Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 26, 1822, Image 2

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» UK OHO IAN. HWANNAM: Vf.llM'.bllAY MORNING DEC. *3, Tli'n being Christmas day — no paper will be issued from this offireumiJ 1-T UlMy t ext By the fast sailing •*‘ip Corwir, c«pu n l*oi ter, wp have received the New York paper* to the evening of Thursday inchi- sivc, containing Boston elate* to the L th •net Philadelphia to the 18:»i, Baltimore to the 17th, Norfolk to the 15\U, nad Wash- { *;igton to the lnii. lly the sloop William, we have received the Charleston papers of Monday. The ndrthern mails due yesterday af ternoon, did not arrive. No reason is given tor the failure. The departure of the strain boat Carolina from Purysburg, was deferred two hours, in eiptctution of ns arrival Congress.—On Monday the 16th, tlu* Bill Tor the suppression of I racy, which passed the House the preceding Friday, was tu* ken up in the benite, passed unanimously through allilastuges, and returned to the house, and no doubt immediately received the signature of the President. In the House, Mr. Colden presented a memorial of the Chamber of commerce of the city of Ncw-Yuik, praying that the hill now pend* Ing hi fore the House, supplementary to, And to amend an act passed 20lh April, 1818, entitled “anact supplementary toon act* entitled “ an act to regulate the collection ol d dies pn imports and tonnage, passed 2d of March, 1W M< ^ for other purposes,” may he pasted Into a law dining the pre sent session of Oongrt si, which was refer red to the committee of the whole on the state of the Union. A petition v us who presented Iron Stephen Rudd nf New- York, for compensation for th. use of n mu- •clime invented by him, for f ropcJling vev. Belsiu sea ii'i culms, adopted for the service ol vessels in tin navyjof the U. States. A letter of the 14lh, from the corres pondent of the Mercantile Advertiser, a«\ s— “ The President having started the question, and it being understood that a ■majority of the committee on Mnn'ifuc-i Guvs are in favor of a Manufacturers’ Tl»nlI’ we shall probably have one. Should U he 40, it is probable toe committee of >V uiauiul Menus o ill nut ruituikIui' llicic Welic.tubliilicil light lo report II bill. 1H‘* liitiuR in tlu* vpvciiuc, Tin. c'ollitnptt muy leuu'lhls the umluf llu. .session MU II lltlW NIIIIIiLr. 11 I In* new Collection Law \v«» iir.iIii reported ye.tei'iiuy by the committee of Vi uys ami Menu.—there lire some but no inutcMil vitriiliiniR, This bill orsomuthhiR l.l.e it, or itn art rev!vino the oKl ntw must fie passed this session ; the luller expires on the 4lb of Mn eh. 1 ' The Chamber of Commerce of Now York him li* lil n meHiiijf for the pm pose t fiti. iiiiii'iulliinR OongreRS, 5u the subject of .lie revenue laws. The Intelligent' r nnuunees the arrival in \\n hingtoii of Mr. Sound Alvei, of ltulti .on , froir* K] ttin. lie is the goit- cxlon c.i who tins heierely wonniloj bj the im ol*, cuts nt Mudrid on the Sth .InI, l.i,l, tin. 11 Inh ume ulio was robbed of dusputch. «s from Mr.Firsylh, to b.s government, Jbi a g,er,ll.i p.r j, »licit on his wuj from lili.ilrul to I’.uyrnne. Mr. A. icp.cren s the iliimtion of Spain ns finite tlifTel’ent from u but it is Gener ali) rcprcienteil. 