Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 4

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4 Emewon’u ‘Elastic Razor | Strops, A ftp, a nf W Patent, awl on in improved GU plant and re h.fitly recommended Ye the public. Fur ask- by ANSON PARSON*. Uragg'st, No 8, U.bbotu' Buildings, nov 30 5 To thcTuUIic. | ..Georgia—"Bulloch Count}’. I J CARNOCHAN end P. MITCHE1- it* “■ *' *--*-*- plains, Cloths, Scotch Plaids, 1 NIVB balea heavy blue I'blinv , 3 bale* low priced atnn.l Blue ftlnth* . 1 do mlxtdrah and-Biue Caa-imere* 1 care r ial Scotch Tartan I’laida 'Juft receiv'd per aliip Atlantic—for vale by U MINTON. nov IS i . JOHN MOOlUlEAl) B ert leave to 'niform hi* ft lend* in Geo* gm, tliAt he hM cvUbltthed bimtelf pcimaitt'itily it* •• a Commission The aale of Southern Produce will be Ilia principal buaineaa, In the management of which, he believes he can dohta frirnda iuatioe—hr. reliea on the reputation eslay hlirhed during e long reaidcnce nj Sava*, nah, on the referenoea to Ida Irienda, end- diligent at tali', ton, In continue tlie conn, dene* of tKbae wlm may bo plceacd to fa. Wor him wilh their buaineaa. AW Pel*, 3M1 October, 1823. Reference in Savannah— Mek-m Ctmiaiian U OwATUHar. Reference in Auguaia—Jobs Moonr, __ nor H t Irn ' r Classical & English School, IlKMtV Mjcl)(h\WKLL I NFORMS Ina Fricnila and Ihe Public, that he Will re-open hie Hchool lor Young UJlea and Gentlemen, on Monday oext, the Uth iuat, at 9 o'clock, A M. in She room under Solomon's Lodge, near (It* Wld I'rtahytatlan Church, oot to * . _ *irry to be egein brought lirlore the public by a armnd notiee*f Mr Christie’*, Who haa imdnohtedly clailtta against them, which, when ttnally liquidated on the de- eiainn nf the niitnow pending, they will try to aetiafy aa aoon aa pnaaible thereafter. The deeds under which Mr Chritliecleiim an eacluaive algid to all Ihe reel end per land ratate of Caniochan tk Mhr.hel, are enmkleivd aa informal, uiijiiat and iUegai, lienee they have bred brought and arc Mill before the court, and other deede have been eaccuted and recorded, conveying the property for the ttae of all their credit, ora, Mr Cliriatie included, without any tmat or rcaervation beneficial to C, VM. or their families and it thia bn not agreeable to then K intleman, it tntiat nevcrthelrae appear ir ami equitable to the pubhe end Ml who have a acme of justice. The Trustees under the late deede are Miaiont to eell the I Jindiln Florida, alluded t* in the notice of Mr Christie, and to ap- r the proceedstothe Immediate payment part of Ilia demand, and deposit a auffl- nay thereof to cover all his claim, aub- t to the decision of the court—but his Mion tn any reasonable aate,-aa one in- forested in his own right, whllat injuring all parties concerned, iffuit he borne until a sale can be made under an older of court, yunc10 F.ditore of papers who insert Mr Chris tie's notice, will please insert the above until his ia withdrawn, ami forward their Sill* to the Savannah Republican Office] where they will be promptly paid by Insurance oguinst Eire. tTH-lE JElna Insurance Company, III.. . id liird, continue to inlure llnuies and Diiikhitgs, derchandiae, Furniture, and n. tlicr property, including Vessels in their Cargoes, Ac, agmst Inat or damage by Fire, for any term from one month tu one nr mere years, The conditions which eftt moderate, mty be known oil application to Iheinhscrihci, who is aui hiiri and agent, and it empowered tu issue policies without the delay Incident 'to oilier agencies nf thia nature. The company undertake in ell ctatgto pay (In- lull amount, nf Ihe actual loss, pro vided it docs not exceed the amount in. am-gp. Thr