Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 04, 1823, Image 4

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J Emerson's Elastic Razor 1 Strops, TV HP. ft new Patent, and on an improved %£<JL plat, i ami *<c lerommendcd to the pubho. For aalc by ANSON PARSON*. I>ni(nf‘«t. No 8, U'bbout’ Buildings. Tinv .10 * Plains, Cloths, Scotch Fluids, I NI VK b*le» heavy blue Plain* 2 bale* low priced at out Blue cloths 1 do milt drab and Ittue Csis inter** 1 ca«c real Scotch Tartan Plaid* Just receiv'd per *hip Atlantic - for *ale by ' IIAKKit k MINTON. tiov IS t JOllM AldoitllKAU 1 > . g* h ave to inlorm hi* friend* in Gror- II K ia, that lie has evtahlivhed himself permanently in this city *« a Commission .MrTrVxant, The «:,le of Southern Produce will be hit tirinripal buaincas, in the. management of which, lie believea he can do In* friend* j.iit ce Ik- relic* on the reputation c»ta. (dialled during a tong reaidence m Sevan nail, on the r« ferenc.s to hi* friends, and diligent attention, to continue the confi dence of those who may he pleased to fa vor bins with their busim «t. A Via Pant-, Jtith Oc (•ter, 1822. Reference ill SiviiiimIi-Ncuii CttSMIit tj GWATHM*T. Ref. rrncc in Augusta—Jot!!* Moon*. K*rj Ire Classical 8c Klixlish School. IIKMtr MacIIII.VXKLI. I N'FOIl'IS In* Friend* ami the Puhlic, that he will re-open In* School foi< Young l.adies and Gentlemen, on 'Monday' nest, ihe Milt inst, a* 9 o'clock, A M. in the room under Solomou’a Lodge, near the Old Preabytcticu Church. Anti-Syphilitic 1’ills, DOCTOu" WKUTimLOT, And mdd at his store on tin Hoy, ff|| F. great i Iheacy I these Fill* in the cure of *11 the symptom* oft ce'tain dr„ atein both sexes, ha* been arknowledg eil for mote than twenty yruis by numbers of patients through.nt the United States. They »rc war-anted free from any kind i f me c.trial preparation, Mid the patient who u*i * attend to Ilia btisineas and toll >w hi* own rrgimm or diet without in conveniency or injuring their efT-ct. The suhHcriher Itaa prejntri d af' oth tn:p- ply ..I thro. Fills they art- sold with print ed direct'd'Ui lor -uae, at fcb per bos ; one t»r two .if which is generally sufficient for a pci 1-. cl cure.' joiin n. utsin helot. oct 24 Simuisih Scjiahi, BN t> 1 clt, hall, and (|i-in U t Hoses, of v 1 ry superi or tp.ahty, tteuvt-d lioiti II vuup, and for sale hy . JOHN It. ltBID U CO. ■-'v 1.1 \ Noi ice. {^jdillF Subscriber*’ Put Wi’g Machine at ei I on to be compressed or repseked. A Piuflitce received on Nlorage; ap- t,\, to Stephen Parr,at the machine, or II. fc J. IIAII HUSH AM. nor *) H For Sulc, A FI US T Han; Improved SODA MA CHINE, with silver vent, and ill coin ,j»U ttf order. I he machine ia so lormetl a* to b<- easily portable- hi ing pn«- together a manner, aa tube taken to nie ce- villa perfect case. Apply atthe office of tin- OkoMiua- q V flic editor of the Augusta Chroni cle w ill invert the above three time*, ami cctid l.ia lo this office. Sheriff's Sales. On t'J frit Saturday after the ft it TuCldey in January nest, Wil l, he fold at the Market Home in the town of St. Mary's, between the hour* of ten snd four o'clock of that day. Two Negro Children. *11 the right, title or interest in them, belonging to Franci* V oing, to astitfy an ctecuimn in favor of C-wk, Wilhfoid 1‘ianc.i* Voimg. property pointed out by Plaintiff * Attor ney ; glut to satisfy an execution in favor ot Isaac Crew* and Ann lleaaent, Admimr tra'nr’s of Abram Octteot, deceased, v. Garret Uemott. GEORGE J ONG, n aC c. St. .Wfj'r, A or. 30, IS—, dec 7 t H Sheriff's Siilc-s. On ll.jlnl,S I', tinu„rf »-«. W ll.l. be sold at the Court house in III town oi Jefferson, between the Itoui ot ten and four o’clock ol that ..ay, O,. c rn.cton.aml containing 15 t acre*, lying ill the county uf Camden. Altai lb.