'lie Constitutional go* vernment is (irmly estsblislieil, null is sure from ilie Ltictillu Lunula tvliicli are in aims lip Hi list it. Mr. il ch, Amei'icnn Consul st Valencia, inSpuin. Iiai obtuini'il putsc.sioti nftlie o. rlgiusl M. S. of Columbus's first voyage tu America. It is expeotc.l Mint it will In forwarded fur deposit among the Ar* chives ef the I'.S. From Brazil.—Cupt. Duane, of the srlir. Geotge. arrived at the Vineyard in 3.1 days front IV nuinbuco, informs that when lie auilril, ilie city wu, in great confusion, moat of the Kuropeun troops bud been scut home and those left were closely walcht-tl. The troops were under arms in const qnence of a change having taken pluee in the govern ment—a new I’resiileut had been chosen. The Light wns extinguished at Pernam buco on the Mill October. Intelligence to the 9th of September inis been received from the Const of Alricu. At that p* riod, the Colony which was na med Liberia, was prosperous, but is in avii .,1 of mi i llicient director or head. Only two of the colonists ind died during the ru'.ny season—mid these not by diseases of tiie . liinutr. The eolcuists from the coun try, are represented t" be much more pre. ferable to those fiom tin: ciiies of the U. Slates ; and those from the Smith better than those fiom tlicNortfi, being more es. -•ilv satisfied, more true fable and less averse to lutior. Tlie’bill to niter the inode of electing The Aldermen of tile City of Savannah, lifts been lost in both houses of the Legisla ture—ayes 91, nays 69. The bill to vest the control of the Court-House and -Tn'l in the Justices of the Infcriur Court, hat passed. J.'.igc Tilghman pronounred sentence on ilie Mm itivt. si I'hihib.lphni, on Hoi bmliraJ ami hull c uivlrtcil ol a crop., rue'* 'o itifitud the under, ,'cis nf tin sloi.p No f ilk. The ncntintr ir»C*' csth Ol rhrn. put a fine of S10U tn tin* Common wca'llt. t,» he npd in the* peni'tn finry III r t ear at hard lahnr. to pay tin Coal, nf prosecution, and stand cuiniiiilted until fine and costs arc paid. //,„ f k noth /.I .*hi.—'The Ilrt'gcport Courier stale* llial the netv Light House on I'airu ei,tiler's Island, at thu enounce nf Hie Ifliiek line k l.urhinir, is now cnni- pi, ini sii.I regularly displays a sliong and brill'ant light. 1vl.u k Ituck harbour is ol imperii net* lo vessels navigating Ilie sound particularly in tin: winter simsiin, when vessels moy ride secure from drilling ire ami the violence uf winds, in the neigh bourhood of a commercial village, A Irller from Si. Th(Wta«, nf tin 30tli of November, aisles. Iliitt the Unileil Stsles Irigite t'unjrcst fir rived nl llial pml on the C9lh from 3|. IJ.,it«,—nfliccrt and crew all well, and would sail nil Ilie l-l J1eei*mbi*r, supiiirtctl for Form Kicn. TheSimrk had just urVived at Si. Thiimus, Iron* Lauuira. OlHtcrt und crew ('tilli tin* exceplinn nl one man) were all well. The Spark left Ilie Cyune, ol Ligui- m,• her crew, we rej;rel tu stale, cun litiued sickly. ' Philadelphia, Dec. 10—T<s«t night nbnul 8o'clock, a Ilie wot discovered bursting frnm a building aiiiialetl nn Vlintham’a tvlinrf, The Violated store forinerlv occupied bv Mr (Slice for Ilie parking May und Tnbocco Stems, two IIInckmakorRshops Ingedier with a doiipera nhop. 