premiums are reasonable, and should oiler e strong inducement to any person having property at liaianl to place ft In security. oot 31 RH 8. MANTON. Spanish Segars, I N - while, fill, and qnaiftr Boies, ofv ry unperi or quality , rretived from li vans, and for aale by JOHN II. REID U CO. nnv 13 99 ' Notice. oral IF. Subscribers’ Pat Mug, Machine at U Ysmaoraw, is now m readlncae tu re- ■ceive Cotton to be comprtstcdor repacked. Also Froduec received on Storage i ap ply to Stephen Farr, at Ihe machine, or » li. k J. IIAUEKSIIAM. nov 30 |l For Sole, A * FIRST Rate Improved SODA MA- l CHINE, wilh silver gent, and in com plete order. The machine is so formed as to he easily portable—being put together in such a manner, aa to be taken tu pie ces with perfect eaae. Apply attho office of tlie Gaoihn-kit. it¥ i be editor of the Augusts Chroni cle will inters the above three timer, ami tend hit Rill to thia office, nnv I i-S9 Matlile Factory. •.WkVMywv. DAVID HITTER, Mw-Bavtn, Conn. TT 1 KF.P8 on hand e great assortment a) WV Monuments, Grave Stones, Tomb I s. bleb of Wliite and Uold Shaded marble, ’ Fancy Tables i .Oval, aqusred, and circular Chimney pieces i Chimney Slabt for lit. einga, hearths, <fc. AU orders atrictly at- tended to. Mr. ISAAC COHEN lihie agent far Ft- vsnnth, any person there, wlalung for ei< Iher of the above articles, can have a view of a book of Monumental Drafts, in the new est style, and the prices will be made known by him. nov 19 et Laurel Hill Toll-Mill. DfpilE Toll-Mill on Mrs.' Ancrum’a plan nAtaton haa been completely repaired -lately, and la now ready to wotk aa well aa any lAkev ttdRon th* river. Ttie vouch- rice that will be sent to the -mill will be kept eeperately in dry and eafe store*, and • shall he beat with the utmost cate and economy, and the barrclla will be always de- 'liv .red in good order. Empty barrels, nude of prime boated staves, will be furn ished et the mill when required. The terms for cleaning Rice will be the same, as at the other toll-milla, Those planters Who will engage to have: their crops beat at that mill, and keep her supplied, will have 300 tierces, or as much less aa they please, beat at one turn. Applications con cerning the mill, to be made to Archibald llrobner, on the Plantation, or in Sevan uah,to PETIT DE VILLOUS, aep 10 rpf Factor, Mongiu't whar * Soda Powders. J UST reteived, Messrs Lunch & Clark', Soda Powrietvin Tin bum. For •ale by „ ANSON PARSONS, Druggist, N 8, Gibbons' buildings, dec 9 12 . 6 Notice and Caution. W HEREAS I have been Informed that John Cemoclian end Peter Mitchell of thia city have by sundry deeds recently mortgaged and asaigned to divers persons either their individual oredltora, creditors of tlie late firm ofUarnuchan V Mitchell, pr others, all or sundry the property and estate, both real and personal, of the said Ann, it well as their own individual pro- C and estate, consisting together of is, lots, lamia, stores, whnrvca, negroes, ko. hi Savannah and Darien in Georgia, or the naighboihnod thereof, and elsewhere with their interest ur share in the stock of the Inwer steam mill near Darien, and sundry shares in (lie United Steles Dank and other bunks, aa well as sundry debts due tn them in various places, besides lands, lots, nrgmes, kc. in tlie territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract nf land-bought of FuibeaU Co. lying he tween the rivers St. Marks and ^paiachi- cola in tlie territory of Florida aforeuid. Then are hereby to caution the public a- gainst pui chaiing any part of the said pro perty or eilate so conveyed, or any other property belonging to the said rarnnehan V Mitchell, oe either