Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 2

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f .vsr-t UU0RG1AN. 'loving it, however* the • biUnce of it. fiWANNAH ' TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 94. 1BV3- FltlVATB correspondence. MiUtdgnitU, Dee. 19, 1822 Vru Si., By ilio lut mail. I tent y®t * -eepy of the teport .ml resolution of the Selfri Committee on that |>»rt of Rte Governor'* Meutge routing to hintaelfaml the Bccre- t.ry of State. They were matle the or. dar of the day for yeiterdey, anil were ac cordingly taken up, and acted upft. The . House continued in acMion until 1 e’elock. V. M. -The repeated attempt, made to adjourn—to lay on the table for flu ich lion—and to lay on the table for tlfc pre sent, occasioned much deeultory Jehate without any. probability of coming to) con- sdluuon i when the previous que^on” -war called for, .nd, after many fnpUtafclf- tempt, to evade it, it ultimately prevailed. Thia raornitig, a motion ia before tlie Klottac for re-consideration, and on taking the yea. and nay* it w** negatived 5b naya, 47 ayes. The tnalh question wi» carried, last -iliglit, by *7 to 4J i and four member* on the Guvevnur'a a'ul*. absented-them- telvea at the time of nailing the ycaa ami naya, via,t Cuthbcrt, Cone, Puramore and Mathews.,' Probably the twotatter left the Huilte previously. I send ymi a copy of the Report of the ■ Committee on’ Finance. You will find by that report, much matter for censure a- . gainst Ins Excellency t and, 1 apprehend, it will create muoh debate when it it laid 'before the llouae. It ke expected the Legislature will -ad journ about Tueiday or Wednesday neat. Col. Reel llill baa introduced into-tins Legislature of Pennsylvania an amend enent to the Constitution of the iinited States providing, iliat the Prcaident and Tice Preaident of the United Stale, shall 'be eleoted in cacli State, at such timet and 'in auoh manner aa the Legislature thill direct; theeitiiena qualified to vote for the moat mtmcroua branoii of tlie legisla ture tube the electors. _A suit was recently brought, hi the city .of Nuw-York, for the recovery of 97 dol. Jars 50 cents, from a justice of .police, be- -ing the amount of good money found in ^osMtaion of a peraon whuae honte wit eearohed and a eonaidaeable amount of Counterfeit notei found, for which he wo* arretted, and escaped. The jury returned <a verdict'in fovor of the plaintiff for the Above amount. 'A meeting hat bacn Called at Bolton, of •Vhosn persons who are dlapnied to join in -lddreaaing a memorial to Congreaa«n the -oubject-ofUie operation of the exiating ' Bcvonue Lawa. A -mucus of the member! of the mis. eouri Legislature, waa held et St. Charles, .on the idth ult, when, after some discus. 'pe members, with a few exceptions, agreed to recommend; in their private and .and individual capacities, Mr. Clay, for •the office of Preaident of the Unile'd’S tales. Ate litre not room for (he report of the MoroPaitle—beard (seats lremit her For CllftrlCfftOfl Be&Ufort. a 1 r* ' * 11 * r • ,i * -* *» *'- * Committee of Ptnance entire. Tlie fot- *' IHjhl-calUd foe aid from the Castle omI weeanewrred' defend yourself**’’ The vessel wet well armed end man The Committee remark on the auhjeettrf . „ ned- -•ml the Captan ordering them c _ , ,, _. . , *o fire among 'hr lurk inn thiera, they JVIlt Ing Kusd-That (he whole *,,rr driven off, and the body of une Alluding to the mit.ilnailoni for the of- ice of the President of the United State* which have lately been made, the Wil mington Gazette lays,—'* Aa 'the State, are alf likely to have their particular can* didatea, how would it anawer for Delaware to nominate olid.Of her citizens for tho ef- ,fice I It might be well fur tli to bo i n haate alumt it, leat we ahould be the laat, and consequently, loot tur clrance tf tuc- .