-r tract, lying in said county, coiilai •JttO acri-a more owlets, levied on as tin- pt-ity of William llrown, In aativty ■<’ J cutioti in favoi ol j i»c|-h'I Immai., S. ■. ,1AMKS NIULaCK,me dec 7 H Slid ill' Sales. On the/nt Someday after the frit Tuesday III February lierl, rrsgi'1.1. he fold at the Market House in .he town of St. Mary'*,hi-ween the hours of left and four o’clock of that day, One lloiiNu on pun of Lot N«; J. »«ved on as the properly ot l.ilmvo" l •'•». satisfy «n execution in uvor ot Lewis llachlolt. ..... GKOKGF. LONG, n a c c. At. Jlfnry't, Her 2l, 1822. dec 2b t Shcriir Salon. On thefiiit Siiiiiu!iiy<ifier the first Tuesday il, Fehmorynert. err»|t,i, he void til the Ma-ket House in hetuwnoi M- Mary's, bHwen the I ,,,ft,i, mid four o’clockol that day, the Following property, vis. Fun of l ot No 4, ami the improvem-nt* ihereon, containing 3 ‘4 fett »' J"' Itryant street, and™ feet do. the .t to the west of Samuel Clark'* lot. Also, 116 part of Lot No 26. being 100 feet from the North K«*t corner tliccif, on the north side M U. thence running South 200 feet,thence .’.0 f. ct West, thonce North 200 feet, and Hast 50 led, to place ol he- Rimming Also part ot l-«»t No 23, being 200 feet b.v A-and 55 feet Iront, being th... north east corner of said lot. Levied on as the pmperty of Samuel Clark, Adinimst r. David l.ew is, deceased, to satisfy an exccu ion in favor ot James Vince.-,t. Property minted out by Defendant'* Attorney. GEOHGr. LONG, u • C c. St. ft Tory's, Per 26, 1822. dec 28 t 28 Mui-I>\c Factor j. it a v iTTmt t n n, JNTptt'vWatvit, Conn. *(7 F.El’S on hand a great assortment ol IV viiiiiun.i-nt*, Grave Stones, Tomb T«. bT. s of M lute and Gold Shaded marlile, Fiuiry TaMe* j Oval, squared, and circular Ch'innct p e. e* i Chimney Slabs for fa- cingi, lie rt -, i/c. All urtUte strictly at tended ti. Mr. ISAAC COKF.N is Ida agent For <t*. vannah, any pentiut there,' wishing for ei ther ■ W'he aiinve article*, cun have a view of«hunk of Monumental Drafts, in the new est style, and the prices will be made Am*w n hy him. Luuiel Hill Toll-Mill. IMF. ioil-Mill on Mrs. Ancrtim's plan- tnt on has been completely repaired |y, and i* now ready tn work n* well as other will on the river. The rough- that will be scot tn the mill w >ll be t ly in dry and stfc stores, nnu- I be beat with (lie utmost care and! the barrrlls will bealwaytde- red in good oeder. Empty barrel., le of prime boated slave*, w ill be turn- :d at the mill when required. The ns for cleaning Kice will be the same it the other toll-nulls. Those plantcni > w ill engage to have their crops best vut mill, ai'd keep her supplied, will e *JUQ t'crcee, or as much leas as they isc, heat at one turn. Applications eon- »ii\g the mill, to he made to Archibald liner, on the Plantation, or in Savan- PETIT I)E VILLF.ItS, icp 10 rpt • Factor, Mottgiu's whar Soiln l’owvltrs. J t’ST received, Mc*»r» Lynch A dark'i Soda Fowdcra, in Tin hose*. For • vie bv ANSON PARSONS, »rtigg : at.N° 8, Gibbons' buddings. uutojw Congress Mineral Njiriiig " atevs, USvT r*:eired per brg Jofoph, an ad -iit-onal *upply, in U'i*ii »nd pint hot a, well pack, d m salt ami stiavv, war •lid in ord>- r— for *vle by ANSON PARSONS, Pru. j,ist, No 8, Gibbons' buddings he 9 U Ailm'mistrator’s Notice. 4 I.L Ferflons indi hli/tTto the estate of i\ Elizabeth Hoffman, dec. ar<- t < quested to make payment, and those to whom the estate is indebted, will please present their claims agreeably to law, to H. IV. LEACH, Adm’tr. dec 13 fpl5 To the Public. T CAIINOCII AN and 1*. MITCHF.L are »| • son) to be again brought before the public hy u second notice of Mr Christie's, who has undoubtedly claims against them, which, when linslly liquidate*! on the de rision of the suit now pending, they will try to satisfy as anon as possible thereafter. The deeds under which Mr ChriRtie claim* an exclusive right to all the real and per sonal estate of Carnochsn A Mitrhel, are considered as informal, unjust and illegal, Hence they have been brought and are still