Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 18, 1823, Image 2

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GEORGIAN. SAVANNAH r UL . 1 SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 18, 1823. \Vc refer llic rentier* of our daily pap, r to the first pag for* centner/ copy of the Convention between tho'U. 8tat-a nntl .‘Greet Hrituin. An error took place in the arrangement of it \estci-dry. which ren» dcrctl ll unintelligible, and which tree out of our power t.. correct before tl»c daily -paper wa*. worked plf. 'Cantfren —In the Home nf Represent*, fives, on the Olb intt. Mr. M'lamr, from the committee upon the ntbjrctof the ren-rt* •tion uf land to the Indiana within the elate •of, by the treaties with the Creek, •ml thernkeca, reported a bill *• for the extinction oftlie Indian title to certain re- ■servva of lend within the state hf Georgia!” The following la the bill i— lie <• norc.«it Mr. That the President of the United State* be,.end is he tiby a.i- Jthoriavl to adopt aucli incite re* as may be nec atary, to e-.ilnguisli the Indian M. t e to all tin reserves nf land witlnn the limit* of tli- stu: c of Georgia, reserved Un der the levcral treaties made with the .Creek and Cherokee Indians, in the years 1814,1H.7, 1819 end 1821, according to the r rue inton’ anil mean! g of the etipula. lion, contained in the lint urticle ol the agreement anil Cession, between the U. States and the anito of Georgia bearing date the 24th April, A. 1). 18,l21 untl lltat -• aum not exceeding JU,t)U0 dnllars be, And the same is hereby appropriated for that put pose, out of any money ill the (Treasury, not otherwl«cappropiiatcil. In Senate, on the 8th, a resolution was ■agreed to, instructing the Naval Commit. Ice to enquire into the expediency of al lowing a bounty for prisoner* and guna cap tured and takenln pitalisal vessels. The titsilt for allowing a drawback on cordage 'manufactured from foreign hemp, wa* re- •jected. -lit the ’ House, a memorial wa* /presented by Mr, Hcrnundeu, praying that •the Florida' tn,y he> formed into two dis- •tinoi territorial government, Ac A reso. elution wus Introduced to give t.i the ■ wi- •slowed mother of John Denny, the gunner oftlie Alligator, who wits killed in the same ■butt with l.icul, -,Allcn, the sum of one •liutidred and twenty dollars u year for live .•years. The inventor of the life Preserving Tins, makes another appeal tu|tlie citizen, -of Savuui.ah tbit day, and wa hope it will be itnorenicceaalid tltuu those which have pro. recdidlt, It isbttljioor/VnCnunigSment to ■Stigenully or enfcrpfiscln Vny art urumtat-. {•king to fiml not only neglect but poiit r loss, >Tbe‘experiment is it least worth witnessing, and few-can grudge the trilling expense attendant npun it, apart from the ‘•atisfaotion to he derived from patronising an neefMl iinthtimanr Invention. The exhibition ivll lake place tide after- noon, at half pail three o'clock, in the atelghbni hood of Messri. Brown M Over. -8treet's,wharf. , The fallowing gentleiben hive been elec ted ilereclors of the Bunk of the United State*. By the Sl.ckh.lden, —James C, F ilter 1 Thomaa Pi Cope, Henty Pratt, John' Coul ter, Robert Flemming, -Joshua Llpnlnoott, John llohtn, Daniel W. Cnxe.iH, M. Wldt- itey, Thornes Csdwallader, Iliobard Willing, Alexander llenry r Joseph .Hemphill, all of ■Philadelphia! Simon UagwuudofS. Ctrnli. fmi William Paltcraon, nf Maryland) Robert Glynn,-of Maryland! Thomaa Knox, of Kew Yorki Waller Bowne,-of New Yorki James Lloyd, of Maaiaohusettai Jonathan Mason, nf Mwiachust-tts, By <1* Gswniawiib—Nleholss Biddle—. Philadrlphlui John Cnnnelly^Philadeloiiisi & 1. Dupont—Dclawarci Henry Eckford— Flew York. Genersl And.ew 1-ckson, hit been mm- , lusted by Wcstn 's' 1 amt Ccnnly, (Penn.