Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, December 31, 1822, Image 2

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1 M OK Olid I AN. :» V\MS All l ntr.n, I On 8'tnr«Uv ♦he 2|«t Intt Ji»i»§ Hup. i von »*' l »o»i of I'.. Bull >c'i, I .S«|. I P scarce! hail Ihc graxc closed up m tin: J hrijt brhived iL'Kfht lli»* imp pm( ol the slave population, bx mmti aluelt ha-l hc<*n k«.fletcd upon the*1 *ith« , ul delux. For freight r • of a I an from the British *o i of ander pmnta, vat Main torn | pi/ to the Captain on bnanl, or to in the lo»i of this dear n ! 11-it The t>f Aixtigm. me *• ( .f the r..l ’tnttnut ami twpn %im ia'ii il hi »ie of the I I imI, have |m - ipj an ur.t I ,Pr»i,iti, For Liverpool, T* I*he fi c ti nt class British „ .1 ESSIE. H i Vi11in Lion, Jltualer, ( I ilie 1800 lair* capacity,) xv'll he di«t a' •P ; •|M P S'. lOON 1. 111. veunnciti, it being fouml apopi liter j, , . , ... ... . . !..?,« »'• •' ‘I he God • 'hey do not mourn as Urn*. , impmetu toi aii * thi* •urn Itom the to i rnai mmorcranf the cnJi>ny. lo I oil ijjo, tin ••/ he VV III in IC j»*eat reduc- Huns in the a thin i nl tilt: officers. dor "I 30 JHILN It. It KID & CO. Notice. \ PEW Gfi.tlrne ran he •icromnin'n . ted with good hv.rdinp, no modf'iBc ’•”*i. . In *! ' i ■ • * I "t Mon ,mi"j Brick Uii'ld lie, Hu))ti»> c.u.rcli . t.uuii*. 1 l i Bill* o» Nc\v-Yt k. J&ys sjflit. For *•»'( t.hotu.h gouuo.n r^ l 6 to 60®P.x split. F dr Sv ro ut 11o|)•*! Tina tender Um'i, hay been’at • troiiiawn M ol trouble ■••d sot iu<., ■ tli' Ii Mini uf Vi all Millico hi and .ait f Is. vi .r, n that region win re M>rro» shall nc it to * i • " Sweet hahe ! If glanced into our world to sec \ v njih* of our mitriy , To mop at he! M VltlN'k (,c rpc Md-y, Vsq. w.•» y»’t»iU\ c* I Clin IT-mi’M of the 1 '* '"im'.i Marine » 'I 1 r ""* ,,I,CC 01 1 All Mi., tnil .-.t ile i.f Mip lurk, in XV». irj-bpnigh. I 1 I . .'rt Pniviil. ncp II I. linn been lakrnhy the *T _ .. , Slicrifl*, by vi. 11I a wanai.' nl >lis T h<* T.rniilfttiuv of >«• t'h l •<roi.nn ml 4 , *'./• . ... . 1 •* tt«‘***i liuiii the O' ncrJ IrpMtiri r, Ini jmniu ilon -hi " u.' i 'H’ . ' flic collection »*f the tluty imjinscl hy j at f» i»'i hrV During 'hi n » 1 Ih, I „ n Qc j ul tllP giMieml »«si*ml)ly in .ho mas paanciLfor raiVmp o • m< *1 I . of n,y UtM, ntiil 11 rtoiif: *1 tors .lc in 1 Ad men, lor tlic piut« « ti»m ofilu r «*t M uch. The Is » ks lefuie the ji.jx « hnlra'oii, to ■ i nils'i 1, will* tin* as ,» iio-i l of the duly oo totir'i'U'r nn' of Cuugnas f ,ir five yiara, mul loin* |»/ r»tmc|p This l.oWevbr, will .eat (lie .latiunr.: a, ’ll,.- I.lajlcclioii. An nl Ml.' I uv. net w»» al.'i i'iii.i. I "* ii'l'i'A rurpnn ,1 pn | T)|# |1||rnif }J^ V„ tv y.iik T.n'imcni ni. s ii II |>. i».v« I, IV . ,„|. M .„i,.,| , M * II >r«ll« j In cnuvictc.l^i.lK p...ak.» u • .it- N .lli.tllK I J n <1 ( l..i!o it r ii* ,ii i >. isivold iv co. i i< .1 1: ' > r ii >ii, d full. i 111 n r i of 1 , mm pi ih|i e i lie fp Hi ol I lorn. * . , . . . „ ' 1 . , * . Ntcnola, and J H Itcrhi-.t .N o. o na.hcn- | hdt-N l o fit .1*niitical. Hurt* s ' ' | 1S . id |.l •If. r I* r.oin(in*ing ,i WMltm, sionn Meurv. 1I«!I*'R. Itiu ! ».v. ; r ilai . ell, 11 For New-York, ITiT The nipe inr c.ip,.. 