-e»».” i „{ CAaibnjv.—>A Virginian in the Nation al Intblligencer propoaet a Wager of five hundred dollars that he will ekhibit at the ofthe fond 4151 SKI| has been drawn for, asci-pt gfi5 74 j and that (he fur* (her sum ul 3047 05 has been drawn from the Contingent land of 1821 and 22. and chatgid to printing ex penses , vhiah ia considered by the t'uiii-niiire a violation of tha aot fur luniter dsfining the duties of ibn Comptroller Central,” dj*c. The a - mount niiil for printing and binding Lumar's Digeat (£11,106} is runauler ed uiirrisonihle and exorbitant— The expenae of neither of- the l)i jests previously printed amounting by 83000 In a like sum. f’enitentiarji Fttmf — This fund a, mounting lu .810,000, lisa alto been di.iwn lor and paid, except the turn nl 8201>4 j, and the further turn nl 81792 63 baa been drawn from the contin gent lund «f 1822 and charged t« Pen itentiary expense*. The cumiuittee express a hope, that no aoch violation oi the law before referred to, and als,, applicable, to thia cate, will again oc cur. Military.—'The Committee object to the salary ut theAtjjutanl (seneial. The Committee recommend, that thv ilutira uf the Adjutant General be confined to the receiving and cunauli dating the return* ofthe division and brigade inspector!, and r--porting the same to the 'Governor, and attending the Governor when called <>l|t on mil itary ecciaiona. For thus attending the Governor, they recommend that he be tllnwe'di’five dollars per day, und for Ilia other aenvices two hundred dullata per annum- State and Government Remit —The items under this head, h«»o amnuntnl in (he last two yeata to 87,273 77) The Committee drein sevetal of thv charges rilrsvsgsn’ly high. MineHaneout—Under thia head the'Commiitve o'hiect to the payment ol a commission of live per ceni drawn by Elisha Wood, on a disbursement ot 50H dotlaia. And to the payment of 199 43fi, made tiiJ. M, Hanhain, sheriff ol st. Juhha, East F onda, by Mr. Wood, ill pursuance of an execu tive order for apprehending, boarding jfcc. of a certain William P. Uurch, a fugitive felon.' Special Appropriation*.—'The Com mittee find, that two warrants have been drawn by the Executive for the itml appropriation, both of which warrants have been paid at the treasury 1 the last sum drawn having however been returned by hia excel lency- The committee conceive (Hat an improper imputation has been cast by his excellency the Governor, upon the treasurer in staling that if the tree, aster had required' the comptroller 5 moral to have cheeked the wurrant tfore he paid it, as it ia his duty by Isw, to do the error would not or could nut have ncrurred ,» Civil. Ettnhliihment —The expense of the secretaries of the executive de pertinent <• considered, worthy the attention of the Legislature; un appro, prjation of 8750 each for two secrete* ties is thought to be sufficient, togeth er with the perquisites of the effioe. Land■ Fund.—The Committee find an unexpended balance of thia lund appropriated on the first of May, 1821, lotlie ainotin' or 23,26396 The following ,re the ret dutions ofthe Committee accompanying their report. Resolved^ That the payment ofthe sum of 8199 43} ‘>v. bis excellency the Governor to J-iinve -R. Hntihum. for apprehending and confining Wm, P. Burch in th» jail of St. Augustine ia 1 disbursement from the public trea tury of this state which cannot be'ap proved or allowed by this Legislature. ■Rasul ved, That the oharge of Elisha Wood, Secretary of the Executive department, 'of five per cent, fur monies disbursed for sntxll incidental contingent expenses, ia unreasonable and cannot be allowed. R esclvrd, That all unexpended ba lances of appropriations (except those which are special} shall et