'principally frames, were entirely coimimed Mr. Grice’s machinery, wns also drslr y tl. A large quantity of Sugais uml Wines, whieh were in the lower story, were cotisidmihly d imaged. Mr* Grice, wc utidcrstuntl, is insured. Extract of a letter rcrrivetlft-pm n in Pernamtnico, tinted del 27th 18*211, "No material alteriilion has taken place in our market since o>* last, nl* ihntigli cumider.iblc lias in our petit- leal nlTiirs. This government is again changed Our ex-president that escap ed in the Knglish packet from the mob here, lies tnlleo into the hands of the itoyalfste and is confined 'in double irons in Itnhiti; uml also his ron, with tvlinni you are acquainted. The pen pic have dcclnri’d iliema-lvea ii.tlt*- pendent nf I’nrrognl The inofto is "lndcpeiidencr. or /hath," written in gili It'll *rs on n green ribbon ami at tached tu their left arm. This shews it Garni Patriot, all Hint dnnt wear il ure "Cacunilns ” (Hump II ,r'» >,)-- The cockade is allured from Idnc and white to green. Those who wear most green are (lie "Jlfaisgra'ithte I'tt triotas.” They have pruidumiud the Prince Knimjior of ilie |J' A i7.ils, and lutte had great, rejoicing. The Hni7.'l wood llial ticlongi'd liiinieily In Ilie Quern cxclusivelv, was sold at auction tu day, and buuglit Ivy the Knglish inerclmnla it I 833 Im* 128 lbs.” "A number ol Americans have en- tori'd the H- nzilinn service, omoug whom arc (ltd. James II* Bttbcuck, nl Hartford,Cou. os •Colonel in the Ar my. Captain Whiggitt Mend nr N. Y.ui, a Post Captain in the Navy.’’ Boston Paper' From the Boston Patriot, Dec. 17. Lima, Jinx *5.—“As you are desirous of hearing the events td tuner countries, 1 lake ibis opportunity of informing YOU of the late sudden departure ul (Sen. San Martin. Tile Patriots of this the brig Macedonian, of Hostun, in which Sun Martin depart ed. It is not generally known where he has gone. Seme ore uf opinion that he will never return, lie. took with him a considerable amouut uf specie. " The country is in the utmost confusion ; the Koval army is in the vicini.ty uf Lima, nbmrt 1 G,OUO strong, and the Patriot truops are much dis- r ffroted. The Americans have licrc- loloi c lircn treated roughly, but tinoo the ariival nf the Krunklin, captain Stctvarl, the patriots appear hotter disposed. Captv Fitch and Smith are now here, uml will pruba ily reco ver thrir property, through the inter ference olCupt Stewart, " Lord Cmhranc lias arrived at Valparisu, and retired from (he Chi li,in service lor nsltmt time. Severn small Peruvian ve-sels have arrived, but they bring no intelligence of the Macedonian. It is pleating to see three national ve sels displaying their different Hags here at the same lime, viz. •• American, French uml Knglish, of which copt- Stewart’s is (lie flagship. This, place is still Itcld by. the Patriots, hut the general opini on is, that it will soon fall intu the hands ol the lioyalists, as they all appears unfriendly to the system of government established by Gen. San Marlin whu has become very unpop ular. In port—U. S. ship Freukiin, ant! schr. Dolphin. “ Flour is in good demand in Lima retailing a! £30 the barrel. "August 12—The 1’,Mints have no hopes «t holding Lima long, A French Irigate has just arrived here from Valparaiso, Also a lew days suite, the ship Ai tncuius, ot JJaltunure. Krrm Parmcras.