1 •*.! ship NEHTUNK, roitr in 1 ' mi iii. AUKIV l.o, SclirJime M.uiu,, A1 •'ainlria, 111 lima, j .tin,, the ciiiieH, ttim liuiii*, lit i'lllt. tv Itieil * |iasl»rllL r el'.. ||'|«|.||I|.|| >1 - a 11 It .t tin | . I(HI|I Man, llroan, ('ll hours N 11 111 11II I J II .1 Cl .Mil »•''li il • I. I. to ICOIUI.C " The Court of's Cnnnc'i lie u, | r "'|I' 1 11 liav. lien. , il that anv :u'i in' a .' whi. Ii j' 11 ' ( Il cuitifiMHiig <t Unitor, j Moop Mercy, Holies, Hicihoro two (» ihlt f**, ns 14 ;*c ! xvith I’uuoiiuiol rn * i»» .1 t S' luin, umi .1 Wnllue. •rill Mooiuv, Au^iisla,7 days, to .! K P.uwui'li, w all o4U bales rou.m, loll i; t iiplu.ll, l. Illiss ,•< co. (. i >i i Ion, J iior- I pci, .1 I* W illiuiiiMiii, aim I' !lutlor .t o. lla oSdi^a.oO 111,1) ry «.«» . Ikililt, a id look II.' 40 III, >1 am huat allliward, I almu.lge, il ill »'h pve luiU |. dgi nir: i of ihcii oluij».|tinii to .'•v *• U:*'.»it*.iui those 'gen He id i* t )( lor their vx iMuiisio 1 I’"' diHchirges u rrediior from Wot contracted upon lu« 11 a) , . , pciTim. tvlin .nine Ilia property I" 1 ' do: paxinciil ol hu* «hl>ta, c , i.mtttMl an rxti , li*»ive lull is \ nil 1 .i» " ilupain contract a. Tin tunic decision has heen mad mi other atatva. In Congri h*, las, si m. • u, onr j mi go me ol ng.ii hi tin p »!*••, • *i i ' ox i .*1 ! ban! * pi iuw v is, I. ", k. 1 ic coii.iuii | tinn, Coin, u •* • ion ' \s i• h tl> jiow i :<ipa ...o li a law. and lor this and I other reason* it was njc u il. < bus, j VI,list the p; r»ies of d»i p due d comjnct j. i' and cl: j,i ce, the luti/eu I. lit It* hia lin m> right <i.' . i iidungcrod, evi n v h n Ins 1 v . c o;u i y Is hi;it ii ..ii I, and lii:» | rivo iur pi* .'ions Avitli him t r his , i* ■ '!• unfoVt Mli'lt c ale l he hu tl»* i 11*. I | -^ioUtI’Ctli. fm» i itk »i to ’) R*v/z to , (Jtini J /*oc 30.—By the uhoou*i Mimcuin, which m rived y \ ij'i.* :., .1 dais, \\''Ii t.o.ils NoS Jd, i uiisi^.m is, It lliiirough*, lit*orUoii| S I !}niii. i u.\, t.iiiiiin ng l.Wathim , .1 !um- ii. •'!, vS. Soli,i ilMen, \\ I WiiiuiniN, A ‘ I. Mo.mii ii\ i« Wes i i It, V C tinswold, U (. .ion, .1 l* W.lliaiin.M, S ij U J .v iicnh, N\ C t’u'hncrt, unit others. Cuf 1(1101 Itirh, i'-n ffiviiig part ol I r cargo eng.Red will sad in a l«w days. For freight ol Ji)(j hulca Cotton or pnsH ige, apply to MCtlOLAS U NKFF. dec 31 p 30 \ Cluitlmm Artillery l in form, 1>JH SA1.K, hy S JOHN TU1NF.II. dee 31 s oec 30 p Bills "!• Nexv-Y( rk, IAOit SALK, b» ■ ■ €. C. UllisWOLD. 1 Notice. Drafts oil rjjlOH mi.i:, «■* ■ l-c 27 jJudil|)hia, w mciiT. For Boston, The h' ig ADKL INR, /file' . U\ouuil, ,Mmtrr t Will sad on Sunday next, weathet permitting. For freight, ap*»lv ». It V VHKMAN, Mo offert J .»• »■..♦*, No 1. r ~ and > M . .ker« I 20(j drums freali lume) Figs SO boxes IIh’is'iig 3 Hale’s llrowi* Sheetings 2 cases Northern F.inse.a 17 ca r .ks l.unip 'hi, uf a very low price 9 hil ls Coil Fish 109 bbls Whiskey ltHJ kegs Hen .lames Harris’s lust crook ed brand Tobacco dec 31 b 0 * Ilf IF, term of Copartnership between c dewier (J l‘< having expired , u dissnlniion of said i m In s tnk( n place. Th** business of the Medicine t) v mul S' d .Store, will be ; Turned by AUCl'ST ubjMI.KK, who is Silly authorised to ••ettle all accounts m reb tiun to thelormer Him