Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 09, 1823, Image 2

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(* iv 5) ll(> I .1 ,N. S\\ANN VII 1 | T'r Corporation *f Rr-rtmi hav# I f.-r. • .1 :«* imposing a huncc up ; pulilir . tluliiuoiia 8u against Professor 1 KtertU Inr4 livtnng lecture upon qtlittca, and Mr. I’lnlhpt lor delivering lleclurcf upon unging 1 MOUM.VU, JAN. 23 I **d ycstt-iday. A lady, who in tier lima had gon<*hy thr ..jine ol Go >k, Edge, K•ml H i.ter- II IIW.I. .,f IUIr; K m (N. C) »ii Jfield, *i. I.tely brought up .1 Albany, N V. on • eli *r,:e of bigamy. The frail fan one would inevita Ay hare been convicted, ha-l alie nut in her defence proved that ali< had been married to a th id h labanrl—the olliera being alive, wincli waa determined i»lie a .IRomt, inaa nncli aait rep- lied Un- charge in t"e md cinenl, that Edge was her lawtul huahaiid, being the first, acquitted. t.—The anniver- :mry ul Ne* Or. leMay m a.i V.Cliry of .\ra> Oi eu War., ol the hailie ami t leaoi, »..* celebrate t y Cremely *,.iritid maioni. The aU'idard was, 4» usual, displayed trorn the maaiaoi t.i'• upping and from the fnihln boil hugs— and (he d.ih.-cnt Volunteer Corps were under arm* at an early hour The r ippearauce and iiaciphiii) were logo- 'ly Honorable to tun inliviJurt* tile in* III the evening, toe Exchange ws, illununaw. Ce - e window Of l ud i a bunt of Inc itnmorial •• of <> r . liana.” wd ah< Ii will lie pcrraivi Olent in aiui'ner coi d, by an ad fertile. bee all . lapai • iii*tab...;i> tried II pm- a, and im» received the ajiprnhai till who have aecn it exhibited. 4, „ Hie.ui» ol pi (Serving liuni .n life in extreme ca.s* h, it e 1 Mainly tanka among the lirsl, osil gives 10 the possessor the uacoflna limhs, wh.U i^cflcctmdly buoy a him ami th11acnalilt.11 him to uiu the be, 1 Biean# toaecure ina aalely. In addition, •lie apietude ol I ,0 individuals mem toreign i« timr natur., pcifornmig all the act ions which they could pcrloriu on terra tinna, i« not tiic least novel. <,ui. John tiediles was on Monday last tlctie-l Imei.iient of the city ofchsrles- *on, by a majority ol 69 votca ever Mr. Pc- ronucau. The Legislature ol the »*ate of North Ca frohna at their laic session, passed an act exempting from imprisonment every debt- or, who altall make an honest surrender ol Ilia property. Another humane act wua ul- •o putted, directing Sheriffs m every coun- ty, to provide biaiiketa for the use of their |>rn oner* during the inclemency of the umter. If Mr WaUhN sentiment* nn every ncrtasinii were as just na in what fol lows— ip would be inure read ami mnrp respect' d. We |iri>ci-i-d, upon (he supposition, that comMKKcb will be protected by Ihe govrruiiieut against the hostilities d jealous interests, the misapplication il mischievous foreign essinplt*-, and he pmnenesM of men holding or seek- mg high places, to make concession* for the'aakeof acquiring or retaining a partial populniily. Commerce has, iiiong os, '•nroiies to be feared, 11 account of their mu'tiiude, of their t.den's, or their individual influence, hut upon a principle at this ex pressed by Mr. Buiko—“A tunallei number, more- expedite, awakened, iiciive, and courageous, who make a mends for what they want in weight by their superabundance ol velocity, will create an acting power oi formi dable strength,” IMPORTANT FAW CASE. William W ain, fa Kdwartl I'liomp- •on.