—Our rnrievpon. tli iii HalIranamiltf d (via Plttlatlelphii) file* nl O e "Vi*iir».ii**no’’ as lain as ihe .ilh Novrnibvr, imlusive. They do not contain any political news of consequence, iliough eoniiderab'e ccrjerluti'a are indulgril concerning | tlioopera'ions ul Morales, It hod been i reported *' I’mtn Hicu, dial instrui*- i a ions fur Messi«. I,run Hantoria and ‘ lian v, had tiren recievni Irum M.nliid ihe nbj-cf nl unirh was to enter into negotiations with Hie Columbian guv eminent. ()i, Ibis intelligence, the Kdilor ot th" ,, Veni**idano M very prnpeily re mark-:—The suspension "f hostilities lias alwuy» been the prelude to negnij. sitiuii; bu i if the government ol Madrid aeek in enter into any treaty with us. ol the a line time that il ati'horizcB the war id Morales, il wnuld lumish evi dence nf groalci petfidv, than the JO- g 'licies (it Barb.*ry. ().*i the ctetfipj il Morales aits independently (if soy such older fruit! the Cortes, lie cnnnirt but b * cunmlrrcd ub (lie Chn f of I! in- dull, who belong t*i n*i ar/rnotrM:nl pnucr. I' is highly desirable that ibis quesiion should be cleared up in order hui we nnv act in a manner consiqiient on (but kind id war tvliith is now ciriied un by sea and land ” A Jure- ol 2.500 men timin' Gen. Miuitillu, liiiil assembled Im he libe ration nl Munir.libu. It is die opinion of the “Vcneinl itiii,” that die success es of Morales must s nn cease. Thi recep'iutl of Col. Todd wag biglilv fin'lering. in Ltguira noil Curruccas, die civil and military aulhnri'ies piiil him ev,**y respect which eating, drinking, roasting and guild society could furnish. At one ot these left's, our Kimiy gave the fol lowing sentiment “The -piiil ol Li tv* i iy in ihe Republics * f Columbia nml toe United Motes, may its m ,rch lie as irredstabie as die cuu*se nf the Missi-slppi and O unnrti, und the | cutir.ige el the I’ei pie present barri-, cis against its itivasiun as finmulatilr as the A'ide* and Allegh ini'*s,” Charleston Cf tj Gaz. Dee, i3 J\’ew Voile, Dec. 14.—Mr. 8. K. Ilui lows, owner and Supercargo of the brig I’osi Captain, which arrived last evening, husnbligingly furnished Ilie. fullmving intelligence. The Post Captain sailed from Valparaiso Sept. 15th, at which time theic was no A" inericun vessels in port. The ship Flying Fi.h and brig Stranger, wore the Ameriran flag, but their p ipers had liecn taken front llimn by Mr. Hogan, nnr active and Vigilant Cun- sul, whieh course he invariably pur sues when there is a transfer of pro perly, ami cnmpols them , to obtain Chdim pap.-rsi This has a grout tendency to bem'fit A ship ptvners, as no Hug 'a".!:s. in Ihe csii- imidon of die shipper, tor protnedm in his property, so high as that of die United States. This is attributed! to die gallant course pursued Ivy Cum. Stewart, und the American cuinmaiiderS who preceded him nn the Chili and Peruvian st.itio s. The Knglish c inpl tin bitterly of d*e su- piurness o| their naval cmnmaiiili'is, in nut i.flf iriling more prompt ami de cisive assistance to their men. AH the Chilian Squ*'tlrnn-, except the L'tulnrn, were at Valparaiso. The sloop of war Auracano, which was token possession of by theTrew, was supposed to have proceeded for the Aliunde Ocean. The captain, who was put ashore, had arrived at Val paraiso,. The new Congress nf Chili, were in session at Santiago. The Su preme Director, G’lliggins, had re signed Ihe olfice, but had been re elected for 5 years. Business *«f every kind was ex (rentely dull nt Valparaiso, it was believed, from Ihe great quantity ol wheat that had been sown, the arti cle would be down to 50 cts. per bushel, when the hirvc«t came in. The Fust Captain left Valdivia Wept. 22d, at which place wns the expedition drslint'd against Ihe Is- land of Chiloe, under command of Col. Ueuchef and Com, C. W. Woos U*r. Corn.