} •a a candidate for lue presidency. Call an Grab.—The Boston Statesman •girat the following as- the aggregate va lue of the colored end white.botton good* imported at Boston, in the throe.first q la. ietaof the present year. Colored cottoni $890,911 •White do. 373,4J3 gl.264,314 - -During the same time, trie-value of 4 841 ' -ditllafa in bultlion, and titi,484 in coin, was received at the same port. The publication, of-the Floridian which lutd been suspended in consequence o r the aieknesa in that place ties been recom. 4nencu‘i by Major Nicholas. f Mr. Philips the singer, la performing in Baltimore, in,Canada a Ca al is contemplated from *.ske Eric to t-uke Ontario. In Mich! gan, an act has been peued ex- tending the Prison limits in etch ceunty to the boumlsries of the Cuuniyilhe seme law is in forte in Kentucky. Weave grat ified to find the ma- oh of correct principles and humanity thus exhibited. A letter from Calcutta, dated .August Slat, states lint the ship Jonathan, of Li- Verpool, which arrived oil' the city the preceding evening, ein>k at her anchors, end went down so that hvrnusuonly were out of water. She bail on board a very •valuable cargo.' It was supposed her bow s were cut through by the chain cable. Agrn'a from the Canadian Unlonls'a ami Anti-unionists, are to be sent to Lon don. A parcel nr genuine bsnk nntei, a. mounting to upward* nl 81000, were louml Home time since under a barn in the neighborhood ol Harrisburg. Pi. The money ha* been deposited in the'H.-irrisburg Hank until uti -in. vesligaiion shall havc-taken place. Jacob Elliott, the nogio who ilab pfd John Kean, in September last, in -Wilmington, (Delaware,) wa* exe- on led near New Castle, on the I3;h ult ’the body of a man named Elias Tiylor, was lately found in a hollow tree, in thn town nf Batavia, (N V.) lie wa> subject to fils of insanity ; in one nf which he left his family in Aug. last, and although diligently searched for, was not heartLof until his skeleton was found. A Irlttep from Havre of the 21st November wlmur accuracy is not doubted say* “ We h.i*e news ifrotn Veinnii nl the loth inst from which it would appear that the Allied -Paw, era {.have prepared their Manifesto relative to Spain, bu' d lay publish ing if until the Arrive! nl further in- liirrnullois from Madrid, All -is, therefore uncertainty, but alill the probability ol war seema now very remote, and we do not think it can be vilely calculated nn.” A new plot is mill to haye been discovered in Madrid, It was the monks again, who were its instigu* tins. Many arm's were found in the Convents nl Atocha and lluen Reti re. Another plot Inis also bneir «Ju footed at Grenada, where four priests, a colonel and several members of the tribunal, were arrested. RATE FIHU1 NEW SPAIN. Charleston Jan. 10-—By the schr. Eudoru, Captain Brooking, arrived last evening in 10 days from Havana, wc have received finny nur obliging (lirfer’pnriilent, the Gjzuttea uf that jilnce to tin-4 h inst. They contain extracts Old and New Spain, of Intrrtlatea than before reccivetl. Tile Cadiz accounts are to the 84th of Ni-y.: from Vera Ciuiz they are to tlit- 14th ulr. The Spanish schr. Ameable Teresa, whichairiy-tl at Havana nn the 87'lt till, brought in-counts from Mexico In Die n.tdilli- of l)ec. By these, it apptara tb-il Gen. Davila, the former Cotniuamlant Ol Vera Cruz, was to sail from that port shortly after—that 'Ytiirhide was still in Jalupa, wlu-re he had had an interview with Gen. Suutd Ana, who having been badly received, and oitlered to.proceed till- di-r'arrest in Mexico, immediately re. turtird to Vein Cruz, where he has since, at the head uf his trnops, pro claimed tin Jtepublican Government, ami has ptibliahed under dale of the 3d ult. a long manifesto lo tho Mex ican