— In the Nupreme Court, Kailcm District, Peiinaylfauia. Tins it an actum on • P dicv of In surance "on supposed profits on a car* go of goods in the ship Bengal” o*» a ge from Canton in China, to Phil* From Sf. Thoms* — By the brig Co* lumbu, we have advices from NL Tho mat in the '.’4th in*', and a pspir o the 3d. The Congress frigate leli that port on the lit. and the Spark brig, previous to the 3d. It wa* announced at Caraccas, N< I2'h, (hat the king ol Holland had or ad- Iphia, warranted Jrje from average. tiered Ihe Republican flag of Colomtna Dutch porta. A letter from Washington say* «• The committee on Manufactures have agreed to report Mr. Baldwin's resolutions of lust year, in thcjlutpc of a Tariff Hill. |i ia probable that the Tariff embrace* rather too eltravagant an augmentation of our dutiea to be relished by either House, the nation or oven the manufacturers j and f question whether It will pass both houses in its present shape. Capt. Porter has purchased the •team 1 boat Enterprite, at N- vv York. Slut was built for sea navigation, and ia a fine auf>* fiautiul vessel. A letter from an nffi, er of the U. S ahip Cyan*, dated »t luvguira on th J,| l), c . observes.—“j menlioned in my letter from Curaeoa that nurctew hu^l hern vrrvsiclvlv biit were then convalescent. Since thev have gradually brenimproving; Imt a,, great ia the di bility produced by the diseases of they cl.mates that it requires a very con- •idr.t'ble time for persons affected by them to recover their natural strength. A great proportion ofotir men are now in a very sivdiilitaied state, but are bi-euming belter daily, £* 1 hope that in u short time, wo will again have a healthy c tw. I expect wo shall continue cruizing along this const and the neighboring Islands for sometime Ion- r rM The tilvocate remarks, that »• nothing but an eathquaka at the Capitol will pro* v#ut a > kingressionsl nomination of Pie. »idcnt.” Three men named Patrick Carroll, John Dougherty,and William Kelley, nativeso* Jreland. have been committed for trial, •t Petersburg, charged with the late at. tempt to rob the mall, between Petersburg *nd Richmond. .9 ■litm.-u ftitiwf.—'Vlie Dublin Evening Post speaks in the following manner of the prespects of the interest in Croat U'itain -wheiwthe bone and sinew ata-e is thus prostrated, the* body cannot be sound—itv strengh must waste, and decay must be the consequence — •• The Farming interest of Great Britain and Ireland are destroyed. There it no Other word which can be fairly employed in the dc crip'hm. They are "ruined." It is quite idle to nonce toe imuUT -and i, would he reahy ti'vidimg to ta'a of • *1- l.ativea. Even th »g that could be tri d has tv en a'.ti mpted—evt y unju- h.;s been administervd eve y thing has tui.'i-rl. 'I lie crisis, of w Inch W e !. iviii . .1 6 .; long sp< skutg, has tome ai l.-At. T‘-e lair at Kh'diuiivue has put the *< ul m< the lain* hopes oil he farmer. Wethers at H». ,,nd R«*eta. 8»! Sixpence in die poond on acvimt of reins, uiimot be collected in tins year. The Corn M >rket hat also neclined in a« vspoudiiig istio. In the Dublin m»r- k*t tne middle price of Wheat is abtut 16 • osrrel. In tf.e coun'-ry, generally, it is scarcely L s.—Other Coro in proportion. South Jlmerica —A letter from St. Salvador, Nov. I, received in Boston, from one of the first American houses at that plaie, «iys 1 *'A fleet of 8 sail arrived the day be fore yctprd.iy from Lisbon, and yes. terdny landed between 11 and 1200 troops. A ship of the line, it is said, will (imreed on to dm, for the pur- pose of blm^iding that place. It is nUo reimrfi .1 titat another expedition is to follow this, which, in the opinion •f many, will only sctv« to defend the cMy winw! limu longer ; and that their lorces are not aulll-ient to open the utercoume with the interior.” Cttvk of the House of Ile/iresevta- lives,—Vdi inns unnecessai y specula tiuna have been indu'ged, in relaitun m the political views which led to thr eleclion of the Clerk of the House ol RepresentitiveH, in reference to his predilictiona for nr against certain lVcaidmtial