ofO-mlet tk. I'oscy. dec 31 39 Practising Ball. J OHN (J. fd.OK respectfully informs •liesubscribers to his It lls, and the la. lies and gentlemen gen ’ally, that, in pur suiincc of the repe »red soltcitulions of b i.umher of la lies un i gjntkmc.i, he has heen induced to clm n c »l e night of hi. neM pith! c Hall f. i'I t’hSDAV to \> N * 0 A V L v' bN’i i’ll, (he Jirit of January 1« :3. I’lie I’ublic's vfl therunDcr he conti- rm d on Tuesday evenu g.: as usual. dec 31 c 30 J AttniYAi.s i hum tmis pout. At Ncxv Orleans, 29th ult. bri* Dickenson, Louisa 1 y evening, x*.•• have nnelvdl C!u- o.» (j.<7. :Ui:s, of the 11*ill and 23d iii'i. <>fu ial .’A emit "/ the l)ef> 'it <f the Colum- dun ,irra/ at f#mof’*u'«. National in' *7 '■/ fmezitp/r. At eleven o'clock vuateitl.iy morn in e h »tll a cjuai tei i.| a Ipu• disi ant liom I iispi . I! dm,. . tiMslcd ill me ; « It Mti .1 .S ri :N, tj^e. .3.. • Art' Hr ;-hip '. x'. I alioiiM id n.\.'H;i, M'MepoH, and| ( • •' H' h.»si , Ui uui'ijuu alcdoTiia, do. r j c H i hi. ..iii'|iiy t in all tn ! MtO in. ‘ > j*w» iimjih ^^ The ship Ci r.**. thinliu'.r, from this port , * . • ■ >, for Lix. i|)i» )l, was spoke, Nov 3u, Jat 41 lilt? eniMny pie-ented himsell | 0 „. r 1 kv'-O 20 |upeH cog*ac Brandy Apply to .1. IL MKUDKUT k CO. i!ee 30 n 9 2 n tt a gn sVnaild nnl « xivt r it t '" 1 l "" 1 " "■ ' r * M, ' r >' ''►•luavi. m j, lst licceived and f»r Sale, • ur i iinrs, Lum l aitha^una.— I , . ’ S' Illm ; i,s ciiiT.lls., <•».,. I.«.'fl l ,r,me 6rwn Cullce uienccd the ar.* ion, and being stippnr* .eil in , !u*e (miIumiis, In idiy Hdvaneed **Jinn jiiiMiion, which was linn y limin’.lined n*nl the p!iemy*i liie re- v 'i\ed w’dt the i;icoolnt’**, nu ll he whs within the di.tance of 4(>l)| | i i s, when nus- eulumns eh irged uf the point ol the buxnnt’t. and, in dim- pile nl'the trcM'endous lira kept up by tlie enemy, upon Him wilh the ,* 'i st v 'b 'ir nnd i sthusi ism. The num'.iM w s dreadful, and. not with- • i.» ulme the rrsiatann' opposed liy ttyj n . ,, • l. ui i i public I'lMitideui u iitj do i. .. pay .» .cnlom to a j>*.i d involiin (il de.Ui: rij;ht of tin cit ii, his p. r- ■ji'ii.! Hb**i",x. If tue eiro'iment. of uni- 11. i...i Ibmkivtpt Law i 'iiiuol take p! « « , Li th.v. '.ctxsv pnws a t.uv giving validity 1 the *u e inxxsi upon the s'd’jiv —lit tlu m N cure the hum st d« >tm, .ud the li berty of the l it /.i n. Tue p« oplo expect from them. COXVt (* .* sr>Ti li $nr 'i\»ah Pi.'Ci* /f"i***'d». I Ihi'pitul Stic !■ in . n* uni LUiT*igL With J/'/,*|.'yii 'i rratuier t 1 DU. .27. To c:uh paid vnvious per-niis, as per the ae- conip.inx iiig vuucheis P "a. 1 91 .'f>rO 91 Tty rnfli received at An mv.d F.Uctiuw do Jtx fusil Itll'IXed of.I. 1‘.p|»i , iK' ,, i Tax l nlh e- tor, I axes ill lHJo and ■ l 3713 J H\ eash roeeixed of the 4 olh' tor of Hie Part on account ot Aimru uu seamen , 1 s23 77 Vs i ...-Ii received us a (hu.a am 223 dO p, i >a!i veceivi'il from V ,1* f is suui'i et Jill .‘U l.ahuicu 63d t {.j "*£'1 Balance due me til’-. tl ’ *1 :t ci.A On* d»;« ... '.n p-yments is St* 1 -’/ *LV pix dci. . r In ; n* Stew a m toy, Iiih rai k i were bn hen, and his 'mt 's completely deloo'i il, |e *vit:g in ur p.isxo'Ksiim uptvimls of 101(0 must- »s, 800 pnvii’e*. ami 3G '.