Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 11, 1823, Image 2

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* ' **4 GEO It GIAN. SAVANNAH : SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 11, lbJ3. A young man of respectable appear- •ncc, and well < I, ns ned Thomas Kelly, who arrived a few dreasgo from <;h*rl Von, yesterday »t lc from oil -ward the schr Five sisters, < spi. Kellogg, s •ilver watch. He was, however, soon #f- •ter detected with the property upon him, but in conducting him on hoard the hng Native, he slipped it into the ri*cr between the vessel and llie wharf. Me was carried before Justice Eppiuger »ud folly com mitted for tr sL The vigilance of our of. .ficers in the detection of crime exemplify Cdin several recent instances, we trus- vs ill have the effect of deterring those cha racters who prey upon the community from visiting us. The following gentlemen were elected, •n Monday las'., Directors of the Bank of Darien on the part of the Stockholders, Thomas Spalding, J bn Kell, Charles West, Henry T. Hall, Henry Harford. And on the following day, Thomas Spal ding, Esq. was elected President of the «sid Batik. The Richmond Theatre was to close on 4be 3d Inst. 1 he Baltimore Federal Gazette states, that Commodore Porter esp cted to leave Vew-Yurie, for Not folk, on the 5th inst. with • ■team boat of-lJl) ton*, and un elegant ship—which will compute his squadron Asa proof of the mildness of the season, tlie Montreal Herald announces the arrival of f bat'eaux, at Lachiue on (he 20lli uit. from Kingstou, heavily laden- The boat met with no accident, and but little ice. Thia is later than the Saint Lawrence wav *vcr before navigated from Kingston to Montreal. ( Afuu(/fre»re.—Samuel Sprigg, F.sq. the Jute Governor of Maryland, lias headed a subscription for the benefit of St. John's •nd Washington Colleges, with one thou sand dollars. The brig West Indian, Cspt. Wm. Phi lips, arrived at Laguira, Nov. ‘.5th, ii twelve days from the Capes of lli luwarc, after being becalmed for thirty-six hour* -in sight of the hat bur. Thia is said to be as short a passage as ever wasmaiio. The London Courier denies that Eng land is taking any measuier to induce Spain tbeedr Cuba to her i but that they have proved that the independence of her Colo idea would strengthen rather titan weaken ber resources and prosperity at home. A Liverpool paper stales that it was Strongly suspected that the young Count ■Las Casas, whose assault on Sir Hudson Lowe had caused so much conversation in London,' had etnburked from that port fof "America. Solomon Snuthwick, of Albany, N. Y. late a candidate for Governor, is about to •nter on the practice of the Law, in the Courts of Common Law and Chancery. Wc are informed, says a Ncw-Orleans paper, that the noted l.afittv, alter being shipwrecked -.nCuba, and being destitute tlf the Means of living or making his es. cape, waa apprehended, and lodged in prison at Port Principe t but that some in- - Auential men, to whom lie had formerly rendered aonte service, found means to effect hit escape. Chrlttma* Cheer.—A sloop arrived Norfolk on the Stitts ult. from Philadelphia, with one thouaund tleicns eggs. Bctw cen three and four hundred turkics were ship. at Norfolk about the same, time for N, Y. which were laid in so low, that if they do Slot spoil they will afford a good return to the shipper. ^ A manat Broadalbin, in the state orNcw Tork, recently burnt his hand on a stove, when in a state of intoxication, and look, ing at it observed, that it could never more be of use to him, deliberately took up an AXt and chopped it off at the wrist. It af- -terwarrla was amputated iiigher up, and the patient tf as recovering. Pirate* at Pcntacola.