of them,aa I hold pri or mortgages on the grestcst’p.ut thereof, whim aro on record in the registry in Sa vannah and Darien aforesaid and m Char- lesion, 8. C. and equitable Icina on all the ropcrtyol'Mid John Carnoehan and IV ter iHchell. WILLIAM CHKI8T1E. junc.8 f!3 By fc> geaanfy, del af lAr Caere af Or. ik*>ir.v,/ar tAe curtly if Bedeck end sows H/a iTtanf. TkwIlEIIRAS, Aaron Cone of the eaid « county, apphee for l-ettereef Admi- mat ration on the Estate end elfoete of n il- ham Cone, late of Mid county, deceased. Three are thereIVe lotcite end admnniaMt all and similar, the kindred end creditors of the acid deceased, to Hie theit ohjec- tiona (if any thei have) in my office, on ur before tho Dm Monday in January nest, otherwise lettcre of Administration will be grunted to Ihe applicant. , ' Given under my hand and aril this twenty-aisth day nf November one thousand tight hundred tf twen ty-two. (L. 3.) ELY KENNEDY, coouc deo 6 10 i Georgia—Bulloch County. By Ely AV*»«/y Clerk yf the Cturi r/ Or- rti nary, Jav the ceuiKy «/ BuHorh undKUmt a/kreeiiid. ' U[IIF.HEAS, Levity Jones of the said rr County, applies for Letters of Ad ministration of the Estate and eiTecta of Dcujamin Junea, late of said county, de ceased i theae are therefore to cite and ad monish all and lingular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to (lie their okjeetioua (if any they have) in my office, on or before the Drat Monday in January nest, otherwise Letters of Administration will be granted tu (he applicant. Given under my hand and leal thia TStli day df November, one thou sand eight hundred and twenty- two. [L. 8 ] 'ELY KENNEDY, e e ire e dec < 10 Anti-Syphilitic Pills, PMKPARR!) BY DOCTOR BERTHELOT, riM told at hi$ More on th* Boy, ifntiR great efficaey vf theae Pills in the U oure of all th* eymptomi of a certain ihsMtein both icxea, haa been arknowledg- ed tor more than twenty years by numbers of patients throughout the United States. They ire warranted then Dorn any klndnf mercurial preparation, and tlie patitut who uaei them may attend to hia business and follow his own regiman pr diet without in- conveniency or injuring their olTert, 1'bc subscriber has prepared afVeah sup ply of these Pills—they are sold with print ed dircetiona for use, sdM per box i one or two of which is generally sufficient for a licrfect cure. , JOHN D. BERTHELOT. oct 34 • Sheriff Sales Continued. On the Grit Tuesday in January next, aoldat the Court house in ihe TownefJeflenon, Camden county, between the hourt of ten and'four o'clock nf that day, All the improvement! on Ten acrex of Land lying on Groat Satilla nver, con sisting of a Log house, kc- levied tin M the property of .lunn Beasley, tn eetisfy in ex-, eoniinn in favor of Hopkma U Beoit. * Also, tha improvementa on 7 or 8 a- cres uffencml land, situate in Little Satilla Neck, ennsiating of Homes. Vo. levied nn as the property uf James Tumbling, to sa tisfy sundry exeentront returned by a con stable— Conditions cash. JcHerson,Nav. 5th, 1833. .GEORGE LONG, o.i.o. e. nov IS |IU3 Sheriff Sales. On the flrat Ssturday alter the first Tues day, in January next, JtETlLL be sold at the Market house In TV the town nf St. Marys, between the hours often and four o'clock of that day, One Negro lioy named Peter, levied on aithc property of Daniel Vaughn to aatii- iy an execution in favor uf James Thomas, propc ty pointed out by the Defeodsut.