Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1822-18??, January 21, 1823, Image 1

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1 SAVANNAH GEORGIAN r i NEW hHKIKS-VOL. U. BA YANNAU, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2l£ 1823. NO S3 . SAVANNAH MONDAY MORNING, .IAN. 20, 1823. By the brig Joseph, Capt. lIoldridRe, arrived on Saturday, we have received New York papers to the Uth inst. Captain Williams C. Mills, was on Satutt ^day last elected a Justice of the I’eace for • the eity of Savannah, ir» 'place of Bryson Dobbins, Esq. deceased. • Congress.—In Senate, on the 11th inst the bill for the abolishment of imprison* .jnent for debt was taken up, and, with se* tend amendments, ordered to be printed, and the consideration of it postponed to the ensuing 1 Monday. Mr Taylor, of Vir ginia. introduced a resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution, as re lates to the election of President and Vice- President of the United States. The a- jricndmentprQyidi s,that the electors ahull assemble and vote for a president ami Vice-President s two lists of the persons Voted fof to be made out, one of which to be delivered, sealed,<* President; if HO one candidate has a majority, the Presi dent, by proclamation, to publish the number of votes given to each at the pre vious meeting ; the electors to meet tt second time and vote for ihc two candi dates who shall have received the highest •number of votes $ when, if two or more persons should have received the highest number of voi s, the election is to devolve upon the House of Representatives. In the House, the Considera ion J the bill for disciplining the militia .fthe United States was resumed, and after considerable de bate laid on the table. The Debate in the House of Represcn- tatives, on the bill to incorporate the Unit- ed States Naval Fraternal Association, has terminated in its rejection. U ,S. Bank Stock at New York, Janua ry 10,104j to I04i—at Philadelphia, Janua*? ty 8,1031 to 103J. Nicholas Biddle, Esq. was unanimously elected President of the Bank on the 7th hist. JjfUcrt from South America.—A letter ffqm Laguira of the 13th ult. gives some confirmation to the reported defeat of Mo. tales: A letter from Col. Todd bad been t eceived at Laguira, in which he remarks, ** that Bolivar was at Rio de la H&chc, and that Montilla and Morales had come in con- tact, when the latter was woisted.” Com. Daniells had stopped at Laguira, and had proceeded with his squadron to make an Attempt to capture tho Spanish frigates JLigcru, Hercules, &c. Markets not flat* tering—and payments made in a dcprccia. ted ourrency, at a loss of 12$ per cent. Late accounts from the Pacific, recciv- cd in Baltimore, via Panama and Chagres, anounce that Flour had risen' to one hun dred and ten dollars per barrel at Guaya. quil l Verbal information received dt Boston from Malaga, represents the Greek fleet cruizing in the Archipelago as amounting to cixty-two sail, but in want -of ammuni- •tion and ordnance. The Turkish flee* consisting of eight line of battle ships, ten frigates and a number of small vessels, in all eighty-four, were at Patras. The skill And address of the Greeks, the swiftness of their vessels, and the excellence of their «eamefi, give them the superiority over the Turks, The packet ship J;-ines Monroe, from Li verpool, was spoken off Sandy Hook by captain Munroe, of the ship Franklin, nr- rived at Charleston on Thursday. The James Monroe reported that war h&d been declared between France and Spain. The J. M. left Liverpool on the 16th of Novem ber, and our dates from that city received at Charleston, come down to the 29th of that month. The report is improbable, unless she was driven back by the severe gales on the coast of England, about the sequent dute. Laxqoox Ciif.vf.s, Esq. late President of the Bunk of the United States, ha9 de- term ned to make the city of Philadelphia his permanent residence, where he intends to resume the practice of the law, in which he has been eminent in South Carolina. Unfortunate Occurrence.