nation,* and on Um Gilt, he alao published a letter to Ylutbitle in which he dtfXils tho services he had render ed, to make him .Emperor, hut find ing that he had inlringi-d upon his oath and the treaties uf Igula anti, he was now ubliged to pro claim the Republic, which he did a- mong 8000 bayonets, nntl the mnsl sincere applause and vivas. This spirit of opposition In Ylurbide, had also extended itself into the interior of Mexico, and Gen. Santa Ana had been joined by scveial divisions of the army. A llugot truce was sent to the castle af St.Juan de Ulna, by Gen. Santa Ana, but the only an-wt-r re- ceived was, that a mure liberal inter change between the Castle and the city, would be acceded to. immediately after the change of Government at Vera Cruz, the ex- port attoty of Specie, iij*c. waa permit ed, htider tite regulattona of the 82d Math, 1833.' On the 10th Dec-'Gen. Santa & left Cruz, to attack Echevarri, 'Guver rior nt Jalaps, who was at Solotiad, short of provision^ On (he 4il>, tho regiment No. 6, inurched Iruin the Ci tjr of-Mexico, fur Sat. Luis, where the republican standard had also beeu raised, under the Marquis ol Jarvl.. The O. S. corvette Juhn Adms, Capt. Kensriaw, arrived at Havana the dey before the 'Eutlora sailed, last from Tampico. The C. S. schr Re venge, Li. Levy, had been cruising oil the coast of Florida, in company with the U. S. revenue achr-Lnuisiana, Capt. Jackson j and Was, when -last heard from, Malanias. From Havana. -By the arrival of the schooner Eudit r, Capt.'Brooking' in 10 days Irum Havana, we have re ceived uur files ol the "Nuticioso” to the 5th inst. We discuver nuthing particularly interesting, except tut- account of the surrender af the.'F -it nl Salt Juan de Clluo to the impcrisi mops (oi lturUide) anti tho arrival nl ‘lie Captain General of the fort at Ha vans.. The bpanish ship -F*ma, Capt Ggeda, In 15 days from La Vera' Cruz, brougdt the new* uf surrender a* uull-O tbe ex-cuiumander. City GaziUc. Commercial Convention urilbi France,—The following artide is troni the "Journal des Debab,” a semi-official paper, nf7th Nov.iiatro- during sonic remarks frbm an Amer ican paper in favour of the driven- tion concluded last summer!— " We unite in the wishea af the American editor,” (that this ctnven- tinn might cement more firmy the gtn.-d understanding between ike two cuuntriei,) ** and believe we may an nounce that M. Neuville it ckargi-d by his Majesty to put here in'Paris the finishing stroke to that-avkrk so happily cnoitnencetl at Wcslington and to regulate, in concert with the plenipotentiary of the United States, all matters offritercat to the cotimercc of both nations, arid particolirly-the diffirulty resulting from the ocn ex ecution -of the 8th article of the Lou isiana treaty, a matterof the deep est importance to our commerce.” This article hue, we confess, not a little excited our surprise, .and .the more so as we learn, whkt'dntll nbw we wen- ignorant of, that' the oom ■ mcrcial convention, which'wsa 1 said to hake been so highly acceptable to the French King, has not yet been m'tfied by him. On its receipt in F, .slice, it was referred as we are iiilurmed liynur letters from Paris, to the various Chambers of Commerce, and they have objected to several of its provisions,and the -Chamber of Havre particularly protest agaihst the ntlilinnal article allowing a drawback, ol the (liscriminatiug duty on-produce imported in propor tion lo the value of French goods ex ported in the same. / As ibis article however, might be tillfi-d or pot, S the pleasure of either party, without afit-Uing the treaty it other respects we are at-a loss fort e motive* which have rendered the French King so lardyin hisd.