—Some targe silea of yellow! Coin lisve been made lilts week as l .w a- Cd end l!2 cents—prime white fern shit -ells, liowever, by the hun dred bushel*, nt 7h cents. (ailun Ihfx'df.—A panic appears to exist aiiioiig-t ihe holder* ol this article. nn*l sales h.ive been made un der the lismoirraa Imv as 35 cents Wc q'lnte it, however, st 5k a 40 reins—some linldcri are innv willing to sell under 35 rents. Freights.—5 8!h of a ppnny for Cotton to Kitgiatid ; 1J cents per lb. ] In France. Kicliauge nn Kngland, 144 P t ‘ r cent, pi ( in. ; on France, 51. ; Georgia Bank Bills, 3 a 3J per cent, disc, j North Carolina Bank Bills, 1J a 2p;r cent. dis. Consignees nf Gnnd* per ship C ',,.i-, cvptain I'nrirr, sie *ri|..-»teil tn call lor tlietr tioodv To UOMKOW, widt- out further notice. J 5 r 26 For Ncw-Yoi k, The ias* sii'iiis coi ncr'd ship costs Altt, I), le. J'uclt r. *Haitrr t . ,,, Having s part of her c»rR«» rn^a^eii, "ill meet quick dispatch. F »• freight of the reniHimler or pnstMipe, Imv- injf soncioos icconiitiodattoim, apply on mid At Taylor’s wloof, or to c. i. am snout. dec 25 2fi LETIEU BAGS Btmdninvmt' HMfiam’ /.itaury and Cum• ijUkreinl Hemling Hoorn. Ship Juno, 8 B Parlcnmn, Liverpool, 24h Dec, Brig Chatham, S II Fork man, Liverpool, 24th Dec. Ship liluchcr, Joslmu Milne, Liverpool, 25th Dec. MARINE. PORT UF Sjir.'LWVeW. Price? Cnnent nt Charleston, Dec 2". Goiton, Sajsliuid, 20 a 25 ; Stain ed do. 12 0^04 ; bantei*, 18 u 21) ; Short liable, (nev\) 10 h 12 : Riot*, Primi*, (n«»\vj a 2 87] j Inferior, a ; Flour, Philadt'lpliig, Bal timore und Richmond, (ittperfine) m j Corn, 6(1 u 70 cfs. ; Baling Dundee and luvorncss, 58 a 40 els. REMAUK.S. Cottons —There has bden a good degree of activity this week in the Cotton Madtet. Sea Islands have gone oft'pre^freely at our q totu- nuns—some ianry braud- command ing still higher rales. Upl.iuds cou** imue steady at the prices of the pre ceding weeek ; and the approach of the holidays appears to have added a stimulus to business, it being desira ble to despatch such vessels as are nearly loaded, before they commence. iiice.—Pretty extensive sales of lair Rice have been mode at 82} a 2 j 5 8ihs ; interior qualities sell Heavily, and some has gone as low us 82 12} cents. Flour.~'We continue the highest {juotiiiiifi -of last week—about 500 bai:els have been received, and s >1*1 at an average of $3} -siuue has gone off hi 89, by re»hil ; tiut it is not to be supposed dial oui quotation cov'd be obtdiued »huuld any quaulity ar rive* ARRIVED, Shi]) Guronnc, Molt, Ncw-York, 8 days, with u lull cargo to J Lathrop & co, It .'j Atwood, J Lewis, G.hbs is. Alexander, U J Barnes, .1 Miller, T Butler, Z Day, 11 M‘ all, It Kirov, A Evans, J Loit, Win T Williams, M Hoag, Hill Ik Tenney, J W Mornll, fall k hiuley, S C Dunning, V, n Smith & co, J C'umnnng & aon, Butler and cranton, A Finch, F Gillet & co; J Harper, J Thomas, Johnston £; Hills, Dahamei iAti/e, F Mora.i, SB Farkman, G Uivittmavcr tkco.J Kopman, J B tlcr- bei’t vo. Blanchard. Brothers & co. B Burroughs, Lawreuce ce Thompson, Il, Jolluston, A Faisons, Hall, Ho. t & eo. J A BeSulard, S (.'