Candidates. This is a ve* ry unnecessary mid uimnpnrtiint enqui ry, except only as it tests'the opinion of the present Congress. The London Kditor, ofthe Washington Republican who lives by "guessing,” considers it important (hat he should settle tin question, afcd declares that Mr. iVm ile, of Vermont, was defeated •• whol y by ttie suspicion that he was brought l or ward and supported principally by the friends of Mr. Ciawfurd.” The Knglish editor, Iuether says, that the geutlemt-n elected is a Grin friend of Hie administration, vml opposed (o the Radical!!, and that Jmlgo Fianks lost his election in cuuse<|iietiee of be mg "supported by N-jor Noah*”— Now. we had lie tier pul nur friend, from Tower' Hill, right on these points, because lie errs from ignorance, not perveiseuess. Had the F-nnsyl vania D. legation united in the support of Judge Franks, he would liuve been elected ; then motives l knew not.— Had the House continued Inb-illot the first day, nnd not adjourned when Mr. Temple stood the highest, he would have been elected ; hut the most uu pleasant piece of intelligence remains yet to be told to our fne <d, irom B-»>d street, it ia, that .Mr. Clark, who is Heeled, is an avowed friend of Mr. Crawford— nav, more. r;;> opponent to Mr. Crawford could have been cho sen• Mr. Clark, on the first ballot, hid onto five fntes, but when Virginia, N. Comiiua, Gcmgia, Maryland, Main, N. \ ork, flee <}i\' began to move, the a.nndon editor, had he beetn a native, could have divined the cause. But’ where is the necessity ot cunceauneii'f, 'Villiam H. Crawlont is at tin, d«y the most powerful and influential republi can among all the candidates, and has the greatest numercial support in both llouacs of Congrgsa, and time Will show this.—jidr. and without bewfu of salvage-A- niount vatu-il 41 ft'JO.OUU. The xhtpadiled Iiiiiii Canton on the 25th December, 1815. with a catgo ol tea», cassis, china, /fc. On the 29'h Janu.irv, IHI6, she me' with a gale of wind, by which she aufT r.d considera ble damage; in coiisrq.j..,ictf of which she put into Hie Isle ol Fiance lor re pairs. On a survey, the whole cargo being unloaded, part of the tea was found so much damaged, that it was ordered to be thrown into the sea.— Another part being damaged and in a perishable state, whs aolil for the bun fit of the concerned, and .In-, proceed; vested in other gunds winch with the saved part of the cargo were ship ped »n boa 1 d of the Bengal, who xlter receiving the necca-ary repairs resumed her voyage to Philadelphia on the 9th April 1816, # arrived there Ihe 1*1 July following. At Pniladel- phi*, it was found that part <d the teas tuk-n on boaid at the Isle of France as sound were in fact damaged at Hie lime The sound tea* were sold al Philadel phia at a very cotisid-'rablc profit, but upon the whole cargo there was no profit and here was a loss of mote tnan 5') per cent, on the whole amount of'he go als shipped at C inton. The phintdf abandoned, and claims for a total lass' On this state of facts, the plsiutiff I 'd - ’ to b<* admitted lido the JV* 1'. Com ,idv. Bath, (Maine,) lice. IS—Suprrsti tious no.tons are not entirely eradicat ed from the minds of the people, a* some are disposed to believe. Among many oilier instances, wc havo lately had uue in our own vicinity, which display* the evil likely to mine horn want of confidence in the course of na- tuie which the Deity has established/a confidence which cannot exist wlieie good sense, the simple principles, 01 natural philosophy, and some .l.grti 1 •d general information, are wanting. It twins that eight or ten persons, 10 a neig iboi hood lour or five miles from us, have real*y beloved themselves be witched { nod have Nutfcred or pretoo* led 10 suffer all the spasms, contor tions, terrors. Ac. that such a belie 1 tends to produce. -The epidemic hum w-' understand, suti-id ul, but its mp gio, atitl its pr-tg'vs* lord lew days, w -nii.b.', .0 i:kml*l»«. aS'uffi'i" r-Ar '" r •'""l’ We |> 10 die lasllioilsble di-i -lisb to Irmu Havana, who reported m H i H. ». M. MAIMNK. BOUT OF SJl .l.WWIH. rt.r.AUF.n, Ship Cotton I'iuiii, l',..;., New-V'irk, fi days, to G Gor.loii. >.