(liters prl- •eneih, i.lmut 100 killi’d, I Go wounded w o stand ol odoui», utm utln r war like hfoivs. Onr cHvalrv, commanded by Col. D.'it N.nciso Lope/., at rutin mg to 90 >u‘it, have proved to tin* enemy that, though inferi ir in numb r, they are "Ulterior both in courage ant: decision, lor thei! first tilth> t xvas Hoilieient to •proud niiis'eruatiou in his rank*..— Ihe remainder ot the enemy arc par- "tied in tin* diiI'Cliof) loo do la J!ti* i:he, il will nut be lost “igal « I; rlicir uu i li r, between mlantry «%t dcivatry, i" upwards ol GO uien, and I have no! dmitil they xvili be taken. I nuve m*-' d.\I!K1- 04 ui! in ptiisuit of the i f.'ol. I' Jib vl «l . tt *• F. ' i, .inil In-ui. i'ulunel" It ' 1 lip**, K ifL.-i and It m li'itnun t» ins, l*. w11• <s• ‘ in i. p ilny we<tiie > 'i' ll* .1 lor (he d *»trur.'ii»n ol the90- >x'• c.av 11 v. The ol tne big* ^•^c, Ii nit that ol .the L’l. ei U'li to 1 tin* pi ivate s dilier, las a'su lailen* I m m our hr nils. Ydlow Soap. llOXe.S Imidiiig from sloop puck- it. Irotn Ballimuro. For sulc hi I) BTGLASS V SORREL, dee. 30 p/J For Sale, B'.'XKS So»p tl do Sperm Candle* Landing from brig Almira —Al.SU- l.Sv) llltdi N O Sugar 3o6 msks Nails ^assArled dices) Apply 10 EDWARD WIL* I VMS. rlec 30 p .‘9 For Charleston, The regutar t».u kcl sloop . M A is V . John Ibow 1. l/aet-r, Will sail on F' ldat, Ji .laniwy, vvi.t.i a t xventher permiA’mg. FortVeigiii nr p.isage, hnvirg Inndsome uccommodn 1 us. .inplr to Caj • . u BrowiiOii hoard, at the Exchaiige wharf, or lo ISAAC conp.N. dec 31 p 30 // For St. Augustine, Tli- ' I'oki t sloop J8USAN, Jirnillcu, Matter, _ Will sail To-nprtoxv, wind ntid worn lie 1' permitting. For fMgti't or ; as sage, having Inndsomo accmn.nutations, apply locapttu'i Bradley on board at the Exchange wha< f, or to ISA \C COMEN.. dec 31 p 30 SAVANNAH V oAuwVtvA* Uvuu*As |f(»r ire hereby snmmoi. I lo rppear .*. un your Facade Ground m fid uni form, completelx jinn* d and r quipped TO MDUilOW MtlUMNCi, id 4 o’cU k, to shoot for you* Annu d v lal. By order of Lieut. Djmey.l, I.LCYI), Is Sergt. GCj* h is likewise expected tlmt those Members who have not paid their annual conlriimti'uis, will comu prepared to p:q the some to the Secretary, dec 31 e 30 Savannah Missionary Society r j( j|l IIF. auuuttl meeling of this Socieh, Drafts ou Ncw-\ork, *lt SAI.B, hv I JiilIN II. Ul ll) co. (t- c 11 in held on I Imrrday evcniiqf next, 2d *, at 7 o’ :locA*, in the ludepende 1 t Fre-bvierian Church. 'Mi report «.f t’.e BohIV.1 of Murfngers for lb. pa t vem will b< read, sever 1! uild-osaes appropriate lo the • region will benkTiveicil,anil «"oliectiou v lie 111 .de in behalf of the iiihliuiuon.— Tli. public in general arc respectfully in- vived lo attend, L. MASON, Sec’ry. dec 31 30 On Providence™ 1 ^1)11 SAIL—by ‘ s. a. coby dec 11 14 Itici ’ I l»w* *^*1 ^T SIGH I. d*»r 14 Oilis on England,' riOl! SALK., by dec 16 19 GEORGE dELPIL BILLS OXXEir-Voil V I 3 lo GO days sight—lor aide hy / SAMI) FI WIHGIIF. r tVho him fir sale, 15 lihds prime Si Lroix Sugar 23 ip* casks superior Teneritfe Wine 20 hu.'