—An extract of a letter, from a gentleman in Pensacola, to another to Richmond roya. "Myhit infor- caedyou that the crew of the Carmen, cap tured on the Coast of Cuba, by the sloop «f war Peacock, and cutter Louisiana, had Aecn brought in here, and committed by Judge Breckenridge fof trial. The Span. Ish inhabitants immediately aUerwarus ra ted a subscription for them, and employed counsel, though iq is understood they have lince received ample credits from tev Or Jeans, and the Judge has admitted the Chief of them to bail. It seams ih^bad no •omiwission to cruiae, but had a complete warlike outfit, more than twice the numbe ef men upon their roll, and earned the bloody flsg, worn bjr the pirates in those The Tzindon papers state fliat the Ex- 'ranis (list the rights of Hie people may Empress of Haiti was resident at Hastings be trampled upon for a time, bo’ that (Bug.) anil * much respected by the die the day ol judgment sooner or later, ..inlit.l—ii.nt. to tli.1 ...,n..lft.l,iun.” wiu.rri.e. Tn.prMi-m K-cnch Min. , retry hstbeen guilty in several install. LiciiUunt Franklin of the North West cel of grots cruelty, ar.d • total dis- Eiiii-ditioii, i. preparing an account of "T-rd «f »t*d joatice, towards . - , * I the prisons who have during the last his Jounicv, ins quarto volmuc. . * . „ . . , . r Z m ! six months been tried fsr having form- Mr. Fo.itl,e« i, to p-bli.h . nc« I’»'• l|;«inM III, f listing Illte of IV.,n. entitled . - Lie of I'* 1 "**- '" lhi * CMn ' r W " hi ' h , ( at«ll nf ct-surf,efiejr had lutll.loot T. llro.lrr.on, K.,,. 1,1. Mi,or .o.i proof tignm.t lt»< -ho weir liken in nrnprii ,of of ,|,r | B ll f Ur, hr, loo "'"I; >" h "»' h ” d Chn<|r mh.d fcrrr.l hi- tnfrrr.t in <),» e.t.bli.ta.nt | ' ul «™ " ,w - b > !"'•"( >>«'> 'refused legal auvtsers,and by having been condemed without a due regard to legal forms, hove excited a degree <d interest, whirh otherwise they would never have dune, and which Certainly they did not deserve: the object has been to strike the frlends and advocates of liberty with terror; but the general M(•«•!». John Bell ami A J. Lawrence. The Ncw-IIavcn pilot says that a num ber of gentlemen of Connecticut hate it in cniiteinp ation to afiply to the legislature - t their next session, for a charter of a College, to be founded either in Hartford, Nc-w-IL'en, or Middletow n, to he endow- il by pritate donations, and to he conduct- il on s more liberal system, than most of i> existing colleges in New-Engli/iul. npitiinn ts that as the reigning dynas ty neither possess the talents nor the military reputation with which Napa- Jleun cl 7.7.1eel this gay, frivolous, and m giddy people, they have failed very liooner .Tiihdcc, Hill, (of Ssrn.) l ,nUch *hort ,he and that in ( * |li« u 'thereof they have excited noth- ?. m I i»K hut hatred aud a degree of revenge. Fiance in her retitions with foreign powers j* a perfect nullity, and to all probability will remain so, as lung as • lie Huurbons are on the throne; lor il appears to me utterly impossible, that the French people can ever forget, they have been placed there by for- ariuiei.” Morning Chronicle.. Th which put the2?ih July, was there seized Jay Gen. I Morales, who plundered the- cargo hut gave up the vessel after a long detention, condition that she should car y off'somc pris i tiers. Fart of (lie time, the captain ami supercargo were kept close prisoners hoard, during which the General held all the papers, including the log-hook aiul register, and refused delivering cither up but ordered the schooner oil' without them. The Jubilee sailed on the 23d of Oct. at which time lie had loaded fu schooners for Curacoa, with cocoa nod in-1 g6, on his account. The property tak-n was estimated at upwards of a million. The dry goods he was packing in small packages, no doubt to have them ready for a flight. The Lama.