before the rrmrt, and other deeda have hren executed ntid recnrrled, conveying the property for the use of all their credit- >rs, Mr Christie included, without am trust _>r reservation beneficial to C. t/M. «>r their fimiliesi and if this he not agreeable to that gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and equitable tn the public and all who Ssvo a sense of justice. The Tnifltees tinder the late deeds a>e anxious to sell tile Landsin Florida, alluded to in Ute notice of Mr Christie, and to ap ply the proceeds to the immediate payment of part of his dcmsnd, and deposit a suffi- cieney thereof to cover alibis claim, sub ject to the decision of the court—hut his uppos'tion to any reasonable sale, as one in terested tn his own tight, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must he borne until a de can be made under an order of court, june 10 Editors of papers who insert Mr Chris tie's notice, will please insert the shove tu til his is withdrawn, and forward their bills to the Savannah Republican Office, where they will be promptly pjtid by J.O. 9 f. 1 it Notice ami Caution. W HEREAS 1 have been informed that John Carnochsn and Peter Mitchell of thla city have by aundry deeds recently mortgaged and assigned to diver* persons cither their individual creditor*, creditor* of the late firm of Carnochan U Mitchell, or others, all or sundry the property ahd dilute, both real and pereonul, of the said firm, as well as their own individual pro perty end estate, consist ing together of li.m-cs, lots, lends, stores, wit uves, negroes, Ac. m Savannah and Darien in Georgia,nr the tmichbothood thereof, end elsewhere with thetr tmeeeat or ahare in the stock of the lower steam null near Darien, and sundry ahare* in the United States Rank ai«l other banks, as well as sundry debt* due to them tn various places, besides lands, lots, negroes Ac. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of laud bought of Forbes U Co. ly ing be tween the riven St. Marks and Apalachi cola in the territory of Florida*aloiesaid. These arc hereby to caution the public a- fsamat purchasing any part of the said pro- |ier») oreatate ao conveyed, or any other propmly belonging to the auid Lafnochau (J Mitchell, or cither of them, as I hold pro or mortgage* on the greatest part thereof; winch aie on record in.the registry in Sa vannah and Darien aforeaa-d and -n Char leston, S. C. and equitable leitt* on all the property ol said J-.t.* Carnochan and Peter MUcheli. UllAM UU1USTIE. jmte 8 Ucor^ia—Bulloch County. Hy i:,\ AV-Ilady, link •/the rein I o‘ tb- dinary, fur 0* t unity »J ItuUic ', and ihih n/'a'riuid. V'lEFEAB. Aaron Cone of the **'.< S/dr county, applies fur Letter* of Adn.i i.iatiatiiin on the Estate and effrets of Wil liam Cone, late of said County,* leccxsed, Ttieac are therefore to cite amt admonish, ill and figiilar, the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to file their objec tions (i*>;iy thev havcl in my office, on or before tb... fir*t Monday in Jifmary net*, otlirrw ixe letters of Administration will be giuutcd to the si'plicsnt. Given under my hand and seal this twenty-sixth day of November one thousand eight hundred U twen ty.two. (L. S.l ELY KENNEDY, oco bc dec 6 10 Georgia—Bulloch Comity. Hy Kty K' linetty Clerk uf the Court uf O, dtnary, for the county of Jlulloth and Mute afireinid. W HEREAS, Levicy June**!' the said Gounty, applies for Lctteiw of Ad ministration of tin- F.s'.ate and dice.* of llcijhmin J. iii ,i, Icte of said county, de ceased j these are therefore to rite and ad- monish all and singular, the kindred snd creditors of the said deceased, to fiie iheir objections (if any they have) in my offlr.,, on oi before the first Monday in January next, otherwise Letter* of Administration will oc granted to the uppl.cunt- Given under tnv hand .ind Heal this l'itli day ofN'i.V'.-mln •■, <me thou sand eight bundle.