the dose of each-political year, be considered Maryland Cattle show, which may be held nrar Baltimore in the year 1824, a native T — , , . Bullook of Virginia, of greater nett weight and declared aaa part of the common at tha Joe HaA of * he ' .J?' than any that can be exhibited time and place, by any New-Yorker, erhtiee , Bullock tliall be a native of that Stated— The atldreuof the Virginian ia left with J. S. Skinner, eaqr. editor of the Ameri can Fanner, Baltimore, through whom the preliminaries may be,adjusted,should thia -accepted atyny time previous to -the lint day of March next. The following singular communication da among the Document* submitted' to Congress by the Piweident., It it from the t aptain of a Spanish Privateer to Captain Ramnge. his worthy of preservation a- mong tlie - Curioiilie* of Literature.*’ W fi. M. B. G.-Bovea, At sea, July 8, J832. M. Bamage, U. S.Sehv Porpmav. •Sir; 1 sm tony .you witl be incommoded with me by finyiug you tint uvjmiugv be- . ing the Cate that we thought you were patriots, and we have eo nni.tsioo from our fovei-nietit, to blockade all tlie men porta . »..d ltappened that moat all tlie veaaela from tlie men huiatcd and iigitt with the •American d-g, we took yon to be tine of '‘.tl.euu i hope therefore you will forg.ved the unea*ionatlj ; affair. ' 1 remain four amcear he. PABLO LLUGER. To the captain of the U. S. go. Popviac. , . OTIIttF. Steam boat COLUMBIA, Captain Mdy or une U Hlntkwm, will leave thU for Charlea- ut them, 0 min nf some not* on the 1 ton via Beaufort, on Thundat morning, at ivUod, wav nett m-rnlng found perfo- ® "’clock. For paaaage or freight of ban rued with ahnt on the Wore. dl ' Irnly Melancholy event.—On FrS. day laat, thr Hun. Dixon Hall, a mem ber of the Senate of thie--Stale, wit suddenly deprived of life in 0 man- ner peculiarly distressing to His nu merous family, and tho cnmmnnity.— Gn the morning of that dny, being in dy packages, apply on board at the lower wharf, or to 8. H. FI SICE. dee 24 2! For Darien, Tha fait tailing aloop NANCY, CmpUun S. Sturtevant, WiH Mil on Ttturwlajr ncit. For A Ireiglit or on one nf thr large drama connected with the mnin shaft, and with the in* tentinft of rectifying it, he applied hia hand, which was caught between the band and the drum. 'I he machinery at thh time wot in- rapid motion, at the rate of aiity or seventy revolutions in a minute.— The effect waa dread cal. Ilia bqdy Waa drawn with irresistible violence, through an-opening often inches dio- meter, crushing Ihrbnnet and inatint- ly deiiriving him at life. He was rr. apected and beloved ; and tho circum. stanrea of his death eicite feelimrt which cannnt be expreued.—JWw London, Dee. II Wo have been favored by • com mrreial friend with the following ab- street from a Leghorn Price Current, of the 21 at of Ocinber.—Jm Coffee, 24 1 C7 rls pgr lb; do 29 dn, regular drmend; CncuO, 887 per cwt. in little demand; Cotton, 14) s 15} eta. pr lb; Codfish, &tfi per cw;;Flour, no price; Indigo, 88 43 per lh; Log wood, 850 per ton; Rum, 28 a 57cents, per gallon, unsaleable; Lung Nan keen* 70 eta per pirce; Snort do 50 d»t Tubacrn, 6 a 7 eta per lb. wiihout demand; Sugar, Havana, while 89 Sft per cwt; dodo brown, 86 20do, Pep per, 13 eta- lh—Four Americana had arrired with enrgnea in ballast since 8th Sept.-viz- the Nancy Ann, Eliza, Pitrint, anti Columbue,—‘Exchange on London 48) pence per duller, P'ires at Anguata on Saturday.