—A beautiful animal of this species has been imported to Philadel phia, front Month America, the wool of which, is stated to be • Mrcincly fine. It corresponds exactly with the descript which Goldsmith Ins given of live Lainn— it rears in a majestic manner, has a long and curved neck, and when it holds up its head, its nose is six feet from the ground although its b< dy is but three feet high, Parchment.—fti tice is given in the Na tiotial Intelligencer that proposals will he received at the General Land Office, noli Wednesday the I jth of January next, for furnishing ten thousand blank Parchments- of t!i<. lu ii quality, cut to the size of dor- • ee.i ami a half inches, by eight and three (jusi ter inches, to be delivered as soon as po-siUIe. 1 Jin example worthy of imitation — Among the ads (and we have Ii .d rea son to observe several nt a like liberal nature in the same state,) paired bv the Legislature of North Carolina, during their late aexiion, is one for the encouragement of agricultural societies, very worthy of our imi tation. The <ct appr«>| r a'es JTjnti dollars a year, for two ye-vrs, to he di vided amongst the several counties in ' proportion to their feth-rhl number*, hut to be givfln to such only as form Agricultural Societies. To all sneh counties ia to be given a sum i q- sl to that which the Members of lli.-ii Society raise among themselves, pro vided it do not exceed the sum to w hich their federal numbers entitl. d them. The State Society is to be continu ed at lialeigh, end to be considered the parent of the whole; to which the sum of one thousand dollars i< • Ijite From Vera Crux—The fast sailing schr Fly, cap'. Buyer, Arrived last evening, ju 20 days from Vers Crti7.. C«pt. B. has la routed its with .Mexican papers n» the 30th ult. inclu sive, and tue following verbal iulelli- genre. The U. S. corvette John Adams capt Henshaw, sailed from Vera Ciu* Nov. 28th, for Tampico to take board Mr. Poinsett. She had board 400,000 dolrr. for New York, and expected to take on board at Tampico, 300,000 more, from whence she would proceed to this port by way •if Il-tvnniia. The schr. Cathsrine June. Story,for Tsinpico and N. York left Vera Cruz under convoy of Ole J'-hn Adams—The schr. Geo. Wash ington, hail sailed for some port of the r oast, to dispose of Iter cargo. The ship Victory, of New York, had arri ved, all well. Four Spanish ships *»ere to sdl in a few days for Havsn- • a with 3,f00 000 oi dollars ooboaid a* wm supposed, (•apt. B. states that Cupt Hen ah aw ind the other officers and crew of the John Adams, were all well; and that her ai rival and stay there hnd been -if much service to the America trade. It was impossible'to know' what was going on politically, as every thing was conducted with much tnys- •feT-ind secrecy. A- one day it wss said there was a public declaration of war against Spain, and that all com mun'eutinn was to be immediately stopped hut there was nothing to war rant these reports. The communi cation with thecsstle was open, and Spanish ships continued to arrive. ,V I’. Mer jidv. Literary Trophy.—A cause be tween Mr. E* M.*;un’,hydrugrapher ml pnbiivher of Charts, and Mr* I. saac Greenwood, importer ut the same wss tried last week before a special jury of shipping merchants, in the comm it Pleas. The point in dispute waa the relative accuracy of the Plain tiff’s Charts, rfj" of the European Charts of this ('oust. After an examination of tesiimnny for two days, the jury withdrew on Ft id«y evening for about five minutes, and brought in a verdict lor the Plaintiff, 750 dollars damages, and costs of the suit.