-ci'imi. '.It may.ltowev- er, perhaps bncxpls aed by the above article from the Jnui tal 'de* : Debate, sod it may be ex|-ctcd that tliia governuienl will enttrtuin a negnein- tinti concerning this raniiius X'h arti cle of the Louisiana rcaty, the -more readily in oidcr to obtain a-ratificatinn of the commercial co vention. 'If thin he the policy of Ft rice w>- trust it will be defeated ; fir in our judgment they have no mori. claim to avail- themselves now of -he henett of this 8th article (rilluwirq them for u sti pulated time curtail privileges in the navigation of the : Mississippi) than any other nation would have. Our time will not permi. us now to enter into this tliscussion, but we shall take au early opportunity of lining so. JV*. F. Am. Literary.—We have latvlr htd the satisfaction to receive thro’ the agency of • fiieud of Messrs Careyi&Lea a copy ul a win k recently published by them in Philadelphia, ai.d published simultaneously under the superintend deuce of their agent in England, en titled “An account nf an Expedition Irion Pittsburgh to the Reeky Moun tains, performed in thff year 1819 and 1820, by order of the Hon, J. C. Cal- liiiun, Secretary of War, untidr the command of Major Stephen H. Long; from the notes of Major Lung, Mr. T. Sny end other gentlemen of the ex pioring party; compiled by EJwartl James, botanist and geologist lo the expedition” We understand the patronage of the war department Iras been nearly a year engaged in arranging and con densing their vtilutntiioua -materials; lor the press, and we take pleasure in announcing the result of their labours as very replete with important infor mation relating to the aboriginal in habitants, the geography, mineralogy, zoology, botany, climate, arid natural resources of an extensive heretofore’ almost unknown portion of ouY coun try. The work is comprised in two large ocl.ssro volumes', accompanied with an atlas containing maps, geolu gical sections and lnndscape -views.— -Tile maps end sections appear ro have' bean constructed by Major Long, and the landscape views are by Mr^ ,Sey mour, who was attached to the expe- dition as draftsman. The mattar connected with n atural history and the manners and customs of-the lndiaDa has been collected -and arranged by Mr, Say anil Ov James assisted by Mr. T Peale. They have alsu had the benefit of the : MSS. of iheriate Dr- Baldwin, whotlaqorigin ally botanist to iheexpeditiou, a^d the MSS. of Mr. Jessup, who was attach ed to the exploring party as miners legist until it arrived at-Couucil Bluff. On reading this valuable and scien tific wot k, we have distinguished, a- mong much highly interesting matter, aa papers of superior merit, the tree-. tise on Indian manners and customs by Mr. Say, and the geological report l»y Dt. James. The style Of the work Is throughout unaffected,'perspicuous, and sometimes elegant, the subjeotsof inquiry tu-e numerous, Till the re marks are recorded in the-form nf i journal nr diary, with manifest prcci sinn and veracity. For depth of re search, scope nf observation, and iccu racy of scienwfktletnil the volumes be fore o* may be compared with the splendid productions uf-the most dis tinguish d European travellers. To Miyor Long, assisted by Lieut Gra ham and Cadet Swift, we are -princi pally indeb-ed for the aslromical and obiormtions, »s well as for tha tans illustrative of the geogra phy of the regiuns visited by the ex pedition. Thu narrative it given in the language of Dr. James and ia en riched uy the contributions of aevenl gentlemen of the party who have kept volumnious end minute Journals. Candour, accuracy, various knowl edge, diligent observation, insitiablo curiosity, and devotion to his pursuit s<em to have qualified the cumpiler for his arduous und responsible under taking. The execution of the maps and oth er decorations is in a respectable style and we judge the whole work to be the most satisfactory production of the kind hitherto presented to the Ameri can public.