— Cotton —The supply arriving at mar ket through the week, hat been con* sidrrnbfo. Prime ia in demand at 11 cents. Second and inferior have de dined ) and good Iota-can be bought at 1 'to 10). Fr fights per bale to Savannah,T 85 lo I I 9. Salt and Cotton Digging—both are declining, from tha anxiety of holder* to realize aalet before Christmas. Exchange, on New'Yotk f r60 day bills, S pr. ct. prem. United State* and Ntw Yofk Post Notes 6 to 7. dec 24 p 35 HALL V MEIGS. ,?or Darien, The sloop WILLIAM, £ Luce, Muter, Will V* dispatched immediately. For freight or paaaage, having good acenm- mmlstinn*. apply on board at Taylor’s wharf, or to GIBBS U ALEXANDER, dec 24 r 25 . To be Sold, djjt PIECES London Duffle Blankets, *03/ very low charged 74 pieces Negro Cloth, uncommonly Cheap—by THOMAS WALTON. 34 a 35 THIS DAY C OMMENCES drawing the Literature Lottery of New-York, Seventh Class, which will be rapidly completed. CAPITAL PRIZES. 20,000 Dollars, 40,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars, 8,000 Dollars, 2,000 Dollars, 2,500 Dollars, $c- fy Tickets at present, TEN DOLLARS. Apply to 8. ft M. ALLEN it CO. tgy Price Tickets will be received for ordtra.—Correct Lists of the drawing kept Cash paid for prise* and every informa tion given gratis dec 34 35 M\R1NT5. futtT OF h.'i. JjV-‘ AH. CLEARED, 8chr Cornelius, Biakey, Barbadoes and a market, I tiohen. Sclir Sylph, Moreen, Maragalante and a market I Cohen. ARRIVED, On the 13th iust. sebr Bcthia ft Bc-tacy, Cobb, ft-omCape Hayticn, bound to Turk* laland. put in distreia—.her sails and rigging much ii\jured and main mast .sprung. . - , Stesm host < olumbia,BI sckmsn, Charles ton, via Beaufort, 3 days. I‘anengcrt, Mrs Bignow, child -and servant Mrs Pernny and two children, Judge Huger, Captaiua Haskell amt-Cook, Messrs Baldwin,-Dor- tic, Yeuogu, Kur, Molyueux, Mortimer and Canter. St cum boat Alatamaha, with boat* No 18 and 26 in tow, cnnsigneca J Cummiog ft Boh, J P Williamson, Johnston ft Hills, G Gord n, H I -ampbell, J Harper, Cumming ft Gwathmev. t.'C Criawold, P Hill, Lnw- rente ft Tlmmpton, Duhamel it Ante, W Guston, N B Weed, Ponce-ft M'Kenzie and others. steam boat Oekmulgee, with Nos 6 and 33 in tow. Sheriffs Sales. O" the Jtnt Tuectay in January, ennUny, ILL be sold before the Court House t/w in Savannaht between the usual hours, b; order of the Jutticetof the. In ferior Court. Three men of color, said to be free, ta ken up for illegal residence, and fined ac cording to Aw. and-foiling to pay their fines ere now to be raid at alavea—the purchaser to give bond it eecurity to trans port Ihem out ofthe State of Georgia, in the turn of five hundred dnllara each—their names are Francis Uurday and Juhn--and John Lacario, alias John Page. Conditions uf aale Cash. ABRAHAM D'LYON,l. cc dec 24 35 JVUsmW T HERE will he t Shooting party at the Tavern at Jeaflke’a Gate, TOV THROW (he 25th laat. A Deer will be eet up at 400 yard* with a rile, and Turkic* at IftJ yards. dec 34 e 35 Ortlce Bank United States, -ftitwmM, 2.1ft Dec. 1823. \r«/P.nNESD \Y next being Chriitmu ml day, tlfis office will be ehut. Note* or bonfis foiling due mutt be taken up 01, ueeday the 24th. J. HUNTER, Cashier. dee 24 f 35 Rank State of Georgia, Jowssni, 33d flee. 1822. N OTICBe—This Bank will be eluted on Wedneaday thr 35tb inat Christinas day—therefore all Bills and Notes falling due uu that day, must be taken up the 24th inti. A. PORTER, Cuter. dec 94 xS5 Pork, Sugar, and Hats. BARRELS Prime Pork, city In I tpecVwm , SO birk St, Croix Sugar 18 dob. Khram Hats 30 ken Tobacco No I, first quality Fob tale by A. MORGAN. dec 24 (l75 Jamaica Rum. J UST received by the brig Britk, from Montego Bay, twenty-five puncheons high proof and fine flavoured Rum. For sale hy WM. TAYLOR ft SON. (ty The public are Cautioned against trust ing the crew nf the above mentioned brig Brisk, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the'Captain or Consignee. den 2 4 b 35 Bills, on New-York F or sale, by Fit dec 31 33 FREDERIC 8Et.LF.CK. VxcAvange On Providence, R. I. F OR SALE-by fl. A. CONDY, dec It 14 Rice’s wharf. Drafts on Philadelphia, A T SIGHT.