-—/b. J race Ox and neat Cattle for the saddle —Some years sgo a Sussex (English.) ox ran four miles over Lew es’ Course for a hundred guineas, which he performed after the rate of fifteen miles per hour. In India travelling oxen are curried, clothed, and attended with as much solitude, and much greater kindness than we bestow upon our best horses.—The Indian cattle are extremely docile, and quick of percep'ion, patient aud kind; like the horse, their chief tra velling gait is a trot and it is said they often perform journey* of sixty «.d ceasive days, at Ihe rate of thirty to f >rty five miles a day. Price* Current, at AVw Cork, Dee. 30. Colton —The import of the week was 1309 hales. F. om N. C. 447; 8. do 188; G> o:gia 578; Yirgieia 100; N. O'leant 86—Total 1399. -Uplands 1313; Louisian b6-Total ipiport since 1st Jun, 1822, 116,832 bales and 117 ceroons;T<i(sl export, 86.S35 bales.— About 2000 bales were sold, princi pally for export—rt'ea same as our last. Flour.—No material alteration has occurred since our last quotation.— The demand appears to be limited. Salt.—The market is well supplied. itiet at market; C 37 a R3. Export from laf Jan, to 1st Dec. 11,261 tier ces Tobacco.—Sales at auction this week have been large. One lot of COO hhds. brought from 2 3J cts* some few hlids 4J. Good Kentucky for the French market is enquired after—not much done at private tale. We quote Richmond 6 a 8; Petersborg 5\ a f»; Kentucky 3 a 5 j; N Carolina 2\ a 4 J; Cuba 20 a 30; Hr. Domingo 15 a 25. Freights—To Liverpool, Cotton, •qaaie and round bales, per lb $ a 5 8 ; Tobacco, per hhd.SOa 40s, Aahes pe* ton 30 a 33*. Rice 9» 6d a 10s Naval Stores per bbl. 3 a 4s. For the Continent—Cotton 4 a Jd. Mils on England 1124 per cent, do France 507, Sp. D-dfars, 4 a 1 premium; Doubloons 15 60 a 15 70: THE MARKET. Savannah, 11 th Jan, 1833. The demand for Uplands lias been active during the past week, and considerable business has been done at the last week's prices—prime will bring 12 a 124 i good fair cottons, 10 j a 114 ; inferior and old, 8 a 10 1 Sea Islands have also been in request, prices 20 a 25—except for favorite marks, which will bring more according to the fancy of purchssers, and the estimation in which the brands arc held. Rice continues very dull— good to prime held at 2 75 a g t ; inferior, 2 50 a ^2 6?4 Cern is dull—cargo prices 55 ; in smal. |er qnantit es, 70 a 75, according to quali ly—stock in market large. The Teller B»g of Ihe brig Putter Aw.»-/ lor Liverpool, will he ta ken at 5 oVI-e-k THIS. EVENING, frorti the Counting Room of JOSHUA MILNE, jan 11 r 39 Hunter's bttil !mr«. For Norfolk, The fine schooner JAMES MONROE, Captain Sounder*, Will ssil for the above port TO- MOIHiOW. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, or to PERRY U WRIGHT. jan 11 r39 For. Charleston, The packet sh op GOI, DEN AGE, Captuin Marble, .Having most of her freight enga- —ill nail oil Monday next. For re- mder of freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply on board, or to S. A CONDY, I P 39 Rice’s wharf. MAKING. TOUT OF 8AVAXMJUI. will be held on .Monday, at 7 o’clock at the SvC.cty’a All. L. MAStTs jan 10 p 38 priah'd' for Ihr purpoae of defraying the expense of procuring rare seeds, printing ar.nualy a Report of the soci ety, embracing a view of ail improve- menta, &c. Extract of a letter from Parit, to a gentle man in Baltimore, dated Oct. 29 lAxS. “All eyes are now turned in expec tation of the result of the proceedings of the CongresH of Sovereign*, which is now aasembled al Verona. The Emperor of Uussia is the only Sover eign who desires to march into Spain fur the purpose of compelling the re bellious Spaniard*, (a* he is pleased-to call them,) to fulfil their duty to their legitimate Sovereign, the greM Ferdi nand. E' gland and Austria, havet