—Edmund Irvin, Esq. of Uicumond, (Kentucky) was recent. Jy bliot de'.d by Mr. Matiingby, editor of the Richmond Republican. The former gentleman bad conceived his feelings w unded by some remarks made in tite Re publican, and proceeded to the office with a cow-hide, for .the purpose of applying it to Mr. M. who having previously atmed hum If'with a pistol, shot Mr. Irvin in the breust, by which he waa in a few seconds deprived of life. Mr. Mattingby has been tried before aa examining Gourmand tc quitted. . Stephen Allen, Esq. was on the 7th Inst elected by the Common Council of the city of New York, Mayor of that city. The Rassrias, Brigham has sailed from Boston for Ndifolk with 73 officers, sea. men, Uc. for the cruizing squadron col lecting at tha^ port. . A letter froifi Washington to the editors of theN. Y. American, siys, “It is most likely that silty, linen, and cutlery, will have additional duties imposed on them,” During the past\j ear, 904 persons have been vaccinated fortuitously at the New- York City Dispensary Some uf the prisoners confined in the Ohio PemtemiarjyCplumbus, made an at- tempt to destroy that building on the 9ih ult. .They pi need & slow match in the gar ret, which communicated fire to the roof earlier than was intended. A com'm'ttec of the Tammany Society of New-York, have addressed their fellow citizens for the purpose of raisi g a sub scription to erect a suitable monument o* v.*r the remains ofthe citizens, soldiers and sailors who perished in British prison-sliips, and prisons, during the revolutionary war, and which were interred at the Wiillabout. One thousand dollars has been already ap. propriuted to that purpose by the state Le gislature. The New York Society for the promo tion of the breed of Morses, have present- edMr* Purdy, uh.» rode Eclipse, in the match race with Sir Charles, at Washing ton last fall, with a pair of beautiful, silver pitchers. An arrival at New-Yvik from Aux Caycs brings a rumor that the Government had imposed a heavy duty on all spirituous li quors under 100 gallons. ■ ■ —■■ A letter frtjtp Gibraltar, Nov 14. says— “ There is ably gvwJOO bbla of Hour in mar ket, unsold"? gopl ^quality is worth about ", anu dull ; sVeS, very goud, 70, but 1 buve been ottered only 65,” Tht Boston Ccmmalot the 1st inst. says “.Mr. Mathews continues to attract over browing houses; and the crowd round the* box office yesterday was as intense as ever. All the boxes were histuntly engaged.” 'Mr. Harrison the tfwner of Sir Charles, has informed the owner of Eclipsci that tie will be prepared to meet him with another iiorse in May next, provided be accepts the challenge tor 5,60b dollars. The total number of deaths in the city uf Charleston in the year 1822, was 925, viz:—White males, 284; white females 14 J —total whites, 4:6. Black males, 253 ; black females, 246—total blacks, 499.— Whole number of males, 537; whole num ber ef females, 388. Tile following is U>c Proclamation of Ge. neral Santa Ana to the people of Mexico, inviting them to throw ofl' their ullegftnce to Yturbide, and enlist under the banner of freedom, as given in the Havana papers. We would only remark, that however pro- bable the events recently tehitcd in the af fairs of Mexico, may be, yet as they an received via Havana, their authenticity al least wants confirmation.' Tlfat the usur pation uf Yturbide can last, is not likely— but we are in want of authentic, information from Mexico, to judge of the precise pos tore of affairs, Proclamation of the General of the Re publican Amy. SoLmEtis.