« i..-r. It Cainiiiu ll, tV -'carliroiigti W, linker \ Min ton, T it Frier, lllll Ja IVn,.,, \\ I urn. r, .1 M 1 ream* r. 11 T Harm S It light. M..u- rrlftl) A Wa le, I Cohen, II.-inter if 10- *ey, A & N Atwood, h I Bom^.-iiiix, ti.til.i Alexander, U It Jessup, alia Hall, Hint i- rr von this rnnr. At Charleston, 7th ins:, sloops Express, Hammett; .Messenger, Porter. At Ncw-Vork, .>I»l nil. »lnp Augusta, Wood, to sail Iicxt day ; slop U lUiam, 10 sail in 7 days. ruxHv.11 pm thi* rear. At Baltimore, Dec. doth, sclir Provi. donee, Baker. 4Hin vai.s rnoM this raur. At Charleston, 71I1 inM. s’o<>p William, Head J ' -• At Ne lb days. York, brig Panlliea, Brad ley, lie sloop Delight, capt Cooper, from port lor Clwrltistoit, was spoken to the soul hard of that bar, on Sunday morning last. 1 iff. rnrswvtNG dress. Cj* Two men will lie seen Walking in thr Water •> upright as ou shore, in five I idiom water— ®ni>g Pistols, f.nring with swords, Uc. villi tl.e same caw as on terra firms. The utility ol tins drtss baa heen suflicL end) arknnw lodged m the prindpsl pla ces in the slid the In'ishiUnU of tint place will have an opportunity of convinc ing (liemselves THIS MOUSING, Thurs day the 9th iNst, at It o’clock in onr of tliv Steam hosts winch will take passenger* fjont the Steam Bust Company's vlurfi down to live fsdiom water. d V Tickets SO cents. Steam boat cx- pentv s ineluded. For Ncw-York, >\ The regii ai p.ekrt ship, K> COTTON PLANT. .1/ Filth, MiUlfr, Will havn imiuediUie dia. patch. For freight or past-age, apply oa board at Hunter's whirl, or to C.KOKGF. GORDON, /.mi ih tig amt for tale Iptrfum the *rhurf 9 ‘ 6 Ui ge hints prune St Cru x Sugar * ,(, 0 hugs, 3 IuiiIh Is each, Oata 100 bundles Hay J»n 9 37 hanging, tha' we Have no nail Conti act nl that tragedy. It is in truth only the spread information Hid eiiaidfs 0 to regt'd the ..Ifni ra- t'lerioa ludicni'is thm 1:1 a serious point ul ve 01 such case* w uiitl lie I .0 the |in>M.migmt A p’tiholugic il rep.irl! Ii sclir speedwell. Lieut turny, wh.eli luul sailed tor Principe, with a convoy, hui skiriiiisii with the I'oaies, uiidw.u heal oil »it It the loss of one mao. Tiie Hr amp Marta, Wiasett, fr m jiool, and tir:g ( enturion, of Ih mg 0 the facul. I. That there tva* a total loss of the voyage by the very g;eat itt'er- rnpficm ami delay wliicii took place, in cmiHi quence of the damage at sea. which obliged the ship to put into the Isle id France. The’Court decid 'd that this argu ment is not Mislumtole. Tim Lmu- rent engage that the voyage Khali b> accomplished, but not in any particu lar time. The ship is to be rcpati ml at their expense, and rticn to (rose- cute her voyage. ,-Siie did so in this case, mid arrived at tier port ol des'i nation. 2 The plaintifTctintend'd that the loss was total, because it exceeded 50 per cent. The Court agreed this was in gene ral the rule—but this is an i isuram.e It prufi.s Hid by the exmess agic- Opening of the 1 'uledonian Canal tnent, the defendant is to he free from> Attm s l .imur.d neatly twenty yearn all average loss, and to have no bcuejit, imI m expendttuie of «b iut 1900,Out), of salvage. I this great national uoilertakitig has The Court here considered the n:«-1 to- -n s' length completed. At ten lure tl losses whether total or ptrli.ti j n'ci trk ui Wed re.d\v morning, the —every loss less than trt:-»» is in fact J L-t'ltm-ss, ste i 0 yacht, scctititpaoietl a partial l.ias; i*at kind of total liiasjby two vuncks, depart-il from the which arrises tiom d tnxge creator J l.n-k« of Muit town on Die first voyage than 50 per cent is merely technical 1 tnr. ugh Hie rauaf, amidst the loud Vile q-iextion then is, vvlttf,tt!ter tlie as ■ 1 * -aeoiiaHe d 1 1 deratium —The Now-K uii!..ili he oi.