Doth declared against such violent measures, but aa it is the poliry 0. both these powers, to keep the Kmpe- ror of Rur-sia in good humour, «» «* to prevent his marching to the assistance of the poor Gieek*, they will, ihere fore no doubt terminate the Congres* by makin; fine protest s, which will mean nothing against the Cortez, the present Ministers, and all the exist mg Spanish Ins'ituinns. Spain, in the mean time, ia making rapid strides out (4 that anarchy into width they ap peared 10 have fallen will ere (m g live triumphant ovei her internal & ex ternal enemies.- The army wt laith which would never have exiVed with out the at-istanceol France, who both afforded them arms a drounry, is fast Iwindliug into total insignificance, ( anil will expite of itself. The Uirekt We quote Turk- Island 55 els'.; St, l hope will without foreign aid txp-1' Ubea 52 a 53;‘Liverpool, ground do; iheir ferocious enemies, but in ihisjdo- fine,sin.;C-tdi7. 50; Lisbon 51. perhaps I am carried away by my! Jiice.--The article continues with, feeling*. Germany, it appears is pet- out change,. None of a *eiy hand- fectly tranquil,' but there re a cloud !some quality has yet appear'd in the gathering whove explosion ml* shake jmaiket. Sales in small parcels are t<> the very foundation, the Geiman taking place it our fast quotation*, throws and shew these haughty ty-' which we-do not vary. Ricu all qual- CLF.AREI). Ship Rising Status, Pearce, Providence. O Taft. ARRIVED. Br brig Rpeedwe.l, Weymouth, Liver pool, t'O days, with coal and potatoes to Wm Jemier. llrig Maine, Wilkinson, Boston, 10 days, in ballast to the master. Schr Ann, , stonington. ' Steam boat Oakmidg'-e, Sissard, Augus ta, with boat* Nos 2 J St 2G in tow, with cotton to Ponce & M'Kcnzie, 11 Burroughs, (Hunming & (iwatlimey, G Gordon, il Wa terman fic co. Duhauicl k Atizu, S It Park- man, Johnston St llills,)- 6'Griswold, and S G Dunning. Pauenger* t Messrs Wat- kin--, Watson and Dunham. vr ton this port. At Salem, 25th ult. sthr Decatur, Rus sell. ri.xAnro r«>B Tnts port, At Charleston, 9th inst. slooji E.vjircss, Hammett. At Philadelphia, 1st tnst. brig Frances, Gifford. A1I1UVA1.8 PUOM THIS PORT. At Ncwbcrn, schr Rufus King, Brook field. At Darien, 9th ins', schr Thorn, Vc-r- nard 4 , sloops Three Brothers, Howland 2; Alexandria, Lamb 5 ; Emily, Taber 3. FROM Ol'R CORRESPONDENT, Office *f the Afercuntife Mrertiter i • A’eio Fork, Jan. 1. S Arr schr J: mes Madison, Bush, Norfolk; Union, Mersereau, do; Gonsalvo, Barber, t lliladclphia. Spanish Segai-g. (®)5H ALF boxes Spanish begun vQJk# 25 qr do do do Just received and for sale by BAKER it MINTON. jan 11 *39 Sperm Candles and London Mustard. £l/^\ BOXES Sperm Candles CSJvL/ 4 do London Mustard Landing from ship Cotton Plant, and for sale by BAKER & MINTON. jan 11 c 39 UNION SOCIETY- ST A. quarterly meeting Sec’ry. Fishing Seines. SEINES each 90 yard long, 18 feet in EJ the middle, and 12 feet at the ends. For sale by WM. TAYLOR k SON. jan 6 *34 Jamaica Rum. <FV*\ PUNCHEONS high 4th proof Ja- maiea Rum. Landing from ship Clio, aud for sale by EDWARD WILLIAMS. Who ha* for tale, 100 heavy Doubloons dec 30 29 City Tax Returns. I N conformity with the provisions of an Ordinance, passed the 30,h ult. the sub scriber is now prepared to receive the re turns of all persons subject to City Tax; the same to be made on or before the 1st of March next. JOHN I. ROBERTS, Citv Treasurer. Tressttrcp’s Office. Savannah, 6th Jan.'t823. jan 7 35 FINAL EXHIBITION Life Preserving Dress. 