- and twenty two. [f.. S.] ELY KENNEDY,cc .se dec 6 HI Sheriff Sales Gominued. On Hir first Tuesday in January next, W ll.l. be sold at the Court bonne in the Town i f J» HVr-uui, Camden county, hutwern the hours ef ten and four o’clock of tlirt day, All the improvement* on 'i'en acres of Land lying on Great Salilla nvvr, con sisting of a lo g house, Ac levied on aithc property ot John Hensley, to s iti'fv an ex ecution in favor of llopk'na (t Sco'i. Also, the improvements on 7 at 8 a rrt » offer’ccd find, situate in L.utlc Satilla Neck, eousiating ot Il<utue6. f/c. levied on a* the property ol Janus Tumbling, to sa ndy sundry executions reluriii'd hy a con stable.—Conditions cash. Ji.fft.rson, Nov, 5th, UI23 GEORGE LONG, d.b.c. c. nov 16 fiy2 Slioiiir Sales. On the first Saiiird-,v att-r th. fir st Tu'-s- rlsy, in January n>'Xt. • W ILL be sold at the MaiF : house in the town of St. Msrya, hetween the li..lira often and tour o'clock of that day, One Negro Roy named P. t-r, levied on ns the property of Daniel Vaughn to satis fy an execution in favor ol Jam.-* Thomas, propei ty pointed out hy the Defendant.— Conditions cash. St. Mary*, Camden coun ty, Nov. 7th, 1822. GEORGE LONG, n. s. c c. nov tfi t ,r '2 Sheriff's Sales. On the flit Saturday after the frit Tueoday in January newt, W ILL br sold at the market house in the town of St. Mary’s, between the hour* of ten and four o'clock of tlint day, One Negro Hoy named Frank, levied on aa the property of Matthew \V. Ik-ssent to satisfy an execut on on fore closure of a mortgage in fav -r of Lawrence U Thomp son. GEORGE LONG, use o oct 26 Sheriff Sales, On the firtt 7'untiey in January next, WILL be hold at the C-.urt houae til the ▼ v town of Jefferson, Camden County, between (lie hours of ten and lour o'clock, of that day, A Tract of I and on Cumberland Island, known by the name of the Plumb Orchard, containing nine hundred and sixty acre*, more or leas, levied on as the propei ty ol Charles Ward, to satisfy his State County end Poor Tax. * for the year* 1820 sod 21 Amount due g.I3 50 and cost.-Jefferson, Camden count', Nov 8th. 1822. GEORGE LONG, o. s.c. c. nov 16 tlbJ Georgia—Camden County. W HEREAS, F-lihu Atwater, esquire, administrator, applies for letters of dismission from the estates of Colonel Wil liam Scott, deceased, John Campbell, de ceased, and Havens Wa'erman, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased persons, to he amlappear at my office on or before the first Monday in January next, and shew cause (if any) why aaid lettets should nbt be granted in terms of the law. Given under my hand and teal, this 22d June, 1822. [l a.) JOHN UAII.EY, c. c. o. c. r. july i Georgia-—Camden County. YirilKRFtAli, Mrs. Louisa V Shaw, Ex- TT ecutrix, applies for letters of dismis sion from tjtc estate of General Nathaniel Green, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular 'he kindred and creditor! of said deceased to be and appear at my office, on or before the trot Monday in Janaary next, and show cause (if any) *'hy aaid letters should not bc granted, in terms of the law. Given under my hand and seal, this 22A day of June, 1822. JOIIN BAILEY, c.r. o.c c. Georgia—Camden County. - 71* all whom it may concern. WHEREAS, Silvester Bryant applies \Nf to the Honorable the court of Ordi nary, for Lr*ter« of Adm'm'.itritioa on the Estate of Mary Bryant, late of the said county, deceased. -These are therefore to cite and admonish all andsingulir, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office of the court of Ordinary, on or bet. re the first Monday m January next; otherwise Letters will bc granted to the applicant. Witness the Honorable William Gih- son, one of the Justices of the said court, this 3 -th November, 1822. [L S.) JOHN BAILEY,ctocc. dec 7 t U { Cl, v Cn Francis H. NicoT), and Co. 1 f.aae Circuit Court oiled States, Oh IV. Scarbrough and i trict of Georgi ot tiers. J Chamberi, 13.’A Srptnoiev, 