we will net pretend to ssy which) that turiies have advanced, in nur market, from six to ten cents the pound. To console us for this dearness, however, pumpkin, and uto lasses continue at old prices. Pirates.—fn speaking Uf the late piratical acts and the foment**,I death ut Lieut. Allthi, the editor ot the Provi dence Gazette s'ates the lullnwiug fact in rutrobnration of the evidence h< fare published that piracies are wink, ed at by the public authorities of the Island uf Cobs. We have heard of nt instance in a teasel from this port , which aucboied within bearing ut the Lieut. Kirk, put into St Mary's on the 17th inat. for provision* and Water-all well on board. For Sale, L OW. for Cash or approved paper, a va luable House Servant. Enquire of C. KELSEY U CO. dec 21 it 23 Brandy, &t. 41/ZW BARRELS Cider Brandy 3(j cask a Cheese Landing and for sale by A. MORGAN. dec 21 k 23 Superior' Court—Camden County. John M'NIsh.'t VS. The Heirs or | Legal repre- V senta'ivfcs of [ John Conner I deceased. J O N the Petition of John M'Nish of Sa vannah, in the county of Chatham, stating; that John Conner in his life time, to wit. On the 27th day of July, A. D. 1820, executed to him his two several bonds, in the penel sum of two hundred dollars each, conditioned for the payment of one hun- ared dollars each, on the first days of da- huary, in the years of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and twenty one, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty- two; and for the better securing the pay ment thereof, the said John Conner on the said twenty seventh day of July, in the yeat of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty* did make his certain deed of mortgage, whereby he mortgaged, to him, his heirs, executors, administra tors, and assigns, all that piece or par cel of Land, containing three hundred acres more or lest, being the South F.ust end of a four huudred acre tract of land, ° . u mu ui m iuut uuuurcu ucrc In»ut ui imiiui ot the U S troops, under the command of originally granted to William M-lnloah, si* T.imit. Kirk, nut into St Marv’n nn tli* ji : .i .a. F cannel coal, OR SALE, by oct 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. Just Recived Per brig Punt he a, anti for tale, UASES Gin* superior quality. s. MAN TON. dec 14 17 Just Received, Jind in tHore^ S IX pipes Cognac Brandy 5 pipes 11 Gm 5 do .inmuica Rum 10 casks "Porter 6 kegs l.eud 6 du Shot 25 kegsHamsltfo 1 Tobacco 10 keg« i.':dies T&ist do 25 boxes Raisins ¥ 50 do Cheese—For sale by x A MORGAN. nov 0 104 Jones’ upper wbarf. tnutc lyiug and being on the south side of the Great Satilla River and waters thereof, in (he county of Camden, and State afore said ; and which, by a chain of conveyances became the property of the said John M'- Vith, and was sold by him to the said John Conner: That there is now due and un paid, on the said bonds and mortgage, the principal sum of Two hundred Dollars, with lawful inteiest on each of the said sums of one hundr ed Dollars, from the first day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, and from the first day of Janu ary one thousand eight hundred and twenty two; and praying the Fureclo««re of the Equity of Redemption of the said John Conner, his heirs, executors, administra tors, and assigns of, in and to the said mort gaged premises; and that the said mort gaged premises may be sold at public auc tion, according to the Statute in such ease, made and provided. t)n motion of C. S. Henry, Attorney-for petitioner* It is order ed that the principal and interest due on tlie said mortgage, together with the costa of this application be paid into this court, within Twelve months from this date, o- ther wise that the Rquity of Redemption of the said John Conner, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, be from thence forth forever foreclosed, and that such fur. therani other proceed ngs take place, as are .pursuant to the Statute in euch case made and provided. And it ia further or dered, that this rule be published in one of the gazettes of this state, at least once a- month for twelve months, to the time ap pointed for the payment of said money in tncou't. Let the Rule Nisi issue 28th Oct. 1322. J. II. MONTGOMERY, a. True extract from the minutes of said court, this twenty-eighth day of No- 'lepbifc J822. *«01!N BAILEY, Clerk, doc 24 $rts IJ - t * *♦ . Bill* on New-York, I .-OK SALE, by 1 FREDERIC SEI.I.ECK. fire 21 23 VxcAmnge On Providence, R. I. pOU SALE-by dee 11 14 8. A. CONDY, Rice's wharf. Drafts on Philadelphia, A T SIGHT.—For aale by NICHOLAS H NEFF, dee 14/ 17 Bills on England, JjtOR SALE, by dec 16 19 GEORGE RE/i.PH. BILLS O N JVeic Fori*. Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington City, and Richmond, Fir. In aums and sight, tu suit Purchaser,. For sale by - * . 