3TWH AT every Inhabitant, whether Ladies or Gentlemen, may have an opportu nity of seeing the’usefulness of this Dress, in ca*e of of shipwreck—without loss of time appropriated to business, the Pro prietor proposes to give his last Exhibition offoneoftne wharves u^ar the Exchange, on the first fine day Next Week, t rovided he can by that time dispose of 200 Tickets, to defray his expenses. T-cke’* to be had at the following houses, in whose hands the money will remain until the Exhibi tion has taken place—and in case of its non-performance, the money wilt bo re turned to the holdc.s of the Tickets, at 50 cents each. Tickets to be had At the City Hotel, E ichange. Mansion House, jt PoUyat dj’ Holland’s Drugstore, Oemi. r's 'Drug store, . Worrell's Drug store, tV. T. Williams* Book store, S. C- Sp J. &chenk'$ Book store, TVucheht's Conf-xtionary, Gaudry «Jj* Dufaure's Cotfec'ry. jun 10 38 SALE POSTPONED. (O* The sale of Jamaica Sugars for the benefit of the underwriters snd all concerned, imported in the brig Waterloo, is postponed until Moxuat, 13tb instant. jan 11 r 39 SAVANNAH VOLUNTEER GUARDS. (£P The Committee ap- pointed to make arrangements for the OtsTsa St-rr»:K, allot for on the 8th inst. gi*e notice 'list it will he prepared by Mid- diet on. and on the table al JUr. Lege'* A*- temh’y /full, THIS EVENING, precisely at 7 o’clock. Members are expected to appear in uni- foim with side arms, jso 11 r 39 Hills on Ncw-York, F oil SALE, by FREDERIC SKLLECK. Drafts on Philadelphia, L T 8IGIIT.—For role-by NICHOLAS U NF.FP. dec 14 17 LKGHOKN FLATS, r. 1 II OUJh /; U SCOTCH PLAIDS, be. 1 ,^'JU SALE, at very reduced prices, by WILLIAM 1 UltNEIt. jan 9 t37- CANNEL COAL, pOR SALE, by ^ oct 29 J. P. WILLIAMSON. Lumber, Candles, &?c. 350 b.ixcsan 1 hali boxes Soap 400 bushels Irish Potatoes 2o bbls Prime Pork 5u do Strong Beer IP,Is Apples and Beans Keg* Butter and Pickles 10 one Horse Wagons, kc. Now landing, and for sale bv HOMES TUPPER, j*n 11 p 39 Ale and Butter. 5)9 BARRELS Vasser’s Ale 20 firkins Butter L Just landed and for sale by V A. MORGAN. jan 1 31 STOCK -Unit Trainee tYi-tikeT. t/j'HIIE subscriber has resumed the Bro- kerage business, and wilLattend to the purchase and sale of Stocks, Produce, and Merchandise of every description. CHARLES COTTON, jan 7 1 tif 35 A Chatham Artillery Uni form, F or sale, by JOHN TURNER. 31 30 ♦ COAL, } O F superior quality, landing from Bri tish brig Jessie, at Anderson’s lower wharf, for sale very low if taken from the vessel, by JOHN II. REID U CO. jan / 35 Fresh Goshen Butter, Buck wheat Flour, and Fly-Mar ket Beef, TRIOR sale on board the ship Savannah, iif Apply to Captain White on board, at Hall, lloyt U Co’s wharf, jan 6 34 BOARDING. 4 FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely accommodated with Board, in a private family, a few steps from the City Hotel terms moderate. Apply atthis Office, nov 27 3 Christ Church. S EVERAL PEWS below stair* *re yet to lie let in this Cliutch, and for the purpose of accommodating a number of j applicants, those ill the Gallery will be let! at Ten Dollar* each, Front seats, anj five Dollar* for back ones. W. T WILLI AMS, Treasurer, jan 11 1 39 Notice. OjTlHE subscriber having taken into Co- partnership Mr. Samokc Clauk, the business will hr carried on under the firm «'f Scarbrough dj* Clark, He trusts to ihe satisfaction of his former Friends and Correspondents, and of those who may please to favor the new concern with their commands. As the greater part nfhistime will Darien, the sub scrilic-r will attend there to all kind of Com mission Business, and wilt be thankful to Ids friends for then- support. WILLIAM SCARBROUGH. Savannah, 11 th January, 1823, jan 11 1 m 39 PRICES CURRENT. Grp 11F. following Price Current from PA- 'Ll RlS’s Wig Exchange office, for the year 1823, is issued for the belter regu lation of his Cuttomcr*, Trantientt, and all < t ers within the jurisdiction of His impe- i Llomain: V Monthly Customers,pretty plentiful, §1 