— Conditions cash. St. Marys, Camden coun* iy, Nov. TUt, 1833. GEORGE LONG, si. a. c-o. nov 16 t 1!,s Sheriff > Sales. On thljint Sahmloy q/lei - 1htJSi st Tundoy in Jannary ucrl, WILL he sold at the Market House in '' -the town of St. Mary's, between the hours of ten and four o'clock nf that dav, Two Negro V'nMdren, all the right, title or interest in them, belonging to Francos Young, to sotiafy an execution in favor of Cook, Williford V Co. or. Francia Young, property pointed out by Plaintiff’a Alton ney t also to satisfy an execution in flavor of Isaac Crewaand Ann Boaaent, Adminis- tratur’s of Abram Bessent, deceased, r». Garret Doinott. GEORGF. T ONG,o ICC. ‘ 80, 1823. iiecr tn Georgia—Catmlcn County. .To all vthom il may cvni'rra. rCDHEREAS, Silveeter Bryant applies \p# tn the Honorable the court of Ordi- •hwty, for Letter* of AdminialTetion on th* Eaute of Mary Bryant, Ipte «f the Mid County, deceased. Theae are therefore to citcind lulinuuith alland siugular, the bein' and errditura of Mid deceased, to ‘ tile their objections (if any they have) in the Clerk's office of the court Of Ordinary, on or before the tint Monday m January next; otherwise Letters will be granted to the ajfplicant. Witness the Honorable William Gib- soil, one of the Justice* of the Mid court, this S' Ith November, 1833. (L S-] JOHN BAILEY, c c o c c. decF til Saratoga Congress Mineral * Spring Waters, J UST received per brig Joseph, an ad ditional supply, in Quart ami pint but. tint, well paekr-’ in oait and strew, war ranted in order—for sale by ANSON PARSONS, ^ Druggist, No b, Ijib.uos' huiiJiuga Sheriff’s Sales. Onthtfr" Tncith.n in January next. W ILL be >U at die Court house in the town ol Jefleraon, between the hours or ten and four o'clock of that day, One Tract of Laud containing I58*crem lying in tha county ofCaipden. Alaoanoa iber tract, lying in’ said county, containing 20U acres more or lcsa,' levied on aa tlie pro perty of William llruwn, to satisfy an Exe cution in favor of Joseph Thomas, Sec’y • JAMES MID LACK, nsec, dec 7- li Administrator’s Notice. A r.L Pci«on« indebted to the eninte of Elizabeth llotiman, dec. are requested lo make payment, and tboaa to whom the ^ztate it indebted* will pirate present their agreeal>ly to law, to B.W. LEACH, AtWtr. dec 13 fp IS Sheriff’s Sales. On Ikrfnl Salruilny after the Jim Tvtcday in Jnnunry next, VTWILL be mid at tlie market house in V-J the town of St. Mary's, hetween the hour* of ten and four o'clock uf that day, One Negro Bny nameii Frank, levied nn U the pitfperty of Matthew W. O-aaent to Mtiaiy an execution on furtclnaure of a mortgage in favnr of Uwrence 9 Tliomp. ton, GEORGE LONG, a s c c oct 36 Sheriff Sales, On Ihejtrti IWdij in Jnnmcry next, W ILL be sold at the Court house in the town of Jefferson, Camden County, between the hours often and four o'clock, nithxkilay, A Tract ofLand on Cumberland Island, known by the name nf the I'tunib Orchard, containing nine hundred and sixty acres, more or less levied on as the property of Qharlea Ward, to Mtilfy hia Slate County and Ponr Taxea for the years 183V and 31. Amount due g32 50 and coat,—Jefferson, Camden county, Nov 8th, 1833. GEORGE LONG, n, i. o. c. nov 16 jlU'J Francis H. Nieoli, ’ and Co. Cut Circuit Court United States, Die trict ot Georgia. W. Scarbrough and others. J Uamkm, I3<A Septenrker, 1833. P ROCESS having iaaued in this cause, returnable to the term of thia court in December nest; and it being repre sented that .tuba liaslctt, Williams. Gil- lett, Samuel Y’aiea, Andrew Low, and John Hogue, defendant, in the laid cause, reside without the liniita of the District of Geor gia : It is ordered, that the Mid John llas- Icti, Wdliam S. Gillett, Samuel Yates. John Rogue and Andrew Low appear at the term of tM* court tube hohlen at Savan nah in the term of December next, to an swer to the pbdntiffk on the merits of their said petition, and that a copy of this or der be published in one nf the gareltes of thia state for three months, ami that the plaintiffs have leave to lake such further proceedings as are prescribed in the r ill such case made and provided. J. CUYL.EU, Diatrict Judge. True extract from the minutes. GEO GLEN, Clerk. .YavmnoA, Sept. 13, 1833. aep 14 1 Notice.