—For tale by NICHOLA8 fit NEFF. dee 14/ 17 Bills on England, JjtOR SALE, by * '* dee Ifi 19 GEORGE REtl.PH. BILLS O N Ntw Fork, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Waihmgtoit City, and Richmond, Fir. In turns and aigbta to suit Purehaaeia.' For aataby - - • , 8. ft M. ALLEN, ft CO. dec 21 p 23 BILLS OXNEW-VfftlK, A T 3 to 60 days tight- fur tale by 8AMUEL W RIGHT. H’ho hue foreale, 15 hhdt prime St Croix Sugar 33 qr casks superior Teneriffe Wine 3U boxes 7-8 and 44 Irish Linen* in whole and hsICpieces 10 buses Jaconet, Cambiie, and Book Muslins dec 12 15 .Notice. HTtHE Honorable tlie Sup irior Court of 'pel u Chatham County, will commence ite t- gulsr Term Sidings 0,1 the Sth dsy of 'January ensuing, et 10 o’clock in the fore noon, for the trial nf Cause* civil and cri minal Applicants futcitiaenahip, must ap ply at my Office, befure the Court, to have the paper* prepared. JOB T. BOLLES, Clerk, dec 34 p ‘25 Notice. P ERSONS having demands against the late Rev Walter CnwalM, are rrqneat e.l in render them dtfiy atteated, to Bulloch, for settlement. MAHY CRANSTON. dec 2 pi 6 Ten Dollars Reward. J^EFT the Subaeriber about ten daye since, hianeg o buy MAY, about 5 (eet complexion, with a scar , past to Savannah, ea ,'g‘t Synches high, dark on hia note : aa he hatlx he ia prubably harboured there. The a- bove rcwa r d will be given by delivering him to me at Riceborough, or M r . H. If- Donald, Savannah. DANIEL FRASER. dec 94 125 JOB PRINTING. A\ NEW and WA Job Printi Superior* Court—Camden County. John M’Nlah,1 October Term, 1832, Rota Nisi. The brig Uptcn, 25 days from N York bound to ut Augustine, with a.detuchment ofthe U 8 troop* under the command nf Lieut. Kirk, put into St Mary’s on the 17th inat. for provision! and Water—all well on board. a Providence, December 5.—This day n observed, io thia State and Masaachuaetta, aa one of Thanks giving and Prayer- The good peo ple tn. Connecticut, having already jot through - their Thanksgiving, it waa expected, with some appearance of reason, that they would have spared u* some of their tarkies, at a moder ate price. Bill aoch ia the scarcity of thia indiapenitble rrquintp to a regular Thanksgiving, or auejt the increatinx piety of the people , of Rhode Island'aud their zeaffor roaat- ed turkey (we will net pretend to tty which} tliat turkiea have advanced, in our market, from six to ten centa the pound. To console ua for thia dearnesa, however, pumpkins and uio laaaes continue at old price* Pivot**.—In speaking Uf tha late piratical acta and the lamented death ot Lieut. Alldn, the editor ot the Provi dence Uuzelte s'ates the following fact ill corroboration of (he evidence tx fore published that piracies are Mink, etf at by the public aulhoritiea of the laland of Coba. We have heard of ■«n inatanre in a veaael from this port which aoeboted within heariog ul tha For Sale,.. J^OW, for Caah or appruved paper, a rt- lUsble House Servant. Enquire of C. JtELSEY it CO. dec 21 a>33 Brandy, .fife. BARRELS Rider Brandy _ 30 casks Cheese Landing and foraale by A. MORGAN. dec 31 l S3 P° CAvnNEL goal, iR SALE, by oct 39 J. P. WILLIAMSON. Just Recived Per brig PuUthca, and for tale, ~ CASES Gin» tupenor quality. S. MAN TON. dec 14 17 ttdxs) Just Received, And in Store, S IX pipe* Cognac Brandy 5 pipes H Gin 5 dn JknwicaRum 10 caaktPorter 6 kegt Lead 8 du Shot 35 kegsHairudtv' 0 I Tobacco 10 kogtLidie* TfiiSt do 35 boaea Kailina bte a, 50 do Cheete—For aale by ^ A MORGAN. nov 9 104 Jones’ upper wharf. The lleir* or ] Legal repra. V tents'ivea oft JuhnGonne' I deceased. J O N the Petition ef ’John M’NIah of Sa- vannah, in the county of Chatham, stating that John Conner in hia life time, to wit. On the 27th day of July, A. D. 1820, executed to him hia two several bonds, in