1822. P ROCESS having issued in this cause, returnable tn the term of this court in December next; and it being re;re sented that Jolm Haslett, William S. ed ict t, hnmucl Y»lc», Andrew Low, Hogue, defendants in the said cause, reside without the limits of the District of Geor gia : It is ordered, that the said John Has- iett, William S. Gillctt, ? imuel Yates, John Hogue and Andrew Low appear at the term of this oomt to be holdcn at Savan nah in the term of December next, tu an swer to the plaintiffs on the merits of their said petit on, and that a copy of this or der be published in one of the gazette* of this state for three months,.etui that the plaintiffs have leave to take such further proceedings as arc prescribed in the r in such catn made and provided. J. CIJYI.EH, District Judge. True extract from the mmutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, Sept. 13, 1822. sep 14 i Equity, October, Sessions 1817. In the Circuit Court o! the United States, In and for the District of Peini&yl vauia, in the third Circuit, BETWEEN Joseph Marx and Joseph' Marx ind George Marx, citizens of the state of Virginia, who sue as well in tln ir own names as in behalf of such oilier For- sons,Stockholders of the late Hank of the Unit ed States heretofore named,. as shall come in anti become Parties hereto, eontrihu'ing to the Expenses uf this Suit —Complainants. AND David Lenox, Elias Hou- dmot, Robert Smith,J«*. C. Fisher, Joseph Sims, Archibald McCall, Paul Sicman, Samuel Coates, Henry I'ratt.GcorgeFnx, I'ascliall Hollingsworth, John Srille, Thomas M. , Willing, Horace Binncy, George Harrison, Ahijalt Hammond, William liay ard and Oliver Wol- ! cott, citizen of the State j of Pennsylvania, Trua tecs of the late Hank of United States. A ND now, to wit, this twenty-third day ol April, one thousand eight hun dred and twenty-two, this cause came be fore the Court, oil a Mandate from the Ho norable the Supreme Coin t of the United Stales for further proceedings. Where upon it is ordered and decn cd—<That the holders of Notes of the late Bank of th- United States, bring them indor pay men' at the late Hanking House of said Hank in the city of Philadelphia,'bi fore the ele venth day ol April. A l>. 18'JJ, and that on thut day this Court will make a final Decree for D-suihiit.on of the funds re served in the bands of the defendants for payment of said Notes; and it is further oidcrrd and decreed, that the Clerk cause this order to he published hi one public newspaper in each of ilie following places, to tvit:— l’lidadelpliiu. It. stun, New Volk, Baltimore, Norfolk, Charleston, Savannah, and New Orleans, at Icait once a week, for nine calender months, before the* said ele venthday of April next. A true copy. D.UAI.DWELI, Cleik Cir. C. The Edit orsof the Boston F.vnung Ga zette, at Boston, of the New York Even ing Post, at New-York, ol the American, at Baltimore, of the Norfolk Herald, at Norfolk, of the Charleston City Gazette, at Charleston, of the Georgian, at Savannah, uni of the Ixuiiaiana Advertiser, at New Orleans, are requi *ted to insi rt the above n their respective gazettes once a wetk. for nine calender munlhk, hefo- e the lltli day of April, 1823, and to lot ward the r hills, as scon thereafter aa may be, to the subscriber, accompanied by an affidavit proving the puldicat on, conformably to the foregoing o-ticr. may 9 I). CA1.D" ELI . Clerk Cir. C. NO'I it; K. A Y'oting Man who Ins had a good edu cation, vvn'i s « g< oil liat.d, un.i having been long aocnaioru' d to active business, and understand* well the i autre of account: and bnok-keepiot; vnalo b employment it. some respectable busi -f s» m this city . he can come well r.c .mmetuled, and employment i« his ohjaet, he would not re quire much of a as buy. A line addressed to A. II. through the post-office will be at- teudedto. OCt 13 af Haxali’s Ifidimoml Super- line fresh Flour. OI")! Y received,and con- stunt supplies will continue toar nve. HaFers and families can he uccom modated with any quantity, they m»v wist to pitrcltvsv. The quality of thi* Hour4> ratccmcd very superior. Richmond Manufactory CUT KAILS, made of Russia aiui Sw•«!.