—A*, y. Statesman, ■The Greeks and llie Greek Cause.— “The power nf Ishmael,' that is called Mahomet, shall give battle ; vanquish and extinguish the race of Palaeolo- gns; possess the city of the Seven Hills ; reign there ; rule many nations oppressively , desolate the iale to the borders of the-Black Sea ; all the na tions of the Danube being subdued. In the eighth epoch, domineer in the Peloponessus^ and in the time of the ninth, .go to war in tlie north-; and in the tenth, advance to subdue tlie' matians ;afterwards|return for a time; when, again going forth powerfully they shall be brought near to ruin. The nations gathered together, with those uf Epirus by sea and land, wifi vanquish Ismael ; whose do- cend.-mts will yet reign a little Vvhile. The Muscovians, united with those that oent-tribute, will subdue Ismael, and will rest -masters of the Seven Hills and their privileges. Then shall he an obstinate civil war as till the fifth sign, and a voice crying thrice, •Tremble ! tremble ! tremble-! Prbve yourselves I On the .right, you will find a man, strong, wonderful, and great. He shall be your master ;' for he is my friend; and in accepting him, you execute my will.” The fvregoing is a translation of an inscription, said to have been disco- vered on the tnnrib of Constantine the Great, extracted from the Chronicle ofTlieudnre, Bishop of Monovasia — This Ib inscribed in a number of initi al letters, to which Giennario, a pa triarch of Constantinople, supplied the words—the same Giennario who at tended at the Council of Florence, (J3» Twelve bags Oats (without mark) were taken from alangildc the ship Colton Plafit, 15th inst, sn|>poscd through mistake i any information in rcl*. tion to them, will be thankfully received by the Contain, or GEORGE GORDON. jsn 18 p4V (Q» The Letter bag of the briff Cumberland, for Liverpool, will be ta ken from the Counting ltoom of the Sub scriber THIS EVENING, at 6 o*c1ock. JOSHUA MILNE* jan 16 r 45 ~ FOR CHARLESTON, G3* The sloop William, Captain Keiut, will nail TO-MORROW, wind permitting. Fur freight or pussage, having excellent accommodations, apply on board at Bolton’s wharf, or to S. A; CONDY. jnn 18 r 45 FOR CHARLFjSTON, fcp The regular packet sloop MARY, John Brown, mastet', will sail on Tuesday next, the 21atinst, For freight or passage, apply'to Ctyti Brown on board at the Exchange wharf, or, to ISAAC COtlEJto jan!8 p45' For Charleston via Beaufort and Edisto, T HE steam boat COLUMBIA, Captain Blackman, will leave this for Charles ton via Beaufort and Edi$o, THIS MORN. INU, at 11 o’clock* For freight of handy puckages or passage, apply to the Captain on board'at the'lower wharf, or to . S. H. F1SKE. jan 18 bf4S 370 bales Cotton, Are wanted to fill up the new and copper-fastened ship IZETTE, Thomai M. Shaw, matter, Apply to EDWARD WILLIAMS, ian 18 i-45 Prtcet Current at JVeiv Nork, Jan. 6. Cotton. —The import of the week was 4780 bales. Sules of new Louiaiana were made at 16} a 17 cents for home use, and of new Up- lands si ll a 12}; principally for export.— The bnsineM was inconsiderable, and pri ces may be quoted } cent below last week’s rates. Uplands,' new 11 a 12}; LouiFiana, do 16 a 17$ old crop, do 11a 14}; Uplands, 10 u 11; Alabama 9 a 11; Tennessee,9 a 10}; B4Mk.lGlamL.2Q* 2*- 1 ——- Rice.