—1 am granted inhaving the opportunity to tell voir in this crit ical juncture in which our beloved country is involved, that at length the cry of liberty hats been heard—And 1 have the honour to lead you on that road where we shall gain victory over ihuse who with to enslave us, and rob us of our felicity. The reward of our faithful oatV.s has till now been disappointed by the ignorance and ambition of the most uiijust of despots, who has deprived time of her .ailing, and remained till a sub- , our great Action of her most sacred rights. He hassubverted civil liberty, and persecuted individually the pea- enable citizen in loading with chains and incarcerating thousands more than when we were under Spanish despo tisin. Can we then continue to exist under this tyrant, who has deceived our confidence, and blasted our hopes? No Soldiers! this cannot be your wish- eJ! they are nut the sentiments that warm the bosoms of freemen, 1 am at your head, and wc will resolve to sac rifice together, our existence, our for tunes, and every thing, to insure to ourselves and fellow-citizens, a lifeuf happiness and of honour. Soldiers! With you I hope to con* quer the common enemy, and over come every obstacle that the tyrant and hisfew adherents may throw in our way to glory and liberty. These are the sentiments of your friend and companion in arms, Antonio Lopex De Santa Anna. . Further from Mexico—In a con versation with Captain Bower, a very intcligent gentleman, whose arrival in a short passage from Vut.n Cruz, we recently announced, he informs, in ad- dition to the intelligence before com- mnnicatcd, that the Columbian Minis- ter, and suite, had been ordered to quit the empire of Mexico in 6 days, and were on the way tn Tampico in all Imste the last of November. He had applied to Mr. Poinsett to be re ceived on board the John Adams, but Cupt. Henshaw declined to receive him—anil it was expected he would embark in the Catharine Jane, Capt. Story, far this port, as there was-no other American, nor English vessel there. - . . <~ Capt. B. also states, that (he John Ad mis, will pmhably bring important information from that country. An attempt had recently been m?dc to poison the emperor Iturbido at Jalaps, The'report, by way of Havana, and Charlos on. that the empbror was a- bout to live from Mexico, was wholly unfounded.—JV, Y Mer, Adv. New-York Jan. 9.—We have re ceived a Cuiacn.i paper uf Dec. 7th brought by the Vestal. It appears from the following article that the ac count of.the defeat of Morales, which was stated to have been accomplished ■on thij S4lli and £(ith of Nov. wu-nnt yet Officially known atCuracmi. The ■ was however revolved at Baltimore from such respectable au thority, that there but little ilmiht of the fact Curacoa. Dec. 7.—The news brought from Coro by the schooner Madison De Leo i, master, of the re-capture of Maracaybo on the 27th ult. by the Columbian troops, appears to bo gen eraily discredited by those persons who may bi supposed to know the i cal situation of general Morales affairs. For ourselves we do not wish to hazard an opinion but wc «houtd suppose that if Maracaybo had actually fallen on the 2Gih as sta ted, one of the Spanish vessels of war which sailed from this port on the 24th, would have returned before nuw; besides, we learn that the Liger* lias been frequently seen since she left this, off Aruba, ‘ cruising between that island end the entrance to tile Gulf of Maracaybo. We have also accounts from Aruba, stating the arrival of a vessel there which left Maracaybo on the 24th No vember, and she is said tn have brought no intelligence uf any action having been fought between the contending parties since the batlle which took place on the lines of Garabuya un the 13 ^'ultimo.