the peml turn of two hundred dollar* each, Conditioned for the payment of one hun dred dnllara each, on the first days of Ja nuary, in the yean of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and tkenty one, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty- two 1 nid for the better securing the pay ment thereof, the mid John Gunner on the •aid twenty-aeventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, did make his certain deed nf mortgage, whereby he mortgaged, to him, nit heir* executor* administra tor* and assign* ail that piece or par cel of Land, containing three hundred teres more or ten, being the South East Ucndof a four hundred acre tract oi land, 'Ioriginally granted to William M'lntoah, si tuate tyiug and being on the south aide of the Great Satilla River and water* thereof, .in (he county of Camden, and State afore said | and w inch, by a chain of ooneev voces became the property ofthe said John M'- Niah, and waa told by him to the said John Conner i That then it now due and Un paid, on the said bonds and mortgage, the principal sum ef Two hundred DuUsra. with lawful inteieat on each ef the said (urns of ona hundred Dollar* from the first day of January ona thousand eight hundred and twenty one, andfrom the first day of Janu ary one thousand eight hundred and twenty two 1 and praying the PoreelotiprO of the Equity of Redemption of the laid John Conner, hia heir* executor* administra tor* and aaaigns of, in and to the aaid mort gaged premises; and that the laid mort gaged premiaea may be sold at public auc tion, according to the Statute in such ease, made and provided. Gn motion of C. S. Henry, Attorney for petitioner. It ia order ed 'that the principal and interest due on the aaid mortgage, together with the casta of thia application be paid into this court, within Twelve months from thia date, o- therwise that the Rqnity of Redemption of the i»>d John Conner, his heir* eaecntora, administrators and aaaigns, be tram thence forth forever foreclosed, and that such fur ther an ] other proceed ngs take place, aa •re puranant to the Statute in euch case, made and provided. And it ia further or dered,that this rule he published in one of the gazettes of thia state, at least once a- month for twelve, month* to the time ap pointed for the payment of said money in- tnemi't. Let the Rule Nisi issue 28th Get. 1323. J. It. MONTGOMERY, «. True extract from tlie minutes of acid court, tbit twenty-eighth day of No- 'keftbejt JB22- * NfiOHN BAILEY, Clerk, Ira I/--/, dec St poinpleta assortment of „ g Type, having been ad ded to the offied'ofthe Georgian, Hand and Post Bill* Cant* Circular* Law and Com mercial Blink* and work of every descrip tion in that line of bdsines* will be eaecu- ted in the beat manner, and on the most moderate term* The Georgian'slob^Printing Office, it in the same place in which the Tate Henry P. HusseHk office-waa kept. Order* left either aa the Jab office, or at the office of the Georgian, will meet prompt attention. ay Anaatortment of Blanks ia kept con stantly on band for aale. site ‘24 25 Notice. iVN-Election for five Trustee* will he Cudk held at tile-independent Presbyterian Church, on the first Monday in January next. Poll to open at 12 and cluae at 2 o’clock. OLIVER STURGE8, Chairman board fruateea. dec 7 It Boots, Shoes,§ Soal Leather. —WAWVWV- E. WITHINGTON J J AS foe Sale, 100 packages.ROOTS and SHOES, well calculated for the Coun try Trade, Ako.3600 lbs Red Sole Lea ther, of a prhtife-quality, which will be told Low at hia atom, north tide rtf the Market. dec 21 u 23 Planters’ Bank, O N Wedneaday next, Christmas day, thia Bank will be ahut.