- 4 T the expiration of nine months IWim XRthiadate, I shall apply tothe honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Cha- i ism county, far leave to sell (lie following real and pcnutial property held by the lute K J. Houston intrust, vis : Cedar Grove plantation, containing up wards of 130tfacrei, situated in the district of White Bluff. One Tract of t-aud, containing 50 acres near the above. May bland, containing 100 acres, more or Iqsa, situated on the manlies of Little Ogechoe river. Also, between 65 and 70 Slaves. - PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1833. nrka'r. It. J. Uautttn, may 16 4 Georgia—Crjiitien County. VKfHEREAS, Elihit Atwater, esquire, V T administrator, Applies for letters of distp' sllon Dom the estates of Colonel Wil liam Scott, deceased, John Campbell, de ceased, and Havens Waterman, deceased. These are therefore lo cite end admonish all and lingular the kindred and creditors of uid deceased persons, to be and appear et my office on or before the' fint Monday inJanuary next, and shear eaute (ifany) why aeid letters should net be granted in terms of the lew. Given under my hand and eeal thia 33d -June, 1833. [a.*.) JOHN BAILEY,c.c.o.c.e. julyl Georgia—Camden County. IjCTHERFiAS, Mrs. Louisa C. Shaw, Ex. vf rcutrix, applies for letters of dismis sion from the estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceased These aro therefore to- cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in Janaary next, and show cause (if any) why anid letters should net be granted, in term* of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 33d day of June, 1833. ft a] JOHN RAU.EY, o. c. o. c. e. In Equity, October, Sessions -1817. Hat seed' Fennel aecd| Filings steel do iron Frank!naense Glauber Mlts Galls Aleppo In tlie Circuit Court of the United States, In and for Lie District of Pmnsyl vattia, in (Ar third Circuit. BETWEEN Joseph Marx and Joseph* •Marx and George Marx, citiieus of the state of Virginia, who sue aa well- in their own names as in' behalf of such other Per-, sons,Stoeklioldem of the late Bank of the -Unit ed States heretofore named, at shall come in end become ' Parties hereto, contributing to' theExpcnsca of thia Suit —Complainants. AND David Lenox, Elisa Buu- dinut, Robert Smith,Jm. ■ C. Fisher, Joseph Sims, Archibald McCall, Paul Sieman, Samuel Coates, 'Henry Prati,GeorgeFox, Paschall Hollingsworth, John grille, Thomas M. Willing, Horace Binney,. 'George Harrison, Abijah Hammond, William Bay ard and Oliver Wol- •colt, citiren of the State of Pennsylvania, Trot-, tees ofthe late Bank of United States, A ND now, to wit, thia twenty-third day of April, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-two, thia cause came be fore the Court, on a Mandate from the Ho norable tho Supreme Court of the Unitod States for fhrliier proceedings. Where upon It is ordered and decreed—That the bidders nf Notes Of th* late Bank of the United States, bring them in for payment at the late Banking House of laid Bank in the city of Philadelphia before the ele venth day nf April, A. -D. 1833, and that on that day this Court will make * final Decree for Distribution of the funds re' served in the hands of the defendants for payment of raid Notes ■ and it is further ordered and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to he published in one public newspsper in each of the following places, to witPhiladelphia, Boston, New-York, Baltimore, Norfolk! Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, at least once a week, fur nine calender months, before the said ele venth day of April next. A true copy. D. CALDWELL, Clerk Cir. C. The Editors ofthe Boston Evening Ga- xette, at Boston, of the Ntw-York Even ing Post, at New-York, of tlie American, at Baltimore, of the Norfolk Herald, at, Norfolk, of the Charleston City Gazette, at' Charleston, of the Georgian, at Savannah, and nf the Louisiana Advertiser, at New- Orlrans, are requested to insert the above n their respective gazettes once a week,- for nine calender months, before th.e 11th day of April, 1833, and to forward their bills, as soOn thereafter as may be, (o the subscriber, accompanied by an affidavit proving tho publication, conformably to the foregoing order. I may 9 D. CALDWELU Ctrit Cir. C. ; Notice. N INE months after the date of thia no. tice, application will be mat • to thp Honorable the Justices of the inferior Court of Liberty Countv, for permission to sell the real estifte of l.etty Carter, de* cussed, for tlie benefit of the heirs end creditor* of the uid deceased. LIGHT TOWNSEND, Adni’or. SUJf IS r Notice; VTTNE months after date application will- 1v bo made to the honorable the Justice* ofthe Inferiorcourt of Camden county, fur leave to sell all the lands in said county oelonging tothe estate of John King, late of Effinghtm county, SARAH KING, adm'rx. April 5, 1832. $i* Clark comity, Ga. Iipril fi Notice- N INE months slier date application will be made to tlie honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior court of Glynn county, tor leave to tell all the lands in said county belonging to the esute-of John King, late cl Effingham county. SARAH KING, adm’rx. April 5,1832- fa* ‘Clark county, Ga. aprii 6 Notice. the expiration t/f nine months from NOTICE. A 'Young Man who hu haa a good edu cation, write) a good hand, and having been long accustomed to aetive buaineta, and understand* well the nature of account* and book-keeping, wishes employment ip some respectable business in thia city ^ lie can come well recommended, and as employment is hia object, he wopld not re-, quire much of a salary. A line addressed io A. B. through the peet-effice, will be at tended to. oct 13 af HaxaU’s Richmond Super fine fresh Flour. [inn BARRELS just received, and coo- turn supplies will continue to *r.; rive. Bltcra and lamilie* eaa be-accom modated with any quuitity, they may will) to purchase. The quality -«f ibis flour is esteemed-very superior. Richmond Manufactory CUT NAILS, made of Russia aud Swedes Iron, 89 casta from Sd up to 3Ud. 'For sale by PONCE & MACKENZIE. • nov 13 |re tu For Sale. ‘GANG of £0 negroes, they will be sold very ;euoQMbly for cash or good town notes or acceptances, having s short time' to run. Apply to JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, dec 6 ii f 10 Administrator's Sales. By J. B. -Herbert & Co. Ontiie first Tuesday in January next. \%flPILL be send before (lie Court hnua>- Vj in this city, between the umal hours, four valuable slaves, viz; London, Laliali, Nelly, and her child, belonging lo trie ra tate nf Samuel Evans, deet-sseil, s hi by permission of the Honorable tlie Cmrulf Ordinary end by order of the adm main- ton. Terms cash, nov 33 Ju8 Hall, Hoyt <5 Co. Offerf.r tale, landing from chip .Vulgara. JBLS prime Pork, NeW-York city In-pection 29 bbls Mesa Beef lu ebls Hams 29 bbb Muscovado Sugar 5 pipes Pierpoint’a Gin 2 do Holland do 3 do Cognac Brandy 3 do and 6 bbds Rye Whiskey 3 lihds Jamaica Rum 39 boxea lUisius 29 bbls Apples dec 18 120 this dat^, I shall apply to the honors- I lls the Justices of the Inferior court of lhatham county, -for leave to sell the fol- owing real property of the eslate of R. J. Houston, viz i One tract of 354J acres ofLand in. Bryan county, Situated on Red B-rd creek. Oiffc undivided fourth part of 1450 acres of Land in McIntosh county, situated on the Alatamaha river. Twelve Lets in the town of Brunswick,' Glynn county. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1833. «fl/>a’r. B. 1. H. ' may 16 % Genei'al Drug and Family Me&icAne Wareiwuse. ANSON PARSONS, JVb. 8 Gihhont’ Bvildimt, T1E8PBCTFULLY informs his friends JDIiand customers in this state and South- Carolina generally, that he has established himseUin the Drag Line, on his own indi vidual account, ana is opening at this time an extensive sod general assortment of warranted feeah imported Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, $c. Gentlemen Physicians, Country Mer- chants and Planters, and all who wish to purchase at wholesale or retail, can be supplied at thia Establishment onthe most accommodating terms. CATALOGUE. Antimony crude Marble Morten Alcohol 'Composition do Aloes sect iron do do heptt -Ivory Injection pipes. Arrow root Ivory Syringes Anniaseed . Syringes, qts.ih boxes Assafatida, Altum do pints, do 4 pints Angelica root a do male and female Angostura bark -CongressA spring AquaFortis water Antimobial wino Lemon r.cid Arsenic Soda powders Acid Muriatic Salts of Lemon do Nitric Cologne water do Nitroux “Wash balls do Tartaric 'Windsor soap do Sulphuric Transparent do Bark yellow, doTed Liquid do do pale,doinquiU Low’s perfumed do Bab Cepevi Neplea do do Canada, do Peru Pomatum in sticks to Knot do Jalap do Gwaiae do Valerian do Gentian comp'd Viuegir distilled do Squills Valerian root Galbenum, Ginseng Vitriulated Tartar Gold Thread Vitriol white Gentian root GIdm Antimony Ginger Race do powdered Grains Paradise Gum Ammoniac do Senegal do Arabic do powd, do Kino do benzoin do Tngacanth do Guac do Myrrh do Shellac do Copal do Hkstich do Gamboge do 8eamony Helebore black do white Hiere Piers Honay, do squills Hoffmans anodyne IsinglaM Ipecacuanha or Hip. Jalap , Juniper herriet Laudanum Liquorice root do powdered do ball do refined Lime water Lead do Magnesia lump do powdered do small square do calcined Manna flake do aorta ra el . e, !i 0n ’ "! U9k uu a, mpie JKelT' 1 ’ n, ‘ Ca ^^precipitM. Nux vomica Pearl ashea Pearl barley Powdered tin Plaiter mercurial do Burgundy pitch do adhesive Scales and weighta Garden aeedt m ba do blue do green Patent Medicineetfo Bate titan's drops British Oil Faience peppermint Stotignton's bitten Godfrey’s cordial Steers Opodeldoc Turlington) pabom t Dalbeys Cartninative, I) Daffys Elixer Harlem Oil or meda- camentum Oil Wormseed Pills, Lees N. London Pills, Lees Windham- do Amleraon* *• do Hoopers do calomel do opium • Opium, orange ped Oxymel aniilfi. Oil Vitrio? do Tansey do olives tr do Peppermint ,1 do spearmint do savin do Rosemary do Peneroyol do Origanum do Cinnamon do Worm teed do Lavender do Annisaeed do Juniper do Cloves do Almonda Ointment mere do Basilicon do cerate do simple do red precipitat do Spauizh fliea Pink root Red precipjtate Rose water, Rosie Huat of Iron Gum elutic, Spatu las do strengthening hlyon do drachlyon do gum do blistering Quassia do rasp'd Quicksilver Rhubarb root do powdered bal es, assorted Balm Quite - Churches cough drop*,for coughs, cold*, consump tions, Mtlimas, tic. Cephalic Snuff, let catarrhs COLOURS, tic. Pruswan blue, 1,3 Ivory black “"l* 3 Lampblack Fig blue, Kings yel-Indigo Spanish low Black lead, red de Drop Lake, No 1&2 Litharge