—A few days more, per haps a fow hours, and the mystery will be developed. From Spain—By the barque Au relia, from Malaga, we have received Madrid Fapers to the 12th of Nov. in clusive. The affairs of Spain conti nue in an unsettled state. The Cor tes have agreed to raise a foreign le gion, to be composed of Refugees from Other Countries who have or may enter Spain. Bertrand de Lis mow ed that a formal demand should be made on France not to afford on asy lum to Spaniards who conspired a- gainst Spain—and whether France was to be considered as a friend or foe ? The motion was lost by a ma jority of 6 or 8. The civil war con tinued to rage in Catalonia. Extract uf a letter from Malaga, Nov. 15 —“Affairs in Catalonia have taken a favorable turn, and the fac tious will no doubt be suun put down: To-morrow we shall have the plea sure of seeing half a dozen pirates hung up, in gibbets, on the coaBt, for having murdered the crew of a mar ket vessel, about two year’s ago. The schr Mcn’or, capt. Duane, at Alicunt, may touch here, and. take a cargo for Boston.” JV. E. Pal, Washington Jan. 2.—A bill was yesterday reported in tire House ul Representatives, proposing a revision of the tariff of duties, wi th a vfow to the encouragement of certain rnunu factures. The bill proposed that, from and after the 30th June, certain du ties shall be levied and collected on, foreign goods imported higher (han the present duties* We shall stale them specifically hereafter. For tin- present, it may be sufficient to stale that ilre duly on woollens is proposed to. be 30 per cenb—being 5 per cent, higher than proposed by the Treasury Department—and (he article ofglas- and one ur two oilier articles, arc introduced, us subjectsof augmented taxation, in addition to those referred to iu tile Treasury Report; This hill,however is not tube consid* ered as emanating from the Financial Committee. That committee ha nd yet reported, and it is said to be even doubtful whether it will report, at the present session, a bill tyr rais ing additional revenue from imports, The bill now before the House was reported by the Committee ou Mauu- li*turw,—JVat. iMcji Havre, Nov. 14—The news of the conclusion of an arrangement be tween our two governments, in virtue of whieh Cottons were, after the 30th of Sept, to be admitted in American vessels upon the payment of the du ties hitherto laid nn importations in French vessels, with the addition of fr. 20 p. Ion, and the information re- ceived about the same time of the do prescion of this staple article on your side, made a deep impression on our market, and tho apprehension of ex cessive imports from your States, ma ny holders allowed too great an #nx« xiety (a dispose of their stock and the prices of Upland went so low as to give rHu to speculation at 20s. duty paid on or about the 46th of Sept,—! From that time our markets have been rrcovefing, and the rise .of Up lands is 2J?v Ss. New Orleans Cot tons had not-.bcen so much depressed and had less to feenver. Our present rates may be staled at 22 a 24s. for fair to gootNASS for very good, ami 26s. for extra good Uplands c and 23 to 32s. for Tennessee and New Or* leans from fair to extra good. So little is dune in Sea Islands and so great is the difference in the qualifies of the kind that quotations are difii cult to give. There have beon sales within three months from If. 30c, to 3f. Our present slock is considera bly reduced, and as wc have no cause tnexpect heavy supplies very soon, and rather think the Cotton of the new crop will come in slowly till informa turn is obtained on your side of the improvement which has taken place in ours, anil possibly vour prices may be, in cnnsfquence of more favorable advices from England, so high as to afford littld cncouagement to ship to this country, we think nut only our present rales will be maintained fur sometimi, but may yet advance a little. Bat it does not appear proba ble tho advance may he material nr last long, jnlessyour crops should be very consderably injured in the lat ter partor the season so as to create.' in Europe n general belief in. the exi guity of your exports, or some unfor seen circumstance shoul j J laVour a rise. For Some