.es 7-8 and 4 4 Irish 1 due uf, in whole and hdf piece* 10 boxes Jaconet, Cumbiic, and Hook Muslins dec 12 15 BILLS JS'i’w I'm-lr, Vh' i (rd* 1 1 pit 1 (l, Baltimore, n'asliington City, aii'lj ltiehmund, Vir. g pi) lo dc^ 11 For Sale, I10SIIFI.S i* • ph* Coro, on bounl uCltr. tVUIiaVi. Ap- R. r 3'» ’ J 11ABFUSHAM. General Gollection Uliice. Crnill*. subscriber tenders hi** iet.ic.*s to xJL his 0 Collector of all debts ; h • will Post Books and execute wnHi.g in a neat turn- tier. lie xvili iso framrwt btisir.ess us an Agent. HikOrtice is k pt next to .lustier Bussell, and iu,im*diaie:y opposite Gaodry iJ Dof.nue’s. VIlM ^ 4 , „ M , , I EMANUEL DE LA MOTTA. IM l.'R lor sde lew No bJ, in Hie F.piu* j ,p. r ‘j\ J. It. llci'liert dj Do. c pal Church, in fee simple. It not i 31 previous to tin* first Tuesduy in Janu ary, it wil:then bo said before the Cut Iloii'i; - between the hours of iluir’ I2*i*. dock. Terms Cash. »1 c31 3u In sums and sights to suit P For bill.*by S. h M. ALI.E dec 21 p 23 CANNEL 1 .T0U SALE, by f J> ! '■ P * "iLM.tMSON..I ort 29 “For Sfl&r T OXV, f(ir Cash oraL irovc ,t psper( a A A tu.ible House Se.. dec ?.l r, vjint. r.iupiiri* cl JL 2 Aa KF.LSEY (J CD. . I iw 'l.’C 14 Just Ijccivod l"V .11 If.r .ok, CAbLS ' u | (|( jiwpuruii' quality. <1 x 17 MAN LON, fi Tt; JOHN LA I HHOP L* ( <>. Ot-FtJi t oil SALE, Ip HMDS, prime St Croix Sugar STlt.WV TDMitLEltS, tleiviviftu Wwantrvs, &e„ celled l r shi.'i Ilt::thu T , BfDDD p >.:i nan fumbleis in the i »0UJ «• .m u. D canters in the stiax" And lor sale by JOHN THOMAS. tier 30 P v.'> Sour Krout, (lams, I5uU> r, Cheese (5 Smoked iteef, ^l'HC*w*ie ni Mi.all qoa.n.iiL., at tile cm- '•i* uer ol York and U.u)lon streets, near t. e Cmtrt Hour', bv \' ILLlAM MILL! A MS, dee 31 p 3U do do For Sale, f o'ii yftip Thomas Fouler, from h» ten, llM!l\F.LS No ' Mi" ken 1 !‘2 do N" 3 do 25 kegs fr .t • nlitv P iston Butter fr.mhei' it Apples 1 Pears and s'cw svd in Siwc. Mackerel, Caudle .Soap,and 'Mud/ira W.nn in boxes jn'iN CANDLER, lee 13 1C J . .’Iti h i*= i Jl. t .’il.’uf'■ Dandles. ROXKiS st til 1 • a idles, receitf «*d per sloop Mai*}. For sale by C. C. 0111.^WHI I). ib c 31 30 22 do Muscovado 30 bbls l.o I 3 tons' 3xvedel Iron ?40 casks Naila, assorted 9o,ooo Spuuoh ^egurs 4/ bbls new Punic Po»*k, city inspec tion 10 boxes brat English Mustard 10 do Nolo t o.ton Cards They xx il! alto receive 'iideis'for ST.itc to be executed by N w York b • e Cui’'pnny,ui New York prices, ad 3. g K«« „ dec 31 p 30 III ‘ill • I. - ... »-ji|, hv 1 (U r 27 27 II iLL, IIOVT £iIOO. Cod Fish. rj| QUINTALSIirsl quality Cod Fish, *!y fov sal'* tn bn' d sloop Paragon at Taylor’s wharf. Apply tc> J B HERBERT & CO. d"c V 27 Liverpool Dual Potatoes, 3' '•DR s.Yi.E. Mso an excellent Box Jamaica Hum. I m Ci.ron - jmeter, by Litherlund, vxhoseer* tor ai.d rate ate HCuiiiiD y •• \ iv 3. Ap% ply to * — A. L. MDLYN’ALV. dec 11 14 til’. ilU.l V. SLUX'I V • D'-ceinln Ol l» 4 II":*, ital.fig, aiiist Ih ils furnished ll. ti ax itx at" v t e veil'd, tVXxX X ,c;xvs pay- uv ■ nts 1 .• American s * anion arc hlciuli ed ; #• I 1 , s (.a.irces” refem to pay mi nts for b" and »: ("reign ^eaii.c n and other pa. t , Ids, a nt.ul C" ms *.d **s of cl* Hhe , mmi.y lei :' hv il* ! men, & •*. A Situation XX aim d. ,tl Y n U:\G WtiMti'.'i, rerently fr,.m the 4*1 Nxx Sun - I'liutiou as CIimiiiBci ( miiiu, or to take cav* 'fChililreti a pi*v.ti pitulcnl uiu! 1 xc«*!I«* 1'• ikmdy. Apply ht the office of the Gk.