& J clicnk, W Scarbrough. It C'umpbell, O Taft. Passengers, Alls Mills, 11 Tm.mas and family, Messrs Coil, Ho.ijr, and l)«y—5 steerage passengers. Letiblup superior,'Jocel)n, re.i q lorsea; the bng Telegraph sailed three Oat s pre vious, Off cape Bomain, saw a number of spurs, chairs, boxes, casks &e. supposed to be the cargo of some vessel. Ship Rising States, Pearce, Providcuce, 10da)s, to O Taft, Manton, L Taft, K Waterman Ik co. F Hill, W Lippitt & co. Puswiigvit, Mrs peak man and two chil dren ; Mrs Manton, Mrs Taft unci caild, Missca Keith, Albro, and Diseombe, Messrs Tatt, Lamed, W C Street, 6 btreet, Clark ami Luther. .lup Corsair, Porter, New York, 4 days with a Util cargo to C C Griswold, L li huge co. N B Weed Si co, G Collins, A P Baldwin, J B Wick, J B Creamer, W T Wilburns, Baker & Minton, Man re l &, I.a- thebamliere, Miller & F rt, D’.iluumd und A tic, W B Creamer, l!all, Hoyt St co, G Gordon, J (lure, M J Hall, ■* Weigh’, G W MR’, (5 C & J behenk, J W Morrill, V Bedim, J Gifford, Gibbs St Alexander, 0 Taft, { Main and E New ball; Passengers, Mrs Gordon, family and sorv nts, Mrs c'oc, fuuuly and servants, Mrs Platt, Misses Fine, Coe, Jonkos, col Dennis, major Masias < Messrs Gibbons, Redon, Holloa, Boyd, i ine L\ man, and 3 iu tiie steerage. Brig Savannah, BJWers. Vrovidencc, 8 clays to 0 Taft, B F Taylor, S Manton, W Bowers, and W Lippitt. Schr Opposition, Martinclli, Havana, 6 days, with molasses, fruit, segaSs, &c. to Hail, Hoyt & co. Sloop Susan, Bradley, Chafleston, 8 hours, to i Cohen. J'uvsengtrs, Messrs M‘Cachan, Campbell, Robins, Schrocder, Deli, Levy and Almy. Sloop William, Read, Charleston, 18 hours, to S A Condy, J Hunter, and Can- tclou & Lamar. Pnssn.geis, Lieut Alber ti, U S A, and messrs llarby and llerken- wrath. Passed yesterday the sloop Ra pid, Swas’ey, for St Augustine. tjloop Delight, Cooper, charleston, 12 hours, to It Campbell, J B Herbert ik co. J MbNish, P DeVillers, Palmes & Roe, and F T Marchant. Passengers, Mrs Miller and two sons, Mrs Donnelly and daughter, and 5 gentlemen, Cl.KA.RRH FOR THIS FORT, At Portsmouth, 14th inst. ship Franklin, Riley. At Fredcricsburg, 14th inst. schr Satel lite, Anderson. At Now Yprk, 18th inst brig Levant, Wood. ARFt 1VA 1.3 FROM THIS PORT. At New York, 19th inst. schr Camil la, Wooderson, 9 days. At Providence, 9t4» inst. brgs Sereno, Ilarding ; Almira, Robinson ; schr Sally, Matt ewB. At New Orleans, 29th ult. schr Jane, Corson. At Charleston, 22d inst. schr Phoenix. AtNew-Yt rk, 18th inst. ships Augusta- M ood, 7 days ; Cotton Plant, Fash, 7 days; sloop Essex Bagers, 7 days. On the 16th schr Gold Hunter, CP FOR THIS POUT. At New York, 19th inst. ships Indus, Brown; ?>avanuuh, White ; brig Native, i ’.ole, all to sail the 22d. The schr Cicero, from Boston bound to this port, ran ashore, in a snow storm near cape I’oge —afterremaining several days, and discharging, she got off without in jury, and on the 9th inst. was at Ldgarton, taking <m board her cargo again. The sloop Express, Humphries, from N Orh.ina bound to this port, sailed from tiie Batiste on the 1st inst. The U S frigate Congress, capt Biddle, arrived at St Burts on the 28a ult, from Norfolk, and vailed on the 26:h lor St Tho- m*s—crew all well. The U s sliip Erie, having completed her repairs, was launched from the U S Navy Yard, Brooklyn, on Thursday, 19th at 1 o’clock. RONTON, D c. 13—Arr ship Nautilus, Rio Janeiro; brig* George, Bradford* Cron- studt 74 , Abeona, i Lucia 19 ; James & Isabella. Havana 31. NCW-YORK, Dec 17—Arr Br brig Pilot,, Newcastle 70. The ship (iaro .ne, which sailed on Sun day lor savannah, passed andy Hook in I iicurand U uuuutes after kaving the a barf, For Wew-York, The superior fast ssiling cop pered and copper kstened packet ship GARONNE, •Inhn Mat, woi/e*’, Will be dispatched immediately,— For freight or passage, having elegant accom modations, apply lo the captain on board, or to JOHN LATIIROP & CO. Who have for sale, landing from said shifa 50 bbh new prime Fori;, city inspectio.. 