days past there have been come rumours of a war with Spain, but we do not see, should it take place, how it could produqy that rise. i Coffee, though less abundant than it was one year ago in tho European markets, is looking down everv where, owing to the general idea of its being too high, and that the in crease of cultivation in many coun tries must soun yield an excess of production. There has been, for some time past, no demand Rice, the stock ,.f which, is old and of inferior quality; new Rice would probably sell at about 25f entrepot. Sugars, got scarcer every d ty in| his market. French Sugars lately ad vanced 4 tn 51. The. demand has ex- tended tn white Havanas which have been sold an 33 to 46f, Brown Ha vanas are at 30 tu 33, not much want- ed. Presidental Election.—We have postponed the remarks which we inten ded to make this week un the presi dential election, until perhaps our next publication; As some of our readers seem anxious to know what points we mean to. advocate, it may be proper to slate that we r for one tiling, decidedly advocate the senti ment of many judicious people that if the state uf Ohio is desirous of having her importance felt at the next elec tion she will carefully abstain from committing herself at the present time. She lias no candidate of her own-, she is under no obligation’ whutever io Mr. Clay, that should induce her to support him,. On the other hand she lias strung reasons 10 oppose him. Aside from other objections to Clay and Calhoun that ol their being too yvUag should of itself be sufficient tu defeat their aspiring view Ohio Inquisitor. Portsmouth, (N,H) Dec, 28.—On Clu Limas night, a number ol’persons setting all law and decency at defi ance, petroled our streets from 11 o’ clock till 3 in the morning, making a riotous noise; shouting; and breaking windows with clubs and stones. An unprotected female was driven from tier' bed room, by having the windows broken through upon her. Another a widow, more Ilian 80 years old, whose whole property was the house in which she lived, had her winuuws broken, & was exposed to the sharp air, at mid night. Nearly 300 panesufgiass were OrokenT The tumult was heard, at intervals, all over the town, and last ed four hours. A part of this mischief was done within a dozen rods uf the Watch-House. It isascertaiuned that nearly twenty young men, chiefly ap prentices, spent tiie night at a shop in file south part uf the town, drinking drams. As fast as three or four be came intoxicated, they sallied forth ft, cool themselves in die frosty air; and probably kept up tbeirspintxby brefik* mg windows. Sad Mistake—\ distant tubscri- ber enclosed ui one dollar in silver in a letter, for the Record half a year; the pnstugp on the letter charged was 81 90. ” Faith”—Paddy said—” Such o business a bodv must do a great deal of to make a living at” v Pillage Record. [We suspect that Mr. Minor, would have found In the reply <ff an old wo man in one of the old stories, of tan old friend Joe Miller, an answer better suited to his purpose than the one lie ha9 m ule, and to give it poignancy, fathered upon an Irishman. Joe Mil* ler’s story runs thus. An old Wumim who sold flannel, was one day pressed very, much to sell it for a less sum than she had asked.—!* Indeed nvy deaf/ said she, !* l lose a Apewi y a yafil, on* every yurd,-I tell, And if 1 did not sell a great ninny yards, I could notafTord ii ut oll! v ] * Deni. Press. Markets at'Cape Haytien % on Vie 16th ulte '-A letter from the Commer cial house of Mai pie, Dodge, 8c Co. at' Cape Haytien, of the above date fur»» wishes the following list of articles m suitable for that market.