-.u ‘max. • 20 22 ‘L CRAIG Dec 71 1 M 4.. »V; Strut:** M c h ix and c nq find it * vi \ Y. IKl* I firthcr c*i”t ., •** «t, in bovc Bal.xnei', *I\C F'i"t' t.d* bocieiy oxx'vv on op \ xmin ed ilu* .1 it with the t us stated, s!i i'V the In"’’. nh'ivc aceuur.t, x anchors, and •x\ 1 n:;the above utimt; ai d ’\e 100 duz.. WOOL HATS, J ’lJ.VF received and for sub* hy the Sub scriliers—who have *» : . hand, and arc constantly receiving HATS ot every kind dec 7 Pt n.E'd L SCti VNTON, Gci/'iuVt building, Phi rk t sqare, rc 11 to: v, x\ Inch It is downed uur nrms wttii gliu v, wi* have koetily to deplore the I •"*< id th t’id Leon de ! irle, I'liiel''of the s . If. jImmj;oi-lu'i! for Ins l.ilenls atul v.i s ot u.d lour: .m.I also that ol »be gtllant (\im- M* " tl ml of fhebatt li«ui ol t’a/ tdores del («'*n *i al, |) in (Lkim*/ del (!or ru; together with ten Officer* iud 4f» pi 1 x itte" I ii eii, .'I'd ,0 x 0 *r 1! *l|. j :nul cju-ility, of th, ialest ftshions; all ol 1 r 1 "'I'D, I t vhtn udortutitt ut, Atul 1 wfficU xvili be sold on the most rea-enable also ini tnat ot (heOiUrei'8 and troops | it:mi mi the - Mrisen u« dor your inonnami, the ( » • ', ing iCDuoot ol ibis .fi*.ir, ac qutiiu'u g you ai Hie s.iiiu* 'me that i am in pedec* health, notwilhsl.iiid ing I receixt d two Im..s, which pass'd, ,, . j. . , r >r tale mi board the sloop F'V'aron.cabtn’n tli out'll ny clttt .es, t ied hy two\i • ,, . ,, 1 . ^ ' , ‘ li t'k'.v ax June* u'ttier wharf, in-jJ I ue ".!•» "' numxis r. . there- j |.,m> f ahei tnev had sun • :tden <1; ‘ ‘\ * ,{ SHE'" «uia rnt jidlhu q*l» I m:;ht Inv n der d mu 1J, J & 20 blila Fututoea ■) be utlimnstcred tori do Vinegar have spared their live*.,) For terms, apply to Captain B ilklex ■it d they 1 email: ;\s pii-onera. 'Lul preserve you ui.idv yeir«>- 1! ' H .(mi;Yi i*i .if the Uu.iiiiia* de (ia r;diy , S-wemUer 1 ! * ;822. PHAnsco Tomas IIohalys. I’o bettor i> n Klian Vturn/., 1 oni* mandaiit ol t!te CaS'.le of San Cat- los, ('n the liar. VTOTICE is a'II claim 1 11 uui. 1 <'m. t:, ib2J. the pr.-i • V gIV* l| l„ (l S'* X. Ill* I 01 tlow a. Ac under I t* I' Wuria*. s, that t>v u 1 net p said at | FUNCiil'jONS Ii’ ff 1 4t!i proof J a _ _ nruca Rum. Landing from ship 1 d "•>, anil Ijf sale by EDWARD WILLIAMS. Who husfn-' utile, 109 In ax x Doutd'joiia dec 30 29* Bruiulv, &c. flfTl HAIMIH L9 C ot) cn»'• s Che l.anding and for ■ I* j dec 2t r °3 Company Orders. ,M to! ' ir ih' cT i!.'); £yv rlection is li reby ordercil to b of hirtlii.-r 1 A.., \ ou haxi'>,;d: .v • > elu m trout 0! M lie; sCoie.ctu.' nt * '*n of tli L g hi uui BunioJj ws\n\m f t li - 2S >;b he of iurthcR » , . the cip of indulgence to its mat drop; s< • j it; • 1 *• on \\ cdnesM}’ the Bill J a Ill'll if tii;*. don't p is •» t Ik i leods nt * 11 * 1 '’ DL.>, 1 r.- I* -t Ln ' ' en..nt of tile . r.n. .s'h, Ilie S I, ,141 o Nov, i. Iki k«. cn; ’' ; *"*'» 1 ■> U -K"nein viemgiu Mil'lui, I" li ii-.* vacancy or,.,sum- ed by p|.* pr iTi.nlion uf Lidn. nai*« tl den. I .* i*iec,imi to he a*iperniteii'.::d by txvi. JiiM«* eG and two Tie holders, or a m.jotity tlu'X xv ill rxxert to, and hecomo he p.n- pert) ol'the slate, and constapictly hu'. • ject to he so* vc . e !, « i tak *•' up b> u> > p<* • ...i xvl.o max'll* mluecd to d<« s •. Yen ire now, l preMiim , in \ o seasi of the means cl ditching.