pei mouth Do do who shave 6 times per week, S>2 per month, rather dud Trans ent do from 10 to 12J toiwably britk. Douhilu! Customers—-no demand Cutting Hair, 25 cents, britk Cutting I.Udies’ Hair at ilicir abodes, 50 cents, rather fair Cutting and Dressing do do do 75 cents, pretty fair Ornament* for the Head* of ladie* and Gentlemen. Ladies Curls from gl to 1 50 per bunch, • in demand Ladies Beau Killers from j$2 to 2 50 per bunch,, ready tale Ladich Heart Slayer* from gl to 3 50 per bunch, in demand Ladies Beau catchers from £5 tb 5 50 per sett, dull Ladies full dressed Wigs from 18 to £20 each, rather dull Ladies crop Wigs, from 15 to £18, tolerably fair Gentlemen's crop Wig* from 15 to £20, not so good Genii- men’s Crown pieces with springs, from 10 to £12, in demand Gentlemen’s false Dhi&keis £2 50, in de mand Genth mi n’s revolving Q'tieus £2, no ta/f Gentlemen's fu'se Eye Brows £2. no tale Real Japan Blacking, warranted to cute <>- prevent Corns, Gout, and other ftthisu able comp,aiul*. The penetrating power of this Liquid not alone >s warranted for its efficacy, but the superior Gluts it leaves on the boots and shoes is so powerful, that the expense of a Looking-Glass may be save-i, should emergency require the ne cessity of shaving themselves at home or abroad. Wigs. Frist ties, Curls Bandeaus, prompt ly exchanged f-,i cash or approved njlt*, Cash at ail timet preterr, d. N. B. A Clerk wanted at this office, one that understands Shavir g, so *» not to ourt the feelings of customers, will be pre ferred, by apphc*t,©n to JOHN FAUJS, K. C. E. B. he. jin ll if* Just Received, AM) ZA STORE, PACK AGES of. Boot9 and Shoea, of a Superior quality, selected for the up-country. ALSO, Packages Negro Shoes, and 30 bbls prime N Rum Which will be sold low for Csshf or city acceptances, by TIMOTHY EVANS, Morrison’s building, oppoaite the Exchange jan 10 38 Buckwheat Flour, Lfc. HALF bbls Buckwheat Flour SJJ 10 do No 1 Mackerel 10 do Fly Market Beef 20 do Mess l’ork 20 do Prime do 30 boxes Smoked Red Herring* MACKENZIE (J HERNANDEZ, jan 10 |p 38 Exchange dock. MANSION HOUSE. HYVIE subscriber, in consideration of the <UL reduced value of produce, has deter mined to lower his prices for Bbareband adopt the following rates, vis : f For Transient Customers, per day, £v 50 For Permanent Boarders, per week, 8 00 Boa: d without lodging, do. 6 00 per week, For Dinner only, v jan 10 re 38 JOHN SHELLMAN. Selling of!'at Cost. T HF/subacriber wishing to bring his bu siness to a close, takes this opportu nity to offer to the public at wholesale and Jctsil, h : s wh< <r stock of CVotAving & Drj Goo As At wholesale an extensive credit will be given, with good endorsers br tdWn ac ceptances, and at retail good bargains can be obtained for cash, via : A general assortment of the most frshioD able Hats and Clothing, consialinjwff Trunks blue and black Dress Coaux Trunks Frock, Waterloos and Box' Coats of vinous colour* Trunk* blue, black, olive, drab, grey, and slate colour Cossack Pantaloons Linen and Cotton (rill’d and plain Sim la • Trui.ta blue, black and eassimcrc Vesta Trm ks Men and Bo>a’ Tartar.plaid cloaks from 5 to £12 TrunJt* uefit.o, worsted, and flannel Gen- nu n’s.Shiris and Drawers Tun is Hosirics, consisting of Silk^Jambs- wool, worsted and large aixe Yam Stock- ings Kilmarnock and Scotch eapa Gentle m“ii’» Fur Travelling caps Cases Witter proof Hrs A variety of NYgro Clothing, consisting of round Jackets and Trowsers, from 4to £6 per sui'. Great coats, Pea Jackets, Monkey Jacket*, red Flannelaadcheck Shirts Biles 3 "j point Blankets Do White Plain* Cases extra fine Iriab Linens Cases large sue Silk Umbrellas Cases Men's bl»oe» Apply at my Store,Jive doore East oftkr City Hotel. PETEK DREG& dec 9 lml2