- |.i,*. v ’heir boo - '.- It .g .lost wall*, by III''fellow- mg him whielrit t» ss-d -its been in use I U V ,.r II |t|.|\.- 100 years. A (ii " I / ns<ed Oil, halt a turn id ol •nutt'iii sit t ■ x minces -.f clean bees- w ,v ■ 1 . A n res ol rosin, are me - t. d and -v.- I ..lire,I »v. r a fiie. Of this • 1 e warm. H ill not so hot a les*'ii*f, with a biush lav q • d v and clean. The leahet is - 1 nit it Le fishermen stann in ii,. i. ir.ui, thus prepaied, in water, i.uui - Her hour, wiihout incon venience. pilOtl itockliolm ^notli long pHsaagoaj look ......... lU} -. Di'alts on .New-York, >U S>Ai.E, t>y d-c3t JOHN II- REID 3i CO. iiiils on Ncw-York, |^OH SALE, by For Ncw-York, — The regular packet ahip corsair, />. /. Farter, mutter, Will fiositlvely anil on ihe 10th inst. esn ta»e 40 to 30 halca Cotton on deck For freight of which or partago. having superior accanimudatioim, apply to Captain Porter on board at Taylor's wharf, or to C.C. GRISWOLD. r 37 i 20 Uulcs Cotton, ' Arc to till up k> the .hip C L TO, for I.tver|>ool,losail on the 17th nut. Apply to EDWARD WILLIAMS, jan 9 11 37 FREDERIC SKLLECK. 1'Vx.cUn.nge Oil l’r ividencc, It. I. ..r.ll.M ,. wliei.' I)'"" SAl.K—by " d v anil dean. The , A. CONDY, lire’ wharf. Drafts on Philadelphia, A t SIGHT.—Fir sah- l»y NICHOLAS U NEFF. Dills on England, JjV)R SALE, by dec 16 GEORGE RELPH, Kuretl discharges tin* insurer from all average loss, he duos not dUc'ia g nun liom loss which may be properly called aventgc without legtnd to the amount.— The insurance on profit.-' partnkes of the nature of hi nism nice uu the good* from which the (irullts are to arise*. The Court then considered the mot tling of the words "free liauti H«.-ra K as it has beet; used ml id;utl^>*d in relation to insurances on v »it|*. The leadi g cases were ex untried partic- ItfLs and considered tint under this rarraipy, in the case of g m.D, if lu-e Irom warranty,” no recovery •uld be b ul on the ground ot a tech nical loss—and the law is the flaim to .n insurance on profits. S- Another question was made liy Hi-- pliiintil); that as some of the Tex was totally lost, he was entitled to re cover fur loss of prnfi s on them—The ourt decided against tlu* Piaitiufl" on this point also on the authority Bmvs. vs. Che*. Ins. Comp—d.-eidvd by the Supreme Court ol tiic United States, Judgment for the defendant. ami eiUllusi.istic oheeringHof n gietu of people and thr fi-inguf caiino 1. As a work of magnitude H has not perhaps it s equal in the world ; a commu lici’ion between the e-ist- tern and wes":r . s'.is 1 s opened, there by avoiding th- dangerous navigation ol the Pentliiid F-I'hoi the Channel. Liverpool Paper. London Female Fashions For ,Vb vember. — Carriage Costume.— Ain-u-. tttith colored Ingii dress of Nenda silk, or fine cachrmire, trimmed round « Melancholy ease of Suicide—In the yeai 1812,"ie • g- . : Not* (Irev* m isq urleied i t f..nii. Whilst he* ‘. liog'i I* • t.i-on, a |oiv.,t,*, marri d a M i'icii' u» 1 % who went and rr- numeii wi'ii him lor seven| rears ; but tsoli'- mi.hehnviimr she was sen: a wav font the regiment, when lying iti li-'-i t-iil, bringing a daughtei wit Iner O t ie of of the re. g"nent h-ie on S iimdsy se'nnight, the poar fellow, still attached to lint wife, ■nadc all possible inquiry for her, but without success, tili on Sunday he met his daughter accidentally in the street, when site tnok him to a house near the B rracks, where her mo'lier wa* |jv. ing with an artilleryman, t» whom it wa* dated she was married, though PattiKon had continued to send the ungrateful wretch all the money lie could posNihly save from his pay. The poor fellow's feelings on this discove ry were increased to agony by the CANNISL coal, P OR SALE, by J. P. WILLIAMSON. net 39 Ale and"Butter! $>,» HAHRELS Vassei’s Ale teO<J '20 tii-kms Rutter Just landed and for sale by A. MORGAN. ,1«n 1 3f Flour anil Ditcon. "I'l-s bn,. 