— Provisions —5Qjbh,ds. Codfish, Grand Hank Jjest larjjl white fish, say 5000,6 a $6^, in demand ; 150 to .300 bids. Mackerel, No* 3 £6, do.; 250 to 500 small boxes light yellow Soap first quality each 12 bars, weighing 19 a 20 lbs. Hydes* or Winchester 1 * brand 2j, do. ; 50 to 100 kegs first quality Lard, 18 a 20 cts* do; 50 bblss Pork, Cargo, No. 1, new Pork, 818, this article will pay freight, and a small profit at this price; flour, Sup. fresh, 9 a 10, do. do,; Beef, sperm arid mould Candles, Ballad Oil, and Whale. Oil, no demand; Claret Wise, 25 a $27 per cask, do.; do. in cases, 4 a 4 J per case, do, ; Rice, a drug, a very large supply in market; TenerifKj Wine no demand. New Means Dec. 26.—Cottons 8 u IS cts. and (or very fine, 14 a 14| cents—the latter most in demand. Sogars at the Plantations. 6$ a 6j.— Kx. on London, fl a 11$ prem. and dull—on Philadelphia $ g?r centum prem. Extract from another letter of the -inme date—Cottons 6 a 15 cts.'- and very dull; Tobacco 1$ a 3$ *do ; Sugar 6 a 7 : Whiskey, plenty ; Rice 3 a 3£. none new at market. Freights, fd for Cotton to Liverpool. MARINE. PORT OF SAVANNAH. CLEARED. Ship Lady Gallatin* Britton, Liverpool, Hall, Hoyt & co. Ship Cotton Plant, Fash, Now York, G Gordon. Dr brig Cumberland, Smith, Liverpool, * J Milne. Brig* Native, Coley Ncw-Ynrk, Hall, Hoyt & co. Sloop William,* Reed, Charleston, S A rondy. Sloop Express, Hammet, Charleston, I Cohen* ARRIVED. ftrig Huntress, Biilkely, New-York, 6 days, with produce to 'the master, alulenu* dries to J M Pendergrass Cohen & Mills, SC Dunning, j Norton, J -Sevens,J Gum ming, L II Rennet, H M‘ a 1, G W Coe, G Gordon, R'Campbell, J ft He bert 8t co J’W Long, J Penfield Sc^co. M llo,g, M J Hall, Cant lou 8c Lamar, Butler 8c Scran- total Morrell, Hall, Hoyt 8c co. I .'Cohen, L Hilli, Gibbs 8c Alexander, and E Bliss. Passengers, Messrs M’Andy, Cobbs and Nevilcna. Brig Joseph, Holdrege, New-York, 6 days, to J Latlirop 8cco. owncm, co *ig. necs,E Withington, .1 B Creamer,S C Dun ning, 1’ Hill, R Campbell, W Scarbrough, A, J W Long, Claghurn 8c Bas set, J Kopmao, Man re I 8c Lutlitbaudicrc, A II Fannin 8c co. Wm Turner, W Lippitt, Hall, Hoyt & co. A 8c P. Wood, / Day, A Cornwall, W Jenner, T Bradley, & co. A Evans, F Gillet 8c co. V M'ftcrmot, J M Jaivis, Wm T Wiliams, T Butler, Pas- seutfcrs, Mrs. Worthington, F A Vache, Esq anti 5 in the steerage. Passed off the Highlands, bbutul in, line ship Com, Per, y from Hilaries: on. Brig Holla, Harrington, New-York, 6 du>s, with an assorted cargo to sundry persons, Schr Savannah, Pease* Charleston, 1 day, with sundries, to Hall, Hoyt 8c co. * Schr Nancy and Mury, Moore, Charles ton, 3 days, with sundries to Wm Turner Schr Almira, Doanc, Elizabeth City, N C 6 days, to Jenny 8c Douglass. Sloop Superior, Atwater, St Augustine, 2 days, with Oranges, tol Cohen. Sloop Union, Salowich, Suubury, 2 days with cotton to J Gumming 8c Son, J A Mux well, Bulloch h Dun woody, J 8c B Stiles, H 8c J Uubersliain, J P Williamson and T Walton. Sloop N ptune, Riceboro, 2 days, with cotton pndltice, to l* De Villcrs, j P Wil liamson, J A Maxwell, and Bullock 8c Dun woody. Pole boat Columbia, Augusta, with 720 bales cottonto J Hills. ur row this »onr. • At Charleston, 18th inst. schr Esther, Perry, to saii in two day* } sloop Harriet, Boiles, to sail next day, A. New-Yortc, 9tb inst. ship Niagara, i Beebe ; brig. Signal; JMvJJ f foJ^S 1 Sun) Cboley ll0,> * 1Wl ln8t: ,1oo P n l 9th inst, sloop Tyger. Hall, fortius port and Charleston. ctaAtifin von tui* port, At Clmrle.ton, 181h InsU ships JBdwitrrf. Salter; I«cttc, Shnw. Bnss*?^ 1 * 1110 ^ ^ Messenger, At Bostoh, 6th inst, schr Jane, Brew»ter. , _ • FIIOM THIS l ORT. At New*York, 10.U inst. schr Andrew Jackson, Sanderson, 8. CWlc^ ll,lin, ° P ^ 91,1 , 1°°P ® ntc ‘ r P r * zc »' it Charleston, 17th that, sloop Golden Age, Marble, 1 day. All the outward bbiind Yessels got to S-Mi, yesterday afternoon, with a fine breeze from the South. The steam boat Commerce, I.uhboclc, Wlffi a full freight far Hamburg, stalled irom Charleston on the 18th. The .loop Trumbull, :.'rary, was up for St Maty’s, at Charleston on the 17th inst. The tariffOrient, font Salem for this port, whs spoke Jan 5d. lat 35 41. Ion 75. 