43 do Flour 10 boxes English Mustard 10 do No 10 cotton C'utJs 25 16 For Providence, The pacret brig savannah, C. W, Jioiven, mhsler, Will sail for the above port on Sunday the 29ih inst. wind and Weather pci mit 1 ing; has two tlrrds of her freight engaged For remainder or passage, appi) on board, or to S. MANTON. d°c 25 26 For Boston, Tiie schooner M AROI A, Nason, muster, Will sail on Sunday next, (wind j*c. permitting.) For light freight or freight on deck, apply to the master on board, or to ISA A C COHEN. dec 25 p 26 For bale, if applied for this week, The fast sailing schooner OPPOSITION, Burthen — tons, is in complete order, and can be sent to sea with out any expense. F >r terms, apply to . HALL, HOYT & Co. dec 25 26 For Sale, Freight or Charter, The schooner GENERAL JACK>ON, 60 Tons Bm tlun laying at An derson’s lower wharf. Apply to EDWARD WILLIAMS, dec 25 r 26 - For St. Augustine, The p '*:ket sloop SUSAN, 7.. Bradley. .Vaster, Will meet with quick dispatch, having j»ait of her freight engaged and on hoard. For remainder or passage, having handsome HC.r.ommod it ions, apply to cap- Bradley on board at Exchange wharf, or to ISAAC COHEN. Who has landing und far sale, 30 firkins first Quality Butler dec 25 p 26 For Charleston via Beaufort. iJTpHE Steam boat COLUMBIA, Captain 'Ll Blackman, will leave this for Charleston via Beaufort, TO-MORROW MORNING, at 9 o’clock. For passage or freight of ban dy packages, apply on board at the lower wharli or to S. II. FISKE dec 25 25 &Y»o\*t8men Attend \ qpHEUE will be a Shooting party at the jL Tavern at Jencke’s Gate, THIS D AY, the 25th inst. A Deer will he set up at 400 yards, with a rifle, and Turkics tit 1G5 yards, dec 25 e 25 F L o U h . 5)AnilEL!l Superfine Flour, landing*, and for side by HALL, HOYT & Cb; dec 24 25 HDD Whiskey, Gin, Cotton Bag ging, $c. OfTY'TiY BARRELS Rye Whiskey Li'vLrsSi/ 80 do Union Gin 2‘i pieces cotton Bagging 3 tons Shear Molds 17 fii kins Goshen Rutter first-quality 7 kegs No 1 Tobacco Landing from ship Corsair at Taylor’s wharf. For sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. dec 25 26 Gin, Bum, Figs, &c. Just received per brig Savannah, and for sale low, } C? BARRELS Gin 25 do N England Rum 87 drums fresh Turkey Figs 30 do do do do 30 boxes Codfish, 1J bbls white Beans 1Ui» bhls Potatoes und 1200 American Segars IN STOHF<, : 2 pipes 4th proof ci’gnac Brandy 2 do Imitation do* 3 hints Jamaica Rum 2 do St Croix do 30 boxes Sperm Candles 43and *s oO du Mould do 5s and 6s 20 do No 1 Soap 20 half boxes do do 20 kegs No 1 and 2 Tobacco 1U boxes No 1 Chocolate 2u qr boxes Hyson I ea 2000 lbs Loaf and Lump Sugar 30 boxes Muvcitcl Raisins 20.bbis 5wx’tt t;idor 30JO yards D rmeaiic Plaids 8c Stripes Pepper, Pimento, Wrapping paper, Corks, Twine, &c. J _ B. P. TAYLOR, dec 25 i *6 txchungc wharf, Just Received, Per b> 17 Savsnnnh, T\ H VRUFI.S Gtirs' 111 CBn >0 do India Point do Fcr sale by dec 25 26 8. manton; R cc’ whaif. Mess Fork, toe. Landing font ship Garonne, rVf\ BARRELS Mess P .rk Dw 2 IiIuIm Leaf Ti.lutcco 20 half Ivbln AND IN STORK, A general assortment of Groceries ami Provisions. For sale