—No change has taken place in tliia article* THE SAILOR’S LADY. I. ' ‘ Come busk yon gallantlie, Rusk- mid make you ready, 1 Maiden, busk and come, And be a-sailor’s ludy. The foamy ocean’s ours, From Hebride to Havannah, And thou ahalt be my queen, And lvign -upon it, Anna.' U. See my bonnie ship, So stately and so steady; Thou shalt be my queen, And she maun be my lady,; The west wind in her wings, The deep sea all in motion, Av.ny she glorious foes, And crowns me king of ocean. HI. Gladsome is the time When our cupe arerfoamin— Sweet t > weary hinds The dewy hour ofgloamin— •But sweeter still to go With thee, sweet winsome woman, ''Where wills the wind and thou Amid the ocean ruamin. IV. The merry lads are mine, FromThamcs an’dTwecd SiShannon; The Bourbon flowers grow pale When I hung out my pennon ; I’ll win thee gold ami gems, With pike and cutlass clashing, •With all niy broad sails set,* And all-my cannon flashing. V. 'Come with me and see The golden islands glowing; Come with me and hear Tne fit cks of India lowing; Thy fire shall be of spice, The dews of eve drop manna* Thy chamber floor of gold, And men adore thee, Anna, -For Boston, The brig MERCATOR, Captain Davis, _____ Will meet with dispatch. -For fre.ght or passage; apply to the Master on 'Mrd at Taj-lora wharf, or lo ISAAC COHEN. jan 18 r'45 The Pews I N the'Gallery oftlie Independent Pro*- byterian Church, will be rented at the Church THIS DAY, at 12 o’clock. BAKER & MtfJTON, Auctioneers, jan 18 r 45 bf MARINE. PORT OF S&VJUrMH. ARRIVED. Sloop Mary, Brown, Charleston, 1 day, with a full cargo to sundry persons. Chebacco boat Mars Pouch Bliffins, Turks Island, 13 days, with salt to the ■niasier, oj ner, Steam Boat Georgia, -Dubois, Augusta, 3 days, with boats No 21 & 27, cotton to Ponce & M'Kenzie, J Lathrop & co. S C Dunning, W Gaston, and B Burroughs CLKATlKn TOR THIS PClHT, At Charleston, 16th inst. schr Savannuh, -Pease.- At Boston, 4th inst. brig Hesper, Hub bard. ARRIVALS rnOM THIS PORT. At Providence, 3d inst. brig Eagle. 'CHARLESTON, Jan 16—Arr schr Eu- dora, Brookings, Havanna 10- NORFOLK, Jan. 8- Arr schr Victory, Shcafe, St Thbmas 16. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 8—Arrived brig George, Gaul, from La Guira. BOSTON, Jan.4—Arr ship Glide, A- dams, Liverpool ; bark. AurclW, Vcsey, Trieste 104 . brig* Romp, SaVdder, Leg horn { Ann, Plummer, Aquadi' a $J, Fol' Havana, The fust sailing brig BUD, Clifford, matter, Can take a Htiiafl •quantity of light freighl,tand comfortably accommodate. pn8- sengera. and will sail in lUr«a days. Ap- plyTo • • •' •- S D. PARKMkN. ff r ho has received*by said brig, und offers for*sale, , 130 bag* Prime Green Coffee jan 18 p45 1 Bills on Ncw-York, 1 7011 SALE, by ? FUEDERIC SELLECK. dec 21 23 Notice. IN Election for a Justice of the Peace, A lurtlic 1st B,at, Capt. W. C. Mills' Company, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Bryson Dobbins, Esq, will be held at the Georgia Hotel, THIS" DAY. The polls will he opened at 10 o’clock. JOHN DILLON, J. P. GEORGE MILLEN, 2 W. W. BLACK, J Freeholder!- jan 18 bf32 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Saturday after thefrst Tuesday in March next, W ILL be sold at the Market House in the Town of St. Mary’s, between ihe hours often and four o'clock of that day, One negro Woman named Susan, levied on as the property of tf ohn Huge, to satisfy an execution in favor of Williford & Cook; property pointed out j»y plaintiff's Attor- St. Mar ft, Ccmdcn cbnnty, Jan. 11, 1823. GEORGE LONG,-n see. jan 18 45 Sheriff Sale Continued. On thefrst Saturday after the first Tuesday in February next, W ILL be sold at the Market House in the Town of St. Maty’s, between the hours often *nd four ocfock*of that day, One negro Boy named ‘Frank, levied on as the properly of Matthew W. Bessent, to satisfy an execution on a foreclosure uf a Mortgage, in favor of Lawrence & Thomp son, St. Mary's, Camden county, Jan. 11,1823, GEORGE LONG,i)see. •fan 16 45 COAL, fkF superior quality, Uniting from BrL U tislt brig Jessie, at Anileraon’a lower wharf, for sale very low if taken from the vessel, by JOHN H. REID (i CO. jan 7 35 CANNEL COAL, ■JIOR SALE, by l 1 J. P. WILLIAMSON, ct 29 Notice.