do Tolu Ba: bailees Tar Fancy “Viab Borax refd Burgundy Pitch Bole Armenia Beeawax yellow do white Brimstone roll do refd Castor Oil, Afme do W.Inriia Castor, Russia Camphor refd Calomel pp Spts. Ammonia Cantharides, do pule do Hartshorn do in pots assorted Tiose water, bvender assorted Essences us’d Sal Ammoniac do Volatile -do Soda do Rochell, do Tar tar do Epsom, do Glau ber do Nitre refined fiofot Arsenic, Fow ler*. Camomile flower* Cahella alb. Caraway seed Cardamon seed Ctacarilla bark Cassia, Cinnamon do Lavender compd do Wine do camphor ' do Nit. Dulc Sassafras bark Sarsaparilla Castile Soap, white Sponge fine de .colored Clovee, Cochineal Columboroot do pow. Chalk prepared Coriander seed do pow’d Cowitcn do coarse Saffron Spanish do English do American Savin, Senna Alex Spermaceti Snake root Virg, do Seneka, Squills Cream Tartar, pulv Storax, Salta Harts- Corrosive Sublimate horn IF Match Lights, |OR SALE, by ANSON PARSONS, Canmne Conserve Roses Caustic Lunar Dragons blood Digitsles Dovers Powder* Epsom Salts, Bog. Ether Sulph Ergot Elder blossoms Emery fine do No 1, 3 and 3 Elixir Paragvrie do Vitriol Extract Cicuter do Gentian do Quassia do Lead Flour Sulphur o Benzoin Sugar lead Syrup Squilb do simple Tart Emetic • Tapioca Tiuct Aloea comp’d do Myrrh < do Valerian do Snake root do Assafatida do Bonzoin camp’d do Cantharides do Senna do Rhdhnrb do bark Huxhams dn Pr rut ian bark do Opium do Caslor do Muriate Iron do Columbo roo Flake white Carmine Em. Cinnamon da Lavender da Bergamot do Lemon Calc’d Magnesia Epsom Mlta Rhubarb Peruvian bark Cheltenham suits Henry* calc’d Mag. nesia - Stomachic bittora Caiomei' Castor Oil j a i ap Peragoric Tartar Emet(p tl* bottlss. Rlt.Hiitrf,™ e d ° T,lr P ent lne Snta jHvtahorn Sweet Oil, castor 0 do sweet Nitre - American and W. I. 'Sundrie e. ' vial eorka, nettle u-Patent springTruM Terri de senna nr VIALS, Laudanum Antimonial wine Tinct rhubarb do assafatida Buis Capeva Sweet Oil Spts Lavend con no camphor do Hartshorn do sweet Nitre do Turpentino Wax tapers Nurembergh do Worm Lozenges Patent Lint Thumb lancets do common do Clewleya common do Durable Ink Red ink powder Black dot pill box* Red do ■ Red wafers, assorted do wivnicj'B UV crown do, do Evans’sTooth brushes, com Spring lancets mon Tooth Instruments do silver wire, 3 £ ass’d 4 rowa Bougies, Gallipots Cupping and trepa Macaboy snuff ing fostrumeuts Liquid blacking Male and female si Black sealing wax ver Catheters Spanish whiting White leather skin Rotten stone English mustard, b; Pumice do the lb, in canistei Powdered blue Ground Ginger, ro Copperas do Vermilion, Chinese Cloves, cinnamon do English Mace • Verdigris, Irish Glue Scutellaria, Lateriflora, or SeuUcxp. SHIPMAN’S GARDEN SEEDS, •Assorted in Small Boxes, Well calculated for Plantation uat Together mth a general aeeortment of Surgical Instruments, She Furniture, assorted Phials, also, / "Saratoga and Ballston Miner Spri*jf Waters, will be kept constantly < band m as perfect state as can be impoi *d- ANSON PARSONS, dec 31 |p Crockery: CRATES assorted Crockery lected particularly for this ms For sale by HALL, HOYT ii C nov 25 109 Tide Swamp Plantation. '"THE subscriber otters for tale that well* known plantation called lii-pvjton Mi\\, immediately bt-luw the city of Savan nah, containing 230 acres of prime rive swamp i about 215 acres under good baiuts and in plauting order, and between 1 and 209 acres of high land. Buildings sufficient for a.gang of a hundred negroes, with barns Kc. Terms accommodating tn a good pureha. ser. Fur further particulars apply to Messrs R- K J- HABERSHAM, or to the subscri ber in Charleflon. nov 16 1103 H. M. HAIG.