-* Iron, 80 casA'a f. on 3d up to 30d. For sale by PONCE SJ MACKENZIE, nov 13 |re +u For Sale. GANG of 50 negroes, they will be sold very 'Ctsonahly tor oaah or good town notes or acceptances, having a abort lime to run. Apply to JOHN l». WILLIAMSON, dec 6 U t t M Hall, Hoyt 15 Go. Offer,fa tote, landing fom ihip A'iagnrt, £\(f\ HUES prime Pork, Ntw-Yorz-ciiy Inspection 20 hbla Mes* Beef 10 hhls Hams 2u hhls Muscovado Sugar 5 pipes Piet point'a Gin 2 do Holland do 2 do Cvignac Brandy 2 Ho and 6 hod* Ry e Whiskey 2 lihda Jamaica ltuur 20 boxes Raisins 20 bbls Apple* dre 13 1 20 Match Lights, j£»08 SALK, b, ONSVU PARSONS, Superior Court—Camden | Coutily. John M'Nish.Y The lleira or | October Term, 1822. I^-gsl repre- S- aentative* ot I Hr is Nisi. John Conner 1 deccsicd. J O N the Petition of John Il'Nith of Sa vannah, in the county of Chatham, Mating that John Conner in his life time, to wit. On the 27th day of July, A. D. 1820, executed tn him his two several I uids, in the penal sum of two hundred dollars each, conditioned for the payment of one hun dred Hollars each, on the first days of Ja nuary, in the years of our I/ml one thou sand eight hundred and twenty one, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty" two ; and for the hitter securing the pay ment thereof,the slid John Conner on the said twenty-seventh day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand tight hundred and twenty, did make liis certain uced of mortgage, whereby he mortgaged to him, his heirs, executors, administra tors, and assigns, all that piece or par cel of Land, containing three honored aces more or less, being the South East end of a four hundred acre tract ol land, originally granted to William M'lntnsli, si tuate lyiug and being on 'heeouth side of the Great Satilla River and waters thereof, in the county of Camden, and State afore said ; and winch, hy a chain of conveyances , became the property of the said John M‘- Muh, and was sold by him to the said John Gunner: That there is now due and un paid, on the said bond* and mortgage, the principal bum ofTwo hundred Dollars, with •awful intcieat on each of the said sums of one bundled Dollars,from the first day ol January one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, and liom the first day of Janu. ary one th.iu.iand eight hundred and twenty two; and praying the Foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of the aaid John Conner, hi* heirr. executors, administra tors, and assigns of, in and to the said mort gaged premues; and that the aaid mort gaged premises may be sold at public uuc- tioif, according to the Statute in such case made and provided. On motion of C. S. Henry, Attorney for petitioner. It is order- ■ d that the principal and interest due on the said mortgage, together with the cost of this application be )*id into this courts within Twelve mouth* from this date, o, t her wise that the Equity of Redemption of the said John Conmr, his heirs, executors- administrators and aosigna, be Irom thence- Ibith forever foreclosed, and that such fur ther an J other proceed ngs take place, as arc pursuant to the Statute in such case- made and provided. And it is further or dered, (hat this rule be published in one o( tne gazettes of this slate, st least once a- mohtli for twelve months, to the time ap pointed for the payment of said money in to cout. Let the Rule Nisi issue 28<h Oct. 1822. J. II. MONTGOMERY, Judge, see. True extract from the minutes of said court, this twenty-eighth clwy of No vember, 1822. JOHN BAILEY. Clerk, dec 24 $re 25 Notice. A T the expiration of nine months from this date, 1 shall apply to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior court of Cha tham county, for leave to sell the following real and perwuial property held by the late It J. Houston intrust, viz : Cedar Grove plantation, containing up wards of 1200 acre*, aituated in the district of White Bluff. One Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, near the above. May Island, containing 100 acres, more or less, situated ou the marshes of Little. Ogechee river. Alio, between 65 and 70 Slaves. PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1822. adm'r. H. J. Horn tan. niMVJ16 $ Notice. N INE months after the date of this no tice, application will be made to the Honorable tne Justice, ot the Inferior •Jourt ol Liberty County, for permission o sell the teal estate of Letty Carter, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ofthc said deceased. I.IGII r TOWNSEND, Adm’or. tug 15 $x Notice. N 'INE months alter date application will be made to the honorable the Justices •.t the Inferior court of Camden county, for leave to sell all the lands in aaid county oclonging to the estate of John King, late of Effingham county. SARAH KING, arfm’rx. April J, 1822. -ia* Clark county, Ga. JSotitc. N INE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Jus- ices of the Inferior court of Glyon county, tor leave to sell all the lands in saul county belonging to the estate of John King, late' • I Effingham county. SARAH KINO, adm'rx. April 5,1822- 5** Clark county, Ga. upril 6 * Notice. expiration of nine months from i*l. this date, 1 shall spply to the honora ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell the fol low ing real property of the estate of R. J. Hou* on, viz: One tract of .154} acres of Land in Itrvan county, situated on Red It:rd crec k. One undivided fourth part of 1450 acres •if l.and in McIntosh county, situated on the AlatanThha river. Twelve Lots in the town of Brunswick, Glynn county. • w PAT. HOUSTON, May 13,1822. e dm'r.K.J.H. may 16 % Alcss and I’rinie Fol k, ( Vc. Juit received per i/up Aiofuro, A-Tk BARRELS Mess Pork Jv 30 do l‘nme Ho 21) bbls Imitation Brandy For sale by J. B. HERBERT U CO. dre 58 20 F LOUR. ^RRELS Superfine Flour, dv'w landing, and for sale bv HALL, HOYT & CO. dee 24 2$ Tide Swamp Plantation. ** r |'HE subscriber effers for *«lc that wett- * known plantation called Rrewtou V.Vtt, immediately below tne city of Sava h nsh. containing 230 acres of prime rive swamp ; about 215 acres under good bunks snd in planting ordrr, and betw een 1 and 200 acres ol high (and. Buildings sufficient for t gsng of0 hundred ntgioct, with barns Ac. Terms accommodating to a good purcha ser. For further particulars apply to Messrs K.fcJ. HABERSHAM, or to the subscri ber in Charleston. H. M. IIAIG. w 16 *102 Intornmtiun Wanted. ■'^voting man, who left Dublin, Ire* l4V, in August, 1815, and arrived at N. York, on or about October in the same year, by the name ol JOHN GANNON, by oc-. cupution a Currier, mm of'Thomas Canni ng of Buck-lane, Dublin, hy applying at N9; ». v , 118. Chat ham-street. New Yotk, lie wi!! hear of something very much to hi* advan tage. Anv person giving information of said J. G if living, or if dead, where died, and nsrticular* thereof, shall be amply re warded for the same, by address ing a letter (if out of the city) tu the above number. Printers of Newspapers in the Union, will confer a favor by giving tin* an iiuertion. dec 23 24 VALUAULK MEDICINES. ID& a WMIiMF’3 ANTI-DYSENTERIC MEDICINE, A Discovery in the Vegetable Kingdom of forth A me, icn, hy tin; Proprietor, • J USTLY esteemed by all-who have usetl V it, for curing Dysentery, (or Bloody Flux,) Diarrlicea, (01 '-iimmer complaint,) Cholera Morbus, Acidity, Vomiting, Sick ness and Pain in the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Cholic, Worms, Uc. tested hy a successful practice of seven year*, and approved by the most respectable physicians in New- Yorfc and Philadelphia; being peculiarly useful to families of young Children, Mas- (era of Ship*, Forts, Prisons, Factories, Planters, Travellers, he. Prepared wills directions, as tegardsthe ages of Children, Diet, be.