*>g the fees ol • lin e, ari sing from ll'e piocccda ot yout pr -.tin cro, fi, and you ir.ey out h so ai .m* !;•?< pinch next tail—''hcrefuic J advise you, i .1 to dcl.w a nu.'incr.*. The fortunate tlvuv- or* in the oil Lotte*y, thMt is tii<» Lottery tin* last, .( XV' 1 as these xx h . hove dtv.x'ii pn:.i.s m t!i« 4 It ur lust lottoiy ' n.e and llo> uceooitt, ahotr I. O ATS, A'd i i d lor toe p met.. lore, pre 'oft'.,.* -.eux't.d control*ito.s, •nations of the hem x, !.*nt and 30 LI'll tT MNLNG. LDVA 1) COFFEE. ^AfCn.'naL De '* 7th, Hw. v tor th*.* do- mtc y ju*!|e, •leu a need, I ling «OAP and C.ANDLEfJBt g m ,x In pudung for.vaicl their grants neM du f, *’d prices, At t!*..• prese ralle ape- ot them. JOHN H. Mil I.S, Capt. *?th Co. 60th Butt 1 ;l Beg'*. G. M. dec 3d V9 Notice. '2 T HE Schst i*ih iiitortn their C*. it. ei and the p that tin J’he Grnrd J 'v. cf the city and cniiidx "I New Vo'k, iti a I.Rc pu*. on hoard, or to dec 30 29 C. C. GRISWOLD. Share Moulds, Pork, bin, £;c. tjc. y .'1,1 in. ? t m ruin uu* nd that m» vetr ti in ,h West K Lutes, (*t I mm »t rtl». r «(»uthfrn 3"t'l where yellow* f Ver ti I'.nnxvn lo eV**!, be peupi"* t! to I >d. j i.p., »o tlie r. -Tii. v nl N"vi run r — II* v •!• '» i"fodder » •" p* e ice ol "* Hu vim Is Itbonriti'j; utul r the iis. ,),.* in e qu i,until • gioutid cs rO\S Share Moulds 14 bids M.'.'S Pork 36 eo Unien Gin 19 hli Is Wiuskcy 7 c. sks Ma'iufictured Tiibaccw 22 pi * e - 1 - in* h Cotton Bagging For side by C. C. GUIS WOLD. !*r p 2 ) Trices at,*htgu?t<i or Saturday.— Dundee v tm !n»m nts**, 30 •\ Dutt r, lie>t Guslu'n in Itt'i; l„ ii... (vlur.i--, ti.iin ilu Is - ‘1,1;,- ,, , o"; Cnml.e., l»llo.v, lo ;i |J, t !L e p imc green, .*3 a 8(1; I'oHun, » . ii: i un., vKiied, r.\ k I'r,N.h.;DuiiuiiTton Hams, Dusiiea ther,9a III; l obacro, l.'.d, •)) a j i n v con.;) 1, , M 1 N penJ.-il tlic.iigh tliiswuk: tbe .»! ui Ibc uniclo, ate ' ii u He ((du* 'u I’.-piim at\\; rn li>riine llj.i ii • • ■* it are hum 81 .o It.j, r..eentu f e -i-» uiq *»xi .— ll i..t n „N » Vo , >er cei, pr m. a*> l 1 , 1 ur evut, 0 mutiUi** hsinn, lebt the Legislature snould not vhiiiihIi iivot*.factor*'tdc on a c.o .tinm-d exicnaion cf t'".* i ( ( ,i, irm .) to be i t< o them, I’bis jo i w ill readi- use. A cot ly peremve, must produce a great n.rtux and uu ovei whelming pieosurc t.l busiiic.. , so tii:.' l could lint, even v. tt li the-id ol '.. t *tx '*• s ai.'s." xvlnrh 1 urn not dispo sed to employ in any exigency, meet the application* at that lituv, so *s to gixe t ii*•'»* r**iief. B you wish'to avoid the ex pense o' iravellmg to the seat ol G"iein- tnem,yon may i cuddy obtain ymir grunis by eaclosin*' >" wu. b) mail, or priva e c,m veyanco, 25 for all grams nadir j!JJ a ere:-'., ami i *r all grants over nUJ n* exceeding lUdducies, the y.rni of j•j? 5 .. fhe grants will be promptly attend lit. •and toe change, it any. will he Icon l i the envelope on the receipt of)onr giant or grunts For yout fu.ther tiUormaiion, you xvi't rmneuilier that no money i*i\- cc4v d m tli : bi4te 'Froasurx, except tt. v bills ot die State Bank, Piameis* Bank, Merchant's U-uik ot Augusta, the lranen : c,. i ! • - li he Inuiv 1 