11,ut n„„ r -J ->000 lhs | rime Bucon l.amnng and for s:.|«|.v HAl.L, HOYT U CO. jan 6 34 For Sale, PRIME Negro Fellow, a good Gan- sXsJk pe liter. J. H. HERBERT k CO. m 7 .15 8 Fishing Seines. SKINEn cmcii 9i> yurd long, IR feot in the mnUllc, and 13' Ret at the etuis. For sale l»v WM. TAYLOR & SON. jan 6 n54 Cud .Full. QUIN TALS 111 at quality C««l Ftsh, i,„ soli- on board sfoop Paragon at I ay tor's wlihrf. Apply to s, J U HKRUEIlf tfCO. dec 27 37 he border with three rows of broatl onlemptuous*conduct of the faithle-i The w»r office Republican ha* a long article in favour of allowing sol- tliers in the army to void at elec tons, in reference to tiie late attempt made in Horida (ogive to-the army a pow er which will control the civil right* •>! cittern*. Ttiis is all in character with the dangerous innovation* which, of Lie, have been attempted lobe intro duced in reference to this branch ot our defence. If the proposition could be justified upon my grounds of rea ,on or policy, we should not be eur hinchillx fur, with nt'ilF and long tippet of the «.nne — s unc ladie* adopt ermine, which h is a most b>illiant rfT.TCt, contrasted with the amaranth* Highland cup of black velvet, nearly wanton jand niter giving his watch and money to hi* daughter, he went about eleven at night and hung him- •elf at the door of the house when the nbamhnetf woman and her Fresh Flour. £t(TY n r "“ I"* 1 ' 11, N.w-n>-l*«n. swJVSyxii/ Tl iur.itisi received, and which mi.1 i»e sold low ii taken from the wliaif- Apply to PERRY ii WRIGHT. >" 7 P.15 covered with short feather*. Col- h,,sh! » n,J Indu'd. On Monday nn larette of fi ie India muslin trimmed ! *1 UH111 WOfi l "‘ ul on b °dy* the with lace. H-'fhontH of amaranthine { u 7 r «t«r»ed a vet diet •••—Lunacy comI-mI <ilk, a m| yellow kid gloves, Rv-Hing Dress —Dress of fine tulle over an a/.ure satin slip; the corsage is quite plain, and fastened behind, aero-.* the front, three rows ol beauti ful pearl beads supercede the tucker, and Iro n th«w :e over the shoulders and back, tali* a light elegant lace j a bind ol satin and pearl confines the waist, and is fastened behind with a pearl clasp. Sh> t full-dress sleeves km in a band ol satin and pearl; the fulness repressed by three vlievioos t rized to-see it enforced, even for! which is* (lueidres rose and leaves i vrsiinnl objects ; but it is rather! **t pearl. Tiie bottom«of the skirt is strange to see a principle ailvocated I richly ornamented by ratoons oMace, whtrh the people almost unanimously sustained by peari loousbetwem each So indignant were the neighbors that the wretched woman w is nhlig»d to be taken into custody to preserve her from violence which was loudly threat ened by the female*. Manchester Paper. Market* at Afatuttxnt, T)-c. 2—Coffee first quality. 