by GIBBS & Af.EXANDERr dec 25 p 26 Tayloi’a wharf. Molasses and Fruit Molasses of the new 17 tierces j 2 bbls 3 crop. Banamms, Plaintains, Cocoa-nuts, and Fine Apples, on board the schr Opposition, Wartinelli, from Havana, at Jones* upper wharf, for sale. Apply to HALL, HOYT W CO. dec 25 26 Fresh Teas,.China and Troy Candles. caU ^ k° xes Hyson Tea 50 do 4o do Gunpowder 50 do do do Imperial 5(J five catty boxes Imperial 30 catty cannistera of Imperial & Gunpowder Tea, FreslUmported 50 boxes China Ware, cnntsiningw Breakfast, Dinner W Tea sets J 200 boxes Troy Candles Landing from ship Garonne, and for sale by J. B. HERBERT k CO. dec 25 26 Notice. T HE Copartnership of Shcftall if De La Motta, expires on the 31st inst. All ' croons having dem&nds against the firm* •r either nf the firm, are hereby request ed to render in their accounts as soon as possible 5 ar.d all persons indebted to the firm are required to call and settle their ac counts, as the books and papers will be placed in legal bunds for collection, short ly after the commencement of the new year. MOSES 8IIEFTALL. JACOB DE LA MOTTA. dec 25 1 26 Tea Dollars Reward. LOST XTRSTERDAY, either at the auction of X J. B. Herbert & Co or between that and the Exchange, or from the Exchange to the Counting room of L H. Sage k Co. a red Morocco Pocket Book, somewhat worn, and a part of tile morocco about half an inch long, torn, containing live five doV- la»* Vermont notes, one five dollar Hudson bill, and about thirty-five dollars in Georgia and Smith Carolina notes, together with , notes of hand, bills,of sale of Cheese, &fc. of use to the owner but to r.o one else. The above reward will be paid on delivery of the book and its contents, at the store 4>f Tufts k Reed, dec 25 r 26 Literature Lottery, NOW DRAWING. I T will be remembered that the Litera ture Lottery, seventh class, has com menced drawing, and will be completed without delay. The first drawing will be received on Friday week, and tickets must soon after rise The following Capital Frizes must he drawn,—a pi ncipal part of them no doubt to adventurers »it ALLENS’, 20,000 Dollars, 10,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars, 3,000 Dollars, 2,000 Dollars, 2,500 Dollars, fyc. &c. Tickets, TEN DOLLARS, Apply to S. Es M. ALLEN U CO. dj* Prize Tickets will be received for orders.— Correct Lists of lire drawing kept. Cssli puid for piizes, and every informa tion Riven gratis ' dec 25 26 Brandy, &c. ® ,Um . R L? Cider Brandy a 0 casks Cheese Lauding and fur sale by A. MORGAN. dec 21 t. 23 Dividend No. 20, limners' Bonk, Dec. 2, J 822. T HE Board of Directors of this Bunk have this day declared a Dividend ot 3 per vent,for the last six months, the same will be paid to Stockholders cn and after Friday next. JNO. F. LLOYD, cashier pro tcm. dec 4 rc 8 & Planters’ Ban!' t S Urt n°art nn f" ''^Heefuirt’c^'on room on M. n fl a y t |, c 6tli of of January next, oeing ui*v ^ pst MonoU y thereof, agreeable to tile ^ nHrt0P 0 f the u an k. T j ie po n w i|j be emended at 10 o’clock, A M. JNO. F. LLOYD, Cashier pro tem. dec 6 io To be Sold, PIECES London DidSe Blankets, very low charged 74 pieces Negro Ciolh, uncommonly cheap—by THOMAS WAJ.TON. 24 w 25 For Sale, L OW, for Cash or approved paper, a va- iuuDic iiouue Servant. Ki.quire of C. KELSEY & CO. dec 21 » 23 Just ltccived Per brig Panthcn, and for sale, ^ CASEa Cufl,. supenoi q lity. dec 14 17 -S. MAN i ON. Mk