'I’he C. S. ship I’.’vanc, gave convoy from Laguira on liar 17th December. A brig unit u schr were stranded on rape Hatteras, about the 15\h inst. the former loaded with salt and glassware, tVnrn Eu rope—the latter with lunger, from North Carolina. The brlgjasnn, Marshall, 20 days from Fcrnanthna tie Elagua, (Cuhi) with a car go of sugar, honey, specie, he.- to t,..8t D Deforest, went ash re os tho 4tlMu s t, near Patcbonge, Long Island, and will probably, be lost. Crew ami part ofthe cargo saved. The Br brig t-ea-Flower, llascoibe, 2d days (Voip St Vincents, in ballast, bouiid to Nertolk, went ashore, on tho 6th inst a- bout 4 o’clock A M. 15 miles 8. of Capo Henry, in a heavy blow from tie N’E-, crow, sails 8tc saved ( the Vessel tvWfl bet lost. Captain Cook, and crew of the schrtiis- ing States, from this port for New York, wrecked near tho mouth of Shark River, hod arrived at New York no thy 8th ins*, the cargo Was token up in lighters—same . Ilf It damaged'. The ves cl It s gone 'on- tirely to to pieces, and ho remains were sold on the beach for R'20. During the yaflp 1822, there were 1172 arrivals at the port of New Y irk, viz 315 shins, 4 barques, 451 brigs, 368 schooners, 1 ketch, and 33 sloops- One Ihousnnd and ■filly four of these vessels were American, 76 Hritish, 5 Swedish,6 D.hish, 8 hutch, 9 Hamburgh, 2 Bremen, 5 Hay'ien, 2 Spa. iah, 2 Portuguese, 1 was Prussian, 1 Rus sian, and 1 Neapolitan. i NORFOLK .Tom 9—Arr Br brig Anna, Darrell, Hamilton (Bermuda) 23 Market, dull on the 17lhult. Flour about R8 BALTIMORE, Jau. 9—Arr brig Hype rion, Gardner, Liverpool 45 t tclus Midas, Bums, Itavano 18 t JuuHiaj hhcattcau, do 101 Ceres, Allen, Port-Prince- Tan. 10—Arr sctirs May Flower. Brown, Barracoa 15: Ann, De Vulangin, Aux L'uyu. 20, PHILADELPHIA, Tan. 9— Air at New. ea tle, ships Margaret, Gullaghcr, Batavia: Conestoga,^Willis,Bin Janeiro; brig George, Gaul Laguir 11 schr Itemittancc, IVTm l- lionse, St Michaels—At Iteedydsl .ml sldn Nancy, Kray, Liverpool • there was much. Ice at Kecdy-Istand on the 7th. NEW-YORK, Jan.9—Arr Br brig Col lins, Harvey, Livcrp ol 701 hrig Fr. e O- ccno,-linkup, • ampeachy 29 i schr Ves tal, Ireland, Curacoa 30. t Jnn. 10—Arr Ship Isabella Henderson, Liverpool, 70 (was boarded off the Hook by the Revenue cutter, nnd ordered for Charleston! - brigs Charlotte Corduv, Itus. sell, Demarura 211 Nestor, Whitney, St Petersburg i .schr Retrieve, Thcobold, A mi f;ayes 32; Haytien schr Pacification, Uui- jon, Jaqucmel 14. BOSTON Jan. 6—Arr brig George, E- uans Surinam' Whiskey ^nd ihnulljuxea. UHLS Northern-Wliiakey JUVU/ 25 bundles Bandbox*** 10 do Packing hbxea Jurt received and for sale by BAKER & MINTON. • jan 8 137 Sperm Candles and London * Mustard. ElrJN BOXIC8 Sperm Candles wUsir 4 do London Mustard Landing fromtlilp Cottoo Plant, and for sale by BAKER it MINTON. jgn 11 c 39 In Council, December 25, 1823. O N motion resolved that Council will elect at its first meeting in January next, an Auctioneer fur the City, Ex- tiact from the pimoWa- M. MYERS, e. c. ® 3 32 Molasses and Fruit. miDS -) H 7 tiorces > Molasses ofthe no 2 bbla J crofts Banannas, Plaintains, Cocoa-nuts, and Pine Apples, on board the sclir Opposition, Murtinelli, from Havana, at Jones’ upper wharf, for sale. Apply to HALL, HOYT U CO. dec 25 26 lieal Estate^ TOHE subscribers private salo,' 41 two Lots known by numbers 13 and 14, Carpenter’s Row, containing 90 feet, front anil 150 in. depth, together With a commodious Dwelling House and out build ings, Terms of Sale—Half Cash, the re-, (mining half credit one and two Years, with Bond amt Mortgaged the premise!.. If the above described prop;. ;y. . »ot void at private sale, before the. Hist Toes dry in January next, it will he offered at the Court House at public auttiofl, J 0. HERBERT 5 C0,