- 'PINSONS having demands against (he JL late Rev Walter Cranston, are request ed to render tht-m duly attested, to /?• Jj8 Bulloch, for settlement. * A MARY CRANSTON. dec 2 •pi. 6 BOARDING. A FEW Gentlemen can be handsomely JA. accommodated with Board, in a private amily, a few steps from the City Hotel terms moderate. Apply atthis Office, nov 27 3 Fishing Seines. SEINES each 9(J yards long, 18 feet in 02) the middle, and 12 fern at the ends. Fur sale by WM. TAYLOR & SON. jan 6 a 34 Ale and Butter. Si JR BARRELS Vasscr’s Ale i *32i 20 firkins Butter ’ Just landed and for sate by A. MORGAN. jan I 31 For Sale, A HALF Lot in Broughtnn-street, ad. ^IA joining Col. Shellman*. Mansion house —Apply to the Editor. . jan 17 44. For Rent, AN accommodating terms, that large and commodious house situated on corner of Jefferson and Bay-streets, opposite tiie Washington Hall. Inquire of S. Puir.anicx. jan 14 bf4l Mas. It. T. SHEARER, MJliiKET.SQU.1llE, Tft ESPECTFULI.Y informs her friends MX and the public, that she has received a very handsome assortment of MILLKN- ARY, from Charleston oil Consignment^ which are offered Low for cash, jan 8 *u36, Notice. HpHE subscriber having disposed of hia 4A stock of Ship Chandlery and Groce, ries, to Mr. James Cletjhorn, requests those who are indebud, lo make immediate pay. ment. ; , WILLIAM P. BOWEN, jan 17 u 44 J. CLEGHORN ' JJ AVING purchased the stock of Ship Groceries, Uc. from Mr. tNluamP Bowen, oilers the same for sale at retail, and solicits a share of public pa- tronage in the above line of business, jan 17 u 44 STOCKS. VSAjiTie.of the Stj.te of Georgia. JJ Planters’ Panic, Steam Boat Go’s, and Marine ft Fire Insurance Go's Stocks, For sale by . .. R. RAIFORU. jan 17 p 44 Superfine Flour, fliKtflf) UAHHELS Superfine Flour Just received and for sale by ' BAKER tk MINTON, jant5 42 A Chatham Artillery Uni form, jv WOR SALE,by A, , JOHN TURNER, dec 31 30 4 Petersen, Hammond is Co, OFEEB FOB S.iLE, VIJIF.CES 42 inchCptton Bagging wT Old Pico Madeira io half pipes Malaga R.Visins in kega Boxes Sperm Candles A few boxes Red Champaigne jan 13 40 Landing I7ROM ship Tbomas>Fowler, and fc» sale ft? by the Subscriber*, Coils Cordage Do Bale Rope ^ Heavy Ravens Duck Common do do Sheetings Russip Duck Broad Diapers, &e. L BALDWIN & CO. die 13 16 Newark Cider, &c. BBLS. Newark Cider 20 do Kentucky Whiskey 2 years old 40 bbls Mess and Prime Pork 20 kegs best Gusheu Butter 50 half and whole bbls Flour 50 hampers reaj.Irish Potatoes 30 bbls Mess and Prime Beef 30 bblsNo 1,2, and 3, Mackerel With a general asaortnirnt of Groceries and Provisioni—For sale by THOMAS BRADLEY «-CO. No 2, Mongin’i Tiuby Buildiugs, jut 14 » 41 Newark Cider, &c. Just Received, und in Storey BBLS first quality Newark Cider 20 do Prime Pork 10 h^lf bbls Mess do • 10- kegs Goshen Butter 50 bbls Potatoes 20 half bbls Mackerel, No 2 T 15 bbls Whiskey f 150 bushels Potatoes, on retail With a general assortment of Groceries for Ship a* d Family use—For sale by J€HN B. CREEMER U GO. Telfair’s WhaiL •jan 17 x 44 • ; Whiskey,<Colfee, Sugar, £<DvD Whiskey LS ‘ ,hil ‘ de,phi ‘, lft ^ .50 nhds Philadelphia Rye Whiskey. 10 do Havana Green Coflee 40 bug! St.-Domingo do 46 bbls Loaf and Lump Sugar 50 do Muscovado Sugar 55 boxes Claret 50 do Sperm Candlei 25 do Mag rath’s Soap 100 half bbls Philadelphia Sup. Flour 25 bbls Linseed Oil 10 bows Pouchong Tea 50 demijohns Gin 10 half pipes Tcneriffe Wino 4 qr casks Port do 3 do Madeira do . 3 do Sicily do 2.50 kegs Nitre hall Gunpowder 15 casks Virginia water proof C«mrat A small Invoice of Carpen t er r s Planes, assorted—For sale h.v NICHOLAS ii Nm\ jao 17 44