sht noxv 11, sa-e, at ‘.It Steir mi the But, a f w dot's Hcst eft, Chi IL.rl, n* , tu i xlaiutl’u tory of ” oava crali Candles, 4a 5s 6,. hem do do Spei maetti do 4s No l 2, and 3, Roup, in whole and halt boxes Windsor Soap ALSO, K England Rum in hlids Northern Gin tu obis \\ armnu.d . nne I’ieces Butter in F.iltit.s t.. BALDWIN U CO. dec 16 Ir. 18 250 q, 20 ( I aks L . aid I 1 srv’i'ig from brig It.., • , . sale hy urn 13 ?9 Rice’.' ludepeiidcnt l reol»)terii.n| Church. rjl'TOSE Pcn.un .v jvi , 1 sed orrrnt. ’ l « d F* \vs u> t' i* Cliu'c *, at auction on T mrsdu., the 5di inst, arc rtipU PU d to eall on the Subtcribers and settle for the same. BAKER U MINTON. dec 12 15 BO \BDIXG. ' I I!'." t! 'n. ii c.iu he hani'sonv il acc in ■ idat i with Bob d, in a priva m i* , a f.'xv st pa from the CD*y Hotel 'ei i s i.icdu 'tc Apply at this Office, nov :7 3 \* A Iku'g'j’m, CrVmsRle, »'l Ik Cu t ol I Mill, in the mi, pounty ot'i-ri^C'i. f..rni> rly (lie r. st hence of Mr. .la.r. * r tt, deceased. The Just. Keceivcil, Per h i SavmnaXjM f \ *1 M RF.LS Giias' oi l Gin aIw do do India Point do rc* ante by S M ANTON, dec 35 26 R’rt*’ wharf. Landing Fr>. rn the dap AiV?J*ar.-% •P> PILES Cog' .Brand)*, SignettLbrand, 2J warranted pure 11 kegs Tobacco—For *«de by E. W. V \ NY DDK IMS. Alto in Store at Market Sqttpre, general a<sortincnl uf Groteries and <i.n"j u not n ' n» ii. 7'» at r *ca•-. \| «»h *w Vi* 'I »* ** I ‘Oil r - . It Pi > * t* ’** r t bis n* > ' *• • , x" • | ( I fra shxKliwpftua ul UiC i'ui V* : r. \ ■X I j r i' r*.4i a TUa A • ■ j * liracr, e;c Jr'tree *i< d by 7. Late tinivalr, ibi.I tigtoti llams wl >0 KegiUJuti**r »u Ita.i i* 'I" F*iunn Market Be* f Also iii Slave, A foil hssoi ’ item oi Gi iccries and Pro- x bijiia, by c*. vGiiojiv t mssEi r, d.'C 1J jt il Dait*’ti 4 Kan^ .*, Ilaiik, ainl i.,e Slste Uunk of 3umU Caio i '*-«»- coma.:,- .•> ii* 5984 ucr«, veil tun. Uunic . l>c Gowta. linaKluntliu«n.ll*iiUS3ontb«l.rK(i ■ ie , rc “; «*•» ula k . c T ee . t 'i 1 dee 19 21 grant.; N Carolina State I'Hls'vill bereceiv- nnhlt^.aim is withOutdoub. one olthe - ..I bv th s Mat i olti er.for-1 heir feet un . h “ ; 8ea , 111 b =•'veen^S.runnuh, and Au-. Sugar, f Oflee, « .. , . ... i ’ fusUtJbia Lund «»really worthy 8F alien- - . . y lls ot one or two iiittna.'tertd Uahks, &u, Saud!*»ra’», B illock i? Welts* in small sun. o, cat "■• ou. County buveyns art re queued t, transmit,' ith mt de 1 .y,all ptats a .noli .tin.i i in llicir* Rices to *, office. DAMLL b I LULLS, Su.. Cl.i;. ** V n r» vt the sev» ul Gszttici in tlfu st n *, lequest**d to give ih above three : isci io , an.ljforutt «1 «licir ttXOUUU l » is lepar tnei.uor pa)Ui€Ut| t)vc 31 l> 30 gus»a ; /bis Lund !> really worthy df atlcn-l u ,.. G .. •. ^ ^ • - • •••»„. 3©OT««hh.---a»- JO h’.xes.NVg.o Pipes U hbls Lout Sugar tic plantation. Sa - and Grist Mill. It is hu lieved this land will anawer oiTthese pur-! noses. Apply to TV M’l.F.OD or JEREMIAH t.l'YI KH. ! ' T Tht* Ann. U . u.d ' l-.q D ; n-' 11 tl' « • nient lour u« ' . •• d ' I > vat thei fcCC-Uul to thii* uffift 1 l .1 ) 1 au*i lo M. Am4*ri.*aii Segarj 1 SI. Spat.ish do 50 bag*prime Green CofTe# l'j J keg* and qr kegs 4 t heat Rifle powder.- Fm sale by I.. II SAG!', k CO. dec 11 17 Tellai; i, f wlutf.