8. Si M. ALLEN, fo CO. dec 21 p 23 BILLS ON NEW-YtftlK, A rdtofiOdayssiglit- forsale by SAMUFL WRIGHT. H’ho has for tale, 15 hhds prime St Croix Sugar 23 qr casks superior Teneriffe Wine 20 boxes 7-8 and 4 4 Irish Linens, in whole and half pieces 10 boxes Jaconet, Cambiic* and Book Muslins doc 12 15 Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the Ute Rev Walter Cranston, are request cxl tn render them duly attested, to (V, B Bulloch, for settlement. MARY CRANSTON. dec 2 p? 6 Ten Dollars Reward. L EFT the Subscriber about ten days since, his neg o boy MAY, about 5 feet 5|iitches high, dark complexion, with a scar on his nose : as he liad a pass to Savannah, he is probably harboured there. The a- bovetcwa'd will be given by delivering him to me nt Riceborough, or M% H. U'- Donald, Savannah. DANIEL FRASER. dec ?4 l 25 job minting. NEW andicoMplete assortment of i Job Printing Type, having been ad ded to the office'of the Georgian* Hand and Post Hills, Cards, Circulars* Law and Com mercial Blanks, and work of every descrip* tion in Uut line of business, will be execu ted in the best manner* and on the most moderate terms. The Georgian' Job Printing Office, is in the same place in which the late Henry P« HusseH's office was kept. Orders left either as the Job office, or at the office of the Georgian, will meet prompt attention. dj* An assortment of Blanks is kept «on< sjantly on band for sale, dec 24 25 For Sale, UjTJHE corner Lot No. 22, Brown ward 4A livnting on Chippewa square, late the piopertyofthe Presbyterian Church, the must pleasant and healthy situation in the city. GEORGE GORDON. dec 17 119 Whiskey. Notice. iVN Election for five Trustees will be Ukwk held at the Independent Presbyterian Church, on the first Monday in January next. Poll to open at 12 and close at 2 o'clock. OLIVER STURGES, Chairman board Trustee*, dec 7 11 Bools, Shoes, § Soal Leather. e. wTthiNgton H AS for Sale, 100 packages BOOTS and SHOES, well calculated for the Coun try trade. Also. 2000 lbs Red Sole Lea ther, of a prirtte Quality, which will be sold Low at his store, north tide (f the Market. dec 21 u 28 HOGSHE\DS Whiskey * 50 Barrels do . Lauding from ship Niagara. For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. dec 18 20 100 doz. WOOL HATS,' J UST received und for sale by the Sub scribevs—who have on hand, and are constantly receiving HA TS of every kin d and quality, of the latest fashions; all of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms. BUTLER & SCRAVTON, Giltlon’s building, Market sqare• dec 7 rc 11 Landing © • From the shift MayarOf PIPES Cognac Br. nay, SigneU'a brand, warranted pure 11 kegs Tobacco—F^r -ale bv E. W. VANVOO.tHIS. Also in Store ui Market Square, A general assortment of Groceries und Domestic Goods. "dec 19 21 Liverpool Coal, Salt, and Potatoes, F OR SALE. Also an excellent Box Chronometer, by Litherland, whose er ror and rate are accurately ascertained. Ap ply to A L. I10LYNEUX. dec 11 14 Planters’ Bank, O N Wednesday next, Christmas day, this Bank will be shut.—Monday therefore will be the Offering, |md Tuesday the Dis count day. Accommodation Notes must i be dated on Monday, and made payable at 62 d&ysdate. Ji MARSHALL, Cashier, dec 20 22 Landing F ROM ship Thomas Fowler, and for sale by the Subscribers* i Coils Cordage Do Bale Rope Heavy Ravens Duck J Common do do ^ Sheetings « Russia Duck Broad Diapers, &c. L BALDWIN 8c CO. dec 13 16 Dividend No. 20, Planters' Bank, J)ec. 2, 1822. T HE Board of Directors of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent,for the.last six months, the same will be paid, to Stockholders on and after Friday next. JNO. T. 14.0YD, cashier pro tern, dec 4 rc 8 Planters’ Bank. December 4,1822. N election Tor thirteen Directors on ttwi tlie part of the Stockholders for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking room on Monday the 6th of of Januar y next, being the first Monday thereof, agreeable to the chartor of the Bank. The poll will be opended at 10 o'clock, A M. JNO. F. LLOYD, Cashier pro tern, dec 6 10 BOARDING. A FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely accommodated with Board, in a private family, a few steps from the City Hotel terms moderate. Apply at this Office, nov 27 3 Scotch Ale. TIERCES 8$ doz. each, superior •11 fine Edinburgh Ale Two titrets doa. each, Pale Edin burgh Ale Just received, and for sale by WILLIAM SCARBROUGH. W .T.iamson't Building, dec 11 14 For Sale, Landing from schooner Jt'ive Sisters, JJ CASES Wool Hata Hi 40 bbls Apple Drnndy 10 tierces White Beans 25 bbls Prime and Mess Pork 20 firkins Lard 20" do Goshen Butter 400 bushels Oats 100 do Potatoes 20 bbls Cider Enquire un board at Jones’ upper whsrfa due 21 |p 23 FIRE ENGINE./ naOR sale Cheap, a first rate VIRY5 EN- 4J? GINp. Apply JOHN PAUVIN. dj" The Augusta Chronicle will pleaaa insert the above six times and send hi, ac. count to the Editor for payment, dec 19 l 21 Sheriff Sales. Onthe first Tuesday in February neset, r " 0, ILL be sold at the Court House, be tween the Hours of 10 and 4 o’clock* under two executions issuing ft om the Ho norable the Superior court of Latham coun ty, one the administrators of David M'Cre- die vs the administrators of Andrew M'Cre- die, the other the administrators of David M’Credie, survivor of M'Credie h Hannah* o«the. administrators of Andiew M'Credie. Wharves No 1 and 2, two hundred and fifty feel front on the river, adjoining Lin- coln-street, public dock. The value of this property, from ita situation, is so well known, that a further description is unne cessary. Also, a City Lot No 3, on the Bay, Wash ington ward, a H.nise and lot No 8, in fee simple, Market-street* at present occupied by Mr J. M. Russel. Conditions—One third Cash, one third Six Months, and one third first January next, purchaser giving bond and mortgage wub interest from date, ABRAHAM D’LYQN, «c.c. dec 21 2i *