18 a 20 : Muscovado Sur*r, ,\o. 3.J a 4; Sugar, brown,box, old c-op, o 5 do. White*, 5 a ; Molasses, 5 bitt*. llrp»rt! fixm f'harteum, rfMa'sj. the vetch- PH ting thr 4th iutl. Fur Fererfinol 310 hales Sea Island and dre 27 27 ft A LT. For HALL, HOVTUCO. s ‘'> STOItAGK •Jp\KENat verv reduced rates at John- wA stun s and Anderson’s lower stores. Apply to jan 7 A. J. PRATT, At^ Johnston's Uppqf wharf. C 0 A L, O F nmerinr, l.n.l.n, r^m BH. tiah bug Jennie, at Andarson’a lower wluH, tor sale Very low if taken from the vessel, by . JOHN H. REID U CO. J»n 7 .15 specific time, a ri^ut to be exerciaed » Jwp flounce of "lace, which has ! '“ » 11 locomotive ucccasions, which p«'arl» attached to each flower, revet a. s the principle, and mxy give j Necklace and earnings of pearl and the ar ny the compare coutrol of the s^phire- Lung white kid glove*; azure coutry. H<nv*twud. Jbid. 'fatm^shoca i cashmere shawl. F»r lljmi’t'i- 1654 halt c»sk« and 337 hag. Rice j 35JU lbs Hams ; l it kegs Lari; 2iibls Blacking; 23box.-aShoes , 50 ham per# Potatoes ; 17000 Shingles; l.i ease* Shoes; 21 hoses Snerm Caudles; 25UbU Ttr; anc 1>’0 pair Shoes Fresh Goshen Umter, Huck- wlicat F’Iduf. mid FIv-Mar- ket Beet; sale on hoard the ship Savannah -S Apply I-. Captain White ou bo»rd. at Hail. H ut '< c:..’* u h.,r LKGHOKN FL \TS, CAliOl.tAE a SCOTCH PIMDS, &c. I?" 11 SALE, at very reduced prcca, by jan 9 x37 WILLIAM TURNER. Slime Moulds, Butter, Whiskey, S;c. iff. TUNS 8l>,r.< Mould. - .’o luba very superior Goshen Butter 19 tirkiim do do do 11 tilids Whiskey 100 boxes Mould Candles 12 pieces Cotton Bagging 7 kegs Manufactured Tobacco 6 bids Mess Pork 12 do Cider For axle by C. C. GRISWOLD. jan 9 p 37 Notice. OTP HE subscriber having taken JOHN 4JL BALFOUR into Copartnership, the business formerly canred t n under the firm oi vf. Mein if It. Scott will now be couducted by Scott i* Bmura. ROBERT SCOTT. jan 9 ' p37 Justice’s Court. T HE subscriber tend* ra his services to the public us Justice of the Peace ami Notary —His office is on the liny, one door below Abercorn street. His Courts w ill he iiefd at liis office on the fourth 'Tuesday of every month. SAMPSON MORDECAI, j in 9 1 37 ,SheiiH"s Sales, runtinued. On thejiru Tmsiluy m f, in unity next, W ILL be solo 10 ihe Court house in the city of Snvsnnah, between tbo mra of ten sod four o'emrk, A mulatto woman usmed Jane and her child, levied on as the property of Asxhel Howe, to satisfy two executions Irom Jus tice Russell’s enure inlavorof John Huopt and others, returned to me by a constable, and sold at the risk of the former purcha ser, he not having complied with the terms of sutc Also, all the Building; on lot No 14 (four* teen) Washington w-rd, bounded norlh by a lane, aoutli b\ Ury au-street, east by lot No 13, west by lot No 15, levied on a* the pioperty ot liihn 1. Roberts, to satisfy an execinion, C. 11. Iluytlcn va John I. Roberta, indorsor. Also, lot No 24, and Buildings. Currio Town, levied on as the property of George Milieu, to satisfy an execution in favor of Wm. Craig. ABM. D’LYON, see. jan 9 37 For Sale, T HE Southern half ot Lpi No 10, corner of Drat ton-street, Amfimward; upon which there is a eummn'dious'tumac, lately occupied by Doctor IRmiI, immediate pus* session can be had. If not sold at private it will be put up at public sale,on the first • uesday in January. For terma, applv \M , GEORGE SC It LEY, ( dec 14 17 \ A Ciiutluuu Artillery Uni- form, JjVlIl SALE, by dc«3l 30 ♦ JOHN TURNER. Whiskey and Dundboxes, nmjh Northern Whiskey '•Jw is bundles Ilsmlbi Xva *9 do Parking batoa Just received and for sale ! jan 8 137 BAKER & MINTON. Hail, Hi)t 3 Co 1 jsu A Savannalt Female Asylum. Xp iE subscribers are requt* cd to tg' ttieir aubscnptioua, nc.w due, to jan 8 36 K. M. LLOYD, ficc’r Jamaica Bum. e H PUNUNKUNS higb 4th proof J. '^'*r maica Rum. sending from Suiiw- G4io, and for axle by EDWARD WILLIAMS. H ho Kit for, ICO heavy Uoubloous dec 3d ?9 BOABDING. 4 FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely accommodated with Hoard, in a private •mik, a few slept from the Citv }| 0 trt cr-os moderate. Apply stilus Olbov nor 27 3