— Price £1 per phial, containing about 10i' dozes, atici 6 anodynes, sufficient for 2 or 3 children in the early stages of bowel complaints. INDIAN BOTANICAL AGUE DROPS, A Hiiceve 1 y by the Inthuut of forth America (WARRANTED,) For curing the Fever and Ague, being a certain and efficacious remedy in every stage of Intermitting Fevers, with particu lar directions as respeett the age of chil dren, &c. and failing in no instance of pro ducing the desired effect-—Price gl per plus!, containing 100 dozes, an emetic, and 6 anodynes—sufficient to ctut 2 or 3 chil dren, with an ordinary fever and ague. Cayuga, October 14, 1821. We, the subscribers, do certify, that in the year 1814, a hospital for the invalid sol diers ofthc United States* army was esta hiished on the west shore of the Cayuga Lake, and placed under the care ot l)r. John Vought; that most of them were uf. fl.cted with the dy sentery and camp diur- ■ 1 wa: that the success of his medecine . was such as to restore them to perfect health, and return ttiem all tn the army,- and we recommend his medic ne as n va luabie discovery ia the bealii g art JOHN HARRIS, CRiefcom. officer at Lcwinlon during the late war, JACOB L. I.APZF.I.F.RE, Commissary for the county ot Scncca du ring the late war. KUSSF.L PRATT, JAMF.3 RENNET, CHARLES LAI.L1ET. Dr. John G. VoughtDrar Friend—J. have prescribed thy I> diun Botanical Ague D op* lor 60 cases ol Inti rmittents, 01 Fe ver and Ague, and lave performed pel tret cure* in every instance except three, who would not follow directions. There hays been no injurious effects produced wi any one case, and not a single relapse, i.lthu* it is more than tight months since 1-ntnde the first trial of it. I have also tound ii a veiy useful tcnic-dy in Bilious remitter's* especially when they have shown a d.spo ution to assume a typhoid ata'e. I hav*t also experienced the same good 1 fleet# Irom thy Auti-Dysenteric Medicine, in bow el complaints, in every case that I lave tes- L ted it# efficacy, hi haste, 1 am thy Iric.-vl, X tic. Lockporl, Xiagara 1822. ISAAC SMITH. Co. J\. V.l ■Ota 1 s kith mo. 8rh t Charlotte, July 24,182J. I was taken in September with fever and ague, and the bloody fluxsmn follow* ed, winch left tne with a chronic disrrlusea. I put up with Capt. Negus, in Rochester, and sent for Dt. Vought, who put me un der the influence of his Anti-Dysenterio Medecine. 1 naul all attention to bisdu rections for th ce days, and was perfectly relieved; and tree from fever. I took soma of the medi cine on board of the vesseL and I i«ve witnosscd the good effects with •R w no used it. I advise all Oaptains of vet, , •eh to keep this medicine on board, arA tffijy will bnd it a valuable remedy in ' h’jwci complaints, B. PEASE, Captain of the Genesaee Packet Ontario. A further reference i# made to th« whole tale Agent*. Mull U Bownc. J. Q Morriaon, Walter U. Townsend,395 PearL tree!; and J It Dodd U Co, 189 Broadway.- opposite John-s;reet, New York ; 1 hatcher (J 1 hompson, Philadelphia ; Anson Par* suns. Savannah; and Pease and Butler, Bah 1 imore, Druggist* and Apothecaries— tail by Ur Johnson, Buffalo; Dr Smith, Lockport; Dr Niven, Newburgh; Dr Hitch cock, Utica * Dre Myrdcrse fe Murdock. Schenectady , Dr Melien, HudsonUc Croswell, Caukdl; Dr* HarneaandNelsotu Poughkceps.e, N Y ; 11 Mciga a Co, Alba* ny 5 Aaron Vark, Postmaster, Yonkers, «f V ; J I. Mott, larr; town ; Harris, l*icketw if Jones, Smg-sing; and w holesale and ro- t»d by the Sole Proprietor, Rochester. Mu*»roe county, N Y ; and by one ot ill# principal Physician*, Drugging or Hook* sellers, in most ot the important towns .a the United Sutes. w This Medicine is sold by the Subscriber Agent lor ibe State of Gcorpi* ' dcq2 AaNsUaN