—Monday t.ivrefore will be the Offering, and Tuesday the Dis count day. Accommodation Notes must be dated on Monday, and made payable at 63 dpya date. J> MARSHALL, Collier, dee 30 33- Dividend No. 20, Planter,’ Bank, J)ec. 3,1833. T HE Board of Directon of this Bank have this day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent, for the .list six months, tlie tame will be paid, to Stockholders on and after Friday next. JNO. F. LLOYD, cashier pro tem. dec * rc S Planters’ Bank. December 4,1825. ry N election Top thirteen Director* on wA~thep»rt of Ite Stockholders for the entuirig year, will bn held »t the Banking room on Monday the 6ih of of January belt, being the first Monday thereof, agreeable to the-chartor of die Bank. The poll will be opended at 10 o'clock, A M. JNO. F. LLOYD, Cathltr pro tem. dec 6 10 BOARDING. A FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely ' accommodated with Board, in a private family, a few step* from the City Hotel terms moderate. Apply at thia Office, nov 37 3 Scotch Ale. <IM> TTERCF.S 8J dnx. each, superior U*S fine Edinburgh Ale Two tierce* 8) dox. each, Pale Eilin burgh Ale Just received, and for tale by WILLIAM SCARBROUGH. W Jiiameoo’a Building, dec II M For Sale, ITDHE comer Lot No. 2‘2, Bmwn ward u fronting on Chippewa squire, late the pi opurty ofthe Presbyterian Church ; the moat pleasant and healthy situation in the city. GEORGE GORDON. d-c 17 a 19 Whiskey. HOGSHEADS Whiskey 5U Barrels do Lauding from ship Niagara. For sale hV C. C. GRISWOLD, dec 18 20 100 doz. WOOL HATS, J UST received end lor sale by the Sub aeribera—who have on hand, and aro constantly receiving HAT'S of every kind and quality, of the latest foshiona s all of which will be told on the moat reasonable term* BUTLER ft SCRANTON, Gihlon’o builtting, Market oqare, dee 7 roll Landing -St Prom the ihip Mnyara, I PIPES Cognac Br. nUy, Signett’e brand, ) warranted pure 11 kega Tobacco—F<t -ale bv E. W. VANVI'OitHIS. Alto in Store ut Market ‘Square, A general assortment of Groceries and Domestic Goods, dec 19 31 Liverpool €oal, Salt, and Potatoes, F OR SAl.E. Also an excellent Box Chronometer, by Utherland. whose er ror and rate are accurately ascertained. Ap ply to dee It 14 A. L. MOLYNEUX. Landing F ROM ahip Thomas Fowler, and for aale by the Subaeriber* f (.1 Coil* Cordage Do Bale Rope Heavy Haven* Duck Common d» do Sheetings Russia Uuok Broad Diaper* Uc. L BALDWIN ft CO. dee 13 16 For Sale, handing from oehoiner Five Sittero, 2T CASES Wool Hats 40 bbla Apple Brandy 10 tierces White Beane 25 bbls Prime and Mesa Fork 30 firkina Lard SIT do Goshen Butter 400 bushels Oats 100 do Potatoes .T 30 bbla Cider Enquire on board at Jottea’ upper wharf, dec 21 |p 33 FIRE ENGINE., i®OR sale Cheep, a firat rate FIR® EN- 4? GINE. Apply . T IRE I GINE. Apply JOHN PARV1N. dy The Augusta Chronicle will pleaeo insert the above six timet and tend nigac count to the Editor for payment, dec 19 t, 31 Sheriff Sales. On the frit Tueiday in February nett, SkflPlLL be told at the Court House, be. >## tween th'e tii.ura of 10 and 4 o’clock, under two execution* Issuing from the Ho norable tlie Superior court of rfmtham coun ty, one the administrator* of David M’Cre- die tw the administrators of Andrew M’Cre- die, the other the administntota of David U’Credie, survivor of M’Credie ft Hannah, wthe' adm'nistratonof Andiew M’Credie. Wharves No 1 and 3, two hundred and fifty feel fronton the river, adjoining Lin- coin-street, public dock. The value of this property, from its situation, ia to well known, that a further description it undo, ceasary. Also, a City Lot No 3, on the Bay, Wash ington ward, a House and lot No 8, in fee simple, Market-street, at present occupied by Mr J. M. Russel. Condilioni—One third Cash, one third jix Mouths, and une third tint January next, purchaser giving bond and mortgage with interest from date. dec 31 2i ABKAUAM D'LYON, Me. e.